- s I . I VOL. XVIII--NO. 29. I KEY BEIiX, N. C, THURSDAY HO&XIXa, MAY 3, I! NINETEENTH YEAR , I 40f &t pr 0lr '40? "40" tr jf" 47 & 49 Pollock Street. . The newest styles ami low prices go hand in hand through out our entire stock of JJress Goods, Shoes, ' Embroidery, Dam asks, Towels and Laces, of all kinds- , 'Organdies are daintier than ewr hefoie fti plain colors or ftroeadea and theenuine Ilorikoshs bilks are treasures for com fort besides being so .uily laundered. . ; - Aguiu we are showing. handsome patterns in black Crepon, also iu the Fnelle loth - , ' Lotted Swisses in black and colors; then "The Crinkled Cotton Crepon" in black makes up so well. - - ' - We cail special attention to oar White Goods piques in Welts of all siacs-or the figured ones; such a variety of Figured Mercerized Nainsook, Persian - Lawns, India Linons, Dimities and French OrgaudieS with trimmings of Embroideries " and Laees of all kinds. s. "All Overs" for Waists in Swiss,' Organdy and Lace. J 'i hen a peep at our Hosiery Department' Plain, Eiohlieu, Ribs and Polka Dots in Cotton. , A lovely Lisle Lace Hose fo 50c or a far handsomer one for 85c. i Summer line of Corsets just arrived, U &,G'No. JL1& French Pattern only 75o is selling fast. " . . ' Shoes of fllj kinds in , Ties, Southern Button, Sandals and Slippers both for ladies and children. -' ' 1 - ' Pulley and Jet Belts-too -' Call and convince yourself that we have the Goods. -'', ' ' 1 - - 1 -. ',- . a a to vto to 'I' to !'' " "" ' i'l"i iwnii; i I'll, i i n , ,l i Every . One f Who Enters- Our Store Stands - ace,io Jbace witn - " Great Bar Now ij'roir etiatve tn serture the plet.pf ui I ttdvan(gi gillie ca'ly buyer. - Thcro b Yntrth'e c . " ; Children's Suits Or.at l r?ri Id M!h. Lad .i aal ( ' Just Received a Dig Lot of Straw and -Also A lino lir.e of Dry Goods, Notions, Trunks, &c, i t ' 'e .' 11 " :' 1 u t 'i ' '. k, ; :. So come t:flii in Vnd let us rbow you Goods aiiil LiW rr'ccar , ; :! I ' ' ' '. ' AMERICAN STOCK COMPANY, 59 & 61 Middle St. - - , ( WHAT ONE ETS y flhoul 1 11'-Jl '' t' e: ' lid irtt 4 , f iriil.. O'.r slin k of Piwl 1 1 A- KH or vioa i r i- -- d eliltitlnn of .fbal t - V i't ' r r' w. -tl-'m urU is n U inn I l 1 :l F 0 er h -ft '-A v'i M p e med po d urn, 'r ; M ;t vo 1 ' b 1 ad y ut il s . M " go A" I , ll n .. It Jji'fet j' aid nrder your lonerii!; r 'l uo n lie mi ij'ii'k' n ' -" ''-.'- .!iia 1 lV. r. Irp 1 m 'fll 5 s r t.. 11 . t4 J. R. PA RKER,; J R GROCER, 5 ; : ' 'Fhone GO. 77 Broad Street. ' Prompt Delivery From Dunn's - ' IifP:L li v. r"rr,'i i:?fi.L '" If you wmit a ponil cup of ami yuti w ill p t i!. " Tl.i.t .0 niiy 'jii "jn" jj'"1 p' "nr' v v SI Kl Kt XI VV K) v) w IS grams tUTlRleit.. Oarncwgoe"t oilers ttt- U uo ttratf 1 ka the pia i! 1 1 n ke . 7 '' f -'-.- . .75 16 . : ,3.50 ; hlMrea's S'jo Wq 1"B I tU for Met and 11 f ? ' what we can i) t In the way of Good HOWARD & MiCHT, Proprietors. ' ... fcvr p i l (2 i !Ju. j.ssi' GJLMiCo. . - ; ' ;ar ''IV' i-5 Yiiijon flways exjret wlirn ion erlir your fixid s ipplicn from thin i Iir ilf eio-i'. We ein Mi -f 1 ' plv rvmv den and or a fl'd rliifi f unity lMdi With Vw (MkmiukI It ,1 n- il Ka h 0 cwrA Hit- I It! n H r, )lhi', I'rx It vi UHnl Mil KT, ninf Tin ilnnia Hi It II it in l it s Wo nmki? a ,ai eudiy if lii-li pr.tlo Ti hh find tJ.-Jl.-m. t)nr I'l rfol . I I'.li i (I . Prico Only COc. drlirion.t cuTi c lmy n jxihih! fTf in tlm m:n !.. I, r- qui::!. Republican Efforts to Shelve tbe - Negro Make Trouble.-' The Negroes Protest. Base Ball Fover Raging. Public Said to Aid Strikers. Bnrham To- . , bscco Company. News Items. '' RAtBieii," May 2 The fourth district Republican convention which was held here yesterday afternoon ended In "wild disorder after the white delegates and the black ones had bad a quarrel, and the latter had retired. ' The convention was colled to nomi nate delegates to tbe "national conven tion. The negroes made a demand that one delegate be a negro and said if that was not done , tbey would knife the white Republicans by staying ;, away iron the polls.' Speech after speech was made by the excited and angry negioes. James' A. Young and David A. Lane leading la. this. C,ST. Bailey, postmaster here, and J. til. Millikan were elected delegates, P; D. Jones add H. B, Pearson alternates,' all white. Then the negroes left: and the white men met and elected Winalow district chairman, and Giles, of Chatbaaaf mem ber of tbe executive committee. A welt known white Republican says that the white Republicans are trying to get rid of thenegroea, but that orders have come from Washington that tbe negroes must be given a full shjtreof the loaves and fishes. He says further that his party is making a fatal error in ar raying, itself against the 'Constitutional amendment. '. There seems to be wide differences and sharp feeling between the negroes and tbe whiles, but all these things may be merely simulated. It Is new fully confessed that the whites have moved heaven and earth Jo keep the negroes In the background.-' James E. Boyd Is herefrom: Washing ton. lie is far lrom strong and, bis friends are uneasy about him. ' - "-' Tbe matter of the Presbyterian depart ure from old landmarks is brought to uitnd here In quite a curious way, Many years age alady here left In her will the Prvsbyteilan manse, upon the condition that if the Church ever abandoned iti present Confession of Palth the proper ty should, revert to the family. . Tbe Presbyterians here are standing by the old landmarks. ' ' , The Raloigh staiateurg yestorda went to Louisbnrg, where they presented the Capital play'Tbe Fisherman's Luck.; ' A number of devotees of base-ball met here and formed an association. ' There are some excellent local players.': The games ar$ io be played av the fair grounds. The interest in! ball here Is greater than In IS years past. , The Horn er team was the strongest seen here in a long while. It Is considered that It would jive the University all. It wanted la a game w..,.-: -jiv ;.v -v . .The attendance at the Soldlora Home is now tbejargest on record. The llome Is, In fact, entirely full. . Frank f Jones, of Gulf,.: who-came hero. ays the floods last week In that sei tlon of the Slate did more damage than anywhere else, l-ecp ilwr rose US feet: most of this rle occattfnit In Hm It iuis, and was as high as In 1698 ' t . ' Mention lias been nitda of, the order i.t Judge Bimonton that the Blackwell's iJurhmn Tobacco Company be sold; Per ulva. ll'll,. lh ice(-iverr apiniiited to eiinducl u:h sale. . X sii(ipleinutal or Jer la liU-d, thut the ta!o must be m (' nl public auction aild uuOo the Au.cr linn I'nIiHuco Cuinpaiiy ( A hlcll desired tu nny 4t an upset price), ; Fefurunce has been made to coin' plaints of lack , of telrgmphlo and freight service at sundry stations on the WtsU'rn Korlht'arollue Railroad. These complaints, were, strange to say, seut to the Usvernor, Wbo turned )hcra over lo tbe corporation ctmmilntlon. Tbe rail road In reply to the complaints says quite plainly that the people at some of 1 tbe points have been aiding the strikers and interfering with the new operators. It Is said by a gentleman from the west that at Sjlva citizens made a demon-, strallon agalntt the new operator and forced blm to leave. The railroad says that since April 14th Its offices have been ope i. ' Tho other side contends that . April 25th no telegrams could be seut between Murphy and Ashevllle, save from one poltt, and that Murphy telegrams had to be sent' via the Marietta & North Georgia. Railroad. Tha whole matter will go before the corporation commission. ' "' , " Nothing more can be ascertained with regard to the rumor of some sort of a settlement f the 'railroad tax assess ment matter. A report on the condltlon'of the State Treasury April 1st shows that on No vember 80th last the balance on band was $180,964,' the receipts since that dale to April 1st 1038,822, the disburse ments lo the latter date $751,433 leaving ta the balance on hand $16,454. ; The Melrose .Knitting Mill Company here at cured a fine site for the mill, lo the northern part of the city, on tbe Sea board Air Line, giving, for this site the one In the southern part of the city on which stood the big tobaeco jjrlze bouse which was burned on February 28th. On vthe site secured now stands a colored Episcopal church. " f h nippa----4',4 '1 bad stomach trouble twenty years and gave up 'hope of being cured till I began to nse Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It has done me so much good I call It tbe. saviour of my life," writes W Jt Wilkin son, Albany, Tenn. .It digests what you eat. F 8 Duffy. , , the Markets. "Tbe following quotations were receiv od by J. . Latham, New Bern, N. C, , - ' Nkw York, May 2 Cottos; . -' Open High, Low. Close -May.. '..:.,. 9.50 958 ' Aug'..v- ... 9.27 , 9 80 Sept 8.60 9M ' Oot. ... ... .. 8.8 8.30 ' Nov. ;,.-... 8.10 813 Jan.. ....... 8.10 8.18 9.60 9 58- 9.25 ' 9 80 8.50 854 8.S78 S.09 , 8.18 8,09 - 8 18 CniCAOO MARKETS ' What:- i . July Cohk: ,' v July So. R y Pfd. Con.T: A.A.& W : Leather., . A O Pae ... FedS .... A. C. O . . T O. I ...... , Open. Iiigh. Low Close 67 j.-.tfltv 071' 67i 41 ,'41' . m . 81 ' 8?l v 18 ,-8 83 -7i4 81 - ' i 89 ' " m m 41 ..... 8i ; . . ncelpta were. Cotton 9,0 )Q bales at al ports. i'After suffering from piles for fifteen years I was cured by using two boxea of De Witt's Witch Ilazel Salve," writes W J BaxterNorth Brook, N. C.i It heals everything Beware of-counWrfeits. F SDoffy.-;, ' rt - . Send In Your Bills. - All persons having' bills against .tbe Fair. Association 'wilt please , present t tern to the Secretary on or before May 5th, lit order 4iat the ' same may . be properly audltrd prior to .the meeting of the Stockholders on May 1,1th. . . , . ' . Gkokon GIt!rJ,,loc. , J O, llaxtvr, tbe jeweler, has now a c iinpleie line of optical goods under tbe management pf Or. Thondox C. Johnson, prA'tlrsI optician, Kyesbxainiiied Tree at 107 Middle street, New Bern, N. C. : , . ; CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. TI 3 Kir, j You KuiS Alvvsy s Cc2"t - Bears tha Signature - WA.NT TO SELL YOIT . t ' ! ' THEIR TICKET. Republicans Put up Some Candi- dates, For -State Offices. Adams Tor tJoTernnr- National , Convention IMeeatea ' Named. . Uolton Continues as Slate , . ; Chairman, full .Ticket t ' ' 1 , - Named. "-x" Special to Journal.' Balbioh May J 2 Tbe - following ticket was nominated by the Republican State Convention in this city todayr ' Candidate for Governor Spencer B. Adams of Guilford, v. ,''' For Lieutenant Governor, , Claude Dockery of Richmond. ... For Auditor, Thos S. Rollins, of Mad ison. - . , - " For Treasurer, L. L. Jenkins, of Gas ton. , v For Secretary of State, J. F.Parrott of Lenoir. .. ' For Superintendent of Public ' In struction, N. C, English, of Randolph , For Attorney General, Z V Walsor, of Davidson. . " Corpoftitlve Gommissionera, Cbas A Reynolds and Joshua Franks, Labor Commissioner, F N Malloy. '" - Commissioner of Agriculture, Dr ; AtA ner Alexander. - Electors at large, A H Price, J It Mc- Crary. Delegates at large t NationaTCon ven. tion, Senator Pritchard, James E Boyd,, Garl Duncan, Chas McNamee. Holton la re elected State, chairman. Revenue Collector Duncan's office was rather headquarters for the Republicans here today. Tbe office holders form quite a large ponton of the .'delegation I tooK More I " V, Have ' ' S 1 Tie foCmkn Letter Boot 5 i No Water . . Any Pen , " No Press Aay lak ' S No Trouble Any Paper S ' - Perfe-t Copies. " 8 y: ;el N.v'finBctt.;! ICEl f OR HOME CSr Clean, pure wholesome, guaranteed 'tu b chemically made from diattllcd watei and free trom impurities, ttpcciully in tended and prepared for human con sumption. - . " i -1 - Ice delivered dally (except Sutadays) C a m to 6 p m. . ' Sundays (rotatl only) 7 a m;to 12 noon. D or prices and other Information, -"Address, . New Berpe Ice Co BOLK AGENCY POK . ' - ' . , . ;.) ln..JUAM'S PHARMACY. $100.0Q -Reward ! J what. Foil?:- Oall l hono No. U ' ' ; Moore 's Wood 'Yard, . And ordor "any kind of wood you want and find out what for. . TO GUT. ".English Ctire4 SbouldeN, O.liforuia Hams, Breakfast 4 5 Strips aud Fulton Marl e' Corned Bit f. s At0 Canned Chip Beef, Veal Louf, Ham Loaf, Potted Ham and Tongue, Cooked Corn Beef, Salmon, SardineB :w ami Lobsters. -v .,,';:.:.. ... 'Fresh :Gnta, fiice and Oatflakes." ; :i Fresh lot JSfioe Fruit Jelly by the pound. Also glass Jel ' ly Mustaid, Spices aud Flavoring Extracts. A nice Co coa Foot Mat for 50a. . . 'IMione 91. .:x. inu , ...i .. J-i 4 . .... -S, i -, , ,.,, mm. , Just Received ! Boys Knee Pants, all. sizes. Hats of all descriptions. , New Line of Shirts. aJT SMITH 9) MIDDLE SrtEKT, . 0' I am Surrounded Jty all th tyclittB' MMlf umlnt Mint' rata Ivtora fo.- ' My stark of wheels coiwikt of COLVMMA8, SM BAKTFOKDi UU RAMBhKRB, HTORMKRH, . (A Tlrss, ' llms, srskss, Vsbts, v Pusips, Plltsls, Ctmtnl, Rubksr, Easasl, Brashes, CtrMiV Orsahtts, Csastsra, r; Laaiss,. raeksts, Burdl, ,. Hps, ' -Sirs, . , Lseks. Both chtlnless and cbua. tuj Payments. MYREfAIKOP It Coupitrm and vdtir work w soUc itedf i. ..;..', , WM.XHILL, w VI MUM. SI. . TksTsas, Pliers, Call Your Attention To Our . line of Ladies, Xlisses and Children's Summer Vest. Alotooir YniTB I.AWN8 wh'oh e.' h nig it I e'i r i tlm adv. nee n rloa. rilONE 181. D. F. JrP.VIS, fill roi.I.OCIC HTRKET. 0 Li hi ..i.i .i V U rhury, t i . I ii, ' v v-hn Wliolestals? & Befall Grocer, 71 r, Hi. NEW BERN. N C Everybody Wears Something New On Easter. We are prepared to furulhh you with (ivory llilnpnew. New Hats, both soft and straw In all grades and shapes. New Neckwear , In all tho latCBtJeolors ajid designs. New Collars in all delglits. 5hlrts. f The nobbiest lino of NegllgA Shirts evershon here, Percales, Mailra, and ftilk at hOc, 75e and 1. Meri'n Shoes. Tho most ooiiiplc o line ot Hen's Shoes la town, In Itlacli and low quarters, in bhek, tan and patent leather. . Call anil examine our lines and you will findthal wj ran savo Jou money. J.G.DUNN & CO. 67 Pollock St. Three Large Flats To be sold to the highest bidder.' How is this, she only stove wood man there bo, will now out price down on nil kind of Kiev Wood, as It must be sold right out and make room fur other business. Laths . and Band-made and Sawed Shingles, wholesale and retail, , , .- . R ItmrirlM. 1 UmA Hart A Flrava Knd H Dump Carts. . i w i .' R00 Cedar and Fst Light wood Post, win sell highest Kidder. .-v , , For further Information, ace . n " nrn mil im.. m: i. sr. m iiiijL, lie suiup man. YOUll SEE : . t. aflinco fa', nir F pi trig Wi o'' nv il rlki! tlin top n ilch In the varl ilf of ar iiiiio pntlnrns. V li'tt a suit is ma le of mil tin, wny it la inrule up are tlie two in5 ii -ut 1f i y .'ii'ii. We liiiva no BPS