Urn r s J f n ' The Kind You Have Always Via use for over 80 years, A :." -A Anil 1i huu : i All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but - Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment, : What is CASTORIA I '. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare : goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. - It is Pleasant. It ontaun neither Opium, Morphine nor other . Narcotio . substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms : and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind i -. Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation , and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the ; V -h. Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The GENUINE CASTORI A '-"ALWAYS Sears the The Kindlon Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ,; V .A yiipj ortitTAtin eoMMtiv, tt ftuniv wrwtKV. new tom err. "r- "' HI - : Our medicines arewmderfnfly satl " lie tory aud potent in the euro of dlsoaaek of mod such n Pttw, Oonorr.'iaa, tflMt IVfwrrrta ott(su, Vlaricneeis. Jmpofmrv Ixret Jfanfwod, fft mull 0 ar(v ndi- creMon, later txemet, ivorr ovrnoork aud In diseases of women, such as Pffeft, Gowrrtiaa,- Lt-acfltrivca, Womb . TroubUt Female Weakns$t Sterility Hearing Down fos, Kmif rual Troufti. si. Mover fia.il to nure qulrcki uul tt harmful Uecta PROVE THIS BY CRDERIKQ 11 oBuvr7tN7onaroa(iittspfniM. nrvnn v - wj, vrue umui7 tu aalkuuu juri4 t;u inoasteriumo. - . : ? . Mggt S TRY FIRST-BUY AFTERWARDS.: : uuuuauuuiuuuuuuiuuuuiuum BLOOD CURE An Offer Proving Faith'to Sufferers: Journal Readers Write Today ! lilcers.Var.ciiri, Eating forea,. Pali PiTiist nt Kruptiow, that rcfu to 1 oal under ordinary .IreaUncnt . ore quililj oared by B P B (Botanic Bloot lialm); made especially to cure all terrible, obnti- est", deep seated Wond and Sk'n lixutlea. U jonr bltod thlrtfr Ar fan ps'c? ' -'.'All run down! Have ;ou Ecstmst. . Fta.tet' fUotoJes- sn: 8mnp8f..- Skin' or. ' Scalp Hum-irtf Bolis? , ErnptionaP "Skin Jtoliea aud Swollen?' -Aching . Bonce? E'letmatieru? BcrofulaT. Catarrh? TbeO Y Pcause it drains ftoiu the bic d and tBtire which cause all of thrae troubles, and the ' d'l on. B B B acta as a finotinc I ulldlng ' J very one eays thut UB B is the most wonderful Blood PutiHit of the- nge; v.. anil no wonder, for It-has cured the most deep eatedr. obstinate cues, (e?en .the most deadly cancer) after doctors and paknt medicines had failed. Thoroughly .i. tested for tbiity years and never known to faiL For this reason our faith is so ' ' great in B B B that we will srnd.to any tot tbemidicinoatourexpcrisc. Nocondiflons attached to this offor,' as we know what ii It B can (In, nil wo ask Is for you lo try it. ' If you arc ratified that . ' B B B.fBotanie Blood BhlmVis what you need you will find large bnttl at', all lrog stores for $1, or six large bottles (full treatment) 5. For tree trial bottle, ad dreas BLOOD BALM iO . 181 KHchell M'act, Atlanta, Ga , and bottle and medi cal book wilt Iw tent, all chargO prepaid. JJtktcrtbe your trouble, and we will in' '- - elude lre medical advice, v Write today. . ' ---'"i .'. .,. .Woman ' ttnoivs lypmsn. Bokiea, Rut., Jaa. Si. I UMd Wins of Cardnl f" Ber.' r vovsneas and wftka.s In tl ,. " woib. Attrf Ukinf on bottle 1 i m well aslB. " I am a nudwifff i and alw&TS Mcomm.n'1 Wine of r Ovdnl to my Mf Irimda during i. pref-nanoy and af tor birth a ton lo. : Er.ry Udjr who takra ti fliida tlit U dots area mors than, is olaimod " (oris.;' ' ' Sins. T. H. BU1BVKUT. ' Nobody knows wornan like woman. . Men go to medial colleges, ' study books and listen to lecture). : They learn indirectly of the dhetef .' of women, but they art men and can never fully understand the ailments, the sufferings, the agonies of mothfrs, wives and sisters. A woman , knows. Mrs. Uoisvert knows. - She has passed through tits trials and tribulations of her sex.' Sh has been near by when her sisters suf : f ered. She has seen them relieved and cured with Wine ot Ordul. Is it any wonder the recommends It r b It any. wonder that thousands unit1 annul iipastmut. ttrprtlon. lul.irrM, ftTlnK .yniplomi, dw.' Ad'U.rjlMp'1. nadUTTAkilOU aADICIH UA. C'lUttMUOffft. T.DA. the weak of all aces, help! and cures ' : . ' Druggists Sell Urge The 'Onlj" ftfoveVood Han I here Ie! ',, Heme ntn r e lma.tail (! to wodt-l Sguin, Klove Wood licnt under Inrpe hn i, n ver g'ti net in lainy wii tlier, de re 1 1" v o i'.ojit 7,r,c a loail. lry Sfasoned Pino. Ah, ('alt. All Hinds ot - Ctovo 7oocl. U n Bought, and which baa been baa borne the slgrnatnre of O a fwArk wvso i a n w1 nM lila nnisw i uua wvu uwuv uvv. i&id sum.v . sonal supervision since Its Infancy. , Allow no one to deceive you in this. . Mother's Friend. ' ,- Signature of FOB- EN and W0r.lEN.:3 A TRIAL TREATMENT. JI3 C'AaliKtjitotoii u on 70a can aoout ha nlnnaArl hnt. II Nl H Ana lllttl U1 IM t-yj SENT;, FREE.;' fal B e!ltngV Effects of filood Foi?en, yi,u need B B B (.Bolanio Flood Balm, a v stem all the poiBon and humora cause being removed,, permanent cum tip tl iioken down cot sti tut ion. tnfterer a Trial Bottle Free, so they may v Of omer women TecomnKna tt. They know. 1 hey have ac tual experience to prompt tlietn. Ttiey spread ths tidings from' 1'mouth to mouth, telling how Wine olXarflui helps younu girls, helps all womanly ills. Bottles for $1.C3. 1 Vs, .-:, , Qenn, ynm wlioli no'iici, pni'iini rd to !). oln-miciilly irthl( lrn;!i il'Mii'c.l a!fr 4iil tree Irntn iiiM'iirii'u H. i.ii i illy in irnfl1'! ami pr.-j -urfl for hnm:in cdii 1 1, livi'r.-rl dully frxr. j-t K:iil.,y-.n 4 nt to II p in. H'UKliiv'H (rt tMil nuly) ? n tfi In 1 ; u 'n. l'''ir J'f H' HDll I ' H I i : :i , tray Wti look Rcr.-s t".p fr'-ty tMe Or bfitr or feel the tieaih o( punia; wii-s. Yet Btt'it and unseen v.tave tb'.'ir tni-.-.-s Wiue, Aiid ujiure teems wna clar forcs-'iimuwuigi. Not in wtlcl rtormt of mahiag thunder. nmg. Hut in deep silence that brood about. Without ft word from lisping Up or tongue hoe cheers the faith that wreiUei with a doubt, From brown cocoou the windi hav toiaed and whirled, l . -Broad vinzs of raid beat up tbc viewleM air, And dry seed eci-ma that wander round the world An quick with atrange unfolulngi rich and . rare.. '-, '''' Tte sltarded beetle brad tn mtrahj fen . ; . . Tranafigurcd soara above bis riven aheu . On flashtriff winga before the rase of men, "v v. t A rojfai birth a unng truth as well. - And it 111, sweet toioea apeak the ages through; 1 No germ is lost, but lives forevermore The eeed unfolds to fairer life anew, . ,- r v And from the dust strong pinions mount and i ' - Zlon's Herald. I RINGS ON YELLOW PINES. ? Two Clralea of New Fiber Blei4lnsr Into One Mark Eaefc Year. '- ''It is very curious to .note the snc- cesslvc growth cliclc of our yellow pines," said a veteran Inmburmaa from tbo Pearl river district "Until my nt tentloa was especially dlreited to the subject by : a forestry expert a fnr years ago I bad no Idea (bat tbe mark lugs were so beautifully clear and dis tinct Tb tree acquires two rings of oew fiber every year, one la tbe spring and one In the fall, but they blond to gether and form a single, well defined circle. " - , - - "During tbe first' ten years these successive accumulations are of about equal thickness, and for tbe next two decades too dlmlnutlou'ls very slight, but nfter that tbe rings become thinner and thinner, nnd when tbe tree' gets in to the eighties and nineties tbe growth ts -very slight Indeed In fact, a more (11m. Nevertheless tbe ring la always formed as long as tbe tree lives and can be clearly discerned with a glass after It ceases to be visible to the nak ed eye. ' ; , , : During tbe visit of the expert to whom I referred we cnt a good deal of timber on my. place hinging between 16 and 18 Inches In diameter.. .l"bat tree Is 123 yenra old,', be would any, 'that one Is 100, tbnt is about 140 and go on.: Afterward we measured the growth rings -with the Instruments be carried, and la every Instance lie bad hit the ace within a -few years. It seemed wonderful,. but was simply lhu result of experience combined with an accurate eye- ' - ' - -1 "There are- aorue .very ancient -pine tree. In the f"earL river district aud many of tbem figure In tbe' traditions and folklore of the settlers tn their neighborhood. There are a couple of such patriarchs en. a tract near' my mill; and when the-standing tlralwr of tbe-ptace'waa. recently sold I hid glad to aay. tbeywere especially . px cented In tbe terms ot the contract. v It trould . have Seemed like murder to some of tbe country folks It they bad been cnt down." New Orleans Times Democrat ; - . , ,.T - ; r Perform d Toe Well, - . "The man whom I shall marry, anlil the proud beauty, "must perforin three tasks." , v j,- f "Name the first, said the lover.' tr ."Oo and umpire a ball game." ' ' lie bowed and departed. s " . After two months be returned, bnv Ing been discharged from tbe hospital cured. - r t - "Name tbe second task.1 he said. ' ."Go and act as judge of tbe' Asbury Tat baby ahow."; v. ."X " Again be departed. " v In a week be j presented . himself again. . .- . : "I owe my life to tbe Jersey police.' be said., "Name tbe third task." - - , - "Attend a tneeting of It bicycle club and state which. In your opinion, i the best make of wheel.",' t wjv.f : sls 'i He went and be returned.. ."Dearest" be said. "I am still In tbe ring.. At last you will be miner "I bare changed my mind," said tbe maiden, "in tbe first place, I could not marry-a man of your present personal appearance. In the second place should be afraid to marry t man wltb suob a record for pugnacity. Forgive me." 'After thinking the matter over be forgave her. He thought he might as well do so. , - v - And so they .were not married. Brooklyn Life, ' " ,' V A Spelllaa CempctlflDrt. - The other dny Jones said to Brown. "I'll bet you anything you like yon can't spell three simple words I'll give you within 80 seconds." -. ; - - "111 go yon. Wbat.are theyr aakj Brown. v ' . "Wen, here goes, Jones said as be pulled out bis watch.' "Believe." -.-, "B.e-1-l-e-v-e" . - - "Receive," -"R-e-c-e-l-T-e." again Brown spelled. "Wrongl" said Jones. "What 7" exclaimed Brown in sur prised tones. - "I've spelled tbe two words yon gave me correctly.. I'm certainly not"- - - - "Time's op!" Jones said triumphant ly. - "Why didn't yoO spell the third word w-r-o-n-g?" -1 . . .. , . A4ve,atas;ee of TawiLf, v"Not only Is It benlthy to yawn,' ays a French physician, "but artificial yawning should be resorted to In cases of sore throat, buzzing of the ears, ca tarrh and like trouble." H la said to be as etllcaclous In It way aa gargling tbe thront, wltb which process should be combined.'.-- The ohnpel of 8t. Helena at Petlile- hem contnlns 44 marble columns whirl were tnken from Sloiiut alorlub nud suiiposed to hnve been In the porch' bt the temple. - 1 ; ti Chinese strwtx nre the nnrroweit In the world. Some of thein nre only three feet wide. If troubled Willi rhcuimit give Chamberlain's Vnin-T'.-ihu a tr 1. It not rout yon a cent f It dui i no y One application ill r ::-v l! . n alw) cures sprains and ,iu' - i in . id II 0 tii -nt. Ciii'i, 11 r ' 3 F0C3. f.j. i.. Bub Only a Week ot Clear Wenther in the Year. rhotograpLs are at a discuunt In Uua- laska. This weird islund is shrouded in fog 11 months out of the 12. September is the one fine month, and on an average there are but seven days of bright sun shine during this glimpse of summer. The reason of this gloom is the meeting of tbe warm flood of the Japan current with the icy draft of the Arctic, which awirls through Bering strait More than one place in the world Is limited to very occasional glimpses of the sun. The fogs on the banks of Newf oundland nre famous. ' They are epe- tiaiiy bad during the fishing season, Iceland sometimes has a whole sum mer of thick foE. This banoens every four or fire yeara," "when a number of big icebergs, float over from Greenland and ground on the northern coast of the island. On such occasions the nay -crop In Iceland Is a total failure. Sad so.'ow Ing to the chill of the waters, is the fiah Ing. A part of the foothilla of rem is steeped In mist from May to October. Bat beret the fog Is kindly, for it takes the place bt raimi Above the height of 1,200 feet tt ia replaced by violent rain. On some- fanna balf the area "a irri gated by fog, the" other by .shower. .'Cl London a . tog have been -almost sa thick aa thev are ' today for over-two. centuries, but used not to last bo long. It waa taT 18t3 that wbatf was perhaps the worst known lasted from Dec -8 to 14.. Over 40 deatha by accidents in the streets .and !2li'ubyV.4rowntDs;'':wer,''atr. trlbuted to V-1U":-mn8"'' was upon the fat cattle nt the Islington showw"They- all got til.-and exhibited symptoms of poisonmgi i-terSsKSSS Ib the heath . district 'of' north Oeft many some - 00,000 .acres of-iprot- nre burned over every year.' Tb smoker 'wU drift from this 150 miles without losing much ot tta density and constitutes what Gcrmaoa call tbe bobraucD." In a 'dry summer It hangs over -the e6!Htry;i;fp! weeKa.s5.cw,;...'.;iji .5i;',;t -wf. ; vs Volcanoes' are sometimes responsible for fogs, wbicb eover." millions; of acres at a time. 10 vsii the ash dust from tst. Vincent darkened the sky -over the whole grouo of the oarbados for -many days. In lTi "aH south ' Italy -rand part' of Sicily .were plunged ia irloom for two weeks by an outburst from Mount itna. The most extraordinary fog ever known: appeared : at Copenhagen on May 24, 1788, -'and,- spreading .all over Enrone, covered France earbj in Jane. :. If, was noticed from Bnssia toCanada and last. cd in some places for four months. -. It veiled everything in a pale blue nase arm was not affected by ram or Wind. - It .showed ha trace, of moisture -and bad a stroug nd Very'-nnpleasaDt orid- odor. Ita rt suit was a severe epidemic of influcntov and, after causiuj terrible alarm In almost nil civillEed nations. It ended la "a' series 4f , terrific thunder storms,-felt most severely In France nd laB,..'fM?''''t rerbans -the most startling Tittrt-t of this tog ami a similar one which appear ed in isai.vn that at night there was no real darkness, -he air seemed , dully luminous. Klue .print oald be .read at midnight Stray Btortes. : ' 1detteri t lam Wltb Islaaftem Fifteen. Thonnod UUe Apart. " Philosophic people who belong to the Folklore society are fond of tracing leg ends and -myths - and .customs all over the world, rCinderella,' the dear girl, ia found in one knows not how many peo ples, speaking Innumerable tongues and believing' an enual number -of rellirtons, How did Cinderella become, ubiquitous J The transactions of the folklore society will perhaps etfer tbenry.-5- - Now there baa been unraveled a curi ous superstition, eom mon to Bhetlanders and Cingalese.- How. islanders so wide spa rt some 15,000 mlle-rmanaged. to adopt each- other a views, one does not know, but hers is the fact . The rice cut. tivatora of Ceylon and tbe fisherman of Shetland resemble, each other In one or two rather remarkable pointsr They re train from speaking of the Implements ot their calling by their -names. They call them something 4jlse,' by names known only to themselves-The reison is that if the evil spirit were to think that they were speaking of spsdes and rakes or of sets and books he would be tempted to damage them ; or even to appropriate them, ii'--'-;- .'j - ,rsw.'t The train of thought Is the same wltb both races. -"There is aa evil spirit al ways on the lookout for -opportunities, of doing -mischief. -fie even bears what we say.- If we let him. understand that -we are talking about our. implements and tools, we . shall direct his attention to them and shall suggest to him a Way of doing an Injury. Therefore we will agree to call a boat or a spade by some fancy name known only to ourselves. ' . ...Another custom of 'the Shetlendcr not Dosslble to the ricetrower Is that If in fishing bis net catches -something at the bottom and a stone la brought up It is Dot to be thrown back again for fear of offending the evil spirit who most cer tainly put It into the net It ia to be kept tn the boat until the net again catches. Then It Is to be dropped In the water, with .the1 words,' "Take your, own and aive me mine," whereupon the net Is at once released.'' Now, If the Cingalese ware to turn fisher, woold be, following the same line of thought adopt a similar custom? l'ittshurg Dispatch. - - " . leaden. - '-.V.7-. ''.' 1 - Rind Lady-rXour husband is dead, then? Mrs. O'Kcefe lis. - He wint off most snddin. mum. - ' ' Kind I.sdy Poor msnl ' ITeart failure? Mrs. O'Kecfo Not the lolkes av thot, mum. It win- luika thlsi Pat wor eatin his dinner on a powder bar'l whin wan av his friendi set it off in a joke. It wor moat suddtn, mum. Ohio Btnte Journal. A Lonsr Life, Bir Walter Scott, while traveling in Ireland, was one day aceoted by a beg gar. He felt in hiii pocket for n sixpence, but finding that be had nothing niimtle than a uliilllnr about him, pae It to til' wouinii with the words, "You lmixt glv me the rliamje next time we meet," "1 will, 'rr," replied the bn-rar, "and may ycr bonur II vo till ye get If. ft Pt bo only a cnliiel,!enee, but If Ton will l.i-i'P tiack :f tlio tnaiter you will nuike tiiat the nmn wiilmnt a r.,11 I nevi-r iiiinnTf-d l.r bt'-n'.li of pua en i 1 . ew Y.'iiU W 'ild. In In fi-..m tbc In tMl) I" ;.i tt. u;i 1 ' '.ti-'''fl C'lt l''-M lit t'ia 1.:' nt u t l i. .,..t In 1 1 .'C 1 rnVCN RUNNING SCZZ CLTXD , BY ' "-- ' ; r Johnston's Saraparilla - QUART BOTTLES. - . THE GREAT SPRING MEDICINE, v S ' -JOHNSTON'S SAR5APAR1LLA as a Blood Food and Nerve Energizer, la the greatest SPRING MEDICINE ever discovered. .. It comes as a licit blessing from heaven to the " worn 6ut, ' the run down, the feeling," those "sinking spells," the languor ished nerves, from thin, vitiated blood and spell. The weariness, lassitude and nervous time and the heat of summer, are conquered and banished at once. - For every form of neurasthenia, and all aliments of the brain and nerve. Insomnia, hysteria and nervousness generally, it Is almost a specifioi - It furnishes the very elements to rebuild Worn-out nam tissues. It feeds brain, nerve centers and nerves, calming and equalizing their action! H makes rich, -red, honest blood. Kewnessof ful use; It'makes the weak strong.' and the I "i It was the antiquated (but now happily treat 5alt Rheum, Scrofula, Cancer and other troubiesoma disordera arising from BLOOD TAINT with poverful alteratives, such as mercury, arserda and other mineral agents. I It was expected by this treatment that the poison could; be lulled while the blood wss left to course through Its channels holding lq its circulation the speclfto germs of the rUseasei Butta this way. every pari of the body became more er less diseased.'- Morn ing can be more terrible than a horribly destructive lood talnl It not only attacks vtrtt Isntly the different structures of the body, but, many times tbe bones are honey-combed and destroyed,:;, ft often seeks lout the nerves and spinal cord, and again it will bring de cay and death to some vttai organ, as the kidneys, liver or stomach. . There la only-one scientific method for the Cure of Wood taint. That Is, PUK1HCATIQNI i very particle ef the blood must be removed throogh the eretory channel the lungs, kidneys, bowels, liver; ,an"d sW4ifJ4.'EJrst pure) msn peaceablei'fe'The great restorative; reconsbilctrvB ano tritalizer.of the blood. JOHNSTON'4 SARSAPARILLA, hot only radically and ei haustivel removes the taint, but also famoVes ail mercury, calomel and other minerals, -iand fina-fatna M.;rladM.'w1w'wil tKpew1iii(.'.na(nnt , jrfwlrir4-ii-!.'Tiw blood is ;tKe W a" -5: Good health means pure looa: SARSAPARILLA, U universally regarded at the frettest Blood Purifier ever discov ered. . This fact is now established beyond question Or cavil. ., '.." . ; ; .- ' " " msA'BeVls,''4)redis C6s1anr' . .enrwirien.' in Apni Mti nnnr jonnffivn a oAitoArAKiLfLA nr Biooe ram, ennss brusmputitlonofonotmranna. 1 had SEVEN RUNNINO SORES 00 nurjers. I wsd two battles and u entirely cured.- f know 11 m wn cures me. suomcMLn piut oosasAirr, dbtboit, wwosb 1 j - yery Valuable Remedy in all ! ! g'i:..'.';:-:affections of tlio-ff ;TlIROAt'or-LtJNG$ ;'AM:'ia:WI's.i -i-i-Frep ot Terry navW Faia-Elllr 7 UlUIMtU" waiivwaivr-. , rrfe Jan jfftvuJ uitirt- V ' t'M""M(i. At nreihta, rr ani 4v W i -M'raot. .aiv pars is ray WANTED Vrf, f An Al BOILER MAKER and Bi.ACS SITIlApD,J'W?Ji''1, -f. :f':JfSCB. ti DILL, 8upt., ; rrC: & N CBailrosd Co. ;;. Lodffe Directory. VICTORT COUNCIL NO. 11, JUNIOR O U A M: Meet every first and third Wednesday night In Rountroe Ball. Jas G Delemar; 0 : G D Gordner, V C; W P Jones, Treas.; H W Simpson, B B; W.kF . n a i: '- . - - . . .. . ' . EITREKA LODGE NO7. VO; O. F. Offloersi W.: T; Hill, N.G.J-J. R. Pafker, V. Q 1 Geo. Urecn, Keo'Q'g tseoty; James B. Hill, Flnanolai Secretary; A-jg. jfttt msn, Treas, j; Regular meetings every Monday Bight at 7;80 o'cioca.-... V ' CALUMET. ENCAMPMENT,:, NO. 4, I. O. O, IV' Olncers: L U Moody:U f) J ,G Delamar, 11 Ft J Baxter, B W C tt Hall.- J W: Geo. Green. Scribe; 1 Gorock, Treasuror. Regular Encamp: ment, 1st, Ard, and 5th (if any) Thursday nights In each montn t 7:3U o'etocav ; NEW BERN LODGE No. i;T H40- J C Scales, Prest; i U bmlth, Kecoraing Beo'y; E E Quidley, Financial Bec'y, Meeu in the -Knights of Harmony Hal) every 1st and 8rd Monday nights in aacb monin.-. t- -a .a g CRAVEN LODGE No.' 1, KNIGHTS OF HARMONY: sleets 2nd and 4tb Wednesday nlirhts in each month In Rountree's Hall, Pollock street, at 7;80 o'clock, 8. R. Ball, President, Us t. DIs- osway.Boc'y.It. R. U ill, F. bec'y. J 7 .. . KNICHT8 OF HONOIWlffloers: K B Jones, Dictator; G L Vinson, Reporter; W F Rountree, Financial Reportnr Now Berne Lodge No. 443 meets tbe 2nd and 4th Friday nlflits at 7.-SO o'clock in Rountree's Uall, folloce street. . . . OANTOS CIKbMOMT KO. , P. V. I. O. O.f Onicem : 4o, mover, Captain; T. O. Hi man, Lieut.; V. II. felleUor, KunlKtuWm. J Pill, Clerk; Kd. OeroeS, accouritnni. Bw ular Canlonmenia, to una m rurruy alKhta ia eaen moam sis ruy o oiooe- .. . Henrys Pharmacy,? . J27 Middle Street Pria ro For War In 'ja'iiaw of IVaeo. . Just received a Supply of LOADED GHKH: t-ure death to Hoai bus, lied Buyi, Motba. Water Bugs and all In ('el. Will not Blaiu orttionse the Dnrst f ibrl i. One trial is sll tlint's needed to convince the moat skeptical. A full linn nf Toilit ArtlrlePrcrfum ery, etc. I'll s'i 'inn's 1'hk .riptiniis caiefully (',ri.j'"UM,' (I. i C i ' I ' .' 1 i irsas!S.a t. .",V"!., overworked and debilitated. Thai " Bred and despondency which arise from badly nour an underfed body, vanish as If by t magio prostration which accompany the spring.. life, new hope, new strength follow Its faith old young again, -"Z ' exploded) method In the good old times, to The bid and reliable remedy JOHNSTON'S - lta.' - :'-' -,, Toon truly, o, w, uu mtK. - FIKANCIAIi. T. A, Greeni Pres. E. H. Keadaws, T. Pres. ' --t.-. 'Jt B. M. Graves, fjeahler. - i, CITIZENS BANK, " '." wirrw arwj trie ' -Doln; Oeneral tanking Business. Pebrnary 18, 1900, Bnrplus and JJndtvi- 1 rd ProBH, W,185.7n. v,::- ; Prompt and careful attention piven to ill bnainnaa entriinted tn n. AeeOnnU rereivrd on favoiuble Iprtnav ' . siinxtia nt l(reetora.' . r rerdtnand Ulnoh . -R. II. MeaUowa, . Oha. Dofly, Jr. ' James lte.tmonit, Mayer Habn, -Thomas A . ttwn, O.K. Ifov. I. 4. HOMOWSi lamael W.Ipork. Obiu. H . Fowiert I. W. Oralnesr. - ?. W.Smallwood, tuo. H.1T6S. w.r. Crockett. ; -Mark Discs ey. FSSIMIBANK t5;TEBRUAUJit'l00.'i,'.s Snrplns.,;;...;...... 1 0,000 Undivided Proflte........ 2.500 DepoIU.;.i:."..:..;.n 188,000 . ; ' - OFFICERS. U tl. CirTuS President. - W.-8. Cbadwick, Vice Pres.' ?T. W. DawaY, Cashier, , - " . - ? 1. W. Biddlb. Teller. -iy C. T. CnanwiOK. Colleotor. : ' .V ' DIRECTORS :., r. Wm'. B. Blades, ' " M. M. Marks, . O. D. Bradbar 5 P. H. Peiletier, L. a. untier,--. .ino. Huter. . - W, 8. ChadwIckVs " - J. W Btewart, ; :y x. W Dewey. - -.- , 'It collects for merchants, manufactur ers and other Banks promptly at special rates to-eacn. ana makes ouickest ..re turns possible. ' By Ita liberality and en terprising Business methods, It tt forging to the front of East ' Carolina's Banking Institutions. In its own city, It is the only nne which does not pay .interest, on . FBOFE3SI0NAU v " 11,1 J" 11 ! ti M. tiwiwuCii'i A. . Wart 5IJVinONS, POU WARD. j ATT0RNITS art COUNSELORS, OUoe 08 So. Front Street, nearly oppo- aite Hotel Cbattawka. w 'e (Offloes also at Raloleh and Smithfleld.: Prastlce tn tbe eonnties of Craven, Dripitn, Jonon, Urwlnw, tMrteret ParuUeo, JonuMton, uarnen uiu misou; in uii ea pretne and Federal otute, aud wberevei aerTuna are oueirca. - P.fl. l5lletler,; r ATTORNEY AT LAW. ..- ; , Ilia Street,.- Lawyer Brick i":.-1--.," Building. ::i;f fi. Will nraottce In the Oonnttes of Oravea Oarteret, Jones, Onslow ana Femlloo. tl. 8 Uourtatu Naw Berne sad Supreme Court el be State. . ROMULUS A. NUNN, . '. V'.'iv saw BBRine, m, c,-'y f Office: Opp. Hotel Chattawkai. U -W Botith Front Street. , -, Practice in North Carolina. - 1 - ;' - DEALER IN ' ;'.': ."- . Hardware and Fire Arms 8iih, Doors and Blinds, Paints, ; . ' 1 Oils, Cement, Lime, Etc , Agent for Carlanil Stoves & Ranges and Di'Vflo's, and I!cnJ Moorei' READY MIXED PAINTS, V. ' ! r OllU LiULhiJI WILMINQTON &AVELDON R.R, tnr Atttn .e. Co'-t- Mf 1.i'nid Co, a s of South Carolina' '-H .TRAINS GOING ' SOUTH-.-:: 1 - ' ,a ' ' DATED y 9 5 - -i e;" Jan. H.11KX) S , . ; oTs o j o jl S 3 so mi aso q , 1 A.M pHEm. A.M. P.M.' Lv. Vrfdon li ftt) .6 W .i. . .. .. ..... I Ar, It. Jit.', ia bi 62 Lv.Tarboro lH 91 .i;, 6 00 .... ..... Lv; R. lit. 1 Ot. 8 53 9 81 5 40 13 SS Lv. Wilson 1 5b 10 2j T it 0 80 8 40 Lv. Belma.. 3 65 It 08 .'... .iv Lt Fay'vUI. 4 80 18 80 ...'f. .i.. Ar.florenot 7 26 8 84 . .. ..... ...... j - P. M. A M Ar. Golds... .... , .... 7 Si Jjt; Golds. . . .. ..... T 01 8 28 Lv. Mag'lia .... . .... . .. 8 09 4 SS ArWilm'ton 40 6 00 ' - - P.M. A.M. P.M. i TRAINS GOING NORTH. - : p H a 00 S. Ei . ... d'S 6 i d'S ci'3 o'3 -- . . sep ir, S ma ao ko Lv.Florence 0 45 ..... 7 4... I.v.Fay'villi 18 20 ... . 9 46 Lv.Sclma. . 1 60 ..... 10 60 ArWUspn 8 86..... 11 88... " - A.M. P. M A.M. litWilm'ton ...... 6 60 8 45 Lv. Mag'lia 8 20 11 It) Lv. Golds.. ..... 6 00 9 27 12 26 ' s ' :' P.M. A.M. PIE P.M Lv, Wilson 2 86 5 48 11 83 10 U0 1 10 Ar. R.Mt.. 8 80 2512 0911 11 1 63 - Ar. Tarboro . . . . . 7 04 Lv.Tarboroia 21 .... Ly. K.Mt.. 8 80 12 09 Ar. Weldon 4 82 1 04 ; P.M. A.M. . Wilmington ' and Weldon Railroad. Atlantic and Yadkin Division Main Line Train leaves Wilmington 8 00 a m, ar rives Fayetteville 18 05 p m, leaves Fay- etteville 12 25 p m, arrives Sanford 1 43 p m. . ueturntng leave eaniora a bo p m, arrive rayeiievwe 0 41 p m, leave J-ay etteville 3 40 p m, arrives Wilmington 0 .u p m. Wilmineton and- Weldon Railroad. Bennettevllle Branch Trains leaves Bennettsville 8 18 a m. Maxton 9 20 a m. Red Ppring 9 68 a m, Bope Mills 10 42 a m, arrive Fayetteville iu OS. Keturn ing leaves Fayetteville 4 40 p m, Bope Hill 4 00 p m, ilea bprlngs 0 85 p m, Maxton 6 15 p m, arrives Bennettsville Tin pm, uonnecllons at fayetteville with train No. 78, at Maxton with the Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Hprluga with the Kea Hprtngs ana Bowmore railroad. at Sanford with tbe beabotrd Air Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf with the Durham and unariolle ttatlroud. Train. on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 8 83 n m. Halifax 4 16 p m, arrives Scotland Neck at 5 08 p m, ureenville e Or p m, Hinston 7 55 p m.- ueturnlnir leaves Knneton 7 50 a m Greenville 8 52 a m, arriving Halifax at 11 IB a tr, vveiaon 110a a m, daily ex. cent Sunot..'. - Trains on Washington Branch leaye wasmngton 0 iu a m ana a no p u, ar rive rarmeie iu a m, and 4Wp m, re turning leave Parmele 9 85 a m and-0 80 p m arrive Washington 11 00 a m and 7 80 n m. daily exeent oundar. Train leaves Tarboro, N 0, daily except Bunaay oeupm.Bunaay, 410 p m, ar rives Plvmouth 7 40 d m. 6 10 p m. R. turning, leaves Plymouth daily except aunaay, ' ova m, ana nunaay v ou a m, arrives Tarboro 10 05 a m, 11 00 a ml Train on Mi Jland; N C Branch leaves uoidsboro aatiy, except Sunday. 7 05 a. m, arriving Smithfleld 8 10 a m, Return ing leaves Smithfleld 9 00 a m; arrives at uoidsboro 10 no m. Trains - on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 10 00 a m,8:40p m .arrive Nashville 11 10 a m. 4 08 o m. Snrine Hope 10 40 a m, 4 25 p m.Returnine leave Spring Hope 11 80 a m, 4 55 p m, Nash ville in 10 a m, 0 ao p m, arrive at Uocky Mount U 45 m, 6 00 p m, daily except ounaay.j-' -' . .Train on Clinton Branch leave War saw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, 11 40 a m and 4 08 p m, Returning leaves Clinton at 7 00 a tn and 2 50 d m. "' ' "Train No 78 make oloee connection at' Weldon for aU points North daily all rail via Richmond. ' - . ----.. - H M EMERSON, Oettl Pas Agent tt rLcirilix, uen-i BtanageT, -. T M EMERSON, Traffic. Manager.. .' s . 1 : JTuai lwaVev Tbe Standard Railway tbe BOUTB The Direct Line to alllPoIrit f-:P Z TEXAS, tH CAUL fousjjl V:C UIXA -AH O Strictly Fimt-Class Equipment bn'Call Througli or Local Trainsj Pullman PalJ ace Sleeping Oat on all Night Trains) Fast aud Safe Schedule. . u ' .'". ' Travel by the Southern and yon areas- sured a Safe, Comfortable and Expedi tious Jniirney. ;, Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Ta lilea, I(U't.nil (loiMiral Information, 01 adilrena F. R. DARBY, R. L. VEUNOM, o.p. AT. A, T. r, 1., AbIiovUIo, N. 0 CI1111I11U0, N. C. . . FllANK a.OANNOH, . J M. CuiJP, S.l V l't Oen Mint. - . Tr f Man W. A.Tui'K.OPA. " WAf'iIJIN'GTON, - D. 0 1 A?& N. C, R, . TIUB TABLE 0. 15 to Tsle Effect tiu.niliiy, April lr 1C00 at 'iw.Atm r ir-- r- Going East t 8cj-Kpousi' OoifgWtst ., '.jraaaenser Tralna. rr. K a p m ' BTATtOKSi 1 V Ar . :':'- 10,,.t,,3 Ooldeboro,''.'.;.', ,,,n 05 ?"' 09. i LaGranire.' in da - . Kinston. mio . 40...,,.Ar. New-Bern. I.7 onn '. -. . ... . vvw.v.r 50... ...Lv. Ar ' i -r- ...... w W. . 15. ...Ar. Morehead city Lv .-r"lf No. 5. I Mx'c 'dPlA Mi d F-tand Pass Tn. Jaw fn, Daily ExckIt Simmy Lv. A. M. a , P. j. 7 00 . 6 S5 - 0 20 5 67 - 5 40 5 15 500 4 87 ' . 4 20 . 411 . 8 50 . P. M. 7! 30 Goldsboro 7 68... . Boat's. 8 10 . 8 87.. 8 CO.. 9 08.. . . . LuGrango .Falling Creek... ....Eimton .... Caswell Dover ...Core Creek . . .Tuscarora Clarke ...New Bern 9 4?., 10 02.. 1020.. 1080.. 1050.. H. No. 7. Pfrnflentrpr No. 8. p. m. . 7 49 . 7 07 . 07 . 0 27 . 5 45 . 4 05 2, t. and Tn. Lv. a. m. Sundays Only Ar 7 4U Goldsboro... 8 09 .LaGrange . . 8 80 Kinston.... 8 55 Dover 9 60 New Bern . 11 15. ...ar Morehead Oil ily Lv No. 1. t No. S.-ATIoNS: Mx'l r I'sas. Ux'd Ft. and Paes.Tn. Lv. a m A .. .'. GoldBboro BcBt's LaGrange ....Falling creek .Kinston ........Caswell ....Ar. Dover. Lv Core ere. ' Tuscarora Clark's ..Ar. Now Bern, Lv.... ..Lv. " Ar ....... Riverdalo croatan UavoJock Newport, Lv...,. T.. .Wildwood Atlantic Ar. Morehead City, Lv. , Ar. M. city Depot, Lv., . . p m . 0 88 . 5 53 5 23 . 4 5a . 4 33 3 18 . 300 . 200 . 1 38 . 1 20 12 50 .10 47 .10 10 .10 00 . 9 40 . 900 . 8 47 . 838 . 8 20 . 750 a. v. 7 10 7 43.. 811... 8 26... 914... 9 85... 9 40... 10 40... 11 15... 1181... 12 05 .. 1 80... 2 12... 2 80... 48... 8 12... 840... 4 01... P. u Monday. Wednesday and Friday Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. S. L. DILL," ' " Superintendent Atlantic Const JjiiM'. iVlLMlNUTON & Kkw Jill TIME TA1ILE NO. .ri In Ktfccl Weilncdday, Aug. 7, Except Sunday. Going South bciiedule: tl No, 51, Passenger Trains Lv. a m, stations: 9 00 New Borne . . . 0 30 l'ollocksville .. 61 Maysville.... 10 02 Jacksonville... N K I. R. IM'8, Daily ning North No. 50, Ar. p m, 540 5 04 4 49 41) 2 82 12 08 I wnmington ( Union Depot f . .Ar. Wilmington; Lv. 1215 . P M No. 8, 2i5 P M PA8BKNQEK & FREIGHT, No. 4. Leave Wilmington Monday, Wedne-"" day and Friday, Leave New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. LV. A M 7 80 Lv. Wilmington, Ar Ar. pm ... 145 ...12 55 ...12 15 .1140 ; ...10 51 ...10 20 . . . 9 45 ...8 55 ... 880 ... 805 ... 780 ... 685 ... 600 8 40 Scott's Hill 9 80 Woodside 10 05 Hollyridge .... 10 51 Dixon 11 20 Verona 12 05 Jacksonville . . . 12 80 Northeast 2155 Whitecak 180 .'. . Maysville .... 2 15 Pollocksville.... 8 55 : Debrubl's 8 40 Ar. New Iferne. Lv.. -utuiy Axcepri owoaay, J. R. KENLY, General Manager, "BORDEN, i:' ,Htipt, Transportation. ' . M 1 . ' I . 1 .:..;;.';;-:.EASTJGii3ir CAROLINA C DISPATCH LINE, V .rftllflHT'PA'SStHGIll. For All Polnta JTorth. V The Steamer NEUSE , v; , i will leave on Monday, Wedneedayg, - - . and Fridaps at 6 p. pa, sharp, makv - -in landiogB at Oriental,,, Qornooke andEoanoka Ia!ind., j ,;-$rA'j i: ' : VST' FreignS ' received not later than one hour previous to aaUinif. ; Fo farther information apply to - '.. GEO." HENDERSON, Agt.." .;. i M, K. Kiko, Gon.' Mgr.,- '. ': "' -''" ' : H.0, nuioiKB,Gen.Frt.A Pan.Agt p;. Norfolk Va,3 .V ". . New Borne. N.. 0 May 80th;i808 . : . BO YER9 ., ' EXPERIENCE a Trt Marks DctiaNS CftYHIQHT Ac. i iitoTi b nnd dswrlp-'l'in ntT mil A I u. If , intiio -a si"- if f.

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