Y,L XVIII- I. AfuIL 25, 10911. K1NIESTH f' t$ t ( (S ts is (S & AN . 1A- iiiiU. We are now prepared to show our. customers a Full Line of ( Sl'IUNG -UOODS and at Old Trices too. , Those 27 inch Foulards are making quite a ripple. So suit able for dainty Easier Dresses. Silks for everyone. Waist Patterns in all the newest shades and designs. Then a line of plain Taffetas for 50c or a hand some quality for 90a Such a beautiful l'eau de Soic for $1 35. All Silk Foulards in dress patterus for 75c. ; A superb stock of Embroidery either in ! sots ' or separate trimmings.'- Fancy Puffings, Nainsook and Luce All Qvers for waists Piques in welts, plaids and figures, Persian LawnB, Dimities and Organdies from l,5o to 50c. ZeiglerB and Clement & Palls Low Shoes and Slippers have come and are in good styles. ; Try them. 1)o not forget that we carry The Dowager Corset in black and white. Warner and the It. & 0. in the new French patterns. Calf and sec us at our old stand. , t t i ; y'i i) L r,:;.;rJ to a Ctrr oration Prodac-inZitsE-cUs. - 47 & 49 Pollock Street. . jf S j jP V j0 Jl r A Good Place ! - To get what you want and a good time to ' get it. Ail things in season. Calcimo in 5 lh , packages ior decorating walls; mix in cold , water,- easy applied and shows no laps, try it, you will find nothing eise its equal, 45c pack age, aU colors., , A newlot Ice Cream Freezer, a three and a half minute freezer, any size, price right tor a quick mover. None to he carried over. l 4 Have you tried our Enamel (gold and sil ver) at 25c. Our Varnish stains one coat work; it will make did furniture look new and only 20c can. , We have a full stock and .many things in our line that space will not permit our men tion of them. Call at Gaskill's Hardware for What you want. , , w! Our Paints are of the best and sold with a guarantee. Have jour 'roof painted with our CarbonTaint; it will -stop the leak. We are sole agents. t ' We deliver yonr purchases PH0AYisiito H7. ' Gaskill Hardware Co. 1 SCif Larger Than largest l) i w r . 1 v ... "V" ' ' ' . - - . K Finer than A ('fx the - A J 7 - Finest i - V 1 y- SI nun on s Replv to Kutler. Tlie Deal In Vrojjress. Iusiiruiice Kegula , tlons, New Cotton Kills. Another Ice Fac . i tory. RALKiun, April 24 The decision of Judge Simonton ua to the production of books of a corporaliou for undervttlue ing property Is as follows: "I am of the opinion that the agent of a private cor poration, not a party to, the proceeding, cannot be compelled to open for exami nation, the books of the company and expose them to the scrutiny of third per sons." ' Chairman Simmons' reply to Senator Butler Is greatly enjoyed here. The current comment la that it la very apt indeed. A Republican state official says he expected the reply, and added that now Senator Butler will , challenge Chairman ' Hlmmons to a joint discus sion of the amendment with him.' But lor regards himself sb the Popnlht nom inee for the senate, his party having en dorsed him. He also puts himself for ward as the champion of the anti amendment Populist machine, in accor dance with the terms of the, deal the ma- Chine has made with the. Republicans. Revenue Collector Duncan says he con siders that the.. Populist ; convention threw itself against the amendment, That was the 1'opullst trick to fig hi the amendment while pretending to taki neither side in the matter." The Southeastern Flrolnsatance Tariff Association at Its meeting at Washing ton last Friday adopted a resolution de daring that where states ou acted law. similar to the North Carolina law, tend ing to reduce fire waste and levying equitable taxation rates shall be reduced Another resolution was adopted pro viding that the insurance companies .shall inspect the water, supply and fir? appliances In cities and towns and if these are not up to the standard at the time when rates are given such cities or towm their rates shall be Increased. The farmers are ' very much behind hand With their work in this section rhe rains which have fallen on an av eraire of twice a weok for sic weeks or more have been the main cause of the delay. ' - r . ' At the Academy of Music last evening the elocution class of the Biptist female university presented Shakespeare's "A UUsummer JNIghls Dream." It was the most ambitious piece of theatrical work ever undertaken in this state by amateurs. ' The costumes came from Boston, ' - . The cotton mill development conlin ues steadily; The Alpine mill at Mor- ganton has been so successful that It has awarded the contracts for another mill, to be known as Alpine No. 2, with 7tOC0 spindles.' The cost will be f 160,000. Raleigh Is to have another ice factory, with 125,000 capital. Uome capital is invested In it, Charles . Johnson and others being the stockholders. A Rich mond firm hs made arrangements to bnild an Ice factory and cold storage plant here also. . . . II. Clark, Chaunccy, Ga., says De Witt's Witch Ilaaol Salve cured him of piles that afflicted him for twenty years. It Is also a speedy cure for skin diseases Beware of dangerous counterfeits. F. S. Duffy, TII2 MARKETS. We i;ive Just received, ptirdiafert direct from tlio Uuiscr ly M ll.'Uiii, Til ItKH Ciirloiuls of 81K k'suid have now on hand (io 'Mulcp, mid 40 Iliwl of Horses to suit yon, for any and nil jmrpom 1'nifi, in d l.'nad Wor -. A inll line of liuicH, Road far Is, Wa;,niw, Curl Wheel.-;, Rol-osui d whips on hniid I rices nnd T.-rnm imiinilcvl. We invito your early inspection. M 1 1 ci f'n! !,-, SliU Coniliiucs. IndccUve Fihtiisg Be tween Forces. ' Lonbon, Apiil 23 Interest in the war continues centered In the southeastern corner of the Orange Fren State, where Colonel Dalgety's Colonials are making such a spirited defeuBe against the Boer commandoes as to win from them the, tribute that they are the best fighters the Boera hare hitherto encountered. . General Rundje's troops for the relief of Wepener remain near De Wet's Dorp, whore they are Intrenching and appar ently working on the scnlh of the Boeia. On Sunday the forces were still con fronting each other after indecisive en? gagements on the two provious,daj s In the midst of all a mishap occurred at one-of Bundle's outposts. ; According to Lord Roberts' official message, 43 of the Worcestershire Regiment were placed in a detached position and only 18 returned, 25 being missing. Lord Roberts, however, is supporting Rundle's advance with a strong force. General Pole-Carew, with one division of Infantry, and General French, - with two brigades of cavalry, have been dis patched along the De Wet's Dorp road and already have covered a. distance of 18 mjles from Bloemfonteln with little fighting. 1 ' Aftor a long pause the two cavalry brl gades are evidently again in condition to operate, a move which should.have stir ring results. ' . "- ' ' The following quotations were rcceiv ud.by J. E. Latham, New Bern, N. O. Nkw York, April 24 Open, tlieh. Low. Close . 0.87 . 9.13 . 8.45 . 8.21 . 8.08 . 8.05 Cotton; May...... Aug - Sopt Oct Nov. .... Jan . . ... 9.119 9 23 8.21 8.00 8.05 ' 0.85 0.10 8.40 8.17 8 03 8 03 0 98 0 20 8 40 8.17 8 03 8 0! r It J Supreme Court Opinions. Special to Journal. RAi.Kiuit, April 24 The Supreme court has filed the following opinions: Laudievs Tel. Co. from Mecklenburg, affirmed. Means VB Railroad from Mecklenburg, adlimcd. Blauton vs Bostic; from Cleveland, two casus decided iu, favor of defendant. Neal vs Town of Marlon, new trial : Echerd vs Johnson from Alexander, affirmed, . ' Wall vs Wall, from Stokes, affirmed J The following cases were disposed of by percuriam order to-wil: - Caldwell va Telephone Co-, from Meck lenburg, affirmed. - Hinson vs Manufacluring Co., , fiom Mecklenburg, affirmed, t cA FEW VERY cNJCE g , Bill For Courts Pass House. Washington, April 23 Mr., Thomas t iccessfully '. engineered through the House today the two1 bills which pro vide for the holding of District and Cir cuit Courts at flaw Bern and Elizabeth City, which will give these cities long desired legal facilities.: There is no doubt that bo:h bills will pans the 8enate end become laws this session of Congress Raleigh PosW - " A SATISFIED CUSTOflER! Called at our store a few days ago and said, "It I could not get another o! your Hand Cultivator, I would not tahe $5 00 ftr mine." (tie paid us ft 00 forit. - , - - .1' ' . ' " . Or," E. Porter, of Rocky Point, N. C, says, 1 "I have thoroughly tested-the Keystone Adjustable. Wetder,' and un hesitatingly say it, is one of the fineBt implements I have ever osed.- It does the work of two ordinary -harrows' or cu'tivators and leaves the surface thor oughly mulched. It has ho equal at' a destroyer of small weeds and grata." , Wc Invito your attention to these cele brated Weeders, and would be glad' to hvie you try them. - We hnvo a nire lire of Rakes, Hoe?, Garden. Plows, Hand Cultivators, Tree Prunes, Post Hole Diiitfirs aa well as a ill m.iluia hne of Hardware. ' 1 " ; v 7-U'R Tinly. ' i W. II. Shlpman, Beardsley, Minn under oath, save heluilured from dye popsla for twenu-flve years. Doctors an I dieting gave 4rtHllule relief. Fi Dally he uted Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and noV eats "hat he likea and as much as be wants, aud he feels ftke a new man. It digests what jon'eai.' F. S. Duffy. Ladles Silk Waist.; , We place on sale this week a beautiful lot of ladles silk waists in black, old-rose 1 ivendor etc., mado of all silk taffeta and lucked all over, perfect filling, and very swell, prlco It 75 each. , , - G. A. Babpogt , ( Found! - An assortment of Bohemian hand painted Froll Stands, Pickle Casters, Sugar and Cream Stands also in the col lecjjen a- line of . quadruple fancy and plain table ware, owners can get same by paying cost at J. O. B-xtrh's, The Jeweler. A fine lot of Turkeys at the Oak'i Market. ' , . ' A nice lot of Cranberries, Oranges and Lemons, at J. It. Parker, Jr.'s Broad treet grocery .house. ' Have your prescriptions at Davis Pharmacy, filled Goto theOiiks Market for the best stall fed beef, nice and juicy. ' , ClothliiR For Eutcr. ' - Don't fall to see our fine clothing and will save your money. Respectfully, . J. J. BAXTER ' Ice Cream Soda at McSorlcy's today. . Bananas 15 and 20 cents a dozon at McSorley'i. Have your prescriptions tilled at Davis Pharmacy. . ' CUIOAOO MAUKItTS. WhraT: Open. High. Low. Close our Mr. lie.-ul of h, Farm, Harm.;,, May July...... CottN: ft? ay....' July So, K y 1 1 1. A. B. & W . T.C. I 11 O I'ao ... t.ealliiir Cm. r V S:. O A. '. 'I ( i ' i t, 1 ) en GO ;ifi . a.t 41J , Hi BT4 8 I ,01? OC'2 I'.ia 06J B7 4l 11 f- 1 I 1 Wulrrlioiifl 1 In. J. J. Ilftxter Inn a beautiful line of Eit'iler neckwear In. Ms wlndoi-s, call early and get one. . , fusl St.n n. li!norlili rnroil Sbniililpra '. f : -r- 20 . ' , iuiuju muittei, vorueu . , . J. c. L4 CO Try a bottle of our Polishing Oil, it will make the piano, side bord or bureau I. ok as , good a nsw. 25c. YOU'LL SEE At a glance that our Bpilng Woolrns strike the top notch in the vailety of ai tlstio patterns. 'What a suit is made of and the way it is made np are the two important dress coin's. yif e have ne rivals In either respect. Our' work not imitated and our display of fabrics la exclusive. Order now. ; P. II. Cliadwlck, Middle street. " NEW BERN. N, O AtiBook Store I y White Ink ' . ; j Spotless Ink Wells Latest 'Popular 1 Boohs a Specialty. I i G. II. ilnnctt. i ? 5 H C HAMS so a nice lor. Small Sugar Cured Pig Hams,Break- " B'resh lot Clover Hill Print Butter and Fancy Fresh . - ElgirTlJutter, 80c lb. - ' , , - Canned Goods of all kinds, nice and fresh. Goods delivered anywhere in the city free. I respectfully solicit a share of your trade. - - Respectfully, J J. L McilL, Wholesale S & Bctail GToeer, 'Phone 91. 71 Br,.H Nt. 1 ... - HE'S PARTICULAR Atiout his colTie; n Ihln' but . Parker'e . Unmatchable Roasted Coffee sailsfles hira.' Nothing else . Vwill B"tisry you either, once you : have t led It, '. It is the pure berry v properly In atad tn II e roa3tlnt! so as to W-tain all of l -s (Jellca e arc hiHtmrt ta le. Try a sample cup.' S ir job dou't 1 ke it l.nni it back, ; if J '-u d', toll oil e-s of t s goid- ness, lliey'll thank you. J. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone. 60. 7 Broad Street. mvrn at Mum I Largest4and Finest . 8tocj of t , . ... .1 I .-fv -V .. . ver Found in )j New Bern. - i ! rn-if-"-n irrnr r'f t a. xlfe Buggies Wagons Harnessed Robes I have moved to the Broad, Street Stables, purchased of J. W. STEWART, where I shall be glad to meet all friends and customers. New Bjjq, - N. C. VISITORS To the Fair Will l- WiUo-ned at ? I , i s r 1 1 ni.i i cK tn.: i r. S'- ! . i wn w ill 1 i' c:rrl t" shi W 111 III our i . ' i i'J Pro;.ipt Delivery From Dunn's 71 s I i ""TIT J ""1 Yoncfcn nlways rxrxct jvhen you order jour fixxl supplies from this ri liunlx alnnt. We onn sup ply every deniaml of n tlrrt cUm fninily tnule with the !Iiom'hI Slni'lu at d Fa icy O oceiU-ii, Hcl i-hi'K, Pii II n, 8 moi , Olne,JKo lt;v!r I'.lnt Itmtt'r. and PI Hum at ll n-k Ili-lt- m IVIe-s , Wo make epecinlly oflilgh gr.ulo Ti bs and Ooffoi s. Our Perfection I!!cnd Coirao i.3 Fino, rrico Only 20c. m st ; ml cip of 'i'iu.1 roIT.-o lmy a ixiiuhI ! ! i :