t: jou: v ery day lu the yt r, except i) Middle street. - 'PiionrNo. 8. ' . c::a.xes l. stevens, KDITOttAHO THOPBtBTOK. SUI 3CRIPTION RATES. ime j i'M, in a(lvance..-..y,.V...-$t.Oft One y- not in advance 6.00 Monti., l-y carrier In the city.... -.60 Advertising Rate furnished on appli cation, , -i Entered at the Pout Office, New Bert, N. C, as second class matter.; .' I - OOIcIal Paper of Xtif Bern ' ,: Craves Conty..H v, s New Bern, N.C.,:April 18, 1900. - ' TIME TO TAKE WARNING. ',-'.' ,' , Nov that the State Democratic con 'yentlon is over, the Raleigh newspapers are again plucking up courage, and at tempting to show that, the critics, who ' say Raleigh' is not suitable city in , which to hold conventions, .apceunt or its not Having sumcieni uau- or, noiei i accommodations, are not accustomed to ' city ways, therefore are Incompetent critics. x .V.'V, i However much of this maybe assum- 1 there is need for alarm among ' the Ral elrhltes. for the sentiment displayed at the Impromptu meeting of Tom Emery's, during the intermission of 'the tegular convention, was enough to indicate bow :' outsiders regarded Raleigh and Us ac commodations. ,1- , i J :t As the State's capital city,, Raleigh is me natural piaos ror owte convomiuuo, but the time has raised when delegates are to be satisfied with such aecommoda- tlons aa are now provided at Raleigh. ' , It mar do as a Joke, for the Raleigh press to regard with disdain outside criticisms of its inferior, accommoda tions. as-comTntt from ''provincials.' but y 'ilt will be much better to provide) accc r modatiens, and thus keep lta place as ' the convention city. - VL&ta IXafcw Cams Be Owed V j , liv . local tmnllcatlnna aa lluw ftinnot reach the diseased portion of the ear. .". There is only one way io cure deafness, : and that la by constitutional remedies, ..ifRHi limn in ijaiiKrai siw mil miiMiiini rami dltion of the muoous lining of the Eu . stachlhn Tube: ! When this tube il In ' UWJICU JVU UT JUIUlMUIg IUUUU VI imperfect hearing, and when it Is entire. ly closed, Deafness it (he result, endun - -less the inflammation can be taken Out and this tube restored to its normal con : ditien, hearing will be destroyed forever. Klne cases out of ten are caused by r. baiunu, nuiui is uuutiu vub. an w -1-.. V ..LIAUfr ,1.1. I. flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. .- .We will give One Hundred Dollars for : that cannot be cured by Ball's . Catarrh ' Cure, Send foi circulars; free.. ' -.I , w . t ' nirn.wC.-ir a. n. -v '.- .' , V .v Toledo.W. n nv irnfrcriai at viw. : . , ,. ., Hall's Family Pills are the best , , ; ' ; '" A Slaw nam. Little Ethel I . wouldn't want to be ,, .: Ethel's Mamma Why, not, dear f Little Ethel Just think, how slow it '. would bo in the fiarden of Eden on Eas- ter when there were no other ladles to . see your new bonnet 7 : : -v 60ES n FAT. TO BUT CHEAP? ' A cheap remedy for eougha and colds is all right, but you want something that will relieve and cure the more severe . and 'dangerous' results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do t Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, if ponaible; if not possible for you then In either case take tbe Ohlt remedy Hint !.' been introduced la all oivllized countries with suocess in severe throat and lun? troubles, "Boschee's German Fyrnp." It not only heals and stimulates Die t; fne to destroy the germ disease, but aliays inflammation, causes easy ex. peutoratlon, gives a Jgood night's rest. and cures t!io patient. Try una bottle, Kecomnicniled many years by all drug- plats in tlmj world. - For tale by F. 8, J'Ty. '. - (UfcljKapt. Dc'I'iimiiie Guwler has signed the 1 ( it? q m-Do you think he'll keep I i s No, he was afraid to trunl 1 !'i i I gave It to his wife to keep f r ! y a j , ,i I y i i .,i ! a 1 r f -iiii l'i8 v U' t i (i. 1 '.U T, t'lf J -1.112 I..IIM 8 -l'l'n, wouiJ sti-p in I i .iiu for a few 0. 9 on her way to I.nis and would lie kindly meet her and show her the city. Hie mall coach arrived end with it the young lady, who found n fine looking young fellow with a vivid boutoiinlere awaiting her arrival. lie accompanied her to the botol. Tbe following morn ing he called nud took her driving in an elegant -brougham.- luese atten tions continued during tbe three days of her visit. Tbe lady appeared over Joyed nt the gallantry of this cousin, whom she had never met before. - On the day of her departure, while assisting her Into tbe mall coach, the young man saldv'l cannot let you de part without making a confession." The; lady blushed .. and. dropped her eyea.7 i must tell you that I um not your cousin. Your cousin is a friend of mine. - He had no time to accompany you, having to cram for his examina tions, so be bade- me take bis place." - - In heaven's name, who are you, thenr cried the lady. -;' The young man handed her his card. The postilion blew bis trumpet, tbe malt coach rolled awayns the young lady read this name on the card: "Otto Von Bismarck." current Literature. , Soldier of Ferinme, - "It le embarrassing to- meet former Cotillon partners ns elevator boys- and waiters,"-said a European lady now Visiting New York. "It has been my fate to undergo and Inflict this unbapr plness several times. - "I went to B fashlonaDle uotei on my arrival. '. Wearing bis hotel livery with the same grace as be bad .borne . ma officer's uniform when I hist saw him and danced with him -at a state ball In a foreign capital.- was a jnan I had known. He colored to tbe eyes as he saw me. but made no sign, ; nor Hid I. "Tbe same thing bos happened since at restaurants, at other hotels. In rid-. lhg academies and In carriages. - Some day M. le Baron de Trots Etolles and Graf von Trbemmer-Schloss will ap pear In European society wltb new eclat and full purses.-Will I ever tay that 1 know where they made their monevJ -' Why, -of course not. It Is a tar cry from- America to Europe,' and In their own country these gentlemen have an irreproachable social position. have really already . forgotten -tbe names of those I have seen, I assure you." New York Mali and Express. -v- - - -I, i .il -a, i r ir- '. ,' - -'.' OalitaaUk. " Not long before the close of Gold smith's life be produced tbe brilliant and bumoroua lines of "Ketellation." Varied accounts are given or the ongin of this poem. U wIU be remembered that in a Joke tiarrick wrote toe fol lowing couplet as an epitaph for Gold smith: t.' -v , .",'."' V-''' Hen Itet Koll Ooldjmlth, o shortMat nlM Wbo wroU Ukt -aaV -bot talked like poor It was on April A, 1774).. that Gold- smlth died. The precise spot where be Was burled In the Temple churchyard Is unknown. ' , '. '- : " This Is Johnson's summing up of tbe character of Goldsmith: "He bad rais ed- money and squandered It by every artifice of acquisition and folly of ex pense. ". But let not bis frailties lie re membered; he was a very great man.r -WllUam Black's "Life of Goldsmith,! "- Joseph JU. Terry mf reconlc, N. Y. has presented a valuable relic of Dan iel Webster tt tbe Suffolk County His torical society.;' . It la an Ivory paper cutter "WblewVf." Webster Used for a number of years In . his - library ,: at Marshfleld. Mass. ' Webnter gave It to Charles Taylpr, then a boy, whose fa tber was at he time manager of Mr. Webster's form., Young Taylor pre served the relic and several years ago while residing near Mr. Terry's bouse gave It to him. New York Sun. ,- tjt ' ' g " ' Sobs Aboat a Umm. '"' 1 will sing you a song abouta man," said tbe mlnstreL "By tbe way, did yon ever notice that there never was a eoug written about a man? All songs are about roses and maidens and love and trystlng places and sunsets and mothers; never one about the old man, Come to tlrlnk about It though, there was one, 'Father, Dear Father, Come Home Wltb Me Now.' In this song the . old man- Is drank in the Oral terse.' Atchison Globe. - ', - MOZLKY'S LKMOM FUXIB. . ' ariMUel Lomoa Tonic : t Foi biliousness, constipation and ' an penaiciiis. - ror inaigosiioa. sick ana nervous headache. For sleeplessness, nervonsnest and beart rauure.- For fever, chills, del lllly and kidney uiseasea, uite iemon Elixir, Ladles, for natural and thorough or- ganio regulation, take umon Elixir. Dr. Moley's Lemon Elixir is prepared from the freuh Juire of lemons, combined with other vegetable! liver tonic, aud will not fall you In any of tbe alxive named -d Incases. 60c and $1,00 boltioa at (lrnirnmis. I'repnrcd only by Dr. II. M oadoy, At lanta, ua. . At tho Capitol I am In my seventy-third year, and for fifty years I have been a great tullerer Irom tniigMtlon, Cur im and till lousnens. I have tr 1 h 1 Hie rmiipillt' advert ImmI fur the n i'. qc- it di.fj ot no ""r,t i r. ..mnit Him y.-(tr ii ' d -it.- . 1 a., i b t :' i 1 y w ! tn-iice isir. I t i ll I .ltl.8 1 t I WI'I-I .in nn I- lorei rorotis B 1- I'i. Ma V 1 i I'll). 0 i, V a. Tut'" 1 S ii 1 -v) tlll ' ' y t t n - a you r I ii.H-.y d f. I it f ;is f-r v yi. a. t N. C. lut in uansas lives a nanny wife. She writes: " I have used Mother's Friend before two confinements. The last time I had ivins, and was in labor only a few min utes. , buttered very little.:' ine reason why . Aether's Friend does expectant mothers bo much good is because it is an external liniment, io oe appneo upon me outsiuc, wncro much of the strain comes. It helps be cause the pores of the skin readily absorb it, ana it comes into direct contact wita and Is absorbed by 'the parts involved. iriormug -sickiibss is quiciuy uaniucu and nervousness is kept completely away. The sense of dread and foreboding is not experienced, even- during labor, itself. Confinement Is short and almost without pain." Recovery is quick and sure. Best of all, Mother's Prlend benefits the unborn fust as mucn as tne -expectant mother, and jwhen the little one comet il will be strong, lusty and healthy.. Prugjlct wll Mother's Friend lor Jl a bottl. -Send for oar freo book on th subjoctf b .., . . finoly lllutteit. r-.i- .. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. First Grocer 1 Why. do." you have your goods displayed before a mirror in your show window f J " 'L- ' i ' " Second Grocer That's food for reflec tion.-". "A . - - A Giant Jtorvo Builder. The Mystic Life Renewer Is the, most Powerful Nerve Builder known. -It abso lutely cures all torms of Nervous Dls- eases and Weaknesses no matleer how aggravated or how long daration, 'such as Neuralgia, Nervous Prostration, Ncrt rous Paroxysms, St. Vitus' Dance, Pal pitation of the Heart, Physical and Cen tal Weakness, Debility of Old- Age,' etc Sold by T A Henry, druggist; New Bern " tf V, Any Way W ft? J- Hoax Wig 8g It so fond of fish that he'd steal them. -, '"V. n . jpax Get them by hook, or crook, eh f -.- BamarluiDla Cm of Rheumatism Kenha, Jackson Co., W. Ya, About .three years ago my wife bad aa attack of , rheumatism, which .' confined her to bed for over a-month and render ed her unable t walk a step- wilhoat as sistance. 'her - limbs . being- swbllen to double their normal size. - Mr,- 8.. Mad dox insisted on my using Chamberlain's Pain Balm,,. I purchased fifty cent bottle and used it according to the di rections and the next morning she walk ed to breakfast without assistance la any manner, and she has not had. a slmllajt attack since. A. B, Paebons. - .For sale by F. S. Duffy & Co." - ? She How dreadful 1: These -Wgatn rugs do hot match our chairs, ., - - Hot-You'll have to return them Bhe No Indeed TU get a lot of net obairs. - W. W. Mayhew, Merton, Wls.sayt, "I consider One Minute Cough Cure most .wonderful medicine,-: quick and safe," It Is 'the only harmless remedy thai glveiimmedlate results. It cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe, whooping 'cough, pneumonia and all throat and lung diseases. Its early use prevents consumption: Children always lilts It and mothers endorse It, . F 8 Duffy. . - ' , t -i ... -.-'-'' 1 '"iaMp .' . -,ji'--; 1";- '-,' A OoodlBemcd,. 1 i Tbs'mald was inclined to be senti mental. "What remedy," she asked. "Is good for a broken heart." . -',- --1 The practical young man rose to the occasion." "Why not try 'splicing V " he suggested. And now the cards are out, ' In almost every neighborhood there Is some one whose life has been saved by Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, or who has been cured of chronic diarrhoea by tbe use of that medicine., gucb persons make a point of telling of it whenever opportunity oilers, hoping that It may be tbe means saving other lives. For sale by F S Duf- fy&Co... . A Loiigltoro. A bored'mcctlng Is usually a long wit did affair. Otto Korb, Grand Chancellor, K, P. BooBVllle, Ind., says, "DcWitt's Witch Hazel Salve lootbes tbe moat dllcte tkin and heals the most stubborn ulcer with certain and good renuitH.'' Cures plies an.l tkin dlneaise, Don't buy an Initiation. F 8 Duffy. AoVortlMKl WroK. , f ubburla Did you get many repli (o your sdvertln-ment for a cook f Hul ' n'n I'iiln't f;i!t any. You f I ' t e ml:.i,ik of d-'vertli iii' f(lr I ' ( li in 'lend of a cook to do plain JLii iAXi L Ij-XLaj. A COMBINATION THAT STARTLED A BRITISH VISITOR. " Tbe Englfnlinmii'a Storr of 1h Ora torlcal Surprise Ttint Was Sprunar Ijpun Illm at fln . Atuerlcnn Daniinet at Which ile'waa n Cniil, '. . "It bad been pointed out to me more than once." said tbe visiting Englishman, that one diffcjeiito-Xetwccu Kngliahinuii and Americans was that Englishmen, as rule, ore good conversationalists and Americans good speakers, but the (act ras only fully impressed upon me at a dinner 1 attcuded some time aso. It was a large public dinner ol tbe $15 a plate variety. There wore all sorts of big men and famous after dinner speakers pres ent., My scat was between a email man, who was entirely occupied . with his friends on his right, and a large fat man ea my left. As a neighbor at dinner tbe latter did not appeal to me. lie kept a trifle too much of his fare submerged in bis plate for stilctly gnud form. -; - ' "But you know the expansive feeling that a noble dinner with good music gen erates in one. We u scnrccly-hnislieu soup when some trilling thing occurred that suggested what seemed to me such a very clever bit of comment that I was tjbliged to share it with some one. I turh- ed to my- right band neigbborF -but his neighbor was claiming all of his nttpn tlou. Then I turned to my left, Tbe large fat man was finishing his .bread stick and gasing anxiously at the waiters who were begiuulUg to bring in the fish. He didn't strike oue as & Dromisimr BUh- ject, but It was fie or nothing, so. 1 leaned ever and let him bare my clever blt-ol comment. Hs withdrew his eyes from the Incoming waiters ieng enough to give ine a vacant stare and mutter 'Aw yes,' and plunged Immediately Into the . turbot which Was set before him. , . f " 'I don't scatter any' more pearls -be fore that,' I said to myself. Hut a little loterj Just as the entree were coming 1n, I had another happy Idea.- This one was a gem as superior to my first as rubles to rblnestones. 1 looked about me in dei spair. , My right baud neighbor was try ing to talk to s man four seats above him. "r He was out of the question, I tried to- go on with my dinner, but it wouldn't do.- I felt like tbe poet's dark, Unfathomed cave of ocean. I glanced ton ward niy kft. The fat man wasbbltvious and moist with labor.' - " 'No matter,' I said, 'this would awak en the soul of a chimpanzee And watch ing my opportunity I gave him my de lightful Idea straight between the eyes. He looked at me this time as though I had. awakened him from a sound sleep. Aw-- og g . I dessay.' he mum bled uneasily Sod went back to his plate. like an arrow to its mark.- "I tried to oay strict attention -to my dinner from then on, but I've never been able to understand what was the. matter with me that night. It was lust ns they were bringing-in the nesselrode pudding, It waauT aa idea. It was. an Inspiration" one of those things that , come to a man once in a lifetime and ma&e htm famous If he happens to have a parliament or a mass meeting haudy...- There was no struggling with it. It was a case of unit. tag a prompt outlet or of standing on my chair and shouting It to the crowd...-1 turned and addressed my right hand nelshbor. but be was laughing so bard at somothlng that had been said that he. didn't even hear. Then 1 turned to my left. He had opened bis waistcoat. , S "'Nevertlieless. I said, 'he l a human being.'., And the next moment 1 had lean ed over and uraaned his arm. and mi in spiration was flashing out before him like the seven Pleiades. - You'd have thought the beggar feared personal violence. All ha said was. 'Jim m yes, no doubt,' in a worried tone and returned to his second mate of middlne. - - "'Where else on earth outside of .this blasted country I said to myself as soon as I had stooped shuddering, 'would any one run the -risk of being put alongside that kind of aa animal, at a respectablo public dlnnerl' It was perfectly plain to me now. He had two stomachs instead of a soul.. I wondered how he bad got lu and whether he'd snore loud enough to disturb the speakers ; when .the cigars were lighted. - - -i - "I wasn't myself again until aftcf tbe after dinner - Bpeaklng was well , under 'way, -But those speeches were not to be resisted, 'They were the Kind or arter am- ner speeches that aren't heard anywhere else In the world eloquent, poetic, winy, raceful. --' ' -"Finally; after halt a dosen, the toast master rose with the bubbling demeanor of a man who has something extra felici tous ud his ilesve. II was goiug to call upon a gentleman who needed no Intro duction before such an audience and on such an occasion, one under the spell of whose voice most of us had allowed our cigars to go out on numerous occasions before. It gave hlrn profound pleasure to Introduce - ."Just then the ben St at my left moved his chair, and I missed the name, but there was i roar from the tables. I turn ed In my seat. Uwat Jupiter! Tbe fat man was wiping -his mouth and getting up on bis feet 'They will throw tbe Tool out,' I said. But they didn't. There was another roar from the tables; then Treat stillness. , - " 'Gentlemen,' said my revolting friend. buttoning up his waistcoat askew,- With bis first sentence he gathered the 300 of ns toxetuer and for ten minutes held us In tbe hollo of his hand. For tea minutes we swung between laughter and. the rergo of team, between holding7 onr breaths at tIrIoiis and vowing to live and die better cltlneos. It was the most won derful after dinner speech I ever heard, or ever hope or want to hear. And In that speech, only embellished and trans formed out of all semblance to their orig ins! selves, were tbe three clever things I bad fired at him during the course of the dinner." New York Sun. - Delightful MiMnphors. WlBConnln la still lamenting the death of one of her alili'Ht editors, a literary genius ot lrih birth, whewe siH-rlully n the mixture of metaphors, lie brut si-hiered fume by this stinging reply to on offending contemporary: "Thus the binek lie, Ir-wilng from h bnBP throHt, lii-eoinea u lioouierang to hi hninl. and lie i hoUt by hi own potm en, I II mis hiniKelf ll iiiii ,.ei! man," le. pood time be went the way of tli jri.i-M. In n llllle finli'lu'il lem nhihlrii V In.-h he left on i,H ll It lie K 1 ' feel ll-.a! our risee ifi liiinf-'-t noi. I.n. - ,1 1'ithuer. ue - bar. mid. i . ;'l lie diHil Ii'-- 111) ti I 1. t Ilenrr tirortfe's First Friend. -, In the late seventies Henry Oeorgo, the sluele tax reformer, came east from California. lie was desperately poor aud had but few acquaintances. Shortly after his arrival be lectured bclorc the Saturday Ethical club of New York, where bis brilliant oratory aud shabby attire made so striking a contrast as to excite the sympathy of those present . - - - Alter he left the club appointed. a committee to aid Mm, In gettlug up a.. public lecture. - Among others, the com mittee Included Setb. Low, who-was then engaged In business. He was In consults tiou.at tbe time, and the com mittee were in a hurry, so he told tbem to send him a lot of tickets.; They tor- warded 20 to him the same day and felt happy at having secured $20 for tbe lectur fund. ' The next morning came a letter of thunks from Mr. Low praising the lecturer's Intellectuality and Inclosing a check for $250.-' The affair was a success, -netting about $300, 'so that President' Low may be said to have been tbd first man to start Mr.' George on his eastern career. ; - Twenty years later, in 1897, Mr. Low. was the citizens' candidate and Mr. George the labor candidate for mayor of New York. The latte? made a rig orous campaign and In all his Speeches advised the citizens, if they could not Vote, for hlra, to vote. for his friend Seth Low, and on one occasion be said that If it had not been, for tbe latter he would not be there as a candidate. Few understood his. full meaning. Saturday Evening Post.; ; ,'-. ' - .i He Had Enong-Ii. There Is a New Vork physician wbo takes an active Interest in politics and is populur wltb tbe "boys." In spite of lils lolly disposition he Is an ex tremely thin- man, so thin that many a joke Is aimed at him. Here is the latest story they are telling about him; A grocers boy entered the doctor's office the other day with a basket of floe fruit which some grateful patient had sent to hfm.: Tbo doctor told the boy to place tbo basket In a .cabinet which stood against the walL At tbe same, instant, be stepped out of the room, and, going Jnto an adjoining one, manipulated a contrivance which caus ed an, articulated skeleton within the cabinet to waggle Its bead and limbs in an appalling manner just as the messenger boy opened the door. . Wltb a yell of terror the boy fled. When the doctor had enjoyed a hearty laugh, he picked up a fine apple and followed the boy, Into the street to give It to blm. "Gome here," my boy I", he shouted. -"Ilere's a fine npple for yon.'! Not on your lifer replied the, af frighted youngster, taking to his heels again. - "You can't- fool me with your clothes on." New Vork Tribune,' "Ha AJMeatmlnded Proreaaor. ,.- I have a story of agentleman now engaged- In educational work wblch Is, 1 think, somewhat remarkable and. Is also'' quite 'true. Tbis gentleman - was once professor - of mathematics In a fine -New England college. He was greatly Interested In the work and de voted himself so wholly to It that a natural tendency which tie bad to ab eentmlndedqess: became, much accen tuated. ' ' ' .. ,'!"" , -A ' - - One day when be bad guests at din ner and was helping them to flab from a. plutterhe took a plate bottom side' up, put a ilsb on tbe bottom of the plate and banded It thus, to one -of tbo attests, " There was a laugh at once, and hl wife- said, "My dean' If your absentmludeduess has gone-so far that yoa nre serving people food on the bot toms' of plates,, t shall insist on yonr resigning i-our professorship.".. 1 She did Insist oa it, find be resigned and went luto another and more gen eral field of teaching. He Is still a lit tle Inclined to be forgetful-like some of the' rest of us but he: has never since served food on the bottom of a platen-Boston Transcript " ' 'BlM Aaawcr Wb Reasauinsv ' Mgr. Calluo, the simple hearted end Ingenuous Frenchman, happened to be riding in a train In tbe -sauio compart ment wltb a lady who was in constant fear of -smnshun. . ;:-' -"v At every sudden stop, every jar, ev ery sound of the bell or whistle, she cried outt ' '-"I. ..'," : "Ohi Oh!s nave' wernn off tbe track? Is It a collision? ; Are we going tobektllcdr . .. ' , - ' Calloo paid no attention, but remain ed wrapped la solemn silence. . Pres ently the lady snld to blm: - ' .."And you, sir., aren't you, Afraid of railroad accidents?"-;,' . ' "Not irmadnine," answered Callno reassuringly. s'lt hns -beert foretold that I am to die on the culllotlner.'- - The'nervotts .Woman went tnlo hys terics and bad to be removed front the train at .the next station. Youth's Companion, ' -- ' v - '- " t rnn in-ppnt or in-r-rfive( al-n prt it VnnK. tne,, .Mirorti) s-i,N .iiu,-!. Head nuxlel, i .tch, or pUulo. OT:miuitnn Bait Sflvio. r f.-r fr- ' r i r i - i ? K.i . Kovs A L .i I i 1 ka 1 u fe biilors puu-nt. i. Wrllf jr Patent Liiwyera. WASHINGTON, D.C PATTLRN "t flwn t'lirtifn to t-prf eb- "-Ti, i-'.-.f Hi con I a yn&t. iril at i it ii iii r". ' t ; M M L .1 "v?-"- 'he tail lernij ti. int-.r liuit tt n Trt " " - lrvi.n-miy, tu s . turn, eoniltu', ': I j I ' ' U j I j f 1 I John B. tianott sgaiusl nait rick 4 oug- LJ kJ - fj AJ.',;. ; lass sod W, li. JlMis, the umUiitifcULU '.- , V- (UniiiuWkluiieiS. t pijuUil by the 1 oil it, ' T . 'm '"'- ' r-.'j. j isill, iu hiit s.ooutiy in Aly, l0i,l.eiiis - 7 l J ' Blvsr? " lhe T,B ' ,,ai', moiiih at i'i oVb ck 1'ijlf HEI fir" m- MUe l-durt liuuse duor in t-Ytu W'tl . A, JBHtJ lu JLB' A ,;1ounlv, stll W ike highest bidder loi -.,-- ' jj" cash, tue fodoniug ilttciintu jiae-ia or Wl.fiI.J l"'"1 'aud io theeitv u'Hv beru IMS is a emioai period A celts.B ian.iiiicKiiiingrhe hou. 1st tfasrlli'o of eVBty VJOttSHIt and barn tituated thereon and tie crtu .. and . no mistakes shouM , ba madam Tha one recognized and reliable help for women who are approaching and passing r: through .this wonderful change Is ' Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegettible Compound That the utmost reliance can be placed upon this great medlolne 1 Is testl' fled to by an army- ol grateful women who have been helped by It, Mrs. Plnkham, who has tne - greatest ana most successful experience In the . world to qualify her, will advlsa , you free ot chargom Her address Is Lynng Mass. Write to her Notice of Dissolution. Cask 111 & Mitchell doing a general hardware businws at 78 Middle street anifp8taieUl,h .aid WjllUni's line 100 have this day dissolved by mutual con- fect t0 Bryan street, thence northward sent, Joseph Gaskill crntinulng the ly along Bryan street to the beginnlne buslneRS at the old stuud as Oaskill ! ' Brn street. Also one lot of land ,y , ' - , . ,. ii,, Uardware Co , aud assumes ail liabilities Of the Arm. All accounts due Gaskill & , ffiiicueu muni ue paiu io uusbin nsiu wars. Co. ' This 17th day March, 1000. JoRKru Gaskim., - J. M. Mitchell. Notice of Dissolution. The business formerly roudnrkd un- dtr the firm title of Ward & Cox has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, E. Q. Cox -retiring from the Arm. All persons Indebted to tbo firm will plcaso make prompt payment to W. M. Ward, who succeeds the firm, and all persons having claims against the Aim will pre sent the same to Mr. Ward for pa -meut. This March 31st. 1000. - W. M. Waiiu, ' ' E G. Cc x. Notice of Dissolution. The business formerly conducted un der the firm title ofjlloberts & Bio. has this day been dlSBdlved by mutual con sent, 8, O. Roberts retiring from the Hrm All persons indebted to tbe firm wiil please make prompt payment to D. L. Roberts, who succeeds the Arm, and all persons haying claims sgainsVlhe firm will present the same to Mr. D. L. Iiol -erls for payment. ' This April Btb, 1000. ' : .: li. I,. IloiiKirre, v ' ; ' .i 8. G. KoiiRttm if Notice1 of Dissolution. ;The business formerly conducted un der the firm title Of Moody & 1'ulTy has this day been dissolved by mnMi'al con sent, Ur. 11. L. Duffy n taring from the firm. r. Alf pirnons indebted to the-, firm will .please make -- prompt payment to Mr i, U Moody,' who succeeds the firm, and all persons having claims against the 6rnj will prerenOhe same to Mr. Moody for payment.'' -, -- ,e r ; Thto March 26th, 1000. J . C TJ,1 - " J- L. Moonr, - - 1 1 1 68 Broad Street ' . . . . v rf.' "t - A beaullful home t r sumrr.er residence targe dwi lllng houee, h indri me wrounds adorned with stately oiitsend eve-green goed grans lots, excellent ti iglibornood. Will ell at a sscrlrtie. Addrcsa . : ,- Mrs. J. K. 40. NEB, UillsLoro, N C. Executor's Notice 1 rr.tn m,.llfll lb. V..in,'nf' M.n, Ann .iieUlnn. damaaiiru. Um nf the county of Craven, this Is to notify 'all persons bavins claims against tbe estate of the ileceHMil lo exliil.lt tbem to the j - 1 ' - ... . nmlei-tgned ou or before the lth day of March, .. 1001 or' this notice . wld te plead In bar of I heir recovery, All per sons liidebtcd 10 said estate will please make Immediate payment. . ' . , ' ., JACOB B. TAYLOR, Exrcutor Mary Ann Dleklnion,- dt - crated. ::-: This March 13, 1000. . " -. .Notice io Creditors and Debtors. Tb nslmnllii r. lnilnir mi' lifted a iiiilx nt tlto last mill and testament of Di.viil Hivrnn, deieiifeil, tiivis notice Hint ,11 m r"ii. -bhvuiit rlaims against ii. oiiiiii ,.tl,!liit lt,ein In her. on the r t loin April 12, lUOI.or tills notice Hill 1.1- Ph 1 !( Hiiil in imr 11 eir remit cry. il t.-ro nro rmu' sled to n:ke linmr- '.;-1 "'.-.. 1 t CM la.OI ll-i A, t i l HON, I Vt r .). F.xeciilrlx. At v. Will In Ti i-ini lib's l',l,t llre-lt At 1 Valuable ISt'jt.1 li'slale r For Sale. J ; , r By virtue of a J-ii!gtu,cu lendejuil ai " 1 iZTZ:ZZ"mZ uuih ide -d. tew fcuuili -Front .at reel 1 ici.ee west ah ui: new r nuth Jrioulati i i fi-. j --feel, -tin ii- south lu Lawsoii's ift-eitf and puinik-l to tbe said Ur .1 Imk'k - hue, tbtnee -east along Law sou's ere- k fjn lei i to the tssi line i f (.rieeaid Frederick liuu. Isrs, thence along the east hue of Fniienck DouglaBS anil l the went line ot ir. J D Clark to the i ijegliiiiiug uu ew Sunili Trout street, lit-lu it u pan ol thi- lard cniiviy'il by lieeil liem W I), llilttr a,.u u.hers lo "the said FreiTerick UuuglanS. Also one lot at 1 be south wcit corner ol Bryan end New South Front i-tiietp, ami be ginning at the intersect ion of Bryan aud JS'i-w South Front streets and runs south along Bryan Mre.i I, forty feet, thence east aud parallel to New Snuih Front - street one hundred feet, thence noith forty fet-t to New South Fiout sTreet, ! theuce east along New Poult) Front elrt'ct to the beginning Alto one lot Bit ttVltn:lD " Bryan street and runs thence southwaid )y along Bryan street to LaWKon s creek, thence east along Liiwpod's Cteek one hundred feet, Hii-dco uoribwardly to (. lara Williams' snuu.eai-t corner, thenee west along Clara Williams' nouth line lo (be beginning on Bryan street Also one certain lot on Bryan rtreet situated ) 59 feet from the iew South Front street, beginning at Clara Wil liams's comtr and running ihtnce east ward)' with 6ald William's line 100 leu, llii-nte. Miuilinardly and parallel lih l fix (' ....... .11., toca ensitne souiueast corner oiiNew . Rflrn . f on Be .nrt 50 feet on New street, beinir a nart lot No. 295 in the plan ef the City of NeW Bern. Also one lot of land situated at the northwest corner of Lorch's alley and Broad street and running westwardly along Broad street thirty three lect t'icnce northwardly eighty five feet; to Flarget's lot thence along said Hargets' line to Rhone's line, thence soutbwaidly said Iibone's line to the beginning on Broad street. Also one lot of land on Bryan street beginning 40 It. south from the south east intersection of New South Front and Bryan streets and running fbence southwardly along Bryan street orly feet, thenco e'astwardly and paral el wltb New South Front street one hundred feet, thence northwardly and parallel with Bryan street forty feet, thence westwardly one hundred feet to the beginning on Bryan street. W W CLARK H W WILLI AV SON, Commissioners. City Ordinance. Bo it Ordained, by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of New Bein lorth Carolina that, Whereas, tbe said Mayor and Alder men have concluded to purchase or en ct end construct a Water works and Setv 5rape system, as authorized by 81 ct ion 0 of the Act of tlieOeneral Ai-sembly of North Carolina, entitled: "An Ait to Incorporate the City of Now Bern," rat illed February 20th 181)9, aud, the Water and Hewer Company of New Bern, hav ii,U finned to sill and convey to tbe said ( ir y Its system of water works and sew erage, new located in said city, aa price not to exceed $79,000 00, and about 5, 000 00 in addition to said price will be required to pay for nectssary repairs and extension of said system, Therefore, be it Ordained, that the proposition of Issuing ciiy bonds of suid rtiy to an amount not exceeding eighty thousand ($80,000 00) dollars, in accord ance with said Act, for the purpose of buying, erecting and constructing tald system of water works and sewerage, be submitted to a vole of the qualified vo ters of caid city, at an election to lie held for that purpose, aud that said election he held on tne third Tuesday in May, next. It being the 15th day of May, A. I) 1900, in said cliv al the precincts or poll ing places appointed for the election of the Aldermen at tbe election hold on the first Tuesday In Miy. 1809, and that poll bolder and registrars be appointed to bold said election. -That at ssid election tboso of tbe qual ified voters who favor ibe Issuing of said bonds shall vote a ballot containing tbe words, written or printed, thereon, "For Water Works," and those . who oppose tbe Issuing of - i-ald bonds shall' vote- a ballot vith the . words, "Against Water Works' wriilen or printed tbereon. v That tald election shall be conducted aa is provided for the election of Alder men and the result shall be declared, by tbe Mayor and Board of Aldermen. - That notice of said- election 'sbsll be published in tbe New Bern JouaaAL for 30 days, sucb notice to state the purpose of tbe election, the time thereof and the kind of ballot required. ' -: ' ; . - J J TOLSON, CITY CLfiRK, K P MI S ISTEATO Jl'S NOTICE., t Havlnit this day Qualified as admlnls- tralorcum testsmento; annexo; of tbe 1 estate of Sidney E. Lee, deceased, notice la kavnliM. ia.a In' . all MA.Mnna is hereby 1 given to all persons bavlug oiaims aasinst the said estate to present the same to tbe undersigned, duly vert, fled, on or before the 80th day of March, 1001, or this notice will be plead In bar of Ihelr recovery . All persons Indebted to the raid eatate aro hereby requested to make immediate settlement. - This lhe HOI It flav of March. tOOO. ' v - WILLIAM L. LAbBITKH , Admlnlatratot O. T. A, ' J. E. &H O'Bara, Attorneys. . : A.. Adniinmralni's Notice. Having qualified nfthe Administrator of SlnnlZH l.snpley, deceased, late of Ibe county of Ctaven, this Is to notify all persons having- claims against tbe estate of 1 he deceased to exhibit tbem to the undeiplaned on ot before the Itth day 1 f April, 11)01, or this notice will be plead In bur if Ihelr recovery. All persona In debted to snld enisle will please make Immediate pavmeut. ' .. H. BUTLER, AdinliilHtralor Manl.a Langtcy, dc- n-nflpil v This April 7lh. ' r ! u Lull Tb .s 'ride nf i ill h"m will, I Hy Notice, to the Voters J r i ir "-. in" , or cd new. ' Hit- viuersi-f Kt w beiiV ..... w'll-xV U.ku iw tie Him uu "iiVi II il; i-t) held ' A: mi Ihft lioihuu f lne&iii i lie .tr.tviHl aatda l the by ' f ft "hi r ii n ib-4- third vi-: 1 uiMiay iiiJIny i xi it bnV' il - ;16th -. luy of fcuvZ i. il.0i, fi r the u i pot e ',;' ol ab.i ltrliiig lu the ijiialiii it vou-rs of i i,t- eln she pioroiitiuii in amliurize and 6,5 i-n pt.v i-i jhe ili-,f i.ntl inti('iii Aldel-' m mi nf fiatd nitv tf, luatlf. tl.M lu AM r f -. the sum my tor the uipeM i.l buying, -ending -r ceusiruttiiig n ystem of - J; Wsier Mollis sud tfewerane tor said city, acciuding to the cxining cbaitcr, ' Section 55. Ihe hid nut to be issued, is m t to ex- -. ' rft li nHll I Oil (:(il eielit v-lWiiiftiit rl drillnifl of wlneh an uiei uiil iH.I exieilling J5,- ' WO (u is V'cpo.tit to i.i e in externum and r aiif, Ail-vi lets wIki f A-fir tl e itt-ne of caid . ; bonds will v te it I.Mlli.t m I ii the woidS V "For Water Woikt.,'' iv it.tu or printed -thereon. Those who oppote the said istue nlil AOte a ballot wuh the words "Agaiist Wuttr Works", writtin or prin ed th ron. J. J. TOJ.SON, Cli rk. Notice ol Kummoiis. North Carolina, O raven (;ountv huperiiT Court. The City of ftw Beui,") vs. I Uinimons A E Woodruff, tius'.i e ) f-u- of the Estate of Kliz- iielief. abeth Uoodlos;, dt-i-H. j Action for Acc mut urd Oilier Furfoscs. A. E. Woodruff, tiustee nf Elizabeth Gooding, deceased, ll.-e bh e named de fendant will take ii"t ce 1I111I a puiumoi 8 in the above entitled nciion was issued from the Superior iiuit nf Ciaven county, North Uaioliii., on Fibrttary 1st, 1900, etuiratile ut the m xl turn of the Supe-iori ourt of ma ucunlv, tobe held at thci court I 011-c in Ntw Bern, N. ()., on the 12i b ilonduy afltr tho 1st Monday in Man h, it beii'jr. the 28tb day nl Mhj , lL'li, when mill win n- u are it quiieil to answer the ion pluii.1 . beiein or judmi'iil will be rendered in favor of . tl.e plaintiff for ibe relief demanded W M. WA1BON, C. tf.C. H. C Whiti hurst. Any. for I'la ntiiT February 1st, 11)00. Notice of Siiirirnrs and Altach- UH'lli. 1 ecoURT U B I i lly. v J J Trader. To J. J. Thaiikii: Whereas, the summons was duly if-sned from the iSii) ei ,or court of Craven coun ty, returnable In taid court on the 5tb Monday before the 1st Monday In March 1000, and retui nalile by the Sheriff not to be found In my county, said summons being issued in ilie above entitled action, and where uu in, order of publication has been duly uaiuli for set vice of summons upon jou in tin- iietion aforesaid: Now lherel"ie you ore hereby notified to sptcir ut lhe Superior Court of Craven Ununty on Ibe 12th Monday after the 1st Monday in Match 1000, il being tho 28th (In v of May 111(0 and answer demur or 01 liei wise plead to the com plaint vvliii h will be tiled In mid action on or befoic tho lirst (hiee dnjs of Buld tetin or othe'rwltc delend taid action as you may be advised. And you will further tske notiee that ot tho line of issuing of the summons above mentioned a writ of attachment was ieu(d fiom said t'nuit In said anion diieeted lo the Sheriff of Jones county iliieciing him to levy said vt rlt upon your property in said county, and take said properly into hia possession for the purpose of said action. To all of hirh )ou will take duo notice and defend the same as jou may be advised. This February 9th 1000 W. M. WATSON. Clerk Superior Court, Craven County Notice lo A;ifar. tate of Nmlb Carolina, 1 I ounty of Craven. in tne superior uourt, 1 Before tbe Cleik'. ) In the matter of Ibe final account of L H Cutler. Executor of Wm Cleve: To whom it May Concern: Whereas, L II Culler has tiled in this court his final account as Executor of the last will and testament of Wm. Clcve, Br., deceased. Now Therefore, Tbe heirs at law, le- alecs aud distributees of Wm Cleve,8r. eccased and all other persons having any Interest In tbe raid estate are hereby notified and commanded lo appear be fore the undersigned Clerk fcuperlor . Court al lis office in New Bern on Wed nesday tbe 2fttb day of Aptil, 1000, at the hour of 11 o'clock a m and show canoe, If any they have, why- said finale, account should not be audited and" ap proved, and an order of distribution In .Minnt.nn. vtlh Ihn u-111 mod and th - said Executor discharged from his trust, Done at my office In tbe city of New Bern '. under my hand and seal this the S8d day ' W. M. WATSON. 0. 8. C' i ADMINISTttATOR' NOTICE ;V HsvlnR this day qusllflid as Adminlo trator of the estate of Jesse Brooks. dr ceasedrlate of C iaven county, notice Is -brreby given .to all persons ' 1-avlDg . o'alms against the taid rstule o present -the same lo the undcrslyn, d, duly -verl- , fiedj on or befoie the 5th day .f April, tnui ir tin" HiHiiT win w i.wi Hs.imr . of IbMr iccovery ' - ' -All persons indcb'ed to tic said (state -ate hen by rcqmstrd jc n ate lu n.cdiato : stttlrment.- .' 1 i- - TbUfilb davrf Anill IllfO ' ' ,TKOF. Met At Til Y," J' .'' ' . "." ... Admlsualor. JSotlco of Nt'Izurc. ' f 7 " " ( OLI ECTOR'S 0PFIC, " am 11111., jia.eii'; n, . ) Y .1 I I I !..... ... . I I 1 fit, Tire is ucttuj givru ,m ho vrinuiv of the following property for violation of -the tn'einal revenue !. ' Newport, N 0.. March 10, 1000, from 3 U H-, gur. di.l 1 r by 0 M BaM 1 1, Deputy OolKctor, t Vacksgrs cootaln Ihg 1148 gallons 'whiskey, one corner still 100 gallons eapaclly, one Copper worm, four fermi-utcrs nd two mash . I ibs. Also twit packages conlslblng 0, g dims corn whiskey semen bom J U Boiers March Otii. IH00 liy Plarkey lime, Deputy Collector. Any pessou or emots claiming the sunt properly are .orhy tioUflid to sp-M-ur at my 1 IlliM- In Kali -ie.h, N. C , w iih i 11 Ml dn)s from dale and n slerlnlm in ih form and manner j-ren-tllii d by aw( or Hie paid piop ty ill I n Ii rt. I i-il to tho lni ed Hlnti b. K ('. 11 MIAN.. ByO. M.fUbMi", Ci ll. 4:h T'i' t. p. coi. r.iii;i.nv.- - n. v, - ' '-t. '1. v.