vol. xviii--:;j. 2. r. c, i v NINETEENTH TEAR i t (S si of Wn hvp now nren.'iroil to show our customers a Full Line SPRING GOODS and at Old Prices too. ". 'v .-V Those 27 inch foulards are making quite a ripple. So Euit 'y able for duiuty Easter' Dresses. , .I 1.1.: mm .1..:., n'.ff.j..., . tn l,..n.l- (iS some quality 'for 90a Such a beautiful Teaude Soie for tl 25. V f) All Silk Foulards-in dress patterns for 75c - . -. . O ; A superb stock of Embroidery either in sets or separate W trimmings. Fancy Puffings, Nainsook and Lace All Overs- for V waists. : Piques in welt's, plaids and figures, Persian. Lawns, V 7 'Dimities and Organdies from 15o to' COo. t jf Zei'glcrs and J'lemcnJ & Palls Low Shoes and Slippers ' havo f -come and are in good styles. .Try them. ' 1 , ) jfA . )o not forget that we carry The Dowager Corset in black ) ! and white. Waiucr and the it to, u. ltMhe new rrench patterns. ortli Carolina SectrJ la Ext: From He States.. ,115 Gall and see us at our old stand. - . 'i 47 649 Pollock Street. w A ' Grood Place ! . To get what you want and a good time to get it. All thine-3 in season. Calcimo in 5 lb packages tor decorating walls; mix in .cold water, easy applied and shows no laps,,try it, you will find nothing else it3 equate 45a pack age, all colors. - " , 1 A new lot Ice Cream Freezer, a three and a halt minute ireezer, any size, price right lor a quick mover. None to be carried over." v Have you tried our Enamel (gold and sll v ver) at2ffc. Our Varnish stains one coat work; ;it will make old furniture look newand only 20c can. We have a full stock and, many things In our line that space will not permit our men tioriot them. - Call at Gaskiirs Hardware for what yoL want. ' - . v. Our Paints are of the best aud sold with a guarantee'. ..Ilave your ; roof painted with our Carbon Paint; it will stop the leat- We are v: sole agents! ' ' ' We deliver yonr purchases wsAVti: Gaskill Hardware Co. T ,1 Larger Than The -largest' VV Finer than the Finest H'ksX. TV TV i hA ) Wo .lave jiiNt rfccivcil, purclmx.-il ilii M. llaln, Till: KM Cai-W.l.s of M... -ktin Mulrs, (mil 40 I (if llor.Ji 8 to suit you J 'raTt ;m il Komi V.'cr . A lull line of p..ir ;...), i:.,:,d Carl.!. W., Kol cai d hi.4 on l.aml 1 riiv mid Ti i ii Wo invili1 jour (al ly in j 1 1 : ' n. I 'ft from the Pa have now on li for any ami i or by our ml 1,0 Next to California. Bruiier Satis fled With Home. Famous Con Tict Released. Po? Show Kext Fall. Carr Con- ' ; tributes Money. Raleigh, April 26. Secretary T. K Bruner, of the board of agriculture, now in Pans is looking closely after North Caroliua'8 interests.- lie writes Tery entertnlnlng letter to Commissioner of Agriculture Patterson, in which he says that the other day while In the "Palace of Agriculture" he saw workmen putting up the first picture in the building, ; a color-photograph 45 feet, by Hlllyer, lie found it was being labeled a Cali fornia mountain view, but discovered that it waB really a view on Valley river n Western North Carolina. Ho insisted that It should bo credited to North' Caro lina ' Exposition Agent Green, "of the Southern. Railway, came up and backed Bruner and as a result the magnificent photograph is properly labelled., r The letter from Mr. Bruner is gratify ing in the newt regarding (bis States comparative prominence California, in Its nsual aggressive go-ahead way.Btands first, which Is no surprise to' those who have seen that State's extensive adver . Using In the past and examined lis ex hibits at the recent eioosltlons on this' itle of the water.. ' But H is an objeoi lesson to find North; Carolina standing ieC'ond In the quality and quantity and illverstty of the material shown The timber exhibit of this State Is more com plete than any other shown, aUh(jih individual specimens do not, of course compare in size with the great redwood of the West;; In mining and mlue al about the same conditions prevail, our native ores, and other eoonomio minerals being very complete in their series a jamples; of our. great uudorgronnd wealth. The exhibit of native medicinal wild plants and herbs seemi to be, the only One there at present and will no loubt be a unique display. Gold nnggeis and silver nuggets, and a 'dazzling dis play of native gems cap tho exhibit - so far ai beauty and Intrinsic value are con earned. The mounted game birds of the State are a feature and a larg i display of photographs of North Carolina scenery give the visitor a much belter idea of the Mate than ne could have had before. Secretary Bruner says everything Is very much behind and it will be two months before all exhibits are in place The United States, howevor, is ahead of any. other nation in preparations and hat received commendations from nig i quar ters on energy shown. The Ptrlt'prlces are very high aud Americans' are, consid tred fair game, which seems to be usual at the great French expositions. Secretary Bruner is not impressed with Paria at a place of ' residence and tayt America It the only country, first, last and all of the time. le will return as soon as the North Carolina exhibits nn properly displayed and labelled, and arrangements completed for the distri bution of literature relating to the State's desirability as a place of residence for the best class of foreign Immigrants. ' It will be June before the exposition Is complete, be sayt. . . For many years, almost daily, Mat thew Austin, a venerable negro, has had his post at south entrauce to tho capital snare, and thousands of people, res! dents and victors alike have heard his quick spok-in ".Mornln', gemman; tuSuk eo fur 5 cents'." The old follow came to be known as "Mornln' gemman." Last nleht he died. His people say he was 10) yean old. t Four convicts from Itowan arrived-at the penitentiary. Among the convicts discharged to-day was a pretty woman who had served three years' sentence for lliefl. She was known ns the "Hello of tho Penitentiary" aud uiaile a great lin, pies Ion upon some Biisc.rplllile niemlKjii of the last Legislature, who tried to Ret a pardon for lie.r, Mi lniiln from Balti more and lias a hi; h -sounding Spanish name. She left hmo for Norfolk. When she firat came here alio cl iiined to tc tl wife of a yoiuii IiaU ;!i mm. of a well- know n f.;ail'y. foe liu w (' i o , : : i. Tite leli! 1: V:- They are lii-t fad. He alto lias soiue rand wolf-hounds. Large areas cf lands are leaded for long eims of yeats, that is exclusive rights are secured by payiiienl of all State and couut.y taxes Gould Ins 15,000 acres, Brokaw 12,000, Lorillard 7,0( 0, Jluckcy 4,000. . Mackes has at . his kennels Joe Cummings, a noted pointer, for whifh he paid $1,- 100. Julian S Carr has sent State Chairman Simmons a check f jr $200 for campaign expenses and In his letter enclosing the check promises to duplicate this amount later during tho campaign. ' ' W. H. Shipman, Beardsley, Minh , under oath, says he suffered from dys pepsia for twenty-five yeaM. Doctors and dieting gave but little relief . ' Fi nally he used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and now eats what lie likes and as much as he wants, and be. feels like a new .man It digests what you eat. F. S. Duffy. - THE MARKETS. Fo Our o of - Ladies; Hisses and Children's ' x ( sJi " Summer Vest. The following quotations were receiv od by J. E. Latham, New BernN. G. New York, April 20 , Oottoh: : Open. High. Low. Close May....... v.. 9.8 J 9.89 ; 9.84 - 989 Aug. 9.19 9 33 : 9.18 9 Sept..;. .... 8.89 8.44 ' 8.8H ; 844 Oct.... ...... 8.16 8.19 8.18 8.1 Nov. .... a... 8.01 ' 8 03 7 99 ' 8.00 ; Jan.;..,... 8.00 , 8.03' 7.99 808 CHICAGO MARKETS - - . ' Wbbat: Open. Bigh. Low. Hose May Oof. 65 ' 05 " Jul.......... 07. 67 ' 67 . Ojkk: t " t May .40' 4U 89 July .... f .. 40j' , 41J ' 8o. H y Pfd... 5 ' ' ' T.O. 1 .jr. Con.T Hlf LeatheT". ., i., in , A. S.& W 4li . . c O t..;. ... . r v 1 ; a. o.o - jl O iae ... ... 57i . f Cotton 'receipts were 1 4,000 at all porta. , ' e. . t..:-. 65t 67 4 fiff 85 8i 1 It 411 r 811 5 B bales "$o family cm afford to be Without One Minute Cutiirh Cuiffe It will tton coagb and cure a cold quicker than any yier medieine," writet U. W. Williams, Sterling Hun, fa. .: it cures croubrqn chtlle and all . throat and lung troubles and prevents consumption. ' n.asant and harmless. F. 8. Duffy. . Ladies Sillc Waist, , Wo place on'laleHhls week a beautiful lot of ladies slllrwalsta lu black, old lavender etc.; made of all silk taffeta tncked all over, perfect filling and well, price $4 75 each. . - ' -; ,; O. A. Babvoot rose and very A fine lot of Vurkeyi at the Oak' Market. ' r ' - , Have your pfescrlptlons fjl at Ha vis' Pharmacy, - lied - Clothing Fur Ranter. ' , Don't fall to see our fine clothing and will save your money. Respectfully, J. J. BAXTKIt Umbrella Talk.' Thla time very interesting, 100 ladles and mens silk umbrellas, asst handles to select from, we offer' this week only this lot of 100 valued 1 1 .SO at the special low price $1.10 each, - . O. A. Barkoot. Have your prescriptions at Davis Pharmacy.' filled Holton's Early Rose Setd Pota toes at J. F. Taylor's, loot offlid dlo street Choice Mutton aud Market. Veal at the Oak liavu your pros Pharmacy. :ripfiona lilled at I)avla' : i ' ' ' s t eft JEW VERY WJCE.: , v I inn 5 7 Also to our WHITE LAWNS which were bought before the alvance In i: rice, PHONE 181. D.TJARVIS, i i . 68 POLLOCK STREET- A SATISFIED CUSTOflER! Called at our slorrj a" few days ago and said, "If could not get another of yo if "Hand I u)tiiatir!', T would not laho 5 00 for hdifa." IIe paicTOR tl M fofit. ' i - Dr. P. P rt r. f Itocly Point, N. C says, "I uave fuormighly lestca tne !iCeyKlone Adjustable W d.-r, and on haaitatii g!y ray it is ot.e of Hie fii est implemei.HI have vr us-d.; It docs ih? work of t a ordinary harrows or cultivators and have s the inrfrwe thor- oughly mtiloLe I J It h'is pi tqntl r dostroyer cf tmlt we d and K:as." We invite your nt'ention to these cele' biated Wcedeitt, and, wonl 1 be glad, to have you try Ihcm. . - We have a' nice lino of Rake, Hoep. Garden Plows, Band Oultivstors, Tref PtunenPosl Ilole DlgRers, at well as crmplole t'ua of Ilardware. '" ' Tours Truly, J. C. Vhitty & Try a bottle of our Polishing Oil, it will make the piano, side " board or bureau look as , good as new. - 25c. YOU'LL SEE At a glance that "our SprfuR Woolilt strike the lop notch In the variety of ar tistic patterns. What a suit is mado ol and the wav it is made up are the two important drew poln'a. tYo have rivals in cither respect. Our work I not Imitated and our dlsplny of fabrics la exclusive. Order now. r. II. Chad wick. Middlo street. NEW HEItN, N, O e Also a nice lot Small Sugar Cured Pig Ifamg, Break fast Sfrip8t English Cured 8houlders. Fulton Marlet Corned Ueet ' ' , v Presh lot Clover Hill Print BufEer and Fancy Fresti Elgin Butter, 80o lb.; -" Canned Goods of all kinds, nice arid fresh. - Goods delivered anywhere in the city free, v ti': I respectfully solicit a share of your trade. ' - Jlespectfully, ' ; J. L McDMIEL, . 'Plione 91. A Retell Grocer, 71 Brol Si. HE'S PARTICULAR - i.bout Lis oiff-ej p thin" 1)1 1 '; Parker's . Unmatchable Roasted - Coffee satisfies aim, " Nothing else - will satisfy you either, once ycu - have t led It. tt it the pure b rr : properly in at id in tl o roaatlnr a as to retain all nt Its iellca'e arr. i . . .-. . . . ma and tate. Try a sample cup. .' If yob d'lil't 1 Vc it hrin it back, ii you no, tell on era or fs god-t nets. they'll thank vou. V tK COOD a J. R. rrtMVCK, aJIX... UKUUCK, 77 fioad Street. J 'Phone 69. Largestjarid Finest Stock of ; '.. . j i, (. , i JEver, Found in rNew Bern. Buggies Wagons Harnesses Robes I havemoved to the Broad Street Stables, purchased of J. W. STEWAET, where I shall glad to meet all friends and customers. ' 1 ioi rj I 1 1 ' 1 1 T , 1 I rl 11 : i tiji Tour, 41 An luRoitmcnt of I!(liomlnn hand painted l'V'ilt Hiandt, Pickle ( after,- Si! -:ir and ('icuii Fin, : t h n! in the col- iixi a line of !n;j:.Uj f;in(y Rnd ill l;iMi; w ,,i r, o , i can yi-, fjune , i . in rt. I hi .1. (I, 11.. x i i.u'a, 1 lie -I. ....'-r. Nolltie of Sale of Valuable Landi Statu cf Kokth Caiku.ina, I Superior Craven Uoimty. J Lmirt The National Bank of New Born V9 ' 1 II II Perry and O II Perry, el al. 1 ho in 'lefvni' il r-fmimi-i in- r a--ti ,0,1, in this unlinll at l'ail 'I erlll, 1H:i9 ('nil, W! il i,i el In 1 1 1 , ' 1 , , , (. ,1 nV .I i.f til ew I for tusli ci in t, al el n, Pti(l ny 111 l Mr: land- en U,e nil 11 V, Ncw Bzta, - NiC. Prompt Delivery From Dunn's ii . Youjcsn always eifci .when , you order your food supplies from this i lialile aiort". 'Wo nm sn-. ply every deiwanil nt a flirt rlima fiimily Irmlo with the Choicest 8t ii.-B'd Fa cy Q ornien, Uil I h-v, PmHu. .im., niuesla-R'vc-r I' hit liiiitcr. and PIk Ha ni at It x-k It'iti m P.l ., , ,t Wo nuito a aprclalty of hlch ' J grule Tots and CiilTeos. 1 Our Perfection Blend - Co.Tjo 13 Finov " ! Price Only COc. (,f ili 'lioioiis rtilT.f liny a pou ml . (V I in l! et, re . -, : -si,.-. ;: .-e :i. i i, .,;. srt iA-.L:ii''-"...r V . V. . : ' v ,iW'"i:. ' ' s, i-'-.r.1.-.''.