'V Vj 6. V ACTS CENTLY ON THE ICid;:ys, Liver Arm Dowels Cleanses we 5Y5TEM d EFFECTUALLY. s evy the GtNVim mh"? o y (ALUjTGfSYRVP(S ..w vSSL foasAusYAUMuesimfBKfidtffiftBarnL j JHE JOURNAL. New Bern, N. C, Kay MOO. ; Index to New AdTCrtlsements.: "JnoB Butler Grocer ' ' 8 G Robert Groceries -. GNEnnett Hanmocls . ,0 Marks Co Gen to" furnishings : Ba-foo Mark d down ha s. it) . ' D&vh Pharmu-y- Fly papevtc : Business Locals. THE finest Beer always vm draught, at JACOB'S, Middle Street. ; ; List of Letters : Remaining in the; Post Office at New ., Bern, Craven county, N. C, April 23rd ,19t0: r -' , ' ' nan's LIST. v- B James Arthur Blackledge, William Broadway care of J S Hogos. D James Dunn. E Isaiah Ebron. v . F Frank Fold. . ; ' -H J V Harper. . ' . : " , '. J Jehn Jones. -f M J P Montgomery, Charlie L Moore Samuel Mcpherson. P Jack Paul, Glen Parsons, Wo B Pearson, A C Pollock. '' .. ' f-q : R Peter Richard. . ' 8 L W Shepherd, Thomas B Street, Battle Bpruell (9). W-Lewls E Walton, Aleck Watson. E W Williams. x ' WOMEN'S U8T. ' , . B -Bena Bocton, Franols Bnrrls esre . of Alice Moore.. r v : ..- C Brittle Casey. r " ' - D Bettie Davis, Anna Dudley, -.: - F Sabra Fane. . H Bertha Ilasket, Margaret E Hss- klns, Oracle Hill, Ruth A Hughes. M -Minerva Miller, Josephine Morris, Sarah Morris, Blanch Mourning. , : R Sllloda itobblns. 8--Alice Sawyer, Charlotte A Styron, Clara Smith. - f ' ; ' , W Penny Wallace care of It A Tay lor, Amanda Washington, A Westbrook, Vena White, Annie E Williams. Persons calling for the above letters will please say adrertUed and give date of list. .' ' The regulations now require that one (1 cent shall bo collected on the delivery of each advertised letter. ' . ,v S. W. Hahcock, P. M. August Stonn Sufferers. : The great August storm of last year and tho sad loss of life of the flsbemei who were drowned is still fresh In the minds of nil. .' . 7Le Jm. i:nai, has received a letter from Wit, Carteret county, signed by the wld ows of tbe lot men. It Is not an appeal for aid, but tliauks for assistance already (riven. Ilnw fmiall and inadequate Js the aid given la eliown by the letter. - We un:b rv .. ! t!i at anything given can bs sent to sior -i in Beaufort where sub- scrlpilon i : . s art kept or can be han de 1 to : r. D. h Roberts of this city. Tbe loiter Is follow I . Wn, apriil 7, 1900. Mr. K!!mr: 'i.,-. , ' Dkah : I -We the widows of Wit, Ciute y, caused by the August t. r i, v ; io thank the people of this ti . . 'n!a for the amount of fMr ! if T. E W hlte and all that we 1 .! - J from any person since t1 w " would be glad that yon n ,. ' ' U la your paper. " e write it to suit your i t know what to say, as to an editor before . i.ura truly, MaLinda 8ai.teh, , H I Rai.tkk, Ibaiiei. Lkwib, Kaciiki.lBtthok, Harafi I,f w in, I.1ZA .1. Smith. t I I I'di iT kK 1 in Matters of local Interest ia the Ci'.y acJ Country. Partly cloudy, possibly showers, ia the f irecast for lodav. ' Kino strawliearies wjre for said at th-- stores yestcrda" forlO cents. Mr.' O, H. Gulon of this city and Mr . D. WmifB of Tienton tll speak m Mijsville, Saturday, May tSlli, on III State issurs. ;, .. - Shipments of truck by steamer I In- past week have been suit factory, a:id a the flrfweek of the season hav.i UcVh up or abo.'n ibe average- V- - The last rehearsal of tho music fm emorial Day, May KM Is, W.III l held tomorrow," Monday eveuing, at H: v o'clock, at Ihe'roidcnce of Mrs. Join. Hughes. It Is very important Dial a: should be present. ' 5 Guy Marshall, whose letter from .the Philippines Is In this Issue, is the son the late George Marshall, wh) for man years was an ornanionlaV. painter at tli. R. R, shops in this city and later move-' to Atlanta where ho died. ,.r '"'. " Fish shippers report that their, bus- ness for " the sea'Oi nere )s a; oi finished.' Some iront ha I other fl-h came In during tho wiek,' The shad ar about done for, some expected nex week from up river points, v ; . ! : Mr. 8, G. Roberts, wholesale grocer . has opened up for business in his new quarters, on East side of lower Mlddb' street, where be will be glad to see hi patrons, 1 His store are large a id con veniently situated for his business. Abner Willis, wti jo case ba sire dy been fully stated In these c. Umns, wa brought here from Kluson, yesterday, and given a hearing before 3. U. Street, Ps and failing to give bond was" com mitted to jail, until naxt court, when his case will Iw heard. -' -, The Atlantic Hotel at Morehead City will open for the season Jnne 1st, under the management of the Soovlllo Bros of Atlanta, Gi., In addition to the other meetings at the resort this summer, It I? anaou need that the Press Association of Tennes.ee will meet there the latter part of June. . ' " " ' ... , PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. ; Mr. and Mrs.K W. Cbadwlck of.Kint- ton are visiting relatives lathe city.. Mr. 8. W, Ferrebee of f tonewall went to Oxford yesterday lo s; end a few days. Mr. 8 L. Patterson, Commissioner of An cultuie, returned to Raleigh y estef- da - , -' - Tr ' Mrs. N. M. Farror and children, re? turned las n'ght from a visit at WH. minglon. -,." -t , - Rev. W. S. Rone arrived here last night, and will preach at Centensry ; hurcb to day. , "j Mies Blanche Patrick of Snow Hill returned home yesterday after a visit to Miss Myrtle Pope.- :,...f ",. ..r- Mr. J. 0. Watklns and son Cutler, left yesterday .mornlug returning to tbelr liome ia Greensboro. , . ' '. - Visited the- Battlefield. - The teachers and pupils of the Sixth Seventh and ElgUth grades of our city schools were given an illustrated lesson In N. C. History yesterday by Ma Or ham Daves. They spent the day on the old tattle field a few miles below the, oity. Major Grabam Daves In hit own lapp way pointed out the positions ol the various brigades, the polutfof ai tack and ways of retreat. - '' :,, The pnplli received many new Ideas as to . the conduct of a battle and the true meaning of war.'-. . ..Dinner wai served in plcnlo style under the shady oaks' at the. hospitable home of Mr. Hmilb. ' ; ' . v Supt Foust, Rav. R B, John and Deputy Sheriff Tisdale accompanied tbe party. Services Today." Roiular services at the Tabernacl Baptist Church today, Revival service at nights Mortlngs will continue through the week. Rev. C. W. Blaochard of the First Baptist Church of K Inst on will arrive tomorrow afternoon and will preach during the week. Mr. Blanchard is one Of the most eloquent and success ful pastors in the State. : The public cordially Invited to hear him. Presiding Elder, W. 8. Rone, of th Methodist church will preach at Oonten ary this morning and toulgbt. Tbe pub lic Is cordially luvl:e 1. ; . . ' Today ia tbe second anniversary of tbe nrefnt pastorate' of the Middle Btrecl Baptist Charch. In lieu o" k sarmon the ornlng ser Ice the Articles of Faith and the hnrch Co enant will be read the roll ef members called, and a short address made by tbe pastor, tunday School as usual at 8 p. m. Cburc'i service again at 8 o'clock. Everybody invited. ltmstisu Science 'hurcb ssi vices Bunda s 10.45 a m and 8 pm. I ibi Lesson sermon today. Subject,, Mortal and Immortals, omans, 8, II, 14. Tern mony service t ednesday s : n m Itcai log Loom open dall . All are lordiull Invited to attend. Dr. ' o le will preach today at tl Chrlatlm Church tl a m , and at p m. N RAVt.T.E It Di.ny bo 1 ' Needs 8itiUn It prnmptl v. but n.io use rvcii llm mnst ' when im !. d. 1 "Ik: 1 Rild y lillt; PTH.'.ly h in.tnnf .rhir d I y t 'il 1 i i.t i ('. AL LAY. OrJcr of Kan. h and Ccrcnionks At Cedar Grove Cimctery Kcxt Thursday. Tbe following is tbe order of exercises t be oboerveil on Thursday uext, Mem orial Day, May 10, 1900, i.nder the direc- i. hi uf the Dauiiblers of tbe Confederacy New Bern Chapter. " 1 : All persons desiring to under a tiibute to tbe memory of tbe Confederate dead re c.ndiklly Invited to auBCiuble at the Academy Green at 4:-t0 p. nu, where a procrsilon will be formed under the di rection of tho Chief Marshal, . Daniel Lane, as follows: r Skv Bern City Bind 0 3 Chief Marshal and aids. 8 Confederate Veterans, New Bern sul(l o. 1163, sold era and tailors. - 4 Chapiaio) liev 11. B. John, Orator . M Brinson ex-cbaplaln anil speukorr. 3 Naval HeWrves as escofl, - . . 0 Daughters ff tbn Confederacy, 7 State and City officials. . 8 Clilzi-ns generally, - children wipj flowers, etc. , " The procession will move promplly it o'ulook to Cedar O'ove. Cemetery where upon arrival It will halt and open ranks, allowing tho Daughters of the Ji.nt.tiorncy to p iss first to the Confcd-. erate Honunient, the other dlvfalom fol 1 1 Inx la order as above. , .Tun ceremonies observed .will ba. as follows: v ' - " , - " t Prajorbythe Clnpialn, Rev, R. B John. u.. i '.. , r' - ' 3 Music by the Cuolr, ''Too Guard Around the fomb" ' -,' U atlon, by 8 U Btinson, Eh' ' 1 4 MusiohytheChoIr, -Tay Will B 5 Poem, "TheyXoved (be Sout," b A. E. Stevens, - . 0 Music by the Choir, "Tenilog To- 7 Benediction by Chaplain, followe i by decoration of all graves of -CjnfeJei- ue soldiers, ! . ' .J Citizens and all organization on ar rival at Academy Green will please; re-. port to Chief Marshal for assignment v proper position and all Daughters o Confederacy and Confederate Veteran are earnestly requested to wear theii badges,. ' j Daniel Lakb, -v - 1 ' , - Chief Marshal. The Strawberry Bud Weevil Complaint has reached the North Cai- ollna Department of Agriculture thai very serious damage is being done by ai. Insect In ilhe strawberry .fields of tb- trucklng sectio. - The insect proves tu lie a very small, reddish, Snont beetle 0 the curculio family. Its scientific nami Is Anthooomus Blgnatus. In Mnrylann and Delaware where this insect baa been troublesome tor years,' it Is commonly oalled the strawberry bud. weevil The beetle eats off the buds when these are about two-thirds or three-fourths grown The damaire varies from 10 to 15 ,ol the crop, biing worst where staminatt Varieties are largely grown. The straw berry bud weevil feeds chiefly npon pollen both In the larval and beeth states When the buds of stainlqatt strawberries are about two-thirds growe the parent beetle with her long snou gonges one to five holes In tho centor ol tbe bud. Into each hole she thrusts an egg. The eggs , hatch In about a week and the young grub begins to feed upon the pollen of the unopened buds. To pre. vent the buds from opening and scatter Ing tbelr pollen the parent beetle after depositing ber eggs, cuts the stem near ly through, but leaves It hanging by thread of bard, which serves for a wblle to prevent tbe bud from drying up This beetle Is a native and originally attacked tbe wild blackberry It now at tacks the strawberry because that, plant blooms first. As soon as the strawberry orop is but of bloom, the insects attack tbe blackberry which (hey injure In ex actly the eamo way, and to a considera ble amount. The taipberry Js rarely oi never Injured, Bealdes tbe wild and cul tlvated blackberries, Ibis beetle Infest the weeds known as Horte-mlnt, , Mon srda fistulosa and the yellow fl jwer Five .inger, Poteutllla canadenils "Remedies! As Ibis Insect feeds chlell apou pollen, tbe most practicable reme ly is to grow only phtillate strawberrie for the main crop. Grow only as man) stamlnate plants as are absolutely neces sary for pollen zing. 8pray the staml nate plants wh a the buds are half grow with following liquids: Crude creoiote or cm le . cirbjllo acid i gallon. - . - , Water 1 barrel or Bu gallons. Repeat once a week until I ha buds open Tht-se chemicals have a very strong, disagreeable and persistent oior .whlc -nay mini tne iruu grown on tbe pray ed plants. This must be determined for each locality by actual trial ai tbe pa sl.tency of tbe odor dopindj .arrful upon tbe local climaie Tin plsilllat plants need not bs sprao I aaltbirs I no danger of tainting Ibetr fmli. Tbe wild blacliberrlui and Ibu woe. auove ntmed shoul I ba eiierm na e from around a striwlwrry (lold. Tu horse-mint ui'lit be a-ro-vn at a t a along tbe bjr.lers an I ntids of a tl k The InnnclS can be easily knocked' fro IbcHe tull growing plnntt tutu psnj t n laining snm w.'itur and kerom-ne. Tlie only sr. t: pi 4 it Uo cul VRl:d bin: khci r U s from lliU i-ilc ! walch tor the I pet!, s Hi ft s, aiBi.ee i tlio pine's and tie-n J ( r or k n... k IN o'T ii.lo tii jwnu mrn: ! m t 1. 'I' ia eve t t ii ILA. What Filipinos Arc Like. Base Ball In the East. Attending Service. Mot Enough Flghtin?. ; Canidad Outpost, P. I., Meh. 10. I want to tell you about my visit to Manila. I went over .there day before yesterday and was agreeably surprlstd to find almost a modern city. Tbey hate street cars, an ice factory and many wilier things up ta datef so a fellow could almost Imagine he was in America. I saw several fine buildings and many American .stores,' and if all of the na tives and the Chinese wcra out. It would be a fi:ie place, except for cleanliness, In that respect IMipinoa are inferior to ti e e,roes at loa9t that is my opinion, oirMf 4 were compelled to take either for an associate IM ohoose the latter. f hey learn to srobke almost as soon as soou as they learn to walk. ' Tbe men smoke dopy clgarrcttes and the wom-jn smoke cigars ami chew the nds, -causing their teeth io bs as yel low as an ancient wharf rat. One would imagine tn this climate the girl would lave largo, dark, dreamy eyes, but Id lead they have small beady eyes, almost xprcssionless e The look they give the entry on duly, when we search their isskels, to 830 that forbidden goods are not carrtea out, Is neither hatred nor fear, but something littfa combination of both. ' Their mode of - locomotion t an scarcely be called walking) is an iwfully stilt, shambling : gait and is caused by their shoes, which have no heel piece' and would fall, oft unless brought forward with a drag.. They hold themselves as- straight as a . bean olc, and j ist about ai graceful."; Tbe nen are all good ,rldera. This I could not understand,, until I saw a Filipino mother carrying her baby,' Tbe Infant is caught under the arms and held on the hip, whero he sits and gazes areund nd gro.ws wise. . , - The women are generally expert wash women and take advantage of the many muddy streams to ply their trade, It is astonishing how they maonge to get them so while In such dirty water. A wash board I an anheard of luxury and is supplanted by a flat stick and a large rock on which the garment is placed and nailed, " . v wen, io cbauge the subject I saw due game of base ball today between the team of the battleship Brooklyn and the un v" boat PetreL Tba game was played in ., Cavils, .and- the Brookly beat, jnst saved themselves in-J he last liiulnir.v' Their left fielder knocked a ''homo bagger" and made the sjore 9 to 8 In favor of Broolyn. It was a tight game and everyone seemed to en joy It. rA large crowd of officers and men were present, 1 " t Two Chinamen have died of Bubonic plague In Cavite, and a block Is quaran (lued. against every one. It doe not seem to effect the white people like it does the , natives, but the fever that nearly every one has when 'they first ar rive here, is more fatal than it was first. We burled one fellow Saturday and another yesterday, I was one of the ''firing' parly" to fire tbe last salute, and ur bugler piped- laps. It was Vert sjlemn, and I was relieved when It, was all over. - ' - ' a ' Sunday I attended service In the com pany mess stall, and although the con. g relation was small, we had what you wjuld call a 'good meeting.''' I enjoyed It, and I tell yod It made a fellow feel he was home. It was the first time I've had an opportunity of attending service In four months.- Snnday evening there was a concert by the 20th Infantry Band from Manila. :. Most of them are . South ern volunteers, and they wound up by playing A piece consisting 'of Yankee Doodle and Down In Dixie,, and ended with The Star Spangled Banner. . I fell as though I conld choer until I was hoarse when they played Dixie; for though.! am -wearing the blue, I am by Imtlnct a Robl and I wish I was In regiment composed of Southern -boy and In tbe firing line, "e would astonish tha natlver!".. '. : ..:' ' - ' We have been ordered luto town Mon day Company 0, U to relieve as, aid we Will take their qnariers in Ft. St.PhlllpI Toeir quarters arenhe best In the city. Thire are all kinds uf sweet smelling shrubbery and beautiful Ho we re and tropical plants. The officers quarters are just opposite, and that Is why every thing Is tended so carefully. Everything Is quiet around ui, ami I aiu afraid won't get In a fight after all. Well Til have to close as it is nearly taps, and with thaltho lights go but. Very l inly yours. Guv II AimnAiu Co., 0., lit Bat., Naval Builon," Cavilo , Mall Collection Honrs. The hours at which mall will be col lecled fi om Ibe ttrcnt boxc by the car. rb rii aie as follows: 7 tu 8 a in, 2 10 p m and 4 Io fl p m. Al Ihtdnwii town bmes tlie coll -cllons ire n.mlo nr ihi limit of tbe hours n mid. Al soon as the sysli-in hi-conirs il i wluMUIieil the tlliir: (if .;e(-l!nn a' e it'll box V. ill tie pi, , I c.l (HI I he l.ns llnelf. To 1m and window nt t!i O'lc hour nfii fc urn m io n .v li Fiitiil i y -t n:!;i o U i h n r r ; v t ! in, on t M will Lit: (-pen (if IfHS limi!, ' p m 1 n VOICE OF jlIB PEOPLE. For County Treasurer, "EorTon Journal: -I suggest tbe name of Thomas Daniels, Esq.. for County Treasurer, L- is tbe present Treasurer, and has nude a most efficient one. . His Democratcy Is unimpeachable ; lie has never in any manner helped the. Republi can party to obtain place or power In' the county, but has always been straight. "4, : " : : ;:; . VoTan 4 - For County Sheriff. " ' EoiTon JouuNAr.r The Amendment Democrats desire to present tbe name of Joseph Kin ey, for Hberlff. Hi made the unlit for tho party devoting his time, when th-sre "was no bope of reward, when others who are willing now to be candidates would not then serve. He has served faithfully and ; we', filling the place without the profits of I ho offl :e, ar all know without the tax lUt, the offl e does not pay expenses. . He has been a hard worker In every campaign, without they expectation 'of office, but for the stke of Democracy aud we- believe he will bo the unanimous choice of the pwly. '- . Drmocrat. '. .Trinity College Notes. ''DDitnAM; N. C.i May 4. The Historical Society held its regular meeting last Saturday evening. - The fol lowing papers were presented, Red shirt Campaign," Jonathan Peele; "Ad Valorem Slave Taxation," W. K. Boyd There have recently, been presented to me - museum some luierestlnir relics. ... ..... among which were: "A knife taken from -tlie grave of Col. Ferguson at Eing't Mountain, a pipe carried by CepK Freeman, a Corean 'pouch and .Corean mo.iey, all presented by Hon. B. F. Dixon, Shelby, N. 0. Mr. James South- gate, Durham, NV C, has presented valuahle collection of- Confederate blllfc All tbe different denominations are- in the collections, arrangod In "a large frame. " , President. KUgo is in Nashville at- tending the annual meeting of the Board of Education of the Southern Methodist Church ' f It is. probable, that a party will go from the College to some polnl near Raleigh to observe the total eclipse of the sun May 18. Arrangements are being made with a view to this. . The final : examinations will begin May2l , - ' . Tha first of next Week the track team will have a contest' at i he Athletic grounds. The contest will be for the col lege championship. It has also been ar- ranged to have an Indoor contest for the championship. Monday evening, June 4 an exhibition will be held In the Angler Duke Gymnasium. ' - : ' Mr C L. Itaper, class '02, has been elected Instructor in History in Oolurn bia. University, New York- CI ly and given. . charge of the History work In Barnard College, which Is now a part of .olutnuia Voiverstiyre, A v-iv J C Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn , says. "I cannot say too much for De Wllt'i Witch Hazo) Halve. One box of it cured what the doctors called an Incurable ulcer on my jaw."' Cures ' plb a and sklc dUeascs. Look out for worthless Imitations. F. 8. pntty;&$ "X': .: i ;. Truest, Quotations, f',- ' New York. May 8, -'Cabbage 91.40 to fMOyfa'gft'&j,.; ' Peas $'00. , ' r y- - gxiTri it I'OLDKK. Philadelphia, May . . . D.Tnuirra Jk Co. Ps-as $1 7'. Newark, N. J , May 5. Cabbage '.7S. Peas $ 1.74, ? R. E. Ga'.osxb - "After suffering Irom piles for fiflec years I was enred by uslnir two boxes of De Will's Witch Hazel Halve." writes W J Baxter, North Brook, N. V. It heals ever, thing. Ilewaro orcouulerdils. d Duffy. ' IS,' L H. Cutler Hardwire Compiny, Sash, Do ir. Ii ' I'aii.ls, Oils, A la-t'i 'low nil I 11" '( f-IMIl fl.ihl i n... u i, and I II I ',.l,'l h1 lo ..il.-il l'ii n '. A !" n ih, mi l: I'.HH l'.l' 'I lie I ei . n . I l I ".I n' Xt In- b .ill if.i r ' I r 1 1 if ill pri c Ml. Ill (I'll All tllVi' ll.f i i. l f i . N eovEisoa kcord Keoommends Pe-rn-na For Catarrh. - Hon. M. BL MoCord. ; Ron. Myron H. McCord, Ex-Governor of New Mexico, in a letter to Dr. Hart- man, from. Washington, D. C, says : Dear Sir At the suggestion of a friend I wa ad vised to one Pe-rn-na for catarrh, and after using one bottle I began to feci better in every way,. It helped me In many respects. -. I was troubled with colds, conghs, sore throat, eto, but. as soon as I had taken yonr medicine I began to Improve and soon got well. I take ploasure in recommending your great remedy to all who are afflicted with catarrh. M. H. McCord. The spring presents a much more favorablo opportunity tor tha. perma nent cure of chronic catarrh, espeelally old, stubborn cases. Now Is the time to begin treatment. : Insist npon having Pe-ru-na. There are no successful sub stitutes, tor this remedy. Send to Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio, tor a free ca tarrh book. S. G ROBERTS, . Wholesale Ponlpr In Groceries, Provisions, Canned Qoods oi Any Description. . Tob toco of all Grades. Snuff, Prices Loir, Goods V'laiantccd Represcnieil.. Call and tee me at Nos. and II Or'ck Row, East Mile Murk t. S G. ROBERTS. Dobbin & Ferrall, At Tucker's, RAL'ilG N. C, Very Good For Rich - Summer Dresses Sftotng Silk Black Nets t 46 inches wide, $U5,$f.50, ' $2.00,l$2.50 Dobbin & Ferrall. Samples Mailed. Special Bargain la 35 kegs 3d Fine Wire i Nails' ' ' For Coopering , ' Pot Ito Barrels.3 .v We have a lbadv M n i'aln- tn t. nice cilorj '"Inch e oIr ymi at Bit . pr gallon, M.n.1 or ca'l anl g -l. sample olorc yiU Have yon lib d a b-ittli of O 'r loll iUi Oilf ' Ii tnakis old furniture Io I now, price i! c : ; j Wi' bavu . mall Ihixc ) Pit a Po naiJe a tie each. Moo fur il tmlnit silv r . hritsr. A 11 ce large I biii.ol Skin for We Htova (I Ol. ai VI wi n a no - bk Oil Oi -Ou i d a two- lck- ouo fir An itii r i alrl nit K iTr o-Moat- RevulviMi, t o- t-n jiwl h- lvel In ilim r tie new cr-.p of rtprlut Chin -ins and nvKviid ii liuve broiled thckrii .for break fust. 2M.fKU Pup. r 'inc:l we i wboh sd - ir d . aiia in aim k and t ) the atlonilon of the Y Tr y. J. C. Whitty -'.'.'& '' .mi l i nm . r.- I . '! .1 I M S I'll 111 f V. T : I, 1 Gents' Furn Jk. X. "' Hint vi&iitti trut f 5$ -Ti' wmm,w iiutnvtf V met fyear, Men s zephy fveight Shirts, fbey e xtefy tightl in weight and desirable tn patterns, cuffs, $1.00 each. riftflfl lint limulooA ernts VSpcelich:. j Liundered White Shirts, the I $ij25 kind, $t, , Other Men's Furnishings we offer t are . Linen Collar lOo each, brand. Men's Wash Tie?, large assortment of patterns, 25c the :: half dozen. Pox, fancy stripe, 25c Maco or Lisle thread with white or black feet. 25c pair. Men's All Linen Handkerchief, the best value obtainable any where, 10c each. Lawns and Other Wash Goods. 8olid Colored Lawns, white, black, green, pink and blue, lOcyd. Silk embroidered Moneseline in pink and bine with polka of white in waist patterns of 21 yards each, $2 50 puttci u.-. . All over Cream Lace, heavy Russian lattice -design $2 50 "W X yard. All over Hack Lace, Millinery Department continues to give the best of values. t One case of latest style Sailors just in, Yfiorth $t.50, buying by the case en- ables us to sell at $125. Monday we will show a sample line J of Hats at a reduction of about one- third regular prices and you are sure of best styles. J O. cMarks Company. X GRIST - MILLS. X?w Mill ItoltliiK i hent Elevator anil Corn CI' aiier Of the Latest,! m proved and Up- N to-Date Mill flnchlnery. rY)U IRAIiK W tO .Ki.TiCI! HT SPECIAL PAIN i U l clesn ing and polishing grain t for oing throUhUie milK Jwuii h insures pure meal, . '. . . '" Com, llominy, Oats and Mixed F.td GEORGE BISHOP - Now Dun, . 0.- v ,. When You Want the Best Beer In the world call for and take no other but tne rhiiaaeipr-ia rrospeci brewing o.' l;tutweis Lager Beer, the purest find best lor sate oy an ilia t.Mi.linor aiilonna in tho citv and c t wholesale by JAS. P. TAYLOB. --For tho best &P tigur in the world t ry Culmnold. !Z-- 7, : i e :z The Purest and Best tlqnon Jr ways oii'hund.' IflrOld 'oreater it specially, 'i ho beat or m dioinal purpoes at - .', :- - Jas. F.Taylor's, .18 Middle Street, - v"' wia99S .11 . m Arc you needing f any Prir.'unz J ioJay ? j V X i X ' , I ,.f o ishings ft ti0niA' ctitf DttMm A ftbMy till j I Wilwlll T :e tilth one pair of, These are the famous Peyser 2 00 yd. Henry's Fhatmacv. ' 127 Middle Street. Pra pnre For War In l ime f IViici'. Jiixl in-iivid a Ripply of I.dADKD HI'NS: Mw denih Io itoaclirs, Brd llus Mi Ibu. VY i.trr Bugs m il all In rt, VMM l oi ia;n i r ificd'e tbe linibt falirh. (hie trial i-all tha 's m , d l to '-onvliO' Uh mm t skeptical. A fiilt line nf Ti.i ry. He t Ar i r, I e fum I'lr s'eian'o .1 Prescript i larfidly 'Bathroom Ccmforts &cn ad by iip-i date plan b ig ir- hinorythe t-njoymn 1 of the bath teef dd. N i one ih u' niln anV of the da ices i w - hi-iin iind; ib'atnabkt"' Tne n . 1 Sk ' . w . - I.t ' r . i n ' t , yn i, hiiib si -") n i ierv, o rn a- onvii ) w h-h l e ro -aci -a it welt be wlibrait ' Yons ideas a' ont pi nihil g should'i i, slop w tb r per s itti - t " ',...' us '.. y iu up e ' ' . '-. I ' ';'' Hymah Supply Co., : ,'pb. h r.3 . At rv ,k ' U tiers of Credit For lb s s 'li dii'i Piils Expi- ' I t o It. v.lli r I K r p The Citizens Bank, i.f N. lYrn. I r ct' a- Hlla I' In .. klM I.. e I I ' ( f p. I Sru it tii p.-, tn i gli bs r fo'sr M I Fst!m Taik f-ank t Ni rn'i l I'ni.s P. r i ii I) 0 (Ii I I. '!. . , !" vv ' i ! , 11 I I " 1 le.: .1, " 1.:. 11 VO'Wt.k.f msHImSisI I 1 IV IsUalA i L.m ..hiii minjr t .. si-.- r'W ;tb a i w ii v.;.