A-TSCCKTLY CN J HZ Cleans thc System EFFECTUALLY BW THE fttrWINl-MaNTO t m uunm msi& na mi mat. i THE JOURNAL. New Ben, N. C, April 20, 1900. s. Index to New: Advertisement?. Ji F JarvisVest. V Business Locals. DRAUGHT SODA and Coca Cola. ner ,- thebaratL.J.TaTWrV. 1IIU.K FOTTNU-Tnlton iin hv p.l v Pal. urday night. If rot ca'lid for in five , days will le sold lo pay expenses. J.H ' Hargett, Chief of Polioe. " , , WANTED Position as salesman bj young man experienced in tit genera mercantile business, address E,, thl - offina. -1' -. TUE finest Beer always on draught, a J ..oob'8, Middle Bfcet .- ' , ' Schedule of Halls. Arrirat of mails from north and west i daily except Sunday, 10:30 a; m.; 6:40 p. m. Wilmington and the couth 6:30 ; p". m.;Morebead City 8:00 a. m. Leave. North and west 9:00 a. m. and ,. 8 50 p. m.; Wilmington and south 0:00 a. ; m.; Morebead City 8:50 p. m.. i ,' , MKDATBt '" Vails arrive from north and west 0:40 ,' a m.j 5:40 p. m: Leave WX a. m.; and 5.45 p. m. ',' . The publie will please bear in mind . . that the morning mail for the North and . - West closes at 8:15 a. m.' That, the afternoon mall for north and -- west closes at 8:00 o. m. - ; For Horehead City at 5:15 p. U. Alio th,at the afternoon train carries no mail for intermediate points betweer here . and Qoldsboro. ; Respectfully. ; . -. Sbtmoub W. Hakcook r MchlS, 1900. Postmaster r . Ladles Silk Waist. . We place on sale this week a beautiful lot of ladles silk waists In black, old-rose lavender etc., made pf all silk taffeta and tucked alt over, perfect fitting and very swell, price $4.75 each.:. - A r : ' G. A. Barvoot. A fine lot of Turkeys at the Oak's Market. ' V,:1:" - " "' . A nice lot of Cranberries, Oranges and Lemons, at J. It Parked, Jr. 's Broad street grocery house. '. - 0 Have your prescriptions filled at Davis' Pharmacy. Clothing- For Baxter. ' Don't fail to see our flue clothing and lll save your money. Respectfully, '..'.--,. , J. J. BAXTER. . .; Umbrella Talk. ' ' This time very Interesting, 100 ladles and mens silk umbrellas, asot handles to select from, we olTur this week only, this lot of 100 valued f 1.50 at the special low price $1.10 each, O. A. Hauhoot. Motion's Early Rose Seed Pota toes at J. F. Taylor's, foot ot mid dle street. Choice Mutton and Veal at Hie Onk'a Karket. Ilavejour prew-Hptlmi Ci'i 1 at Ph V rimrnmry. I! i e v r r 1 1 v : 1 I ! 1t. .;5TirATICN '--.TUAl C Y. V.n l.iiii: a S -n! i. J.r. i; iy...,Jl.(.f V, ilmingion, C , n;i.l rVott Utbt djnhtt-r of j;r. a:id -Mrs. S II. i?.:.itt of this d:y. The wed.ilng was a pretty homo af fair with 11 iry rulativts and friiuls prr ent to Cflt braie the ha;py oeeuslon. The ceremony began by the appearance ol Ushers, lir. Geo. N. Ennett and Mr L. A. Davis who extended ribbons aero s the room, then the groom leaning on tLe arm of the best man, Mr; J II. Talor, Jr., of Wilmington. The Maid or Honor Mjss Ad lie Cutler receded the I rid who appioaehed on the arm of her faili er. The ceremuny aj performed b) Rev. H. B. John of Centenary M. E Church and the wedding ring was used and the Mendt Is iohn 'wedding march W8 played by Mrn. 4. &.. Mcadojvs. The br.de was very becomingly attlnd in a tan cloth travelling suit, trlmmtd with velvet with hat to match,' and car ried a beautiful bouquet of bride's roses. Miss Addie Cutler as maid of honor, wa dressjd in a Pastel green silk costume, trimmed with white applluue, and car ricd pink roses. - . -' The rooms were beautifully arranged an I decorated with flowers and the aofl light - of candles , added to theT fleet. T itre were many handsome ptesj s of silver, and other articles given the relatives and friends of the young peo p'e. . - ' - . 1 JThe young couple loft by the Atlantic Coatl Line and make a short ctop at Pol ocksvlllf, Mr." Haywood's" former ho aei-;; Tney will go to Wilmington tr day their future home. Mr. Haywood was accompanied by his brother, Mr Cha -les L. Baywood of Durham.- The g.-oom is a member of the stall of the WU nington Dispatch, being the local e jit r of the paper. ' - - DIED. , - - i'Ti, Elizabeth i. Bryan,.wldow flf tht foe Johnson H. Bryan, died at her home ln'thls county on April 24th In the Gjnrt year of her sga, . .. .,1 . . Egg Hunt Near Jasper. , ' Tuers will bo an ere hunt unon -the grounds, at the homo of Mrs. A. I). Daw- see, near Jasper, next Saturday after noon at 8 o'clock. An admission of 10 cnts will be charged The proceedsre for the Episcopal church. . ' " Presbyterian Churchy i There will be theregular weekly pray er meotlmr. hsld In the above named church to-night at 8 o'clock and public worship on Sunday next, ', morning and ev ning. AH of these services will be conducted by Rev H. 8. Bradahaw of Hlllsboro, N, O. , - Thepubllo are cordially Invited. ; PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS.. Mr. Tom Brogden of Trenton, Is In the city. - v- . . Mr. George Allen returned to Raleigh yesterday. . Miss Elizabeth Ellis returned to Peace Institute yesterday, . ; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Qeter, returned to the city, yesterday morning.'', , Mr. 0.8. PIttman ofSwansboro, is spending a few days In the city on busi ness, '- ' : ' ' 1 ;. ' ,, ; .' 8. O. Bragaw, Esq. of Washington, N. C, is In the city, attending United States Court , ' . Cleanse the liver, purify the blood, in vlgorate the body by using DeWltt's Little iarly Risers. These famous little pills always act promptly. F. 8, Duffy. United States Court Proceedings. Court convened at 10 o'clock a. m His Honor, Judge Purnell, presiding. The V. 8. Attorney, Marshal and other court officers in attendance. In the matter of the United States vs Five Casks of Corn Whisky claimed by John D.' Dinkins, an order was made dismissing the proceeding and direcliiig the property to be turned over to the Defendant. . The esse of the United Slates vs Joseph Outlaw Ward for breaking luU the Tost Office at New Bern, the defendant wi tried by a Jury and convicted and being under 18 y ears of age was sentenced to he confined lu the designated tlicforma lory for one year and a day. In the caso uf 1 lie United Stales v Jason Joynur and Kd Flanagan of I'ltt county, charged wlih removing ami ron ceallng spirits, the jury relurni 1 a ver dict of not f:ui)iy aa to Joyner ami pnijiy as to Finn ;ui. The d'-fenilant n ill U: senii-iiced this i nlng. The Adu.liii'iy i r,-,., .Iin ; (.f ( ; ,r "!' ' ' t't.-r a-id . s (i t A :.r ! t 'i 1 f r t- ' -. - i .4 v : i ., . i l,y f.' r. y, ; , i i ; . :, .. , A. t. ' .,.1 f.,r : i ,, - K . - . , ' y 1 T.,o i , : s I'a; . .Ai-is vi i... ut at llieir rooms on Ciaven siri-i't U.i aiun nooif at 4 ociocK. A full tttteiulance of UKMabers is urej. 1 h : baibir shop of Bieward Callaiiy has beea adorned with a long hamlaou.e ouli incased minor am. the room has bueu nicely repainted audirnanieuUd. iicmeinlier the State camlidalej will s eilt here on May 4ih, neit week Frl d iy.. There should be some action taken looking to giving them a good ret epilon, The Republican county convsnllou meets ioday at noon at the torn house and It is predicted that it wilt Uj a lively sjrt of picnic with "rcgulariiy" lor the countersign. The Craven couuty Democratic head quarters will occupy the same rooms on fcoulh Front street next Hotel Cbaltawku at last campaign. The place has beeu re paired and put in order for the purpoeo - Have you numbered your house? Re member the free mail delivery servict goes Into effect next week, antUiouses suould all bo plainly numbered so thai mail can be. delivered without trouble and to. the right place. ' , The Journal acknowledges the Invlu. tiou of Rev. Charles MNLewlster, . l'rin cipal of the Graham Academy at Mar shallberg, to be present at the comrucnci nunt exercises April 27 29. Friday night a dramatic entertainment will be given by the Senior Class and Saturday ulght tae exercises, will be held. A handsome announcement card is Issued by the Academy. ,,- ' ..' '. ' J, ' J. I. Carson, Prolhohotary," Wathlngk tone's., eaya, have found Kodo Dyapepsla Cure an excellent remed) In case of stomach trouble, and have de rived great benefit from its use." It dl gests what you eat and can not fail to cure. F 8 Duffy. - - Curio Department at the Fair. - Tho follntlon lu the Curio I pari ment this year, wus almost entirely new, and exceedingly interesting. ' . .. . We saw a number of photographs sent bT. Bltunt Smith, Illustrative of l f la Cuba, and of Colon Cemetery, and the graves of the Maine victims. - , There was also a bunch of while hya o acts, male of porcelain; butcloie'y re s-mhllng nature's own, that had been take ! from one of the graves.' A piece of the sash and gold fringe from Garcia' grave. A piece t of the first American flag canted through Hrana by the 1st, N, C. Volunteer Idf antry and a piece ol the rope that held the last Spanish flag over Morro, . There was also picture f the famous bone yard, of. which Mr. Smith wrote us an account while be was there, with the 1st, K. O. treopsr and many other things collected by him. There was a collection of furs from Aus tralia, among them an opossum, the fur being much longer and softer than our native opossum, and the' tanned skin of an immense snake killed in Australia. A collection of lovely pressed fern leaves from New Zealand; fail of bleached banana leaves from Honolulu, and a most lovely silk lace handkerchief, pur chased In Egypt, and showing the handi work of the people of that country. Also two white Ivory elephants, carved by band, from a piece of the elephants tusk, by the natives of Calcntia and ot'ier things sent by Mrs, 0. Schollenbtr ger. 'A number of pieces of homespun, spun and woven In this county, prior lo the Revolutionary war, and some quaint old ear rings, sleeve loops and knee buckles, worn at the same period, were sent by Miss Banna Shute. A silver soup ladle; gravy ladles and sugar tongs, once used rn the families of General Frederick liargelt. 1 A pin cushion with silver band, and the name E. Moore 1804, and a sample with dale 1802, work done by a student ef Nine Partners school, Foughkeepidc, N. Y, - ' i , The mether of Mrs. A. T. Baxter of this city, who also exhibited sea mosae gathored andpretacd on the shores of Cnpolod, more than fifiy years ago, There was a wonderful three nmst ship, built In a bottlo lib Iioubi k and tices on the thoro In the roar, made by a native of Norway. SI if. W. F. Ahcrly Hill a wooden cmub carved by hand, by the natives of Bom bay and a rliig worn on the tot-4. Tliuie was number of old booU more than century old. A -.lllt li I, I ... ; Mi ri ,1 II i ill i, M : U I : i. ' , I ; 1 , ,:! ... ' i, I , , , h hi 1 ' . ' t V , . t, 1, t., t I M;h. :- .; : :.-.,.., A v : ;..a ( r (.' 1 , i, I ' ' ' : S li!. 1 t- t I .' ' i 1 i t i. ' . : . . v ..,.e I'ljiiii iha- i i i r Kh hftid i; an i i i. -1 1-;iier pieee by Ro- im i t,u-y ainl a diawn woik center p. i ' i fcl,..t..e:u Cluric, aa of whom uie gins m their teeu.s, yet tlio work will compiira Very favor.dily with tint of the older glila. It does seem as if every child who nukes an exhibit hero should have either a Ft.!;1 premium, or a spe cial premium, a id we tiust our people will see to it another year and donate sever, 1 a p ial pr.m urns to this D partmenL. " . 'i" . We have net mentioned everything that wartixhibiled in this -room. But the Fair Association teyders its thanks 1 1 each and every one who contrlb tied and hopes to hear from them again another year. . . ' ... ,, . h v VOICE OF PEOPLE, Buying the Waterworks. : Eo-JouiiNAL: I seiln today's Jodb hal notices that books of registration Avlil be opened for the election to be hdd on the proposition to lsue bonds 'or the purchase by the city of the Water Works and Sewerage; plant, and as the election day will soon be at hand, May 15th, I would like to hear some of the polnls Involved and hope the matter will be discussed, fully. . , At pr sent X am very favorable to the propositon, for if tho matter Is as I) apT peats to me, It will be a good investment for the city and will. promote the health and sanitation of the city. The city now pays $323,60 a month, or $3,870 a year for water, that only being for fire pur poses and the street sprinklers. If the full amount of bonds to- pay for the plants be issued, $80,000, and the bonds be placed at par at not over f per Cent, the Interest will amount to $1.000 yearly; Thus the amount now paid for Water wl J about pay the Interest charges, If the teal Cost of thu plant, 75,000 be fig red, the amount now paid for waur Aould more than pay il. Interest, for 1 iindeistatid the other $5,100 1 to go Into -niprovliig -and txlcndlng the. prop erty. ' ;. Tl,a ell v would then be i,1,1h In in, m 0 rease : thu use of watKr . for all publlo puroos. s atyl the r xpenses of running the laut would be met by Iho water ren a' to piivate persons, and this should more than meet the expenses, and leave a surplus logo Into stinking f and to pay the bonds unon maturity. - , Tl ere are some other ' ( oints which might be touched upon, which I hope to see brought before the publlo between now and tho 10th, of May. , '- " ' Pitooilafa. ". mm , 1 , - Notice.--' ,r To the voters of the First Ward, New Bern,N. CT The onderslgned having been p pointed Registrar for the first Ward of the City of New Bern, N. C, for the election to be held on the 15th,' day Of May 1000, on the proposition lo Issue bouds for the pure base of Water Works and Sewerage will open the books -or the purpose of registration of voters at the City Hall in Mew Bern, N. C, on Thursday, Frday and Saturday preced tng the election, being the lOth.Uth and 12thdaysof May,190. . - R.R.IIi . ;' Registrar. April 25th, 1900. ' ,. . '., , To the voters of the Second Ward New - Bern, N. C. '. :'.';. the onderslgned having been ap pointed Registrar for the Second Ward of the City of New Bern, N. C. for the election to be held on the 15th day of May 1000 on the proposition to Issue Bonds for the purchaso ef Water Works and Sewerage will open the books for the purpose of registration of voters at the Court House In New Bern N. C. on Thursday Friday and Saturday prcci ding tho election, being ,tbe 10th, 1 lib and i;th days of May 1300. II L. llAU, Registrar. April 25th. 1900. To the voters of the Third Ward, Ncn . Ebrn,N.C. The undersigned having been appoint ed registrar for tlie Third Ward of Iho city of New Hern, N. C, for tho election lo he held on the 15th day of May l!l 10, on Dm proposition to Itwuo liomlj for tlm puiehane of Wilier Works and sewer- 8 wi.l o;n of viii p. on i ! i ( 1 1 i 1 it the b.MiUs fr the ni i a- m. at I. i t i i 1 S. f"-!n . t s lirry t rtti.-i'i, In New ,1 ' H I - : n, U i; . v r ' i U-ri Hit. .-: . ... 1 . ..aru.y ., i .. 'i . , 1 ri i iy and S.itur ' ' I '- diiig iho t!. .inn. heing the l Uli, ltU and liih ilr.i of May 1!)uO. C. J. lic'AitTliv. lieitisirar. Aprd 25, 1900. To the voters of the bixth Ward, New F.ern, N C. The undersigned having been appoint ed registrar for tho Sixth Ward of the city of New Bern, N. C, for I ha election to be held on Ihu 15th day of Jfay 1900, on tho proposition lo -issue bonds for tbo purchase of Water Works and sewer age will open Ike books for the registra tion of voters, at the Hook and Ladder Truck Co's house opposite Fair grounds in New Bern, N. ft , on Thursd.iy, Fii. day and Saturday proceeding the elec tion, bcinK the 10th, 11th and 12th daj of May 1900. - , ' " JmtH S. Mu.i.ER, - '' Uoilsliar. April 25111, 1000 ' WHEN TRAVEURG -Whether' on pleasure bent or business, lake on every trip a bottle of By rap of Figs, aa It acts most pleasantly and effec tually, on the kidneys, liver, and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches, and- othoi forms of sickness. For sale In BOceni bottles by all leading druggists. Msnu facturcd by the California Tig Syrup Co., only. ''... : Executor's Notice. ' -. Having duly qualiOed as Executor and Executrix of the last will and testament of, Hervey B Duffy, deceased, life under- sipuuu uereoy yivu noiire lo ail person!- n l ling c aims aghlasl thn eitate 01 tlir said Hervey B Duffy decea-ed, topresi d the s(.me duly verified as, required by law, lo the undersigned or el her of then on or beferc the 13th day of April 1001, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. An I all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make im mediate p iymmt to the undesigned or either of them. ",.. - This April 13th, 1000. ' I FRANCIS DUFFT. Exrcutnr; " JULiEf C. DUFFy, ExecutHV Washing Made Easy Is catching phrase for 1 o iscwivcs n i maids. It's A dream dnub'y dellht- f.il in reality and coroei with: putting -in of ihe new, modern Tubs which -1 r -special features of our Plumbirg Wo k A bouse with such tubs is a haalxe.i No one would think of leaving a place where they are found. None crl loise our charge. ', '- ' - Hynan ; Supply r. sCo. . " - ' " S,Phone63 J1 - ,. ' T ; ,c 49 CRAVEN BTIiERT : - Dobbin & Ferrall At Tucker,": . RALEIQI', N, C Hand Block Foulards, $f and $tJ5yd. ; 24 incl;ca wide. Brilltante Crepe ' I de Chines, $125 yd. 24 inches wi'de. IJetalic TaffetaS, Pastet Shades, 85c yL 19 int1tc3 wide, Do!;t;in C: Fcrral!, I:vcryl;c:ly Vcars m. - . - l Wl: I :r: iff J 1') fliml.'-Il J'(HJ v. i li i- ''i Uilh-'ut' v, ; i . v lit nil f iM-Ys IVhl 111 UUUV$!y Summer sewing is as the days lengthen O That's why 'we b .:.-t. 1.1 . -..1... early, that's - why we 7 price them . so g g temptingly. There is scarcely an item O 0 in otir large white goods stock that is any costlier than it ever has beeh. -. Jk. TL 1 : i fie same yuuu vaiuez in wiiue iaujns, nainsooks, long cloth dimities,' piques; Swisses, organdies, etc, that itoe haie J always given. , . : :r - 2 - ,WhiteLawnsal 5, 8, lkl2J, 15, 20 ami 25c , 5? a i ei-jpiuu. ijhwuv i aou mm -. urguuuica at iijio, no, oo, ov, ou uu iuv. : , ' Piques 10, 15,' 18, 20, 25, 30 and 35c. A ' - fc , i v We have all necessaries to make the x Summer dress complete. ? AU:ovor-Lace 35, 60, 65, 75o and $1, 00. Chiffon, allrOver-Appliqno $2 50 yd. vChiffoa L'and Applique; 1 25 yd. . Val Imp, 25o to $2 60 per docn yards. Swiss and Nuinsook Elites and Inserting?. - .-SV--.Vf OUR MILLINERY f: Keeps m close touch Wh the new : K . ; ' style's as they come out in NcTp York. V- ' -Every week we receive fresh novel J . ties and you can always he assured v 'of the latest here. .' f . ; " tO. cMarks JXTAV ItVAlUt GRIST-MILLS. -. "New Mills ; : :". Rolling t hcut ' Elevators and - Corn Cleaner Of the Latest Improved and Up- ' . to-Date Mill Ilachinery. - , ' s-" ' " YOUR i-TBADE 13 , tOLICiTaO. fW SPECIAL PAmUkpn ticlratt laj and pollaliinp Rraln hi fore roing' thn nth the-mill". 'which Ir sores puie meal, , Corri, Hominy, Oats and Vlted F.ed GEORGE BISHOP. 'NewBoln, N.C. - , ' When You Want the Best Beer . '. - ,'..'' Inlho world fall for and tiikeno other but the I'hilatU'lphia Prospect Hrowitiff (.'o.'s ludweis Lager Beer, tho jmrost and best for sale by all tho leading saloons in tho city and at wholcsiilo.by JAS. PTAYLOl?. For tho best 5o C igar iu the world try Cubivitoliu' . . , Tho rnrest and Best Liquors al ways on hand. I jr Old lorester .... . . . T , a specialty. I HO neBt lor m uicinai piirjmi-'es at '' Jr.3.- F. Taylor's, 18 Middltt Klreet. . Ar; j i r i A V V V V" V V" V" V V FOR SUMMER. . . ; o S best done now; o the desire for, this O a. buy tyhite goods o - ' " ii- -' 4s ; f.. 'f.t'llf . X tuu. , a DEPARTMENT :' Company X Buggy Exhibit. " , The; aoe ctt rrpnt nts .ur"w'1 known Bungles as they are i xhtbi ej nt ' the fair U.oi n I. : Tl m- st r. li d le and C3tnpl:e ug j I ( Hie w rl'V ' " : li.1: Hitit rs &. H, I am Surrounded li n nil tut rfci.fv M-nla Vricrm too. ' Mjr 15011 nrvliecli . COIlfclfcU tit TlrtS, ,J.. Dim, Stokit, Vthts, -Pupi, Inurlubai limM, Brack all, Outrda, Grips. Sari, ltd I. , v Pistols, Ctintnt, Rubbtr, Cnimil, Bruthi), Carbide, Oraphlla, Ceaiteri, Wranchea. Tlra Tap, PluflS. r ; r,, ror.trmnr.iH, II Lit r i on lis .y H.iiuni.vitz, . urn iin ills,, jn I' I-.' V K A V TV. Uoth ch--tnlr9 a,-id cluun. Easy Payments. m Cowh.fth mtil your wurlt i nuiic Itfil. WA1. t. i.:si, HI Mi.l.llr HI. tcr r HI- !! i - I . r u ! r . SWaaBBBBBBBBBBBSlBSBHBBBlBBBBBBBBBMSSBM ri i 'A

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