I ' : - K'.V BEHN, N, C, SUSP AY MORNING, APRIL 1, I00U.-. VOL. Hlll-NO. 2. NISETESMH TEAK. llE B. HACKBURi'4 o - : - l 'V ; ' We are now prepared to show our cuslomcrs a Full Line of X'. .V SPRING GOODS and at Old Prices too. V (, Those 27 inch foulards are mating quite a ripple. So suit- f '.yS able for dainty Easter Dresses.' " " Silks for everyone.' - Waist Patterns in all the newest shades and designs; Then u line of plain Taffetas for 50o Or a hand- .V (,S some quality for 90a Such a beautiful Peaa de Soie for 11 .25. V All Silk Foulards in dress patterus for too. r - V tj& vW' A superb stock of Embroidery either in sets or separate V t trimmings. Fancy Puffings, Nainsook and Lae All Overs for W Jfo waists. . Piques in weitSrplaids and figures, Persian Lawns, 7 j- Dimities and Organdtes from 15c to 50c. .. . - p. t 'f Zeiglers and Clement & Halls jjfo come and are in good styles. 'Jrjthem. N ' M s bo not forget that we carry The Dowager Corset in black V 1 i arid white. Warner and the E. & G. in the new French patterns. V' - Call and see us at our old atanaV , - y I 47 &.49; Pollock Street. JttSt 25 cases Nice Juicy Prunes. Try assorceu. .' r ' , " Fresh Ontario Buckwheat 2, 3 and 6 pound paokageg.J i 81iced Ham, 12o. Small Pig Hams 13c, r . . Fancy Jilgm Creamery Butter, the best that can be bongtit. , - i s v Nichols Oatflakes lOo package, fresh. -'" ' " We are headquarters for whole Codfish, received weekly.' ' r - One quart jar of Prepared Mustard only 15c. " ; . t :,t' " a joi oi assorieu denies m giaasea umy iuij.- -.- . . -v w ' . Trir nnr Mnnln Rvrnn with vimr5 Hiir-.kwbaftr. - i , c ft - ' : : J " r; r--.-v-r , w T v.-s Our prices will compete with . Yours to please, L. Mr SATTERTHWAITE & BRQ., 61 Broad Street,. w r ersenmann Mouses 'and' lvMes j Larger ; largest , the : " Finest We aave just received, purchasod M. Ilahn, TilKEE Carloads of Stock, Mqles, and 40 Head of Horses tojuit Oi-aftand RoadWor. felted ' A full line of Buggies, Road Carls, Wagons, Cart Wheels, Harness, Kobe and whips on hand. 1 rices and We inviteyour early iiiBpection. Big Bschiooi Your choice of C JlV Low Shoes and Slippers have " S5 Anderson's Concentrated Soup, - . ; ;v..it.Vr" any merchant on Broad street. " , : , - "Phone 160. s easr i direct from tho Raiser by onr Mr and have now on hand CO Head of you, for any and all purposes, l arm Terms guaranteed. Respectuilly, f D 1 I 9 f :rl;yr, r : 1 ' ' I ij..'. qui::. Negro Murderer Jones Found Guilty ; In First Degree. nror Chaaxes His Mind and a Hew Poll Taken, Seaboard Air Line's Mew line. Tour of Stale -By The Democratle Moui i ; ' ,' ' Inees. Ralbioh, March, 81 The Jury In the trial of Tom Jtnes for tha murder f Ella Jones and five of hor children took the caee a tittle before 6 o'clock Thure day. Aboui 8 o'clock Friday morning the Jury neUfled the court officer that it had agreed.'. It wa quite freely said that the verdict would be Rullty in the tint degree. At 10 o'clock the Jury came in and taid that (t had agreed. - But the prisoner's counsel aiaea taat toe jury ue polled. When the ninth Juryman, nam ed Booth, was reached, he tald he was far a verdict of guilty in the second de gree. He stated that since he had enter ed the court roomthat is almost in a mement, he bad changed his ' mind. Some persons' conjectured that looking at Ihe prisoner may have caused the change. Booth did not give any rea son. He appeared to be frlgutenea-and almost like he ws. about tT have a St. Some of the other Jurors said he was af fected in the same .way in the Jury room. The jury was at once lint out cand In about three-quarters f an hour return ed.'was again polled, and this time was unanimous In a verdict of guilty in the first degree. : It was very remarkable. It is ssld to be the first time in this State where after a declaration that the Jury had Agreed a poll showed the eon trary. The prisoner's attorney made a motion tor a new trial.' This Judge Hokedt dined to granU. The judge teld the jry it had rendered a proper verdict and that he was glad it bad given the case ample consideration. He aald ba . was con vinced of the prisoner's guilt, of which Indeed there was no aeniai, ana ano that he wu not Insane. ' Be lentanced Jones to be hanged May lit b.' .' " - j The prUener's counsel gave notice of an appeal. - He eaya be will look careful ly into all the evidence and , determine whether he will appeal er-not. . The odds are that he will not appeal. ' Be declares thal'it he could have had the case . de ferred until July he could have saved Jones from the gallows snd put him in the department for the criminal insane in tbe penitentiary. He says that Jones ought net : to be banged, Tlbougb a dangerous cilmlnal, ' because of bis menial state; that two rears sgtf he bad an epileptic fit and for U hours lay as one dead;';;rV:;;;Vr';;i "'Vif'r The people want the negro' hanged. The negroes say be eught to have been lynched at the start. The verdict gives pleasure, theugh the negroes express re gret that there is any delay at all. : After the sentence bad been pronounc d a deputy sheriff aald to Jones: "Ton had better be. letting rady," .Jones merely said: "I never did it" The dep uty saldt ."Top bad better' gel a Bible.' Jones remarked! "I haven't one." "Don't yon want one?-' asked the deputy. "let replied the doomed' man. , The deputy this afternoon gave him a Bible. Governor .Russell has been weighed and tipped the scales at-808 pounds The Qerham Manufacturing Company Informs the Vance statue .committees that it will Jiave the statue ready by June 80th. It will make the cast. - . It was remarked here that the Sea board Air Line would do a bad stroke of business If It gave up Its plan to build a line paralleling the Richmond, Freder icksburg & Potomac. Some one then said that the Seaboard might be forced to give up this plan and get trackage on the It., F. ft P. Railroad by roads which control the northward lines out Wash- - ' logten. A leading citizen here said after read- ing an Item about the Carolina North - western Railroad and tho possible dispo- silion of It. that he would be willing to gamble that tbe Southern Railway got It. On the Monday after the State Demo - cratlo State convention the nomlneeal , i j . .ill begin their notable tour of the State ! l"' "8 df ,C '""J .t,"d' , i i w.i- . J.i- m i ,'E. ilartgerlnk, Overlsd, Mich., Digests ' , , . series ot raiiucauou mecum;. i ue iiiiu- dually fixed are Burlington, April lflili; Winston 17th; Greensboro that nlglil;! lllckorv l;h: Ashevlilo l!ih: Mun.hv ni.i. d r -ii o-i. ,i. u-. ih ci. i. ini: III YBllll V"l ii ntN- mii! . i.u Marlon il'iih; E Cliarli Mo, ry -'yJ: '.. ittiiville am The li'iti a fur IK. i, kv Mount. i Vy Muuiit will 1-e K! It h ex n lH((r on. '. 1 Ui'it by tin en.l (if rn-t tl.e 5 have ti" ;i i Woi.l f - D'.'t ( ' : ' 1 ' ' ' l,t I I !) for 1! is au f. C, A. f 1 I 'M' ; PROBABLY A HOAX. The Reported Big Sale of Alabama Coal to - English Syndicate. Special te Journal. New Tobe, March, 81 Representa tives of the Southern Coal Companies la this city said they regarded the dispatch from New Orleans announcing the sale of 2,000,000 tons of Alabama coal to an English syndicate, at 75 cents per ton al the mauth of the coal pits, with 50 cents allowance per ton for transportation from New Orleans, making the low price of 11.50, as highly improbable, if not a glganlio hoax. " ' . J O. Maber said the coal could not be bought at 73 cents a ton ' anywhere in those mining regions. The freight raits from New Orleans were never lower than $1.25 per ton, and now prebably $1.75 per ton. . - Archibald Forbes Dead. - r London, March 89. Archibald Forbes the well known war correspondent, died in, this .pity during the night. He bad been in bad health for .some years,' and during the last six months had been un able to write or do anything owing to complications, arising from rheumatism and paralysis. He spent most of his time at borne in London. ,-Uia wife was a Miss Meigs, daughter of the late Quarter master General of tbe United States, General M. p. Meigs. r " v "T t ' Great Debate In Senate. . Special to Journal 1 i "- v WasnTHOToif, March, 81 Monday will be a field day on the Porto Rico debate. .'. Senators llalej, Depew and Spooner will speak. 1 . . , - Benator Spooner' speech, so tariff men say, will be a sure antidote to Sena tor Proctor's speech of yesterday. .tw.si ..; It will be a summary of the reasons for voting in favor of the present bill. To Penitentiary for Conspiracy. Special to Journal..''" 1 N MonTbeal, March, 31 James Dexter, the well known broker, known to the police of Chicago, New.Tork.and the customs aulhorities of the United States, In connection with diamond smuggling, and other shady transactions,;; wu sen tenced today to five years In the pent tentlary;., , - . ... ' The charge waa conspiracy to defraud the defunct .Villa Marie bank out of $45,000.- . ; . ' Dismissed From the Army. Special to Journal.' v- - ' W8HiHQTOTf, March 81 Information has been received at the War. Depart meat, ef the court martial and eon vie tloa, with dismissal from, service of Major Kirkman of the Jm United States Volunteer Infantry, at Manila. It is charged that Kirkman, while in toxlcated en route to Manila, Insulted Arch Bishop Chapelle. " - Representative Morris of Minnesota la striving to have the President extendi -clemency to Kirkman. ." : Soldiers Fight ForRations7., Special to Journal, ', HaLjrAX, N, 6., March 8P-A riot oc. curred at Wellington . Barracks . last night. Two hundred soldiers struck be cause of Insufficient food. ' The Ontario men assaulted the Quebec men. The Guard of Imperial troops were called out. , v v - ' ' "' Native Troops For Philippines. Washington, March 80 Llenteaant Batson, famous as the leader of the little band of native scouts which rendered such effective service In the campaign In Luzon, has bean honored by Secretary Root by being selected as the organjzer of a battalion of native Macabebes, which is to teive as the nucleus of the force of native Filipinos to be raised hereafter. I Lieutenant Batron Is at present In Wash- Ington on leave of absence from Manila. 1 lie will return to Manila with the rank of major and proceed at once to raise the new battalion. "I used Kodol Dyfpepsia Cure In my IU ..til. ..tt ...nil. tl nl... I T"7" :: '"Z what von eat. Cannot fall to-cure. F. what you eat. 8. Dully. - a.ic;':o r;. ; -.HUic Burns. I). The Coliniil Chic aud, ir.h 1 "l-,uri c""; ' " ,l 011 I ul,ir W - "m il y l:;i- li-ii lifinrni ui, enta; a lot !i i Tl.' fi c v i rr-1 ill th(! l.i ?rdL 1 6-2 J. mo en Public Announcement Though - layed For Reasons,"" British Army's Steady Pros res To wards The Transvaal. Colonial "Truopa Fight Bravely. - Free " Staters Refuse to Eudorse -VurPropoIUon. Special to Journal. ' i ' i liOhDoN, March 31 - It is currently re ported in the military clubs, today, thai the Paardsburg battle ou Mxjuba day was such a success that the news ot tin relief of Mafekins Is being reserved fori this day next week, upon which day the Queen may land upon Irish soil Lokdon, March 81 Spcoial The War Office baa received tlie following dlt. patch from Lord Roberts, dated 31oem foutein: ."Yasterday'a reports Indicate that tho enemy Is leaving' Brandfort for the north." ' v , c , Lord Roberta also corrects the casual ties in Thursday's engagement, and, re ports now that one officer was killed ana nine wounded, most of them severe ly, of whom one has since died. Of the men, 10 were killed, 169 wounded, 8 missing. ' v Blokmpontein, .March 80 Special At Karee kopje the Beors with one gun made a strong figbt for three hours, then retreated to Keeps Spruit, 8 miles souh of Brauilturt. General. French on the right, Le GalUi with bis , mounted in fantry on the left, carried out the flank ing ruovemeut, whtiti General Tucker's Seventh Division of Iufsnlry attacked the center. , , " j Rudyard Kipling .'accompanied Le Gallals' brlgado during the attack. A large force of Australians took part in the lighting. The liilng all along the line was very heavy.-; .The Boers acre in an entrenched position, the great ateep sides of the - kopje crum like a for tress. . - The Colonial troops displayed great coolness in attacking tl Boers. The Now South Wales Lancers lost many horses. , ' BLOBuroNTKia Special. The major ity of the members of the Orange Free State Volksraad have refuse! to attend the Conference which President Steyn called at Kroonstad td -endorse the proposition for the continuance of the war. . - ' Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, Ind.,- says: "DeWltt's Little Early " RIseraHtlways L f . . ' , 1 1 - , -.' urmg certain muei, euro - oiy ucauauuc, and never gripe." They generally cleanse and invigorate the bowels and liver. F S Duffy. . - - Wcv Sprfng Styles lust in. We have a real up-to-date linerNob by Spring Sulta and-you are urged to call and Kok through before buying your Easter outfit. '- -.' . : ' 1 . , " Prices toluit thetimes. We have a large assortment ot Alpaca Coats and Vests; extra. .Serga Coats in both round and square cuts In all quali ties, and at the lowest price.' Don't wait til) iheatylts have all been picked over bnt call at - once and let us fit you out In ptopr-r ttle and al a preper price ' J.G.DUnn CiCO. 67 Pollock Street, H ! 8. V':- The Striking- Machinists. Special lo Journal. . 1 Cleveland, O., Match 81 A member f the Striking machinists, frays the Exe cutive Committee anoouoced this after noon that the Cleveland men would nm rel nrn lojunrk.- Monday. , " " a - .." ' - He aided the Haloment, that ibe strike at (Milr.",!. wmiM Imva nnefTrrl nn llw ucie - '-- The meu arA uuaniraou in airrtcfng uoi i.) wuik ttulil their demands are ac ceiled to. ' " , . ; " " - - Bargaining For Islands. v , New Yoiik, March 80 -A New York resident- prominently connected In an olBclal capacity with Danish ' kffalra m-ido public today a statement, concern ing tbe negotiations for the-purchase by the Un lied States of the. Danish West Indirs., - : , Tbe statement says that Dcnmaik will positively not pari; with her possessions n the Antilles for $3,900,000; that aba has never agreed to do so and never, will Denmark asks a certain price, says the statement, ; and ; it gave to the United Stales representative, Secretary;- White, qf tbe American Legation at Lendon,tts rttaanna for aaklnir that niicn.;' '-.v: i' f HivWhite was frankly told that t,he Islands wTre a financial burden npofi the shoulders of Denmark and that the .Dan ish Government would fix a price on the basis of their present indebtedness to the mother country. , This price was be tween four and fire million dollars. A stroug sentiment against selling the is' lands has Bprung up in Denmark, and so forcible hare been the protests ..that the Kiug has scml-offlclally announced thai If the United-skates should fall to aval) of propositions already made, he would promise that the islands should not be sold. . - ' ' ' '. . 1 ' - Have your prescriptions filled at Davis' Pharmacy. , , IWSSIUILITIES Are great. ! You mast act ouicklv. Ou Friday we advised buyina 8uuar. il pened V9 and on Saturday, sold 113 vJalculate and see what you - could bavv made. He who hsullates must lore. On any further "advance ceil stocks. Buy cotton on the break; buy July Wheat: Uorn will be 4U before you can gel in. fhona ias: ,,; Jao. It. Butler, umlrrr. i f At tho FUnfr Store i s Latest, ropuiar 1 Books. i 3 Lamp Shade Frames and Tissue a I Paper. - . V , ' P I Sheet Mnalo Specialty. i u n. ennett Why Not Cover , , ifisjiiiasssiii Tbe earth ' with Buaglos. .Cincinnati alone bus tried this, but have failed to do it, as they found us at 78 Broad St New Bern, N. C., covering a small por. t on of it ourselves with the Latest Style Buggies. Respectfully, - .;, G. II. Water & Son " -78 Broadtrect. '0iJ$$iU The Convention is Over, '.;f . So It is best now to settle down to business and get good load of Dry Wood from v Uoore's Wood Yard Keep the ocok In a good buuor, have carlv bnck fast, get to- business soon keep out of politics, live within your Income, 'go to church and psy tbe preachon - J.T. H. MOORE, , Phone 149. t 4 i 1- 7' 1 biive n vi-rv lrL'i t i:l' fj liicyr'e-, fr 'in lli:h ASlOMi run le dtiiUil. ! I Tils STdfOJK'iH II. VI!'! I'l It i. ,:, v I f r C.-i I- !:' ANTS M. i) $15 (() mi ii ' i. 1 -I : rt 1 ! Small Sugar: Cured Pig Hams -;A WIco liot aTnst Seceived at 5 J. l. McDANIEUSt 71 "Broad St 2" .: A few Edum and Pineapple Cheese, which we do not wfsii to carry over to next season. You may have the Edam at 65c, and the Pineapple a at 40o each. , A few Pecitns left from the Christmas at 10c per pound. Give me a call for anything you need in the Grocery Line. v. Prices guaranteed sb low as anywhere. Goods of the very highest quality. Yours Truly, i g; 'Phone 91. 71 Itr1 (Ct. Prompt Delivery From Dunn'! If youjvant a good cup of and you will get it." This, coffee is equal to any less of price. (ViVLVuaVf MaVtMSMi)) For N the Lenten . Season 1 WlioIes3e & Setail Orocer, You can always expect when you order your food supplies from this reliable store. Wo c m sup plyvciy demand of a first class family trade with the choicest Staplo and Fancy Grocerim, Hcl-i-ihea, Plckle9, Sauce?, Olives, Fox River Print Butter, and Pin Hams at Rock Bottom Prices. Wo make a specialty of high grade Teas and Coffees. Our Perfection Blond Coffee is. Fine, Price Only 20cv delicions coffee buy a poiiml coffee in the market, regard iJiV uf!natfViXJVp ' JuBt received a fresh lot' ot Cod fish and Largo White Irish Pota toes, also a full lin of Canned j Salmon and'Iiol s'.crf. Try our 20) cai of hincy l.e-ntnviing California Peaches and Bartlett Pears. Kvano-ateJ a id DileJ At-. plos. Evatioriited ; Oiliforn'a' Peaches. Pine Wist India and tfew Orleans Molasses 10o qU Ma- L; ..... .. n-. ... T?,. - DIm. . - .o . j i iiji . .iu. i u ,11". nulter 8"s. Cool Tib'e Butter . 30o. Very best pud lit Hour 2J0 lb snd plenty fi-iM-b K 12c r. Give ur a call for a' vllilng In tno fuiii v t:ri I ' ry linn Hiid 1 will eiiuraiiti-n to ! i i- v n ur refund r your iiioiicy. Joiim In norvo, IP v ! . i '" ... A 4k E- m

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