' - ' r ilfMl.nil I . iV, Tubiislied every u. y in tie year, exi Itonduy, at 88 S:;.M,e street. I'lIONK Ko. P. CMArXCS L. TC KlUTOlt AND HIOPRIKTOH. . ' 8UIS3CIUPTION RATES., U.ie year, In advance Oae year, not In advance ...... Monthly, by carrier in the city. ..$1.00 .. 6.00 .. .60 Advertising Rates furnished on appli cation, Entered at the Post Office, New Bern, ' N. C, as second class matter. , - " Official I'aper of Mew Bern ' Cravea County. and New Vera. N. C, Mar 5, 1000. TEE CANDIDATES AND THEIR COMING. ' - ' .New Bern and its people have had six of the Peuioeratic State Candidates who ' ; . . .... are to be elected In -August, as their guests, and have met there renllemen, and listened to their speeches. ; . To Judge of the Interest of the people . Id this city and vicinity, la the great Issue, While Supremacy, by the attend aoce upon the candidates and at the l speaking Friday noon, is not just , , The question of whether the people of New Bern and this section Of North Carolina, are in favor of White Buprem- . ' acy, Is never to be judged by any public demonstration. .,-,'- . ,-. No where In Nona Carolina are the . peopIe,'iudivldually and collectively, to .''5 deeply concerned In the establishment -j of White Supremacy, " s No people have suffered more, borne . more, or more quietly submitted to negro ' equality aud negro supremacy. .. . " . No where has this cry of. "White 8u iiremacy'' been more: often raised than in Eastern Carolina, and no where .has . this unceasing color line question be- ? come so monotonous. it. ,Aud yet with these years of the negro as asocial aud political factor, with all p. the monotony of the continued fight an . the color line, there is no sign of waver ing among the white people in this .year of 1900, or a doubt as to their vote in s August., - ' r ! Therefore so far as White Supremacy ' la concerned, let no one feel doubtful of Craven county or Eastern Carolina. The - day of deliverance is near at band, and y. the white people wlll vote aoUdly for their removal from bondage. . . Now that the gentlemen who are the , candidates, have been the guests of the , people of New Bern, there It established , i a feeling of personal, interest between ; the candidates and the whin voters. i ( Each voter will go to the polls in :: August with the remembrance of the kindly glance and word,' of the hearty . .liand shake, of these hit candidates which will make voting seem a more - real thing, a more personal matter. " 1 And-along with this personal interest. there will be the more vital matter, that White Supremacy will become a fact, and In no future campaigns. ckn the negro in any way enter In as a disturbing factor. ' ' . ' . The visit of the candidates baa been of, good tothe people of New Bern '- ', and this section, both socially snd pollll- ". cally, and it hu teea a season produc live of present pleasure and future good results. ' i. ' , Stati o Onto, Citv or Toledo, I .v- LcciS County, - : . I is Fbask J. CnaaiT makes oath that lie -.. la Ibe senior partner of the firm of F. ' Chuubt 4 Co., doing business In Uie ' City of Toledo, County snd Plate afore- said, and thai said Arm will pay the sum ot ONE hUNDRED DOLLARS for "each and every case of Catahhh that : can not been red by the use of Hall' Catarrh Coiir, FRANK J. CHENEY. ' Eworn to before me and anbscrllx d 1 '" my presence, this Bth day, of Deceuibo - A. D. 1830. . . - ' A..W. OLEAHON, t oaAL V v . . Notary Pulllo. . Hall's Catarrh Cure la tnken internal mi acts direct ly on me blood anil niu cous surfaces of the system. Henri foi testimonials, free. F.J,CIIF.XF.Y&Co. '. Toledo, O, Bold by rrn.'!Hls,""r. Hall's r'amlly Pills arc the best. "l-'ire 1 :( of the I at t.'l. kes nii'l I live oil. It mid ben Lie nua mlvlis and you know has come. 1.1 ronrs nrni let in cl-n'ion The motb s that it lis tipou you In the dead of tikht and chews tip your best trousers. FofRos hluiscSf npou your wife's furs, tickles his palate with your sweliest flannel golf shirt, munches nway upon our handsomest rug, punches holes In your best sofa cushions with Ms tusks and then silently folds his tent and steals nway v.thout so much as a thank you tor his meal. For unmiti gated meanness commend me to the moth! Alongside or the mom anu uis nefarious work even a book ngeut Dales Into Insignificance and an unpaid grocer's bill becomes an absolute pleas ure. : . ' ........ Oar First Woman Editor. According to the Hartford Courant, that paper in 177T was owned and ed ited and managed by a womnu, whose name comes down to modern days as the WldoV Watson." She bad "exclu sive charge" of the Journal. After a couple of years Mrs. Watson married a leading citizen of Hartford, and after that date she no doubt let him advise and assist In the conduct of the paper. But she holdsthe record Tor the first woman editor in the country. - T k Saerllestlona,' An urchin In a country parish lu Scotland, having been told by bis par ents to read ,a newspaper aioun to them, i began.; to do so 1n the usual drawllug manner of the parish school He had Ddt proceeded far when his mother stopped blui short, exclaiming; "You -.rasca 1 ! : Hoo - dare ye .".read a newsimper "wlf the . Bible twang?" London Telegraph. . '. , MOZLKPb' LKMUN FI.IXIB., V ,,. Kr(aUt the Liver, atomneh, BowrU and Foi biliousness, constipation and ma laria. - - For indliTBBlIon, sick and nervous headache. - - - v tTor sleeplessness, nervousness heart failure and nervous prostration. " - Kor lever, chills, del ilily anov. kidney diiieases. take Lemon fclulr. "t - Ladies, for natural sud thorough . or ganic regulation, take Lemon JMulr. t ouc ana i Lottie at druggists, '-.. . Prepared only by Dr. ii. Mozloy, At lantaj-Qa.;.'?; , .V..," f-v' OratltuUe. Dr. H. Motley Dear filr: Bince Using your Lemon Elixir 1 have never had another attack of those fearful sick head aches, and thank God that I have at last round' a medicine that will cure those aa f ul spells. r " V . , .-MRS. TTA W. OSES, Farkersbnrg, West Virginia. ' : . .Bfoxley's Lemon KHalr; ".-..'..-. I suffered with indigestion and dys entery for two long fears. I heard of Lemon Juixlr; got it; taken seven bottles and ant now aw eu man. ; Babbt Adams, No, 1784 yirst Avenue, Birmingham, Aia. - , . . Mosley'a Ientoa Kllxtr. v,-". Cored mv husband, who was afflicted tor years with large ulcers on his leg and was cured after using two bottles; and cured a friend whom the doctors bad iriien un to die. who bad suffered for years with Indigestion and nervous pros- ruton v ; " . " ? Una. E. A. Bevii.lb. Woodstock, Ala. For nervous and sick headaches, ladl gestlon, biliousness and' constipation (or which 1 have been a great sufferer) I have, never found a medicine that would give snch a pleasant, prompt and perma nent relief as Dr. H. Mosley't Lemon fciixir. "... - - - - i. P. 8a wtbia, Griffin, Ga, .; v.r , Publisher Morning Call. . , Xo Need of AUnn, De Tanqne Have tnother drinkt . O'Soaque Why, rve bad slxteejial- readyf - - 'y 1 ;; : De Tanque What's the matter! Are you afrsld you'll learn to like It? - I consider It not only a pleasure but a duty I owe to my neighbors to tell about the wonderful cure effected In my case by the timely use of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy. I was taken very badly with flux and procured a bottle of Ibis remedy, A few does of it effected a permanent cure. I take picas ore In recommending It to others suffer log from that dreadful disease. J. W. Lthco, Dorr, W. Va. This remedy sold F 8 Duffy & Co. CMre to Try. Blo'jbt I suffer terribly from Insom nla. I can't sleep at all. Do you kno any cure? Slobbs Did you ever try going eburebf ' : lo .J. Q. Hood, Justice of the J'eaio, Crosby, Hiss., mnkes Hie follow ! merit: "I enn certify tlmt One Couch Cute will do all t lint is :..:. d for it My wife) could not f t 1; anu the t d... of It r !, 1 r h 1 - r I ! .o 1 i.ci d niy who'.' f sets in.ii.r.' .ii-'y mid hm (" roi.is, eiiiup, i iSppp, liimi. ' ' n sa l nil throht sitd h i :j t' i. ! I (Ty. ,m i. n I .., A ill ! . - f. Vi: lives s b'ipny wife. She w'u:s: " I have used .outer's Priest i brfore two confinements. The last time 1 had twins, and was in labor only a few min utes. Sufiered very little." The reason why . fAother's Frbnd does expectant mothers so much good is because it is an external liniment, to be applied upon the outside, where mucn Of uie strain comes, n ncipa uc cause the pores of the skin readily absorb It, and it comes into direct contact wim snd is absorbed by the parts involved. morning sicsness is quiuuy oaiii&ucu, and nervousness is kept completely away. The sense of dread snd foreboding is not experienced, even during labor itself. Confinement is short snd almost without pain. Recovery is quick and sure. Best of all, Mother's Friend benefits the unborn just ss much ss the expectant mother, ind'when the little one comet it will be strong, lusty and healthy. Druggists toll Mother's Friend for It a bottte. Sand for oar free book on tha subject, , ..- tiMlr Ultutimtod. - - THE BRADFIF.LD REGULATOR CO. .. . . A11.ANTA. OA. ' Why It gnppoTt. Bread Is the staff, of life becauseevcry- bod needs the dough. . V . Inflammatory Rheumatism Cared la 3 v . ' Days. . Morton L. H1U of Lebanon, Ind., says: My Wife had Inflammatory Hbeumtllsm In every muscle and joint; her suffering was terrible and her body and face were twolleu almost beyond recognition; had been In bed for bIx weeks and had -eight (hysiojans, but received no benefit until she tried the Mystic Cure for Kheuma. tlsm. It gave Immediate "relief and she was able to walk about In three days. I am sure it saved her life." Bold by T A Ucnry, druggist. New Bero. - , . . ' Most men have thtlr wits sharpened on the grindstone of adversity..". si . t An Kpluemio oft Whooping Cough. - i' Last winter during an .epidemic of whooping oough my children contracted tho disease, having teveie coughing polls. We had used. Chamberlalu's Cough Bemedy very successfully for croup and paturally turned to it at that tlmo and found it relieved the cough and effected a complete cure. JouaE.Cnp- ronn, Proprietor Norwood House, Nor wood, N. Y. Ibis remedy is for tale by F, B. Duffy & Co. - - - ' :, Nell George proposed to me last night on hU kneea..fcl: jl Belle That man would stoop to any thing, r-. , ... .s "After suffering fiom severe dytpep ala over twelve' years and using many remedies without permanent good 1 finally .ook Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. . It did me to much good I recommend it to everyone," writes J. E. Watklns, Clerk and Recorder Chillicolhe,' Mo. It di gests what you eaL F. S.JDuffy. , .: Mot a Warm Coat. :'' TLe cbsp who boasts of a coal-of-arms U often too poor to buy any- other kind of coal. " ". " DOES n PAY TO BUY CHEAP? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want something that will relieve aud cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. Whut shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, if possible; if not possible for you, then In either case take the only remedy that bat been Introduced in all civilized countries with tuccesa In severe throat and lung troubles, "Bost hee's Geruinn Hyrup." It not only heals and stiinulutes the tissues to destroy the germ disease but allays inflammation, chums emy rx pcctoralion, gives a good night s rent, and cures the patient. Try onit 'bottle. Kicmnmtndcd many years by all drug gists lu the Duffy. world. For SiUo by F. H. A H. rl-.-l. Tho Secret of lilK-rfllH Is mind one's own hu. -k. nn al iilly to Ti.e m ! ' Ai.y i or i. Hi l d !' I l ' 1 1 ! t 1 t a, ye , t v C....J. s saiUHS octi.ii lit bjii I t Low pen to the 1 th t:. ' ? The hoy rri red: 'Why, Ijai a came home with them hist nlpbt and showed Oiem'to muiuiua, and he seemed to be lu such' good humor somehow that i :.u,a thought It would be a good time then to tell him bow she owed over $100 for provisions. -She told hlrn of it, but he got so mad that he said that every night now he wouldDXcome home till after 12 o'clock, and he told me for heaven's sake when I got mar ried to look out for a sensible woman. All the time mamma laughed, and he was getting madder, and so he said she wouldn't go to the theater with him after that, and he tore the tickets up and rushed out somewhere alone. He ain't back yet either, but mamma don't care. 1 picked up the pieces off the carpet and pasted them together, and if you'll exchange the tickets for mati nee ones I guess I'll come down on Saturday with some other fellow and take In the show.' - - "I gave other tickets to the candid kid. and be walked away very well pleased with himself." Philadelphia Record. ' ' The ne Thine. ' i Johnny (who Is Jealous of mamma) Hammn likes me better than she does you I s Evelyn (who enjoys teasing) Why, no. Johnny. - Of course she loves Betty and me best! Just think, she was our mother long before she was yourat Johnny (scornfully)-Hobl What of thatT You are nothing but a sample copy, any way! And Betty's only a trial subscription! . But 1 am the real thing! -Life. - - " ,,-' ( i i ivi',"',i m ii. .ii, -.v: -'r .'.... r, A neat Maaeot.:! "What Is an exit, pa V "Exit. Freddy? Well, it la a Latin placard hung around on the walla In theaters and opera houses to Keep peo ple from thinking tbey smell Ore." In dianapolis JournaL ;. Notice. To the Vetera of the first Ward, . New . Bern,N. C. The undersigned -having .been ' ap pointed Registrar for the First Ward of tho City of New Bern, N. C, for the election to be held on the 15th, day of May 1900, on the proposition to issue bonds for the purchase of Water Works and Sewerage will open the books for the pnrpesn qf . registration of voters at the Cly Hall la New Bern, B.s C, on Thursday, Frday and Saturdar-fireced' ing the election, being the 10th, llth and 12lh dayt of Msy,100?.'7 i -?. B, B. Hill, j:.? - , . - liegitirar. April SSlb, 1000. To the voters' of the' Second Ward New Birn, N. C: :.;; si'' The undersigned having been ap pointed Iteglslrar for the Second Ward of the CltJ, of New Bern, N. CV for the election to be held on the' 15th Iday of May 1000 on the proposition to isoe Bonds for the purchato et Water Works and Sewerage, will open the .books, for the purpose of registration of voters at the. Court House in New Bern N. C. on Thursday Friday and Saturday prece ding the election, being the lOlb, llth and 12th dayt of May 1000. - ; ' ' . H L. Hall, " lit gist rar, ' April 2otb. 1000 - ; . - . . To tbe voters of the Third Ward, New -'::.Bern,N,0. The undersigned having been appoint ed registrar for the Third Ward of the citv of New Bern, N. C, for the election to be held on the 15th day of May 1900, on the proposition to issue booda for the purchase of Water Works and sewer age wil open the books for the registra tion of voters, at E. S. Street's livery stables, on South Front direct, In New Bern, N. C, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday preccctllng tho election, being the 10th, llth and 12lh day of May, 1900. . ..KB, Sthkkt, ; . "Registrar. April 25th, 1900. - To the voters of the Fourth Ward, New Bero, N. C, The undersigned having been appoint cd IJegtatror for the Fourth Ward of the city of New Bern, N. C, for the elec lion to be held on the llth day of Mny, 11)00, on the proposition to issue Bonds for the purchase of Water Works and Sew erare, w ill open for books for tli iiurooso of ri-eliitrntlon of voters at 151 Pollock strict, In New I'ern, N, C, o: Tlmreil.-iv. Friday and 8alurdny ntrceed I,- ' the election, beim; the Kllh, llth and l'Jih days of .'y, l-: . J ii II Alllt 1" l;t ,; tinr. April L'.MIi, 1'.' '). To I' i t a - 1 v. J Cwcryyiciiizn knows :, . v-T- fr:zJ'Vf!;a .2L :-'3 JLyly C m; f. 3eycm.z-t U7 , CzJ C.3 Li'zrs from L'.!3 pczcr. U you era s.y.:.:j, Cn'i try expert r.:cr.ism fSslyon tho rella- f.7rs. TZnkham's groat mz'atoo has stood with out a peer for thirty yczrs - r ' Puzzled women write to iISe rtekham for arflrfcBJ,",tdofiI!J1,yI, "reet,aqdtglnnlng at ... . . , . I Clara WllliaraK-atiuthwot corner on W;..J.1 ShO gives WllOUt Brvaaseet and runs tbeuce south ward- The advice Is coisflJanuzl andaccuratom It kas helped a million wo nteum Llrsm Plnkham'a address Is Lyon, tJlass, I A double seated Rockaway, Will be sold cheap for cash. At P. Trenwflli's Blacksmith Shop," South Frout street. near A. AN a II. R. A QUICK CURS FOIl $ COUGHS AND COLDS . Very valuable Remedy in all : affections of tho V-' ' '-. I THROAT . of LUNGS g . ' j-. ? Iar20 Bottles, isc;s-i r $ D.WI3 A LAWKKNCB CO., Limited, B lni,iofritnrivli'Pin-SIII n- . Jg BLOODHUf.lORS ui'cirV,:bl'i Soretj CajamsUns ', v'4,"5.''vVf'r.''',v.:-..i'.':: Fiom impure blood conies ll toils . of pains, aches and sores.endingfrt-nui-uily in deadly cancer or. some chronic tore. If toucan hnscr'-je' to any ol lhe; following qncations your blood is diseas ed and tuiDura. ' " " - "l . )o cuts or scraicues hesl .lowly T iKies your skin lich or buruJ Have you mt plea 1 ; Eropiious sojod feel sshamed to lie seen in company r ACbtng IJom a or Hack I Kiarmal UiU horesf Uoila SorolufaT - Jtheuniallsni f Foul Bioath Catarrh? Are yon Palef -Do tecabs or Scales form on lhe Skin. Hair or f-calri Prickling I'alns in the Hair? AU Hun Down, gel easily tired, and at. tired in the morning as When you went lo bed Fluttering tirsrt I Have you Ulcers Eating Pores? Cancert. . : TO CUnE, Any Journal reader who suffers Is ad vised lo lake a lew large bottles of B. B, B. (Botanic Blood Balm). This remedy la undoubtedly the best and only perfect Blood Purifier made. B B K. (Botanic Blood Bain.) hat a record of 80 years of cures, hence Is thoroughly tested. B taking slew large bottles of B. B. the blood la made pore and rich, all the sores sre healed, and aches and pain vanish as the mist before the sua. B. B. B. has cured over 400 cases of cancer, many of them prouonuctd Incurable by doctors and specialists. Kating -sores. ulcers and scrofula are healed so that they never bother the patient aiialn. Eczema In Its worst form is cored by from 8 to 8 large bottles. B. B. B. cores by draining lhe poisons and humors on of the blond, at the same time it build up lhe broken down constitution. For sale by drupclsta, tl per large bo tlo, or 8 larne bottles (full treat menl) V Complete directions with each bottle. Be sure I lie lot tlo reads. Ilolanln Blood lialm. Ko sufferers mny text it a Irbtl bottle given away. AddreFS Blood Balm Co., AiIhiiIs, la Describe sintom an free medical advice given. AHM'MMiATOIt'.S NOI'MIK Iliivlnff quRiidcd lhe Bfim.iti.it rhto of Un pi(iv of JuI'ih Ktlwaulf. c!( i Into (f tin' ctn.nly ii OHVtm, noftctt I fl ;i iih ntnliisi the p !)d t'MMii! In ivrt nvu it' s- nre to l( e ihhIhi nu 1 duly ver iC'-'S on or hi f .rp tin 1'i ti d v ti Apii I I, or lliiw not to ill be 1 It int in l t:( ti . r ri c.ivi i v A 11 pi rj'ii(i Imti bled i'. V.- '-! HV, Atltn.1. Ppfiectoral By virtue of a 1inli eu,eut rendtred at befall term, 1 JJ. llLleliur touit of raven cwunty, in au action, mtitltd, oho ii, Uaireil otaiuot Ficdeiit k Doug lass and W, B. Blades, Ika uudcis'MUtxi commissioners, appoiuied by the I t.uri, will, ou Ulst tiouUkV lu May, J!M. Iiug Lhe Tib day of said uiouih, at It o'clock in., at the Court house door in I ravta ounir, sell to tbe hit best bidder lot cash, the folio ioK described tracts or parcels of land l.i I he citv of New Berur: v certain nn oi lann lncluiHun one house ami usru tuuKiutt thereon and Ueicrilied as followt: Beglunlng at the north wtft corner of l)r J. ll. Ciarka lot ua the couth side . of 'hew isuulh Front street thence west siting new ; nuth Front street fony feet, theme tomh to Lawson'a reek tail p.railel . to the said Dr. lark's hue, thence east aloug Law- son s creek itirly feet to the east line of the said Frederick Douglass, theme along tne east line oi r rruertca Douglass anu tau west lino oi ur. j. u. uiara br tne beginning on New rioulh Front, ttreet," tieing ' a part xiflhe laud conveyed by deed from W: D. Mtlver and iMhera to be taht Freueriuk Douglana. Also one lot at the southwest corner of Bryan ami new rtouiu rront stntts. ana ot ginning at ihetntersectlon of Bryan and new bouiu f runt streets ana ruu south along Bryan slrtel, forty feet,- I hence ian and parallel to New Houth FroHt street one hundred feet," thence north forty feet to Wow Bouth rront street, theiH-atteast - along New Koutlt Front slicct to the beginning Also one lot sit Bryan stieet and runs tbeuce southward ly along Bryan street to Lawson's creek. I hence east siong i.awtoti'a Ureek one hundred feet,' tbeoco northwardly - to ( lara Williams' southeast corner, thence west along Clara Williams' south Hue to the beginning on Bryan street . Also one certain lot on Brvan street situated ISO feet front the M-w Sontli rroui siren, m-ginning at viara. Wil liams's corner and running ibence east wardly with said William's line 100 feet, thence southwardly and parallel with Brvan -si reel SO fret, thence weat wardly ami parallel with said. William's line 100 feet to Bryan street, thence northward ly along Bryan street lo the beginning on -Bryan street. " Also one lot of land located at the sdutheast comer of JCew ami Bern streets, 60 feet on Bern street and fill feet on New ttreet, belag a part lot No. 295 in the plan of tha City of New Bern. Alto one lot of land titnated at the north weat corner of Lorcb's alley anauroaa street sna running weatwardly along Broad at reel .thlrtv three leel thence northwardly eighty five feet to .tiargei's lot inence along satu uargetr line in itnone s line, tneoce sontnwaidly said Rhone's line to the beginning on Broad ttreet. "Also one lot of land on Bryan street beginning 40 ft. south from i he south esst Intersection of New Bouth Front snd Bryan -streets and running thence southwardly along Bryan street rrty fret, thence rastwardly and . paraV el with New South .Front ttreet one hundred feet, tbeoce aorthwardlv and parallel with Bryan street forty feet, thenee weatwardly one bnndred feet to the beginning nn Bryan street. , -, '.J'- .V: W W CLARK - i" 'i. ' s r - ' v '-: Commlstlonera. Notice of Sale of Valuable Iwdi statb or North CiHOLiRA, ' Superior s 1 1. raven uounty.; ) "f oorl The National Bank nf New Bern, eta) - 'c va -' ; HO Perry and Oil Perry 1 he undersigned, commissioner ar pointed in this action at Fall Term, 1899, wdl sell to lb highest Irfdder for cast subject to the approval of the court, at the court house door In New Bero, said oouutv. on lie iOtb day of May 1900, at one o'clock p id, tha following Unda situate In said state and county on the sow h side of Trent river about five roiltt front the city of New Bern, bound ed ind described as follows, towl l ' Beginning at the month of Cypress Branch between Green Hill and Raccoon Island at a marked cypress and running the various courses of said branch 180 poles to a place opposite aa Iron post on south east side of said branch, then in a line with said post from the run of said branch south 4 degrees west 178 poles tt an iron post oa the north side of I ak Urove, then north 80 degrees west it roles to another Iron coat, then aoulh degrees west 84 S 3 poirs to an i on post, then north 80 degrees west 83 I poles to sn Iron axle post in tbe hta near , a marked sycamore tree, L nuth 4 dfgr.es west to back Una Hatch's lard then with said line coal- wardly to Brice'a crw, then down n( creek to the in ginning, containing ons thousand acre a-ore o kes Iking the lands described in a deed from II II Pei rv to O 11 I'errr. trustee, dated the 18in dayof December 1891, anil duly regis lered in Craven county, known aa the rerryviile plantation. t - ; ; This lh day f April. 19C0. L ; VA.bi WABD.Coiiunia3lon.er. Xxeculor'M Nolle. Having duly qualified at Exrcutor and Executrix nf the laat will and testament of llervny B Duffy, deceased, he under. signed hereby give notice to all person holding claims against the e it ate of the said Hervey B Dully deceased to present the skme duly veilllrd as required by law, lo the undersigned or i i her of them on or befere lh 18ih day of April 1901 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. And all pciaons Indebted to nid estate aro requested to make 1m- niediate ymut to the undersigned or either or them. ThltAt.rll Pith, WO. . FKANCIH Dl'FFY. Eieculnr. 1U11 li r C. DUFKV, Executrl Notice lo Creditors and Debtors i nit.erl'M r, ulilx of tiie I Vfl Fr.fl, liavl- Mt Vt';, '? qnnlined I and tcsinr men , (fives i.,inis r: lo 1 !.1S notice t I , 1 1,, i.. Notice to 'the Voters : of New Bern : The votert ot New Bin, N. , will - tli mtice that an tin Hun will be held. at the polling places m.lhc several waids - i the tu y or we w im rn on tne uura i uestlay UiMny IH-XI. It bing the llitU hv of May. A H. 11-00. ft.r the tiurixe of ai bii liling lo the ciialiHid voters of -the city the roj oUhm to sulhoriae aud empower l bo Mavr ai.d poaid of Alder men o( salacity lo issue tne nt.nas ti the said city for I lie purpowa of buying, - erveting or cosinwling a system of Water Works. and pewerage lor ,saia city, aceoidiug to the etiattng -charter, tkcttao 155. - "f -,1 he amount to be hwaed, is not to ex- -cecd (80,000 00) aigbl) ihousaad dollaia or which an auumnl not riceeding 010 00 It pr"K)d to leinexlenslonand npaira. -.- . - - Ail voters ui r-.vor the tstua or saia bonds will volf a ballot with the words ' "For Wa'r Woik,V witten or printed ,? ibettH.n Th-- who oppose tha said (MUe lil vol a ballot with the worda "Against Water v Works", written or. prin pd (heron. J. . TOL80N. Clerk. , IVotiee of Summons. V North Carolina. . I nL- 1' ' '. ? - Craven County f . ' ""I""" ThsCity of New Bein.1 - TT"Jt va. I nummons t - A E Woodruff, trustee for ',',,'" of the Estate of Kn- liell.f. - ;.t abt-lli Uoodinar. dii, l - - ' ''.' ; , - Action for Aco juut and Othe Pur0 , t - , A. K. Woodruff, trustee of Elizabeth .' -:'.'. Gooding, deceased, the above named de- ' T sti rrnaaiit will take notice that a summons '' - . in the above entitled action was Issued . from the Superior Court of Craven . county, North Carolina on Ft bruary istf-' 'i '' I WW, eturnatile at the next term oi ilia Siipe-ior Court olsaioLoounty, ;to be held " ." - -at tha court tTouse in "New Bem. .. ,r , N.C., a the 12lh Monday alter the 1st, ' i outlay in March, it being the 28th day " -of May, 3U00, when and wliere yoU ara ' . requirid lo answer (lie complaint here -( '. ' "'.. or judnient will be rendered in fmorrf -.. ' .-, ': ; the plaintiff for the relief demanded. - " -. . - -';.' W. m. WA1UJN, V. II. O Whltehurat, Atty. for Plant! t " February 1st, 1900. Notice 'of Summons and Attach ment. North Carolina, t c : CRAVKM COUMTV. our.u vUi H B Dnffv vs J J Trader. . To J. J. Ta dim: i . Whereas, the summons wssduly issued . from the Superior court of Craven eoun- -ty, returnable to iiid court on tbe 6th Monday berore the 1st Monday lb March 19C0, and returnable by the Sheriff not to be found in my county, tald aummont " being tssued in the above entitled action,' and where as tn order of publication has . been duly made for service of summons Upon yon in the action aforesaid: - - v . ".' ...Now tbereti.re you are hereby notified to appear at the Superior-Court of Craven County nn tbe 12th Monday after tha 1st Monday In March 1900, it being the 88th day or May 1900 and answer demur or otherwise plead t the' com plaint which will he filed In said action on or before the first three days of a. id term or otherwise defend tald action - as yno may - ba advised. - Anoj yon will.' further lake notice that at the tin a of Issuing of the summons above mentioned a writ of attachment was . issued from , asld Court in said anion dlrcr-trd to tbe Sheriff ot Jones county directing hint lo levy said writ upon -your property In -said county, and lake tald properly Into : bis possession for the purpose of said action. To all of whh-li yon will take due aollttt and defend the tame as : you, may be advised. This February 9th 1900. ; - W.M.WATSON, .' Clerk Moperlor Court, Craven County : UDMIKI8TRAT0U' KOTICE - : Having ibis day qntliBid at Adminlf-, .v trator df tLe eatale of Jesso Brooks, dc- -oean-d. lata of Craven rounly, notice la '-; hereby la to nil -ersona l.avlrg -claims agaliirt the said tlale o pn-sent Ik aamv to Ilia Jindeitend, duly veil Bed, on or nvfore the ftih dsy of April, 1901. or this nolle will Le plead in bar ' ., of llielr ncowry. - -S A II arsons indebletl 'o the sel I slat -are heri by r quested tt mnka knmeditto settlement. .. u ThU 6th dav nf pill 10 - v . , - . TH08. r. MiCAl THY,' y' .. :- ". ;?''.'. ;.--(., ' Admistjatot. -" AHMIS1STIUT0RVS NUTICE. V Havlitg this dsy qntllfled aa admlnis. . tratnrrum Ivtlanieato anaeto, .of tha estate of Sidney K. Lee, deceased, notice takerehf gives to all peisoos' having clalma against lha said aetata to.pri sent . tha same to lhe undersigned, dnly Veri fied, oa or Iw-fore the 80th day of March, 1901, or this notice will ba plead In bar of lhlr recovery. - . All persona Indebted lo lha ssld estate are hereby requested to make Immediate settlement ;- , . This the IWth day of March, iroft. , . WILLIAM L. LASSlTEIt . -. Administrator O. T. A. V J. k A B. O'Hara, Attorneys, ' , ' .JdnilBistratoi'a Notice." .Having onsllBed at lha Administrator at Manlia Langley, deceased, late of the county of Craven, this Is to notify all persons having claim agalnat tha estate of the deceased to exhibit them to tbe nndnrslsned on or before the 17th day cf April, ltXU, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery, AIL persons In debted to ssid estate will please make Immediate payment . - - Z, 8. BUTLER, Administrator Maolza Langley, de rt'saed. ' , .1i.n April 7th. t'TII Ca!" i i A V K t I . i.. I 1 1)1, I M V. j Pot'Tlor Court. , !. T. A. of t!, f Lcn, dee d. 'I. i.ej per., rt nf t M t ' w i r t f . V ' ' ' X to