AM?etaMeI'rcr' ' 1 .'r's similaliPglticFouda' ."cVi- Promotes Digcslion.Ch;rruI nessandIlest.Contaiis neiilicr Crpium,Morplune nor Mineral. IS'OT XAKC OTIC . : fimpeafOUJOtSiHUELPaami Unrn.lrra-- Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa flon, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms ,Convulsions.Fevensly ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of . -...V " NEW YOI1K. Exact copy- of wrapper .-.WL wnm'ifiT' WASHING CROCKS AND ' ' MILK VESSELS -.. ; , k (rut deal dapeads Jlpoa lb ear of crock or pu In Willi silk I kept, Thar ahould bo nshed u sou ; poniblo after belat uaed. R Ism first wilb cold water, una wash thorough lr huld and out with hot water. In which nouib of Gold Dost, Wishing Powder hta been distolred to maie agoodtnda, Flalah by rluiini with ocaldlm watari lpo dry aod oat out. with rifkt old up, la the (rath air and saa ahiae, and lhoy will be clean and wL - TM bova (a Hk frnm onr fm bwkfce -. 11 -. 1 ; "ooiukh anus iva wmumx'j'fix SaaitrercanqtMclto.' " . THI a). K. rAIRBANK OOMFaWY, u. lotus, new Term BLOOD CURE An Offer Provinsr Faith 'i.' Headers Write Today I ,.'; Tncertancei; EMinf fores; Putt ful Bwe'llngs, Iffectk of Blood Poison, Fereisknt Kruptione, tliat refuso to leal tir dsr ordlosry.. treatmiot isra-quMtly ,oura liy B B B (Bolanic Blol Ltelm), made especially to cure all . terrible, obttl! cale, deep stated BJood and Skin IrmMes.; I your tloed tbln? . Are yoi pale? All run down? Hate' jou EcKmaT . I'implesT Wotojea and BumpsT ;Skin pi BciilD Uumorf? i Bolls? Kruptionsf Skin' fihtumatism? t'crofnluf. Catarrh? Tken ' txcauee H draiua froVij tbe Word and entire - which cause all of these troubles, and the follows. BBB acts as a fine U-nic building Kvery one says that B B B Is the most wonderful Blood Purifier of the age; and no wonder, for it has cored the most deep seated, "obstinate cases, (even the most deadly cancer) after doctors and patent medicines had failed. Thoroughly tested for tbiity years and iieyr known to great In BBB that we Will nd to any i Mit the mcdicinrial our exoense. No conditions attached to this offer, as we trnnw lmt 11 H R ran ilo. all we ask is for si K R CRnmninHInnd T!lmVi what von elrun stores for $1. or six large bottles (full treatment) $5. For tree trial bottle ad .lr m.dnii tui.M OO . lV.l Mitchell street. Atlanta. Ua . and bottle and medi cal book will be sent, all charge prepatd..De8cribe your trouble, and we will in clude tree medical advice. W rite tcoay. IN THE SPRING young man's fancy turns to thoupht' ,f thadwick's Fu e Tal orinf, whe i pleasant d)S m ikes h's win'er clothing tero shabby. Come In now and look at he feat ot fnbrirs in the very la'ei-t of rrcntwma of Faihion's loon, in a'l the .l....i n,MMr.a in I'lipvirta. I Bosges and Ia';onaU that we list ri- ceived. Order jour Suit or pring to;) Ooat tn lime aim you win oe kiiu. ' ' I ZJ. VI Hidtlle street. NEW I'.KIiN. N.O WANTED 1 An Al nOil.KR M 1 K Kit i ml BuACa HViril. Ap.dy i.l to HI.! :T 1 , f ' . A . N t . i . " i 1 ' i'. 1 . J M v. r. ,1 Boars the Signature of , In USD For Over Thirty Years Hi hi . .i txc ecimiuii company, hw yowk crrv SENT FREE. to Sufferers. Journal Hohea aud Swollen? Ahlair Bones? you need BBB (.Botanic Blood Balm), system all. the poisons , and humors cause being removed, permanent cure up tLe broken down constitution. ' . fait For this reason our faith i so offerer a Trial Bottle Free, so they .may TOU to try it. If TOU are- satisfied that need Ti n will find larce bottles at . alt . -' ' i v .. -.; .-' IGE1 OB HOME USE Clean, pure wholesome,' gaarantfed to bw chemically made from aisuneu waiei and free lrom impurities. ' Specially in tended and prepared for human con- anmrttlnn. Ice delivered dully (exce?-Butiriays).8 a m to 8 p m. - Hundays (retnll onlj ) 7 a mjto 12 coon ror prices and otLer lutoiuiauon, , '. '. .;. Addieas, " r New Berne Ice Co. The Convention is Over, So It is beot now lo set'lo down b'i6luess and get a go d load of Dry "Wood lrom to Ilooro's woca Yard Keep the cook In a r'k d liiimo-, lav early bKskfsiht, get to bii - nefs soor I keep oi;t nf politics, II vn witliin you Income, go ...,, 1,,.. to rh'iirh nod t y u j. t. u. ju o;m:, . Himie 110, 1 1 ' I,o:tnrt rn-i- A m: ii. i 1. A Pi Til Aft In! U S. -x "' ' it i l. xl. a any o ':r r loi..-, ' unii . e Atlnmic w-iBird. li.e wen .is r-i;inn is Lt-Huia ii b .oi;d t)c , nud toiuits soon bf 'HMie v' e oiiu cry or t muuJ.i acquainted with its peupie "to go altogcilier to tbe kirk and altogether pray." One Sunday the parson in village church delivered with special emphasis an able sermon on putting off the old man" and getting on the "new." This signal feat, he stated, was accomplished by simply going down into the waters ot baptism and burying the "old man' iond coining out of the waters a new creature. After the service a wealtny deacon in quired of a certain wayward Individual who occasionally presented nimseli to tno gracious influence of the church how the sermon Impressed him. ; He aaid it was the only sermon that ever touched his heart. The deacon, putting on a aniue or gratification, gave him a hearty, band shnke. For quite awhile he had been try ing to persuade him to submit to baptism. In this he bad an ax to grind. Almost a year previous the prospective convert stole a maul out of the deacon's sawmill and more than once flatly re fused to return It. The deacon finally de cided that an ecclesiastical course of bam boozle would have more Influence over him than harsh words. If he could make him .a Christian, he felt sure the maul would be forthcoming. ' So that Sunday morning he solemnly entreated this way ward individual, whose heart was already softened, and won his consent to submit to baptism, - i . When he arose out of the water, tbe deacon greeted him as "brother" and cor- dially congratulated him In that he had buried the "old man" and put on the "new,"'. The deacon, now feeling that the long lost maul was as good as returned, went on bis way rejoicing. Next day the ''new man" salliedjnto the deacon's gro; cerv store, A usoai tne place was crowu- ed with ! brethren, sdisenssing the merits of Sunday's sermon, -When they had all congratulated him upon his baptismal regeneration, the deacon, hellevlng the golden opportunity bad come, -addressed him with the utmost confidence: "Well, my brother, "now I am sure you will return the maul yoq took out of the mill last summer.' . . The reclaimed -wanderer hesitated and then meekly replied: VI am sorry, deacon, but voti've cot the wrong man. The 'old man- who stole the maul went down into the water yesterday and was burled."- Plltsbnrg Press. , i , t .V-1-.::,r. His Idea of Hurmor,:,: A s lanltreH. living i on Washington sqnnre had an adventure one day which she will not soon roriret. it seems inui tbe building .which she has under her care was at one time used by .a- trust comnanv. and afterward it was turned Into an apartment lionse. - When tbis was done, the? vaults were left Intact, ana thev were tvrr seldom opened. The Jan itress was showing a party or gentlemen through the building and pointed out the desiiabil tv of tbe Tattltn as refrigerators, When she oncned the vault and stepped In; one of the party, who has a rare idea of htimori shut the door suddenly and, .Im prisoned the lanitress. . That was an right so. tar .as It went, but the lock was a spring affair, and tbe Janitrcss had the Key on the inside; ine room nuntcrs were throrougbly frightened, and one of them ran for a locksmith hi haste. .Linen- llva neighbor.: who Is an. expert lock- smith, came lntuthe place and in n few minutes sucveedeu in releasing the wo man who was in anything but a pleasant frame of mind. : The room hnnters made themselves very scarce before the eu raped janitress came forth. Philadelphia uecoid. J In the lame Pea, "One of the boys at the hotel put me on to a little poker game," said the dry goods drummer, "and i went around to see what it was like. There were aoom 30 respectable locking 'people in the room. and one of them. was trying to teacn me tbe valne of the cards, when tbe police broke in and made a clean sweep of ev- erybody." Next morning, when arraigned at the police court, I wanted a lawyer, and there was a general laugh In court as bis honor replied: ., ''j'i-i -;;", "T" "1 don t kuow where you 11 get one. There are nine in town, but sll are in the oeu with your -" ' - "It was so,"'' continued tne a rummer. "and things might have gone bard with ua had it not been for tbe fact that the judge was there, too, but bad just step ped ont as the raid was made. Notbing was said about it. of course, but be let us off with a fine of $2 each and a lot of fatherly advice." New York Bun. . . ? H Was Very ThowBhtfnl. - A north country miller noted for bis keenness In Huanclnl matters was once in a boat trying bis best to get across the stream which drove his mill. The stream was flooded, and be was taken past the point at which he wanted to land, while farther on misfortune again overtook him to the extent that the boat was npset. His wife, realising the danger be was In, ran frantically along the side of the stream, crying for help In a pitiful voice, when, to her sheer amazement, she was snddenly brought to a standstill by. her husband yelling out! "If I'm drowned, Molly, dunnot forget that flour's gone up 2 sblllin a sack I" London Telegraph. ; , not Aii.Tr. "Can you tell me who Ananlns was?" aslted the old man of the proprietor of i the bookstore. - - "Of course I can," was the reply. "lie was the champion liar of the world st one time. I)id any one call you AnuninaV" "Yi-H, gir. Yen, he called me Ananias, and citiro hit buttons if I didn't think he was giving me a bii'diol of praise. Nest riian cnlln me Ananias won't know what hotiHe fell on him!" WusliiiiKion I'ost, k Ilrs?ti1 In HitvHim. nnvnnn'H brcntl nirts nri uini!fy two that Ik. lo il'l Ih ciil rit i allow bn 4 . It i si-, v ..til but or i , 1) i)l Pllpl'-r H ill of Jill ot alr.ut I! i I ,,llio .i 1 ill Si M ' I.-IIVI-4 I '1 tO S T !llll!-f 1 11 Hi i I'i'tH lii l;i nro, k top of lin-n'K Ik jiiI oh l"Mi: a a 1 -r poll'-s. olio of h for lliO! liisi J "I Jl'il !' I T t. 1 , i ' O: '.Zt.Ti .'KING miiDlCllNE. VS SAicSAl'ATi .iLLA as a greatest i. i.. .J fli.iiviAii ever discovered. It comes as a ncn Messing rrom heaven to the " worn out," the run down, tho overworked and debilitated. That " tired" feeling," those "sinking spells," the languor and despondency which arise from badly nour ished nerves, from thin, vitiated blood and an spell. The weariness, lassitude and nervous time and the heat of summer, are conquered and bam&ied at once. For every form or neurasthenia, and all ailments of the brain and nerve, bnsomnia, hysteria and nervousness generally, it is almost a specific. It furnishes the very elements to rebuild worn-out nervi tissues. It feeds brain, nerve centers and nerves, calming and equalizing thetr action, makes rich, red, honest blood. Newness of ful use. It makes the weak strong, and the old It was th antiquated (but now happily exploded) method In the good old times, to treat-Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Cancer and BLOOD TAINT with powerful alteratives, ... agents. It was expected 6y this treatment tnat was left to course through its channels holding In its circulation the specitto germs or mo cUsease. But in this way, every part of the body became more or less diseased. Noth ing can bolmore terrible than a horribly destructive blood taint. : It not only attacks viru lently the different structures of the body. but jnany times the bones are honoy-combed and destroyed.. It often seeks out the nerves and spinal cord, and again It will bring de cay and death to some vital organ, as the kidneys, fiver Ofstomch. There Is only one adentifio method for the cure of blood taint. "Tnat Is, PURIFICATION! Every particle of the blood must bVremoved through the execretory channels, the lungs, kidneys, bowels, Hver and skin. " First pure, then peaceable." vitalizerof the blood, JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA, not only radically and ex haustively removes the taint, but also removes all mercury, calomel and other minerals, and fills the veins and arteries with tho ruby, glowing current of vitality,. ; -"The blood is the life." Good health means pure blood. The old and reliable remedyrJOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA, is universally regarded as the greatest Blood Purifier ever discov ered. This fact Is now established beyond question or cavil. .::r rrrs-Jvir; - - - BLOOD rOiao CTrREll BT aOH.8TOJ('t aAKBAPAKIIXA, :, Byron, Mich., October 31 Wilt,. Dan.. Br. Co, Detroit- ' ; Oentlemen: in April usi i negan using uuniu i o onionriMbwt iw divuu i wisuih hwmu tv an amputation of on of t arma. I had SEVEN RUNNING. SORES on my leg. I used two bottles and was entirely cured. 1 know It Ja what cured me. Yours truly, . 0. W. LUTHER. . SUCHXCVA1V X3XS.T70 OOKPAnT, XJarmOIT.'IUOa; - ' . 0. 1. liKADHAM, , New Bern, N. (J, . - . - Notice of Meeting of Creditors to Con- ' ' slder Discharge. ; In the District Court of the United Btates, for the Eastern District of N, C, ' Trl the Matter of - j In Bank- Abhbk W. Thomas, Bankrupt ( ruptcy.- To the Creditors of Petitioner, who has been adjudicated a Bankrupt: : '. Take notice that a meeting of creditors will be held at the office of L. J. Moore, Reieree, In tew Bern, N. 0.. at 11 m., on tbe l?th day of April, 19C0, at which time the Bankrupt will apply .for dis charge. You can he present and show euse if any,, why he shall not be dis charged. : - L. J. MOOSE, ' v ' Referee in Bankmntcy..:, Now Bem, N, C, April 0, 1900. , Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. In the' District Court-1 of the United Btates, for the Eastern District of N. C. In the Matter of John B, Peed and Robt i 8. Griffin, trading as Peed A Griffin, Bankrupt, In Bankruptcy. 1 To the Creditors of Petitioner, who- has been adjudicated a Bankrupt . on the 8rd day April, 1000: ' Take notice that a meeting of creditors will be held at the office of L. J.-Moore, Referee, in New Bern, N. C, at 13. H on the 16 day of April, 1900, at which time the creditors, may attend, prove' their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other busi ness as may properly come . before the meeting,' - L.J.MOORE,-- 5 ;-4 j Referee In Bankruptcy. New Bern, . 0., April 8, 1900, C' ' . . or Coarse. v . Sunday School Teacher (of Tf aiPf Mission) Aod when the owners .of the vlueyard went, -out about the eleventh hour and found a lot of mou stand ing idle in the market place, what did he say to them f . - Nuggsby de Newsboy He ssysj .Wot ye soldlerln' for t Git busy t J "We have three children. Before the birth of the last one my wife used four bot tles of MOTHER'S FRIEND. If you had the pictures of our children, you could see at a glance that tne uisi one Is healthiest, prettiest and flnest-looklngof them all. My wife thinks Mother's Friend Is the greatest and grandest remedy la the world for expect ant mothers." Written by a Ken tucky Attorney-at -Law. F ! prevents nine-tenths of Uio k i ! sufferlnsr Incident to child 1 k a . j, .. .j inlu niecomlns: mother's d' i i n jnJ tamper remain tinrullkd th n i t Hie oi Je.;il, because tills relax 1 . r i luz liniment relieves the u' C. :.; n. . A goi.d-n.itured mother is prct'yMire to have a gooJ-n llurcd chiiJ. ni Is 1. t In a sttm ;;, li.-clilij i, h H the cliiia a'M) it-'cnis. t s I J I y r ". . i 1 rr :., s a V . t'.iro:: il ti c 1 ;:i 1 r i"i V. II .1 v,:;,.. ,. ! v, ,v ! v;m!l ,t v) . a l-,:!i .v de- "i -i - 1 -5 t? I O rOTTLEG. Blood Food and Nerve Energiier, Is the) underfed body, vanish as If by a magic prostration which accompany tna spring. Ufo, new hope, new strength follow its faith young again. other troublesotr.s disorders arising from such as mercury, arsenio and othor mineral ... . , 1 , .O . 1 ...LSI- at. 1.1.. J tne poison couia oe aiiiea wnno ms uww The great restorative, reconstructive and 1894. , , - ' FINANCIAL. , T. A. Oreen, Pre. E, B. Headowa, V. Pres. Doing General Banking Business. February 18, 10P0, Surplus md X'udiv - 1 , ded Profit'; $12,135.76. . ' Prompt and careful attention Riven to all business r.utrusud to us. Accounts received on favorable trims. :.. y - Board ut llreiitiwa. a Ferdinand UlncB K. H. Meadows, :- : J. k. Muadows. ' Oha. Dully, Jr. Samuel W. Ipock '. '.,.- Jamns Bedmond, tittasii. rowier, nayernann - 4. w , wramger, - .. -L-ounin a.. wraoiii, B. W.auiailwoo.l,- . 'C.lf.l!'ov. tteo. N.Ives. w. r. CrtOkett. . ' k , Mark Diensv av.' - . - F.; & hi BANK, .a 'FEBnt'ARY U. 1900. Capital Stock,.. $75,000 Surplus,.'. 10,000 Undivided Pront8,,..T... ! 2,500 Deposits 102,000 .- - ; OFFICERS. . . "v; L. H. President.''!i i.--'rx'. . W. rj. Cnaowiok, VioePres. - . ' T. W, Dawav, Cashier. :V'; ' - J. W. UiDDi.g, Teller. , , Q. T. Chadwiok. Colleotor.' v DIRECTORS: s(S Wm.'B. Blades, M. M. Harks, C. D. Brad ham, " P. H. Pelletier, L. U. Cutler, " Jno. Suter, . . . W. B. Chadwtck, S J. W. Stewart, , . . T. W. Dewey. - -:.r'. It collects for merchants, manufactur ers and other Banks promptly at rpeolal rates to-each, .and makes quickest re turns possible. By its liberality and en terprising business methods. It is forging to the froot of East Carolina's Banking Institutions in its own city, It is the only one which does not pay interest on Uaposlcs. y -!-A; ::-." ., '.y$s:fc PROFESSIONAL. F. M. Simmons, . A. I). Ward i. II; Pon, r - ' E. YT. Po. SIMflONS, POU WARD ATTORNEYS ail COUNSELORS at LAW. - . MBit BliKSJE, X. CV . r OIHco 68 Bo. Front -Street, nearly oppo- site Hotel Chattawxa. , ' (Oflloes alBO at Ralclb and SmithBeld.) Practice in tbe oountius of Craven, Duplin, Jones, Onslow. Carteret Pamlioo, Wake, Jotiiiolon, Harnett and VTtlton; in Ih Su preme and Federal Oouits, aud wherever services are ueslrO. . . . . XI. Pelletier, ' O ATTORNEt AT UW,"-V i;: !dle Street,-Lawyer Brltlt Boildlng. ' . -: ill nractte In the Oonntt "of Craven e'artorflt, Jones, Onulow ana I'amllco. 0. 8 Uourt at Now liurno aud Buprtnue Court O n hum. - ... V ; ROMULUS A. NUiNN," A-XTOTi.JSTHr5r . .A.T . . IA."W EW BERNE, S. O. I Oflloe! Opp. Hotel ChalUwka. South Front Street. Practice in North Carolina. . i It il.. ,..JUU.. deaLi:r i; ll.J. in i HO Of Hirn . U 1 1 (.. J Iwii 111U ilLJ ,M, 1) and Iilhols, ruinls, Cement., Uuie, lilo. re..-: r,!:: ;;sS. v, iu:.NxrcN a weldon it. R. And Tranches. Aud At'sn'in Coast Lino H i ron.l (!" 'of Eoutu Carolina. TRAINS GOING fr-OUrH. H i V U f K zia A.M P II.P.H A.MjpTaT. Lr. W"ldoi 11 60 8 68 ..... .i.-.f Ar. B. iU.. li 85 6i ...... ;.'.t. ..... Lv.Tarboro IK 81 ...... 6 00 ... ...j. Lv. R. Mt. . t CO B 6! 6 87 5 40 IS 62 Lv. Wilson 1 6H 10 25 7 16 6 20 9 40 Lv. Selma,. 3 65 II 08 Lv Fay'vlll. 4 80 12 20 .... Ar.Florence 1 23 2 84 . .: . P.M. A.M ' -' Ar, Golds.."; .... ,... 1 63 ...f . Lv, Golde .... 7 01 8 85 LV Mag'lla.... .... 6 09 4 86 ArWilm'ton . y.' 9 40 6 00 P.M AM. P.M. r , ' . TllAINS GOINQ NORTH. ' j ; Id k i 5 l2 7" Z1T " pTm! PvT'1 Lv.Florence 0 45 7 4 '.. Lv.Fay'villeiaSO... . 9 45 Lv.Belma.. 1 50 ..... 10 66 ..... Ar. WUson. S 85 11 83 .... ..... - A.M. ' P.M A.M. LvWilm'ton ,.;r.. 6 60 8 46 Lv. Mag'lia.... .. . . . . 8 20 It In Lv. Golds. 8 00 .... 9 27 13 6 " pTit a.m. p!m! pTm; Lv. Wilson 2 86 6 48 11 8 10 1)0 1 16 Ar. R. Mt. . 8 80 6 20 12 09 11 11 1 63 Ar.Tarboro 7 04,,,, ..... ,.,.'.. Lv.Tarboro 12 21 . '.. Ly. R. Ml. . 8 80 ..v.. 18 09 .... TTTTT Ar. Weldon 4 83 ..... 4 04 .... ..... P. M. A.M. Wllmlna-ton snd Weldon Railroad. Atlantio and Yadkin Division Main Line Tram leaves Wilmington 9 00 a mt ar rives I ayetteville 18 00 p m, leaves Fay- etleville 12 28 p m, arrives Banford 148 p m. ; ltetorniDg leave oanrora aou p m, arrive FaVetteville 8 41 D m, leave, ray ettevlUo 8 48 p m, ariives Wilmington wumtneton and : Weinon . uauroad, Bennettsville Branch Trains '- leaves Bennettsville 8 18 a ni, Maston 9 20 a m Red Hprlngt 9 68 a m, Hor Mills 10 ii a tn, arrive Fayetteville 10 55. Return Inc leaves. Fayetteville 4 40. p m, Hope muis 4 66' n m. rtea ennnea 0 do d m, Maxton 615 pm, arrives Bennettsville 7 15 on, ' " --' I Gmnect Ions at Fayetteville with train No. 78. at Maxton with tho Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Springs with the Kerj Hnrlnes ana uowmore railroad. at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line and Southern Railway, al Gulf with tfie imrnaro ana unariotte Kaiiroao. Train on . the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 8 85 p m. Halifax 4 16 p m. arrives Scotland Neck at 8 08 p m, Greenville 6 67 p m, Klnstoa 1 56 D m. . Returning; leaves Kinston 7 60 a Greenville 8 62 a m, arriving Halifax at 11 18 a rr. weldon 11 So a m. daily ex- ceptBunaw." " - - :i ' .- Trams on wasninirton uraocn leave Washinirton 8 10 a m and 9 80 p tn, ar rive Parmele 9 10 a m, and 4 00 p m, re turning leave Parmele 9 85 am and 6 80 p m arrive Washington 11 00 a at and 7 80 pm, daily except Sunday. - -'t - Train leaves Tarboro, N O, daily except Sunday 5 80 pm, Sunday, 415 p m, ar rives Plymouth 7 40 p m, 6 10 p tn, Re turning, leaves Plymouth daily except tjunday, ? oua m, and Sunday v w a tn, arrives Tarboro 10 05 a m, llOOanJ -. Train on MUlandj n u Branch leaves Goldsboro dally, except Sunday, 7 06 a, m, arriving emiinneia siutm, Heturn- tng leave Smithfleld 9 00 a mf arrive atuoiosboro loxoa m. . m Train on . Nashville Branch leaves Rooky Monot at 10 00 a m,8:4(i p m,rriv Nashville 1110 a m, 4 08 pm, Spring Hope 1CT40 a m, 4 25 p m.Returnlngleav Spring Hope 11 80 a. m, 4 86 p m, Nash. vine in lis a ra, 0 20 p m, arrive at Booty Monnt 11 46 a m. 6 00 d m. daily except eunaay. - Train on Clinton BranoB leaves was. saw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, 11 40 a m and 4 02 p m, Returning leave Clinton at 7 00 a m and 2 60pm. Train So 7tt make doe oooneotlon at Weldon for all point North dally, all rail via Richmond. . i ' - -- , -.- - H M EMERSON, Genl Past Aaent j K jEnijx, uen'i Manager, -, -. T M EMEIWON, Trafflo llanager-. ' DJ3JIOCKA.TIC State Conveutibri at raleiqh,'n.c. ; Wednesday, April 11th, 1900, - On secount of the above Convention the A. & N. O. R. R. will run a Special Train trom Morehead City and Interme diate stations to Goldsboro on- Wednes day, April 11th. . . , The following rates of fare will govern wher tickets are purchased to Goldsboro and return: - ; Morehead City IS 00 Tuscarora $1 56 Newport , 76 Core Creek 1 B0 Havel xk 8 45 Dover, ; 1 10 Croatan 9 25 Kinston Kivenlnle 8 15 LaUrange 185 Faro for.the round trip over Southern Railway from Goldsboro to Raleigh and return a.0O. . SCHEDULE: Ia ave Slorehend City depot, 8 f0 A. M, ewM.rt - . 8 86 Ilavcloclc . ' H.ftO Croatan 8 Mt " ile . 4.03 " i-w I'ern 4 H"i . " 1 ui:arnr 4 51 " ( ore t ruk ftt'-l hover 5.17 ' I'uiiiin 5 !I7 " I , : 5 ' " .,,) ' flri i .. r . 7 l!) " . I , 8 51 " ,.t t r i"-i i n -lov re ; A I I i a.eiJ. Q. R. R. - TIMS TABIM Sr. 13 " f T?A Effect CuuU i II i icon - al t.40 i. Vr Going Raet J 8cHMn. Going West No. 8 Passenger Train . No, 4 LV. P tu :; 6TAT10NR: ' 1 Ar - : 40. C9. , GoldBboTp...l:-." ii ' .. tPrange,..i;,iojja . . Kington.,. 1011 Ar. Vew Brn, Lv.,,, 9 00 Lv. - - , AT''iut 3!.. 40. i 60.. 15..V- Ar- MorrhoaH rity L...ii' T 06 No. 6. "' r , - f v. 1 Ms ;'d VH Ar r mitikd. I stwrt PasaTu, 4ra Tn. v -f .Daii.T Ezolpt f rxrAY , r Lv. a. L - a, . ' ?'9.. On'diburo.... ,"..'.,J 1 00 Hi. . . ; ... . test's. .... .J . . .'. B FS 10 Latiramre. . "Tt 9l 8i7 ...i.,.Fidliu(jvk; ' . ' a av 60..i;1'...i.Klnston 6 40 08 "..(lanwell. S 15 ..... i . . . Dover 5 0.1 1018 Cora Creek. 4 87 1020......... TuBcarora 4 9 t080.i... :Clarks 411 1060 ....... .New Bern. . ..... ;: 'a Rii No. 7. ' ' PasMngcr ' Ko. 8. . a. in. Sunday Onlv Ar. . m. Lv 40 . .' Goldsboro,i ........ 7 4) 0. LaQtange ". 707 f 80 ......Kinston.... 6 7 6J. ...... ....Dofer. . 0 27 60.1..? V . .Now Bern ........ 645 15. ...a.t, Morehead City Lv ... 4 (5 No. 1. I l Nn ai'd Ft. and stations: Hx't Ft. and Pass-Tn. ,,! , I Pass. Tn. am r, D m 710.. .Goldsbbro 6 83 348.... ....... ..Best's... -6 58 8 11... ....... LaGrange 6 23 8 26 Falling creek 4 58 914 Kinston . 4 83 9 25 ...Caswell 818 940 Ar. Dover Lv..,....; 3 00 10 40 Core ere... 2 00 11 15.......... Tuscarora l S8 11 81 dark's 1 20 18 06 Ar. New Bern. Lv 12 60 l0..i...Lv. - Ar 10 47 1 18.". . 1 . . Riverdale 10 10 2 20 ...croatan 10 00 2 48 -Havelock 9 40 8 12 Newport, Lv 9 06 126....... .Wildwood 847 "81."..; Atlantic : 8:8 8 46,... Ar. Morehead City, Lv.. .8 20 4 01....Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 7 50 , ar, a. w. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 8. L. DILL, Superintendent Atlautlc Coiutt liine. vVilhinoton & New Lf.unk H. K. TIMK TABLE KO. 5, In Elfecl Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1098, Dally Except Sunday. Going South j. bcdbpulb: Going North No. 61,. Passenger Trains No. 60, Lv. a m, stations: Ar. p m, 9 00., New Berne 6 40 9 86 ....Pollocksvllle .. . 9 61 MaysvUle 504 4 49 414 S82 26 10 02 ...Jacksonville rvn I a i08. .r-iVjrex 12 15 .. .Ar. Wllmlngtoni Lv. Na 8, PAUBKNoaa ft Fbwqht, No. 4. Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Leave New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Lv. Ast Ar. pm 7 80.. ...Lv. Wilmington, Ar 146 8 40 Scott's HiU 12 66 9 W.i ....... ; Woodside 18 15 10 05 . Hollyrldge . . . . . 1 1 40 10 61. ...... ....Dixon 10 51 11 90... . .... Verona; 10 20 19 06 .v.. . . j..Jacksonvilla 9 46 12 80j .,.;. ..NortheasV. 865 81 65. . , .,. , . Whiter 8 80 .180..,..,,,. . Maysville. ..8 06 815.........Pollocksvirto.... .... 7 20 9 66 .... .. ..Debrubl's. 6 86 840 Ar. NewBrne,Lv...... 6 00 'Daily Xxoapt Sbaday. .Si- k- .s .r . J. B. KENLT, . ;" WC. General Maaarer. , BORDEN, v' .,.... , . V . nt. Transportation: J. V; v .IEASTJSllN;' :1 i CalROIilKA BISPATCH LlHE, tRTinRT t PlfiRVWfll'R l or All rolnts Isorlli. The Steamer NETJSE r '" will leave on Motidays, Wedneedaji, ' and Fiidapt at 6 p, oi. sharp, mak ing lattdingt at Onontol,, Oorscoke nd Iloaiioke Island. ' ,', ;,. ;' ; "- -rjy Freight received xot , later than One hour previous to aallinif. '. For fnrthfir Information anhlv to ' GEO. HENDERSON. Art. " ev . M. K. Kiiro, Gen. Mgr., . ; :: rj.C. UuDOiNB,Gen.Frt.4 Paaa.Ait . Norfolk, Va. Vcw Tome. N. C, May 80th, 1898 Fc. Fcvcritc." Qt:ccn -.'