: . I W 70- . ICT3 GENTLY ON THE Kidneys, Liveh and Dowels uanses the System . "UUAL w PERMANENTLY "IaV . BV7 TH( 4EHIHt-MH7 D 6" v GUl9RNIApCfSYRVP. muuKMMwmwiiOininM. the journal: Mew Bera, N. C, May 8, 1900. Index to Nev Advertisements. 5 1 W Wood Notice,. ' ' t DrRD VJonesLost. - ' ' J - J L McDnlel Big hams. , Oaks Market Closing hours, v- American Stock Co-fireat bargain. Oatklll Hardware Co Cm b )n--talnt, Business Locals. y10iT,8TRAYED OR 8TOLEN-8msll red Irish utter pappy, Reward for ite return to Dr. R, D. V. Jones. : DRAUGHT BODA and Coca CO'a. over thenar at L.J. Taj Lw's. . " TUB finest Beer always on draught, at Jacob's, Middle Street. , Kara! Reserves, Attention I i . i . .. i oo are oereoy -aoiinea ana earnestly "tequested to assemble at your., armory this evening at 4.80 o'clock for the pur pose of joining in the parade. ;- ,--vS v 1 TIT . . Ml TT - - T 1 J t TflA KulMt And mmt AffpAtlvA mntlinH of purifying the Mood and Invigorating the system 1 to take De Witt's Little "Early Risers, the famous little pllls for cleansing the liter and bowels'. F 8 Duffy. . - 4 " " ' " ; Hours For dosing. . Beginning May 14th, the Oaks Market will rinaA At ntiA n'elnnk And nnnn At ftvA o'ulock, every day except Saturday. This will be In effect daring the summer - months, as done last year. c-:, ;, t Choice Mutton at the Oaks Market. ?. ' Corses BpeoUta..;. , We place on sale this week the best corsets made for the price, Warners Rust proof at 7So and I1.0Q and R. and O. at 60c, 76c and ft In all the new models, for this week we offer the new shape in summer weight at 60c each.'. ' , ' ' ' - G.A.BARFODT, U ;. .r : ' Have your proscriptions filled at r avis Pharmacy. Bananaa 19 and 80 cents a dozen at McSorley. " , , ; Haveyonr prescriptions rilled at Davis Pharmacy. .. " . ;.v When In BaySofo stop at the Lupton Boas for good anoommodatlons Corned Pork at the Oaks Market. ' Ice Cream Soda at McSorley's today. " r 1 mm . TT "V Xaatar Oxrorda. ' - ' v I have Jnst received a beautiful line of S. P. Reed's Oxfords for Easier. Respectfully, ' ' J-J- BAXTER. Have your prcscrlctions filled t Davis Pharmacy. V , , x ., ' Mllilnrj Inpannmi, . We place on sale this week some very . new things in Lsdles sailors, the Knox shape, also the high crown and wide brims, at 60c, 75c, l and to $3 each. Q. A. BARFOOT. Clntliliif mr KuKter. . ' ' Don't fall to see onr flue clothing and Will save your money. Respectfully, J.J. BAXTI.lt. dresaed Chickens at the Oiiks Mmkct. ' Itavryour j rc- Um t"'ci atDavb I I ,.it,- ')'. W1.-r1. .,,-, Tin. J. j. r : 1 '-,i r f I'.i u-t iw- ! w nr hi ! v '. c:); en 'y r. 1 r t i. r f r : i" Cotton Up, Fanm rs Iiusy. Large Cotton Purchase. TraJe Is Good. Politics, the Talk. Personals. Pollccksvh.lkj May 2. Weilher just the thing needed, a light rain all day. The farmers In this vicinity are fully up' in their farm, affaire, most all the cotton planted and lots of It up. '' Very little truck planted around ,hls place, pea) and potatoes are very fine, cabbage very poor. ' - : . - y ' v Mr. Walker Mears, representing the Alix Sprunt & Bona, expoiters of cotton of Wilmington, is visiting friends In this place. Be. bought of Mr. John Simmons on last , Friday, the 18th, 230 bales of very One cotton at $9.50 uer pound. ' The health; of this place was never better than at this time. .There Is not a single case of sickness In the plsoe. Trade Is improving) the merchants are very busy every Saturday in the place and have a fair trade all the week. Politics Is th general topic of the day on the streets here. We hope they may all get-elected and buy their spring hats and shoes from Bender Bros., who have a very complete line of everything In the dry goods and notion line. ' - ' . - , The Baptist Sunday school will picnic at the old Mill Creek Academy Grove on Friday the 4th day of May. Miss "STattie Kilpat rick who has been been visiting her sister at this place re turned to her home Jn Pitt county ' last Thursday. . , 1 Rev. Mr. H. E. Tripp of Clinton is visiting his friends id, this place.; Mr Tripp la many warm fricuds la this county who are glad to see him. . - Mr. John l'earoe, of this place left ' on the morning train- last Wednesday 1 for Wilmington, N. C. Hon. Isaac H. Barrus of this place Is mourning the sad loss of his fine "setter dpg, worth $360; which- loft home last LTnes lay morning-and wai shot 8 miles from home the same- day, having gone, mad v - i v . MejrsDJSaundersltnd Herberl.Ward of Onslow were-ln town last Monday en route to New Bern to sell cotton. : They oldat9,G0. - ;'-r''' .Mr. Willie Meadows and brother Dull returned from Floiida last week where they have been engaged In handling flih and oysters. They say that Florida is a great plac v plenty .of business and monjy. - " ' ; v s M s Edith Stanly who bra. been spending the last year In Richmond, Va it home visiting her parents She will leave next Friday for RchmonLhere she will l)e employed by "publication bouses'" " i ' 1 ' t ' NEARBY AFFAIRS. " , Matters of .Local Interest Intbe City and " Country, t , . fales of cotton in this market yesterday-were made at 8 60. - - r . Cloudy, slight change in temperature, Is the forecast for today. -;, ; -,; The EingV Daughters will meet at their room on Craven atreet this after noon at four o'clock. ; j-i. Tne banks of-this city will, close at o'clock- Fridajr on acoount of the Democrallo Ratification meeting." , . There will be a rehearsal of the music for the 10th of May, tonight, at the resi dence of Mrs. John Hughes at nine o'clock. ! All who will assist are urged to attend. - v . ' - W. ft. Musser, Mlrfhelm, Pa., saved the life of his little girl by giving her One Minute Cough Cure when she Wat dying from croup..- It Is the only harm less remedy that glveslmmcdiate results. It quickly cures coughs, colds, .bron chitis, grippe, thma and all throat and lung troubles., F. 8.Duiry. t - . j ," '. M1MtAApA-aM-i" i " ii' " PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. . Miss Lucy Kooace, Is visiting relntlvcs at Stella. . Mr. J. Barker Green luft for Mt Airy yesterday.' .. . : Miss Maude Sanders of Bogue, returned home yesterday. - v' ; ' Mr. S. F. Taylor of Klnstonr was In Kew Rem yesterday. " - .' x : Mr. W...G.- Forlong of Wilmington, wa in the city last night. ' Miss Elsie Andrews, of Birmingham, Ohio, who has been visiting at Mr. W.C Willctl's left Tuesduyl returning home. ; , ' A 3 0 Kennedy, Roanoke, Tcnn,fays, "I cannot say too much for DcWItt's Witch Hazel Salve. One box of It cured what the doctors called an Incurable ulcer on my jaw." Cures piles and all iklc diseases. Look out for-wortliloss Imitations. F. 8. Duffy, ... - Notice of Dissolution. - The bnalness formcrlv conductrd im. fBer the llim title of Roberts & llro. line this day been linaolved by muluiil enn-si-nl, 8. (J. Kohi rig retiring from the firm Ailpnraons liidvlited to the firm will nli'H-u ni.ike prompt payment to 1). L. Roberts, who sum-edit Ihe firm, mill a;l pemons having cliitma M'Hiit the firm will pri'Hcnt the siune to Jlr. I). L. Hub ert fur payment. This April 6(h, V -i'i. J . Ij. Ttoiirirrn, H. (i. Kmi!- im s. Notice uf 1 ; Tim In'1 -III' .1 fr.i- 'y c ' i 1:11 d T tl." lltlll tiri- (.f i,.,' I ,'. ) , i l". 1 r 1 1 T I v ,, , I.I.J, i -' . . -I , ! . Tory's auJ Friday's Programs In Kew Eern, ' '' : f. Candidates Arrlyal Announced by Whistles or all Mills and Boats. . Line of March. Public Re "ception Hotel Chaitawka. v . : . Speaking on Academy : . Green. ' Final arrangements for the reception of the Democratic State candidates were completed last nigbt, and the reception will be a cordial one, such as New Bern Is capable of extending. Chairman 0. T. Watson received a telegram last- night staling thai there would be seven of the candidates com ing lo this city, and they will arrive by the Wilmington train, due here at 6.40 p m, this evening , . . Upon the arrival of (be train the can didates will be met and taken in charge of by the 'Reception. Committee, -who 'will conduct them to carriages in wait tug' and immediately follow in the lino of parade, which will be formed on Graves street. - ' ( " ' . Chief Marshal T. A.' -Green, and the Committee on Parade request all who are to take part lo- assemble in their respective places on Graves street, before the train arrives, and be ready so ? that there may bo no delay - lu starting promptly, - ', " , , The parade will form as follows: ' .. Chief Marshal T. A. Gieen. tv;, New Bern City Band. ' '; - s Naval 'Reserves Division. s-', t i ?... White Supremacy Clubs. - j ' " Cul'-ens In Carriages. . Candidates and Cbmmittee in Carriages. The line of march will be as follows: , -Graves to Middle, to Broad, to George to Pollock, t : Middle, to Hotel Chai tawka, where the Entertainment Com mittee will meet the Candidates. ,--v-a-'- At night, at the Chattawki, there will be a public reception, when the candi dates will meet alhr.itlzens, the reception hours being from 8 to 10 o'clock - . Chairman C.T. Watson, of ton Demo cratic Executive Committee of Craven Co. andJames A. Bryan, Chairman of the Entertainment Committee will greet tbeoltiiens and present them to the can didates ( , . Theie will alsobc public reception at the same - place on Friday , morning f om 10 to 1 1 o'clock, u ft ,; i At noon, Friday, there will be speak log by the Candidates on", the Academy Green to which all are tavtted.'X:';'- . The whistle at the Ice factory will announce the arrival of the .party from WUmingion, and the proprietors of tbe mills and factories, the captains of the team craft In the rivers, are requested to note when this whittle starts, and to at once blow - their whistles,' keeping same going.until the Ice factory whittle stops, then alLto stop, " "De Wltt'a Utile Early Risers are tbe fi nest pills I ever nsed."-f - J. Moore, Millbrooki Ala, They quickly cure all liver and bowel troubles.. F. S. Duffy . REPORT : OF THE CONDITION ; Rational bank, Of New Bern, N. C. at New. Bern, in the State of North Carolina, . at the eloae of Bnalness, . -1: ' - April aotii, 1900. , - ' . RESOURCES. Coaos aud d'scounls .. ..... f -309,1;? 5 Overdrafts, secured and un- . secured. ....... ...... 6,143 13 U. 8. Bonus to secure clrcu- lalion,.:v,. 25,000 00 Blocks, seciomus, etc. .. 7J,(WJ 8 Bnking-houMiurnitureiid -. fixtures. -.- 13,000 OJ . Ollir real estate and mort gages owned I.) 3 13 83 Due from National Banks (not Reserve Agents)... . . - 68S7M Due from Sutto Banks and Banksrs. 11,0(1103 Due from appruxd reserve agents .- . 4,89:1 o7 Checks ski o.he- c.h Items . 31W W) nou.t or other National - Bans..:.. ....,.... 6,5800 Fractional pauer currency, - uic.ksls, and cents. ....... 1,90183 Lawful money Reserve In Bank, vlx; Specie ..... 10 1111 ha . Lsgal tender noles 17,000 oa 87,312 60 Redemption fund with U. r), ' : Treat'r (34 of circulation). 1,210 00 Total ')2S,2.H 18 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid lu. ....... $ 100 000 09 ur)lufund ,.. .. , 70,000 00 LnillTided profits, Ins ex- -. peiiHca and taxes paid.. ..f,. Sfl,4 3 43 National bank notes out- sianillnjf 2.1.000 0) D ,e to o.ner National Uunka 4 AM Hi Due lo Maio li-nk and Hankeia l,Si7l Individual ilunosits liihjjH-.t to cheiiK 1M,0:,0 47 Time ceuilicaiert of i.:,ioit Kfi.Rtuna Cerilllcil checks. . (JO (W Cali'er's chucks ouislanding .... 1.(1732 301,047 H Tol id ' -.-."l n t3ln! of No 111 f ' -i i I j c i a . ) (' v ( t ii-, ,.. j f i I, (i. H. ! - I c.-r ,-f n H'.-,y. ii i ' - 1 I . . i i - - . i v s ' - -1 1 1 - 1 1 I ; , i! !; - M . - r l- i - M-f It. ',' Kilo-.'. f- i I f -.!'.. '! I:!. r. ' ! ----I ( I - ?-,!!! ,,. , t!- - J , i- 1 v, :;. r i l:a:vD c? ai Procecdinffs of the Board at Thetr May Session. - May 1st. Tbe Board met in regular session. Mayor Patterson presiding, present, Alucrmen Parker, Gaskill, Foy, Gerock, Watson, Bowden, Davenport and Mc Carthy. 1 - v r ' ; , MinutoB of last meetings read, cor rected and adopted. " , - - , A petition from the Atlantic Fire Uo. No. 1 asking of the Board riermisslon to take thetr fire engine aud apparatus to attend tbe Firemen's Tournament to be held at Wilmington, N. A, in July was upon motion granted. v - ' : Petition from teverarritl7.ens residing on Broad street ' between George and Bern requesting that the city' sprinkler soriakle tbe street between George and Bern. ' Mayorstated that he would len der them the services asked for to . the best of his ability. r i -Bill against the city presented by Drs. Jones and Duguld for sorvlces rendered In the case, of i'ollock who was severely and dangerously cut In the' city - was ably presented by the gentlemen aud after a liberal discussion, by a -vote of tbe Board, tbe bill was rejected. ' -: The,blll of M, Hahn& Co. against tbe city for tbfe hire of horses to pull the Atlantic fire engine and .the hook and ladder truck In the pair parade was con sidered by far too much, and the bill was referred back for correction. , The bill presented by S. B. Parker after deducting the item charged therein for cbandellera placed In New J3ern Fire Co. quarters was allowed. - .x::'-:.- . Upon motion Mr, W..H. Mourning, the gentleman" placing numbers - on houses,' not already numbered, aa re quired for mail delivery, was Instructed to collect from owners l hareuflO cts; for each number and to report at next meet ing of Board, all those who refuse to pay same, "and- their names will be pub lished. i. ..Mayor's Deport. ' ' "C, J ' ' May 1st To the Hon. Board of Aldermen of the ,r : ' iJity of New Bern. . : v Gentlemen: I have the pleasure of making the - following report -for the month of April 1900. ' Have disposed of twenty-six cases and imposed fines and cost to the amount of twenty-live dol lars and fifty cents ' . 1 . w:-;-, Respectfully submitted,' .-. -- " - v F. T. PATfKiia ik, Major. , ': ' Chief of Police Keport. 5 - - s- : " May 1st. ' To the lion, Mayor and Board of City Aldermen: , , 1 Gentlemen; Below please find my re port for the month of Aorll 1900. , We have made 3 arrest during the month of which 94 was convicted, 1 dis charged, 8 confined in cells. - . Fines and cost collected, 48 60 . ' Old Ones and cost collected 10 60 8old roof paint ,,.'0.00 Total $6700 . . ,- , . .. . ... . ,, - The 1 above amount $07 00 has been turned over to the Treasurer and I hold his receipt for same.. r- .. ' Peliea Rrport, , V , Informer , Ex-Warrants Montague Luptnn Dixon Brlnson , Smith Lewis " . 0 8 4 4 0- 4 V a 4 1 ' , ' 25 - , r 85 , , Hospectfully submitted, v V- "" J. M.Hakqktt, ' -Chief of PolUe. All rrguLir and audited bills were al- I iwed.- - . Boarl took recess knbjoct lo call (f Ihe Mayor.' -. v J. J. Tomos, - ,. : v.. 'W - City I lerk The'Nomination For Sheriff, .- Ed. joujwais Mr. J. 11. Uarveyls tbe first township's candidate for the noml nation for i ShorllT and we ask eur friends In the other Townships of the county lo assistis In bringing atioul bin nomination. Mr. Uarvey Is a gentle man of hlgb'oliaracler and fairly, well educated, come of a good stock and ba a fund of common sense, and if nomi nated and elected will make a sheriff ti e county will be proud of, there Is no doubt about his being able toj;lve bond. We bopo the friends of Mr, Llarvey, In fact all those who think the first Town ship should be represented on the Dem ocratic ticket this year, will give him their support. Tours truly, ,W. C. Brbwer. May liit, 19 J0 P. 8. The writer of theal ovels not a petitioner at Iho political pie counter for himself for any preferment. He would rather fi;;lit lu the rank. W.C. B OAOTOniA, Tirs tlio ti- 'A U t 2 (gimtur. Sj .,""" Z.. of . Wi.f-'v. euZi hsnry s t.rrr.r.cy, . 127 I I '1 ;:oiiCE! Call and see J. W, WOOD, when in need of auy kind of tin work, plumbing or stove repairing of any kind and you will find him the right man with proper prices-Corner Broad and Middle streets. CUSTOM HOUSE, New Bern, N. O.. Collector's OlHce. 'April 27. 1C00. Suppliee for Revenue - Vtasels Sealed proposals for supplying ship chandlery ration?, an ' coal to vessels of tho L'niu-d States Revenue Cutter Service, rf gularly stationed, or temporarily, at New Both, North Carolina, and delivered on board said vessel at that place during tho fiscal year. endintr June DO, 1001, will bo ie ceived at this olllce until o'clock p ru of Saturday, liny 13, 1900, at which time ana place iney wiii be publicly opened. , Thd coal timi-hed to be an thracite or bituminous of best quality ; uniform in ' character; to weigh 2,310 pounds to the loo; to- be delivered pn board the vessels at such times and in such quantities as may be required, at localities readily accessible to said vts sols, and to be subject to inspection a- lo qiiHiny. ana wngnc. tsiauers i I name tho prices both for steaming and stove coal, and also their facilities f c r furnishing the vessels with fresh water, and th. ii charges therefor. Blank forms of proposals, with schedules showing articles of shinchaudlery and component parts of nitions, may ba hsl upon ap plication to this Office; proposals must oe Buomtuefl on intse forms. Heparato bids will alio be received at the same time and place for lubricating and illum inating oils: The right - is reserved to reject any or an uiiu, and no contract will be put in force until CongrrBS f.hall have mi.de an appropriation fur tbe pur pose.-; MATtfilt HAUN. ColUcior. Special Bargain In35Jcega 3d . Fine Wire Nails' - For, Coopering .Potato Barrels. ' W havo a Ready Mixed Finn', in ten nice oorors hicli oHr y..u at M: pi gallon. Hend or call and gel aumpl-. i o'er cardii. , . Have ( u ttled n liotilf of o'ir Po 1 .1 -Ing Oil? It mttkes old funilu.rj look new, price B'o... , , We h no smuM boxes f Putz I'ooiadc al 8c each,. M for chuuiing a 1 r or brats. A uicj fursre Cbimois 8k hi f l 40fl. : . " :We arc sliY fcHirjir a nnrtwick O.I Stove lor COj mid a two-vick one for $10J. Anothi'r installmeit of our tpVMratvn RevolvinL Hioilera just nulvol in m for the new crop of .Siin-LI l.-kini and noTucan have Lrjiled ihKKen f breakfi.st. ' f00,C00 Pitp'T Buns in stock nrd to which wo Invito the atteirlon of the wholrstle trade. , ..i,. .i u Ynurs Tru'y, ' J. C. Whitty to bathroom Comforts Picu 61 b ii -v-d.ite plumbi g hanco-the-njnynieiiT of fliobaih lei, fid N x'tit' nlmul.l lnn ti any of h9 do fciw now ' known nn i.1 i-b aliaMf. '. Towel Rac s H i s'i and fr ll.l'lers, 8irl k- lers. f o . 'or inn a ;.r- g 1 1 f p I; c nv ii diiv Icti m--i ti le co e c - not wi-'l 3 with iL Y. or ideas about pbinibii g rl nul I', t Slop w th r,per atnltxi c ul-tl1) . Lt Us il J U up 10 d-ite ' -. '-." . , Hyman-- Supply Co, -'Pin ne fi 49 C'lAVEN STIiEKT -s. L Ii, Cutler Hardwire Company, f.T-li, i;inr,4, Hind, Piilnts, Oils, s i l . & I bi-.tti A f. ( HM-1 1 : l-ni t d Hill" of t'll -tli.iv 11 ul l'..,r J.rx A!' a b"lllilfl.l 1 1;.. ( i'-i 1 ij-.'i- ! Kiii.-ii ir 'r i.e I . 1 1 : 1 1 t- 1 l;l I:' I! -i I:!!!! III'! ill ph" fl 1 , . in . I .1 i I n-i't cvimiiiii our I - ' I - ! ; !-! t I IM-i V II W'l! f'i'.'O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOX o o Corsets ! o o We make a spec ialty of the" WB" Corset, We are ex-X elusive handlers of &if: in New . Bern- and as it,is a guar O anteed corset ;ttte take pains to tell G'each' customer price we ask For Spring and Sum- mer tye recommend the W B Batiste, which is very -light of height and re- - n .1 11 marnaDiy auraoie. ,l. tVinwa ft fliia.wvnl i flins ano VUlltIO Ul WHO Uld V Vila HIU Jvr 1 1 lx uiv ttwm v .rw.'j 4 hook medium waist, S book extra long waist We also sell ThorriDBon's Glove Fitting Corset which has many 0 i friends in .flew Bern. Vassar 'Corset at 50o is not equalled for the price. : 1 Bv IWK Twice the past j shipments of Millinery from New York, Frish and pretty styles and at the low- est prices. Our Millinery Department J J is getting larger each season, for the 0 ladies appreciate our efforts, to give the 4 new styles as they come out - lO. cMarks Company A $ GRIST MILL8. IVw Mil l Hoi tin Chest ICIevfttorM an I Corn 1Ieaner.4 Of the Litest Improved and Up- to-Date Mill rachlnery. UR 1 RA-d M 1 O LIC. TED' ' tW PI CIAL ' N 1 f km lo cftnn. log "l tmlltdYmg galn txfor gong thn u;h the mK ,;w - hjnsures pure med, ' ' . ( M'ornj llmi lnykOats ind liixed Feed - GEORGE BISHOP. Now k n, N. C. . ' y When You Want the Best Beer In tlio world, call for. and' take no ol her but tho Philadelphia Prospect t'rewing 0,'s Kudweis Lager Deer. tlio jittnut and best for sale by all tlio leading saldons in the city and at wholcsalo by JAS. F. : AYLOB. -1 Fof tho best 60 C Igar Jn the world tt y Cubiinolih , , " - ' , The Purest and Best Liquorl always-on' kind. -01d i orester a FpetiiUly. 1 ho best for m dicinal purpofes-at V ' " V , las. F. Taylor's, ' ' ; 18 Jliddlo Street ' " Are you needing i: .'. V ? m X X -s 7 I f I t x t t nArinlil aiA A. VlfViL' fslmft. WnJfif. Wash Stuffs are in sea son now and our stock of these popular Spring and Summer light weight fabrics is at its best Ginghams, Lawns and Dimities nt 10c. Lawns and Organdies at 12 and 15c. Figured Mercerized Ijawns nt IS, 20, 'J5c. Koechlin's Orgundtts at 35c. week we received x Our Buggies T A E Whenever exhibited. 'I lir-y were considered verry imLLy in bnggy construction at the 1 air. O. II."W1rrN -V t un, V HI ft Dobbin . Ferrall, At I'lfker'a.'.v 1 I: L Ui , ,'C; 1: 1 rtne :? tit 11 9 Extensile Collection" '.. .'- : :,' , of Fine Cottons, Jus. h-r. f oil Pranci anil Oe-irnn, for jmirier I rsxl, rn iklig mint di llghlf illy 1 a :i')f Hi m uer (JDwns and des ut) ihe an In leiine' and ib I til- . ness, t e a cot on for a ar, not as - ex: end e m von U' 1 1 10 oc. ' , Samples will be g'ally milled and, whether you buy or not yon will admire I'm m. ' ... : ' : .. ... . - Write f rru.be. ' ; Dobbin & Ferrall. Letters of Credi j For tlnwi' a It-inline 1'irln Ev0i- t 01. or Tn-vi lii g In Eurc p 1 The Citizens B::7i, of Ni w Ivin. N, (!., will Iifi e 1 1 Hi in ' f (ri i.ll n iii'al.lc In n 1 m it Jm---, t not g'l i'i r (Ji.lar (' rn f fi ., ' -n1, f : 1 IVik I I - Y ' .

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