MNETItnil UMl VOL. XVIII- i P " 1 1 r C 1 f KPRINfl fiOODSnml nt Olil Prices too. A. IkVBU C 1 lllll I VltU.IWU MIV U.MU.H ....... T -.j j able for dainty Easter Drosses. We arc now prepared to diow our customers a Full Line of Ho suit- t- : '. ' Silks foi everyone. Waist 'Patterns inHlvtlie newest shades - ; (s some quality for -90c' Such a beautiful Peau de Soie for tl 25. V ' O AH Silk Foulards in dress patterns for 75c. : O Asuperb stock of Embroidery cither in sets or separate f.JS trimmings. Fancy Puffings, Nainsook and Lace All Overs for waists. Piques in welts, plaids and iigures, Persiail Lawns, ( Dimities and Organdies from l5o to 50c. '. ) S fa ' , Zeiglers'and Clement & Palls Low Shoes and Slippers have V fa come aud are iu good styles. ' 'J ry them. ) fa lo not forget that wo carry The Dowager Corset in black V fa and white. Warner and-the K. & 0. in the new French patterns. ) . - Calf and see us at our old stand. ,. . , , f - AS , " -v.", T- ' V - i A7 & 40 Pollock Street. Ki A Good Place -To get what you want and a good time to eetit. All,thine:3 in season. Calcimo in 5 lb packages tor decorating walls; mix in cold water; easy applied and slidws no laps, try it,' you will find nothing else its equal, 45c pack- age, au coiora. ' t . . - ' A new lot Ice Cream Freeze a thrde and a hali minute ireezer, any size, price right lor a quick mover. , Nonff to be carried over. 1 Have you tried our Enam9lgold and. sil ver) at25c. Our Varnish stains one coat work; it will make old furniture look new and only 20c can. we have a full stock, and many things in our line that space will not permit our men tion ot them." Call at Gaskill's Hardware for what you want. Our Paints ore of the .best and sold with a guarantee. Have your roof painted with our. Carbon Paint; it will stop the leaV. We are - sole agents. We deliver your purchases "wOTA 147. . . Qaskill Hardvvare Co 4 Larger Than The largest V V Finer than (' the. Finest. 41 A A. as If Ttcy Cculd Ecfcat The Amcni-nent. " . :!y C: We jsive jn,it received, purcIuH. d lir M. Ual 11, TilirKli CnrluiMls (if i-U Mu'if, mill 40 1 1 in it of I(ii';!s to8iiit yu, Draft in 1 Kuml Wor-T A full lino of p.n".'iefl, Ivlie-;n d ( lii j rt (HI rmiid , We invite, vciir eailv i i t. from tin; P, have now on fir any ami a- !f fV Oil nd If can One of the Oulflt, Invita tions to Winchester.." Base Ball Uames. Seaboard Fast Trains. 1 A New Berri Charter. . - Ralkioh, April 25. It is really laugh able to hear the Republicans talking about Chairman Simmons', really amir able reply to Chairman Butler. Oue can well Imagine what the Republicans would say. The United Btates district attorney, for example, saya Chairman Blmmons was afraid to meet Senator Butler on tbe stump. Collector Duncan saya he con aiders that It was a back-dowtf. He also considers that the Populists "threw themselves against the " amendment. The collector Is a great, dlecerner these days. ; On each of bis frequent trips to the east he discovers a fresh lot of Dem ocrats who Intend to vote aealnst the amendment He is nearly as (treat a discerner as Major Hiram h. Grant, who lolls the Republicans here that Wayne county will give 1 000 majority against the amendment. ' . , - . Pcople.who have read the reply of Mr Simmons with care nnite iu saying that It was a well deserved answer to ques tion which the fllmslness of the disguise which the Populist leaders are trying to mask themselves with. - . f " ; Revenue Collector Duncan, the "He- publican apostle n this end of the Stale, alJi "Thei la ao question ot tne lact hat the fualonlsla will present a solid ftont. They have baS political quarieU n llio past. The airtondment will weld tpm InfHllier. . " a , , . v . . i 0 W. Oold, of Wilson, editor of The Oalrr Farrow, will deliver the alumni address at the Agricultural and Jiocliaul al Colli-ge Ibis ear. Iiiyltatlou Will iu a few day be ' sent out by Julian Carr, commanding tllr Oonfederate veterans in thts State, Id the various organization, ' asking them to lie represented at Winchester', VaJ June 8. when the monument. to lhv .Vorih Carolina dead In the cemeterv there will be unveiled. He will be pret eat, lie will slop there ou his way home from the great reunloji at Louisville. Friday and Saturday of this ween tuf Agricultural and Mechanical College base ball team will play Trinity. The A. and M, team is playing great ball. Oak Ride's Held Is very fine, Th attendance Is larger and public Interest in the game greater than In a number of years. It will be greater still when all the colleges stamp out "professionalism " The Baptist University scored a suc cess In "A Midsummer Night's Dream," at the Academy of Music, Tbe play was admirably costumed and staged, and several of the participants did them' selves great credit. Among (these should be specially mentioned Miss Jane . Moore, ot Gastonia. The audience was a very fipe one. . . Oak Ridge and the Agricultural and Mecanlcal College were, to have played baseball here list Saturday, but rain pre vented, so the game was played yeater- nay. ' Workmen are putting the finishing touches on the Interior f the annex to the Stile Museum. All the new links of the Seaboard Al Line Is at lat completed. The fast trains will hardly begin to run until nex autumn, so as to give time to have the track Iu perfect shape. ThBiate charters the Burrus is Cray Company, of New I!er,n, capital $3,000, Its bunlness will be rice-milling. Yesterday 55 negro men left here fo New York, to work In brick yards! Sev enty-llve men aro wanted. All of tbe 5 save 10 came from farms near hern. Tb 10 aro Raleigh neprw-s. Tlio clerk of the court of a pledmon county bus failed to semi to the Allot ncv General tlio rcnoit9 of eiimimi ciMes tried, no t Tie Attorney (, ncriil wi take tlid Blrps lei King to lb' hemsilio of the penally. But for lliiail 'lay Hi report tnnM l.uve !wenj;lven Hie puUa two ni"ii! lis r or leoi c. 'Tim litUioii'l eouiini- Ion's map of the Hive Is ('.' 'nyi -I in uppeiuing be- enill-r of ll.e n X fi'l.niillt (-f W.IK to tie liniip. . Rai.kkih, April 21 Tbe Weekly Crop Bulletin for tbe week ending Monday, April 23, 1000, is as follows: Tbe retioris of croo correspondents for tbe week ending Monday, April 23, 1900, were generally unfavorable, and Indicated very untoward conditions and an almost complete cessation of farm labors. While tne week opened fair and spring-like in the eastern half of the State, and some progress was made In plowing aud planting during Monday and Tuesday, elsewhere almost continu ous and. very heavy rains occurred. I the ex'treme west the , rainfall begaji Monday (10th); further cast on Wednes day" (18lh), since which dates almost nothing whatever could be done on ac count of the continuous -downpour and soggy condition of the soil. The rainfall for the weetranged from 1 32 inches at Wilmington to 7.63 Inches at .Marlon. The risers throughout the State reached the flood stages; mllldams and bridges were carried away: lowlands, were sub merged and some cattle drownqjt many plowed fields with- fertilizers already spread were badly washed or ruined, and some damage was done to crops already planted. The rains cease,d Saturday night (31st), bnt several days of dry weather will be needed to restore the soli to a condition fit for working. Tbe only advantageous feature of the weath er was the uniform excess in tempera- tore, which averaged 8 above the nor nial dally.. The. warmth and moisture caused pronounced growth in vegetation generally; seeds already planted sprouted rapidly; small grains, grass,- and clover flourished. Iu the extreme weBt forest commenced to turn green. " Farm work Is now generally over two weeks later than tho average, i While few" correnpOudeuts report corn, all planted, the : work Is progressing very slowly over'rn.'si rountlos, Karly plant ed com is coming, up nicely. Prepara tions for cotton have been much drlayed; a very small portion only of crop to be plsuted .has been put la the ground and none 1j reported up. Tobacco plants made Borne growth aud a few have been transplanted in ' the eas ern portion, ot the Slate.' Wheat continues very prom Islnir anils growing fast. Winter oats -are very poor aud caunol recover a tnor. mal condition even un .er favorable iu. riuences; spring.oais are coming up to good standv .Gaidens, though still late, are improving ; Irish potatoes are thrlf- y. Early cabbages are heading;, ship ments of vegetables have begun. Bed ding sweet potatoes continues, A large portion of the rice crop on the lower Cape fear river has been . planted,:. An exceptionally large fruit crop Is prorata- t Eachclor. April 24th.- Several of our young men returned from the Fair looking mucu weather Mr. Hannibal Matthews, of Rocky Mount, who has been visiting bis father, Mr i L. Matthews, left yesterday for his home. . - . Messrs. J. R and Q. G. Bell were in Bachelor on liuslness this week. . - II ips Madie Bell visited rela'Ivia here Monday. ..... . Rev. F. S Bectons of Onslow circuit returned home Monday auii expects le leave Wednesday, to assist Rev. J M Lowiler of Pamlico circuit In a piotrar ted meeting. -. . .-,.. E B. t cA FEW VERY WJCE'. m . .. . lion I rii d Car s inn li, H 'IIMI Cart :ip. 1. We Call Your Attention : To Our ; Line" of Ladies, Hisses and Children's Summer Vest. A l-io to our WHITE L.VWNa Whiob ere b uglit be'om the a Vance In rice. ed; appletrees arc in full bloom, and peaches, plums, pears, and cherries inve set fruit well everywhere. Strawberries ripening and a few shipments were made at the end of the week. -.. W, H. Shipman, Beardaley, Minn, under oath, says hesuffered from dyi pensla for twenty-five years. Doctors and dieting gave but little relief. Ft nally he used Eodol Dyspepsia Cure and now eats what he likes and as much be wants, and he feels like a new man It digests what you eat. F. 8. Duffy, .THE MARKETS. . The following quotations were rccciV' ed by J. E. Latham, New Born, N. 0. New York, April SO Cotton: Open. High. Low. Close Way 0.81 Aug. ... 0.19 Sept 8 30 Oct...; ...,.. 8.15 Nov. 8.00 Jan . . ....... 8.00 8.37 923 . 8.41 8.18 8.02 8.03 9.34 9.18 8.3H 814 7.98 800 02 WllHAT- May July.,... Ciiiin: May , July So. R j I'M T.C. 1 Cou.T Leniber A. R.'& W C& .... A. C. O ... rt () IV! . . Col Ion at nil porls. CHICAGO MABKRT8. Open. IIIl'Ii. Low. ( lose Gfl , C7i 80! W ('4 CO 87 an i 40 051 88 80 411 ..31 .. f,CJ liplD were fl.O' 0 1 CO 6 80! 57 8( 11 II :i( 3 C'l ilea P30NE 181. SNsChAMS. Also a nice lot Small Sugar Cured Pig Hams, Break' fast Strips, Euglish Cure! Shoulders. ' s ... ' y Pujton Market Corned Ueef.- . .., j - Fresh lot Clover Hill Print Butter and Fancy Fresh .Elgin Butter, 30c llv ; -'t ' , " Ginned Goods of all kinds, nice and fresh. floods delivered anywhere ju the city free. j .7.1 respectfully solicit a share of your trade. Respectfullyy' ' J.L; mm, Wholesale at llelnll Grocer, i'.)-.' 'i ' ' n-. ji m'i 1 1, 1, iml ':,. ' i L .,,' N,!)., f';i,-. , , ; -I - - i ,: i'i - r - '- I f - HE'S PARTICULAR; I D. F. JARVISr 1 63 POLLOCK yUKET, '. 3 A SATISFIED CUSTOflERI - . Called at our store k few days ago and mid, "If I could not get another ot tour Hand Cnltivaton", I would not talie S 00 for mine (He paid u 1 Ofi for - - s " , Dr. E. Porter, of .Rocky Tolnt, N. C., gays,-?"! have tnoronghly toatcd tne Keystono Adjustable Wender,' and Un hesitatingly say It Is one of. the finest implements I have ever used. -. It doc tbe work of two ordinary harrowj or cultivators and leaves the. surface iljor- ouirhlv mulched. It has no, equal u destroyer of smalleeda and grass." ; yie invite your attention tolhesc cele- brjUed Weedera, and would be glad tj hate you try them. .: ' ' . We have a nice line of Rakes, Hoes, Garden Plows, Band Cultivators, Tret Prunera. Post Hole JJIgKcrg. a well at a or.mfilete line of Hardware. r .- Tours Truly,. : ' - J. C. Uhitty 'to . t ... Trv a bottle of ourrolishlnK Oil. it will make the piano, aide board or bureau look as" good aj new. 25c. 1 ; 1!, hi y; I i ,i 1 In I- ll v. ivs I win I, n i i,i I- -- V About hut cilTi e; . a thin bi t : Parker's Unraatchable Boasted Coffee satisfies bim. Nothing else will satisfy yon. either, once you , Imve t Rd tt. It is the pure brrr. properly In at )d in tl rcaatln? s as to retain all ol Its iellca'o aro- ma wnd ta te. Try a aample cup. ' ' If job don't 1 lie it tritarf It bacjt, if ji a do, tell oirs-s of I s g'o id' . nets, they'll thank you. v iuti - Tirr i J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street.. Largestiand Finest . ; 8tock of . . . JEver Found in , : jsow jsern. $1' :i La ' w ' '"T thi Buggies Wagons Harnesses Robes I have moved to the Broad Street Stables, i purchased of J. "W. STEWART, where I shall be glad to meet all friends and 'customers.- Z- 'S' YOU'LL SEE r ii p t'n i - r. h f Hi nt ( I r. "r Hplln;; V'iolin iii tlir vii I -i y of Bi .l a unit in ii ' le of , lij) me tliu two id's. v'o Imve- no i i , Our wok I r tU pi y of fnliriiH f I. iv. , New Bcrit Profit Delivery From Dunn s T -7? TTT ici i.r ' " Youjcan always t xpr cf when yon order your food supplies from ' tt lialile sloru. We can mp ily every demand of a flirt rlae . family trade Willi the Olioiceitt St-ipln aid'Fa iry O-im-ciUh.'IIi J I b, !'h 11 , Hiiic. r, )lnc,Fox R:ver I. hit liiittrr. and IM lla-iu al K ill n.Ml m IM vs. Wo niuko a specialty of high grulu Ti a anil CnlTei s. Our Purfcelion lilend . CIIjo 1.3 Fiuo, Trico Only 20c. Wi ions run. (i buy a Jioinul I (I w

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