CHEAT FAIIi BAY. Acts gently on the , Largest Wednesday Crowd In Fairs History. : Yesterday was tbe greatest- Wed nes d iy, tn oint of attendance, lo the Itls- tory of the New; Bern Fair, ;. ,; Over four thousand admissions to the grounds is the estimate, v !, , ' : All incoming trains, regultr and f pfc lala, brought in largo delegations, while the country people drove in their own conveyances. '". -Hi.-''.:- The military parade, in the morn me wag vejy attract! re and was watched by large numbers of people. The compiinm taking part were, Goklsboro Rifle, a abeth City - Division Nnval Res tves Washington Light Infantry, New s born Division Kaval Resbrves. , - . The Elizabeth City boys brought atonji riled the handsome flag won here them last year. . ' -' " The races attracted a large .audience the grand stand being filled. The Oace il made the In duration, by Its fine -CiDi:zYS, Liver . . . . . . ..;: . by then Ar:o Bowels ku gmuu ovauu uuiug uuw YSTEM Band, pf Greenville, again tehnissions of short duratl t r r CO I UML.LY, playing. TvrCriOtDr.f.nACnpS heats too overcomes , UrW T v r. Vis-nMaMcamv T..2 cc ,el:,:ll. a. ... s sriLcn. LILL-WILLIAES. (AURRMpGSVRVP fOft gy m CPUS6 9W. Ml fU BOmL THE journal: New Bern. N. C April 10, 1900-, ?jvN Index to New Advertisements. r, Wanted Position. ' ' K B C Duncan Sale. " - Business Locals. J WANTE PosltionS as salesman "fey 3, '"young man experienced in tie genera' i mercuntllo business, address E , Ihle , PUATTa Deodorized Gasoline.. . Best t i quality 6 gallons; at 16c, 1 gallon 18c, j'-' quart 5c, at L, J. Taylor. THE finest Beer always on fraught, at Jacob's, Middle Street. ., ; NEARBY Hatters of Local Interest In the City and - ; Country. Z. The Banks will be closed today. . - Fair and cooler, is the weather fore Cast for today J , , Frank Roberts the twelve year old son s - of M T, Roberts met with a painful acci I dent at the New Bern Wooden. Package Works. While feeding one of the "fna- .. chines one of his bunds was caught be- ; tween the knives, all of his fingers being , cut off,..-::; u"J&!;,&& gave an Olivette at the : Z Olivette Last Night . The Herald Square Opera Co. excellent rendition : theatre last night. ' The house was crowded, and all, the ' principals received liberal 'applause for " their efforts, which met the hearty ap- ; proval of the audience. ;,'.! The same company : will pjay - the Chimes of Nermand;t tonight. . - race, trottini, took.foir liiwtji tn Tlefender winnlmr. J. S vfJi: ftbT ieeond, Bay Line, third, time, .8j, 3 VV ' loORl Oft . - The trotting race, horses owned in PERMANENTLY Lj. Jnd wlnnin. .Daisv Belle, ere ond, me 8 10, 8 OB, 8,t)8T ; - , Tk: unning race, : two thirds ' ml e was won by urandmt, W J J. , tlardu Kcond, time, t,13., :', .; ' " In the goat race, Tom Gu tier's Go Green, took first place; Ernest Danu1- fee Hackbura, second. - :-r . . ; Defender easily won In the 9. JO clan and is owned by Capt. Jas. N. Wllliaitt son, of Graham, N. C. Defender war trained at Alamance' Farm. Hattle U Holt, the trotter In .TutiaUy's race wned by Mr. L- B. Holt -of Alamv.e Farm. .' r " t The following is the program of race for today. " t , - Troltlnj to Barncu-.S'IS CJaasPurar Btr 1 Fye, 0." 8., entered by ft. L, Smith. Creenv lle,N. CV - X Baron Wood, B. Q., entered by M II White, Hertford N, C. ;:7 . Dott, B. Q. entered by B. . Steele, Nor foIya.:-;-;i?,s,:v; Trort'nit to ,.Hni-.S0 . Clg-Par "i : Moo. .;(-'' v ' l'addy McGregor, R. GM entered uy Barnes A Plttman, Greenville, N. C. - Uattie Hoir, B, M. entered by W; C, Chatman, Graham, K. O- ' ' V" M. H. W.r Blk, G .enterrd by H. II. White, Hertford, N.C. ;i,'.'.--. ' . Bnanlna Ki. Por atSO,,'': ..... , W. J. Uardon, Blkg. G.. entered by Gas Engelklng, Richmond,. Ya..-i..-'-; Boyal Rover, B. G entered by TL. E nery, Weldoa, N. O, f.." Uy Vic, BC. entered by A. C. Den ton, Ralelgh,'N. G...'.-- 'C': , '-rt. Grandma, R, II, entered by K. : Engo king, Richmond, Tfc'fS Little Squaw, 8. F., entered .by W n. Jo ner, Garysburg, N. i -i ; -.V; Sholbeit, U. (k entered by E.D. Chris ilan, Jrn Richmond Va,- K' v i.. J. A. Gray. Br. G., entered by E. D. Christian, Jr., Richmond, Va.!.:' 7- The north room of the msler bull I- w lng is brilUanUy lighted up at night by oua of J. B. Colte Company's of New York, house acetylene plants, and (bis light has attracted most favorable com ment on account of its brilliancy. Geo N. Ivee and Bon are local agents for tht company. j "ir . " Grand Kililary Display at. the Fair V Grounds Yesterday. , On the arrival of tbe Fuir train from tioldsboro, the tioldsboro Rifles were met by the New Bern Naval Reserves and escorted to Broad and Middle streets where, the Military pai ado was formed. . The flowing was the order in which the companies came; v fi . ; .: . : GoldsUoro Kifles, Capt. C. J. GrUwold, 40 men; Washington Light Infantry, Capt T. 0. Malllson,33 men; Elizabeth City Naval Reserves, Lieut. J. H. Craw ford, 39 meu; New Bern Naval Reserves, Lieut. W. T, Hill, Somen; " - The Competitive drill at the . Fair grounds. begun t two o'clock. ' ' Toe Aew Bern division were given ilrst place, second, Elizabeth CHy, third IVashingtou Light Infantry; fourth, Goldsboro Rifles. v.i" The following were tbe judges of the Jrlll: : Capt. T. H. Bain, Goldsboro; Com mandef W. T. Old, Elicabeih Citi Liuurl Oouiuiander, T. O. Daniels, New Bern; Lieut. Commander: W. B.,Coleniua for nV aihlnglon. ' Tbe prize of fifty dollars iu gold was awarded the Goldsboro company, . -The iiretuntallou was made by Mr. 1. U. Pel letter. - , " ' . --WJ i After the ditll the vi-lllng companies ere oscerted to the Armory of li e JIavsl Reserves where a banquet hau been prepared for them.. It la .needless t say that the boys did full justice to vue occasion. . ; . .V . Tbe Elizabeth City division returned h ime yesterday evening, ' . -,v - V- PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS: AFFAIRS. - .Mr. Isaac Taylor and two children of Jonianton. are vlsitinir the family o( Mr. F. 0. Roberta. i,., ' , - J .". Mai D. W. Uunt of Goldsboro is fil the cliy visiting the Fair; i syj Mr. 0, II. Fowler of btouewall, was a visitor to the Fair yesterday. , t ' Hrs. Bailey of Georgetown, U. C. i visiting relatives In the city, v i Capt. Ceo.L. Morton of Wlimlugton, Is a visitor in the city, : Miss Julia Sanderson of Pollocksville was a vlbllor in tbe city yesterday. Miss Eva Mattocks of Jacksonville is visiting in tbe city, ;: Mrs.XJ B Foy st Pollocksville Is In the eity visiting relatives. MessrsT Clyde and Bon Ilorst of Pol looksville were la tbe-clty yesterday. Dr. and Mrs; E. R. Baldwin of Saran- ae Lake, N. I., are In the city visiting the family of O.X. Ives. - ; Misses Lala Edwards and Grace Her ring of Goldsboro are visiting at Capt W. R. Jllnnani'i, ' Mrs. W. B. Herbert of Klnsten, and Miss Gertie Dili of Morehead are In the . -Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bell of Pollocks rllle, are in the city attending the Fair. ; Mr. T. J. Latham, cashier Of the Bank of Washington, N. C. Is stopping with llr. T. A. Green. Reception to Col. Cunningham. Mr. and Mrs. Jamea A. Bryan gave a quiet but elegant reception at their reel. dence on Middle street last night, in honor of Col. John 8, Cunningham, who has been their guest during the week. While there were a few ladles present, the occasion was one In which an op portunity was given CoV Cunningham to meet in a social way the business and professional men of Now Bern. - A repast was served, at which a num ber of happy and appropriate toasts were offered.- The occasion In every way was most enjoyable. s , v "I think De Witt's Little Early Risers are the best pills In the world says W, E. Lake, Happy Creek, Va. They remove all obstructions pf the liver and bowels, .act quickly and never gripe, V. 8 Duffy. '. See Trtroufn These,? Bar spilng eyo-classes framelcss in gold and gold filled, also Prilled -lens fer any kind of framoless glasses. Yon will find at my store the most complete fine of spectacles and leni ever suown in new uern. ,. : ' Baiteb, The Jeweler. ' ' Have your proscriptions filled at DavU' Pharmacy. ' ' : ColTeo, Cliocolate and Sandwiches at McSorlcy'a. ; V. ; J Cleanse the liver, purify the blood, In vlgoraM the body by using DeWUl's I Little Early Risers. These famous little pills always act promptly. - F. 8, Duffy. , . Styron-HoweU.' , , " Married at All Baint's Chapel, New Bern, on the moralng of April , 18ih, hj Rev,' T. M. N. George, rector of the Parish Benjamin W. Styronand Annie E. Howell, The little chapel en Pol lock street of - which the bride is or ganist, waa fll'ed On the above occasion with the friend ot the young oouple, ana at tney ttooa oeiore the altar, pret tily decorated with flowers, and btneatb the marriage bell,, and pledged their troth, each to the other, all hearta breath ed sincere good wishes for their future happiness, ;"";V1; -' ii J, W. Btalllngs; played the weMdlng inarch. ' , 'w ' C,J ' '--r The brjde waa the grateful recipient of numerous presents from her many friends. : .' ' ' ' 'r. Mr. and Mrs. Styron left en the morn log's trrta for a Visit to . Washington Mr. John Albertson of Einston; it In the city visiting relatives and attending tbe Fair. ' v ?i ' Mrs. F. P. Ratlin of Merrltt Is Visiting Jlra.H.0. Whltehnrst.- Mr. T. D. Uewelt ef Newport it In the elty attending the Fair, - - Mrs. G. Oapell and child of La Gran ire are visitlnc tbe family ef Mr. K. i A, Richardson. f':;'7'J --''.: Choice Mntion and. Veal at the Oak's M.irket. ? . . ;J. . -' '. ;; WHEIf TRAVELING '. :r '. ' Whether on pleasure brnt or baslnecs. take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as It acts most pleasantly and effec tuallon the kidneys, liver, and bowels. preventing fevers, headaches, and other forms ef sickness. For sale in 60 cent bottles by all leading druitgUis, . Manu factured by the California Fig Syrup I Co., only. Have jour rr"iCrlr"onlnlIed at Davis' Pharma-y. Il.ivc prescriptions atDsvis 1 1 rmacy. filled I have j K. P. i:. : CI elved a beautiful line of fords for Easter. I'rspectfully, J.J. BAXTER.' 70 UR Watarhoiu TIm. - j J. J. Batter bat a beautiful lino of Eaitor neckwear In bis windows, call early and get one. liolton's Early Rose Setd Pota toes at J. F. Taylor's, foot of Hid die street. Goto the Oaks; Market for. the best stall fed beef, nlre and Juicy, Miss Daisy Smith of Goldsboro Is In tn the city visiting at Mr.T. G. Hymans, 1Uu Peart. Gatlln of ; Stonewall and Miss AnnU BprulU oTUriental are plait ing' Mrs. W. 8. Gaeklns. f-'. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Barfoot of WlUon are In the city visiting their sons Messrs. G. A. and Lather Barfoot, .-,: Mr. Ben Edwards of Goldsboro la in the elty attending the Fair. ' . ' . Mist Annie Shepard of Pollocksville it visiting Mist Laura Scott. . Mr. Benson Lane of GranUboro Is In the city attending the Fair ' , . . Maj. Walker Mearet Of Wilmington la in tua si;,, v r; '. . i'..v ,t .r. ' Mrs. J. F. Prettymaa of Swansbore Is in the elty attending the Fair. ' Mr. Cyrnt Foscue of Fowle was In the city yesterday. ;Vr-'v.i ', - Mr. T. D. Warren of Trenton waa in the city yesterdays ' ' ' - : Miss Susy Guton has retimed from Snow Hill accompanied by Miss Mary Exam. ' " ' .. ; Messrs Joslah Etum and Haywood Call of Snow Hill are in the city. ; Mr. Daniel Goodman of Oriontal was In the city yesterday. ' . Sheriff F. Wnargctt, of Onslow, ar rived here last night iroin ualeign route home;, ' Dr TComas Hill of Goldaboro wi visitor to the Fair yesterday. Mr J B Bender of Pollocksvlllo was In the city yesterday the Fair. Editor Henry T King of King's Week ly, lsjfl the city visiting the Fair. Mr 1) W Tatrlek of Snow Hill is in the olty attending the Fair. Mr Heker Caxltus of (itlflnn Is In (lie city attending the Fair. ' i Mr James E IJulton of Wilmlngtvn was a visitor to the Fair yusterdny. Sir 8 II Loftln of Kluston was In tlie city yentorday . ; Have your prescrk at I).ivls' y. ('ryHfnlird (.:in -fr itt E'I1 f ' ! ' J ' (Continued from 1st p igo) " insect troubles,gra.Ing land Is reasonable in price, and markets are daily more ac cessible: The dairy farmer is always im proving bis lands. Butter, especially, does not take away any mineral Consti tuent from the solL Good stock, as you well know, must accompany good hus bandry. :'" --v ":::':y tt gives me pleasure to note that this Association also recognizes the Impor tance of encouraging manufactures, and the handiwork of household skill. The saw mills iu and near New Bern have an annual output of nearly -one hundred million feet of lumber. It Is slated that no less than eighty varieties of : woods dressed and undressed have been eiUib lied at your Fair, and about .the same number as of the food (Unes from fresh and sslt water. This Is Indeed phenom enal, as1 great as tbe variety of tbe. flora of our Stale Is known to be.. ' Tour foundries, and factories for. fer tilizers, barrels, boxes, carriages, ice and the like form the picket line for the army of the future, In enterpriser , - Tbe visitor who looks npon the speci mens of the handiwork of your fair wo men In the household and needlework and art departments Is Vividly reminded ajalu'Of tbe old annalist, La son, from whom I have quoted; for he says in his description of the ancestors of our dear countrywoman: v '''" ' "The women are the most Industrious sex in that place, ; ana- uy thetrgooa housewifery, make a great deal of cloth of their own cotton, wool, and flax." Nor dlcT'the gallant scribe fail to nse his eyes, much as Is' the fashion with as, his followers of today, for he. ends thus: "They are often very fair, and at well-featured as you shall see anywhere; and have ' Very - brisk charming o, et which sets tbem off to advi niage." .rs- Thai the daughters posseis the heri tage of their far away mothers, with the aided graces of their own, there is no Tar Heel true that will not maintain, by the homage of his life and affections. - With all the gifts bestowed upon New Bern, her pleasant climate and genial society, iris not surprising .'that -.many northern frleuds seek it as a winter hoihe. .. Will - an average in the great cities of 28 per one thousand pf annual mortalIty she has but fifteen, or a'xiut one half, ancT well deserves lo be a health resortj-i SiJfS -SS.iiP'S vSi'ofeSf' I trust It is no violation of the . pro-. prietlet jof tbe occasion to say,' that, al though ; progress has been " made that is gratifying, yet ever since the paralysis of the war, there has been a eload over Its brightest days, ' due to the possibili ties, more perhaps than to actual occur rences, of the large illiterate and uncon trolled vote of the negro.. It most be natural to suppose that streama of pros perity were diverted to other regions, by the sensitiveness of property-and en terprise, with the future dependei npon the more or less .prudent manage ment of that vote, capable if directed in vicious channels of wrecking the. sub-' stautlal welfare of the whole people. .,- It must be for the Jesting good of all parties,; that such tn unnatural sta e of ; affairs ' should be' swept away and ' the f conservative rights of all from" the highest, to the most', hum ble, placed In the hands of those whom God and Nature endowed with the at tributes of the ruling power, so that order, peace, and abeolote security for person and property, might be . ensured fowver;'V,:.;;;Jv;.ri; . This, magnificent exhibition Is the earnest of thirteen years enterprise, and the foreshadowing of the futurev WK good government, yoa have everything to hope, for the days that are to come, as yoa have everything to be proai of tn the days that are paatvv-.-. ivS The ties that' unite all these sections of oar- grand Old North State are, stronger than ' ever,' To the- hallowed recollections of the Gaston that come to as In the hills, are added now the memories of Vance, to yon of the sea shore.' r. ' ' ' : i . . It has been a bind of trials and labors; the supreme test .of. patriotism was rudely applied Id four years of bloody War, but ker star was In the forefront. And always bave our people worked and ploughed, fought and died In the fear of God, in all their ways. Slow to resolve, and anxious in regard to duty, they are Immutable when convinced of Its de mands. To them the faith of their fath ers Is dear, and to'their Ged they com mit the guidance of destiny. Nothing In all the history of our Slate is more typl . cal, than the last words spoken by the great jurist and statesman who sleeps In the soil that gave him blrthi '. "A belief In an all ruling Providence who shapes our ends and will reward us according to our dacds Is necessary. We must,beliere and feel that there Is a Goo" All wise and Almighty." .. . Spoken with the dying breath of Wil Ham Gaston, It Is the heritage ofour people. .With that faith as the corner stone of our liberties, our laws, uur in stitutions, wo may take up with serene confidence, the march of the coming century In Tjur progr em, with every elc mentof grouln.m from the hand of that mighty 1'owor. Ana as we go, from the same great lcadors, we will chant, ' (' - "Then let all who love us, lore the land that we live In, Ai happy a region as on this sMo of Ilenven, Where Plenty snd Frccdoom, Love ami Beautiful Wedding Last Night At Centen v ary Church. A Happy Wedding Party and a Western Trip. Last night at Centenary Methodist Church, was celebraud, one of the most brilliant weddings thklliasbccurred in New Bern. Mr. Samuel Letters Dill, Jr. and Miss Elizabeth Temple Willians, daughter of Mr. R. P, Williams wete united In marriage. Both tbe yeung peo ple are of this city and have many friends here snd elsewhere, i" . - - The church was beautifully decorated, the altar and space around the pulpit being a mass of flowers. A lovely flow er arch with a wediHng bell of flowers suspended wss at the head of tbe niajn aisle;.. There were two btarts formed ot white flowers and suspended with white satin ribbon back of tbpolpll. Ou the arch and elsewhere were many lighted candies which shed a mellow, radiance overall,;,.-, - 1 - At seven o'ctcck kHss8arah Loalse Meadows,. maid of honor, entered,, then the bridesmaids and ushers. They were Miss Mamie Chandler Danluls, Ml Mary Otushavrof Wmston,Mlss Corrinne Franklin Chadwick of Beaufort, Miss Julia Bailey Howell ot Goldsboro. Mr. E. Ellis-Williams, brother of tbe bride, Mr.' Edward II., 8teveusou of Klnston, Mr. George W, Dill, Mr;-David Farrow Foy. In a moment the groom accom panied by his brother, Mr.Alonzo Tuomas Dill, as beat uaq,' came to . the altar where he awaited the approach tf tlto bride who came up the aisle leaning on hot fatuerV arm,while tbe organ ave forth - the Lohengrin Wedding niarcn, . . , - , Tho ceremony, which occupied but a (ew minutes, was performed 'by Rev, R. B. John.- The wedding ring was used and whlle'-the -words - were - spoken, 'Love VOul Sweet Song," came sotllt fryin the organ, under ihe tktllul hanu if Mrs. J.iA. Meadows. At tho co'nclu- s oa as ibe bridal party lift the chunh, (tie Mendelssohn March was playedi -Tue bride wore a while sallu gon, miumed wiih -Onchesso lace, pearl trimmings, tbe veil-held lo the co ffuie by a diamond piu .ornament, a present of the groom. Hui carried great buuih ot Brule roses, handed her by Miss llin shew. ,: . N f .. ' . - The Maid of lionor wore a dress of pink orope de chone, bat of pink uious serine, and carried pink roses. Tbe bridiS maidsworo white point de sprit ever pink lafteta,'. wore aigrettes In the hair, and- carried pink roses. , x Thechurch was completely filled with the friends and relatives. Immediately after the ceremonyMr. and Mrs. Dill were driven to the home of Mr. Wil Hams where "the bride donned a gray travelling suit and waa then driven to tbe A. ic N. C. Railroad station where the rest of the party awaited In the eleg ant new parlor car Vance,: A spec ial train carried the party to Goldsboro to connect with the Atlantic Coast Line, where a"flnal larewell Was taken, tne rest of the party -returning to this city, with the exception of Miss Howell. The ):oung couple left for a California, trip, ioing by I way Of New' Orleans and re turning by Chicago, when they will re turn to lhltcity. : . - Mr. and Mrs. Dill were the fortunate recipients of' many presents, Elegart china and silver and various other ar ticles, a beautiful set of sliver from Mr. and Mis. 'Williams and other things really "too numerous to mentiou.'' Mr., J. A. Mealows entertatnea lue ortuai party last Monday night Tbe handsome young -eodple start In life under happy auspices; and With the good wishes otaU, -' :-. --' --'''; Exhibit; I Fair Week Specials I E. ti'i ' t'ff.. ' U-J l j. tur vizuurs ore curuiauy irruueu iu v. visit oar store. ' A Urae assortment of v j - 1 1 re i o t luaso siujfs for spring ana oummer are shoTDn here and in individual styles that cannot be obtained elsewhere Ladies Shirt Waists, furhed ?.nd in- . Buggy 8 tz&EJ&2apCm Tha abovelcut -Represents -onr we'l known Bnggies as tbey are exhibited at the Fair Ground. - The most reliable and complete buggy In the world. ',-,, G. II Watcra A fern, 78iBroad Bt ' ' - FOR SALE ! Will be sold at Auction in front of the i.fflce ot J. J. Wolfenden on Middle on ' - ' Tuesday, May tst, Ml that certain property corner of East Front antj King Street, Now Born, N. C Said property consists of, a 2-story bouse and lot, THeta roof, frame building, 8 good rooms in same house with kitchen attached Lot fronts on aat Front St:,' 107 feet, on King street about 05 feet, J J. WOLFENDES, & sertingr atso. yoke or plain back 79c to If so. I i Taffeta Silk Waists, corded all oJer, xA $5 00 each. i Ladies Oxfords and SHrmers. , ri , i styles from $2 to $3, Summer Parasols, a very large as i sortment in all the prevailing shades X Kid Gloves, Veils, Fancy Neck Hosiery T thread Ifrith lace effect in black and colors, many Lisle 0 Ties YO U'LL SEE At a glance that our Spring Wcohni strike tbe top notch in Hie variety ef a -tlstio patterns. What a suit is mido cf and the way it is made up are the two important dress points. vVe bate no rivals Iu either respect. Our work 1 not imitated and our displny of fabrics Is exclusive. Ordir now. T.- M.' Chad wick. Middle stroot. NEW BERN. N. The Greatest X Millinery Department In Eastern Carolina and Special Or ders will secure immediate consideration liO. cMarks Company, t , ii i in n - W. 'H. ; Shlpman,' Beardsley, Minn , I under oattt, says he suffered fronv dys pepsia for twCnly-flve years. Doctors snd dieting gave but little relief. Fl nally he used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and now eats what be likes and as much at be wants, and he feels- like a' now man. It digests what joaat. F. 8. Duffy. iTnasssHsswlT-ii Ladies SUk Waist. : We place on ssle this week a beaatlful lot of ladies silk waists In black, old-rose lavendur etc, made ot all silk taffeta and tuoked all over, perfect filling and very twell, price ft 75 each., '. , i" ":'v.'v:-'v, y. A. Babvoot vWEW KERN GRIST - MILLS. this, ' that, - Spoksl, vsbsii;; Psatps, ' Jr. lamrtiikss Lsntss. Srseksts, suras, : cr'M.:.: Bsrs, v.,. I am Surrounded Hi , ill ll,r' timylifttMil fit Moil' fml JViw. loo. Mjf stsclf'of wheel conftlkta of - uARfruitim tsU to . . . Wi . , , , JSAULHi,:-- not chnlnlcss awl Easy Payments. MY REPAIR SHOP I Ciirt.f!T nnfl jrour work Ik otic tttd. . . .. WM. T.HILL, : VI MMill SI, STtillM KHH,. II V . V w I nKA , f?; I Plifols, Ctmsnt, liubber, Ensrasl, BniiKts, CtrW.,' CrspMIs, Csulsrs. Nrsnehss. Tlrs Tstjs, Mew Mi IN ISoltliig Hunt KIevtorM and 4'orn 'leaner Of the Latest Impioved and Up to-Date Mil! nathinery. YOUR TRADE 13 !OI.IfilTiSD E iillA HOUSE PlaSS. lu-ta. I 3T bPEClAL PAISS taken In clean ing and polishing grain More noing tliriUijbtbe mills', which insures pure meal, Cow, Hominy, Outs and Mixed Fttd GEORGE 'BISHOP. ' r V New Bern, N. 0. 11. Claik, Wilt's Win ! I'M- H'.ti ' II ' ::' i ,-, Cb-H!!, i:.-i ; n : fa., snys I l,!;n f.-r t J'e. I!,i P.), !e 1 !.e I' oro ut, tl.or, the heart- JKOK. IJUTCIiliJIl, STOCK AND COITON BROKER. Call to see us while in the city, if yon are interested In the markets. " We "ex lend to you a hoarty welcome, to make ur ottlcee over the Cotton Exchange vour headquarters. Buy F, 8., buy luly wheat and cotton on breaks. Phone 129, ; Notice of flale. - , ; COLLECTOH'S OFFICF, 4th Mst, Halelgb, N. 0. ( NoticM is hereby given thai tha follow- 4ng property seized hy C M Babbitt, dep uty coliootur and rortetted to the unilea 8tates will he sold nt pulilio aution at theHovernment liuilitlr sr. oorn-r Pollock and Ciaven slreols In New Uem.N (1, at 13 n'cliM;k in, on the 3t)th day of April wi hi. for cu-m. 1M in--kiia;-8 rontalnlnir nbont 1143 piilliinii duo whixki-y; n copper, still, i HiU Riulorm cnpiieity; uno copper worm; four fi rm-nlrrfl mill two iiihhu ttll gr-ii'd from J tt K-h'it, near NnWj orl, on the 111 li (1'iv l March l'HIl). Ala two emfTd pic -l-.-i-ns cuntninln nine jh1- liin corn w hi .lu'V, ael.ed tnilll . It Unj- ersby t-'-irkny U.uv, di-puty c;li.-ctr on ..ircli ID, 1: (. 1 vO. M. Hiii. i, nt, (Joll. 4th Dim. " y -i C'.i. i, 1 ;iiv. n. c, lih I 'M. N. 0. Dobbin Ferrall, . . AtTuiker'a, t B4LEI0r,lf. 0. '1 :(:! .!(:! Our : Cobweb When You Want the Best-Beer Tn tbe world call for ond fake no other' bptlhe Philadelphia Trospect Hivwing t o.'a Budwws Leger Bwr, mi rest and best for - fcile by all the loading saloons in the city and at wholesale by JAS. F. TAYJLUH, -. For tbo host 5o Lkjar in the world try CnbunoW ; !f:. : Tlie rtiresf and Best Liqnors i al wavs on , hand. 19" Old, rresier a specialty. The Ut for medicinal purposes' at kc, :. v fir mailings las. F. Taylor Week Commencing Monday, April 16th Fpecial Uelurii Eegntenui t of the OPKRA I O., 25 Ai lists Piesr.linK tir.ind and Comic Opera. Mascnt'c, K onc'ay nlnht, Ba d Pnsba, Tusliy ni;li4, Ol.vilt;-. Wtdncrday nigM, sj Chimes o.' Ni-rraiindj, ThurBdny r ight, Fra Mnvalo. Friday nin'", I o'leuiian (lirl, Saiur-Iy r,iglt. Srai? i ow on mle at Waters. lVces First fi-ur ton (10; down stairs 7V. O.ilioiy SOc Don't Be Careless The sheer cobweb vaillngs which are such a popular fancy this scatoi are also admirably aibipted for the plaited modes ' r where clinging elTects are ti characterize- the gown. ' The nxefiilnewi of tbcae cobwib vall IngS doc a not end with the seaion, ulnoe they are very appropriate for Winter wear at evening rceej t; na, a faet wor thy of cmi'iidcratU n when economy muxt b alndied. 18 Middle StrectT i Are you needing 1 an Printing today? ill I) 1 . t a I 1 ...1.11, r!,-n in V. V, iv- I ul any- X'- !' 'in the b X'"., ! . - l:.e v:z I ' ! , . : n-..,--y. ' J y,.. A'O'it nr P'om'nry' Mcktess- n I I'etth lit, vp i fieri ics i ti-d finin the pip s being out i f ::rdr, ' l'uf.ct ranU lnry i rrHniomenta arc": tskeiil'sl to' hn 1 v, C- Cave all tri ik lont'liy rrsiaii.. , bio at(. t.'iit l le s jilipoitsnt tUnn results.' A high rlc may rrean et 0 mny tn tl,o i nil. (H r irk uud our raU s d. f j Bivi rw- rrlllt isio, , Hyman 'Supply Co, : ' .' . ' ' 'Pl' U 2. - ' - "., .- " ' r 49 CAVKK MiBt(T 4 Letters of Credit' Tor alteedlug Paris xpoa: t!on or Tn v- lins; In Ei r p'' V' Tlie Citizens Bank, of New Item, JN. 0., w 111 InH 0 U tiers ( f t reillt SMitlable In ft'l f arts cif I urpr, tiironih lis n pillar ntrii'F oudent, ilio National Perk IJank. N w Voil,, at K niimd llnti . F r pi.rlienli.r -, I? A Hue ..t i.f ' , k .-I. . ;i T. A tirern, In I'." i