if I ' VOL. XVI1I--N0. 33. KIV; HUN, N. C, TUESDAY M0RS1KS, MAY 8, NINETEENTH I ( t. ft ft ft ft t ft o ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft i ft ft ft ft ft 47 & 49 Pollock Street. 3The newest styles and low prices go hand in hand through out our entire stock of press Goods, bhoes, Embroidery, Dam asks, Towels niidLniH-s.if all liituls. . Orgiindies lire (liiittiii i' tlmii "ever before in plain colors or riiocades and the gptiuhm Iloriosl)8 biks are treasures for com fort besides being so easily laundered. , , ." Aguiti we are showing jandsouie patterns in-blafk Crepon, nlsa in the Frielle I loth - - t - - - Dotted Swisses .in black and .colors;. then "The Crinkled Cotton Crepon" in black makes np so well. We call special attention to our White Goods Piques in Welts of all sinesor the figured ones; sucft sVsarietyttf. Figured Mercerized Nainsookj 1'crsian. vlitwns. India -Linens,. Dimities mid FrenoU Orgaudies with trimmings . of Embroideries and laces of all kinds,-' aAU Overs"orWaist8 in .Swiss,, Organdy and Lace. - 'I lien a peep at our Hosiery Department i Plain, JRiohlien, Ribs And Polka Dots in l'otton. s. A lovely Lisle Lace:. Hose1 for 60c or a far handsomer one for 85c. . t , " ' Summer line1 of - Corsets ust arrived. U. & ,G. No. 274 French Pattern only 75c is sell mg fast. - . . J : : Shoes of all kinds in Ties, Southern Mutton, : Sandals and Slippers both for ladies and children." K ' 1 ; Pnlley and Jet Belts too ' , Call ftnd convince yourself that 'we have (.he Goods. . V - " -" K- ,J' ' 53 Every One Who Enters Our Store ' Stands ' '-' Face to Face With , , ' Great; Bairg'ams Npw iii j our r.lia icc t" soon re tbe pick . uminl advnntagfs to tliealy buyer. There la no time like tbe present to make . your selection. - . ' t. ? f . .n,.'n . , .V : J; : Men s Sutts from $225 to ft 0.00: -v A Yoath'sSuits ; r . to ' 7.50:; I . - Children's Suits- V ; .75 fo'. ' i ":v.J -T Great I'sri I is lu tn Lsdin an'l t Just Itiux'ivvd a Dig Lot of Straw ami ' Al-ioa flne line of Dry. Goods, fJotioris, Trunks, &c. fto romp right in and let as thiw yoa , Goods and fjow Pr'oo. , " , , - -. , - ; - AMERICAN STOCK COMPANY, SO & CI UMrileS. ) WHAT ONE EATS Should hn the beat the world pan , ' " ' rrr -rurnixh. ' Our stock of Food Pr & " R-"fcr'""" ; upU is an all found Mhlbltlon oF X ' 1 f- hti! prizfl h no .' lt taalit . tari 'iv. 3 V er lilrg Av lil r'Kflpcnr ed . Rrxxln, p : fr i -d to if ' b e , ' Ladjy jut np,.1Mik' go d , tl 'n wll on npfatllo aid order your 'ro erlrn r m '." ' 1 ncm' lie i.iniiin ..'x;. r.M:..,;'r,ii.. ir-.. .. , . . i-. i . t. i..' p S if p g , Country il mi.:.;CV-', v " ut, ir iu4 to i I f O A OL'nn 'Phone 69. I Prompt Delivery Froiii Dunn's j I I' - 1 f yn v M.i i. .11 v ; T! Mil. ' : i CHl I ; . 1 1 ' 1 (,1 , "HrrM (, ; U t f V7 V7 V V V7 V7 V 7 V7 V 7 7 V7 9 9 7 V7 of the latoit. Our new stocY oilers uc- hlldrcn'a So. .' v' Wo l':n It tts Tor Mec and Bija. what we can (In In Ilia way of Qocd HOWARD & MACtlT, Propriotorg. hum Xk I r -nnA r-t-a V 77 Broad Street. orWun Yor5 n nlw ays exK-ot when you order your food supplies from this n 1 i tit.I sioni. Wo emi sup- I ply rvery den uml of a 1.I i-Iuhs f f-i'iiily lr.l. Willi tin- Choiecnt. ' f ti, I 11 il Fa -y 0 n(1ii. Ifil- 4 I ll , I'll kl n H run f, Oil. 0',jl''nx K V 11 flit 'til tcr, ninl I'iu' II hum t m H ' k li. 11 in , I s We ii.-ili.. n up, ri ill y of p l, j r dn T'-nh nml Vllr, , ' Our 'i rfi'f '.lion Hi, -iid CoflV-a In I'in- C. ! 1 fflt : "'Wll ' ) v. I . I II I hi V k. That is Where Democrats : Make Their Efforts. Mast estate Committee Meets May 10th. The Winchester -Dedication. Athletics of Hreat Interest, . Teachers ' Assembly -v Jnne 12th to 17th. IUuion, May 7. It lit tbe comment of Deuiocratloleaderi that in this cam palgn It will be of no uee to make speech ea In the towns, after the completion of the ratification meeting); that the ork must be done In the country. It ia in the country that the Republicans and Popu lists are at work, ' " ' . Claude Kitchen has been at Clinton and Rockingham, where - he apoke to large audiencea. At Clinton quite num ber of Populists know him, and he says they are coming back to the Democratic ranks. At Uockingham the people are tbe strongest advocates for the amend ment h? has seen. "lie says the people ot eastern Carolina are not stronger Demo crats than they are. ' , Chairman Simmons calls a meeting ef the Democratic Stale committee litre Myl0ih- - ' Republicans here say It has been defi- niiely decided to bare headquarters at Greensboro and not here.- ' ? " The Republicans express unbounded delight at the very complete snubbing they gave Governor Russell in their con vuntion. Or D U. Abbott remarked to At.1 that they were "tickled to death" at A call la Issued to all Confederate veterans' organisations. in North Caro lina to be represented at Winchester, Va June etkrat the dedication c( tlse monu ment to the dead from this Stater --The monument la .-i reeled by the Ladles' Memorial Association. . Julian 8, Carr, if Durham, who commands the Confed erate veterans In this State, has accepted tbe invitation of, tbe Ladies' Memorial Association to deliver an oration there that day. The Tamer Asbby Camp and tbe Winchester Ladies' Memorjat Asso ciation have the local arrangements In hand. , . Tbe baseball association here has been formed and all the .money desired sub scribed. : The next stop will be to secure the formation of associations in other tewns and Iben hate a State league. In i treat In the national game is greater thin In many years, . uuiuoor aiuivucs am nuxi ivnu w uo l-made a feature at the Agricultural and Mechanical College here. An athletic arid'' has been prepared lor nse In 'the autumn. Football, '.base bull,1 running, j imping, hurdle, racing and "hare and houndB," will be tbe features, but there will also be pole-vaulting putting tbe hammer, etc. Measurements are to be taken of all students and they will be properly developed. 1 Good progress Is now being made In the erection of the Odd Fellows Jemple here ' ' ' ' " ' It Is said that work Is now In progress on 13 new cotton mills In this 8tata- During last week a remarkable great amount of farm work has been done all over tho Slate. The farmers are en deavorlng to make up for lost time.;; -Tbe North Carolina Teachers' . Asaem bly meets at Morehead, June 18th to 17th, Inclusive. ' One of the most Interesting programmes has been carefully arranged by the programme committee.' 'It rep resents all the ed cational interests of the Stale with a special view to agent-mi upl it and nwakeuing in the public schoo woik. " Dr. J, L. il. Curry, gen eral aent of the Peahody fund, and one of the foremost educators of the South, will address the assemb'ly. The State Music. IWlier AtsociallOn will mee t with the Teachers' Astembly. First class hotel accoinniodatlt.ns at l per day. Tickets to be sold June Olb to 17th inclusive, final limit July 25lb. -All tickets will have a special coupon ' of membership fee. Stop-ovtr privileges are allowed at University Station, I?al elgb and Greensboro, on tickets via Southern Railway or Seaboard Air Line to accommodate persons desiring to at tend the summer schools at Wake Forest and Chapel Hill.-Friends of the State Normal and Industrial College Hill have an excellent' opportunity to attend the commencement the- WLck following tt e assembly. ' , ALL ALONG THET.INB. Fighting Golnjt On In Many. Directions. v- Roberts Pressing the Boers. "' London, May 6 The troops which Lord Roberts led out from Bloemfonteln a few days ago have taken a great spring forward, which has brought them almost at a single bound to Winburn. The Boers have evacuated iheir positions at Brand- fort without making a strong effort to hold them. , " - Smart fighting has been going on along practically the whole of the widely ex t3nded British front. The household Cavalry, Twelfth Lancers and Kltchner's Horse had the opportunity for which ttey have long waitedof charging a body of Boers In the open. Bach chances have been few in the campaign,' The Boers broke and tied, leaving a number ot dead and wounded on the ground. Gen. Hector McDonald's Highland Brl gade, which was also acting on the right dislodged the Boers from agroapof kop jes nnder cover of naval guns, ' ' - Of equal Interest Is tne news -which comes of Gen. Sir Archibald Houtor's Operations on tbe 'extreme left.' He crossed the Vaal river at Wlndsorton on Friday. Pushing ahead, he found the Boers In strength near Rnidam. ,?he brunt of the fighting fell on Goneral Barton's Union Brigade of Scotch, Irish and Welsh fuetleers. They carried ridge after ridge over a front of four niHtand drove the Boers before tbeuf lo the north. The Imperial Yeomanry chased the Boars some miles. " " The easiest and most effective metkod f purifying the blood and Invigorating the system Is to " take De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for cleaneing the liver and bowels. F 8 Duffy, - " , , , , ' ' ' MIDDLE4F THg ROAD. . Cincinnati Crowd Claim They are the Peo . . pie and Have a Majority. , -' a Cincinnati May 6 This week will open the ball for the national political campaign. Both faction! of the Popu list party are to begin their Conventions on Wednesday the Mlddle-of-the-Road-era here . and the Fnslonists at Sioux FalW,8 D. - .- Tne Mlddle-of-the-R)aders are some what divided, , but it Is supposed tbat a majority of them aro for Wharton Bar. ker, of Philadelphia, for Prosldenl, and Ignatius Donnelly, of Minneapolis,' tor Vice President. The Fuslonlsts are lor Uon. William . Bryan for Preaident, 'and are not certain as lo their . Vice. President's! nominee. " . The advance workers of the Mlddle-of-the-Road convention arrived in Cincin nati, today. They are all opposed to fusion. It Is maintained by them that they represent a large majority of the People's parly, that in tbe contests at State conventions the Sioux Falls Fus ionts'ts carrlod fewer than 300 of the Il7." delegates, and that the convention at Sioux Falls will be one. of 'excursion Ists" with a mlrority of delegates, an tub Ulddle-of-lhe-ltoaders ea that over two thirds of the delegate! were iiairuvled hy Iheir Stalcsi f ir Ibe Cincinnati eon venllon. wli!ch will "keep in the middle of the road." , " CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. ; Tl3 ICii.il Yon I.ui3 k . u.J L--U.l j Bear the Signature ; I-IAIDWA'EE, CO., -WANT TO SELL YOU , , APPROPRIATION FOR NEW BERN Congressman Thomas' House Bill $6000 for Roadway Passes Senate. . Special to Journal. :. - : Washington, D C, May 7 Congress man Charles R. Thomas had his House bill passed through the Senate today, which appropriates six thousand dollars for repairs on tbe roadway leading from New Bern to the National Cemetery; near that city. r - ' . , The appropriation Is available up hi approval of the act by the Presidents - THE MARKETS. The following quotations were receiv ed by J. . Latham, New Bern, N. O. , . New York, May 7.: Cotton; Open. High. Low. Close May.i ....... 9.S8 ,BM 8.59 9.64 9.48 July w 1 0.45 0.48 0 20 8.51 8.28 "ato 8.10 9.4S 920 8.49 8.20 8.04 8,05 Aug. 9 30 8.49 8.20 8.05 800 9 20 Sept.. Oct..." Not. . s Jan . . 8 51 828 8.10 810 CHICAGO MABKBTS, Wheat: .Open. High. Low. Close July 07 7i 07f r; 67 Corn: " July..... 39) 50 88, 12 59 89 80 SovR'y Pfd. 5S) A. 8. & W, Leather....'. MOPae ... FedS ...... 87f 121 -57 . 88 A.C. O .... T.0. 1 801 ' . 84 79 Con'.T,., - Cotton receipts were at all ports. .... 8H 8,000 bales ''I had stomach trouble twenty years and gave up hope of being cured till I began to nse Kodot Dyspepsia Cure. It has done ma so much good I call It the saviour of my life," writes W K Wilkin son, Albany. Tenn.' It digests what yon eat. F 8 Duffy, v . - v S. G. ROBERTS, Wholesale Deal r In Groceries i Provisions, -"... v j... . ...... . 1 ... . Canned (foods - ' : - . o( Any inscription. - ; - Tobacco of all Grades. ,- Snuff, &c. rr.oea ; Ltw, :; Uonds gnnrnnleed ar Represented, t Call and seejpe at No 39 a- d 11 Br ck Row, Bast Side .Market. , - .8. G. ROBERTS. , NOTICE ! . Call and see J. W. WOOD, when . In need of sny kind of tin work, plumbing or store repairing of any kind and you will find him the right man with proper prices Corner Broad and Middle streets. Carolina. Buggies 1 1 1 1 1 1 r tn niiB ifA'ti n ii .mmvma . Built in Now Be n, N. mmln fAr (Ifir lltn i Ponn made for Oiirilin i People. We aro sole exporters ot the uenuine Waters Ui I exporters ot the Uenuine Waters Buggy. Oil 78 Broad 8t 'V if l a riLg TO . English t'urod. Shoulders,1 Otltfi rnia Hams, Break fist Strips uuil FultoirMat le Corned Bttf. At o IJariBt d Chip Beef, Veal Louf, Ham Ionf, I'ottoil ., Ham and Tongue, Cooked Corn Beef, Salmon, IJSardines and Lobsters. ' Prrsh Oritsrltleo and Oatllakps. .- . Fresh lot Mice Fruit Jelly ly tho pound. Als lasa Jt l " ly.,. Mnstatd, Spio.es ami Flavoring Extract. A nice Co : ' con Foot M at for 50o. J. L. MIL 'Phone 01. MILLINERY af New York Cost ! v'.l'.'l. ' -, Now is the tin e fo vciyl ody to jri t a IIt. Never before have the people in and around New Born boon given t'.e opporluni'y to buy Millinery at the prices we will offer for TEN DATS: 13 dozen Leghorn nolf Sailors, black only, worth ROc for 10. 8 dozen Leu horn Flats, while. $r 25 vidii.j, ll.l". -' :. 0 .. .. 1 (l0 .. m. : 4 " ; ' 7o " 5 le. 4 ' ' SOe " 47-1 In this sule we offer our en1 ire lino of flowers formerly 30, 25, 35, fiOr, ft fO, now 1 1. 18, 87 and 74. . The almve are only a few of the many values wc oiler, Mouisclines, C'lnlTon ahd Ribbon at the same proporti inal disoouut. N extra cliargr for trimming, All orders numbered and delivered in order lukcn. Successor to . I am Surrounded KgnltnegeHt$ HMdl, amW nl Mod' rot irier to. . i- Mjr stack of wheel's eonklkta of CZVMBTAa, fM nARTPOKM laU RAM HI. HUB, . UTOHMKKH, M lltas,"? Ssakss, VahW ' Csasnl, kasser, Caaanl, Cartias,' OraskHs, Cuttsrs, WrtackM. TV Taps, PtalSi';; Pilars, ' nt Mum nnnt PKNNAXT, XAULE8,": , 'S Doth ehilnless and ctaaia. Iraskjts, Easy Payoeils. MYiEPiUB'SKOP Cojiii.kt and yonr work is otic ittd. . . - WM. T.HILL, 9IMU4I.M. npi .... Bars, Iscas. ' We Call Your Attention: ' 1,1 Wis '' ''''"''" V ilo'.;Oun:i SLinG;ofJJ Ladies, Hisses anil Children's Soiiiiiier Vest. Alsotoonr WHITE LAWNS wheh were b ug .1 ' e r '" v.mce in ilea rnoNK 181. D. F. J iii VIS 03 POLLOCK P.TUt'.KT. if w , i I - - .... j .. s? g - s V mil j - ' ' I tlrss, r I I in OUT. fc lU'lall Grwr, 71 IIr.,.-l Si. H. B. Duffy. ; Everybody Wears Something New On Easter. Wo are prepared to furnlhh wl h eveiythingneiv. you New Hats, both soft and straw Id nil rrules and shapes. New Neckwear In all the lati nt colors and depins. New CollaM In all heights. Shirts. The nobbiest line of Nilij,'" Shirts cvershon here, Percales, Madras, and Bilk at -r0c, 75c and 91. Men's Shoes. y The most eoniplc e line ol Men's 6hoes In town, In high and low quarters, lu block, tan anil pa'ent leather. ' . Tall anil examine our lines and you will find that 1 can envc you money. J.G.DUNN & CO. ' -W Pollock 8M. Th reeXarge Flats To be sold to the highest bidder, -. How Is this, the only Stove wood man there Im. will now out prices .down on all kind of Stove Wood, as It must be ' old rldhlout and make room for other business.-" .. ., Laths and Band-made and flawed 8hln(tle, wholesale and retail. R Buirelee. 1 Koad Cart. Drava. and t 8 Dump Carta. v ;. 800 Cedar and Fat Llghlwbod Post, ' wl'l s II highest Bidder. . . j For ftirtl er lnfnrration, see t BlS'imii, m We Mai; ' -YOU'LL SEE -i At, a (iliiiico t' a". nr FpiLig Woolini xir!!;e the tup n 't'i In the vm ! ly of ar- , lii.ii.! I iI'ith. Wli.it a suit is il :; In of , ' d tin. y it Is iuimIo up are tlid two - 't '1 ' H 1 ."Ill's, W'o liilVO 111 ' 'lie r r j ' . Our w ni U lit ! ' 1 1 r (' ' y (,f f.,'.,i,