RUSSIA'S BOLD DEMAND. . - We are now prepared to sliow ourtuslomers a Full Lino of ( i SPRING GOODS and at Old Prices too. . ( 1 : Those 27 inch Foulards are making quite a ripple. So suit- ' able for dainty Easter Dresses, ; ' - " ; ( ' Silks for everyone. Waist Patterns in all the newest shades ( (. and desiVns. Then a line of nlain Taffetas for 50c or a hand- ; I some quality for 90c. Such a beautiful l'cau de Soie for $1 25. All Silk Foulurds in dress patterns for 75c. y, ' i - A superb stock of Embroidery either in sets or separate trimmings.' .. Fancy Puffings, Nainsoo't and Lace All Overs for ( waists.. : Piques in welts, plaids and figures, Persian Lawns, f Dimities and Organdies from 15c to 50c. . , V ' Zeiglers and Clement &Palls Low Shoes and Slippers lave come and are in good styles. 'Irythem, i . ,. - t V - Do not forget that we carry The Dowager Corset in black anoVwhite. Warner and the R, 4 G. in the new French patterns. O. . , - Call and see us at our old . 47 & 49 Pollock Street . : 25 cases Nice Juicy Prunes Try Anderson's Concentrated f onp, -' . .assorted. ' '."' ' -", - " ""V 1 . Fresh Ontario Buckwheat 2, 3 and 6 pound package. Sliced Ham, 12c Small Pig Hams 13c. , 'T' s' Fancy Elgin Creamery BntteT, the best that can4e bought." r - Nichols Oatflakea 10c package, fresh. - ;" JJi.. ; We ore headquarters for whole Oodfish, received wec'Jy. ' ; ' ; One quart jar of Prepared Mustard only J5c - A lot of assorted Jellies iu glasses only lOo -c" I1 ' " " Try our Maple Syrup with yonr Buckwheat," . r - " Vni ninod will nmTu.ld with unT mprp.Viarif. nn Rrojifl strpftL .' ' Yours to please, V 11 L f.l. 3ATTERTIIWAITE Si BR0.. 61 Broad Street, Fleischmann aJ a-ivM m-rU. ' Turner j Than' The - hrgestyX than .( ' , -A Me iA Ji UxS v Finest v'W Wc jftve just received, purchasou direct from the I' iSm r ly on - M. Halm, TIIKKM Carloads of Btick, and have now on liaml I) 1 1' Mnlos, and 40 Head of Ilorscs to suit you, for any ami nil pur-'. , Draft and Koud Wor. A full line of Unties, Toad Carls, V,'a;;oic, Cart V.l- l.i, '11 Rolies and tiliipg on hand I'riccs and 'J'ri iiis f ; i !!:!, , We invitcj'our c u ly in; ; relioi!. i - .i!y, ...... I C J stand. v ; ) V Phone 169." rs - Yeast I 1 t.f; - x J- Cotton E:i:i " E:.r,,'i-3 ri.ii.' ...;;ai!y Largs. I . . ri. ,;.:sA".: :. Baltimore, Karen It is estimated that at least $ 100,050,000 are now going into new industries in the Bnuth. Vi'ah cotton now commanding $10 to 15 a bale more tiian for some years, the in come of the South la increased by 475, 030,000. This indicates that the South will be able to contribute additional cap ital to the movement of prosperity in that sectijn which is tbu summarized by the Manufacturers' Record: "Southern cotton mills are making phenomenal earnings, and about 100 new mills are under construction, while es tablished mills are steadily enlarging their plants, the aggregate-new capital now geing Into Southern cotton manu facturing being about $25,000,000 to' $30,000,000. - Every iron furnace and coal mine in the South is being pushed to its almost production at profits that make glad the hearts of stockholders. Hew coal ; and ore mines are opened'as rapidly as passi ble, and the South' annual output of 40,000,000 tens of coal and about 0,000, 0J0 tons of Iron will be - wenderf nlly in creased during theootning years. , "Phosphate mining is steadily expand ing, and coincident with It there is great Increase in fertilizer manufactur ing. x -"".- "Lumber interests in the South are everywhere prosperous, and the activity In every line of lumber business: and woodworking generally is adding mill ions pf dollars to the prosperity of this section and rivaling cotton and iron and coal In its ' influence upon the South s npbuilding." The Macrum Investigating Fizzle. WiSHiHGTON, D. O, March 80,-The investigation of Ex-Consul ; Macrum's sensational charge, that his official matt, while he was censul at Pretoria, was opened by British military ofucers,whlch was undertaken by the UoUse committee oa Foreign Affairs, was an amusing Macram ' had absolutely-nothing to back up the charge, except bis uncon- cealea preiuoice againsi . Bvurymg . . . . .. i . i .. British, and his orosrexamlnation made it plain wat uie wuoie imug- was tng more tuan a uau case ot ravwes on ms part, wwen oegan wuu .uo: w ..i South Africa and which be hag not yet been ale to shako -on enureiyj u is fortunate for the country that a mn?f hie caliore was not enirusieu wim ny:.mMk-5.' It seems that not long ago But- important wora.- -,.. ' ; i PortO RiCan Bill Next WeeK. -Wahhinqton. March 80 The Senate has at last found a solution for the Porto ninn nrihim. nrt agreed to vote noon the Porto Rico bill as amended next Fnesdav. The amended bill contains the orlelnal House bill providing for a tariff of 15 per cent, on Porto Uican Superintendent Mebane because he fa nroducts. with alfew cbanffos made to vers the amendment. Chairman rim- meet the views of lidividual Benators, and the Foraker blU providing a-clvil government for the Island. -v. - It is claimed that votes enouglvto p"ais ihahiilha oMtiainni.lRl maiorltv have been pledge.!, and that the bill has been nrWuerl h the President. . It is con - .,ii ho in onnnnnnia that the bill will Tl- " pass the senate, but they are predicting Ita'defeat ln the House. This claim is not admitted by the majority leaders of the House, who say-that it will pass. TH2 KATvIITS. The following quotations wore receiv ed by J. E. Latham, New Bern, N. O. , ' - New Yohk, March 80.' Cotton; May. ,-. . Aug. ... fVpt ... Kov. . . . Jan.. .. ,' Open. ..... QM . . . 0.10 ; 8.81 . ... 705 7.05 lliph. 9.28 9 11 8.42 8.03 h i I Low. Close 0.20 0.01 8 34 7.0 7 05 i. B.2H 9 12 8 43 8(j:l 8.0:1 CIIICAOO lUKKIil! C; n. 1'. 'i. i 1 u.3 Will" AT: fCt.y ... Chun: " y...-. .. l.'y I'f Low. ( lo C13 A. S. h 2 I 1 ! 1. J I Republicans and Fc;-' .v-;. Keetins: at Rale noil ;h. Fusion Machine Against Supl. BIeb ane. Capitol Dome W anted for Observing Son Eclipse. State Charters. Uncertainty . "Among Tlanters. I ., ' , : Raleigh, March SO.The fuahlon ma chine men got together at the Yarboro. Republican State Chairman Holton was rather more communicative Iliad- usual and said he had issued his first campaign circular. It deals with, what he terms the Democratic pledges against the Iran- chlse matter. ' lie expresses hi pleasure that hlB headquarters are not at Raleigh, where newspaper men would bother him by asking questions, - , - - : ; It was qnite funny to talk with tie publican and Populist machine men and find out what they did. A Populist said! "The Republicans defer to- ub.X They are asking no questions; they want - ns. When I came here I found Cy. Thompson the bluest man I ever saw, bluer than indigo. Somebody bad talked about him for. Governor. He had declared he wouldn't accept the nomination for any consideration. . After be heard the re ports from the east -and the west last night ha has changed his mind. . ThOBe reporti have put a different aspect on ajUairati; i, is the best man we can put up, because nobody can Bay; anything against bim." .." V : A. Ponulist State committeeman taldt r! assure you we didn't do a single thing except talk. . We didn't agree on anyone for Governor.'' On the contrary, another Populist said: ' We talked but little about the amendment, I will tell yon that our main bust iess waa.lo find out who was the leat man to be put .up" for Governor - :'.' ,C , "; Revenue Tjollector Duncan,':: who of course was present, said he.. believed there was an outloua fr the defeat of the amendment and the electlen of the fusion ticket Some of the futlonlats tried to make . . u . ... ..- nt frnm .... eMt) u Wcr8e ,0 ,he ini not , few jjemoerats opposed it, but. otller8 WmiUcd that they could See no g, ef actlTlt- ln tne ea,t 0neof thera tdde(1 lnat tD6 ..iIale .. w0i4 of t0ln0 j,8 made np at Washington and "thai-Senator Pritchard would pick the ler for Governor and Spenoer Black I burn for Lieutenant Governor were ' thought to he on the slate. '. A Repub llcan made the prediction that for QoV' ernor Winston-Salem man-of prom- . Inence would be the nominee. . on a sound money prottc.lve "tariff . plat) form. - - . . The fusion machine Is down on State mons, speaking of (his,. ays that If the Republican machine gots down on leal .ling Republicans who favor the amend ment, It will array Itself against a large : majority" ot its leaders and best organ l.ers in"the east, men who have led the ' party for years. He added that such ! men could be found ln county after ( ., ..... .... . . . .. county, The executive committeeof the State Fair has decided to offer $2,500 for races. 1 500 more thau heretofore. ' A piece of - the track of the - fiist railroad in the State was found In niak ing the excavation for the. Vance statue base The piece of rail was placed ln the Stale Museum. Miss lliii'irie Cade, daughter of Hev, Baylus Cade, Governor Russell's pri. vale secretary, died at her homo hero. i taie CliHirimm "inimens snya that tin ruilrou lu will t'ivo reiluwl rules from nil poims coiiiii:.; to ami reiuriilng from the Democraliu biate conv nlion here on April XI;. U. Tii tickets will hu Oil Bale April Olh, li.'I H mid lllli, and will c 1 tlironr;!i A ; i il 1 ! h. liciiioi-riiiio p. : "i (tie renin:-!' i (O ( ' : f l:,:3 ii ; ill. or;.C. A Ul I' J;.nn,l, of ( f I, t, ...Lr f H. l: hu Official Documents Show It Was Planned Before The Capture Of Manila. Washington, D. C, March, . 83t!i Captured official Filliplno sdocuiusut sent to Coiiuresv In com pi anc:e with resolutiop, show that AtulnaldoV revo t was carefully planned before tht capture of Manila. , Among the captured documents madr piiblica--frletttr8 from the Secretary 01 the Single Tax Club, of Cincinnati, and the Secretary cf the Anti-Expansion Club of St. Lnuis, the first enclosing S resolution f sympathy and . expressing hope- for the success ; ot Aguinaliji. against Tie American army, and the last asking Aguinalda to State the percent age of Filliplnos desiring annexation; whether the natives would take constant political lnterestjif granted self-f Overit- meut, and whether they would lay down their arms and enter upon an active in dustrial life if their: independence. recognized, -t STT . ' - There was a time when the publication of these letters would have t reated ex citement, but pow the general disposi tion is to smllo at the absurd; position ln which they place their writers'" -' , - Schedule of Mafls. - Arrival Of malls from north and "west daily except Sunday, 10:50 a."m,( 5:41) p.m. " Wilmington and 'the south 5:34 p. m.; Morehead City 9:00 a. m. ::r.- Leave. North and west 9:00 a, m. and 4 50 p. m j Wilmington and south 9:00 a m j Moreheiid t liy ;50 p, m, - r I " t Mails arrive Trora north and west 9: a. m i 8:40 p. m. Liave 9:00 nt ; and 5.4S p. m, l " The public will please: bear fa mind that the morning mail for the North and West closesfft 8.15 a m. ',,-" . Tbit the afternoon EQidLfor1 north and west closes at 4TJ0 pu. '; ' r' For Morehead ( ji)' at 3;15 p. m. - Als that the afternoon ir1-carries no mall for intermediate -points betweer " here and Uoldsboro. Rest ectfully.- v ' . " ' " St-VMODK W. Uaxcqck McliU, 1900. H 'c1.-,. I'oslmaster' : Choice Motion ami Veal at the Oak'f Market?,-'. - -.. ' Have your prescriptions filled at Ha vis Pharmacy. 1 -.'-.. -' Russell House: While irl Beaufort be sure and stop at the Rusell House. - First-Class Board. A home for traveling people. ' Fishing and Hunting unexceileo. "terms if lis day or $5.00 per week -- .: (1 A. RUSSELL Prop "Lodge Directory. VICTORY COUNCIL NO. IV JUNIOK O U A M: Meet every first aud third Wednesday night in Rountree Hall Jai Jones; Treas ; II W Simpson, H Sj W; F tuonarnson, b. i -, , . ; - EUREKA LODGE NO. 7, I. O. O. K, OlltcerB: W. 1. ilitl, . U.; J. K. l'ark , V. O : Geo. Oreen, liee'd c oectv; Jan B. Hill, Financial Secretary, A. JC. Fill- man, Treas. Regular ineellngiivery Monday night at i;w o clocs, ... CALUMET ENCAMPMENT. NO. I. O. O. F. Olilcers: I L Moody, C Pi J ODolamar, H I': J J Baxter, 8 W 0 II Hall, J W; Geo. Oreeu, Scribe; Gerock, Treasurer. Regular Encamp ment, 1st, 8rd, and 5th (if any) Thursday nlghtB ln each montn at 7:dU o clock. NEW BERN LODGE No. 1, F II A C- .1 C Healed, Prest; J II Smith, Recording S'.'cv; JS is tJuiillev, rmancial cecy. Meuu In the Knights of Harmony Hall every lut and 8rd Monday nights In each month, ' . , CHAVEZ LODGE No. 1. KNIGHTS Ob 1IAII.MONY: Meets 2nd and 4 Wednesday ni'r'its ln each month ln lioimti o'cUu k e's HiiU, Pollock street, at -7:ii0 H. U. linll, I'riwident, R. 4. Dis- 'y, U. It. Uill,F.bec'y. T.-t K V.oi u tnlor; (i f, OHIl! ret-, J in i i VI M s I ..1, 1 .; -0 ;;',: K R 1;. i, Importer; F 1 lit-Mrtor w, . !ll(", I o'cUx k !-i-t. ,1 4, In I'. M., 1. . V Excitement in Japan - Caused By New Move, Which May Settle Fats . . : , Of Korea. Londos, March 29 News thai lfaia bad boldly demanded a tae of land .at Maaanpho, a fine harbor on the south coast of Korea, and . that the Kerean Government is anxious for outtdde a- istance reached London tonight. . The rivalry between Russia and Japan 'nr this port hai been in progrvts sine )c olier Russia wished to obtain posset - lion of,the harbor and to convert It Into i naval ttailon, Which scheme was op posed by Japan. . '' , ' '' - - " , - It Is not believed that ; RusBla wlIT strivo to gain net point ny a sudden i ap-t peal to arms, while Japan I ceitatn not o hasten hostilities except as a last re- 4orl. Por (he present, at least, the Inter. e.'tsof&:lh Japan and Russia, It Is said, a ill ba in maintaining peace, r Wo. Orr, Newark, ,,'.0"..tayat "We- never feci safe without One Minute Cough Cure in the honse; It saved my little boy's life., when he had lhe pneu monia. We think it is the beet medicine made,";-. It cures . coughs , and all luuu diseases. ; Pleasant lo take, harmless and gives Immediate results!. F. S. Ouffy. Phone will give yon any information ton waul on Slocks, Citton and Wheat. we take treat measure ln tervini. vou It is another onnortunltT of a life $1400 made on our last advio$io boy'j irouna do, it went to 1 10 on w eanes- day..: , i JSO R, BUTLER, Broker.- rieris Low- : - - r " k " -' X - Quarter 5hoes Our 8pf ing Bhor s are just in oA. we: are shoeing tbe most- complete line Id tin city.-;. Especial ttntlon is iovted I,OW SHOES.. '"Wt-ve then) In Patent Leather. Vie Patent Leather, Russia Calf and ; Vict Kid. " . v - We have low shoes in a wide plain toe for gentlemen who care, monitor easel and comfort than lor style, v .. ' ' 1 Oar prices will suit every one, ft 50vt S 00. Call early and gat your choice. : - J.G.OUHN &C0. Henry's Pharmacy, "::127, Middle Street Prepare For War . In k Time of leact." Just received a Supply of LOADED QDNd: Purs death to Coaches, Bed Bugs, Moths, Water Bugs and all In stctf. Will not stain or peace the finest fabrli. One trial is all that's needed tf oonvlnoe the most skeptical. , ; . A full line of Toilet Articles; Ferfum ry, etc ' , . ' Phj sician's compounded, i PresonpVons caiefuly Hizych 4 " - 4 ' w v y i lf1 n 1 1 I hsve a V.ry Inrjjc I tjckj ,K can I fj Diryo , e duited. Coi.UHIIIAS fcTORMEIM f H4HTI OKDS PKNUANTS ' KAMIII.KHS IDEAL R n, 1 X m price from 1 10 00 to ft CO. PoW for('n-h or on E;iy f ayini nts. I I'i.VO s lin II ' Jl l.t .' 1 S I tun :ii !,- of ho Mod 4 0 I Models 4.4 aal 9 1 l I. and e 1 1 o do e ol stork 1. eh".iiv - ( ( in o; t (1. 1 whi'i a r 'n t 1 1 iut no pio n t'y 'I. i I a' of k of i.f V Small Sugar Cured Pig Hams , J,, A. JKice tot .lust Keceivcd nt 'J;lfmDANIEi;S7t irSaht. st;-.3- s..-s. t ...j... - -.r -y.. .. . . ... A few EiIiibi and Pineapple Cheese, which we 3 -- Ho not wish to carry- over" to- next season. '-Yori. 5 way have the Edam at 65o, and tbe Pineapple t ' : ;: ivfl. iew irecuns leitirom uie unnstmas at 10c F ponnd " . ' 1 -I Give me a call for anything you need in the Grocery Line. - i w "r-. "-. " - Prices gnaranteed as low as anywhere. ' : a..f Goods: of the very Tiighest quality.- v;, ' ' ' ' ..Yonr Truly'- - )- i. est stiavtvcimiuxii i"w 5; 5 ;. 'Phone Ol. 71 Br.VI St. g RELIABLE HARDWARE HOUSE, i ; WELL KNOWN TO THE TRADE. 73 fllDDLB STREET. " - : PHONE 147. ii. We hjive a full line of General Hardware, Sashj Doors and Rlituls. ".Contractors and parlies expecting to build will find it to tln-ir inter est to get our prices before placing best and painters can find all the colors and get-up for a ootnplclc ouilit. . " A hare of yonr trade we solicit. Yours Truly, ?W.B,RiVi..' GaskiH Hardware Co. Largest and x EineBf Stock ot- Baggies' Wagons j.,,, I have moved to the Broad Street Stables, , : miT'haaarl rf T XXT 'flT"P.TXT 4TJT titViovq T aViall be glad to meet all friends and customers. j sJ".: Nev. Benny CwyVwi'ViVtaSwfts.VwslV iVt!t!ty!0 I For - f m ' tho 5; Lenten t Season ! rr " .: rr ""' -" T V J. R. PARKER, JR GROCER, 7'l-. Lcno CO. " Wliolesal n 2' Clover's Old Maud. their orders.- Our Painte'r-ni-c of the Ever Eountl in -. NeWiBern. Harnesses ; Robes 4V - N. C i - Just received a fresh lot of Cod. 1 fish and Larae White Irish Pota- . toes, also a full line -. of Canned JSalmon and ifObsters.'Try our xuo can oi lanoy iemon unng California Peaches and Bartlett Pears. .': Evaporated and Diled Ap- , pies, v-; vanorited .J C Jif rn i Peaches. Pure Wtsi In If a sndV New Orleans Molasses'lOe qt. Ma ple Byrup -25?, qt. Fo Hivef . a Butter 85o. Good Tsb'e-;BulJif J 80c' Very best patent flout UJc lb V . and plenty fresh Eggs lSc.' , Oive ua a call for anything lit- ? tne fancy grocery lino and. I will. euarantee to please you or rotund your money. Youra to Beprer r HI Eroad Etreet, "' Ts;- wj :'- a a i . jr t " i ' '.'1: . Cc:r 50 Tc? Verdi of f i hmila reatling , - IB; -4'