Til JOURNAL. rui llondiiv, i very day lu the year, except i Middle street. " - 1'honk No. 8. CMAT '.ES L. STEVENS, III II TOll AUD FBOPBIKTOK. . tXi.HCR.lPTION HATES-. one yeur, in advance... ....... ... .14-00 One year, not iu advance ,v 6-00 Monthly, by carrier la the city.. r. -.50 "'Advertising Rates furnished on appll- .cation, '- -' s v Entered at the Port Office, New Bern, N. C, as second class matter.; Official Paper 'of iJw Bern and ' " Crave Coaatr.." "Hew Bern, If. CAprll 10, 1800., ' BECAUSE EVERYONE DOES IT. ; -V: It is too much tbe morality of tbe day 1 to make what other people do thtand--"'erdof Individual action in private and .public matters." In politic, especially ', Is this true, and the cfclef.' sin I lallme ) r to secure -office, not- the questionable .- meaus. employed to get h, lor ''every v .one does it' hence no dishonor attaches, A except failure to land the prise.-- , LiBenator Clark, of,Montanatis oonsured for -bis lavish 'money J expenditure ; to, boy his seat in the United Sutes Senate, ? v tae chief and only excuse being, reyery - r. one does It," therefore the dishonor Is lost r: sight of, and it becomes a persecution to censure Mr. Clark for simply doing as ; others do. His failure! demands sympa thy, not criticism'."' : i - On this Clark matter the Detrolt.Free Press, says:. ". ,v(k w JwU. M ta notorious, and long has been no- iw terioua. that many .teats in ihe 'United - State Senate are bought, t The- pnpchase 'Sawney may pass through political chan. nels. It may go to pay for the "time1! of ,?:- desirable leaderaand the -assistance of V." henchmen down to tbe ward heeler and the pot bouse orator, who can all help' -s in theielectlonof ;the ''right kind'' of .. legislators." But It means nothing more .-' nor less than the -buying of the-fco;ibr scii&andtheoffloe, r , " f'JJet? .-i Clark made neserlocs departure from the custom, unless In the way of -liber-. p;, ?:ality. . His title would have passed wr ' " challenged had it not been for a-omltl- 'millionaire enemy.- Tbe deposed: Sena V tor was the victim-of a fend, not of a Vm- moral protest or a great public upheaval. . i Bad there been . no Daly there would ' '. have been no contest -' -w";. ; .' But after he had "showered -money to secure evidence from those contemptible 'A t . enough tasting the band that had ecn- riched them, the committee was enter- tatne4wlth such convicting 'evidence that there wasltut one course open to tt i ..,;. unless- prepared to openly i indorse lp-' putf to ' office - by pnrobase , instead of , -election.? - vDeatMi Cannot BeCnwd,.'; '." by; local applications as they cannot ; reach the diseased portion 6f the ear. 1 There is ohly one way to cure deafness. ..'- and that is, by. constitutional remedies." ; - Deafness is caused by an Inflamed con . dltlcn of the mucoos lining of the En- sftfihiw Tube; When this tube is in - i" flamed yoajiavs a rumbling sound s or - imperfect hearing, and when It is entire- Jytlosed, Deafness is the result, and un " less the Inflammation can be taken ont and this tube restored to its normal con- ' 'v t dltlen, hearing fill be destroyed forever. ". ': . Klne cases out of ten are caused by ;; Catarrh, which la nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. ' -i We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case cf Deafness, (caused by catarrh) ': M that eannet be cared by Hall's Catarrh . Cure; Send foi circular! free." vc"' ' ' J , .P.J. tHKNETftCow iT v "i. . Toledo jo;, - Boldby Drugglsta,75c ?.Jr;,S '4 '. Ball's Family Pills are the best ' I I ft-v.- ...:-.-.!t.. ". . nnotalp HerMlf, ''. ".;": , The girl and the circus poster can't be piamea ior Deing stnea up. - y--' A chesp remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but yon want something that will relieve and enre the more severe . and dan gerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do t Go to a warmer and more regular ollmstef Yes, If possible; if not possible for yon, then In either case take the oiar remedy that has been Introduced In all civilized countries with success In severe throat and lung troubles, "Boschet's German Syrup.". It not only heals and stimulates the tisduca to destroy the germ disease, but allay Inflammation, causes easy ex pectoration, gives a good night's rest. and cures the patient, .Try one bottle. Iiccommenilril many years by all drug- gists In I lie; world.' For sale by T. 8. J i V,. ;:ia Vi at vou cat lipstflthfl food and aids .m'mnir inn nnrr- iiHied dl(?iIlve or. LniHCovori'ddic'stc ) oi m-r prepanition it, !! l e irlenry. Jt in I f rmanriiilynirrs urn, J,. :r;i.urn, : !mis.'li, t,:,i,-'i.('i-.'i f EACHE.S A,. J L L t Story of Arthwr Stringer and am -j. .-...: Oxford FrofeiBur. Canadians are very touchy on the subject cf climate, as Bodyard Kipling ilscovered when be somewhat thought lessly dubbed tbe Dominion "Our Lady of the Snows." When Arthur StrinBer, the young Canadian poet and author. first went to Oxford, he carried with him letters from Trofessor Gold win Smith of . Toronto to Professor York Powell, the distinguished historian of Christchureb. -' . -, The old Oxford don, like one or two other. Englishmen, had very "vague ideas about Canada and somewhat sur prised tbe young stranger by Inquiring If be got along nicely on Sngllsh roast mutton after living so long on frozen seal meat,-! The, young poet gravely protested that be perhaps missed tils whale blubber a little, but the next day cabled home, aud In less than a week tbe finest basket of autumn peaches ever grown in Ontario, carefully pack ed in sawdust, was on Ite way to Ox ford. A- shorty time . afterward the- young author was again dining with the reglus professor at Oxford, and that gentleman produced at the meal fruit dlsb loaded, with tremondon peaches, " ".- r,' " , ... Most extraordinary." sain the-old professor. ; ''but these - peaches were sent to me'today, and I'm . blessed If 1 know who sent them.:, From the south of France. I suspect,, so I' saved a few of them for yon. Stringer.- They will be such a novelty, you know.",,'-" Tbe- 'Canadian very quietly : took , a steamship company's Mil of ..lading from his pocket and bahdea it to ttie professor. - The professor gazed at the MI, then at the fruit, then at the poet I had some whale blubbers too. pro. -lessor," said that young man, "but I simply bad to eat that - These other things were grown on my ancle farm In Kent county. Ont yon know. . He has 200 bushels of them every year, and he sent me over a basket of little ones alonjr with the- whale blubber.-? Saturday Evening Post '' SALARIES OF OUR LAYERS The Par at Actor Vnrloa From MIC to aa Hneh fSOO Pea. Woeku ' Franklin Fries, writing of "The The ater and Its People" In Tbe Ladles Home Journal, ; touches .Interestingly upon the earnings of actors and cor rects -the oft repeated reports of the enormous earnings of players. "Sala ries vary with circumstances,' be says. ."The manager may And at 125 a week a Dlnyer whose moderate talent exact-. ly fits a parfof considerable impor tance. ; He may bare to pay flBQ If the role U - atngqlar and r fit candidate . ' -. , . I.,, scarce, ii o vbuis nsivuni iu vuui- tion to ability, he may be willing to make the salary (500 a. week. In that case be takes into, account the public value of the name and makes a feature of It In hie advertisements, " . "Not more than ten actors In .Amer ica, aside from the stars,-receive. aa much as S250 n week,. and not more than - five actresses ,are , paid this amount 'In fact, S150 a week is excep tional, and S10O will engage an excel lent hero or heroine, a Une comedian or a delineator of eccentric character, Tbe wage rundown to 175 for a son- brettet, Ingenue or old man,' to ISO for an ok woman, juvenue man or juvenile wuiunM-. auu muun vw u ,,v vj . auu chorus men and womcn-at llS'or $18 a week.;.. Those are tbe wages of thort onghly competent Actors In compaulea of good gMde."'5";,.iSx'5 J Xx ..' .....'-- :'.' ' ' '.'..j'- "-:-:-':,';'.- rrltM Fat,' .' . -" Bays the Portland Oregonlau: "Sit la the belief of some historians that the name 'Oregon !, Aragon In disguise, that It was' given to till country by the early' Spanish voyagers- and that American explorers so interpreted tbe Word given them by the-Indlans. The theory la at least ; plausible and Indi cate a strange freak of fete, -The name Spain. proudly brought to this distant coast returned to the West In dies 300 years .Utter to destroy tbe power of Spain on the seaal Little thought De Kuca when be sighted this coast In WOtl. that some day; it would build a warship which, under the name of Araaon,or Oregon,-wonld be fore most In tbe battle that marked the cod of Spain's dominion In tbe new world.' ' A snake tamer who had trained a. serpent to follow him around tbe honae And even out of doors happened one day to take It with him to a strange place. "The snake, unused to the local ity, suddenly, seemed to forget all hut training and, escaping Into tbe boshes, resisted capture with bite and every Indication of wlldness. When caught It at once resumed Its tome habits. This tendency to become wild Imme diately upon obtaining tbetr freedom and to again become tame when caught I said to be a peculiarity of snakeev- New fork Tribune. " : ' '- ; ; ; Ts Probable aMa. The Clergyman (proudly) People are loath to leave my church. Why, after services. It Is fully 13 minute before the edifice la emptied!'". . ;' ' : The 8lnner 1 don't wonder at that Some people are very hard to awaken! -urooiyn ure. v . ,i: - ProStlOM. ,-----.'. v.. Hiss . Chicago Money - talks, yon know.1 " --j i . ,';',..-.... . Mln. Boston A vulgnr apothegm. Culture makes do concession to the lo quacity of lucre. Iftston Courier, ; It waa the custom of the GrwVs to offet beets on a silver tmy to Apollo in bis temple- at Ijclphl. Lord . Paeon loved the onion so that he doc!iir 1 tbe rose would be sweater planted In a bed of them. The Bymntlne prlnrwi plnyed a gnme which differed very little from our modern polo. ; - . , Hr,l Ut K-rp It, Everybody knows whoa s blcaihes hur lmir. i:hn can't k( dark. OltO Kill It, C: RoonvllV, In 1., .IU.-ll--,.e hi in n II-- w h i 1 ( Gr F I there are thousands of wo men who nearly suffer death from irregular menses. Some times the period " comes too often - sometimes not often enough sometimes the flow is too scant, and again it is too profuse. Each symptom shows that Nature needs help,- and. , that there is trouble in the or gans concerned. Be - careful when in any of the above con ditions..:" Don't take anv and every - nostrum advertised to- cere female troubles.' .. v;; . ; : BRADFIELDS v FEMALE REGULATOR . is the one safe and sure i medicine for irregular, or ; pain- - f ul menstruation. It cures all . .the ailments that are caused by : irregularity ,- such , as leueoT-e .rhosa, . falling . of the - womb, nervousness; pains in the head, back;7 breasts; shoulders, sides,-: ihlps and limbs. ; By regulating -the menses so that they occur .every , twen ty-ighthi'day, , all ' those aches disappear together. Just before, your time comes. get a bottle and see how muchLi u... ........ v...- sell it at $i. -US : Band (or oar rM book, " Perfect , -; HaltB for woman." THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO, . '' ATUITA, OA. , ' , BrtorU18Jienoy. -' - " Bobbs Clothes do not make the man. Dobbs No, but a lawyer has. -been made by a good suit.. ,K - Z .' ' , BheouiaUnn Cored InJ)r. rt Mystlo Oare for : Rhenmstlsm ' and Keuralgia cures iq 1 to 8 days. ' Its ac tion upon the system Is remarkable end mysterious- It removes at 6 rice the cause and the disease Immediately ditsppeart. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cenU J,,,,.,,,, poUring n a henry Are upon the Sold byT A Henry, druggist New Bern. 1 coach and passengera. "California Char- . -' '" AtnwwtieToJ..'-- Speech may be sllre't, 'but' there K a difference between free speech and Tree W. W. Mayhew, Merton,"- Wis". sayp, "I consider One Minute Cough Cure, a most . wonderful medicine,- quick and safe,"It is the only harmless remedy tha) gives immediite reeulta. It .euros coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe, whooping cough,; pneumonia and all throat and lung diseases, r- Its early use prevents consumption. Children always like it and mothers endorse It. F Duffy. ; i - " ' ,"' , . "" Cnltare. , V The Federal - Department of Agrlcul tore Is making a special point of rccom mending nut culture, : In New England te abandoned farms are being planted with nut trees, and the ' worked-out ground 11 found to furnish nonrlihmenj enough to cause the. walnut, butternut and chestnut to flourish abundantly', , , MOlXBrra LSHON FUXIIk ; j. -X ' -o- A Pleuaat LenHm Toele. ' ?oi biliousness, constioatloa and sr- pendlcltls. ' xf A-..;1;-' .'-5 rot indigestion, sick ana nervous neaaacne. ' . ;- w.v' For sleenlesaneaa, nervousness and heart failure. i"V'f'- ':-i. For fever, chills, detllltv and kldnev diseases, take lemon mixir, Ladles, ior nslural and , thorough or ganic regulation, take .Lemon JSIlxlr. - .. ur. noziey s Lemon jsita-ir ispreparea from the fresh juice of lemons, combined witb other vegetable; liver tonics, end will not fell you In sny of - the above named diseases. 60c and $1.00 bottles at druggists, f-: " .K .Y"v.'.y. '; n: '- Prepared only by J)r. H Moriey, At-. lanta, vm,.jt- , . . ., : -''' 'r-y. ."m Ike Capital. I am In my seventy-third year, and for nny years l nave been a great sutlcrer from Indigestion, constipation and bli lousnes. I have tried all the remedies advertised for these diseases, and got no permanent relief, . About one year ago, the disease assuming a more severe and dangerous lorm, i . became very weak and lost flesh rtnldly. I commenced oslng Dr. Motley's Lemon 11 xlr. I gained twelve pounds In three months. My strength and health, my appetite and my digestion were perfectly restored. ana now l leei ss young snd vigorous ss l ever aia in my me. L. ji, alldked, Door keeper Os , Btste Hen ate, j. State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga. V - ; '. Vostey's T-mon Elixir. - - Is the very best medicine I ever osed for tbe diseases you recommend it for, snd I nave used . many kinds for woman's troubles. . ' Mas. 8. A.GbekhaVi Balem, N. C. . -. . . r , ' " mozi.et'S ticaiuN hot nom.' Cures sit Coughs, Colds, Iloarienesa, Bore lbroat, Urnncbitis, Hemorrhage, and all throat snd lung diseases, Elegant reliable. . . &"n at druggists. Prepared only by ur. u. noziey, Aiiania, ua, , ; " ' At Hi. Word. Thespian Theodore Kind lady, could you help spoor cripple wot ain't able terworkf -' Kind Lady-Poor bianl llow did you lose your hand? . .' Thespian Tlicndoro-It's a Ions, sad story, kind lady. You son, I usii r fcc mi actor an' when I iy to the villain: I n hand me, s'rrnhl he takes nio nl me wind an' chops it of! will his swonl. A PERILOUS JOURNEY THE FIRST STAGS TRIP BETWEEN CHEYENNE AND CUSTER. There 1Vn Ka Troabl oa the Run Gut, but the Indians. Whooped It Ip la Mad raahton va the Attempt to Slake the tletara raBCe. - At the side of one of the main, thor oughfares of (lit present Dendwood there stands an - old, broken dowu, wuiiiout stagecoach which ban a historj of huto- rit'8. . It Is loved by niiuij; an old timer In the-ltlnck Hills because It was the lirst messenger between the western line of civlhzaliou lind their newly acquired home among the rugged mountains, It was some time: after the lirst man enter- W the bills before a regular stagecoach was put on lietween any of the' cities along the-bonler of civilization and the Black Hills mining enmps. . During the year 17U, two renri after tlitarnvol of the Kussell expedition at Custer, the orgauixatlnu of tlrr-fueyentie and Black Hills stHge linn was effected nud the: first Btugvcoiicli 3vns seut ont from Cheyenne for Custer.- The Indians were nunsually troublesome at that tluie. and the proprietors of the stage company were fearful lest - their venture ought come to a diaastnins end because of the ravages of the redaklna. . -, One day In the. summer ot JSiU this lint stagecoach wns starteir out ' from Cheyenne with a load ut paxaeugers nod bnggage anil with the fauiimn driver.- California -Charlie, v aud four atrong horaes. A conatant lookout Was kept for Indians throughout the Journey, but there was no incident .worthy of nieution on the long trlp.-nnd tlie coach reached CiiKter City In safety,; Tho miner uf that camp went wild over thr'event,' and the town- turned out that night for a genuine cete- brntlou. - -,.kt The following day "California Charlie,? who: had kept a level bead during the fes tivities of the uiirht nrcvioua. made nren-- araritmsfor a return trip to Cheyenne. There- were eoongh would be passengers to fill tbe coach several times, and. lots were druwn, there being 13 lucky num bers. . About 0 o'clock on -a July day "California tChariie" cracked his Whip -over the - head of bis leaders, and tbe -Start was made., across the wilderness which In; between Cunter- nnd Cheyenue. . Everything went well untIK the stage coach reached , an old creek bed t few miles out of Cnater.v -Here, without a moment's warning,;! band of Indians war paint sprang from ambush and corn- He plied bis-whip, and there Tras J. run ol a lew nines, wita.tne inuians in uoi pursuit- The driver suddenly dropped over in his seat nnd fell Into the boot of the coach dead, a bullet, having gone through htk head.' Tbe horses came to a standstill and-stood waiting for a word J rrom ine unvcr. '.-,- The Indiana came up behind the coach oa a mad run, and In a moment the conch was surrounded.' - The .12 passengers were numb with fright: Some eat like blocks of stones1 Others with more grit attempted to shoot out of the coach win dows st the dodging Indiana, tt scome-t to be the delight of the redskins to teas -their prisoners. They would ride np near the coach and ore directly at tbe paswn- gers. care being taken seemingly that the bullets penetrate -Coat ' sleeve, bat r mi ..IIBUIWll. .". I. . . . . . 1-:. -ri . Finslly two of tbe Indians dismounted from their "ponies and going op to- the horses on the' coach cut them loose and with a wild 1 yelL drove, the frightened teams, with baruesa on. away-:- That. was the last seen pf the Indians or the horserw -fvJ iifPT1"- The peiisengem walked 12 miles back to Custer.-A posse pursued the Indian, but their start had been too good.: Next day the coach waa brought back to Cus ter for a fresh start forCheyennW the trip being secoinpllshed without any trou ble. s -v; r Tbe same conch made frequent trips to Custer duris the summer ef ISiu. and on Bent, 'la of the name rear tbe Ri-st run waa mode Into Dead wood. 'The distance feons Desdwood In Cheyenne waf abont 500 mites.-: through an intensely hostile country.' As soon as the stage rout was thoroughly , : established - traffic : became heavy. For a number of years, -tip -to 0881. all ef the bullloe from the Home stake company s mine was shipped ooj. neder heavy, guard by this stage route. It was a perilous, trip to make -with the gold bricks, and nervy men went With the driver aa guards.-. -: ; t-"'t'r-. The North western Express. Stage snd Transportation company, organised trailer the Isvrt nf Minnesota, with It. ttlnkely ss president ond U. W. Carpenter as sec retary snd treasurer, commenced running a daily line of stagecoaches in : May. 1877, from Bismarck, where connection was made with the Northern rnrifie rail way company. The line waa transferred In- 1880 from, Bismarck to fieri, where It connected with the Chiengo and North western railway, and in 188(1 It made con nection-with the-Fremont. .'Klkhorn and Missouri Valley rnllrond - at Cbadnm, Neb. The company established a fine line of Concord coaches between I'iene snd Oeadwood In- 1880,' and the ruinpniiy carried an arrrng of o.OOU pnnwugera yesrly snd lt.Ouo.UUO pounda of espmis sod baggage. ' The Ilomestake bullion wss csrried by this line for tbe yeiw 1881 and Tbe company employed 'ZMI men.GU0 horses snd ZUOD-oxen. The coming of the' railroads to the Black Ullls marked the decline ut the stagecoacb, and the different lines were sooB devoid of tratlic Chicago Tribune. The. Sednctlve Solitaire. "Take my advice," said a man who bus been married about two years to a frleud who Is shortly to follow suit. lake rny advice snd never learn to play snlltulre. I know wbnt I in talking itlmiir when I say that It Is a dcspoller of lininrstic linn- plness. I never played n game nf tali In my life mull I got ninrrled. an now I'm a reK'ilur slnvii to it, or tieiid I sit uwn at my ili-nk in Hie i-veimus ind piny straight nheoil inilll tHltime flon't uieun to n-lirn I start, but I toiuply fnn I stun. If I h.ive any Irtleis to write. I think. Well. I'll Ju-t phiy mie gniiie fiiHt.' 'i'he.t enilrt It.- ninl Ihe iet!ei-s renioin iinvvrlin n. I enii'l m-MIe in- to reailin, nnrl I'm neiviniM ninl reslli tin T II I Hit tlitvvn to the l-iiliM. I ill Yre thun on nlil lnjirr Willi lii t'hly. 'I I V,nrt if It i n't r ill v 1 . i Hi:. I til," I V e ner'eet ll'.v n ii ii V M hen i.V I, I . I' .11 llli.l wif. her. ci V h-.ti! i; I' V. t.i!.- h.l liii.l thinl.M 1 il-'tl'l lui V ImiV. KM Vltll tl'lll' I l.f t!"i,.l. in u.-l v..::l .h .. her iiiij ir fnltl e I. J"U v.. 1 ii, .!. As the blood contains all the elements tant that it be kept free of all impurities, poiwiniiiR instead of nourishing the body, Some poisans enter the blooft f rora-withont, luucui.iiiuii ( uiucia amu nmnii, 'iu wacii hbms jjtuuuuls-wxummau: .in Ulfa - - system and ferment, allowing disease genua to develop and be taken into the ' circulation. While all blood troubles have one common origin, each has some peculiarity to distinguish it from the other.; Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula,; Cancen Rheumatism, Eczema aud other blood diseases can be distinguished bv a certain sore, ulcer, emotion or inflammation aiseasc snows sooner or taicr on me ouisiae ana on me weakest part ot uw bony, or wnere it finds the least resistance. Many mistake the sorer or outward sign for the real disease, and attempt a cure" by the use of salves, liniments and other external application!, . Valuable time is lost and no permanent benefit derived from such treatment v ' , . BLOOO TROUBLES REQUIRE BLOOD: REMEDIES the nently craihejited thc-blood reinforced, purified and cleansed, or the disease goes deeper and saps the very Hfe. Mercury, potash aud arsenic, the treatment usually prescribed in this class of diseases, are violent poisons, even when taken in small doses never cure, but do much harm by adding another poiaon to the already overbiiraiied, dUeased blood. . 1. - i V t. vT a 1W 1 w ... i w1 3 P"' J l J ' or any similar blood trouble,' write them dence. - We make no diarge for this service.' Worse Tbaa Death VaUey. Dreadful as Death valley Is, Its north western arm, known as Mesqulte val ley, Is worse.. Ail the waters upon its surface are poison, and dotvft through the: canyon a -hot,, suffocating wind blowg with terrible velocity.. During Its course through lha desert It fre quently gathers clouds of "White sand that have blinded many a horse and p rider, "Snd at frequent Intervals. It whirls down -tbe cauyeo-llke a cyclone of sharp crystals. -: Under the glisten ing beds of salt and boras are conceal ed streams of salt water which flow sluggishly toward some unknown out let or may be lapped up. by the parched winds.,'..- . . -'. - V ' One of the strangest phenomena of this extraordinary place Is what frou tlersmen, for want of better name. have called '"ralslngearth," : By the action of the sun a crust composed of minerals and clny has been formed oa the surface; and by some curious pres sure of nature has been" lifted from tbe earth In irregular curves like pie crust ld the oven. '.The cavity between this crust and (he solid earth varies from one to ten feet, and the depth frequent ly changes after, heavy windstorms by the. displacement of the air beneath. The man or the animal that steps upon this' crust. Is gone foreveR-' Jtt -Is abso lutely Impossible for any one to extri cate himself when plunging about In the ''raising earthr-rOhlcago Record,' V-Kemariwbte Gore of Ithensoatlsm - Krnka, Jackson Co., W. Va. About three years sgo tny wife bad an attack of rheumatism which confined her to bed for over a month and render ed her on ableto Walk a step without as sistance, her limbs being swollen .to double their normal size,: Mr,' B. Mad dox Insisted on my using Chamberlain's PalnBalm. I pnrchssed,-a' fifty -cent bottle and used it according" to the- dl- recttoni and the next morning she walk ed to tire ak fast without assistance In any manner, and she hss not had a similar attack since A. B. Parsons. . For sale bjr-F.8. puffy tJori-j -, Btelsjles;. :jjr- Mrs,. Benham snow .that mother 111 enjoy her slay wlthus; this. Is her first trip East and she Is counting upon seeing tbe ocean for the first time. ; - f Benbam I wish we could send It out to t;Mir;C:T ""-'.i ,' . '. 111 , v. ' In almost every neighborhood there Is some one whose life baa been saved by Chamberlain'! Colic Cholorg sjjd Diar rhoea Remedy, or who has been cured. of chronic diarrhoea by the use of that medicine.". Huch persons make, a" 'point Of telling of , It-' wbonever ' Opportunity offers; hoping that it may be' the means saving other lives. Fbr sale by F 8 Duf fy CO.'; J;:-'- "' ': J,':3:Cai.;.f; Co a. is v q aa x jZi 5 Baanibv -( rfl Kind Yon Haw Always BouxU 11. W. ft4I2HSO, rchitecl Kupii Rroatl Street t .;-yFOU-SAIjI5. A beautiful home or summer residence large dwelling bouse, handsome grounds adorned with stately oaks and evergreen goea gmBs lots, excellent neighborhood. Will roll at a sacrifice. 1 Address Mrs. J. E. jp.NEt), Billsboro, N. C. A double seated Itockaway. Will be old chesp for cash. At P. Trenwlth's Blacksmith Shop, Boulh Front street, near A. N. 0. R. Ft. Loans made. Ixians placed. ! Apply to ISAAC II. SMITH, 130 Middle street, New Bern, N. C. .; AVtViVV Ar';V'."V' " PATTL'.aN ; tlnnl Irt ever, iii ,i C'-tits m Ji-Ar. A I b. necessary to.snstain life, it is imnor. -" or it becomes a source of disease, "' and loss of health ie. sure to follow.; s through the- skin by absorption, orT aocearine on the akin.- Everv blond " ' a. 5. ts., Mature's own remedy, made of roots and herbs, attacks the disease in the blood, antidotes and forces out all impurities, makes weak, thin blood ich, strong and healthv. and at the same time builds llo the general health. S R. S. is the onlv r.l votrptalilM Ktnrut nnrifiMI.VMAnm onA blood troubles. A record of SO years of r..:i: lcx -m n i j A iuiau(j aucuui; iw ui unwu una wia uynmcs. . ... TrCB Metlioal Treatment. skilled physicians, who have made blood and akin diseases a life study, so if you have Contairious Blood Poison. Cancer. Scrofula. Rheumatism Eczema, an Did Sore or Ulcer. fully for advice' about your case. All correspondence is conducted in strictest confi -Book en blood and skin diseases free. -: " ' Notice of Dissolution. . Gsekill & Mitchell doing a general hardware' business at 73 Middle street have this dav dissolved hv mntn.l ,mi.l sent, Joseph Goskm continuing t'L business . at 4he old stand as Gaekill j0hn B, Garrett against Frederick Doug Hardware Co , and assunies sll liabilities lass and W, B. Blades, the undersigned of the Arm. All accounts due Gasktll& commissioners, appointed by the Court, Mitchell must be paid to GasMH MS ware Co, This 17th day March, lOOdL . Joseph Gaskili.,'s , J..M. Mitcqsi.l. - Notice of Dissolution. T. The business formerly conducted un der the firm title tif Ward & Cox has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, E. G. Cox retiring from the firm. All persons indebted to the .firm will please make prompt payment to W. M. Ward, who succeeds the firm, snd all persons having claims sgalust J.he firm will pre sent, the- same to Mr. : Ward for pay tnent. .This MarchSlst, 11)00. ""'. ',,-:'...; - W. M. Wai:i, E. G. Cox. Notice of Dissolution. The business formerly conducted un der the firm title oflKoberls & llro. has this day been dissolved by mutual con sent, S. G. Roberts retiring from tbe firm All persons ludebted to tbe firm will please make prompt payment to D. L. Roberts, Who succeeds the firm, and all persons having claims sgainst the firm will present the same to Mr. D. L. Rob erta foy payment.. This April Sth, 1900. D. L, RonKKTs, 8.-Q. Robrhts. " -Notice of Dissolution. The business formerly conducted un der the firm title of Moody & Duffy has this day been dissolved by mutual con sent, Mr. 11, L. Duffy retiring from the firm,- 'All persons indebted to tbe firm will please make prompt payment to Mr. J. L, Moody, who "succeeds the firm, and all- persons having claims against the firm will present the same to Mr. Moody for payment. .i'TlilS Marcfi ?0th, WOOv . 3 L. lt.I Moodv,--DoKrv.. ii nrthfrir yon ttiTent orhnprorei also mt CAVEAT.TlfADE-MARK, COPYRIGHT or DESIGN PROFECTIOM. tend model, aketh. or DhajtA- for free examination snd adrioe. BOOK ON PATENTS ""forest src.A.c::ovi&co. Patsrt lawyers. WASHINGTON, D.C. lifMlot'i Notice i'X - Hsvlng 'qualified -as the Execntor of mary Ann Ulrjmson, oeceasen; - late or the county of Crsren, t bis Is to notify all persons having claims against tbe estate of the deceased to exhibit "Ibenr to the undersigned on or before the 13tb day ef tiarcti, ivui, or this notice - wi.i be plead in bar of their recovery, AIL per sons Indebted to said estate will please niaae liumcuiaie payment. . -' -v-.Y;.-. JACOB B. TAYLOR. Executor Mary 'Ann. Dickinson, de ceased.'' -jr.. : ;' '".'. "This March 18, 1000, , Notice to CitdUurg and Utbtors. - The eubsorthe r, having. qiiHllfled as Executrix of the last will and testament of David Styron, deceased, gives notice that'all persons having claims against the eMale must oxhlhit them to her, oa or before April 12, 1001, or this notice will be pleaded to bar their rt covery.' ii Debtors are requested to n.aV'e frame dlule inv.,M nt -- , - l ; 11 A KLOTTE A, bTYRON, ' , , ti n innn . . . -- Tt ..i " April ut avw, . -n bxamnx. Al'MINISTUATOli'S NOTICE Uavlnir this dav qualified as atlinlnls trslorcum testamento anlioxo, of Ihe estate of Hnlney E. Leo, decrnsed, uotice Is hereby friven to all peisons having claims aeniost Ihe said enliilo to fin-rent the mine to the underfilled, duly vrrl lli il, on or before Hie liiiih day of March, 1101, or this noilro will be plead In bar of ihclr reroveiy. All persons link bled to Hie Sslil c-lale sio hi'ieby rtquesieil to make linmidlnie Hi ! ' h llll'll I ' ' Tins ii"' i!Mh ''"V of Mar-h,'ll:f!0. Ull I.I AM L. LAsMTUt - Aihi.ilii.-tmlMI f. T. A. J. i:. A- M O limn. Attorneys. A. i.e A-li III -III, il-tifitnr i' of the ntlfv nil ri. t Cere fate, FlliGumdiizm, , r Contsfjioua ; Blootl Poison, -Chronic Ulccro. Doison most be eomnleteW and nenm. I V nMl rtnm Vl flf nan esnanls flaArk .itnaiai? successful cures proves it to be a reliable, ..i i -1 . Our Medical Department is in cliargeof SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.', Atlanta, 6a. Valuable Steal Kstate . "" ' For Sale. By virtue of a judgement tendered at m., at the (Jourt house door In Craven county. Bell to tbo highest bidder for cash, the following described tracts or parcels of land In the city of New Berne: A certain lot of land including one house and barn situated thereon and de-criued as follows: Beginning at Ihe north west corner of Or. J. D. Clark's lot on tbe south i-ino of new South Front street thei cc wtt-l along new routh Frontstieel fotly ft el, ibenee south to JawBou'c ireek and parallel to the said Ur L lark's line, thence east along Law son's creek forty feet to Ihe east line ol the said Frederick Douglass, ibence along the east line of Frederick Douglass and the west line of Ur. J. D. Clark to tbe beginning on New tioulh Front street, being a part of the laud conveyed by died from W. D. Mclver and others to tbe said Frederick Douglass. Also one lot at the southwest corner of Bryan nd Kew South Front Uriels, and be ginning at Ihe interseciion of Bryan and new Routn rront streets and runs south along Bryau street, forty feet, I heme east and parallel to New t-'oulh Front street one hundred feet, tlx nee notiti forty feet to Nfw South Front street, thence east along New Houlh Front nirect to the beginning. Also one lot Bil u .iled on Bryan street, and beginning at Clara William' southwest corner on Bryan street snd runs thence southwaid ly along Bryan street to Lawfon's creek, thence east along Lawson's Creek one hundred feet, thence northwardly to tiara Williams' southeast comer, thence west along Clara Williams' couth line to the beginning on Bryan street. Also one certain lot on Bryan street situated 159 feet from the tsew South Front street, beginning at Clara Wil liams's coiner and running thence casi wardly with said William's line 100 feel, thoure southwardly and parallel wilh Bryan street 50 feet, thence weslwarilly and parallel with said William's line 100 feet to Bryan street, thence nnrihwiird ly along Bryan Hrcet to the beginning on Bryan street. Also one lot nf land located at the southeast corner of New and Bern streets, 00 feel on Bern street and 50 feet on New street, being a part lot No. 2U5 in the plan ef tbe City of Now Bern. Also one lot of land situated at the northwest corner of Lorcb's alley and Broad street and running westward!)' along Broad street thirty three (eel thence northwardly eighty five feet fo Uarget's lot thence along said Hargets' line to lihone'B line, thence sonthwatdly said Rhone's line to the beginning on Broad street. Also one lot of land on Bryan street beginning 40 ft south from the south east intersection of New Bontb Front snd Bryan streets and running fhence southwardly along Bryan street orly feet, thence eastwardly and paral el With New South .Front street one hundred feet, thence northwardly and parallel with Bryan street forty feet, thence westwardlv one hundred feet to the beginning on Bryan street. W W CLARK f "1 R W WILLIAVBON, i. r : Oomml winners. City Drdinance. Be it Orda'ned, by the Mayor and Board oTAldermea of tbe City oflNew Bcin North t'srollna that, . . Whereas, the said JIayor and Alder men have concluded to purchase or erect and construct a Water works and Bew firsge system, as-authorized by section 5 of the Act of thoGet (ral Assembly of North Carolina, entltlediM'An A(l to Incorporate the City of-New Bern," rst lfiod February 20th 1890, and, the Water and Sewer Company of New Bern, hav ing agreed to s?il snd convey to the said City It system of water works ao&sew eraget, now located in said city, at a price not to exceed $75,000-00, and about S, 000.00 in addition to said price will be required to psy for necessary repairs and extension of said system, V : : Therefore, be it Ordained, Ibat lbs proposition of lssulngdiy bonds of ssid city to an smounl not exceeding eighty thousand (80,000 00) dollars, In accord ance with ssid Act, for the purpose of buying, erecting and constructing said system of water works and sewerage, be submitted to a vole of the qu si I fled vo ters of said city, at an election to be held for that purpose, and that said election be held on the third Tuesday Iu May, next, it being the 15th day of May, A. Dv iOOOrio ssid city at tbe precincts or poll ing plsces appointed for the election of the Aldermen at the election held on the first Tuesday In May, 1800, and that poll holders and registrars be appointed to Isold ssid election. , - . That at said eleollon those ef the qual ified voters who favor Ihe Issuing of said bon tie shall vote a ballot containing the words, wiltten or printed, thereon, "For Water Works," snd those who oppose the Issulnt of ssid bonds shall vie a ballot with the words, "Against Water Works," written or primed thereon. . . 'I list tald election shall be conducted as Is provided for the election nf Alder men and Ihe result shall be declared by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. TI at 'notice of ssid election shall lie pnbllshed In the New Irn Jodhnai. for :t" d'.js, sin h nnike lostnle the purpose nf ihf eleeilon t he time t hereof and the 1.1ml (if hnlln! ri'iinl'fil. J J Ti'LsuN, CITY CLFIIK. 1 P, !,;:SL:: ii, I'i'mL- lll.lh h. Hill Bond Election I V Notice to Ahe Voters-. c j of Neui Bern -Ths volets tif Ni w Kbiiv N ' ., w 11 ' c. -"' take notice4 that an e.e Hon will l.e held " :" si the polling laws in tbe mivi ihI maids v of the i-iij i f New lu-rn i n nr.- ilurd . 1 ueniuy n.Mr.y ii i. H lii c lie lfilh day nf Mn . A I). 110U, fi.r tliu ) lirie of subudiiiiig tobe qualilb d vou is of J ' the city the prniniiiiiit to authorise tuid ' empower ihe JiuyT.r mid l i.Hulnf Alder-, men of said city to Jhkuc the B, nus tf lie stid lily tor the imipiite nf Imyinir, ru ling or cnnsuuciini; u i-ysiem of Wler Wi iks and Heweriice lor said - city.-accridii'g to the rxiniug cbaitcr. Section 55. I b aniuunt to be issued, is m l to ex ceed (Hti.hon I II) eil.iy ihMisaiid dollnts nf whic h mi nun i,i,i init ixieidmj; t5,- " 01000 is pn iiot.eil In ineincxluitiunand njiaira. Ail vi lets who f ivor ii e ix-uo of raid ' ' bonds will vi.ii-n h. lh.t i. In., words "For Water Woiki-,' w imi, cr printed Ihereou. Those who oppose tlie said Isi-ue will vote a ballot wnb the words -"Agau Bt WnUr Works", wiitiin or prin ed theron. J. 3. 1 0LSON. I It rk. Notice f Kuihiuoiim. North Carolina, Craven Countv Sii erior Cutirt. The City of New Bein.l vs. Si niinonn A E Woodruff, tiustcf.-r of the Kstate of Kliz-1 li, H. f. abeth (inodiiig. deed. J Action for Accnint nr.d Othi r Purposes. A. E. Woodruff, truslee i f Elizabi-th Goodinir. deceased, the nber i- unnu d de fendant will take notice il.ai a t-ummoi s in ine above entitled n-iii-n was issued from tliH Sm.i,., I ,,,1 ,,f fitiv, i. ' county, North Caioliu.. on Fi brunry 1st, uw, ivlui i:ai;iu in ii. c i i ii rrn oi me Supe-ior I ourl ol sa (1 coiinly, in be held at tlie - court I i. ii-ft it, N, w Horn N. C, Mi Ihe 12th ih r.diiy afu r the 1st monany in unnh, it hi injj Hie -'bill day of May, Itit't. when iitjii win re imi are refiliin-f! to miuwi-r il. ,,.,, it.iwii.i I ui ot judgnuiit will he iindcted in favor of iiic planum n'r uif it-nci III IHHIIUI II W M. WA180N, C. 8,C. H. C Whitrhursl, Ally, lor I'bi ntiiT Febrimiy 1st, liiOO. Notice of Sumirmis iinil Atlacli 11, nil. NoiiTti Cahoi.i. I CitAViwCouN'n. I P"'.inCoL'HT 11 I! Li lly vs J .1 Trader. To J. J. 'I llAlil.l : Whereas, I l.e Mm, minis w ss duly isuctl from the fcu i-i ;m emu i of Craven coun ty, returnable In mill court on tbe 5lh Monday before i!,e 1st Monday huMarch 1000, and retiiii.uiilo hy lbe Hheiiff not to lie found in ie eoiinly, said BUiiiieons being iBaiied in I he n!mve enlilieil action, aud n hire as v n i nler of publication has been duly maile Im setviee of summons upon you in tin- Miinn aforesaid: Now therefxn yon are hereby noliflctl to appenr st ihu Superior Couit of Craven l.'cuuty on llie 13th Monday after lbe 1st JtiiLilay in Mau-h 11100, it beiug the 28tb diiv of May 1000 and answer demur or uihi rwife plead to t lie com plaint whit b w ill he tiled in mid ni llnn on or befoie the first three days f suld term or ollu rwin- ill li-ml nuiil nrliou n.i you may be advixil. And you will further take not ire Ibal nl Ihe tine of issuing of the s uminotia ahove iiieiitlonid a writ of nltai linienl was ii-t-mii fiom said Con 1 1 in mill lu lii.n iliin tid to tlie Sheriff of Jodb county dlieriing him to levy said wiitHpon your pmperty in said county, and inkc sslil property into his possi ssion for the purpose of uaid action. To all of which yuii will take due notice and defonil the raine as you may be advised. This February Oth 1900 W. M. WATSON. Clerk Superior Court, Craven County Notice to Abpar. Stale of North Carolina t.'ounty of Craven. 1 Jn the Superior Court, I Before the Cleik. In the matter of the final srronnt of L H Cutler. Executor of Wm Cleve: To whom It Hay Concern: Whereas, L II Cutler has filed in this court his final account as Exrrulor of ihe last will and testament pf Wm. Clcve, Sr., deceased. Now Therefore, The heirs at law, le gatees and distributees of Wm Cleve.Sr. deceased and all other persons having any interest in tbe said estate are hereby notified and commanded to appear be fore the undersigned Clerk Superior Court al 1.1s office In New Bern on Wed nesday the S5tb day of April, 1000, at -the hour of 11 o'clock a in and show ' cause, If sny they have, w hy said final ' ' account should not be audited and ap- proved, and an order of distribution ' IB -accordance with Ihe will made, snd the ' said Executor discharged from his trust, y' Done st my office In the ell y of New Bern under my hand and seal this the 23d day ,' Of February. 1900. i':-- , W. M. WATSON, C. ti;T:i: i i m ii i i -it- ADMINISTRATOR' NOTICE Bavlnr this day quail fled ss Admlrtlg-- " . trator of the estate of Jesse Brooks, de-1 . .. eeaord, late of Craven rouuly, 'notice la Iv . ' hereby given to all persona liavlng-'.-.';. ' claims against tl e said estate to preseuS. - ' Ihe same to the Underslsnert, duly veri-.''(..'r ;' . 8ed, on or before the Bib day. of April,!",' ""v' 1001. or tbls notice will be pfend In bst-.!j , pf their ncovery .'--- ';- v' All persons indetdeil lo i he said estate . - are hereby requested t itiake lu.oiidiata scWlrtneni. ,-..-.-' '. '.' .!!:"'-- '- . This Sth dav cf Atvll fOTO -J f .THOB. f r Mct'Af TIIY, ' V -" ' j-..-wvp -M.v''Adnilsijator, - ' ' - Jfollce or Helznre. - ' ,'-'.- f DLI.ECTOR'a OFFICC. .- t , 4th Hist., Italelgh, N. O. J . , ' Nolle Is hereby given ft the seisure of tbe following properly for viulatlon of the Internal revenue lvs. . -.' Newport; N. 0., March 14, 1000, from J.H h f ts, d si 1 er by1 0 , M Dad 1 1, Deputy Colt c or, J1 packages contain ing IMS gallons whiskey, cn c i'per Still 100 gi.llons eapacity, one copper worm, four fprtnt liters and two msi li t ibss Alsniwn packRftee ronlslnl ir 6 gillinscnro wlil-kry srizrn fio.n J H ltogers March 10th, ItiOO by.R srki y Hare, Deputy Collertor. ' , Any pet sou or peisoi a rlalnrlng Ihe said il'ip-tlv Hfe l:et, tiy tiiillti.-il in rp pi nr al n. y l Dice in HnU-lf- ll. N. C , w i I. -in i'O (ill) n lrim ilate niif) n lite t li.im i:, tho f. rm snd liuit.iier ti'ii-iifw i) ,y i;i v. or tin- snhl ptup, ny HI I r l. it, ii. (,, II e i i,l nl Miiu . 1', f, IM' ' , I'v ). V. I':''. lull, 1,i. 'I. ; h 1 ' Ci i, ; i "i w. c. 4 r r r.-V- 4 L.'...i

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