: up &;xt n'Tr.. The Kind You J.;, Always Eorl.t, and vLicli Las been V... ia use fop over .3 years, has borne tlie signature of and has been made under bis per . -J a-.' fmfinl annprviuinn filnnA Ira inf iinnv. OH Alln-urnn nnn isiApppiva vmi fn tliln. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but - Experiments that trifle "with and endanger the health of ; Infimts and Children Experience against Experiment Whet b CASTORIA ' Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil,' Pare .; goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant It ; : contains neither Opium, ' Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. : Its age is Its guaranty. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind ". Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation v : and Flatulency, v It assimilates the Food, regulates the ; - Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, . The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. 1 t GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of It i -SI J its. - The M You to Always Bought In Use Fojf Over, 30 Years ; " tw crtrmun mmnv, rr sWummt Twtrr, new vow crrr. 1 I few ,l'.f - '-v5 . '.WaHihgl Powder Woman's Best FrIend.rDlrts Wor;$t Enemy. . 1 HEALTHY, OLD AGE ' 1 u ' Lascb. Rtrros Co. in., Anr. . ? ' ImM ror old mud Iit bm aSerimr wlfc . ChunKeof Li(e. I hd Hooding pell to bid tn , Anna thought I ooold live. Mr huaUand got mi r Wln. ot Oardnl and it uf A my lite. ; I mn hkt taothwBiBiucaUkiagit. -r - . t; s , MRS 8 B-TOWN8KND. ; ?i? r'" . - It is the devout wish of ntarly til people to Bv to t ripe old age. ' None of us want to die youn;. TUo universal desire can be realized if . : - are be taken of the bealtb in early and middle life, .A little precaution then 4 will add nimy years to our existence.- -Death can be kept away a long " time. Happy, healthy old a?e will be the lot ot the woman who promptly '. corrects the ailments which afflict her sex. In youth, Wine of Cardui will . ' take the female child safely over, the dividing line between girlhood and womanhood. - As wife she needs it to help Iter through the trials of pregnancy and childbirth with as little discomfort as possible. At the - Change of Life It will help her oyer the dingerous place that appears in her pathway between 40 and SO. " Then wU come many years of truly . ; blissful existence; - Mie will grow old slowly and gracefully. To the last : she will preserve thatdiarm and beauty which are always characteristic -: . " ; r of perfectly healthr erandmothers. . It is fur women alone to decide Thethw they will be healthy or sick. ' The remedy for their sick ness Is close at band. ; . . . rf- UDIIS' atVIIMf tErBTKlST.- Vnr tu view in rwi rsmnlrintr windal tlrwUoni, (vltlrpaa, tfl-rtnir fyini-toniis 1U' Arfibrltrp'l. hrHAT1 AWHii LARCE BOTTLES OP WIME O F CARDUI , -SOLD FbH (1.00 BY DK JCCIST8. B1 Ibe FuKsy Mnjyr. Jtml Promoted, and Ilm tulMe Alarm. "Thorp nt'Vt-r wan nny qiststion as to tlie iiinjor's bravery." k'i1 the colouel nt a dinner of veterans, "but he never got above the rank of major because he was ovoiT.enloun. Too much seal is quite as obJiHtionnble aa too- little and particular in a volunteer regiment such as oura was. The major had been advanced to his major's euimmuHiou from the ranks with speed, end he really felt that be could give Grant good advice on how the cam paign should be directed. Ho was a unit taiy enthusiast, and no detail was too email for his attention. He staid awake nights to. plan campaigns During- the fall of lSlij our regiment -was brigaded with the regular and our army lines ex tended some four miles. We hud been pushing forward, and it was known that the Confederates were-ln-force before ua and that a big engagement was near. The troops bad been hard pressed, and on the night wheu the major distinguished him self the army, except the pickets, was sleeping the sleep of the tired. 'Our pickets batl been re-enforced and throwu far ont in front to avoid sur prise. Our n'pmcnt was xn the advanc ed line.. The major bad just received bia commission,- and as he awoke about 1 o'clock in the morning to think about it he wondered how -be might show that be was worthy of his trust. ! Why not test his regiment by a false alarm? The more the major thought ot this the "Butter It appeared, aud at 2 o'clock In the mora, ins he tried It. v He- -fired several shots from bis revolver, started a err to" arms And then with his watch in bis hand tim ed the sleepy jjieu as they turned out half dressed and fell In by companies. The uproar was great, and It became greater. Drams rattled on either side of our regi ment and far awny in the distnnce. Reg iment after regiment was-formed, and or derlle began ta dash- UD and down the lines looking for information tor bead- quart em. The major had not noticed the tuiuitit ainuiiit him. He" was too busy timing his own regiment and compliment ing the aun panics which- turned, out promptly. . I hnd been aroused: from a sound yleen when an oi-derly came to my tent for Information.- - . t-: This looks liko an attack In force, colonel.' he said. - "I -rushed nnf to And half of the regi ment 'formed and the major In full uni form tieamiug on tne men.- j , '"What is the alarm, mfijorr 1 asked, "'I was just testing the'men, colonek-' "It there no attack ?' ' . kNo; Just a false alarm which I got np for practice,' said the major. - Tue major swore tnat ne would prefer charges against mef: for the: language which I used, bnt be never did. -: Message ntlpr-nieMinge came to me from headquar ters three miles away asking where the enemy was attacking and In -what form. 1 got tired explnluine that my major, bad been merely testing my men wltb a false alnrm. Prom headquarters down to the snuillrat drnninier boy every man In thnt army enrsed the major.- Kenrly 60.00Q tired men bad been awakened in the mid die of the night by bis false alarm." His naiuejiecame known alt over the lines the next tiny. - me major maae no cnargea galnit me, and, fortunately for him. he got off with a severe calling down from headquarters,-. He fouglif bravely to the end of the war, bnt bis chance for promo tion hnd been lost by big aval, which was great. " ew lork Sua. . y, '- . Tke perellloaa Camel. " " There are few thliiga mora Interesting In north China than the great Mrnigollan camel trains. . The two faumnnl. Rnctrlan enmel of central. Asia Is a magnificent beast, quite throwing bis African broth ers into the shade.. When clothed In his new winter coat of rich dark brown fur, whlcb-efen covered bis knees, fan t dou bly Imposing. -A string of 15 to 20 cam els Is f listened together by a cord, at tached to the now of tba Ant and the tall of the second, and so on to the lust one, which wears a large bell around his neck, so thai the Mongol, who-1 jxrehed oa the leading camel, can easily discover when the connecting cord breaks. .-. - - - A -mandarin and a camel are the moat aperrilions creature upon earth. " The former,' wrapped In rich ailks and furs. as be Is carried along in bis sedan chair. glances at the European with pitying dis dain. Bnt the camel Ignores yon al together, and wltb a sneer, on hlamoutb plnds slowly along, not deigning to look ot anything that ia not on level wltb bis eyes. It la therefore necessary le -give a camel train a wide berth, fur the great beasts would . calmly walk ever one, and, hading some obstacle In -the road,- would probably give a kick which would' elleuce- one for, ever. Comhlll Magaalnr. Lodge Directory.: VICTOllY C0CNC1L NO. tl, JUN10H O U.A M: Meet every first end third Wednesday night la Itonnlree Hall. J as O lelcmar C ; 0 I) Oordner, V ('; W 1 Jones, Treas ; II W Simpson, R 8; W F Ulcbardson, t ' i ' EUliEKA LODGE NO. 7, 1. O. O. F. Olllcers: W. T. Hill, N. ti ; J. R. Parker, V. O , Oeo. Green, Heo'd'g Hocty, James B. Hill, Financial Hecrotnrji A. K. I'llt man, Troaa. - liceular meelinga every Monday night at 7;i(0 o'clock. CALUMET- ENCAMPMENT, NO. 4 I. (). O. F. ' OHIiiers: lj b M(M)dv, ! P; J O Delsmar. II Pi J J Baxter, B W C II Hall. J WiCeo. r.recn, ricribc; K Gcrock, Trem-urer. ; Itegular Encamp ment, 1st, Hrdvaiiu Bin (if ar.v) 1 hnrsoay nights in ew:b qi-ntli at l: fO o'cio-k. NEW RKRN l.l')i: No. I. K II ft C J C Scale. I'n-stj J II ttmiHr'TtiTordlng HiiC'y; K K Qublli-yr Financial Pec'y. JIccls In i Ik- Khlchis of ilarnmnv Hall every lit and Aid Monday nights In ouch month. . - ElSrfwaoJ ' OIKALEH IN; ' ' Dardwaie and Fire An ;, .Baeh, Doors and Elfudi;, Paints, '. '" Oils, Cement, Lime, Eta Agent for Garland Stoves & Range and Devoe's, acd licnj Moorej' . -VsADY MlXtD PAINTS. ; liriJcr Hotel Chattawka, CRAVliN l.'UMiH Ni. 1 KNI'JHTS OK 1IAUMONY: Meets 2nd anil 4lU Weiln end ny nights in enh month In 1,'oiintn-c's Hull. 1'i.llmk slrc-t, nt -? !!! o'i ! k. . U II.iU. I'n'!' t, H. J. Dis cs way, S-c'y.H. H Hill, K. Hec'y. KMCHTHOKlIuNOIi-OilHTrs: K It Jr.iicR, Diclntor, (j b Vlimmi, lieporlcr; W V Itoiintn-c, I'lnutH inl Hrimrtur REAL ESTATE AGENCY Ioiios and I)ts Fur Bale at Lowest Posiiildo lMniin-1. I)ci!mb!o Ilumes B"d Ti neini-nts that will prove a flno Inve nt nv lit. Collertlon of IJentu (illh e Kt M di-nn- 1) w 1 r t , a ?p Jo! n- 'cinlty. rn stir. t. !(' IW-rne I and 4th Friday i.l Kuuntren's Hull, 1' I -il l IN I-1 ' I. !" 7. o o'i ' I- M . Ind Itl Kn. Geadnlckt's liatlrlasf Aet. - London possesses one- of the cleverest trained hones .In the world. Ilia special ty la a retiring act, -and to be entirely la accord with It be is named Mr. uood- night. The costume In which he appeared for his act -was checked trousers, dark jacket, boots on his bind feet and a straw hat. Thine clothes be took off leisurely and then sat down In an armchair and removed bia boots. :. i He then left the ring and wheeled bis liedstead by pushing It along with--bit head. One by one tbe bedclothes follow ed, and. with a little help from tbe at tendants, be was careful to place tba bolster nnd pillow In the right positlona. A IlKht was neat brought la by tbe horse, but. as be raced around tbe ring. It went out. He promptly fetched another and Ughtet) a cundle by bia bednlde. Aftct putting nut the match or torch by kneel ing down nnd knocking It on the sawdust, be Inid down t rest, first of all putting his light out I iv knocking over the wssh- stand on which it rested. When lyiug down, the home palled the quilt over nlm and pretended r be asleep. Am Idiot to Be (oppressed. A friendly ahoulder slap broke a man' neck a few days ago in this city. Then Is only one worse nulancs In the world than the rib poker, and thnt is the shoul der slniiiier. I bey bare both iiuMitoi their usefulness and are lit objects of so licitude for the Society For Doing Wllh out Borne I'ciiplo. The liend who takes you unawares on a crivdi-d pnvnment with a fncetinns bat in tlie shoulder blade when nu are med itating on the Ideal and tlie beautiful nnd expects yuu to twin! your Blmkeo vertelir Into a pi-nhil nod and gni-t him with a bnppy. Iliiiiili-til smile iioMm-KMes a heroic aoiil thnt would not ii-oi'itulio the bm puntre (if oniivelitinli.'il renoiir t ! ain-e, lie U li.it ci iiimoil nnd I e is u-t nnyy; bo is dimply nu Mint, 'i he iiimillc nvluiu and llie juiU nre fivi-i oiked, lojt Ihg f.,.,1 k.ller ilocin't lui !f know Ins 1) : i-ai-Hs. ,ey oi k I'l-esH. cata?;;;h can en cur. no oy QUART DOTTLES. - Sarsaparillav WIIMINQTON H VVRHJON I , . li.d Afi n t o JJw Ku'T'iui t'. .:.fvi Foinl.'t i.di,." -, -i:.' "DANCEIt IH THE EARTH AND AIU DANCES ETEHYVHIBsV A Wtsa and TeneraMo Doctor l alks about Advanced Selene. : In a leading hotel, in a rre.it c:lv. a famous and aped nhvsieian was con vera in(r. Listening to his vifeo atid beulentious dkcouisc, were a (froupof well dressed men, evidently lawyers, Duginess men and commercial travelers. ' My firm belief, is that medical science is certain yet to show that all dis eases without exception are caused by invisible (Terms which are living organ isms. Here is tlie troi-.n of t.iat t-irnulo disease dipbthena. aloro is the bacillus of typhoid fever; and here U tha still more dreadful bacillus of tubercle which causes tnat most destructive oi an diseases, consumption. , Ania oi tnat very common and supposed incurable disease, catarrh." . j.,': ,.-: ? :-v : " l wish, Doctor," said tne Tj-aveiinir man, that Too Tvouic tell us abons catarrh. I have bad it for years, and I am tbordtaghly discourafred." . The Doetor answered. "Catarrh, like diphtheria, consumption, typhoid fever, and a host of other diseases, is the result of a microbe invading the blood and attacking specially tbe mucous membrane. This foul and most disgastini disease is especially prevalent in the United States and it ia rare to meet ona whom not, or has not oeen tronmea more or less with it., uow often is ne or she obliged to remain at home from pleasant entertainments, deprive themselves of many mteiiectnai treats, from tear ot tne aisagreeaoie odor arising irom ca tarrhal affections. In its wont phase, the patient becomes loathsome both to nimseii ana nis incnas. - , , ... "I believe, continued this irreat DhvsicTan. that the true wav to heal ca tarrh is to medicate the blond. This can be dona only by powerful alteratives whish act as blood purifiers.9 - - Betsy A. Marett, of Manistee, Manistee Ca, Mich., writes i ci , Dear Sirs : For ten years I was a sufferer from crenera.1 debility and chronic catarrh. My face was pale as death. -1 was weak and abort of breath. I could hardly walk, I was so dizzy and had a ringing in my head all the time. My hands and feet were always com. , My appetite was very poor, un getting up ill line moraiuir. my uui bivbui bu j. WMUiwa uuuireu w ua avwa agaiu. J. juu awful pains in the small of mv back. 1 had a oontinual feelintr of tiredneaa. Mv muscular oower was almost entirely atone, and I couldnt bo half a. dozen steps without stopping to rest, and often that-much exercise caused me to hare a pain in my side, it seemed as tnougn tne Diooo naa leit my veins, i ne doc tors said my blood had all turned townter. Ihad given no all hope of ever get ting well. . I tried the best physicians in the state, but failed to get any relief. My bus Dana got ine a oottie oi Jonnstona earsaparuia. vj. tooit it, ana tnen a bouo-ht another. When , these had been-" used. I was somewhat Imtiroved in health. ' I continued its use, and felt I was growing stronger; my sleep was re- zresbing, and it seemed as a i coma leei newt mood moving tnrougn my veins, a kept on taking it, and now consider nryself a well and rugged woman. I work all the time, and am happy,.-. I am positive that the Sarsaparilla saved my life. The sick headaches I have had since childhood, have disappeared, and my ca tarrh has almost entirely left me. - I cannot be too thankful for what Johnston's Garsaparilla has done for me. . I, recommend all women who have sick head aches to nse your Sarsaparilla, . .-BaxenBtzo-AJsr xmTjca. oompaitt, but: ' - C l. PKADIIAM, New Born, N. C :-.TBAlR. coiMt' wUT(i. Jan. U.llHMI Lv, Weld Ar. B. Mt, . Lv. Trbor Lv. R. Mt.f Lv. Wilaoi by. St'lma'.i Lv Fay'vill. Ar.Fkireooi Ar. UnlitRi Lv, Golds. Lv.' Wap'lla ArWUm'ton e c M ii ai -.1 H 65 4 80 .7 251 l.M P M 8-.BKJ 52 it) ar, II w 13 201 8 241 A M I! H SV t.u 7 6M P.M e 5 'AC A.M 4 441 6 20 - -H 7 01 8 09 9 40 AM r . P.M. 19 r,2 2 4U S 24 4 85 00 P.M. T1LA1HS QOtNQ NORTH. TAKE NOTICE. To the, Democratic: Voters of. Craven County. ; , Puianant to the action 'of the Demo crat o eaecutive committee you are here by called to meet la primaries in. your respective precincts at your usual polling places on Saturday tne l"tn day ot May IDuU for the following purposeajo wit. In earn voting precinct in tne county of Uraveu primaries to be held: for tbe ekctlon ot delegates to ineuouniy uon venlion. at which primary, polls shall be opened and lielil.for me voles oi eacn precinct for the various county officer and for the representative from Graven county (o the next General Assembly. , . I tiai tor sucn purpose tne pons oi each voting precinct shsil be opened from 7 o'clock a. to 7 o'clock- p. m., on the lDihday of May, M wblch tlmo tbe democratic voters of eacn, precinct Diav:deDosit their written or printed bal lots for tbe various county olllcers to he elected at the comlnf August election, aud for representative to the next Gen eral Assembly.--V"XV -y" .--!?' v''. Theexecutrve commit tse ol.each pre- dlnoi is appointed to conduct the pri- maryeiection in taeir' respective-pre- incu, as to appointment oi pou noiaers At the hour herein named the polls hall be closed and tbe . ballots cast at such urlmsrles shall be counted and the result ascertained by said poll holder in the presence of such electors as shall at tend such' count and tbo .result thereof shall be certified to the said County Con veotion.. ;--'f5:; T?- -"l ' And said County convention Is hereby called to be held In the-Couit huse of Craven county on the 26th day of May mini at the hour of twelve o ciocg m. xor tha purpose of ratifying the- nomination of said officers who are ascertained to have received a majority of all tbe vo'es cast at said various primaries, and snch ratification so made snail nave toe rorce and tbe effect of the usual nomination for such officers. : " ' And asld County convention shall also proceed to elect or appoint the delegates to tne uongresstonal ana senatorial con ventions of the. Respective Districts. And said Convention la runner called for such other business as may come be fore it. -.' fi '-v , .- ; '-i r-rr - ' v ;, -v- Oandidates for the following -county ofiiaes are to be voted for at these pri maries vie .ch-;j ';'-.';::' v '- : Sheriff.-"i r -Register nf Oaeda. K'..ftr '. County Trouurer.J'iSI'gii Coroner.-- ' " '--f -"r Representative in General Assembly. By order ot Executive Committee, 4 0, T. Watsou, Chmn. F. T Pattbbson, 8ec'y. - . A:& NLC Railroaa, , New Bern, N. O., April 24, 1900. SPECIAL -TIME - TABLE FOR TRUCK TRAIN , No. 212 All Rail I . In Effect Saturday, April 28, 1900. - DAILY EXCBAPT VRIDAT ABO SDH DAT. Supplement XVl to Time Table 2 gia&ffi . April I, liiun. r . ; - -" M. o '3 d j c' "5 c o'i - ' s' C I ?; 8 8(5' 'AC -ac :: .- ...:.: x M. P. M Lv.Florenoe 45 .... 7 4 f .V.Fay'ville 12 , . . . 9 4P Lv.Solma." 1 SO 10 56 Ar. Wilson, 2.88 ... . 11 83 " '- '.-'- aTmT ' P. M A.M. LvWilm'ton . 6 50 U 45 Lv, Mag'lia 8 2UU 10 Lv. Golds.. 6 00 .... 9 2.i2 20 -. . rm! "I aim. p. m. pTm Lv, Wilson 2 85 5 48 U 83 10 0 1 16 Ar. R. Mt. . -8 80 S 25 12 09 11 11 1 58 Ar. Tarboro 7 04 : Lv, Tarboro 12 21 . . .. Ly. R. Mt. . 8 80 12 09 Ar. Weldon 4 82 .... 1 04 I - P.M. A.M. Wilmington and Weldon Railroid, Atlantic and Yadkin Division Main Line Train leaves Wilmington 9 00 a m, ar rives rayt lleville 12 05 p m, leaves Fay- AfftlfggRi TJ!lt TAHtT.Kn, ii '.' ' n - rt r a M U.U.J , pi Jl I, 1100 ' Jfe? v;;::7:4U.-'M.V:;-Vi.C:'i Moinji Bst '.J r-rrtrrrf 'flofr-V vv-sv - M. 8. t'ttniiwifer Trains No, 4 Lv. p ai-'WATiottst Ar. a m -40j.-..v -44ilUr. IMS ' 4 0fe.:!-;'M''L(lranc. SO ."2 . aiHvi;5Kiii8tori... ....... .10 ; -4H....-Ai.'kv.- Bm, Lv 9 00 a fH.v. . l,v. v-f- it. 8t7 .? IS... Ar. I..rl-..vd iiltj- I,v..... 7 No. 5, I I Ko- . Mx'd ft sTaTiONs: Mx'dKland ,; I'aak I n. I I Pans 1 u. N I)11.T I-XOIPI I I KDAT Lv. a. at. i . -At. p. 4. 7 80 (ii.iilsl.i.ro 7 00 7 6-1 Ik-si's.. C-K5 8 10 LaOrange U 3 8 t7. Falling Creek b 17 8 50 tluslni f. 40 9 08, .)awcll..., 5 li 9 4? lJovur 5 0J 1012 Core Creek 4 87 1020 Tnscarora 4 20 1080 Clarke 411 1050 ... A. H. No. 7. Lv. a. in. ',i ... tsOi.'.. 8 0.. o 6". . . . ff.0.... 11 15.... .New Bern. . 85) p. y. Pi-bt-eogir ! 8. SnndnjBUiily Ar. . in Goldsboro 7 4) ,LaUratige 7 IT? Kinaou 0 7 Uoer 0 27 Mew Bern 5 45 o.t Moicbead City Lv ... 4(5 No. 1, f Ma'd Kt. and Pasa.Tn. Lv, a m 7 10 7 48 Leave Ne w Bern 1 1 :00 1. m. Clark's.;....,. .......11:24 " v-Tuscarora.i.. 11:84 " i J Oore Creek....... ...11:52 . " Dover.,.,. .-. 12:17 p. m. '-:?', CatweU .....l. 12:87. " 5Kinst0B,...,.f . 1:23 " Arrive Goldsboro .... ... 8:00 " - tS" So. 1 Train wilt wail indefinitely at Tuscarora, when On lime for 212 un less , otherwise ordered by Train De spstcber,.rJ -' i tSTbe above train- reluming, will Wave Goldshoro for New Bern at 4:00 p. in., as an extra, unless otherwise ordered. H. Ia. DILL, Superintendent. T. A, Green, Pros. K. H. Meadows, V. frrs. II. Mt droves, i!aabler. OTIZKN&' BANK, or KCiryr BKittsr. nr. o. v - ; Notice of Dissolution. " . Tba business formerly conducted un der tbe Arm title of Koberts A Bm. has this day been dissolved by mutual con sent, 8 G Roberts retiring from tbe firm All persons indebted to the firm will nlease make prompt payment to l. L. Roberts, who succeeds tbe firm, and all Dersons bavlnc claims atrainst tbe firm will present the same to Mr. D. L. RoL erts for payment. - . , This April 5tb, 1000. ' ' - v ' . D. L, Roberts, - . ' 8. G. RODBIITS. . , A I'm i ii i n f ! In li- '- ; Notice of Dissolution. . - , Tho business formerly conducts I un der the Htm title of Itolerts & IJryan baa 1 bis day been dissolved -bv mutual consent, T. J. Roberts retiring from the firm. All persons indebted to tne tirm will nleafe make prompt payment to L E Bryan, who succeed the firm, and all persona having claims spalnut the firm v.ill present the samo 111 air. L. h IJrvnn for piivment. This April 2:ird, 1000. ' .7 - T. ,T. RonmiT-s . b. K, Hutas. '. Schedule of Malls. Arrival of mails from north snd dully except Biimlny, 10-.50 a. m.; D. in. Wllmliirlim anil Ihn smilb p. m j Mon -hei.il City 9-00 a. m. I, avo. North ami we t 9.00 a. m. an R 50 p. in.; WiliiiliiKton and sniiih II 00 a in ; Mon-lH-ml (liy 5 .VI p. m. H'MiAVH. i arrive f inni nni I h ami w- it II U CHt 5:40 5 1 FINANCIAL. arrive Fayctteville 8 41 p m, leave Fay etteville 8 40 p m, arrives Wilaington 6 40pra. . Wilininutun and Weldon Railroad, Bt-nnettavillu Branch Trains leaves llenuetlsville 815 am, Maxton 9 20 a ui, Red prings 9 53 a m, Hope Mills 10 42 ni, arrive Fayetteville 10 53. Return lug leaves Fayettevilie 4 40 p m, liope Mills 4 55 p m, Red Springs 5 35 p m, Maxton 6 15 p m, arrives BennclUville 7 13 p m. Connections at Fayettevilie with train No. 78, at Maxlon with tho Carolina Ceutral Railroad, at Red Springs with the Red Springs and bow more railroad, 5t Sanrord with ine Buanou-d Air Line nd Southern Railway, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad - Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 8 85 p m, Ualifaz 1 16 n m. arrives Scotland Neck at 6 08 P m, Greenville 6 67 pa, Kinston 7 66 n m. Returning leaves Ehiston 7 50 n m GreenvilloS 62 a m, arriving Halifax at U IB a tr- vveiuon iliwa m, uaiiy cx ccot SnnOb.'. - Trains on Washington Brapoli leave vVaahineion 8 10 a in and 2 80p a, ar rive rarmele V 10 a n), and 4 00 p m, re turning leave Parmele 9 35 a m and 6 80 p in arrive Washington u w a m ana i ou 811 LaGraugo... 8 26 ..Falling creek.. 914 Kinston.... 9 25 caswcll ... 940.... 10 40.... 11 15.... 11 81.... 12 05 ... 1 80.... 212.... i 20. . . . a 43.... :) 12... 1 25.... A'di.... 1 4 I 01.... H. is;i900, Bmpiusand Tndivl- s.undVMj),8unday,415 p m, , j r, , oe irn rives Plymouth 7 40 p m, 6 10 r m, led PioHts, l8,lip.70. mmingf leaves Plymouth daffy ezo February rs dert Prompt and careful attention given to all business entrusted to Us. - Accounts received on favorable terms. - . rardlnaad Dlrwa- I. A. Meadows, -,-Bamuel W.Ipoek, Chaa. B.Vowier, - 4. w. urainKer, -E. W. Small wood. 1. M.ivea. Board ot Directors. B. H. slesilowa. rtnlna- flpntral Rank lno Rualnras D m. dally except Sunday, .- . I. Train loavjia tftfhnm Nfl dftilvAvnAnt - - 1 - 1 'j 1 - ar- Re- ezoept Sunday, 7 60arn, and Kunday V ou a m, arrives Tarboro 10 05 a m. 11 00 a n,l Train on MiJIand; N 0 Branch leaves Goidsboro daily, except Sunday. 7 00 a. m, arriving Bmith field 8 10 a m, Return ing leaves Smlthfield 9 00 a m; arrives at Golasboro 10 26 a m, . Trains on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 10 00 a m,8:40 p m .arrive Nashville 1110 a m, 408pm, Spring Bop 10 40 a m, 4 25 pm.Returning leave Spring Hope 11 80 a m, 4 66 p m, Nash ville 12 IS a m, 8 26 p m, arrive at Rocky Mount 1145 a m, 600 p m, daily except ounoay, Train oa (Jlinton Urancn leaves war- saw tor Clinton daily, except Sunday, 11 40 a m and 4 02 p m, Returning leave! Clinton at 7 00 a m and 2 50 n m. ' Train No 78 makes close connection at Weldon fur all points North dalljr. all rail via Richmond. ' - H M EMERSON, Genl Pass Agent J n KENLI, Ucn'l alauager. T It EMBRHON, Traffic Manager, Mark Disosmay. (JhAM. Uultv. Jr. x - Jamoe Redmond, Mayer Hahn, Thomas A. tureen, C.l.rnv. W.r.lTOOJMB. r F; & n. BAMK, - FEBRUART 1st, 1900V - Capital 8tock...,.'..,... $76,000 Hurpln,;.,i . , - , 10,000 Uadlvlded ProOtfl,....rv 8,500 Deposits : ... t.....r 102,000 OFFICERS. 1 r .r b, H. Odtlxe President. - :'i v., -, , . ; W, S. CnAPWioK, vice Prer," - T. W. DawgT, Caahior.- : f: . J. W. Biddia TeUcr. J. .t ' C. T. Wbadwiok. Collector 'rff' V-' .directors Wm. B. Blades, M. M'MarksT 0. D. Bradham, .;''. P. H. PelletUr,'.-.-L. Q. Cutlor, - Jno. Suter, '.- yw- W. S. Chadwlck, J. W. Stewart, '? ... ,;. . T. W. Dowey,.-.c------ . . It collect! for merchants, manufactur ers and other Banks promptly at special rates to each, ana mattes r.uickert re turns possible. By its liberality and en terprleing business methods, it is forging to the front of East Carolina's Banking Institutions. In its own city, 'It is the only one which docs not pay ink-rest on Deposit. V;,"'- ';.-'"- -; 1 -- "-4. ' ' s ouihern ti. -:'- ai PROFESSIONAL. f. M. Simtnens, A, P. Ward J. II. Pob, . W. Po. . 5IMH0NS, POU A WARD, ATTORNKTS a1 COUNSELORS at LAW. at RtKSR, M. C. Oilier 63 Ho, Front 8lret, nearly oppo site llutel Chattawka, (OfllccB also at Ualeluh and Binitlifiold.) Prnntlrn In tlto eonritieii o' rravfirt, Pilnltn, Tbe Standard Railwol tlT BbtTH The Direct lino to alrJPointa, : :, ;, ' Ar.iroiiNiA,r ; fr: FL.OIIIDA, UIMl I V. ,:Hli4.,it 1 Klullt'O, iii iL. anil Wlliuiit; Id tne Hu- ml court, and wherever 1 ..M-,1. Strictly Firat-Clasa Equlrment, 00 all Through or Local Trains; Pnllmaa- PaJJ ace Sleeping Oars on all NlghtTraics; Faat aud Safe Schedules. . ; Travel by tho Soulhcra and you areas. aured a Safe, Comfortable and Expedi tious Journey, ; " " ;" ;. ".- :tr. 1.1 1 - P ' !) a. 111 nu 'I h f- will p! hrlu' III 1 A 'I ? AT LAW, I im ycrs Pi Apply to Tie.kot AgcnU for Tlmi Ta bles, Katos und General Information, 0 address r. li. UAKUX, lk nl Crivvnn .-. tl.rl .1 ( '-il. t Ol R. b. VERNON, t. r. a., Charlntle, N. C. FltANK R.'Oanniih, Sil V PA (Jen Man. o. r. a t. a, Aslinville, N. X. M. Tr Cow, Ma I f r 1 1 il f- W. A.TnRK, CPA. miNiiToN. - n. c 1 No. 2, stations: Mx't Ft. and I I Pass. Tn. Ar. p m Uoldsbdro 6 83 ...Best's 5511 . 6 23 . . . 4 53 . . 4 83 .. 3 18 .. 300 ... 200 ... 1 38 . . . 1 20 ..12 50 ...10 47 ...1010 ...1000 .. U40 ... 9 01! . ...Ar. Dover Lv.., Core crerf. Tuscarora Clark's . .Ar. New Bern, Lv ..Lv. " Ar Kiverdiile .... C'loatan liavclock . . Newport, Lv .Wildwood Atlantic Ar. More-head city, Lv. . Ar. M. City Depot, Lv.. . . 8 41 . 8 3tt . 8 20 . 76 a. . Monday. Wednesday and Friday. (1 ueeday, Tliurwlay and SaturBuy. 8. L. DILL, Siiperiut' idenl Ailunf ic Coast Italic. iVilmington & New Beknk li. U. TIME TA1U.E KO. 5, nKIfecl Wednesday, Aug. 7, 108, Daily Except Sunday, ining South BCURDUI.lt: Going North No. Til, Passenger Trains No. 50, .v. a m, 9 00 9 30 9 51 .... 10 02 1208. 1215 . P M No. 3, .Ar. STATIONS: . New Borne . , .Pollocksville MayBville. . , .Jacksonville. Wilmington, Union Depot Wilmington; Ar. p m, 5 40 504 4 49 4 IS 232 Lv. 2iT, P M Pabsknctek & Freight No. 4. Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Leave New Berne Tues- lay, Thursday and Saturday. Lv. A II Wilmington, Ar .Scott's Hill.... Woodside . .Holly ridge . . 7 80.. 8 40. . 9 80.. 10 06 . 10 51 . 1120.. 12 06. TT30.. .Lv. Ar. P ai ... 1 45 ...12 56 ...12 15 .11 40 ...10 51 ...10 20 ...9 45 8 55 8 30 8 06 7 20 Dixon.. . . .. Verona. . . . , .Jacksonville . . Nortbeask... Jt 65 Whiterak .. 180 Maysvllle .- 215 Pollocksville.. 2 55 ., DebruM's 86 8 40. . . . . .Ar. New Berne, Lv 0 00 Daily Kxocp' Sunday. J. R. KENLY, General Manapcr. BORDBN, int. Tans orla'Inn, - KANTJBI11V CAROLINA' DISPATCH LINE, -ANP- rREIGHT fc PASSING IB. For All I'olnta Xorlfa. The Stetuner NEU8B will leave 00 Mondays, Wednesdays, and Frirlapt at 0 p. m. sharp, mak 1 1 . .. .1 ; n n. . r n t .. t f Ia..aaI and KoaiToka I-laud. . j I3f Freight received not later than one hoar previous to sailing. ; : Vn ffl.lliA InfAvmatlAn annlv 4a' -! GEO. HENDERSON, Agt ; M. K. Kiwa. flon. Mot.. '-r '. n; U.C. Hunnnn,Oen.Frt4 Past,Act' -nonuii. vsw- 1 M- ti...r.n V P.. M-pflth. 1B(hT ' BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE ' i 1 t , I4HINS PTHIUHTI & "