A.&.N. c. r. r; " A nd I rantl - -IS' wu.m;noton & wo don . r. TIio IUiid You IIave Always in. use for over 30 years, All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as--,oo l"are 1,j . Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health c2 Infants and Children Experience agaur 1 Ilxcriinc-tis What is CASTCr.lA - Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor O'A, Pare " Boric, Drops and Soot-toff Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms , and allays Feverishness. - It cures Diarrhoea and Wind v Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation .. ' and Flatulency.' It assimilates the Food; regulates the , Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep ; The Children's PanaceaXhe Mother's Frlcud. ccNuinc C ASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the " -v ST? The Kind You HaYO Atoays Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. - ' TO CLEAN NURSERY 'f - BOTTLES 1 After the bottle hi beta need. . rinse h tborotuhlr la vara water; ih till with nn vatar eeatalala teaspooaful of .': ; y - ' Gold Dost Wasting Powder' v eod let It stsnd haklnr every ao tod thea. If eubber tube l used let It remit also Is the water. Rises through cleu water several time. Gold Oast Is much mora effective tbae soap to cleaa them, aa ft remove all specks and motea dlnilni to the aldea of the bottle, " - i - i- '.; ' Hi hov li lehMi fffmi mr fn bookie, " 'UOLIftH HULKS H HOVWtWOU." Suaft fra on rcuaat t . . ..,-..( fc YHI H. K FAIttlAHK OOMPANV, BLOOD CURE An Offer ProvingTFaitli to Sufferers. ' Journal V ' ' Readers Write Today ! V .1..,. -. " - -4---i - . Ulcers.'-Tanoen, Eating forei,' Pail Piitisl nt ErtiptloDB, that refuse to teal cured ly "B B B (Botanic Bloo Balm), mode eapcoially io cure all terriblp, obsti natn, dcp sealed Blood abd Skin tiouUea. your blood thin?. 'At voj pale? All run down? Have yoncHihaf , Pimplosf BlotcJea and BumpBf Skin or Scalp Humore Botle? Eniptionar ' kln Blictimatism? h'crofula? Catarrh? TLen because it drains from the bliv d and entire Which cause all of these troubles, and the (ollowf. DBB acts as a tint U nlo Lull Jing ' Kvery one says that B B B it ihe most anu no wonaer, tor u nas curea uw most acep nauu, ooaunsie case, (uveu iuc most deadly cancer) after doctors and Daknt medicinea had failed, Thoroushly tested for thlity year and kever known to great In B B B that we will sendjto any i teit the medicine at our eipense. No conditions attached to this oliev as we know what DjB can do, all we ask is for you to try it. If you are satisfied that H B B (ttolanic blood lialm) i what you need you will find laree bottles at all drug stores for 1, or six large bntile (full treatment) (5. - For tree trial bottlo ad t:r. As BLOOD bALH OO , 131'MHchell utrm-t, Atlanta, tia , and bottle 'and mcjli cal l ook will lie Bent, all charge prepaid ciuuc ires neaicai aavtce. w rite today. 3E Woman' Crowning Virtue. . . ' i . ' . - B Burov, Mo. , July IT. ' For yan InifTerud trrlble piiniT8rr month and my dfwjtor iold m I oouM nl tMciird except by an operation. I felt I ooald i't ultrnii to (hut and wmh dn pontUnt I had given up all hup?- of a care. Wy hiiihand Insisted on niy trytnr VMnnof tsrdut and at last than God 1 did try it. Last month I did not hiva ft pMn, and did' ail my work, which I had Dot Uouo io vo yeaxa. ( . 11119. MINNIE LITTLE. Modwty U the crowning-virtue that all mankind ailmires, A nnnli Created thini'V llmmf of tins becomini; virtue tliuii v, pr?fr t" suiter unt'4.1 niisrrirj ralhiT thin ci'iili le their physician, ami to even think of submiltini! to an i xamiin lnir. "1 1 1 o y can't A thrir own our-i'iit to an opi-ia!"!!. V. p.'tmiU s-..iiMlive wnnwn to rdain liifir nn kI ;v. Vnh it " Irm.ilc troubles" in the quiet of llirlr own rooms. II fn Is re.iuiii'4 tliey Can write to the Adviviry li irtm : l nooga Mi'ji.iiH Co., ami their letters ,d I f pr lAll-'i' S' ..) 'fiT. A I ' ) A f i I.o t, , . ) ; Lus Lomo i' i : 3 ? and Las hcc.a rt 'a 1 ,.r 1 " 1 r .8onalsipervJuixi f" u'o i ' y. Allow no 0110 1 j J . h e you i-i t" s. Signature of -1 (77) -? - SENT FREE. ; l 'i--r. .. 1- ful Buellings, ETecls of Blood Poison, under ' ordinary -treatment are quickly Itcbea and Swollen?. Achlo? Bones? you need B B B (Botanic Blood Balm), lyitem all the polsoni and bumora cause being removed, a pennanebtcure up the broken down constitution. - wonderful. Blood Purifier of the age; fall.. For this reason our faith is so offerer a Trial Bottle Free, so thoy may "Describe your trouble, and we will in- . , . ;c of American womfn. .t wnnun a Hie m't It U the tn't r , lmI.,1 5-is. of woh.rn troul s n r r e I C to a . it i t c i f t ( t i I i ; 1 ,- in i i ' l pinen I in om.iL 1 t I- i : 'i - II ,, . hL. W Hi, si l f IHiW 0 'i. f J. a tie yeiirt i!i.-y EO M II Hull l.llUrtl feet, BO Slow V I ant (rem iiiiiiil V e CHiuiot know iirclorc or why, but Wt7 gruw old. FtIi vanislif! year Its own id tale Of dltipn ..intment, woe and wnil ' ' Aii'la to the score until we fail; bmce we grow old. We must rrrow Old. Tiie broken links of life's short chain . Cun never find their place ai;aln; "4lie heart will bleed when piercecl with nain When loved ones die and we Krow old. . , Into the dure unknown we take l tie hopes misfortune could not shake, -; Purees the mountain's snowy fluke, Where all la well when we are old. Timothy Thomas fortune in New York Sun. , - A THIRD HAND. Barry Pala Sara That la One of tie ; Heeds or Man. . When nature we us two hands the gave ns all that was wanted tit the lime, but we have moved on. and nature has remained stationary. We have the trol: ley ear to take us down town, , W. carry with us a hat (which bloWs off when there is a slight breette and is ruined by a sTiower of ruin), an umbrella to protect the hat and a small black bag containing fnpers. On oor way back we have la ad irion In onotber bag a piece of huh which we have nurebnaed in Ihe market and are takiug home to our residence, l-adcu with these impedimenta we attempt to board a car in motion ;.,,'.-',,'?"' "v-;,-':-. At first sight it would appear flint One hand is necewrory to cnleh on to Jho rail, another hand to secure Oio hat. a wither hand to bold the black bag uncknnoiher to bold the rish tmg. But ihia U" not w in practice.. One hand can etatlafnetttrily e eouut torn black ling, an umbrella and a Btih basket.' The tnnihle Ireginn when we try to hold nn the bat with the uniiie hand with which vre an' gripping on In the rail. And in the cane or the two handed man this bappvus every day. As at present consl meted, wiOiwe nitr hut or onr balance.' 'or both,") The third hand would make all secure. . On down nt midday and enter nr nf the popular restanrunts. and yon will be faced at once with the'tvat IniMhwm dtf ficnlty. , : There Is "a long couoler and n nnmber of men seated At it on high stools. The counter Itself Is crowded.-and there are many waiting for their chance at it and wasting valuable time. Now. there is room and to spare, but not ngniNvt the coonter.. i-.-i The third hand blntB out all the diRlcnl ties ( the. rush luncheon at once. -'l"ho third-or middle .hand spn-ad ont flat would hold the pbite on which was the cut ' from the' Joint.""' The right baud tvnnlil hold the knife and Ihe left the lork. aa now. .' The connter xould be re moved eottrely. thus giving mote space. Every man would he- his own. counter, Wheu the lutmnil race hrat started with the original ennpte, then1 wa plenty of room, and two hands su Hired, but in the crowded 1 condition of the inctmimlitnu luncheon the third, hand, to hold lbe plate, has become a necessity. Having acquired the rush luncheon, we must in evitably acquire the third hand. ' ; i'nss from the business -to: the snci;.i function. IM ns supihuw that It is a re eeptlon after a wedding.;, The wedding presents , are 'ranged -round the mom. There is an enormous crowd of smartly dressed people, there are two detectives carefully distinguished ' to. look exactly like detectives, there- pre refreshments. In the middle of the room is a young man with a coffee ice in each hand tmikiftg his way to two ladles in the cornerf- There is a crowd around, blm and no available place on which be can put down either of the ices, and at that moment It becomes an' Imperative . necessity that be shnll sneexe. Think what a third hand wonld mttin to him nt" that moment.- Barry I'utu in i'earson a.- '" v.. . v ;. . Hlaiao Imaseee, ' -1 waa having uiy lemmn lii Ulndnstnnee from myhigh cttKte inuuslil, whom I era ployed on first arrivlug in India, who di lated with great bitternnss on the arro gance of Europeans. Freseutly, wishing to giro 'some orders to my low caste weeper about my dogs, I asked the nntu alii to luturpret for me and among other things to hand the sweeper 2 rupees and to give my directions as to certain pur chases; Instead of placing the money In the man's baud the muushl threw It on the ground, and the sweeper quite con tentedly gathered up the coins, asluted rcsnretfnlly and withdrew.' - . I asked the mumhHmw It wss that he, who resented the arrogance of Europeans so mncb, was so Insulting In his behavior to the poor sweeper, und he explained that the tatter quite nuderstood ibeir re spective positions and did nut expect a bleb cast man to run any risk of. touch ing him. well knowing the penalty of fine and troublesome purification which would be thereby entailed, Chambers Journal. . BoatoB's Cblllr Girl. "Ileard about the discovery made In Boston 7" asked Bclentificua of a friend yenterdsy. 1 "No: what was HTl "Fellow down there giving a lecture on liquid air"- . - "Ves.-" - "lie passed a lot around to the people- you know it's about a million times cold er'n lee, and still a liquid T' "Yea." "Well, strangest thing -In the world hnpftened ' , "Whatr "Fellow skilled a diuperful on a Bos ton girl "Yes what then?" "It froie solhir-JVtroll Free Tress. glower Than a gnnll. A well knou ti hiv. y,-r of Hiiffuln la sn enl!iuiiMtie etitolimlnciM who hn h-v,f- i -I tii.my lioui a In k.-iio hinu for "hie hit foul liilie Inn:-." C'tt in ri-iote,t to be very f- --.V ill lllH tnoVl-lurlllH, HO thllt SV lll'tl oor f i. J u,l e r.yincs vwi ii.lil Unit Mr. 1',,-hl fooml n imire r-itnil be ili vlv mu-l ' it nnlut biive Ih-i-ii roiiiinc touiinl Itim!' A r' mill k hi- ll Kei-IH, , to lit the cu e Mi v.iil Hint It -o-'-'.il Willi n ein.nl of ! . hi ,-r. I I :u jm'i a I i -ti I-. - , n. h l, ill cv. "I .-.!,- s I pi CU.I.HT t - ' Tiirj Gr?niT iniiiNa mnoiciNC. . JCwNII 1 "N'S SARSAIArv!LLA as a Blood Food and Nerve Energlzer, la Ova greatest t. .xJ ftuiWAi ever discftvered. it comes as a rich blessing tram heaven to the "worn out," the run down, the feeling," those "sinking spells,-' thelanguor and despondency which arioo from badly nour lihed nerves, from thin, vitiated blood and an underled body, vanish as if by a magio spell. The weariness, lassitude and nervous prostration which accompany the spring, time and the heat of summer, ara conquered and banished at once. For every form of neurasthenia, and all ailments of the brain and nerve, insomnia, hysteria and nervousness generally, It is almost a specific. It furnishes the very elements to rebuild worn-out nerve, tissues. It feeds brain, nerve centers and nerves, calming and equalizing their action; H makes rich, red, honest blood. Newness of ful use. It makes the weak strong, snd the old . It was the antiquated (but now happily exploded) memon in tne goou oia umes, to treat Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Cancer and other .troublesome disorders arising from BLOOD TAINT with powerful alteratives, such aa mercury, arsenlo and other mineral agents. It was expected by this treatment that the poison could bo killed while the blood was left to course through Its channels holding disease. But in this way, every part of the body became more or less diseased. Noth ing can be more terrible than a horribly destructive blood taint. , It not only attack viru lently the aitterent structures the body,, out and destroyed. : - It often seeks out the nerves and spinal cord, and again it will bring de cay and death to aome vital organ, as tha kidneys, liver or stomach. There is only on scientific method for the cure of blood taint, That Is, PURIFICATION I Every particle of the blood must be yemoved through the sxecretofy channels, the lungs, kidneys, bowels, liver and skim ' " First pure, then peaceable.' . The great restorative, reconstructive And vitallter of the blood, JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA, riot only radically and ex haustively removes the taint, but also removes all mercury, calomel and other minerals, and fills the veins and arteries With the ruby, glowing current of vitality. "The blood Is ihe life." Good health means pure blood. The old and reliable remedy, JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA, Is universally regarded as the greatest Blood Purifier ever discov ered. This fact is now established beyond question or cavil. ." r " ' . - BLOOD 1WMOJI CTJKBB BY JOHJiaTOS'S SABjIAFABITXA - "--.: 4 ... -. , " Brroa, Mich., October tl, 18H, - Williams. Drrle, Brooks at Co., Detroit t - - . Gentlemen In April laat I began using JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA for Blood Pofaon. caused. eW an amDutation of ona of mv arma.. I had SEVEN RUNNING SORES en. my laeja. t uaed two bottbea and was entirely cured. I know It is what cured ma. Yoars truly. G. W LUTHER. woiiiCrAzr Dxatro oo sur as tttt. nuTiaorr, aczoxau t 0. 1) BKADHAM, u v Notice of Dissolution. 1'he business formerly conducted un der the firm title of Ward 4 Cox baa this day been dissolved by mutual consent, E. O. Cog retiring from the firm." All persons indebted to the firm will please make prompt payment to W. M. Ward, who succeeds the firm, and all persons having claims against the firm will pre- aent the same to Mr. Ward for paj- ment. . " T " v 'This March 81st, 1900. - - E G.Cox.' r,r - 'Hi iKSSBl s "- Hotlce of Dissolution." K i The boslness formerly conducted un der the firm title of.Uoberts ds Bro; has this day bees dissolved by matnal con sent, S. 0. Rbberts retiring from the firm All person iudebted to the firm will please make prompt payment to D. 'It, Roberts, who succeeds the firm, and all person having claims against the firm will present the same to Mr. D. L. nob ert for payment. . This April 5th, 1000. , ,"" D. L, Robbhts, : 1 ' B. G. RoBEirrs. " t i i ' ri " t - Notice of Dissolution. 7 ? - ThebusinBss formerly conducted un der the firm title of Moody & Duffy ha this day been dissolved by mutual con sent, Mr. H, L. Duffy retiring from the firm.4 All persons indebted to the- firm will "please make prompt payment to Mr. J. L. Moody, who succeeds the firm, and all persons having claim against the nrro will present tne same to . air, Moody for payment. ' .- This March 2Ctb, 1900. - . : .7 ' 1 ' . J. L. Moody, . . - J J ' R. L. Duffy. u Architeci & Supcrmtendent C3 XSroad Btiect A beautiful home or summer residence large dwelling house, handsome-grounds adorned with stately oaks and evergreen goed grass lots, excellent neighborhood. Win oll at asacrinoe. Aatiresa : Mrs. J. K. JONES, Hillsboro, N.C WANTED! An Al BOILER MAKER and BLACK 8MITII. , Applfat once to -; -, ' ' , . B. L. DILL, SupU ' . A. A N. C. Railroad Co. $100.00 Reward ! Gull rhoneNo. 149, . ;- ; lloores Wood Yard, 1 . " And oitkr any kind of wood ynu wutit nnil find out wliut for. HI, I K AOI'.NCY FO!t 1 H A I- 1 V. r 1 OTTLECm overworked and debilitated. That "tired life, new hope, new strength follow Its faith young again. ... i. , j- j in Its circulation the speclfto germs of tha many umes tne oones are noney-comoea iNew Bern, N. 0. FINANCIAL. T. A, GreanTTma. K. B. Msaderwa, T. Free, 'iv-.'"'.. H, M, Orores, Cashier. CITIZENS' RANKi OV m JUW aBjaTJRXg', DT. C." Doing Qeneral Banking Business, February 13, 1900, Burphi8and Undivl L. ded Profits, 1 13,135.76. 4 Prompt and careful attention given to all business -entrusted to us. - Account received on favorable term. ,":"' r- I Board ol Directors. ' " Ferdinand rilruia i a. n. Meadows. J. A. Meadows, - r; .i? -Chan. Dnlly, It. -j. Samuel W. Ipoek, . -. Jatnoa Redmond, I Chas. R.Kowier, t- .-' Mayer Hahn. - 1. W. Grainger, i n Thomas A. Green, t B. W. Smallwood, , . C. R. rov. tleo, R. Ire. . ' W. r. Crockett ;, :: Mark JJiansw ay. , F. & M. BANKj . FEBRUARY 1st. 1800. Capital Stock 1 , 75,000 Surplus,,.,..;-.,. , 10,00t Undlylded Profits,. " 8,500 Depoglte...,.s 62,000 - OFFI0EB3. i I. H. OnTLift Prosidont, ' - . " ; W. r. Cradwick, Vice Pres. ; T; W, Dswait, Cashier, ' ' - '. ' ' i J. W, BiDDi, Teller. v ; ; , -i C. T. Chadwiok. Collector," - !v DIRECTORS: - Wm, B. Blades. M. M Marka, O. D. Bradbam, r P, U. PelleUer, L. H. Cutler, , Jno. 8uter, - W. o. Chadwtclij. : J. W. Stewart, :; J - j: 'F. W, Dewey, -1 ' ' . It collect for merchants, manufactnr-1 ers and other Banks promptly at special rates to each, ana make quickest re turn possible. ;; By it liberality ana en terprisinx business methods, it is forging to the front of East Carolina' Banking T.l. ..ll... . la l. nl,. I. . . 1. . only one which doesjpt pay interest on IepoMt. .;.s'.f ;''? PB0FESS10NAlt.? J; i t. M. SiamoBev-'L j ; A." P. War! i. H. Poa,,v, .-VV - ,; E.; W."Pa. : SIMflONS. POU a WARD. ATT0RNET8 aal COUNSELORS i OtiSca 68 So, Front Street, nearly oppo site tioioi unatiawca. .-1 (Offloes-also at Ralolirb and 8mithfield.) Praetloe In the eonntina of Craven, Dnpltn, ionea, Onalow, Oajrteret Pamlico, Wake, Johnston, llarnets and Wilson; In tne Ho nri.ma and Fmlurat Courts, and wherever swrvtcee are uosirwu. - - ... a - , P. II. Pclletlcr, : ATTORNEY AT LAW, i'" 'die Street, Lawyer Brltl j Bnlldlng. , Will pntetlne In the Counties ol Crave Ortrtoret, Jonea, Onalow ana I'ainUco. U. fl Court at Now Berne and ctuprmne Vonr A be State. . . . . ROMULUS ISUNN, - J " . ' "HRW BKKNK, - . 0. j Uttloe: fpp, lioiei vjnauawaa. Boulh Front Street. , Practice in North Carolina. . ' f i u.: :i va !?:;!;::3 til lb Afr.s Fn h, I'm' ! ft r I iiiuU, rnintrt, (;:, c 1 1, i.i , ft-.--! f r r ! ftnTsS; Y.z?.t ' 3 ' J V tnd Arlmtio t cai-t Line Riiln-riil Co. ' - of r-tiiill, taioiins, - ' TlTAlNH f.OINtl 'SOUTH.- DATED CO 9 ar. o j Jan. 14 lDOO! 61 h e "S ZO" 2 42 A.M P M P.M A.M P.M. Lv. Weldon 1150 13 5o! 8 5b r.Hii Ar.lt. Mt.. 9 6V Lv. Tai bore lit ai 6 00 Lv. R Mt. 1 Oi 9 5 6 40 6 SO! 12 6S i 40 Lv, Wilsonl 1 5b 3 66 10 W 7 16 Lv.Belma.. tl 03 Lv.Fay'vill. Ar.Florcnpf 4 80 J 25l 18 SO 9 24I P.M. A. 11 Ar. itiolda, 7 65 Lv, Golds...1 7 Ol 8 S 485 " 00 Lt. Mag'lia 8 09 9 40 ArWilm'ton P.M AM. P.M. TRAINS -GOINQ HORTfl. I i - o'5 0 j o'el .0 t 03 ' r -. s-0 jr, 8 ViP Kfi ' T A H P.M LvJlorenor 9 45 .,. 7 4i ... l.v.Fay'ville 12 3d . 9 46 Lv.Belma.. 1 00 ..... 10 00 Ar. . Wilson. 2 85 . ji-.". 11 83 ..... ..... - AJa. P.M A.M. LvWUm'ton..... ..... ... 6 50 9 45 Lv. Mag'lia .... ...... 8 80 11 lo Lv. Golds.. ..... 6 00 ..... 9 81 18 20 -- pTm! - 1a.m. pTm! p.m Lv. Wilsbn 2 85 6 48 11 U3 10 SO 1 16 An SU Mt. . 8 80 6 20 12 09 II 11 1.53 Ar. Tarboro ..... 7 04..-....:. ...., Lv.Tarborol2 81 .... ...... Ly. R. Mt. . 8 80 ..... 18-09 ..... Ar. Weldon 4 88 ..... 1 04 .... ..... i.- " "' P.M. ' A.M. ... Wilmincton and "Weldon Railroad, Atlantic and Yadkin Division Main Line Train leaves Wilmington 9 00 a m, ar rives r ayettcville 18 06 p m, leave ray. etteville 18 25 p m; arrives Banford 1 43 p m. - Returning leave banford 8 30 a m, arrive Fayettevillo 8 41pm, leave Fat etteviUe 8 46 p m, arrives Wilmington B 40 p rav ; -.- Wilmineton and- Weldon Railroatl, Bennelteyille Branch Trains leaves Bennettsvillo 8 15 am. Max ton 9 20 a m, Red tfprings 9 68 a m, Hope Mills 10 48 a m, arrive Fayetteviile 10 53. Return, ing leaves Fayetteviile 4 40 p m, Hope Mills .4 55 pm,. Red Springs 6 85 pm, Maxton 6 15 p m, arrive; Bennettsville Conrrectlons at Fayetteviile with train No. 78, at Maxton with the Carolina Central Haliroad, at Kea eprtng with the Red Springs and Uowmore railroad, at Sanford with the Scabotrd Air Line andUpjjthern Railway, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. Tiain on the Scotland Keck Branch Road leave Weldon 8 80 p m, Halifax 4 15 p m, arrive Scotland Neck at 0 08 p m, ureenviiie 0 0 p m, jviostoa 1 00 p m.. Roturnlne leave Kington 7 50 a m (iroenvilTe 8 58 a m,.arrlvlng Halifax at II 18 a rr Weldon 11 88 a m, daily ex. ccDtrJnnak,Av..'!s,.tii"..-.--- Trains on Washington, Branch loaye Washinirton 8 10 a m and 2 80 p m, arv rive Parmele O 10am,and4Q0pjn, re turning leave Parmele 9 85 a m and 6 80 p m arrive Washington 11 00 a m and 7 SO p m, dally except Sunday. ;' '::i-su - Train leaves Tarboro, N 0, daily except Sunday 6 80 pm, Sunday, 4 15 p.m, arv rives Plymouth 7 40 p m, 6 10 p m. Re turning, leaves Plymouth daily except Sunday, 1 00 a m, ana Sunday. 9 ou a m, arrives Tarboro 10 05 a m, 11 00 a nl ' .Train on Midland; N C Branch leave Qoldaboro daily, except Bunday, 7 06 a, m, arriving Smithfleld 8 10 a m, Return ing leaves Smithfleld 900 am .arrive atGoldsborolOSSarm. s '1 ': i. ,,'" .; - Trains on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 10 00 a m,8:4up m Jurive Nashville 11 10 a m, 4 08 p m. Spring Hope 10 40 am, 4 85 pm.Beturning leave Spring Hop 11 80 a m, 4 55 p m, Nash- vine 18 10 a m, 0 ua p m, arrive at ttocky Mount 11 45 a m, 6 00 p m, "daily except Sunday,-'-. v1" - Train on Clinton Branch leave- War- law for Clinton daily.' except Bunday, 11 40 a m and 4 02 p m, Returolng leave Clinton at 7 00 a m and 2 50 p m. - . -'' Train No 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all point North daily .all rail via Rlohmond. - - H M EMERSON, Oen'l Pass Agent 1 K KUINLY-, uen'l Maneger. "' T M KMEKSON, Trafflo Manager. .:, Oouthen; Railway. The Standard Railway 'ot the SOUTH The Direct Line to altoinU, TIsXAO, ' - ' imloiiida, aP f TT A - ' A T1Y ' ? ""' r:;;:T kico; Btrictly First-Class Eiuipmcnt on all Through or Local Trains; Pullman Pel? ace Bleeping Oars on all Night Trains Faut ami 8nfe Schedules. - Travel by the Southern and you areas iureJ a .Sitfo, Comfortable and ExpediJ tiotis Journey. ' Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Ta !,!, lint.- bnd Oenoral Infornmtion, or a.M.-i.a F, K. riAliSiY, . - it. L. Vi :::fN, o. p. at. a, , T. v. A., ABlieviile, N. 0 I" , ,::. i-,R, J M. Cn.r : ! V I i - hi. Tr f f,:.in , ' . . . ii r A. TIME TAB. Jt Kf. M - T kn.Kr.tl -w jfpitll. If 00, r ; at7:4 A,M." r fJoi " KPClirr.l.I.E:'. I Oolne W.l t Lv Nl. 8" . .Passcmrcr Trains Vi N,. A " ' D m ,':.'- station .- "" a . . 8 40.,,.,,.; Ooidborol,. ... 11 PB t "9. . , , . . LaGrangv,,. v . . . Kg 32, Klntrton.. 10 19 9 40.-4.is: Ar. New Inrn. t.." . fi 00 6 7 60...,..! V. Ar...... 887 15... Ar. Mnreliead rrlty I,v,,.. 1 05 No. 5, , I - - 1 Mo. -l tiohs.- Mx'd F't'and Pass To. I l'asa Tn. Daily Lxolpt ; intv L. A. M. Ar P - 70.,... ..GoldfilK.ro.,. ...... 7 00 7 B3.,,T,...;.. Besl,.,... ...... 0 P6 8 10 LaGiange.; 0 20 8 87,,i,,..Failiitit Creek fi 57 8 50. , Ivinston . . r( 40 9 08..v........tlalwett....;.... 5 15 10 fc2. Core Creek... am i020......, .Tuscarora a on 1030...... ......Clarke ah 1060 .'.,-. New Bern '." an,. a. M. P. . -.v..Bw 1M. 0, Lv. a. m 8undaje only Ar. u. m. 1 uoiasooro 7 49, 8 0 LaGrango 707 8 80. ., .. .....Kinslon 97 8 5i. Dorar g 27 V10 New Bern ... " a ar 11 16. ...a.r Motehcad City Lv ... 4 05 No. 1. I 1 M n Mx'd Ft. and stations: Paas.Tu. Lv, a m 710 Ooldsboro... 7 48 ..Best's.... 8 11 LaUrange.., 8 26 Falling creek.. 14 Bjnston.... 9 25.... caswull ... 9 40 Ar. Dover LvT 10 40 core cref. 11 15 Tuscarora i ag 1181.. 18 06 . Clark's 1 20 ....Ar. New Bern, Lv 18 60 ....Lv. " Ar 10 47 Riverdale 10 10 croatan 10 00 Havelock 9 40 Newport, Lv 8 06 Wildwood 8 41 Atlantic 8 38 . .Ar. Morehcad city.Lv.. .8 20 ..Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 7 5f A. . 180.. 812.. 2 80.. 843.. 12.. 125.. 131.. 3 46.. 401.. "Monday. Wednesday and Friday, t'tuosday, Thursday and Saturday. 8. L. DILL, Superinlc ident Atlantic Coast I.iiie. Wiljmngton & New Bkiink li. R. TIME TAJJLR NO. 5, nElfcct Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1898, Doily Except Bunday. tloing Bouth BCliKDULE: Goin North No. 61, Passenger Trains No. 50, Lv. a in, stations: Ar. 9 00......... New Berne 9 86 Pollocksville 0 51 .MaysvUle 10 08. ...... Jacksonville 1215 ...Ar. Wilmington; Lv. ... P M P m, 540 504 4 49 4 IS 283 m p li No. 4. No. 8, Pabskhobb & Fakiobt. Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Leave New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Lr, a H . -'."- , 7 80 Lv, Wdminirton. Ar. Ar. pm ... 146 ...12 65 ...1215 .11 40 ...10 61 ...10 20 ... 9 45 8 40 v 980....,.?, 1005,.. 10 61.1 11 20...... , 18 05. ...... ,.8cotfHUl..... , Woodside ...Hollyridge .... ....Dixon.?..... ... Verona .Jacksonville.,.. is an Northeast. 8 65 880 805 720 685 600 .1 55..t'.......Whltecak. 1 tw. . v. , . MayivUle . 2 15. ...... ..PollocknvilW 2 55 ... . . . . : Debrohl'a .7 .. - . a a 8 40....,.Ar. NewRerne,tv.,.. . -uany juonp., ouiaay. I ' ' . J. a KENLY, v.iipL Tianc-ortaMon. - - CAEOLIMJOT Old Dominion -7 - fuiifnuT-i. moovDrttn - .- r itainu a lauutauaa, , - -' ' v- - .'.-.-1.,- am 'ii.wa.iA t1..i k or ah A uiuu iioriii. The Steamei;, NETJSE will leave on Monday, Wed need ay, and Frldapi at 6 p. m. sharp, mak in? landing at Oriental, Ooraooke. and Koanoks Island. : " HT Freight received not later than one hoar previous to sailing. For farther information apply to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. . v M, K. King, Qon. Mgr.-.- J . II. 0. Il0i)OiN8,Gen.Frt.A Pass-Agt ' Norfolk, Vs. .' .', New rtorno, N. C.f May 80th, 1898 - f YPawt ' ' ' r ; l; lncs . 1 . . -?-"...