0 f ; t .V.J I The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which, has been :i Via use for over 30 years, has borne the Bignatnre of and has been made under his per- Ty'jh"- eonal supervision Blnce its infancy.. Y 4t4cAM AJIow no one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good are but ' ; ,- Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of X Infants and Children Experience against Experiment, . ? What io castoria; f Castor) a is a harmless substitute for Castor QU Pare , " goric, Drops and Soothing1 Syrups, It la Pleasant, , It , contains neither Opium, Morphine nor. other NarcoOo ' T ' substance. Its age is -its guarantee. It destroys Worms ----- and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind " .',, Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food., regulates the,- - Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. ' ; The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend, w - . GENUINE CASTORIA Vh Bears the Signature of; Twrrinjf thovc the p!yfn, proud in dwesi- Her U-ndnied ivu-s, hue s women's hair. Veiling hr hurt and hidifi(E her despair Tiie monument of t deraned day, The tliadow ot a Klory puascd 4 war. Btands Kenil worth, tripped of her pomp and bare - ' . , Of all that made her to ffupremely fair WhcH-power with love contended for ber swijr. this wide ruin, aolemn and serene. - - Where moved ruajeatical a virgin queen, ' Tb peacock itmia, bis ominous plumes out- spread, . . r And here; where easting an Immortal ipell sad and girlish- presence seems to dwell. Tbo wild bird nests and circles overbead, - Kloren$fiarla Co tea in Atlantic. The Kind Yoii Have Always Bought .'r-:inUse For Over 30 Years." : ; tmc ettmus oowmrv. rr muhrat mrtr. Hiwvottit efnr. Wm -A''t - y rHousawtis haid work without OoldDiisf ' Washing Pi&esl . To wash dishes Install the time, and ee It Well, follow ihl recipe,-Ale-aye tlae tot water not warm, but hot It I, bent to use mops who china and glaaa, and, to bin s plot lather, inste&d-of ualof aop ee..;,i, "J?.' .. Gold Jt Wasting ?owdef ;. Dinaolreatableeiioofltriia-tfcetaweterand waah qeicklyi have plejitf of nlca, dry toe-els wipe llh ; have drainer that will allev the water wnin olf riio dlehee into receptacle be low, when ytm will have hlyhljr polished flu tad chiM, ; ,t ... . ; f ' V;;:. s.--siw: '. ..-(.. Tbo khm If Uka. firm f trm feookM '1 - ij? 'uoldin Bouaroa. twvsiiwoiUL;.rv tMI . R. rAIRUMIt OOWFAHVij Ohiua st,ui BLOOD CURE SEN'T FREE. ! An Offer Proving Faith to Sufferers. Journal V : Readers Write Todav ll ' ' i UUseti.Xaiicon'.Ealinj " f oa7 Plj b riingir?Eireta of B3oodolJT rtriist nt Eroptiopg, lht tofuso to 1 el nnder,i ordinary Urealmcnt ,r quifjily ca-ea hy B B B (Botanic BlK i'Blffl. made eapeclally t cure ll4ernblepbBU: inie, det p pealed B'oxl arid Skirt UpbUw, . Is your-blood thin? j At? yo j M All run dowrf. Hara youEcKDia? PlrorW-'TlotcJea and. Bumpsl 6kinor ' Boalp Hum-e?7 BollaL -Eniptfona? Skl Itxsliea and Swollen? Achlnit Boneat ' Eliiinnalismf . BcTofulsT Catarrb? Tlien ycu need BBB (Botamo Blood Balm), (k cause It dralna from the b!v d and entire syetcm all" the poieona and. hnmon . which cause ir of Uieae troubles, and the cauie btlng tempTed. permanent ure - a. lol'on r. BBB acta aa a fine U nic Lnildine np tke broken down ooLitUntloa. ' Fvery one aaya tliat B B B is the moai voiderul' Bloody Purifier of-the age; . and bo wonder, for it "hat cured the most deep seated, obstinate, cases, .'(even tlie ..'"' moti dtsaillj cancer) fte doctors and patent mediclnea hd failed.' Thoronghly r tested for thlity years and never known to fail, For thi reason oor faith Is so - great lo B B B t'mt we wil( send. tn any tultercr a, TtlaT Bottle Freo,. so . they . ntaj" i viett the nvuicineat oor expcnsofNoconditiona attached lo this oner, . as we . know what B Il B can flo,' all wo ask is for you to trytt If you are aalisfied Uiat ir- .JBB Bola nic Blood BaMJs what vou n?e1 rou will flod large -tiottlts at all a draft stores for it, or six larse bottles (full trealnieni)5. For Ireottlal bottle ad rlrt-KH BLOOD JiALH CO : 181 Mitchell rtreet. Atlauta. 0 , and bottle Jind mcdi J- j. al book will be sent;' ail charge prrpaid.JJDescrlbe your trouble, and we will in elude tree medical advice..; Write .today....-1;if'l".'vii!V IS K1 ' i '1 EeaiCH, Ka. J.a. 11. i Md Wine t CurrloJ fir nor oa.neM tod vknH lo the womb. A(tr tulac one bottle ws. well again, i em a midwife ana alwaya reoommend 5Vlne of. Carllul to mr ladjr frlnde during prefinancT and atter birth ee a tonlo. ; KT.ry lady who takfe It finde that It does vca jnore than ia eUtmod foritn, ' t v UBS. V. M. OISVBaT. . Nobody knows woman-like woman.' Men ti to medical enlists, "itudy books tnd listen to lectures. Tliey Itjrn Indirectly of the dheajea of women, but they are men and cm never fully uiidrrsUnd the ailments, the sufferings, the ai'onics of mothers, wives and sutcn. - A woman knows. . Mrs. Bouvert knows. She has passed through the trials and tribulations of her ttx. - She has been netr by when her tlstrrj suf- ' fered Slie lus seen them relieved and cured with Wine ol Cardul. Is H any wonder sht recommend Hf b It any wonder that thousands USUI' MVISOH SIPSKTMIST. - Viir ulvbw In mm rM,nli Ina mnlm v of other women recommend IL Thoy know. , They have sc- tual ewierleiics to prompt them. They Spread the' tiding from " mouth to mouth, tellinu how Wine of Cardui helps young sjiris, helps the weak of all iges, helps and lures all womanly iUa. v ', Druggists Sell Large Bottles for $1.C9. ; The Only. K.ovi.1Vosl Itenii'mbcr we have slait rt lo orV again. Blote Wood trpt under large h s, nVfr gctl wet in rainy woullmr. . PICTURE FRAME MOLDINGS. Tbooaamda of Striae and Additions. Hade to the Vartetr Yearly. ' Picture frame moldings, such as are mnuufat" j red and sold by wholesale In strips to be cut up aa may tie requirea in the making of picture frames, are pro duced in lengths of 12 feet, : They are produced in pretty nearly all natural woods, . There are also produced cneaper picture frame moldiugs in imitation of some of these woods, as.of oali.- these various moldings are made ' in v. many widths and many thicknesses and in great: variety of form, great numbers Of them with - no- ornamentation whatever and many of them ornamented with a beadlug or other design, which may be carved In the wood by ths machineln which the molding is made or pressed or stumped in the -wood. Sometimes this beadlnar ls glided or so treated as to look like oxidised "metah' and sometimes, a straight, smooth.' Irne or-dtvimon of a wood molding i nnlsbed In tne ium manner. - - , ' - i v 1 ' ' Many pletui'e-frame moldings are an- isbod in white,, some in white with an other N;olor, aomcy are- made In eombina tiuoast colors and some are made In ma- trh colore, and these lust may be made injmany nhodes. Xneii there Is a variety of moldiugs In black,.. Many of these colored moldings are plain. In design, and there -are among tueru many that, aro odd. "And 'then there, arc niany-of the colored moldings tnat are uigmy orna mcnted.-- " , Of glided picture 'frame moldings the rarietv . uroduced l very largi. - Borne art gilded with cold, some -with' a lac quer laid on over silver leaf and some are glided' with a cheaper material. : '-:( rictnre; frame moldiugs. ' taking tbem altogether, are produced ' In "thoasands of styles, and new styles are' constantly being added, these being out on tne mar ket twice a year, for the sprfug and .falt trade, v A picture frame molding uwnu fncturer producing moldings -In literally bnodreds of -styles-would still .produce more or less" new -styles, 'JO, perhaps, ee 40 each, season. Rut for .all the great variety ..offered -there are certain kinds and styles of picture, frnmc moldings that are staple uitods and that sell uteadl- ly. Just as them are staple' lines in all kinds ot mercnnnuise. - Tbere arc big factories devoted solely to- the miinnfactiirv.. or : picture - irnme moldlngs.v- Borne aiaGufacturers make a snecialrv of cilt moldings, some of nat ural wood and. other moldings,, ana. . In some factories all sorts of moldings and frames as well are produced. New York ' ' Flower. In Mexico. ' " The flowers of the City of Mexico are one of its chief delights.- ItosesH Violets. forgetmenotsi marguerites and , lilies bloom all the year rouud. : There are few weeks when- a quarter will -not buy splendid big bunch snd when, a silver dol lar will not fill the vase 1 dm lie bouse to overflowing.';. Flowers arc sold not only at the flower market near the cathedral. that tr devoted entirely to Bowers, straw berries end bird, but at the other gener al market and on the street corners. .; ; The "flower girlsef the capital ar all bovs and men. At some Dlacca In Mex eo, particularly Guadalajara, little girls are to be seen on the streets all day and in (he evening offering bau ton uteres for which they will not set a price, but ask von to give what yon please. It Is bard to' find a flower on sale anywhere attar midday. -The flower seller makes op boo auets In the most artistic fashion.: Tne street venders never sell toose cut flow ers, but arrange them upon a baaework of green so. that each flower stands by Itself, and the whole bunch Is prettily finished with a garniture of green leaves or ferns. . Bet pieces are also arranged With a fine aense of taste and regard fair colors.-, A pansy wreath three feet across can frequently be purchased at tne mar ket for Ilv, -.'.'. ;--. , r". Flowers are .very generally used at fu- I nerals, and It ta not aa -onusual- sight to see a casket, even or one of tne. poorer class, completely covered with flowers. wreaths, crosses and bankets in bewilder ing array, aa it ta hurried through the crowded thoroughfares "Upon an. open street. Chicago Record.,. -.-i-S - j .."4 V asarlhorensTB the Traltoe. Of all the traitors the Worst waa liar borough, who, .jo buy - pardon from James, betrayed to him the expedition against Brest, causing thereby the failure ot the expedition and I he death of the gallant Tulmash,' Its commander. No L other British soldier bss been guilty ot a crime so font.' bxcuees are vain. (t Is ssld that other traitors had given the In formation before Marlborough. Unless he. knew it this makes no di feune, and If be did know it be was Ixmnd to warn the government. ... He well "deserved to be shot, or rather to be banged. Ills apolo gists had better leave bis case alone and let bis political Infamy be lost as far as II may in his military glory, lie was a man. ..like Napoleon, devoid of moral sense, if ha ever had any, be must have loft It in the antechambers ot Charles 11. -"The United Kiugdom," by Uoldwia Bmitn, . - - . ' . , Good Fraetlee For Paras Work," "Yea" said Farmer CorntosseL "let f. Josh go right abend playln golf. k 1 reck on It II do tilm good. , "Von said you thought It was awasts 0T tune yesteruny," said Bis wire. "I've chsnged my mind. If he keeps on practlcin -with them slicks- a few years, mebhe there won't be so much danger of cuttln blnwlf when he tries to handle a scythe." Washington Star. - UStS CF OLD PAPER. . Whut Once a Lona Now the BaH - of a Dttf iluitliieaa. . ' A curious and tiili-resting fi-ature ojF. IUe paper making industry was liiuuuht to tne notice of on oliico lununirer a few days iiko by a letter of inquiry. Hio ln (juiry was aliiiiTt aifcuinnlattuns of writ ten nintter no lunger of use, out ot hik u a private business nature as to necessi tate curefnl disposal in order to prevent cxaiiiiiiatnui by outside pailiea old uc- sount books, for Inslaucu. , Years ago lurite othces us-d at some ex pense to have such 'aetiiiiinlatious de stroyed, -usually by toe. . But this was trouldotHimc, for paier In compact form is slow to burn, and the destroying of books and ntueks of paper feudist to clog furnaces, . - In course of time a paper uiauufacturcr hit on the idea of taking such old papers to mill under ussnrancus of privacy uiid chemically l euiormg ull traces of writing. Market Mice being allowed far the paper. thus gathered, what was before merely a waste and a source of trouble besides be came productive of a revenue worthy of consideration, aud the plan grew in favor. At first houses would scud employees- with the stuff to the nulls to be sni-e tliat no scattering occurred, -but gradpally this precaution came to be djecontiuwdi. ff. A- large palter concern, . witn mills in Connecticut, has for .years made d tpev cialty of collecting such piipers fitim bankers, insurance Companies and large mercantile houses and shipping them .di rectly to the- mills,- where by the use of. strong-Chemicals all traces of writing are destroyed before the material js-worted over into paper pulp. . This feature of the economics, of . great city's affairs has grown "to great proportions, and some times single toads contain as much as 20 oHKHoue of paper; all marked with- wrlt- lncldentnlly the spread or contagion ny this method is effectually prevented.. W'bvu the: writing hus disappeared from the sheets, so have all vestiges of life, -v , . The refuse collected aids in making diti ferent-vnriefles-of nuoer. and the careful sorting process that must: be- employed. constitutes one of the emet items oi ex- Dense tn nsiug this material.. The tuff which comes- from correspondence effaces aoes in Dart TO make writing paper. The collections from newspaper headquarters. containing wood pulp, .must foe used for other purposes.. All paper scrap is mixed with large nvonortlons- of fresh material in the manufacture of fresh white sheets. New York Mul and Express. .- sr. EVCN RUNNINQ CURED . Johnston's Sarsaparilla x QUART BOTTLES. v ' THE GREAT SPRING MEDICINE. C v- JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA as a Blood Food and Norve Energlzer, Is tb greatest SPRINQ MEDICINE ever discovered. It comes as a rich blessing front- heaven to the" worn out," the run down, the overworked and debilitated. . That " tired feeling," those "slnkingspeila," the languor and despondency which arise from badly nour ished nsrves, from thiifTVntaled blood and an underfed body, variiih as if by a maglo spell,. The-weaxinasa, lassituds and nervou Trosiration which accompany the ssprlng. time and the heat of summer, are conquered and banished aLxacs. For every form of neurasthemVand all aliments of the brain and nerve, insomnia, hysteria and nervousness generally, it Js almost a specific II furnishes the very elements to rebuild wont-out nerve tissues.. It feeds brairt, nerve centers and nerves, calming and equalizing their action; It makes rich, red, honest blood, t Newness of life, new hope, . new strength follow Its faith ful use. It makes the weak strong, and the old young again. . ., It was the antiquated (but now happily explodedyrfflethod In the good old times, to treat Salt Rbeum, Scrofula, Cancer and otheV troublesome disorder! arising froirr BLOOD TAINT with powerful alteratives, such as mercury, arsenio. and other mineral agents. It Was expected by this treatment that the poison could bo killed while the blood was left to course through its channels holding in Its circulation the-spcclftc germs of the disesae. v But in this wayevery part of iho body became more or less diseased. . Noth ing can be more terrible than a horribly destructive blood taint.; Hoot only attack viru lently the different structures of the" body, but many times the bones are honey-combed and destroyed, It often seeks out the nerves, and spinal cord, and again It will bring de cay and death to some vital organ, al the kidneys, Uver or stomach. vThere is only one scientific method for the cure of blood taint. That is, PURIFICATION l Ever particle Of the blood must be removed through the execretory channels, the lungs, kidneys, bowels, Uver and skin, - " First pure, then peaceable." The great restorative, reconstructive and vttallzerof the blood, JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA, not-only radically and ex haustively removes the taint, but also removes all mercury, calomel and other minerals, andjllls the veins and arteries with the ruby, glowing current of Vitality, -: 'The blood Is the life. .Good health means pure blood. The old and reliable remedy, JUXINS ION'S SARSAPARILLA, Is universally regarded as the. greatest. Blood Purifier ever discovered.-' This fact ts now established beyond question or cavil. ' - , -1- - BLOOD POISJOK C1TBBS BT JOHXeTOM'S SABSAPAXflLIA. Wllllams.Jav1e, Brooka ft Co.. tetocHf f -.' " '; - ' Cwitlemen: In April last I beta" sslnr JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA, for Blood Potsoa, caused a an amputatios oJ one of my arms. I hag SEVEN. RUNNING SORES on my lesa. I asad two bottles and waa entirely corad. 1 know It is what cured me - Yours truly, - C. W. LUTHER. moukM iORTrGkrooxpAinr. xxxutk-Oit. uiok. . X -v. G 1) BKADRAM, - New Bern, N. 0. 5 HEALTH FROM COLO AlrW Winter Aboct th - Beet Btlmelent ".f'?. I'eople C Have, :;..: Many iH-rtuius'reltard the winter season an unforttlltnte visitation." it con sidered both unoirtnfortuble td the - body and harmful to health, - This is an error. Cold is s most uotent airent f or the res- tomtlun and presurrtttlon of normal, ac tivity on the part Of the organs of the human body. It IS a wlsojuMaU of provi dence which uives us a, chanire of sea- sons. ' The- winter cold cornea as a tunic to remilr the., injuries- dune by the en- ervatlns; heilt of rummers Summer, it is true, bns mnu' wiHe-nars la the nuittefof health It iud uce 011 tdoor life, rids the system of poisons through .copious per spiration and through the scorching- rays of sun deatro) germ life. , Winter is the great bracer of the sys tem, ft stimulates activltjjn every or- aau. - W hen tola attacss tne surrace 01 the bod v.: the blood is set into mora tree circulation as a means of bodily warmth It Is through the circulation of the blood that the. human anatomy . is kept in State of trpnir. . Whcu the food has been digested and converted into' liquid form It is -taken up by the blood ana earned the rounds of the system -for the purpose of repairing the waste places. i .Wbenune ild causes Increased circulation, It also brings about more perfect nutritioni c Man's face and Jiauds Illustrate .bow weatheroroof 4he body becomes when ex posed to air.' - Continued activity in circa tattoo on the surf ace, -caused by the air coming in- coutact. with the skin, tends to nourish and thicken tho skin. -Thus man's akin grows thicker In winter juat as-animals ore supplied with a double coat of fur. The savages who dwell, bare- beaded iu the open" air are seldom, if ever, known" to be ofMcted with bald bends, while. witb.lhe civilian who shields his sen Ip from. air, baldness is. prevalent. bo Indians who. If not now, in form er days roamed our western borders, practically without clothing to; shelter their bodies, became, through long expo sure, so Jiinred to the cold that It gave them but . Utile discomfort Bt. Louis tilobe-Democrat.." .. ;-' 'H-:' :?v. -it 'Peeallkr Kind of Writers' Cramp. -"Whsf's the matter. Brown t -vlon're 'getting thin." said a successful writer ot special stories for the Sunday newspapers to another '"free lance," whose work seldom accepted. "You look as If . yon had been working too bard. - This was lie, aud the rticcessful man kueirjt, but ne could on or a to natter. "Haven't written anything for month,1 growled Brown. "I've got writers' cramp."--'" -i '"..',,.-''.. ' "t4 'Why don't you ase a typewriter, then? I never heard that writers' cramp would make a man thin, anyway," exclaimed the prosperous man. -: , 1 The kind that I have does," replied Brawn gloomily." "It's a poor writer's cramp In the stomach. The less yon write the more K cramps yon. New . Tori Tribune. ." - - : ' Meatl'i-lnst Rare Foesll The late Professor Marsh of Ysle col lege, the eminent paleontologist, bad quiet wit. Once a facetious Student brought him a bone scraped and cut In fantastic fashion.- The class knew of the plan to deceive the scientist. - I think, professor, that this fa a very rare fntuil, - .. . ThtrHoetnr looked at the bone, then at Ihe atudi-nt, finnlly centering his gnxe up on the Intter s knee. . . It Is nnt rnrc. It Is painfully familiar to tne. It Is a piece of the leg bone of talf!" Baturduy Evening Post. N ' '"tontrndletorr. " aro a Urent admirer of Ren Jonson," remarked the din-tor. "lOverythlng be Irh-d to do wna fl tll done." "And ret," sniil the profoawir, "l bare lw n.n bi nrd him frmki-ii of ss rnre 11. 0 Jouboo." Cliicsco 'i'rihune. Didn't Dnnbf Him. . " "T7 I,., b o,iI,I nlo.Ur ln (he vnr hi St my feet, said the seutlmenlnl youn; Woiiuin. "Tiiat's what be II do," said Miss Cny nne. '"Aftir you re ninrrlttl lie II my tl world nt j-onr feet and compel you anllr on It liornune you cuu't nfford al)." Washington Hinr. A man should nt b cnlli-d a simply 1h-chii"h- lie lr-huii; to tin diet. iU. I'll ill lilolm. pr--li!el 1'iui olr " Iin-lH'i-jr-i In itiw Alhnitlo omftiiiHs I iu or 200 yt-nn. Ut.n Ik i . i i ff ?J on JiOMF (SE trouMi-tl itli thi nmnih-m, five j Js " , u ' n (Jlinmliff l.-ihi'ii I a'u V '1.1 a tiM. It will . not C'-'hI yn n ( f;f li It Tii y V- : 1 flcnn, puirt wn'Mf fn!i,c, r ir ' t" h. l,i iiufiiMy innflr Ir.nn m nllv-.t u ih-r n: M;li 4 ' !l 1 Ui ! intl fnfi trttm imnuiuiiH. J ! i -iUy In- 1 1 1 1 ! V.ii t :.f i ' i : t : r 1 ' A di ver vr mian enn nlnnra-iilve s si' ninn the liupu-wsion th.-il he hna naisl n l of bright Ihins liliiivi-ir.t;lii. ni.-o IU aid. "iil.lo. Itnnt:!! li., il .Ijiii '. n n man h n rrnva t the loit n n'' nl , I ! ft ILMING1GN & WELDON R.R. , Arnl tlrar-chfa, " Z .Allan (sCcnst, .Line HaUroad Co, , Tj.t'01 111 (arollna.' " ' ' Lv, W-IiUii it. Ml. LV. R. Ml .'l!tOL Le. St-lma. Fav'vlll. Ar-tloronci Ar. tinldx. Lv. Oolds. lv Mau'lia! Ar W ilm ton FINANCIAL, Bpy:Kctoral J - - A QUICK CURE FOR S ! COUGHS AND COLDSl I Very valuable Remedy in all : S . ..j .v. ailections of the - : : 9 ifilROAT'orLUNGSl ; Largo Bottles, S5c" ' 1 , S I ..f i) V13 & fj A WHEXCE CO., limited, - 5 i'Taiil cf iVirry ItavV Psto-Ktter. JK pge56eree6g!icceccc3eer. T. A. Oreen, Pres. K. II. Meadows, V. Prea - H. H. erovea, Caahler. m . . r..tl. . iiiaMaeS Draea. EliifPiQYAL PIUS ' VrlRIHI Umm BJ Wipissme.e . mt,- roilaM. lADits Pru-r.-'-l tor Vhlraltr sfaWIi Ptm i ,a ..i,t-d i:itil.i ri4xn. Tk t.. PV..., A.,CT1M( Itai.IISH, v.ii: ' V'.-UOtt Ti-.t'twt:llb. JT FM 'Ok CITIZENS' I5AIVK, Doing Qeneral Banking Business. Febraary 13, 1900, Surplus and Undivi- , ded ProfiU, $18,135.70. Prompt Bnd careful attention eiverTtn all business ontruutid to lis;- Accounts received on favorable lei me. .,. .- Heard ot Directors. Ferdinand Ulrwn I. a. sieadows. Snmuel W.Ipoek, Cbas. R. Fowler, . t. w. urainger, K. sy.gnieaiwvOfl, ueo. . ives. ; WANTED ! Ail Al BOILER MAKlfiR and BLACK SMITH." Apply nt once to - - ; - ' ' -i ::;. rZ 8. DILL, 6upt ,, , -J v A. & N C- Railroad Co, " 10,000 8,500 162,004- .y Lodge Directory,. VIOTOHT COUNClLllO.ll, JDNIOR 0 U A M: Meet every first abd third Wednesday night In Ronntree Hall. Jat fHelemar- O i G D Gordnor. V C; W P Jones. Treae.t H W Simpson, R 8t W.F RlchardsoniFB..'i.v'i-.":": KtTRTSK-A mnOE NO. 7. L O. O. F. Officers: W. T. Hill, N- G. ) J. It Parker, B. Hill, Financial Secretary? A. JC Pitt- man, Treas. Hegniar - meeunga ivery Monrjay nlgtit at 7;ou o cioeav- - C ALUM KTENC AMPM ENTj NO. A I. O. Oi F. .Offloera! L L Moody, U f; r n rt.i... rr . T I n.t B W- O; H Hall, i W; Geo. Green, Scrlbej B Gerock, Treasurer. Ilegolar Encamp ment, lat, 8rd, and 6th (if aty) Thursday nights in eacn monin ai i:ou o cioosl. : FEBRUARY Ist.lDOO, fapIUl Stock...... ' $75,000 Sarplng,..,. .. ............ Undivided ProDtg,....,. Beposl ts..., . . ... ........ OFFICERS. L. H. Ctjtlsb President. W. H. Cbadwick, Vice Pres. T. W.. DawiY, Cashier. ... i. W. BiDolk, Teller. ' " ' ..- O. T. Cbadwiok. Collector. ';-0.V :l. DIRECTOR8: Wm, B. Blades, . M. II. Marks, 0. D. Bradham, P. H. Pelletier, h. a. Cutlerj Jno. Buter, W. 8. Cbadwick, . J. W. Btewart, . 'VV T-.W. JDewey. It colleots for merchant, manufactur ers and other Banks promptly at special rates to eacn. ana maKes auickeet re turns possible." By lla liberality and, en terprising business metbjxls. It is forging to the front of East Carolina's Banking Institutions. In its own oitv. it is the only one wbicb does not pay .interest on Deposits, ;'. NEW BERN LODGE No. tt F H O J C Scales, Prest; J abmith, Keoording rWy; E B Quidley, Financial Sec'y. Meets la the Knights of Harmony Hall every 1st andord Monday nights In each CRAVEN LODGE No. h KNIGHT8 OF.-'. HARMONY t . Meets 3na and ui Wed needs v nlirhta In each month In Rnnntree's Hall. Pollock street, at -7: o'clock. 8. It. Ball, President, IL i. Dle- os way, Sec'y, H. it. Uill,F.oc'y, , KN10HT8 OF HONOIt-Offlcers: - K R Jones, Dictator, G L Vinson, Reporter; VY Jf Kountrce, r manciai eponor Ncw Berne Lodge No, 443 meets the 2nd snd 4th Friday nights atJfcHO o'clock In Iionntree's Uail, follocs street.' 0 ANTON CLEWONT NO. i, P. MI. O. 0.f Oftlcera : Geo. Slover, Captain; 1. U. H i.i,,t.: P. II. PtilleUer. FnalKn'.Wm. Puts, Olerk; Bd. tieroek, AcconnUnt.- Bir ular CantonnienU, so anu tut niureuay alghU In each moutu ax sou ooiooa- Henri s Pharmacy, ' . 127-Middle Street. Prepare For War Time of IVnce. In . Juat received a Supply-ot LOADED GUN3t Surd death lo Roaches, Bed Bufs. Moths, 'Water Bugs and all In S"ct. Will not slain tirgrenae the finest fibril. "One trial is all that's nteded to convince the most skeptical. - . A full lino of Toilet Article', PotTum o-y, etc ' l'lii s'cinn's (n'nnndcd. PrcBcnpliona carefully A 1 Mark DinoB ay. fi. U. jHesdowa - Chas. Dufly, Jr. Jatnus Uodmon l. slayer Balm, Thomas A. ireen. O.K. Toy . r.urooKots. F. & r1. BANK, : PROFESSIONAL. A. I. Ward e. w. Pen; P. M. Slmmoaa. . - i 5iivinoNs; Pour a ward, ATTORNEYS ail COUNSELORS at '-": ". msaaB,ii. c " Ottlco 68 So, Front Street, nearly oppo. - .eite aoiei unatutwsa. (Offlcos also at Rslclnh and Smltbfleld.) Praetiee In tneeountma ot Craven, Duplm, Jonea, IMialow, Carteret PamUoo,. Wake, Johneton, Harnett and Wllsont lathe 8u pretne aud Federal Courts, and .wherever services are nesireu. . . CljX,;;Pelletler, .V.-,. - ATTORNEI AT LAW, . Street, Lawjers Vrltk 'V'': Building. T '"-. :: ill praettoe ta the Oeuntles of -Craven Oarteret, Jones, Onslow ana Pamtloo. 0. B Conn at New Berne ana Bopreme tourv e ; - ROMULUS A.JNUNN, ";. srawBBRNB, M.'C' . :'" ' bffloot Opp. Hotel Chattawka. '.-v Bouth Front Street, ' ? ' Practloe In North Carolina. 'T B.Wi:Hfc:-i - DEALER IN ' ' Qardware and Fire Arms , Bush, Doors and Blinds, Paints, Oils, Cement, Lime, Etc ''"' aRent for Carland Stoves & Ranges and Devoc's, and Ben) lloores' READY MIXED PAINTS. tin ' r II- 1 CV -Hiv,! i, ! r Tlf VINB GOISCT SOUTH DAtF-l ini U l0i lA H ll Wi 1 1 Vi V;l aibon P M yi2 IS. 81 I Cl 1 ftct 3 sn 4 ao 1 26 P.M oi W 43 P.JTtA.M 8 5,1 10 2'. 11 08 14 0 8 24; AM a! 39 C A a 6 (K: 0 8' 7 101 7 5: P.M x a 5 401 C 20 7 0 8 OH 1 401 A M d'3 ziQ: P. Mi 12 S3 a 40 B 25 4 85 00 P.M TRAINS GOING NOKTH, A. &.N. C..R; li. - TIKE TABIE KO.-U '- ' lo Tako- Effect fSnndajvApril 1, 1IJ00,. . at 740 A. - i Going Eoet r Scnrpti-KtcrO-; No. 8 l Passenger Trains Lr, p m STATIOK8: ;J 8 40., . rGoIdsbord.;. 409... LaGrange... 82...... . . Einaton 40 Ar. Now Bern, Lv, 8 60 Lv, ..: Ar 7 15. . Ar. Morehead City Lv ingWrstjl' Ar. a n '!' . U C5 , ....10 88 r 10 13 .. . 9 00 -'. .... 837" .... 7 06 stations: Lv, a. J7S0. 7 63. 8 10... M "V b o '3 o j c "5 c S o'ot sr-R E Kft Q . AM P.M Lv.Florence 9 45 7 4S I-v.FBy'vilk 12 20 ... . 0 4.r Lv.Selma.. 1 60 10 80 Ar. Wilson 2 85 11 3a ATS! . A.M. LvWilm'ton 0 50 9 45 Lv. Mag'lia 8 20 11 lo Lv. Golds 6 00 9 27 14 28 P.M. A.M. P. M. P. M Lv. Wilson 2 35 6 4311 S3 10 bfl 1 16 Ar. It. Mt. . 8 80 6 25 12 09 11 11 1 53 Ar. Tarboro .... 7 04 Lv. TarborolS 21 Ly. K. Mt. . 8 80 13 09 Ar. Weldon 4 82 1 04 P.M . A.M. No. 5, I Mx'd It- PassTn. Daily Ecsi-t Stinda u. Ooldsboro. .. . . Best's.;... . LaUrange... . . 8 27 Falling Creek.. 8 00 Kinston 9 08 Uaewell N9 4? Dover 10 02 Core Creek... 10 20 Tuscarora 10 80 Clarks. 1060 New Bern.... a. m. No. 7. P8BEcngcr Lv. a. m. Sundays Only- No. 6, Hx il I t and I'liss Tn. Ar. No. Ar. . TOO 0 1 (i 20 . 5 17 . 5 40 . 5 15 . 5 00 . 4i7 . 4 2) .4 11 . a 50 P. H. 8. !. m. 7 40 Ooldsboro 7 4a 8 09. 8 80.. 8 55... 950... 11 15... No. 1, f Mx'd Ft. and Pass.Tn. Lv, a m 7 10 743........ 811 8 26. 914 ,;LaGrange ....Kinston Dover .ttew Bern , Morehead City S.-atioNS: l.v 7 07 fi 7 27 5 45 A 05 Wllminirt.nn And Wnlrlnn l?flilrnnrl Atlantic and Yadkin Division Main Line -Train leaves Wilmington 9 00 a m, ar rives Faynteville 12 05 p m, leaves Fay eltevllle 12 25 p m, arrives Banford 1 43 p m. .Returning leave tmnford 2 30 11 in, arnvBT''ayCttcvilIe 3 41pm, leavo t'ay eitevirlo 8 46 p m, arrives Wilniugton 6 40 p m. vviuningion ana vvctaon uaiiroaa, Bcnnettsville-Branch Trains leaves Benuettsvllle 8 15 a m, Maxton 9 20 a in, Ued (tarings 9 53 a m, Hope Mills 10 42 a m, arrive Fayrtteville 10 5a. Kelurn Ing leaves Fayctteville 4 40 p m. Dope Mills 4 55 p in, Red Springs 6 35 p m, Maxton 6 15 p m, arrives Bennrttsvillc 7 15 p m. Concoctions at hayettcvillo with train No. 78, at Maxtou with the Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Springs with the Red Springs and Bow more railroad. at Sauford with the Soaboird Air Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf with the iMirlinm and Charlotte Kail road Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 8 35 n in, Halifax 4 15 p m, arrives Scotland Neck at 5 08 p m, Greenville 6 67 p m, Kinston 7 65 pro. Returning leaves Kinston, 7 60 a m Greenville 8 62 a m, arriving Halifax at 11 18 a a', Weldon 1138a m, daily ex ccpt Bunai.. Trains on Washington Branch leaye Washihe-ton 8 10 a m and 2 80 o m. ar rive Parmele 9 10 a m, and 4 00 p m, re turning leave Parmele 9 86 a m and 8 80 p m arrive Washington 11 00 a in and 7 80 p m, daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N 0, daily except 8unday 6 80 pm, Sunday, 416 p m, ar rives riymoutn i w p m, 0 iu p. m, Re turning, leaves Plymouth daily except Sunday, 7 50 a m, and Sunday 9 00 t m. arrives Tarboro 10 05 a in, 11 00 a n. 'train on uitiana; J u tsrancti leaves Ooldsboro daily, except Sunday, 7 06 a. m, arriving Smithlleld 8 10 a m, Return ing leaves Smlthfield 9 00 a to; arrives at Ooldsboro 10 25 a m. Trains on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 10 00 a m,8:4ti p m .arrive Nashville 11 10 a tn, 4 08 p m, Spring Hope 10 40 a m. 4 26 d m.Returnine leave Spring slope 11 80 a m, 4 65 p m, Nash ville 13 15 a tn, 6 25 p m, arrive at Rooky Mount 11 43 a ra. 6 00 D m. dailv excent Sunday,. '-T- ' , . ' Train on Clinton Branch leaves War- taw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, 11 40 a m and 4 02 p tu, Returning leaves Clinton at 7 00 a m and 9 60 p tn. - i 1 rain no 10 males close connection at Weldon for all pointt Nortkr daily all rail via Richmond. H n EMERSON. Qen'l Past AaenL J R KKNLY, Gen'l Manager. T jat EMERSON, Traffic Manager. . ' - . . Ooldsboro Best's ... LaUrange .Falling creek . , . . Kinston! 9 25 caswcll 9 40 Ar. Dover Lv 10 4fl core crc.if 11 15 Tuscarora 1131 Clark's 12 05 Ar. New Bern.Lv.. 180 Lv. " Ar,. 2 12 liiverdale 2 20 croalan 2 4 ilnvtlock 3 12 - -. Newport, U . . . 1 25 Wildvvood i 31 Atlantic 8 46 Ar. Morehead city, Lv. 4 01 Ar. M. cily Depot, Lv. M. No. 2, Mx't l-'t. and i'aas. Tn. Ar. p m 0 33 .. 5 53 .5 23 ,. 4 53 . 4 33 . 3 18 ..3 00 .. 2 00 .. 1 38 . . 1 20 . 12 50 ..10 47 ..10 10 ..1000 .. 940 ..906 .. 8 47 ..838 . 820 ..760 A, V. -4 "Monday. Wednesday and Friday. tTuoeday, Thursday and Saturday, S. L. DILL, Hi.-pcrinlo ldent Atlnntic oait tine; Si puthern ai I way. r The Standard Rallwa;at tbe 80PTB ttto Wrool Line to alBolnti f ; :; CAIiirOItSriA,,v "V FIaOKIDA, CUBA A1VO i-oxiTo mcb Strictly First-Clats Equipment on 'alt Through or Local Trulns;- Pullman PalJ ace Bleeping Oars on all Night Trains) Fast, aud SafaSchedulcs. f. Travel by the Hoiilhern and you areas. sureJ a afo, Oomfortalilo and Eipedi; tiouii Journey. U . " . - 7 ," V 1 Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Ta bles, Rates iJid (h-nnral Information, Of address F, R. DARBY, R. L.YI2UNON, cr. t. A, ' T. V, A., Ashevllle, N. 0 Charlotte, N. 0. - - - - Frank 8..0annn, J.M. CtJl.P, 3d V PitOenWan. Tr f Man W. A.TnuK, G P A. WAUINdTON,-- - D. C Wilminoton & New Bekn k R, TIME TABLE No. b, InKlfecl Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1H98, Daily Except Sunday. Going Bouth SCUEDULK: lining North No. 51, Passenger Trains N0. 50, Lv. a m, btations: 9 00 New Berne .... 9 80 Pollocksville .. 9 51 MaysviUe 10 02 Jacksonville 12 08. wumington, I 1 uuiou uepoc I .Ar. Wilmington; i.v Ar. p m, ... 540 .... 5 04 .... 4 49 .... 4 1? 283 litis ...Ar. Wilmington; i.v ... 3 5 ' PI No. 8, I'ASBENQEK & FbEHIIIT, No. 4. Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednea- ' - day and Friday. Leave New Heme Tuee-' :': day, Thursday and Saturday. Lv. A M , Ar. P at 7 80 Lv. Wilmington, Ar 1 in 8 40 Scott's HU1 13 69' vm Woodsido.. 10 05 Hollyridgo 10 51. Dixon.'. U80 Verona. .. 12 05 Jacksonville 13 80 Northeast,. 2155 Wbltecak.. 180... Maysvilio 8 08 8 15 Pollocksville 7 20 855 DebruW'a ... 8 86' B 40 Ar. New Borne, Lv 6 00 . Daily Exoept Svnday. ; J. R. KKNLY, General Manaeor. - O'JItDEN, . -u:ipt, Transrorta'ion. .1315- .10 61 T- .10 80 h:', V . 9 45 V.'"-.,- '-, . 8 68 "' 8 80 ." EANTJEJt.LV CAROLINA-DISPATCH LINE, I'f -AND- ForVAil yolnta ortlu : -The Steamer, NE17SE::, Will leave on Mondajg, Wednesdays, . and Ftidape at 6 p. m. sharp, roak- V ing landings at Oriental, rOoraooke. and-Roanok Ialaod. . '. .j. :i ' i tW. Freight reoelTed' not later iban one hoar previous to lailing. , V For farther information apply to .. ! A GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. ' . M,'K. Kisfl, Gen. Mgr., rs; -H.aKuaiNS,0en,Frt4Pat.At Vv.;;' . Norfolk, Vi'fV? , ' New Berne, N. 0.', Jfay 80tb, 18D8 80 VEAW8' ; tXPERIENCS ' 11 Mld rtSSaMnll'' t, r r II frtut vi" ' "r i this, -.n - 1 1 1 il llh til' I H fir - if," -.' ' -1 'VJ. "W1 ; '-lr-i.,- (lo'.Vi rnil to V II " do ira 7.1c eoaaoniMl Tine, Ah, f)k, V All Hind 3 ": . CtOVO 7c: nil Um. Dry trn-it'-i nmi prcp-irf,, f-r ,ni: ti r.m- ,, . (.('.! ' 1 imi'pri 11. - , ' In- (h'MVMr.-.l y vnM : : .' . ' ' . "! " It Hi: ' n ' i . f til ) 7 n (;''' l .t