;;y,K1yyy H4VA:Az?' Wttr'JJS.V:'. V'J"' .7- '''I i : -' i -7 i- , - -! .CTS GENTLY ON THE ; -ijflDnsYs; Liver AND UGYELS UAN5E5 THE YSTEM PEKMANINTJY. ' msuauemsanianiRsiiniL THE JOURNAL. ' New Ben, N. C, April 7, 1900. - w; ; Index, to New Advertisements rj B Parker. Jr Bargains. ' a ,1 J Tolson Bond election! , V - Royell Everybody invited. 'yftA BASD Bangert Candy.' r Business Locals. EVERYBODY- Invited to the Broad . StreelFruit Blor today. H. B. Royall. lUUNNALLY'S Chocolate and Bon Bom ' received fresh, 'every week by A. H. '.. E. D. Bangert, 108 Middle atreet. , ; ; PBATT8 Deodorised Gasoline; Beet quality 5 gallons', at 16c, 1 gallon 18c, ; " qnatt 8, at L, J. Taylor. , . FOR Rent Second floorjot building next .' to Planter's ; Warehouse, ', eontainlng seven .rooms. Poaseiaion. given April "V'llatf Apply to Thos. J. Mitchell, THE finest Beer alwaya on draught, at JOOB "Middle Bfeet. i. ' , ' CBabys Caps and Bonnets.".;- J.iif U 3 life have jast received, onr new Spring line of Baby cape. We are now ahowing i beautiful lawn caps! from 14c. -to 1.75 i-twehlB aU izes.,;Mifi:i''.; , U A. BABFOOT Holton'i Early Rose Seed Pota I r V 'j toes at J. F. Taylor', toot of JPUd- i.?treet. v,'iifci.yi'C '"- One hundred lands, to put on watches t tea cenU each, at ; Baxter .;the Jew- - Havo your prescriptions filled at Davis' PhnrraacT. Hjr- ,"t' V-' Pharmacy. Post Office Notice. tilil '' The following order haa bee received T Jrom the Peat Offloe Deparhnent. at j.X'i'l-'.;:;t i-.v; WMhington n, Os- ' .T MT 1 . . J .V.I. rights, to boxes In we by them by the payment of rent .thereon before the 10th day of January, AprU,?uly and - V.?;v vorooer, you mail ciose. iuNr ooies -'"'.'-'f, ; .w gelnst them, plaos iheir nail In the '' i ? gner' delivery, and rent boxes former- .:.'. ' t.7,";,V t ly used by them to the first, applicant "v-' who oemplies' with 8eetlon 445., Me ex- ; :t i'i' eeptlen to the rule will be permitted." . "ji'Jfr1 The above -order 01' be strictly en forced at this offloe without exception. BT0tJl W. Haboocc ' ' Postmaster, vvTf u ' Hew Shoes." -; - y V t hw ust opened a beautlfal line of i .: : -, men's fine eboee In a D. and K. last in rf.allitjlea and colore. Don't fail to see ; , 1- them before buying. ; Respeotfully, y y?iy ,y'-:; '-J'' v 1 ;- ' J- B- ?y5 J -Peoples Party County Convention. , . .,.,."V n ui meei at me uonn notise la new ." -V -,;" ; Bern oa Saturday April 14th, at 18 o'clock for the purpose of sending dele, i y. yy gatae to State Convention. Primaries C . wMl meet on April 7th, for the purpese ;-..' ;, ':, of sending delegates to County Conren ''I ' Uen. ; - , , . Wit. H. Smith, '! 1 Cbln'B' P. P. Ex. Com. Craven Co. y';v.-:' . . O. It. HanmsoM, rVc'y. ; y 'j- " Notice of Cbsolutlon. '.' The bnntneis formerly conducted on ; der the Brtn title of Itohcrts Bro. bat this day been dissolved by Biusi.nl coq ' sent.8 0. ltoborls retiring from Hie firm A.11 persons ludi-bted to the f -n will v flease BHke prompt pikymnut tl D. Ik ''.'..' KobiU, who s-.-. e,)s (lie fl ) all pnons hsvh'Z c'lilme sr;i.-t t firm - Will preent the same to Kr. I). L. i:1 . erli far ftfrne-it. TllaArillO h, 1" H). . I'. !..! , rj: w U - r . Fu..'y c!u,1y d.1 vtarnu-r is the fore cast for toih.y. Telephone Bulucribers p'.i sse add to their lists, Jas. A. Bryan, reait nee, 170 Rev. E. B. John, was made President of the Epwonh League of the Euue for the ensuing year, at the meeting of the League in KalelgU, - Among t le special talks at the Ep werth League meeting at Raleigh was one by Mr. T. A. Green of this city on The League and Social Life." Mr. Geo Charleton, a machinist at the A. & S. 0. shops while at work repair ing an engine, yesterday waa severely scalded about the face by a valve break- Piesbytetlan Church Divine service will conducted in thle church, tomorrow morning and evening, by Rev. Charles D. Gllkeraon, of Norfolk, Vs. The pub lie are cordially Inv Ited. A new engine, Number 17, the fourth recently received, and the largest, ar rived here yesterday for the A. It N. C railroad, .; It came from the Pittsburg Locomotive Works, at Pittsburg, Pa. - The alarm of fire frem box 48, at 0.20 p. m. was turned in ' by several email boys who claimed they were "April fool log " The kids will have, a chance to tell their story to the Mayor, this morn- - Jialr Time Getting Near, y One more week In which to maae fall preparations for the Fair, and there Is much to be done yet,, although, work.is going on in all departments. - - The entries, for the Race Meet will be closed next Saturday at H p. m. " ' v Mr. Mltteldorfer was busy all day, yes terday getting up store decorations, and already there Is an appearance of colors Which Indicates that the decorating -will be pretty; general amonir .the mei- ohants.s;k " ' ' Then Is no reason, why private resi dences ahould not be decorated, at least with . flags, for the city will be full of visitors and decorations will receive no tlce on any and every street, for the vis itors will certainly ride about , the city and so everything. . i 4 Season tickets are now on sale at Bib- bard's Jewelry store, Bradham'a Henry 'a and Davla Pharmacya. - " Let every one get ready and rest after wards, and not delay getting ready at once. , f , ' - . , . The fine band of Elizabeth City has been engaged to play during Fair week and the remembrance of Its playing last year, Is, a guarantee that the music will oe enjeyaoie. , ; . t. - Hutchinson, the balloon man is on his way to this city. ; He gives exhibits, daily, during the Fair, " ,' - Author of Poem. . - ft ; . ' New Tork, March 25th. ; Ed. Jocbhal; I have Just had sent me a copy of your paper, The Weekly Jodbkai March 80th, that contains a poem entitled, "Also the B6Iy Ghost, the Comfoner" As the author was not given, I thought yon wouldJIke . to know -by whom it was written. y ;, My father, Rev. Dr. I. T. Wheat for someyeanProt of Loglo and Rhetoric at Chapel Hill wu the author, r It waa written during the war, Just after two of my brothers had been killed In battle. The second -versa refers In these two lines. V ei.- -''..' ; ''': ' 4 With oar best Branch In tendereat In fant Leaf, ton son who died in In fancy. ;'yy?y y :'-:-'i:V!-:. The laat two lines of same verse, "And ready for the final Harvest His .respers bind our full eared, ripest sheaf,",...--'. . .. x.--;. refer to M a j. Wheat, Commander at the Louisiana Tigers who fell while leading his Battalion at the battle of Gaines' Mill, near Richmond Jane 27th, 1662 and also to Capt. I. T.. Wheat who waa killed at the battle of Bblloh Tenn., AprQ 6th, 1803, while in command of a Company In the First Louisiana Infan try under Gen. Bragg." : . . 1 -'iV; y,r' Respectfully,"' ! yy . Mat Wheat Shobxb. , .; WHEH TRAVELDIO ''. Whether on pleasure brat or business. Luke en every trip a bottle of Byrup of rigs, aa it acts most pleasantly and effec tually on the kidneys, liver, and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches, and other forms ef sickness. For sale in SO cent bottles by all leading druirglsta. Manu factored by the California Fig Byrup Co., only. . i Have your prescriptions filled at Davis' Pharmacy. A fine lot of Turkeys at the Oak's Market. -- Have your rreseiktions at Davis Pharn acy. -. Goto the OuUs r.,kt for the bf I Stall fed beef, nii o and Jnli y. J.J. Laitcr can Sn0 you iii'.ir y in dry goo-is and notions, l.'e pur. ' ! hit fpih :g Him k 1. ' if, t'.e t -, f, I Is trTiU-g rvprj-.'.:. - H ,.; ,., :.. 1 , ; li'. ht. I lie 5..r of A pru, l.-,:a o . i i f r (t t ), Uot ro 1 1 , iiu t in a In'. : v oa their way I.i wer e r h i.e from a weduicg on tue plautauou of Col. hufoid 6 miles from this place. when Cdlicd upon to hull by three men, they did not stop at once, when one of the men ran up behind Rosa firing a S3 caliber pistol hall In his back which went in to the shoulder blade aid emb. died iiulf there. The doctor probed and found it two-thirds through the shoulder blade. Fulcher said they cursed him for not having any money about himself. .' There seems to be a band of these robbers in that neighborhood as this is the fourth person held op by these three men within two months. - PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miss Sarah Davis returned to Beaufort last night. ' - Miss Edith Oettlnger ot Kinstori, re turned home yesterday, - Miss Lucy Rlshton returned last night from a vijlt at Fayettevllle. - . - Miss Julia Thomas returned to her home at Beaufort laat night." . " Miss Emma Ken of Grifton, Is visit lug at Mrs. Hughes Holland's. ; v Col, . A. C , Davis and two. sons, of Goldeboro, were in New. Dera yester day, ' s . r ' , , r Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ives, - of Cheshire, Conn.) are the guests of Mr.. C. L. Ives on Johnson street, ." Mrs. H. A. London, and daughter of Charlotte, arrived last night and is visit ing her father, Judge Henry R. Bryan. Rev, It. B. John and Miss Pearl Pow ell returned laat night from attending the Epworth League Conference at Ral eigh. "I r - I K. , r Mr. H. W. Simpson - returned from Rsleigh last night where haa been at. tending the annual meeting of the North Carolina Funeral Director's Association..- " s - Maj ' London's Graceful . Acknowl- " edfement ", v Thle la the last Issue of the Record be fore the Democratic State Convention will nominate Its andldatee. . Whoever they may be - this paper and its editor will support them, as always heretofore. most zealously and willingly and use all honorable- means to secure their elec tion, -1- ' This writer, cannot refrain from here expressing his- grateful, .appreciation 10 his brethren of the press, and other too partial friends in all parts of the State, of their very kind advocacy of his nomi nation, tor Stater" Treasurer. .; Their good opinion and friendship are valued much more highly than office, for the latter would be . worthless without the formerj'' '. " ' And especially do we appreciate the resolutions adopted by our county men at their convention . of , last Monday, among whom we have always lived. And U the whlie. men of North Carolina ahould grant their request and, give a high office to a citizen of Chatham (for the first time slnceihe organization of the county In 1771) we would esteem it an honor due to the county and not to the Imdlyldual receiving it. Chatham Kecord, '-f:- : i 'v'i . .WWte Supremacy Organization.: ' The White Laborers White Supremacy Club, organized on the 6th of April with a membership of 127 members. , William Foscue waa elected temporary chairman and Bam'l M. Howard, secretary. The following resolutions wu unanl mously adopted and signed: , ' Whereas, the undersigned cltliens of Craven county desire to unite In form ing a Club known u "The White La borers' White Supremacy Club;" there fore be It v. . V " Resolved, That we hereby pledge our selves to use all honorable means to pro- oure the adoption of the Constitutional Amendment which we regard as the mosV Important matter that has ever been submitted to the people. Resolved further, That we endorse Hon. Charles R. Thomas for Congress; Hon. C. B. Aycock, for Governor; Hon F. M, Simmons for United Slates Sena tor, and Hon. B. R. Lacy for State Treas urer. Resolved further, That we believe President James A. Bryan la a com pa tent and able President of the Atlantic and North Corellns Railroad and Is Im proving the property and giving employ ment to many luimrlng men and li an entuuslaatlo Democrat, ami we Loiievo his administration, if lie coiillniii's In offtro, will be of gre.it and liniii' b, fit to this community and wll' put tho ands of dollars anmu'iy In clrcul I here; t'.. ( ' ill.- 1 e it r.'.o'vv I, T! A we r,d.i l.i a ' m I i li:: !:; at p.r 1 ! f C ' i ...r.:y to n'-l ' ., ,i i i-J I I..: v :. T:u,.k is Late. I 1 . J T 1 n To Unite. April Olh. The lt nieeiinir of onr White Su- premary Club was well attended. Mr. Levi i erieil made a very good speech. We understand that the Goldsboro Lumber Co, is making the necessary preparation to put in a band mill in ad dition to lis already extensive plant. Our truckers claim this cold weather we are having will cause the truck crops to be late and production short. Mr. L. S. Harper of Fort Barnwell and Mr. D. Lane of the same city were here Tuesday, Mr. Lane went on through to New Bern. 1 . v - , M r. L. B. Humphrey went . to New Bern this morning on business. Mr R A Richardson returned this morning. The trains are running very ; convenient for our folks Mr. Albert Thompson's little girl Mar- garelte, nearly two years old, died Tues day morning and burieoVyeterday even lag near here. While she had bet a lingering for several days still her parents did not think the waa eerioutly S.ck. - Mr. Thompson ' that '.moraine thought she u considerably better and had started to his work but hardly had gotten to his place of business before the summons came, announcing the ltttL- one's death, . We extend our condolence to the bereaved ones and point them to "Him who doelb all things well." Mr. Danenburg, tar collector, Is here today.:. He says, excepting No 2, -No Z Township Is ahead in settling taxes. That la the. way we do business ahead or near them r , 1 , ,-..' Mrs. Carrie - Best and Mrs." G. Y, Klchardson went to Kinston this morn. ng to have some dental work done. v The marriage bells will surely jfbgle next Sunday. One ot our most popular and beat looking young1 men will wind his direction towards Jones County, next Sundsy evening'' and select within, lis borders, one Of the fairest that old Jones has. We return thanks for an Invitation and extend our very best ' wishes for a happy and. contented life." M.r-;.W M Tyndal and Miss Loula Gilbert will be the contracting parties. , ' " , "No family can afford to be without One Minute Cough Cure. -It will stop a cough and cure a cold quicker than any other medicine," writes O. W. Williams, Sterling Run, Fa, It cures croup, bron chilis and all throat and lung troubles and prevents, consumption. - Pleasant and harmless. " F. 8. Duffy. - ' v'STAKBSI N0U.?r Mark Dlsosway. Treas., la Account V wltB the City of New Bera, - KECEIPTS. , criVr To balarce en hand; .9 March 10. To cash from City - Tax Collector ..i. March 23, To cash from City Tax Collector. 4..... 4... ...v, March 27, To cash from City Tax Collector.. April 8, To cash fromChief of ' 84018 '629 00 625 00 675 00 Police . 10890 April 8, To cash from City Tax Collector ...i.i......w,,...;iv301 60 ,6705S By Touchers paid F T PatteN ; f 7 1 ; - son, ;:;.y.:".-; $50 00 . r'Nathan Brooky i- 20 00.' y, Mark DIsosway,--: vk il 7 . , W 8 Phillips, , '. V. '(,18 23 : Naval Reserves, V VVs 15 00 -ZS R P Williams, 10 00 ; r Burrus Gray,;"'V-- ; 49 U -: A J Gaskins, ,;.'- -- ,. 80 00.: .?.',.J M HargetliiB?. 50 00 K Smith, -. . ; ootw. . H T BriasoBi' ff Burrus & Gray,' ' , 80 00,.'; V " : 89 10 Burma a Gray, 89 05 J N 8 Rlchsrdson 4 8on' ; 1300 18 07 ' 88 00 " V U- 150 75 ; 48 95 1 r , U0 " ; 1 so 75 "'; 14 65 10 P0 80 00 . 80 00 . ; 80 00 ." 75 8147 - -410 . 15 21 800 8 85 ' -- 8 75. 81 65 ' 81 15 ' 7 78 21 88 ' 9 53 28 00 21 26 70 74 2 5 00 . 2M 87 ' 2 .3 r7 5 00 110 03 B"3 no 9 10 SO 10 CO (10 8 4' 2 4.1 1; : i) r; 11 : ;i,? ' i . 1 II 0 Whitehurst, r, JB Dixon, y ': W F Bell, ,;vtyf'A J A McCoy, ,.-X . J J Tolaon,- ;y . s, . 8D Moody. :.: U "J . C C Jordan, V Oliver Fonvllle, ' .IJVHarget, . -:;'.- New Bern Journal . " . R P Montague '.... O Luptoa ' .V J T Lewis. ' J E Shepherd, T , LH Cutler Hdw Co," Trent Lumber Mills (1 Ito.enbaum Bros & Co Blades Lumber Co R P Williams Tn'ort'-.t on above K 1' V i.iiions Water A Hewer Co lnl.'n -t err R'.nve Vv til. X: J ..lnltrtU .1 .1 'I'.. on .1 II C: :." & Co T l' ' iys. .vfllO rill ' iJ ci ::l:.:is street. On Thursday, - April 12th, 1900 " ,- '' 4...' " ' i- : ' -- 1 '. ".. V -'. I will move my BICTLK AND REPAIR 8TORB to 91 Middle Street, where I will have a new and up-to-date BIcyoles and Sundries. . :: : Lookout forgone of the pretlest stores in thl) part of the country. V; .' ; ; Will have a complete stocs; of Bicycle Sundries, Graphophones, Records, 4c, :. tGIveme a call at my new store after ab ve date. Vf.7. t , HILLv Spring, Styles I We have a real up-to-date line of Nob by Spring Suits and you era urged to call and look through before buying your Buster outfit. s " ' ' Prices to suit the times. ' -We have a large assortment of Atpsra Coats and Vests; exta Serge Costs in both round and square outs in all quali' ties, ana at toe lowest prices, .. Don't wait (111 the styles have all been picked over but call at - ruco. and let na fit yon out lo proper style pnd at a proper price j ; " J.G.DUNN & CO. Dobbia & Ferrall, . At Tucker's, 'I RALEIGH, N. C FASHIONABLE. 0 :-yy Crepe de Panne; - ' Voile Ntite ' - Z Tissues ''Mttingel 'iy y ' la the latest tinta of -Violet, ;y: Willow i Grecn Xfght aud I- Medium Grey; Castor, Hem : . brant Blue, &o ,- , ' r '-. Making an extensive and magDificcn' collection of excee-Ilngty stylish iim mer Drees Goods at moderate prices, S ini bags lly sent by mall. . ' . Dobbin & Ferral! y City Ordinance." ' Be It Ordained, by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of (be City of New Hem Worth Carolina that. -- Whereas, the said Mayor and Alder men have concluded to purchase or erect and construct a Water works and bew 6rage system, as authorized by sretiou 5 of the Act f theUeoeral Assembly ol North Carolina, entitled:' "An Act to Incorporate the City of New Bern," rat- llicd r'ebruary 20lh 18I19, and, the Water aud Sewer Company of New Hern, hav ing eim-ed to sll aud convey to the said I iiy lis system of water works and f ew enute, now loomed In fahl cliy, at a price not to exceed $7.3,)UO 00, ami alout OuO OO In arldition to said price will be required lo p:y foruectssary repairs aid exooision of ml I sybtr-m, 'I ijcn fori', be ll tlnl.iliied, th.t 111" propoHiilon of IhiiIiii cby lionrla tf said ( iiy in no nn.oinii not ex, t-.-.tin e.tit, 1!. .11 - itir.1 ( . ',i ' I CO) doHnu, III ai conl- Dress Fabrics !, .( ', i .11 10 he In. Ill "v . i. 1 I ' . r i 1 ( ri ! ii.ll ft.-, ' - ' ' ' - t ol . r-yi; ; ; ""y ty? A Subject for " , x - r - -" -) . w . l.wll 1 r " . I:, r..r.. 1 , r I, or I'lu ' .. h 1! a it . r .,! ! ,.' 1 i-i v r 1 V :t , ., , ,: v v v v SHIRT. WAISTS! I O O o "v 0 0 Spring has fairly o o o O look ' upon April Ut as the beginning of f, Spring and with the, advent of thts , J month there is a. rush to buy Spring and $ ? oummet uresses. t We are prepared assortment of seasonable goods , and it Y 7s a great pride of ours i that in nearly i x:' ,f every instance'prices are as low as they ' , $ tmrrp last Snrinn: .... , . 'y This means a great saving to every , a single purchaser, and much satisfaction r to ourselves, Uur v prmctpauy oj onm !'.- ..We haVe a large and va ried assortment made' in the very .newest and -latest style, -some witK yoke and others tucked back, some with cuff a and others with the shirt t A ' sleeve so that most every taste ' s: will uk eaujueu. - vjvaiSH an 3sc ana sue m a variety of patterns ol , reicule, cnt full and styles as of better goods. 79c White lawn, lace ef fect front and tuck lact also black laws, 10 tucls in front and yoke back; alio of newest style Percales, 8 tucks in front and plain back. ; 98:., Lace Stripe Colored Lawn, shirt sleeve; also of Percale with tucked front and yoke bck, or 28 tucks in front and plain back of Percale also. $1.25. Very handsome pattern of figured lawn and plain back, lawn has corded effect. $ 1.5. White Lawn with front of tucVs and insertion; also Norfolk Waist of colored percale with vest of white pique. .'' We advise an earlv selection of Shirt W:iLafs while t intact. i.O. cMarks T'i''A A. A"A. AAA A A A A ' yWEW BE UN . GRIST-MILLS. . . .w l:.i - ' - Bolting Chest r ; Xllevatom, and ': ' -: "-y 0 r'n Cl eaner. ;- t.'.V:-; .,, , ; .'-.. ,; .. . -' - Of the .Latest Improved and Up 3 to-Date . JMli lachliiery. ' y ? .oiff tt i'l B ADE i IS bOUOlT D. 'J- Wt1ECUL PAIH3 UkMt In clean ing and: polishing grain Ufore o!ng throa jb the taiHr, Wbli h, Insures pnre meal.v 'pi-M Corri- Uomlny, Oats and Mixed ?ued jt'-i' ' " 'f "" " '' ''.-!.! GEORGE BISHOP; x New Bern, N. O. .Jr. Stylish Oxfords y Queen Quality Oxfords are the coolest, the best fitting, and the easiest walking shoes conceivable. They. are also exceedingly hand some. ' j . . - - ' Loolc for TRADE MAEK stsmpfd on solo. 0. ' 1 tout AQkNOT roK '-t s; I 2 '.- Vr'X yv-fV.-:-'y i- f y :''" I f ' y ' '.' B&ljaa M'S r HARM ACT. I n A' V vv set in, tye always v 1 j . . , . v; o v 000000 with a very large $ J I story to-day relates j; i : vriio i o. t .SLACK WITH WHITE riGURta swijs axes . t t Company. A A A A A a - . V Stop ! Look ! rrop in and examine my line ot beau tlful o. KOIilB SIL.TJBB y Just Received. . What could 1 e a mo- e aci eplab'e and -beautiful wedding gift than a 1 andsome piece of Silver, prettily engraved? : I have the iargei-t varii ty to seltct from ever shown in ihe city. The very btst gooda at prices to suit (be time. ' ' ,r Sam. K. Eaton, K5f-;vjy; f ; ? Middle st..",:- .XVhyNot Cover Th -tanh. w! si f urg'ee. Cincinnati ' aloae has trl. d tbis.'but m ve tailed to do lf, a they font d us at 73 Broad St.. New Bern, N. C, covering a, small por toit oV.tt ounelva at h the Latest Style Buggies. . Reerectfully, ; . : - y 6. Bf; Waters '& Vn, : ' WPrjad St ..)r"-:'i:;'-.''' 5p- I imVm. m"Jr V. dOTTCO . " -nrrftTTTftlnf!'--- 1 j XJ .,.( 1:1 " 1 r -r j:,',.:, ::x;y.-"-.

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