1 12 end Ehctlcii I 1 1 e j. s . i t:.:t. i u a . - o. 8. .5 U STPr'ENS, tiiin.n and riioritiBTOR. f ' JV.IUPTION KATES. la s Ivance . , i i. a iu advauce , i y irricr in the cliy. .4.00 . 6.00 . .SO Rates (urnlBhed on appll- Ct EuU -ieil at the Pom OIBce, New Bern, N. C, as second cla&i matter. cliil rpor of New Ber Craven County. ad I New Bern. N.C., May 4, 1900. THE HEGRO AND NORTHERN LABOR . - STRIKES. ; - r s Two Important movements among the lahnrW element of the North end - South are now taking place. In the north,' strikes ere general, and the .demand la for less hour of work and more Dav.1 Eight hour Is deemed " " time enough no constitute a day' env ' ployment, whlld ten to fifteen per cen Increase of wage U regarded only .' : Just advance for the workman. - In the aouth. and thla eapecially ap ply to North Carolina, the negro, wLo conBtitutes the greater portion of the la boring claaa, ia largely dissatisfied Willi ' " . local condition, and male and female, 1 leaving for the north. . .., ',':' ' . The negroes at home receive most far a arable report from those negroes who have . gone north. ; Work is plentiful, v and wage are high, so say the (letters, - and this create the wish among those . ' ; .-' behind, to leave for the promised land, where there is' so much work end o much money to pay JbosTw ho accept 1 The question at how acceptable this much work will be 'for the Southei n ' negro whojgoes North, will not be dls cussed at the present time. V Ills enough to Ay that nnleu the Southern negio oitanges very much, the continuous work in the North to whlchhemust be subject will cause him U often look back to the : South and wish himself there again. - In the reports of the Northern strike, it Is often suted that the places are being filled by .non-union organization men. ' Are these non-union men, the negroes who are flocking from the Boulh, to . enjoy the plenty of work and pay T And If they are, how long will the white laborer of the North be content to - compete with this new element In bis labor situation ; , i( Xlght hour, with the pay equal to ten - or twelve hour work as rathe south, will Just suit the negro and this may be the cause of the steady procession, . which continue on its way northward from tbi and other States. . -'. . While It may be a matter of concern to the south, thlsgolng out of IU labor- , log- class, it is much more a matter of concern to the northern- workman, who will find In the negro a competitor for . bla work and wage. O. There can be no doubt but that within few years the negro problem will be one to engage the north, -and prove more serious in Us solution, than it ever was in ths south where the negro Is best un derstood, and more generously treated s for !.' bent interests and welfare. f TAi it o Ohio, Crrv of Tolkdo; 1 LlK'AB Coortt, , y ss. F., la t ) i i ' , i .f ( k J. Ciirrst mskes oath that be lor partner of the firm of F. J. - it Co.; doing business In the ; ' !o, County and State afore : t said firm will pay the sum hUSDRED DOLLAK3 for : every case 6f Catabrk thai ii cured by the use of Hai l's (Vita. - , FRANK J. CHENEY i to before me and subacrilxd Id f I ' i; this 8th day of December, A. W. GLEAHON, Notary Pul.llo trh Core Is taken lntrrniii y 'y on the blood and mn of the system. Bend for r.ea. F.J.CIIEXEYACo. Toledo, O. !fd,7."ic. , I'ills are the best. !' Loud V- ar. wear Is very H:i'. - :s, f ' ,' to. A i- -- J , " ' t " lend l! r h.i II i i i ed t " ol i li h I i It blooms three or f,.:.r i.,;;s n..i-r a I !i8 t! Tin .ii me country to li Some ti -1 ill tor a frU'int, and the Hint tsmick me In that particular In cm . una the utter linrreiiiicHS of toe ni, ih- liiiulMcime. There, was a' low is!, o of Inixl of ten acres or more Hint was covered wiiu lo.v, blavK vtinS unit u-ere docldcdiv uninviting. Four hours Inter, after a heavy thunder shower. I I passed this piece of land, and It was 1 absolutely covered wttn wnni iseeim-u to be the prettiest flowers I Diiu ever seen. It was one enormous uouquet, and the fragrance from It was almost Intoxicating. "I could scarcely believe the evidence of my own eyes, but there It was, what aeemed to bo an unsightly waste trans formed as If bv made Into n bower or -rdnnm. "1 mnde Innulry of the natives ana learned that once In a long time the mlnflower bloomed in a few hours aft er a ruin, thoueb ordinarily the blos soms did not appear for three or four A,, and hen usually came, in tne .. . .... o lol nignt, new iur wi.v. User. Not all car conductor are merciy hardened ringer In. of fares. A poor woman got on a -Twenty-third street crosstown car at Fourth avenue, and as It was well under way and she was about to band her fare to the conductor she asked nim If be transrerrea to Rlirth avenue. On being told no. she drew back her 6 cent and asked to be let off. 'I've a lone way to go on tsixtn avenue." -she said, "and I'd better walk n there and then ride." " - The car then had reached siaaison avenue. . "Walt till we Bet across tne street, answered the conductor. She waited. and Instead of stopping there be let the car co on, past, the transfer station and across Broadway to Sixth avenue There he pulled the bell and lootcea at ber. ' , -t - "Thank you." she aald gratefully. He had carried ber within a block of where she wanted to go and had taken no fare. New Xork Telegram, -x KorelTfcaa Be Coartd Stand. " "What's thlsl" demanded the police, hurrying to the scene, ' "A bold npr A oale. scholarly looking man In spec tacles was standing over a ouriy tnr- flan and shaking his slender (1st at tbe Drostrate form - , . ' . "I presume that I -What you wouta term It," he replied. rThls teUow stop ped me Just now and ordered me to hold up my bands. -I complied, ana he began to search my pockets. . 'I will out a bullet through you,- be anta, 'tr you take them "down yall during the time I am' And then I knocked mm down. .'All during" Is an abominable perversion of correct English that no man can utter, In my presence unre- buked." ' The unlucky footpad bad tackled a professor of rhetoric, f- Chicago Trib une, Aad Ha Knew. "Algernon t very Interesting.' said tbe stockbroker's daughter.. -- "What does b talk aboutr Inquired ber father. - "Why, he,' ever so well posted In Shakespearean quotations." - "Young woman," said tbe financier sternly, "don't you let blm deceive you. Don't you let blm make sport of your Ignorance. - There ain't no such stock on tbe market" London Standard. - Haw Dan Rle riz4 It." " To Dan Rice the people of Lewlston are Indebted for their town clock. He exhibited his clrcu In this town in tbe fifties without s license and tbe next day was arrested at McVeytown. So that bis show might not be delayed he promised to give a clock to the town If be was permitted to go on, r id be kept bla promise faithfully Lewtston (Me.) JEree Press. , J f ' . . " i ii " . ' There Is no surer mark of the ab sence of the highest moral and intel lectual qualities than a cold reception of excellence, Bailey. . r ' . 'It 1 said that the Color tones of tbe sky bave an Influence upon the char acter and temperament of the people Who live under tbem. . .. ji oziJEra lko fxjxir. Kafulntat the Liver, Stomach, Bnwela and " i- Kldnaya. Fot biliousness, constipation and ma laria. For Indigestion, sick and nervous headache. For sleeplessness, nervousness heart failure and nervous prostration. For lever, chills, aet inty ana Kinney d',snns, take Lemon hlirtr. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. one ann si oottie atarui'i'iMiB. Prepared only by Dr. U. Wo.lcy, At lanta, da. j Gratitude. VI, II. Jlozhv Dear t'ir: finoe ii'-ini? your Lemon l.iixlr I have never bad b-inthor a ' It ot tlioi-e v artul sick licnil-aeh-8, Bud tlxmk Cod that I have at lust found a r ilicine that w ill euro thoiie awful spiil.B, :. J TTa vv. Juki s, rarkeri-l.urg, Went it Hula. Piii.!i-y' u d with In r two hit ' -n I I su" eoii- y f I l.i I cf Le-iion J ami 'ii ii wa , 1 1 To. 1' Al :i Met A (V t s r I II- , ( 1- tr nun t t I t r x o o i r it in t .lie aul t h i t ! i MKT (.:! it lii- i . J U1." (in I t t- n i( li. iriburn, JNausert, fcxkJ G r t it niiijh ind j (it imT...-lf-td 'Pcsuon, C Lb, at A Co., CyitOiio. , 8. I)UP-'Y an Oilier n Prepared fcy c. Kafa-al (ibu Art-flcliil. The One Now yon know wi H enough all women arc ar lhcip'. 1 hcj sro never natural . The Otl er-Hut Jyru mrst rememhor that It U natural for them to be srtilic- ial, o . our ssseit'on oes not hold. "Life Itenewer" Vor LadlcR. YVIIitap Tol nrann nt PntriwAtPT Mich" ' ' - wrte8. i i,d not been able to sit up a half day at a time for thirteen years un til I used the Myeiio Lifo ltenewer. .It has cured me of nervous troulle, licml sche and a very bad Stomach' It liar helped me in so many ways, and cured me of afflictions that the doctors said could not be cured. The blessed Life Re- newer has done mere for me than all the Patent Medicines, Doctors and Christian Science treatments combined. It Is the most wondm fol medicine , I ever saw. Sold by T A Benry, druggist, New Bern ' Oua Btwri't Kept. Durkley-W by Is it a woman cur. never keep a acuel! , Henpccb but she cn,- I have nevei succeeded in getting my wife to 'ell tw where she . bides our pockelbook, auti I've been trying for 15 years. . i The Stomach of man I subject to dozen such common but paiclul hffeo- iIods as cramps, cho'era morui, ann dysentery, that, by neglect, jnay he made chronic anil-dangerous. The heal, handi est, surest, and quickest remedy la Pain KiLLKit, a medicine which has been tried for moo tbsn a belf of a cmturj and never failed to give relief. : Avoki substitutes, -there is but one Pain Killer Perry Dsvla'. Price 20c and 50c. Doctor (to patient wbo wishes to ht i rested for an Impediment in bis speech) --Do you always aiutlerT - ratleijl-0 o only when I I-talk, ;yj..-x.,.-i mm , -n' . id kpldeinle of Whmining Congh. Last" winter during an -epldcuiic ot whooping cough ray children contracted lbs disease, having .- sevete .coughing spells We had used ' Chamberlain Cough Ktnitdy very successfully for I croup and naturally turned to It at thai time and found ll relieved the cough and effected a complete cure. John Is C'lik- i roKD, Proprietor Norwood Uouse, Mori wood, N. Y, Ibis remedy Is fur sn e 1 F. S. Duffy & Co. - ' iUal, Gentle SprlnK. . . . Hall I gentle spring - You're just the ' ' ' cheese; v - '. - I fain thy besutlis would duclofce. With spple blossoms on the trees, And bock beer blot sums on the note. "A fit r suflerlng ftom 6evere .fyrpt sla over twelve years and using man) remt dies without permanent good finally took Kodol l)jpepi)ia Cure, did me so much good 1 recommend it to everyone," writes J. K. Watkins, Clerk and Itecorder , Clitlllcolhe. Slo. It (It te8ts what you eat. F. S. Duffy. ' ' Only Ilia Fait. ; Mistress The master, found . fault with your cooking today, Jane. ' . Cook-1 don't take any notice of Mm, mum., lis uls blessed nature to 11 nd fault.' Ain't be always tlndln' fault with you? .'. - . DOES IT PAY TO BUY tHEAPT - A cheap remidjr.for coughs and col is all right, but you want something th will roneve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat a lung troubles.- AVht r bull you do f Co to a warmer and more regular 'climate? Yes, If popsihie; if not possible for you, then in eltlior case take the only remedj that lias been introduced lu all clvlli' d countries with sums in sivere -thrum and lung troubles, "Bopclice's (ir.i iiian Syrup." It not only In ula and llinuliites the ilisiii-s to destroy the germ diin n'-p, but alUya iiiniiuinmtiun, chum s i;i-y i x irclonii ion, givisa gm d lnhi's r --t, and cuiea Hie piiili-iit. 1 ry umi lintih'. IiccoiniiicinUd nmiiy jinn liy all drug gists in tin J woild. For siilo liy F. 8 Dully. 1 'S-H-. ! ID im I.ll I' O i 1. f .. t I t t M IIH'IU ill of n i. 1 t ii t 1 i i) i I Vi us coin- it lu that suiuii In tin iston nnliitcct. lU'lll'Ulg "Of what church nre you speakings queried the architect. I told him. "Oh. ves." said he carelessly, "the Church of the Holy Beanblowera. That's what comes of lack of sense of proportion. Those trumps mo too slender." And now 1 eon nolonger admire that seraphic group on the spire. I strive to think of angels, and I fetch up by thinking of beanblowers. And another church in Boston Is In architects' terms the "Church of the Holy Thermometer" on account of some decoration meant to be Imposing. And another Is the "Church of the Kindergarten Steeples" -for there -Js one big spire surrounded by lots of lit tle kid spires "waiting to grow," say the architectural rhlllstlneSj-Lewls-ton Journal. - .r Lay Tiy the Shovel and Pshaw! exclsmcd paps, throwing aside Is paper, the poetry they pilnl nowit- av U distressing : :''s Ye. I? n't it? mamma agreed, f read a new poem jealerdav by lial's-hla-namf. Don't you knowf Who was the man-with oi -1 oe - ' - I know I cried. Utile Tommys Jld Uncle Nedi" W. 8. Musser, Milllielm, Pa., saved he life of bis little girl by giving her One Minute Cough Cure when she was dying from croup. It Is the only harm less remedy that gives immediate retults. (I quickly euros coughs, colds,, bron chitis, grippe, asthma and all thtm-t and lung troubles ;-F. 8. Duffy. -a -r Notice. v : To the voters of the First Ward, Bern,N. C. ' . Tbe undersigned having been apt pointed Registrar for the First Witrd of the City of few 13ern, N. C, lor the election lobe held on Ibe IStb, day of May 1900, on tbe proposition to issue bonds for Ibe purchase of Water Works and Sewerage Will' Open tbe books Jot Ibe purpose of registration of voters at the City llallinNew Bern, N." ('., on fbursday, Frday and Saturday preced log the election, being the 10th, I lib and I8ih days of Msy, lt. ' . , ' '' j-' , " Registrar. , April 85th, 1000 , ' ' To the voters of the Second Ward 'ew Bern, S.C. : ' ' ' ' Ibe undersigned having been ap pointed Registrar for the Second Ward of the City of .New Bern, N. C. for the election to be held on tbe loth day of Hay 190'J ou the proposition to isue llouda for the putchate ot Water Works snd Sowersgo will open the, books for he purpose of registration of voters at tbe Court House lnvNcw Bern N. C. on riiursday' Friday and Saturday' prece- ding the election,- being tlie lOih, lllh aud litb days of May 1U0U. . IL L Mali, . r . : . Itcglalrar.- April 25th. 160a ' '. To tbe volors of the Third Want, Now Bern, N. C. ? Tbe undesigned having been appoint ed rrglstrar for the Third Ward cf the city of New Bern, N. C, for the election 10 be held on the 15th day of May 1900, on the. proposition to issuebonds for tne purchase or waior worss ami sewer, ago will open the books for the registra tion of voters, at K. S. Hi reefs livery stahles, on South Front Street, in New Bern, N. O.,- ou Thursday, Friday and Saturday proceeding the election, being the 10th, lllh and 12th day of May, 1000. " E. 8. Sthekt, '- ' "'V . -." Registrar. April Ufitb, 1900. To tl.e voters of the Fourth Ward, New Btrn, N. C. The undersigned having 1m en appoint ed Hegislrar for the Fourth Ward of the city of New Bern, N. C, for the elec tion to be held on the loth dny of May, IOC), on the proposition to Inane Bonds for tbe purchase of Water Worka and Sewenij e, w 111 open for books for the ptirpos-e of registration of voti-taat 156 Pollock street. In New l'-i rn, N, C, on Tburmiay, frithiy and Suturihiy preeeed ing the election, being the 10th, lltli and IJiU iln;, a of May, 1' I. J i.-sr-', nAiiiic-os. IN;;! it rar. iVpiii si' b, r. '). i Ibe I!- ill r h of lii' V. Ff.h Wnnl, TI, -I i: I of a: I Ai'K-r 0-niii the ilojnl Word" I riiin the Sir-ere(ary o( lii nipnt lie Had Fun With the Divi sion llilef, Wbtr Had Tamed Him Down. - . I I "The question of sick and annual leave," said a clerk In an up town do- partuient to a reporter, is oue or tne tltuiost- importance to governmeui clerks nnd Is one of their, most precious privileges. I will tell yon of an oo- f -srn . ..,... n-t, it .in 1 cui i Uisv.u iu my uiiiiuiiiui.'ui .uitu win Interest fellow clerks especially. 'A clerk lu my division put in an II .... 1 1 AH n f onpA In Uie nsual form In writing, to be O. K.'d . i. i,i.,f r Au-nn nrt on nn ira 1 , i.. i.b .1... ment.-Not hearing from It and the IX M iu UlC till v. u auv- uvinii a, -f time approaching for his departure be went to bis chief and said: :.. .", :.: "'Mr. how about my appllca- tionru ; i " " ' - Ilere it Is on my desk, I have not sent It up. It is too early In the year to apply for that length of time. Im portant business or not Yob cannot bo spared.' - - ' ' r 'My friend, who Is a little fellow nnd a diplomat, grasped tne situation at once. It happened that he bad a per sonal acquaintance with the' secretary, one of those rare . Instances - where a cabinet officer has a personal acquaint auce with one of his own clerks; -They bad met outside of the department, for the little fellow Is a member of an Influential family In the secretary's own district. - . . - He bowed and withdrew, but in stead of going back to . his desk be made a short cut pp tbe corridors to ward tbe secretary's room? Just as he was approaching the bitter's private office entrance the secretary. In com pany with a couple of gentlemen, came out Observing the clerk and bis anx ious. Inquiring face, be, paused, shook blm cordially by the hand and exclaim ed to bis companions: - 'Senator, here Is a bright little fel low from my Btate wbo Is tbe father of the biggest, cherubic faced baby, you ever saw aud the husband of the hap piest of wife mothers. , ook at blm blush. Well, what s the matter now r "Why, I want to go away on busi ness for a fortnight, and' - - "Well, you little rascal, why don't rou go? ' I'll let you only be sure to come back and don't get Jost on tbe cars.'-.- ;.. !.,. - f,v c i "The secretary's hearty, laugh, In which tbe others joined, echoed In tbe marble tessellated corridors, and tbey passed on. Tbe 'royal word' bad been given. "That evening at quarter to ue left It until Inst minute purposely he went to bla chief. It was bis turn to rub It in. Mr. be said quietly, 'have yoa sent up my leaver 'I bave not, replied tbe chief short ly. -.'I disposed of that question this morning." '"I thought that tbe secretary grant ed leave In this department 1 was Dot aware that; Chiefs of division pos sessed that authority.' It was wnr Dow. Botb looked ach other unflinch ingly in tbe eye." Then tbe chief began to smell a little official mouse and re sorted to' browbeating, as Is not un usual nudcr similar circumstance. -.." You are impertinent' , r ' J"J beg your pardon,, quickly in terrupted the clerk. Toy a chief to say to a clerk that he Is Impertinent im putes a charge against hint. . 1 request that rou withdraw that remark. It Is no Impertinence for a clerk to state a rule of tbe department to bis cblef, more especially when he appears to have forgotten It or Is unaware of It existence.". The secretary, and be olono, finally cram or disapproves applica tions for leave in all departments of tbe government -.1 bave never before beard this authority questioned' "'I don't question It'Tfastlly Inter looted the chief, to whose pose. the oux clal mousy smell was each moment be coming more acute. "'By not submitting my application to those whose province It Is to decide sttcb questions you certainly do ques tion It and exceed yonr authority. -Approved or disapproved by you, they and not you pass on It finally,, and. furthermore, you know It. "1 will send It up tomorrow,' said the chief as he climbed down from bis hlcb borse as ernevfully n-the ocra slon admitted. 'Let- me see, you wlsb to go' . ' '' "'Tnke your time.' replied my friend pleasantly. 'It Is already grunt ed. 1 have- the secretary s personal permission to go provided I do not get lost on the cars. I start tomorrow, and I will try not to get lost. Oood by.'"-Washington Stnr. Oi-rna ltav Orannla l.lf. Fi'lt-TitiHtH f i-f! in-lit ly remind us ttml g-m txiHiii-HS llfo--ori,'!Uile life. Ev eiyhoily Knows Unit opnls nnd penrls prow dull wlii'ii worn by IiivhIIiIh, ninl It I hi l.i-cii liitely proved Hint ruldi s n:id tin- : :,:li' V. tl qil hliinv tin- Hittiie s-'iv I'e I IK HIT 1,1 lu:!; ii.i.i ,,; t rite life! nn 1 ni'tiiii!'.! ; :i imt ii ( tiiC II K 1 :.' In -.- I of t ' !.l I'l No woman can be too careful of 'ber condition during the period be fore her little ones are born. Neglect or improner treatment tlieri endan gers her lite and that of the child. It lies,with her whether she shall suffer unnecessarily, or whether the ordeul shall be made comparatively easy." ge had better do nothing than do. aomethtng wrong;. L iL-JLL - e-w w mtm i" V mtm " '? uu v - that 13 safe to use. It is a liniment that oenetrates from the outside. External applications are eteraally I right. Internal medicines .are radi cally wrong, . t ney are more man humbucrs thev endanp-er Ute.'V Mother's Friond helps the muscles to relax and expand naturally-re lieves mommy ' sickness removes the cause of nervousness and head acheprevents bard - and rising breasts shortens labor and lessen the pains and helps, the patient to rapid recovery.' . ' From a letter by a Shreveport, La., woman : I have , been usuiff your wonderful remedy.. Mother's Friend, for the last two months, and find it lust a recommended, 1 DruUt scfl It at ft par tottto. THE BRADFIELD REQULATOR CO. ATLANTA, OA. teai Mr oar frea llltrat4 book, "Bsfortllaby lBorn." A double seated Rotkswry. Will be sold cheap for rash. At P. Trenw lib's Blacksmith Minn, South. Front street, near A-& N. (. K. It. .l. A'-Oood; ; Telephone ' 8KKVICE 18 A -BUSINESS ' NEOES8ITY,- A,' flOMK OONVKN1ENCX- A "COM- ' Bmi5i v, ':. " "f:'r Necessity, CoilVeikieilCe. I T. - I Order Your Phone at Once V; BLOOD HUMORS! Ulcers, Old Sore?, Canters, Eating t. tSoieiSr tc?tnn, Lie. Cured bvJ5.-.-lu -Trial Bol Ill) free." Finn impure blood comes V) sorts of pains, aches aud sores. endlnit fropienily n deadly ancer or some euronio sore. If jou can answer yi-a r any- tif tlie tollna inn qm-ailona your blood la instat ed and Imnure, n .- "- Do ems or Hciati-iie mi l iiowly r uoea vour k n Well r nurn r lave you t-lu. pies t y l.r iptlons an y ou feel ashamed to he se n in company f A. Idi g iJones or Hack; KcwniaT; Miu ifioria.r--.. Holts t Scrofula 1 - ltbruinatlsni f Font IJicaih If Catarrh t- Ate you lalef Do- 8cabor Scales lonii ou Ui klu. llnlr or M-alpf ft ckllna Tains in the llnlr T A I Hun 0oh. cetf asllv tlii-d, suit as tired m ibe moiiiing as a hen Jou went lo brdf Fluttering ilearl f Have ...you i'lcera T liHling rore r i. ancer r r : V - TOC'lIItK.'-':. Any Jol-knai. reader who suffers Is ad vised in take a lew large ontiics in u. it. a (Uolne Blood Balm). . Thia remedy is undoiilite lly Ibe best and only perfect Blood PuriDer made. D B U (Itotanlc Blood Balm) has a record of 80 yi ars of cures, beuce is thoroughly lesled H lakinir a few large bottles (if B. B. the blood is made pure and rich, all t he sores sre- healed, and aches and palna vaiilsu as the mlsl before the uu. . U. B has cured over ,400 canes of rancer, many of them pronounced Incurable by doctor and specialists. Eating sores, ulcers and scrofula are healed ao that they never bother the patient attain. Eczema In its worst form I cured by from 8 to 8 large bottles. B. B. H cures by draining tbe poisons and humors nut ol tne moon, at me same itme H mums no tb broken down constitution. For sale by dractlsta, $1 per large bo tie. or 0 lares bottles (full treatment) 11. Complete directions with each bottle. Be sure the bottle reads Botanic Blood , Halm. Bo aulferers may test It a trial bottle glveo away. Addrei-a Blood Bslm Co., Atlanta, (la Describe synilom and free medical advice given. . , ADMIiMSUATOR'3 NOTICE. Having qualified as the administrator or tint ct-iaie of Julia r.a arua, neceaieo 1 lie of tin-county i f Craven, notice U heri-by eiven lo all rH.-isra havine ,:1h no nHliiMt tin- S lid es'iiti lo pn sent tliii s, one lo Hie unders ell! d, duly ver li--ii, on or Ih f re Hie ItUti d y of April lii'M. 01 Ibis not'ee will I f plead in bar -if iher r covi ry All persons Indebted hi tl.c miiii cHtttii. are ht-il. n-quo led to nuike iimmiltiOP pnvmeot 'I 'in-l V. MC'AHTIIY, Admn. T'.. I li d.-iv of April 1 :i'!0. By virtue of a lndgpu.eiil iendrel a; I he Ult u-i ni, ltfjy, M.jeilur l ouil . t Cravtu CMuniv, iu an n.Unn, enlulid. John B. Uarrelt agsiud finn rick I oug- tasa and W, 15. lilailrs, tne uudetF'iinini conimlsaloneis, appniutcil hy ibe i uri will, ou Utsl sionday In May. ltlUi, lou.t the 7ib (lay of wild uioiilh at IS i.'i I, ek m., at thn Ikiurt houiwi diMr la ttaviu comity,' sell in iliu biebraw didder tor cash, the follow iun ilehciiiNil tracia or parcels of land In the city , Meat belli. A certain lot of lauiliueluUium.no buu and haru tlttitel I hereon and do eriud as follown: Beginning at the north weal corner of Hr. J. I), tilaik lot on the aouib Hide of new Boulh t'ronl a.ieel llieuce weal alung new ; out b front aiictl forty feet, tlM-me toutb to Lansou'i reek and i.ra!let to the said l)r l lark's line, Uience east along Law- son's creek forty fi-ello tbe i-aal lineo: the aaiil r'rederb k lioualaaa, Ibeiieealoug the east line of Kreilerk R DuHglaas and wt ,lntt of Ur, j. tlarVto ibe beginning ou New twulh Fmut street, beiug a pari of the land Con vej id by deed from W. I). Mcler ai.il uihera- to the said Frederick Douglasa. Also one lot at The southwest corner of Bryan and New Uoutb r rout streets, and - be ginning at tbe interscctitin of Bryan and new bouin roni streets ana run sou in alonir Hn-an klreeU. ftirlv. feci. thsn:e eatt and parallerto New KoutU - Front street one Jiundreu leet," Inence nortu forty feet to New South Front ireet7 thence east- along New fouiu Front street lo tbe beglnidng Also one lot sit- uhicu on Mryau street, ana iiegmntng ai Clara Wllllamh' aoutliweat corner -on Hryan street and runs thence southward ly along Bryan street to Lawcon's creek, thence east along Lawson's Creek one hundred feet, thence northwardly to Clara Williams' souiueaxt cornor, thence west along Llarn Williams' south line lo the beginning oil Bryan street . Also one certain lot on Bryan Hreel situated 150 feet, front the ew Boulh "Front street beirlnnlnir at Clara Wil liams s corner and running tnrnre east wardly With said William's Una 100 feel, (hence southwardly and parallel with Bryan street 60 feet thence wesiwainly and parallel with said W'llltaiu'a.Ilne 10U feet to Bryan -street, thence northward ly along Bryan -street to the beginning on Brian, street . Alad one lot of land located at the soul heasl corner of New and Bern streets, CO feel on Bern street and 60 feet on New street being a part lot No. nim. in me plan of the uny or New Bern. Also one lot of land situ alert at the north westerner of Lorch's alley and Broad street and running westwardly along Broad street thirty three feet tlence unrtnwardly eighty nve I eel to liarget s lot tlienee along aam Hargets' line in Ulione's line, thence soulhwaidly aaiil lllionn'a llnp I A. tha ttfHrlnnlnff nn Hroad slreet Alsoonelot of land on n . . t. , I .A r. ,l uryari nirevk miniiiiia; wi aouiu inim the south east intersection of New South' Frontand Bryan streets and running fnence soutnwardiy along urysn street oily net, thence eastwaraiy and parai- el with New ftiuth rront street one hundred feet, thence northwardly and parallel with, Bryan street forty feet. thence westwardlv one hundred feet to lhe w'nnln?w wclarT It W WILLIAVFON. Commissioners. Notice of. Sale of Valuable land State at North Csf una, . Si-iiior - Cruven Uounty. ) lotrt The Nailonal Bank of Nc-w Bern, 1 1 al va ' U H Perry and 0 H Perry. The nnderslitned commissioner ap pointed in this actum at Fall Term. 1899, will sell to the iilitlirst muuer lor casn subject to tbe approval f the- court, at Die court nouso floor in jiew itern, aam oountv, on the 29th day of May law. at one o'clock n m, tne loupwing lunaa situate In said state and county on Ue south aide- ot Trent river aliout nve miles from tbe rtlv f New Bern, bound ed and de crltiefl aa loliuwa. towi-i BcKinnins: at the - ro ulh of Cypress Branch between rien itill and rtacooon Inland at a marked cypress and running the various roun.es of said branch ltttt noles to a place opposite an iron post ou south east aide ol said braacb, lotn in a line with said posi from the run of aald branch south 4 degree weal '73 poba t an iron post oa Ibe north ' tido of Dak drove, then norm ho . doitri wesi z pole tit auot her iron post, lien south 4 di-cn es west wj ptHes in anno poat, then nortb 86 degrees t. 86 ! Dole to an iron axle nost ia tb lam near a marked ayesmoru' tree, ' II . mitn 4 Urintt wnl lo muh line o tlatoira land, then with fata line i'i wardlv tn Brloe'a creek, then dowa aald creek to the U clnnlita. containlni one thousand acre re ore or. leas .- Being the landa desoribed iu a deed from II II Per. ry toU 11 lerry, Irhstee. uatrd'tne lain da; lay of December 1891, and duly regis tered in Craven county, known a Ibe rerrvvlili" Plantation. - . .- . - This Ttb Hay M April, I WW. ' K ?A, DjWABD, Commissuvnrr, ;! C Executory Wollce. '' Itavini duly qualified aa Executor and Excoiilrtx of the last will aad testament of Henrev B Duffv. deceased, the under signed hereby give notice to all persoi s holdinc claims airalnst lhe estate of tb said Uervey U liuny neceaaeu 10 present tbe same duly yeritteu a required uy law. lolhe undersigned or el. ber of them nn or liefere tbe lfiih dav of Anril 1901. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of I heir recovery. Ami all persona Indebted to ld estate are reaucsled to make Im- e ediuie myiiM nt to the undersigned or either of tbem. . - , T.UAnrll ISth. IDfO. - ' L . . KHANI'la DUFFY. Eecutir 1UI IET C, DUFFx", Kxeculrlx. Notice to Creditors and Debtors The sulisorllier, having qualllied a Eieo'itrlx of tbe Inst will and testament of D ivid Htyron, decerned, (jivia notice tbnl all pi-moria having tlHims acniiiHt the emte niiiKt enbiliit lliem 10 her, on or t o 018 April IS, l'JOl, or lids notice will tie plenih d to bur (heir recovery. Iiiilitnrs tire reinu sted to niaUo iuitn dl te 1 1-y.iii-"! - (II ai I.OTI'K A. r-TYIiON, .I-r'.l 9, 1 ExiM'UlllX. ,!,:: cf ind hy ntcuT.iit in-lit r'-ri'I I lo no l,f ( i-v. d iii a ,.K"-1 Notice to ifie Voters of New Bern. lbs votei . f Ni w ln, N' ..' will lake oolu e tu-ii an riri tlm ill te held at lue poilmx i lar.- lu ilieo-vi rl wards -flbilu i t M-w Vim-i n he third IntMlai ti,l:t hm. . Ui 'ilif JMh ilny of Win-, a U, liiOtl, f. Hie I'ltrpofe ol Sub i.iltlnn to It.e ip.ulill d Milirs .of il.enij Ibe prn Oftlii-n au uiitlionze ana empnaer lb Miiv .raml i iwirt of Alder oieo of ld city to Uu I lie tunas if. the said clt lor the purine i.f buyintr. inttiu or- rous.iubiU a a, svtem - of Water Wi-rka hint fevu-rnue lor said; , cltv, aecoidii.g to ti e (Hii'g-chatter, Seel ionlS .:? , ' , . T 'I l" aui. iiini m I hi Ik.hi it, is not to ex- - nwrt (Ro.tOn Al') r'gliiy liu in-and dollars of Hk-1i an Kio.-iiiii ii. I xi m ding B,i ' ISOtiO iafir )4.t l in leitimti ntion and rtjans. - ' r - . r A l.v- 1-tT. lu, f ivnr the ikmi" or said bohiti. Ill v V H'lialli.t arli the words Ki t. War. r Wink, w itum or printed , iM-H-iui., I li. -who dpxe the said none ld vole a ballot with the words - Against Wa'i r - Works .-iiUen or priii wlh.ron. J.J. T01.80N, Clerk. AiVlice ol feuiiiinoiis. . North Carolina, I Orayra Diunty ( tU erlor Court. The City nC New Nun,) . 4. ' i - vs. ' - . i nuuimona A E Woodruff, trnstee for . of lbestale of K ir-1 Kelt f. aheth OiHwHnir. i,i Actlpn for Ace .unl ai d Other Fur oes. - A. U. Woodruff, trustee of Elizabeth Gooding, deceased, tl.e alove named de fendant in take n"l.ce ihnt a summons in the above entitled fiction ' was Issued from the Superior t inn t of Craven . roumy, North Canilin.. on "Ft bruary 1st, ivtst, etnrnatiic ai u e i lerm or tne . ; Supe-ior ( ourl of an u cunnl) , lo be held at " the court l.oin-tf m Niw Bern, - N. I',, on the ISib Momlny after lhe-1st ' Monday in March, ii beiiiii the 28th day nf Mti), I WO. when hihI a Inn- joU are required in uuawer tin eoinp.iui.i- ceiein. or judgment will be rendered in favor of Ibe plaintill lor tue relief di manned. w At. WATSUIM, v. f-V. E C Whit, hurai. Ally, for Planliff Februaiy 1st, 1900. Notice of Summons and Aitaeh- mt-nt. North Cauoi.ina, I o,.. CBAVKM COUNTV. HI! Duffy vs J J Trader. . To J. J. Tkadkk: Whereas, the summons was duly issued from the Supcrior'courl of i:raven coun- ly, returnable to csid court on the 6th Monday lielore tne lnl Monday in Marcn . lfttiO. and returnable bv the Hherllf not . to be found in my count, said summons heing Issued In tbe almve ml ti leu action, and where aa su order of publication las been duly made for seiviru of summons upon jou io the action aforesaid: Now Iheielore you are hereby notinea to appear at-ibe Huperior Court ot Ciaven linunty on the lBih Monday after the lut Monday in March 1900, it being . the iiMth day of May l!MH) and answer demur or otherwise plead lo the com- . plaint Willi b will be tiled in mid action un or la-lore the first I Inee 1h a of sild term or otherwise defend said action ss you msy be advised. Ami vou will further take notice that t the' lin e of Issuing of lhe summons Hbove men inned awrlt of attachment sn ii.Mi.il from .' : said IViurt In said set ion dlrn ii d in tbe KberiS of Join s county (liri ciiug blm to T . levy said writ -anon r property in .. ! said county, anil lake said properly into . bis possession for Ibe pnrpote or sain -action. To all of wlili li j mi will take -due notlM! ami di fend I be nine as 300 may he advised. 'I bis Kebriihrj Dili 1000 w.avniisun, - ( lerk rtnpcrior Court, Crsun County '- AliMlNiSTIIATiMi' MITICK ' 'llavlne ibia dm nialiflidi s Adminlf- Irator of Hie eUnle t Jiwi Ui. i ks, de- eaid, laie of '"rsen immiy, notice is hereby Wi n lo ail eisi iis I avlrg claims agulttst tl.r aaiil stale 'o loeot lhe same to Ibe ucdi t.i n it, ilidy veri- t liedj on or U fore the Rh th y ft April, ..y" ivoi, fiSlhia notice win 1 r p-ead id Par ,-. - of Ihelr ricow-ry' ' ,s '- ' l . All I erantia mill ii'ed 10 u.c mM atsie -nif ben by riquesleil In make linnudiate retllement. :' ,.'':' TbUoihdavif III0I0 " v .Tlit S. F. MU AJ TtlY, t .; AdliilaUaU'f. . A I' li ! M ST K A T i R': M T I C E. ; . ' llavleg this day qiialilled a dmlnls. ' . Iralor ruin- liftsu eiilii sni.iio, of Ih jVti staiaof Pidiiey K. Ue, deceased, notice ';. la hereby si veil lu all peiaons Having elalms agsinst the said alal In pn sent : ' " the same let lhe uniter-li-iH d, duly vitI- v., t tleil, on t'V Mint- tb.; 8"th dsv if Marcb. Itsil, or lids notice will be plead in bar of ilieir rei'owr. ;. : c-j1'. : ; .. -r All person Indebted in llie-said estate - -" are hereby requested to make Immediate settlesaent. '-- . . ' : ''"S .This the SOth dsv of March, 1000. -.;. - '-f. WILLIAM I.. LASflTlK . f ' :,;'!-it- - - Admlnblratni O. T. A.--' J. E. ft B, O'llaia, Attorneys. . ;;; t i . . . ' . i-i A d bi I ol r-! r 1 0 1 ? K o I Icr ; :Vo Having uuallflid as Ibe Administrator af Msnlra Lanab r, dereased, lleor".tb8 . ;i ' noiintj of Cravi ft. Il ls is 10 notify all , , IH-raons havln rlalmx sgalnst tbe estate f the rbcaii torsuThit tbem to llie. undrrslaned 1'H-or Wore the 17th day f . prll, 19ol. or ibis ncllre alll I plead la hr 1 f ibi Ir n cowry. All persons in. -debled In said 1 stale will please make ' , ' immediate ixfn.ent . . . , -s " niiTun, Adnilnlsirstor , . Msnlra- Langlry, ' de- -, oafL -y ' ' ', '. ' ... 1 This .prii 7th. - :;: f4nl l'P, Ikh4'IIi. - x - Noiiiii Cahoi.ima. , 1 A ; ', . I'imvun' ropunr. I Kimrloi Conrt. W. L. l.asallcr, admr, 0. T. A of the . ' estate of Kidney Leo, dee'd. , vs. Nleey C Hussell. Py virtue of an order obtained before the Clerk of the Hupailor t'onit of Cra ven county. N. (!., in the special pro reedini' as 've entitled, How periilini; in tln M'i eiiur efiiirl, Ibe nnderali'm-d atl'iilni ,! r ttnr, w ill sell fur emdi, lo n 1 i n n - ii, i.t tin conit hoiif-a door in 1 1 ( -i-v of r er Pern, N. f'., St 11 () ( ), in, i n N'i.ihUii', Hip4i (Ir V June. J o li.o I - IH' l M-liler, 11,(1 li,i 1 - ' 1 i . - ! f Uf! n 111 lft VI m 1 ( ( .1 t I - ,!nH s 1 11 n !' : I . i. ! i- i 11 T y 1 nn- (' on . ! i i