vol. xviii--:; NINETEENTH TEAR n t. . A A A A A A A ' A A A A ' A ' ' A - A " !VS A A A A A t t.i (X ( . Wo are now prepared to show our customers Full Lino (if , fePlilNtt GOODS and at OKI Puces too. Thoso 27 inch Foulards are making quite a ripple. So suit-, able for dainty Easter Drosses. . ' Silks for everyone.- Waist Patterns in all the newest shades x and designs. Then a line of plain Taffetas for 50c or a hand- gome quality for DOc bueu a beau tit u I lean uo boie tor fl lo. All Silk Poulards in dress patterus for 75c . A superb stock of .Embroidery -either in sets or separate trimmings. Fancy Puffings, Nuinsoo'r. and Lace All Overs for wai. ,(s. Piques in welts, plaids and figures, Persian Lawns, Dimities and Organdies from 15c to 50c. . " . Zeiglers and Clement & Balls Low Shoes and Slippers have come and are in good sty loa. ; 'ry them. - - " - " , . , lio not forget that we carry The Dowager; Corset in black and white. Warner, and the 1L & G. in the-new French patterns. , : Call and see us at our old stand. -IB. HTCITBTJISIjT 47 &, 49 Pollock Street. Good ; Place ' To gel whatyou want and a good time to get it."" All thing3 in season. ' Calcimo in 5 lb packages tor decorating walls; mix in cold water, easy applied and shows no lap3, try it, you will nndnothlng else its equal45c pack age, all colors.. . r , ; ; A new lot Ice Cream Freezer, a three and a halt minute ireezer, any size, price right lor a quick mover. None to be carried over. - - Have you tried our Enamel (gold and sil ver) at 25c. Our Varnish stains one coat work; it will make old furniture look new and .only 20c can. 7 - ' " 1 " . We have a full stock 'and' many things in our line that space will not permit our men tion of them. Call at Gaskill's Hardware for what you want. ' ; .' ' j Our Paints are of tho best and sold with a guarantee. Have your roof painted with our Carbon- Paint; it will stop the leak. We are , - sole' agents, v ' T Wo deliver your purchases rnosE YOUR . .. WANTS TO 147. : Larger Than The largest w: ':' r- Finer ! j than 4 l'f finest. i J We lave just received, purclitis.-.il dirfct from tlic !.' u: JI. Hal n, TIIIiEK Cttrlonda of Ktock'nnd lino now on 1 Miilep, i ml 40 Ilt-iid of llorucs to suit yoti, for ar. v mol all . Draft in d llond AVor . A (nil line of Hii'ioK, Koiid Carli. V,';,. o , , ( , , . ',, Rol r.-ai (1 ftliijig on hand l'i'ii i aiol T. i n - :,. .ni, , ,!. We invilo your early in t ! ;,,n. !; . , , . . ,, ; i t v U v; u V V Gaskill Hardware Co. , ; i". I of ml l! ) 7l: . ..,..1. I.tiiney to Ao Tut Vp For Unvcrnor. Attacking Siminon OM Fel. lows Celebrate. lleWolf l!lper Kay t ,J. Anditoriuin. Ealeigu, April 27 The Itepublican conyention will have 240 delegate and an equal number of alternate!. A specUl effort has been made to prevent negroes being sent as delegates, but it could not be" helped as Wednesday's variegated gathering will show. Ia me countieB white delegates and negro alternates were elected. This to pacify the "brother in black." Congressman Llnney who ha9 made such a black record for himself In Congress along with the negro Congress man White, -wilt be the nominee for Governor. Host of the other places on the ticket are not settled upon. Z. Y. Waher will have the attorney generals place without doubt. He could have bad that place on the PopullBt ticket It he would have accepted it. It; is suggested that Lieutenant Governor Reynolds "will be nominated for chairman of . the Cor poration .Commission. Nobody, wants State Chairman Uoltona place so he will be re-elected. ' Insurance Commissioner. Young, has since January 1st collected $55JXK) from the insurance companies a,nd has -care fully examined the reports of 100 com panies - - 1 - The Christian Endeavor Union held three sessions today. The opening sub ject wa "Individual Faithfulness," by Uev. SI. A. Keleey of High Point. The Southern Iiailioad telegraph Airlktn here say they Mill receive help fiom the strikers fund, but don't, know how long It will continue. They seem lo think the strike a failure. '. - .' -., '. Senator Sutler announces that J. F Click is now the editor of his papir here The Caucasian. The paper this week Iu full of thrusts at Slate Chairman Sim mons, whose name appears at least two score times, in the editoiialv and who appears to be the speeial object of wrath. , ' ' There are 802 cadets enrolled at the Agricultural and Mechanical College This breaks the record. ';' - Cotton la reported to be coming tip rapidly in the Goldsboro section and eastward. A gentleman says he taw cot ton coming up ft week Ago in the King' ton section?. . Hot many colleges were represented a) the inter-collegiate athletic contests at Oiford yesterday. ; It Is thought to be a good idea to have theae contests at lial eigh during the State Fair and have all the colleges represented. Good purses and prizes will bring them out. The sale of scats for DcWolf Hopper's "The Charlatan," here May 2d, Is great. The company makes long jump, here by special train from Augusta, and goes from here to Norfolk, on another special, . A charter ia granted the Kluston Tele phone Company, capital ilO.OOO;' II. O. ilayatt and others, stockholders. The local Odd Fellows celebrated in handsome style this evening the 8bt anniversary of the founding of lliotr or der. - Among the speakers were Past Grand MasterB Charles F. Lumsdcn and W C Douglass, Grand Secretary II II Woodell and Secretary of Btato Cyrus Thompson. The auditorium stockholders met lat evening, appointed a committee to pre pare bylaws and another committee to get options on sites. The Bell telephone rato case for .oine time on the Snperior Court docko. here went off by consent. This Is the case In which the company appealed from the order of the railroad commi siouers fix in? rat' s. There are tumora that possibly some sort of settlement of the lax atnesmi n casta, which Involve an Inerenne of the laxiililu viilue of rnilroiids of some $ .10, QMiHit) ! ncar at hand. The t'eii -ionc J ud ; Biiiiom. m this week ilnit the opening of ihe bonl-.s of private euriur tatioiijt Dot purtit h lo the ct-e c.,uh! not be forcr '1, d -troy I ho cii-e of I ho r point iu ,d,' hi,I 1 f..r t ih.y c ill '1 he mil ,) II. rs I ;t v:.u I h .: r 1 r wax "c:::i r .a At J.' ''incu-z- - London', April 23. It looks now as if the four or live thousand Boers who hurriedly raised Ihe siege t)f Wepener and lift Generals Erabaut and Hart free passage iuto the town, stand little risk of being caught. . - ' They have a clear road pen to them, so long as they skirt the BaBUtoland boundary toward Ladybrand, for the whole of that section of the Free Slate remains in their hands. It will soon pass into the possession of the Brltlbh. General Brabant has a strong force of mounted troops at bis command. These are likely to co-operate with Generals French and Bundle in seeking to inter cept tire Boers who hastily left De. Wet's dorp Tuesday night. ; According to re port, French and Rundle joined bands east of De Wet's dorp Wednesday morn ing and Kundleis now pursuing the Boers by forced inarches in a nortbeaater ly direction. Gen Pole-Care w is mar them. , The BoerB arc said to be hampered by wagons and guns and to be nnable to move swiftly, but on the other hand, the character of the ground, which Is excee ingly broken and billy, makes the use of cavalry exceedingly difficult and favors the rear guard tactics of the Boers, at which they . have . previously" proved .themselves adepts. London, April 20 The War Office has received the following dispatch from Lord Roberta, dated at Bloeiofontcin yesterday: . - "Good news from Baden Powell up to April 10. AH the wounded doing well The Boers captured several native wo men who were trjing to escape from Mafeklng, but tbwe were turned back after being stripped ami Fhamboked.'1 Phktoria April 2-"-An explosion took place yesterday in Begble's foundry Johannesburg, the Government arsenal. Thirteen men wcie killed and 60, in jured. . : The result of a Government Inquiry into. the causa of .the dinner suggests that H was plaunoJ at au Outrage. ..The explosion occurred In a bouie separate from the works and is believed to h ive required 800 pounds of nitroglycerin, while the quanity of nitroglycerin and powder on the nremlsea did .not exceed 200 pounds - ' . V ., , i i i : , "No family canvallordto be without One Minute Cough Cure. It will stop a cough and cure a cold quicker than any other medicine, writes U. W. Williams Sterling Run, Pa. II cures croup, bron chitis and all throat and long troubles and prevents consumption. Pleasant and'barmloss. F. S. Duffy. THE MARKETS.: .. The following quotations were recelv ed by J. E. Latham, New Bern, N. C. ?: ; ;. . Naw Vobk, April 27 Cotton; " ' Open. Uleb. Low. Close May.. Aug. Sept . Oct . . ' Nov. Jan . . 8.43 9.24 8 41, 8.19 8.01 8.03 9 41 9 21 ' 8.41 8.19 8 01 8.0 9.48 9.28 8.49 8.24 807 8.08 9 9 28 '8 49 824 8.07 8 ON ( lose Got C1I1CAOO MAUKKTS WllKAT: May , July Coun: May.. ...... July . So. U j Pfd... Open. High. . 0T1 -.- 0?J . 89r ' Low. 6? . . 80J 40 T.O.I.....: Con.T .. 82 Leather Hi A. $.& W 4l C&O ......... 8IJ A. C. O A OPae ... ... 68t Cotton . receipts at all ports. 84 Si 12 41, 31, 30 6 were 0,000 ba.!ei II. Clark, Clinuncey, fls., says I'e Witt's Witch Ila.e.l Halvo cured him of piles that ulllicted him for twenty years. It is also a speedy euro for (thin dineasea r.cwaro of dniij'cious counU rfi lis. F. S. Duffy. ' 1 T.".. . ThU ti and in. n u, ;,... f; lUl-i lot lo-.v .,h, -.o vei v In 1 it) la t f !' i ' .fiO at the r "Tlie f.z Ci.naJ.1 Fire. y;: Ottawa, Apiil 2?. Five square mil s of territory burned over, more than 2,500 dwellings, f actories, mtll, stores and other buildin" destroyed, entailing a Iofs estimated to reach $20,000,000 and between 12,000 and l"i,C00 men, womrn nd children homeless, is a Bumming op f the havoc wrought by the fne which has been raging.at Ilull and iu Ottawa nice It o'clock yesterday morning, and has just been gotten under control at midnight. -. ' W,. H, bhipman, Beardsley, MLnn , Under oath, sava he suffered from dys pepsia for twenty-five years. Doctors and dieting gave but little relief. Fi nally he used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and now eats what be likes and as much at be wants, and he feels like a now man. It digests whatyou eat. F. 8. Duffy. A double seated Uockaway. . Will le Slid cheap for cash. At P. Trenwltb's Blacksmith Shop, South. Front street, near A. & N C. H. R. IVe Call Your Attention To Our ; v Lino of v ; Ladies, Misses and Children's, Summer Vest.: Also lo our WHITE LAWS8 whloh w; v bsug'it boforo the a lvanceln i tlce PHOSK 181.- D. F.JARVIS, - 83 POLLOCK STREET. " A SATISFIED -CUSTOHER! r . Called at our store few days ago and said, "It I could not get another ol your Hand Cultivators, I would rol ahe IS CO for mino.T(IIe paia us (1 00 for it.; . . ' - Dr. F. Porterj of RdcVy Point, N. C says, "I. have thoroughly tested the 'Keystone Adjustable Weeder.' and un hesitatingly say It is one. of the' fli.est mplemeutsl have ever used.'. It does hi work of two' ordinary harrowa of cuHivators and leaves the surface rbor oujjhly mulched. It has no equal at destroyer of small weeds end grass." We invite your attention to these cele brated Weedere, and would be glad to have yon try them. ; - - '., ' We have a nice line of- Rakes, Iloee, Garden Plows, Hand -Cultivators, Tree Primers, Post Hole Digger; ai wclt-as a complete Jioe of Hardware. . , '- Yours Truly, J. C. IVIiiUy CO. Try a bottle of our Polishing Oil, it ill make the piano, side ' board or bureau look as gooj ns new. 23c. J - Mr.RAM i Mmmm m. m. .(T i & 71 BRGAD STREET. : - Is the place to trado if you want strictly first-class .-; -' - Orocerics at right frines. . vrything guaranteed-' hj as represented. ;,' If you find any anticla otherwii, ; .': I will thank, you to return it and ydur. money will t te cheerfully refunded. ..'' , t - -'" ' k. fresh lot Clover Hill Print and Fancy Elgin Bntter just received only30o per lb. - . " Those Canned Blackberries at 6c pcrSiIb can are going, Try them.-; , , f Goods delivered anywhere in the city.iromptly4 V -" . r Yonre to Please, '.- - l J. "Plione ,91. : : ! MrMEI. HE'S PARTICULAR About Ms ciffio; n thinsr but Parker's jtaniatchaMe Roasted Coffee sal Mies him. No I log else will satisfy you either, Or ce y u W 'liave t-ied It." It Is the pure berr piuyi'r. yi Kioti hi uiu ruKiiuir i' as to retain 'l of l!a Cclieato nrr ma and la te, .Try sample c ip. if yo'i d p'i I be it tring It back, If you do, tell o ),les of Js god anl y m," , ' " nesj, I bey '11 t"a j: PARKER, JR., GROCER, ..Thoiieea; ; - "7 Broad Street. - Largest(and Finest Stock of . . . . - '. v Buggies Wagons HarnesseiRobes ' . I have moved to theroad Street Stables,: " purchased of J. T7. STEWART, where I'shall : be glac to meet all friends and customers. F3 : 11 mmm mmm f ' .-1 Wholesale - Orocer, ,71 BiwM HU MM r Qood t " CEver I Found in .New Bern. urn x t in .- in i iiin Li Delivery From Dunn's YoiiVnn iitwayarxpict when ' you order yimr lond suppllra from . tliln n liaiilr Honv We on up- 7j Jily rvrry ilrnnmd f a lltf rliina family ItmIl' Willi the. TJIioiipl Ft ipl'.' n d Pnnry fl rrn n iK, I'll I h K Pi. 11 x, S imc r, Iic,'rVx J R vi" P int liuii-r. nml I'll? Ilmim ol I! ! H"it in pil.aa o nullum a H.ci.,liy- nf .hlh pr,ilii I', h . ml I 1 1 l" fl, ' i i I'.VmI- . 1 C ' ) f". Th) "r rri?:3 Or.ly r0' (,r ;i.-i f.T' ! l.ny n j.;-ii.l V v 1 .. -