Fx M ' II l- 7 7- T V ACTS GENTLY ON THE (Cidneys, Liver and Bowels ; manses the System rl .EFFECTUALLY PERMANENTLY . "TavIi.. ... maa..." vn. : foa au s wnawm i fa tsnu. THE JOURNAL; Wew Bern, N. C, April 18, 1900. , " Index to New Advertisements. t John R Butler ijroker. . t Carolina Brights Cigarettes.. - Thos. F. McCarthy Adm. Notice.- , . OH Waters & Son B aggy exhibit. ' '"I, Business locals. " WANTEOr-Board in private family or : boarding house by two young ' men of 4ood character and position. Address stating terms "Change" care of General Delivery, New Bern, N.C. v . -at ' " PRATT8 Deodorited Gasoline.. Beat v- quality S gallons; at 10c, 1 gallon 18c, quart oo, at la, i. i aytur, .. "THE finest Beer always on draught, JuOOB'b, Middle Street. ' , Ton are hereby -ordered to .appear at , your armory at 10 o'clock sharp this morning in dress uniform, for monthly parade and Inspection,' : . By orde Com'dg. officer,- ' V J ' t J. L. HiHTSPrttLD, f ' - B. M. C. P. 0. . The best cigarette en - the market is ! ; "Carolina Brights,? manufactured at Wilson, N CM out of pure Eastern Car olina leaf, not made by a trust. js.. : v LadlesSili Waist - . ; We place on sale this week a beautiful lot of ladles silk waists in black, old-rose lavendor etc, made of all silk taffeta and tucked all over, perfect fitting and very swell, price 94 7S each. "v v . ' G.A. Bakfoot. . Ask for Carolina Brights Cigarettes. AU the rage. , , J ': .' -4 See Through These ? v' Bar spring eye-classes framelesa In gold and gold filled, also drilled lens for - any kind of frameless gluses. 1 Ton will find at my store the most complete Una of spectacles and lens ever shown in New Bern. - ft ,.1 -r Baxtib) The Jeweler. '- . Cryatallzed Ginger at McSorley 'a. , '-r 1 ,V--Umbrella;Tallut-:D ' ' This time very Interesting, 100 ladies and mens silk umbrellas, asst bandies to select from, we offer this week only, tnls lot of 100 valued $1.50 at the special low price' tl JO each, t , -'.',. O. A. Baspoot, WaterluMaM Tteat k ' 3. J. Baxter has a beautiful line of Easter neckwear In bis windows, call erly and get one. ' .' ' .. - Holton'9 Early Rom Seed Pota toes at J. P. Taylor'i, loot of Hid- 4le treet r-. :i'M4-.t"'v Ask for Carolina Bright Cigarettes. All the rage., t,1-'.,'. :; k '- V Ilave your prescriptions fllled.at Davis' Pharmacy. . 1 , : Coffee, Chocolate and Sandwiches at McSorlcy's. T ' j. - . Cbolce Mutton and; Veal at the Oak's Market. ; ;. . 'j.-- Have your prescriptions filled at Davis' Pharmacy. ; - ,- I live your prescriptions filled et Davis Pharmacy. XulM Oxfor4. , . I Imvr Just received a beautiful line of E. P. I ; I s Oxfords for Easier. Respectfully, J. J. BAXTER. YOUR Matters of Local Interest In the City and '. ."" Country. Showers, followed by cooler weather, Is ihe forecast for today. ' The Oak Market will be closed today and tomorrow, between the hour of IS noon and S p. m. The grocery itore of John Dnnn will be closed today and-tomorrow between the houra of 1 p. m. and 8.80 p. m. , - Only a few 'Invitations to the Fair dances were tent oat la this city, by prl- tate parties, not by the committee, and lIa presumed thai every one know that no ipecial Invitation ii necessary In -order to attend these dances, except through the customary channel. Postmaster Seymour Hancock re ceived the new letter and package boxes for the street! yesterday, forty in all. The boxes .are Improvements over the old one formerly nsed and are hand somely painted, and will be qnlte attrac tive in their positions. They will be placed in their positions in a few days, as the free delivery service begins May lt. 1 " - .-,-". s i The Fair German, . Last night's dance, the- first of the three Fair dances, was a highly success ful affair. . . ' .. , -.'." .There were fifty conpl. on the floor and many onlookers. The German was led by Mr. C. D. Bradham. The- beauti fully dressed ladies and the decorated walls made a brilliant sight. .The next dance, the Bal Poudre, is Thursday nlgbi and it is probable that there will be. large number present. ?i. -' ' . Eary Morning Wedding. " 3 At Centenary Church, yesterday morn- ing'at 8 o'clock, there was a quiet wed ding, the contracting parties being ' Mr. E. . Beater and - Miss- Margaret Lauer I both of this city, -' . - , '- The ceremony was performed by the 1 Rev. It. B. John; Mr. Ferd Hahn, wan best man, and Miss Louise Lane, bridesmaid,-: The nsher were Messrs J. M. Howard, Geo Henderson, Jr, D. B. Da vis, and Dan M, Roberta. The church was filled with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hester took the A. & N: 0. mail at 9 o'clock, and Wilt take a trip to Richmond, Va., and later return to this city, which they VIU make their home. - . i J The University's lOSth Year. The catalogue of the , University of North Carolina for the academic year 1898 1900 has just appeared. It is a well printed and attractive book of 183 pages from. the University Press of Chapel Hill, Tbe entire work,, type setting, printing and binding, was done by stu dents of the University. The following facta from the' annual register are of special Interest: :' The total registration for tbe year is 613, the largest enrollment In tbe history of the institution. This total Is dlstrl buted among tbe departments as follow!: Graduate School, JO; College for Under graduates, 845; law School, 80 Medical School, 44; School of Pharmacy 20 The enrollment In the last Summer' School was 101, making a grand total ; for iBe year of 858 eicluslve of all duplicate. . Of the 519 students at the regular see sion, 488 are from North Carolina,, rep resenting 89 ifiounlies. Thirteen other States are represented by 19 student. The Faculty of tbe present year con slsts of 90 Professors; 7 Instructors and 8 Assistants offering, in tbe College and Graduate Schools, a total of 110 course, and In the Schools of Law,- Medicine and Pharmacy, 89. - The Faculty of the Summer School numbered 90, offering wide range of course t the Jeacher of the Stat..'--''.-" : : : '.' ,::'':-'v;.; ;, Attention 1 also called by the cata logue to tbe increase ot . the University equipment by the ereotlon of, two new buildings, tbe Carr Hall for dormitories and the Alumni Hall for recitation rooms and axecutive offices. Tbaxatalogne went to press too early for an announcement of the new ar. rangement of tbe College year and of the elan for the continuous eslon through the summer, - This will appear In a separate circular. , ' ;. Knights of the Golden Horse Shoe. The ."Knight of the Golden Hone Shoe," a company of loyal cavalier, two hundred strong, will act a e body guard to HI tfajeaty, King Rex. This valiant band will never leave tbe lid of thai Royal Matter during Richmond's Carol val week, May 14 to 19. The intention Is that the knights shall be costumed In the trappings ef the Me diaeval Knights, and each Will bear aloft on hi trusty spear a ayrdbel of the order "Tbe Golden Hone Shoe." In passing through the street the night of the spec tacular parade he will be escorted by these knight mounted npon gaily cs pa riaoned steeds, snd in their gorgeou amor make the color line like that of beautiful tableau. One could scarce Imagine a grander -plctur than these line of magnificent float, tho King and hi court In their rich costumes, passing among the multitude of beautiful and gaily decorated booth upon our Broad itreet, with It rosn handsom decora tion and many lights, and with It all a constant concert by many bands, the bst obtalnabl In tbe Country. A filling excort to all this Fairyland scene will be that loyal and handsom body of tbe Knight of the Golden ilorse Shoe." "I think DcWIIt's Mill 1 ., are Hie t.'-l pills In t' o r' ! E. I. !., I"'MTy fi-.-k, Va. 1 : hll (;'. I IK '.!! (ff t V '- T t: l (j- ' ! 'y ip r , ; !y IH Li t . ..4 W I L Greatest and Finest Parade of any i Previous Tear. Weather Delightful and Crowd Line the Streets. Good Attend ance at Fair Grounds. Races '.. are Fast and Exciting Mllltary Parade i - , Today. The weather prophet predicted rain, but the opening day of the Thirteenth Annual Fair was a delightful one In weather in every particular, n , Early in tbe morning there was a gathering of those who were to take part in tbe parade, and tlrovtly before 11 'clock the parade started, passing through the principal streets of the city to the Fair ground. " ' I' : It was 'the finest, most showy, and perhapt the largest Fair parade ever aeen In thl city. Crowd lined the streets and greeted, those In the parade with applause, r , ., .c r The special feature of the parade was, tba -floral Boat of the- young ladles. Theee were : cleverly designed by tbe ladies themselves,' and very handsome, each lady driving her own float, v . These floats were. Miss Janie Stewart, accompanied by. Mis Fannie Cutler, yellow rose. , i Miss Margaret Bryan, accompanied by Mis Isabella Bryan and two young girls, White and Pink flowen. : v Mrs, Rudolph Ulrlcb, accompanied by Mis Eulalla Willi, purple flowers. ' Miss Mary Moore, accompanied by Mlise Annie Parnell, Pearl McMillan and Elizabeth Ellis, white -atd ptnk flower...-' . jtf. Mis Wescott, accompanied by Miss August La Molte, red chrysanthemums Mis Apnlev R, '-Tinker,- accompanied by Misses Margaret Smallwood,- Elma George, Oclavla Hughes, Etbt-l flughss, Bertie Tyler, blue and white design. New Bern Public School, number of school children, pink and blue-design. Miss Andres, accompanied by .'Victor May Pewey, yellow, -white and red de signs. ' ' These floats attracted great atten tion. . Dr. Duffy bad a fine business float rep resenting his chill medicine and frog In your throat . . ; . Arrived ' at the Fair grounds, the naradert grouped themselves on the south side of the main building. ' P. II. Pelletler, Esq , Treasurer of tbe Fair Association Introduced the Rev Sight C. Moore, who offered prayef. D. L. Ward, Esq , then In a few ap- proprlte word Jntroanoed the ipeaker ot tba day, Col, John B. Cunningham, ef North Carolina, who delivered a splen did addret which wa received, with marked attention, and given liberal at plauae. f-"-:':-::--iS-''''X-'.. ' CoL Cunningham' speech will be pub lished in full, In another Issue of the JoumaL. ' "; -';: At the' conclusion- of hi cpeecb, ' Col Cunningham declared tbe Fair open, and bis nearen soon scattered' over . the ground to enjoy tbe Fair attraction. v - Prof. Hutchinson, gave a most success ful balloon atoenslon at 8:80 .o'clock, which wa enjoyed by every one on tbe ground! r!- vrW ,----u vii,"' The race received good attention, and warranted it, the trotting race, 9:00 mln ute class, requiring five . beat, Mattl Holt, wfbnlng tbe fint two heat, and M. H.W. th last three beat,' Codeine, third, JudgA fourth. Tlme-9 0, 9.40 9.87, 9.861, 9.86t. Vr.;- S Gnndma won the running raoe, two third of a mile, Ant. two beat, Royal Rever, etcond; ,My Via, third. Time, The Judge , were X. H. Bell, W. C. WlUett, Ferd Hahn. Time keeper. Ed. Clark, J. R, Cromwell; Joseph: Klnsey. Clerk, Geo. Henderson, Jr. Btarter, Wm. The following I the race program for TrtHtlas; or PaelDg to BwrBMSiSO Claw Defender, B." Gn entered by W. C. Chatham, Gnham. ;:.vvr'" ' Bayllae. B. G, entered by C. C. Thompson, WeeksvIIle.-, v -V . c "; ' J. S , B. G., entered by J. Schwartx, RaUlgb. . - - Dett, B. G., entered by C. 8teeleL Nor folk, Y- - z ' Lady Smith, B. M., entered by 8. Mo- Heal, KnoxT.Hlo.Tenn. - ' , - ' . Bnanlas Baee--PatM 10. ' W. J. Harden, Blk. G., entered by Gus Engelklng, Richmond, Va. . , ' ' Hot Stuff, 8. Q., entered by T.L. Emery, Wldon."; f My Vic,' Br. H. entered by A. G Denton, Raleigh. - ; ' -. Grandma, R. M.. entered by E. Engel klng, Richmond, Va. Little Bquaw, 8. F entered by W. H. Joyner, Garysburg. Bhotbell, B. O.,-' entered by E, D. Coiisltan, Jr., Richmond, Va... J. A. GrajrIlr. G , entered b F. D. Christian, Jr , Richmond, Va, Trotttnf to Uni0a--3iOO CIms Film IOO. For horses owned In Craven county: Jnde, B. Q., entered by W.W. t Uik, New Bern. Dainy Telle, Br. M., enterod by Josejih KInsy, No Bern. Donovan, B O., entered by Wm. Dunn New Eern. Jessie, l!r. II., entered by M. M. r:!uio New I!crn. ' j-, I!. (1 , tutored l y J. J. Unit, 1 I South Front, to Craven, to Broad, to George, to Fair grounds. The award of the committee on floral floats, was a follows: . " First premium MIbs Janle Stewart. . x Second primlum Mis Mary Moore. Third premium Mm Rudolph Ulrich. Chief Marshal Oewey Will collect and distribute the premium later In the I week. , , PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS, Mr. W. E Brown of Vanceboro wa in the city yesterday.' Mr. Boge Irvine of Kinston i a vial- tor to tbe Fair. .' - Rev. Father Edward 1 In tbe city on a visit. - . " - Mis Lula Taylor of Swan Quarter is at home attending the Fair. Mr. George Alien of Raleigh arrived last night to visit the Fair. - , The Misses Ora Sutton and Katie Brown of Winston are visiting Mrs. L. H.Ervin. V , Mr W. S Chadwlck ot Beaufort wa la the city yesterdsy., - - ' . Mr. W. H. Sawyer of Bayboro was a Visitor in the city yesterday. Mr. John McCotter of. Vandemere was in tbe o'.ty yesterday. - Mayor 8. P; Hanoock and N. W. Tay lor ef Beaufort spent yesterday In the oily, v V -, - 'Mr. Guy WInstead of Wilson arrived last night to visit the Fat -. ... Mr. George' W. Gasklll arrived li at tight on a visit to relatives., ' 'v Miss Roberta Best of Washington D. O. I Visiting Mrs. J. A. Paris. Rev. W. II. Willis and daughter of Winston are visiting relatives Jn the city. . Mr J 8 N KtnaCy, of Jacksonville is in the city atteatfing the Fair Mtj6 L Abernathy of Beaufort is vis iting the Fair. " j ; Messrs 0 M Babbitt and J S Basnigbt left yesterday morning to attend tliv Populist convention at Raleigh. - MlssCammie Lord and Mis Pattie Urquarht of Wilmington are visiting tin R DuVal Jones. Mr and Mrs Greely Brio of 'Swan Quarter, are visiting the family ot Mr J J B titer. T Mis Mollie Brown of Kinston 1 visit ing heralster, Mrs L H Jrvln. Dr O J O'Hagan of Greenville Is visit ing Dr Charle Duffy. - Mr Abe Oohn I visiting in the city. Misse Zlnkle Swlneell and Mollie Credle of Swan Quarter are In the city Visiting the Fair. Mr Don Baanigbi of Trinity School, Ohocowinlty, la spending Fair Weak at hornet i ' Mr Fred Hoyt of Washington is a vis itor to the Fair. Mr Dempsey Wood of Falling Creek Is In tbe city attending the Fair-' Mr 0 Winder returned to her home In Raletge yesterday from a visit to tbe family of DrFW Hughe. Misses Pearl McMillan and. Janle Mc Kethan of Fayettevllle and Miss Pauline Cameron of Raleigh are. visiting Miss Mary Moore. " . . ...-' -.'-.", Mr W 8 (wan of Stonewall wa a vi- Itorin the city yesterday. v v Mr George Scheelky of Newport New I In tbe city attending the Fair. Oipt O B Demon, Secretary 8tate Board Public Charitle, 1 In the city, : Mlu Lizxle and Larina Richard of Rocky Mount are visiting their sister Mrs E Walnau. Mr DC McCotter la in tbe city visit ing tbe Fair. . - . , Mi Annie Bell Borden of Goldiboro la vliiUog Mis Elizabeth Ellis . Proceedings of Board of Aldermen. Nnw Beb; April 18th Board met In call teuton, Mayor Patterton presid ing. Aldernm present: Parker, FoyJ Gerock, WaUon, Bowden, Phillip. Mo Carthy, Johnson aud Iferk.; 'y'- Ppon motion of Alderman McCarthy, the bill ef cost preienUd by Clerk ot citv aaalnst ths Vlrelni Chemical Co. be allowed. ' All present voting yes. ' Upon motion-, th clerk waa Instructed to notify all ownr'and operator of ttetm mill or machinery, located within the city limit, to appear before h Beard of City Aldermea at the regular meeting to be held First Tuesday night In May, It being th first day of Msy 1900, to discuss the matter pertaining to spark arrester. " Th Board of Aldermen appointed the following penom a Reglitrara aad Poll holders for the lection to b held a th city of New. Bern, N. O, on th I6th day of May 1900. . ; - ' 1st Wrd Iteglstran R. It. II 111; poll holders: J L Willis, snd Frank tlytuau. ind Ward Registrar: Henry L. Ha l; poll bolderaS E Bryan and C O Thorn ton. ' 8rd Ward Registrar. E8 Sireetj ptill holders: Henry Tay.lor and George Baw den 4lh Ward Registrar: Jetse Harrtsonj poll holdors: Jos E Gatklll and, Brlce Anderson. Blh Ward Rgltrar; O J McCarthy; poll holders-E W Watsiu an I rtam'ijl Howard. Cih Ward Registrar: Justice I)lo wny; poll holdurs: V ':;ar liollowell and A J ( i t 1. 1 ns. lizard took recess snliJ'H-t to call of 1" ayor. J. J. Toi iio-f, Uetk. xx: ) .... l- WORDS OF APPROVAL- Colonel Cunningham on the Fair and the Big Parade. . Col. John 8. Cunningham, who opened the 13th, Annual Fair at New Bern yesterday In conversation with a Journal reporter said: "I am delighted with your great Fair." r . " "The parade today was one of the best and handsomest I have ever seen. "Chief Marshal -Dewey 1 to be com mended for his admirable management of everything that came under his super vision. 'The Chief Marshal and bis as sistants were handsomely mounted and a fine looking, body of men. The Mar shall add great deal to the Fair and the success of the - several feature of the Fair, I always doe to them. : -: One of the most charming feature of the parade, were the cart and phaetons decorated with flowers, each driven by a young girl dressed In the same eolon, and looking even more lovely than the flowers themselves I1" - -' Col. Cunningham lives in the Pied mont belt of N. C. He plants over 600 acres annually in tobacco, and beside produces large crops of corn, wheat, oats clover and grass. 1 r f v V ' H. Clark,' Cbauncoy, Ga., say De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured bint of pile that afflicted him for twenty years. It is also a speedy cure for skin disease. Beware ot dangerous counterfeits. F. S. Puffy. St Cyprian Parish, The following vestrymen have been elected for St. Cyprian Parish: II. G. Bryan, Senior Warden. C. H. Ban ton, Junior Warden. J. T. Barber, Secretary. Robert Green, Treasurer. Israel Harris, J. T. York and John Fisher. " J. I: Carson, Prothonotary, Washing ton, l'a., snys, "I have . found Kodol Dyspepsia Cure an excellent remedy In case of stomach trouble, and have de rived great bcuefll from its use." It di gests what you oat and' can not fall to cure. F8 Duffy, Ask for Co.ro.ina Brights Cigarettes. All the rage. Train Annulled. Atlanlio and Nonh Carolina R. R. Superlntendtnt's pfllce, New Bern, N. 0. April Otb, 1900." Tn nil .nonlc mnA omnlnvn. A A. TCN C. R. R. and the public: Trains 5 and 6 discontinued on A ril 17lh, 18th, lOtbnd 20th, pn account ef the New Bern Fair. . Tbe above train will be discontinued on April 17th, 18tb,19th, and 20th. These trains (S and 0) wIlLiesume their regular schedule on Saturday, April SlsL .. Agents will post this notice at one or more conspicuous places at their depots and give notice to the public as far as possible, . 8. L. Dill, Superintendent. The new "anil trust" cigarettes, ''Cai- ollna Blights" Is tbe mildest, (weete smoke on tbe market. Ask for them. -Schedule of Malls. Arrival Of mall from north and west dally except Sunday, 10:50 a. m.; 5:40 p. m. ' Wilmington and the south 5:85 p. m.) Morehead City 9:00 a. m. Leave. Northland west 9:00 a. m- and 8:50 p. m.; Wilmington and sootb. 9:00 a, m.t Morohead City 5:50 p. m. - . SUKDAVB. Mall arrive from north and west 0:40 a-m.( 5:40 p. m. Leave 9:00 a. m.j and 5:48 p. m. v . The public will please bear In mind that the morning mall tor the North and West close at 8:18 a. m. : That the afternoon mall for north and wett closet at 8:00 p. m. . . For Morehead City at (15 p. m. Also that tbe afternoon train carries no mall for Intermediate point betweer here and Ooldsboro. ' Respectfully.' " . ' , - ' SETMOOn W. Hakcook ; KIch l,190' ." ' . Poetmuter ''C.srolln Bright" cigarettes Is tbe mildest smoke on the market, "antl trust.-' Atk your dealer for tbem. : : -Co lo tbe Oak; Mirket tor, the best tall fed beer, nice ana juicy;, 'v",. . ,. Hve yourprcicrlctlom at Davis' Phurmncy.' filled Atk for Carolina Bright Cigarette All the rage. . TWO. It. IXUTIElt STOCK AN O COTTON BROKER. Call to seen while In the city, If you are interested in the market. We ex tend to you a hearty weioome, lo mtke our oflicea over the Cotton Eehanire your headqtiarler. Buy F. 8., buy July wheat and cotton 0.1 break. 1 hone ADMlMSRATOH'i NOIICE. ITav!nir (iimiUli'd us tho administrator f the estate of Julia Mwarda, deeea-ed late of the coi.nty of ( raven, nolle hcriiliy (fivcn to oil piains liatln claimi against tlio said entata In prr s' iit the same to Hie n rut. rw gm d, duty vi 1 ti () .oil or lii-f.iro tlm I'lin diy nf Ap l'.i il . or this n tii:o w ill 1,8 iilrnd In tin of i!ht t rnvw v All tmtuos indi'htf to ti." if I --!'o aro ht.rthy rcjtiOHted to t, !; 1 t.mi -'la'K avoH'nt 'i i' m. ?; r. in ii V, dra.1. This l , h day (,( A nl l ). Btiggy Exhibit -rstr. . 1 1 . ' 1 The above cut -lepresents our weU known Bnggles as th.ey are exhibited at the Fair Ground. The moat reliable and complete buggy in the world. G. If. Watern A Son, 78 Broad St FOR SALE ! ft Will be sold at Auction in front of tbe office of J. J. Wolfenden on Middle St, on Tuesday, May 1st, All that certain property coruer of East Front and King Streetr New Bern, N. C Ssld property, consists of, a 2-3tory house and lot, metal roof, frame building, 8 good rooms in same house with kitchen attached. Lot fronts on East Front St., 107 feet, on King street about 95 feet. J. J. WOLFENDEN. YOU'LL SEE At a glanco that our rjprir.f; oolen rlke the top n:tch in w variety of a tistio patterns. What a suit it mude if and the way it is Inado up are the to important drea poln's. vo havo to rivals tn either re(ec'.. Our work is not imitated and our dlspliy of fabrics 1 exclusive. .Order now. F. M. Chad wick. Middle itreJt. NEW BEHN. N. 1 I am Pit,ols Tire. Surrounded i t. Rlni, Stokss, Hll nlltlir ryrliht' j until, nut) nt Mut-1 Rubbir, enit. I'ficr toil. I My atk of wheels confcihta of Enamel, Brushes, Carbide, graphite, Cssiters, Wrtnches. Tire Tape, Plugs. Pliers. C Varna, coT.vnnr.tH. m UAKTrOHIM mU HAM It I. KltS, . HTOHM Kits. M Puaips, ' Innirlubsj i a r..-i a.. BAVLHH, laal. tloth cnnlnlcsa and chaiu. Easy Payments. MY fiEPAIrfSKOP la Couti.f.t unit f'niir wrir is solli: ted. . . . Braokiti. Csrs. Oris. tan. WM. T. HILL, 91 MtHOttBI. iKkt. ef s; Dobbin & Ferrall, ,'i,.'; AtTitkir'a. ' lUIiBW , N. C. Our Cobweb The sheer oohwi b vollings which are rich a popular ' cy thit tenon are alio ndmlTibly adapted for the platted modes rr nhcreellnirlni. effect are to charnoler M the gown. . TheUHifiilnpraof t e cobweb vail' lose do s not e nd with t e season, since they are very apptopna'e for Winter wear at evening rem, t' ns, a faot wor thy of cnnnidrratli n when economy must bo studied. ' Dobbin Cz Ferrall, - ''l t v. HOLE A.l N( V FOK f r9 wm i Avi I m tj tja li i.i I I X 3 t i I v . r s - . Hjailings . Fair visitors are cordially invited to -visit our store. A large assortment of wash stuffs for Spring and Summer are shgibn here and in individual styles J " that cannot be obtained elsewhere Ladies. Shirt Waists, tucked and in- serting, also yoke or $t 50. Taffeta Silk Waists, corded all oVer, $5 00 each. Ladies Oxfords and Slippers, many styles from $2 to $3. Summer Parasols, sortment in all the prevailing shades. Kid Gloves, Veils, V TT ' 11.1 nostery. in DiacR thread T&ith lace effect Th Millinery Department In Eastern Carolina and Special Or ders will secure immediate consideration. X O. cMarks JfEW HERN GRIST - MILLS. Rolting Client KIvtorN and C'orn CleanerN Of thi Latest Improved and Up- to-Datc Mill flachinery. YOUIl TRADK 18 fcOLIClTKD 3T SPECIAL PAINS token in clean ing and imllsliing grain before iiolng thnulilbe mill-, Iwhich. iEBures pure mel, Corr, Hominy, Oats and Mixed lud GEORGE BISHOP. New Bc;n, N. C. When You Want the Best Beer In tho world call for and take no otbor tut the Philadelphia Prospect Urowinjj Co 'b Hud wei Lager lieer, tho purest and best for Baloby all the leading saloons in Ihe city ai d at wholcBitlo by JAS. V. TAYLOlt 1 For tho best 5o Cigar in the world try CubanoiA. . . ' Tho rnrest and Best Liqnor nl wnys on hand.; m- Old . t-onster , pccisiHy. The best for medicinal purposes at 1 , las. F. Taylor's, 18 Middla Street. 1 Are you needing Printing lin SHS US ni mvs monty. r-.-twcik r ' v . any Printing - today? 5 Vusn to n!VS 1 X need ol any- ' llifng In the Job .. A. V A ' plain back 79c to a verv larae as- Fancy Neck Ties. 1 1 T t 1 ana colors, Lisie . Greatest Company. X HMWiAUOIlSE, Week Commencing Monday, April I6th. Fpicial Return IiMjrnpeme::t 0 tho HE El-A LI) KtaiAiiE OPERA ., 25 Artists Presenting Grand and Comic Operas. Ma cul 0, t o n ay liijiht, fchiid IVha, Tut slay night, O'.Mlt '. Widnetday nigl.t, O icmcs o" Ni rman ly, Thursday night, JFiu I iavalo. Fiiday nigh', 0 it niinn tin, SHturday nigl.t PratM i.ow on rule at Waters. Price Fini four rosa 1 0 ; balance down stairs 75c. Qtillery 60r. Don't Be Careless - - A o t t'-ur rum-;nt. Kekre-. tt'liO'ih Im vp . ft-11 s 1 tit t f'0:o tbe pip being out t.f ordt r. :. Pirfi ct tani tary . rm'Hcut an - e'itl to h;-l lla'-enll wti'kon. iy-; tcspm.-' sib'c e lie. O I 1 ; i Important Vwtt ronulu. A b't;h iron rvan-ean et oirmy In Ihe wnl. Iiir vork and our rat 1 d.-fy f r .'t!i ' r ' , Hyrhan Supply , Co., - , c? AVhN.rti'iKKr Letters of Credit .: For Ihrse alloriillrs; Pari Expox: t on or Tn vt-Ilrg In Ktr p . The Citizens Bank, of Kew Bern. V, V., will k-di U t'rra c f f'r dlt avalltblu In a I taru f 1 uipe, t' rong't lit rgilar (fine ondvnt, tlio National Paik I5r,k, New Yoik, at Ni nrnal Rati . ft r mi tic i,lnr, iTCtifzcns Br.::' , i ,.-h,rr r,-.v is.,,,, v.c. ;