V O . o o o - ;; S : O O 'V ' A i rj -. -) 1 ,1 served r . st-. . : . -r from the i i 1 i 1 ti.e c. y of Chicago, 111., a i i v i,o i. o u ti-e tirat Democratic K . s r 1 i a ti at d.'.tnct, wru :Ic i In r 'yr- omrnend Pe-ru-na as a catarrh euro. It cures when all other remedies fall. I applied to several doctors, but they wore not able to cure me. to Lave t ts h-- i f..r it a , and ft ho e ( ; v x - i .CT: GENTLY. ON TK2 dtEAS THE SYSTEM CI EFFECTUALLY to,,.... rn?iSTl.T.J U THE GENVMNt-MANVO 6? v THE JOURNAL. Ne r Bern, N.CM Mar. 85, 1900. Index to kew Advertisements. e J E Butler Advice. v , Barfootr-MlUlnery opening." P M Pearsill Sale of good. ' H B Duffy Millinery opening. - O Marks Oo Millinery opening. , 'r s , Baxter the Jeweler Hearty &e. - Business Locals. ' , FOR Rent. Second floor of building next to - Planter's Warehouse, containing - seven rooms. Possession given April , ' 1st. Apply to Tno. J. Mitchell. , .. - THE finest Beer always on draught, at Jacob's, Middle SfeeU - -- ' Largest variety and finest line of gold " , and silver hearts and bracelets and , watch chains in the city at Baxter, the - - Jeweler. Sign, Gold Eagle. ' -V JWednesday, March 28th, ; ;' Opening Spring Millinery, and special " sale day, this day only, 100 pairs ladles i flno kid gloves, whites, blacks, and new spring shades the best $1.00 quality at 79c pair, ladias black silk hose and lisle thread and silkmixed Tests worth 75c each at 50c each.' ': GA. Barfoot. - Madam Amae. ' ' The world's ; renowned ; BpirItual, Trance and Business Medium and Pai . mlat is now located in New Bern. Bhe reads life from the cradle to the grave - with absolute certainty. Telia you everything you wish to know. Gives ' name and description of future husband . or wife with date of .marriage. Value . ble advice in alt business affairs, part nership troubles, love, marriages, di vorces, law suits and all affairs of life, Bhe guarantees thorough satisfaction to all cullers. Removes evil Influences, T "Sure s clrunkennes and insures good luck in the future. Every one in -trouble liimM call and consnh her as her ad viiu will be of the greatest benefit, Oiliec and residence No. OS Metcalf BU, . New i n, N. C. : V . :.tv Kjve your prcscrldions filled at Cuv! ,' Pharmacy. - . -y Go to the Oaks Market for the best stall f I lii- f, nice and Juicy.; v.'- ; .:ce of Dissolution. ' ,". ; l ereliy given that the part ' ; t.ifore existing between I . IT! and Chas. L. GasklH under . ! f The Atlantic Music Co., is the i! i lived by mutual consent. ! ie by the firm will be set y W. T. 1111), to whom all monlos e t lie firm should be paid. Wa, T. lln.r.. Ciiab. L. Oabkit i... ,i-:ny 7, l'JOO. ' - ; A a of Dissolution. . ' 'Hi hell doing a general 's- at 79- Middle street (i: solved by mutual con . O isklll continuing tin the old stand as Hanklll : v (i , ftud assumes all llalillliirs u. AM aeconots due Ganklll & , t I..! paid to Ganklll llaid : i' -.y "ureh, 10O0. Jom pii Gaskiu, J. M. Mitciikm,. ! Your Kan; c$. fl lends to v , lit the J.n i 1 . ir nan. i x iu i ( r at L' KTVicet bt. I aul's Catholic Chuieli, i.i. v. J-. l..i'.oi :';, A S, 15 , IUtUir. .V;us and heruion, c uudaya 10:,yJ a. m. Ves pers, sermon and benediction at 7:3J p m. iias every luiy at 7:G(J a, m. 'i'u. r, day at 7:80 p. ui., rosary aud bciieuw liou. . - Christian Science Church, servieei, Suuday 1U:45 am,T:;j0 p m. BiLde Losou Bermon today; subject: Unrealny Isaiah, 40.0-8. Testimoney Service V ed nesdaya 7:U0 p m. Heading room open daily. All aie cordially inyi ed to at tend. 'ihe settlement of the, Oredle-Tisdale wt,er je-teiday 6u Silddlo street j ro voked a good deal of amusement Air Credlfe pushed Sir Tidale iu a wheel barrow from iouta Front street to l'oi-v lock street, the peiformauce being gieet ed by cheers aud jukes from the croAd along the street. Y Speaking: at Trenton. . . Hon. F.- M. faimmous will speak at Trenton, Jones Co , next Tueoday.'ut re cess of Court. Mr. 6 bunions ably presents the Amend ment issue, and all should hear him.' - PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. D. F. Jarvis has returned tp the cty. - . - Miss . Addle Snclling returned home from Norfolk yesterday afternoon. -" Mr. A. D. Ward, who has been attend ing Duplla County Court,-relurncd last night. 1 , . ' Gave Bond as Receiver. Mr. P. M. Pearsall went to Kiuston yesterday, where- be filed his bond as receiver of the Commercial Building aud Loan Association, of Richmond. . This Association has been declared Insolvent by a degree of Judge Brown, and Mr. Pearsall wbb appointed by him the re&iver of the association in North Carolina. There are a good many people in New Bern Interested in the affairs of this as soc!atianK ' ' -. t ; President Alderman's Visit Kew Bern, March 23, 190J. Mb. T. R. Focbt, My dear Foust: I have been ill for three weeks and will be so for two or three more weeks. . I am very sorry but It will be impossible for me to be with yon on April 2nd, as (he doctor "has positively forbidden me to undertake any more lectures for this term. ' Regretting my inability to be with you on the date mentioned, I am, - , Your friend, . r". E. A. Al,DEBMiN, ' - President. - The above letter explains Itself and is published because a good many know of Dr. Alderman's Intended visit to our city. - - , Tnos. R. Fodst. Y - Say Bo Rcpulican Paper. Editor JourtSAL: Please allow Us t correct your siatcmeni in Friday's Joun al, that a Republican paper will be started In Xew l'ern and published by The Advocate Publishing Co. "Y If such be a fact we are entirely igno rant of It. No ene has ever asked us for an estimate on such a paper. . Respectfully, Advocate Publishing Co. "I nsed Eodol Dyspepsia Cure In my family with wonderful results, It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and truly the dyspeptic's best friend," says E. Ilarlgerlnk, Overlsol, Mich., Directs what you eat. Cannot fall to cure, F. 8. Duffy. v Trel Hunter Ilucu r :ltcr. Capt. Fred Hunter, of the D. & read, baa returned from the Uuivcr of Maryland, where ho wrnt seve weeks age to have an oiwrntloa p formed. Ilia many friends wi'.ll ee to know that lie wai ?reu(!y I,. . by t'.io treatment hrrcrffvrd an 1 r"in to his homo aud love I ones on tho ii to recovery. Capt. Hunter fo; ll-'tt I ' 'h; ,!.-: assure lilm th:t l-e v ; ; 1 j .... i cured by the o;..-i .- h-o, i I in a ' time be w !!1 I.1: a v. 1 p -,u ' i. i'a ni-.n bi l'uh i i i i v a -ui sub f . : : i i j H'liili r r-.-i . ! ! i- " , I I' : ' - ' Tl :! I r,.t e . I ie eu; in the ' -t w y ef C"i -:r eu:.. ' y wa l..;l.l at Hie Conn ycsie'd.-.y. It la.-ted fur four hums.. Tho rchcnrsil of giievaocee, - party history, litmen, facts, al't:;ed f;t", 3, a l cano out. The decks beiij,' cleared, it 13 tho Hentin.ent thai the party cm ri into the cumpuija with a united fro. t to the enemy, Tlie side worsted in tiie encounter has pledg ed itself to that end. ' : ' The convention was called to ordur at 12:10 o'cloc!: by County Chairman F. T. PatU-roou Secretaries C. L. Stevens and Cullen A. Battle were appointed. The chairman announced that the first thing In order was the action of the committee on Credentials. . -Jtt was moved that the contested pre cincts be not called but be left to the committee.. The roll was called and the chairmen of the precincts retired to the jury room where they remaiqed for two hours and a half in more er lees anima ted discussion, '-'.c Upon the retiring of the credentials committee, there were calls for Jas. A Bryan who Immediately took the stand. It is unnecessary to go into the detaib of the scene that followed,' It was a de fence on the part of Mr;" Bryan of the matters connected with the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad and an answer to the charges brought against film, notablyThe -resolutions passed JJby the "Rough Riders." , - .NiiArfv everv matter. conned fld with political affairs In this section was gone over in the two and a half hours that 1 Mr. Bryan occupied the stand. . Some of the time was taken up by the questions of the opposition who persistently put Interrogatories to the speaker. The election f Carl Duncan as director in the road, the old Hancock matters, the question of negro employees, the - reten tion of B. L. Dill, Jr., the election of. Seymour Hancock as Attorney,- the 3onrney of Attorney Nixon to see Gov. Russell In the interest of W. R. War tere, these and other questions furnished much material for discussion. - Other rather interesting matters, such as the Wm, vyatson circular of the last campaign) gave variety to the scene Mr. Bryan also paid his respects to T, O. Daniels and S. H. Lane and .there was a general raking up of records' on all sides. A person without a history was a fortunate individual. The oppo sition was led by D. R, Fultord and W. D. Molver, but many others were in the field. is.-.,,-.:. : In a short reply make by 8. H, lane in regard to the Custom House affair, and the negroes employed, the names of K, II. Meadows, J. 8. Long, E. iC Bryan and Wm. Watson were brought out as being responsible for their employment and opportunity on the part of Mr. Meadows and Mr. Watsoa tot denial. Incidentally there was considerable in terest when J. A. Meadows indignantly denied the rigbvof the convention to gag any one with promises and solemn oaths te support a national candidate months ahead of a national convention and a platform to stand upon.' He was a Democrat first aud always but he would not be, and no One should be sub mitted to such an enslavement. Mr. Meadows statement made a notable Im pression as the same thing was sprung In the primaties, Linen being pretty Well washed by this time, the credential committee was recognised, Thtre was a long wrangle over McCarthy's precinct, which T. F. McCarthy, Matt Jlauly and J. M. Hargelt explained and ffered -resolutions. It was settled by the adoption of the repoit of tiio credential committeo, en this came the test voto. Tho "amis" won out on a teat vote, 4,JJ t 2;iJ, A mi nority report was read, lioth these re ports follow. During tln"ie proceeding Ch:iir:nau Pat terson pre,MeJ. The election M perman ent Cliaiiman came next, Tim Duk' : and D. L. Ward wrto nomls.nxil. I..Uie tho ci Ward Dnni- 1 d-i.,i. Tie t'onv. iplellolt ioved t! ,f :it : cull, Sir. )n of V, x . hirli w.w tii b, : U OUti l: UI Ik.i be fur his rtiuliiii-g White tfupremacy ut, and has enn- eil.ii u iu Wliaif f and Good Oovcrnn tributed by La splendid talents upon the stump to bring about the existing reu;n of good government iu North Carolina, therefore be it resolved, That we endorse Hon. Charles B. Aycock for Governor "ef .North Carolina and urge our delega tion to the State Convention to use all honorable means to procure his nomina tion. ' , v ' : ,' Whereas, the Legislature which will convene In the city of Ualeigh in Janua- f-ry, 19ul, will elect a United Slates Sena tor, and whereas the people of Craven county have been intimately acquainted with Hon. F.- M.- Simmons, one of tho, distinguished gentlemen mentioned for the Senate, for more than twenty years having resided iu our midst, aud whereas we repose great con&lence in him as a man and have ' great respect for his distinguished ability as a lawyer and an able defender of the rights ef the people, and whereas, we believe that he is as well qualified as any man in North Carolina by virtue of his distin gnished abilities and bis eminent public V service to-represent the State In the United States Senate, and where as, We feel that his great and patriotic service to the' Elate in bringing about white supremacy justly entitles him to this recognition; therefore be it Resolved, That we pledge, ourselves to use all proper means to secure his elec tion to the Senate of the United Stales. -Resolved, That William Jennings Bryan is the choice of convention for the Democratic nomination (or President. Resolved, by the Democratic party of Craven county in Convention assem bled; , ' ' : - The Amendment. Whereas,, the .Legislature of North Carolina has submitted to the people an Amendment to the State Constitution, to be voted upon at the" State election on the - first Thursday of August next, whereby It is proposed to secure to the people of North Carolina for all Jlme to come the blessings of good government, and white government; and whereas this Amendment will not only accom plish these purposes but will bring about permanent peace and bormonxbe tween the white racj and the negro and promote the peace, happiness and pros perity of thetats by the elimination 4of the igirtSrant negro voter... ' v Resolved, that we are heartily in favor of such Amendment and we pledge our utmost endeavor from this day until tba August election for the ratification of said Amendment at the polls. '.' -y ', . ' Report Greileutlul Committee. :-yyy Your Committee on Credentials duly appointed, beg leave to makethe follow ing repoi t to wit; Maple Cypress-Delegates: A Lan caster, F C Nelson, E F Adams. Vanceboro--Wm Clove, T E Warren, W (J Brewer, W A Ernul, Chas Dough ertyJ B Harvey, E F White, J J Willis, Jesse Aldrldge, A KcUofflnuW O Brew- er ''-"-' Trultis-F P Rowe, N T Fulchpr, F 8 Ernul, Cicero Gaskloe, W L Gasklus, J A Thomas, T A Stapiefoot. - Ft. Barnwell Jos Klnsey, M D Lane, L 8 Harper, A W Avery. Core Creek T B Ipock, II T White, E D Avery, J S Robenson. Dover- Seth West, JJ W Ulchardson, O V Richardson, J E Kornejay, W A Purger. Temples 11 F Morton. Sianton Claud Tayler. Ltos Farm W Ii Planner, n A Mar shall., ' ' . West James City J S McGowan. Rivurdalo-J W I.k" . i. First Ward Pernio Gankil), J Meadows, Haywood II Tooker, R N mi n. t'.-eond '.V.. :-.l i IrAter, C E F. F T Detleii .-n, John l-iinn," ! 1 ) L W j a r. ; 1 : 1 : ', p .1 w V, w Jr, '1 ;, . Ii. I' S , i c BON. E0WAUD DWYEB. . . Senator 17th District, Chtosgo, 111. Hon. L'dward Dwyer, State Senator, Seventeenth Senatorial District, Chi cago, 111., writes : " Pe-ru-na enres when all other remedies fail. 1 ean heartily recommend Pe-ru-na as a catarrh rem edy. It has been two years einoe I was cured, and I consider my enre perma nent. I took the remedy for two months and am now entirely cured. I applied to several doctors, but they were not able to cure me.' 1 tried many remedies .without avail. :--' - -j: My catarrh was located chiefly in the head. I was atHioted with catarrh for seven yoars." ,. -Vy-A' Pe-ru-na cures catarrjuvherever lo cated. Who is it that says Pe-ru-na will eure catarrh wherever located f Doctors say it, lawyers say It, preachers say It, a vast army of men and women say It who have tried it. The old and the young say it. They eay it in the east, In the west, they say It In the north and the south. - " . . : 0PEC3IHG OF . ; : v spnu:G & suumER millinery WEDNESDAY, f.lCII. 28th. Barfoot's Millinery Ope'Ring Wednesday.-MarGH 28th; - Exquisite Designs in Turbans, , f , ; . ,i , v - m , , "v NOTE Miss Alice Fries who waa with us lust season, will again have chfirge of this department ; Her work last year is a guaVantee of the beautiful Hats yqn may expect to seo at our opening, ,' We extend a cordial invitation to the store., : .. y? Respectfully; ; ;-;; when he was net a resident of said pre cinct, and he Mr. Alclver having '"been- defeated in his own ward when standing for election as delegate to this Conven tion. ; . - yV - B-A. Ntbk, -Chairmau of Minority Committee. De Lord Gwine to Frow Yo' Down! U I chlllun treadin' on ds path ob slo, - De spirit an de bride say come, -J-Da gate wide open-, if yo' don' go in ' To g win fo' to lose yo' home! y , When de trumpet calls on de sleep in' . ' - clay, ..- v.'--": i ; .' An' yo' rise at de waVenln' sonn', On de golden h&'p yo' will nevaa play De Lawd gwine to frow yo dewnl When yo close yo" ea's to do go9pel word, . ; - An' yo' aves am olin' to de light, Yo' must run wlf de goals in de pa' los' -' herd y. . '' In de la ,' wha' de fiab Bhines bright. Yo' cau nevali drink ob de watahs sweet Dat Hews froo de gulden, lown.. Fo' yo' fin' when yo' set on de Judgment Seat ., De Lawd gwine to frow yo' down I 0 1 ol' bclievah when yo' stgh an' groan, Au' say all do weil' am vile, Win n yo' think tint de pouu' cake tag, 1 1 Li.' pono. -'An' yo' don' ncvuh dar' to smilo,. 1'f vo ma'ch up yomled wif yo' Ice-col' t'VCH, . An' yo' tan' a' de ha' wif a ftowo, Yo' Ui gwine ri .1 wif a big sur- 1 I f yo r An . .1 twine to fiovv yo' downt o to cliuieh (hi (h: siihkalh (hiy ll.l. a s.--k ntH away V i - . - HON. PORTEB JOHNSON. -Senator 4th Dlstrlot, City of Chicago, III,') 1 took the remedy for fifteen weeks and am nowentlrolyoured. It has been a year and a half since I was cured, and I consider" my oure durable. I was afflicted with the catarrh for flro yean. My oatarrh -was chiefly located in the stomaoh." .- . Send to The Pe-ru-na Medicine Com. pany, Columbus, O, for Dr. Hartman's latest free book on chronio catarrh, 1 grippe, eto. -Bouncfi, and Draped Ilaft. all. -.The Ladies especially to visit - - GA. BAKFOOT 5tock of Goods ;-: . For Sale. I offer for sale for ca?h, in'bultt, the stock of goods owned by J, P. Brogden of Trenton, Jduos county, N. C The cost of this stock was littlo over t lfl F) Will also rent the store In which tba goods are situated, if desired. This is a fine opportunity for anyone who wishes to go into tho Mercantile bnainese.. Any one who may be Interested IrT this o.rTer will please correspond with me at New Bern, N (J. 1VM. fEAUstALTj, i rrr- v.. id A: it L i Pu :hj in Sanitary T f 0 -' INT M"AT Itl.JILrtiyas ke p vt pifttty Ijvihj during tlio liiiiM nj W'J-Son tt hnn.l.Tri fiml ('(Hdtft idrg w i 1 :nd our f,u:n;u'a for lj;tini!nn 1ml?) find -'llilil 111 1 tllll' S tlllt'Xf'f 1.1-!, flll(l Oliaf c .: u. a on Una ffpa of woik !trvon1 co.x- ; n m'ii. W i riiiplo v r p.Tw vvi rk re i iv. .1 ( 'sr fi it i'm!ri' - nil tl'C la est j.!. : tii- i)i;irn i'riviiifl In fi-m open : ui ivy ;!iUi'iiilf (if UlO Isilii'rlfc pi S Our Formal Opening Spring mSmr: WedndMch 28. WE INVITE YOU TO ATTEND.- cMarks Company t OROANIZKtt 187U , HOME OFFICE, ItlCHMOSP, VA. ' O. A. WALKER, PresUenU -3 ' : ? JAS. W. PEG RAM, SecreUry ' f t (.- x j " ' " ' 4 v Assets December 3U1809, ' $080,e60.04; Liabilities; ' 760,221.40' Surplus to Policy-Holders, , 231,438,64 - ' Thirteen Years - 1888, $ ... ; V ' 1881V : . -1891, ' ' J 1832, ' " '1IMI1 ' t - . ,Al 1894, ' 1 $551,794.61 ' . : ' - . 1895, 1 501,380.56" - " , 1896, - - $712,931.02 - - . J897, $752,214.87 C3, : . : $052,409.03 CCD. V : - $937,900.79 Gross Income, 1809, " $985,225.9r InEuranco in Force,- . $22,566,47100 Total ITo.roli:ic3 in Force,', y ; ' v 222,564 crs tinco Or j-mzation, ' ' 1 " ' Ill O Growth; F 87,0 1.00 ' ."(' 1151,571.00 . ' t. ; $395,767 473,520 24 Sfiifi IM 15 1 - f f 'iiporhjleiidcnt - , Tiers ZZvrn SJi.Htrit't. MIDDLR STiaCKT.y

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