VOL. XV11I--NO. 34. ..KEY.' fiKKN, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 9, 10011. MNLTEKNTII UAIi. 1 V V A 1 & 49 Pollock Street.- Vv j , The newest styles and low prines go hand in hand through out our entire stockMjf Dress Goods, bhoea, Embroidery, Dam-. J ft asks, Towels aud Lares, of all kinds. Organdies are daintier Ihau ever before in plain colors -or n.. i . i .... l 1.:.- ... .. ..r. - it , ciii. x. ; Vf is ft ft ft rft ft DrueuuuB ami. uib gcuiuiie uuinuu Dim a me ueasurca iw uuui- foi'Lbosides being st easily laundered ' 'Airnm we are showinsr handsome nattcrns in black also in the Frizello ( loth , . dotted Swisses in black and colors; jihcu'The Crinkled yf Cotton Ci'epon," in black makes up so well, , ii We cail special attention to out White Goods Piqnes in Welts of all sizes or the figured ones; ench a variety of Figured ?K Mercerised Nainsook. Persian Lawns. India Linons, Dimities V ft ft aud French Onfaii'dies with trimmings of Embroideries and ft Laces of all kinds. Mil Overs" h and Lace.' ' . ' - iiy. I nen a peep ai our uosiery W 5Do or a far handsomer one for 1A v. i; inn nnii t'niKfi i mm in i ;ni.mn. ft Summer line of Corsets- Just arrived. It & 1 French Pattern only 75c is selling fast. ' fi Shoes of all kinds in Ties, IV Slippers both for ladies and children, T. I'nlley and Jet Belts too Calls W wo have the Goods. ft ft Every One Face to Face With - - Great ' Kovu yontct ati"e't-) sercUro the-plo'c muni ftlnUgta to tlie 'ly buyer. Tliora . iwern pirns rum ; YoWsSutti -' Qrit Car giil is In 'Me i, Lad s ao H 3ust Rewlved a Big Lot f ittaw and AIho flno line of Dry Goods, Notions, Trunks, &a. ;t v.. 8o rom rigrfit in and lot as fhw joq (Oiod and Low l'rlcos. ' ' 1 AMERICAN STOCK COMPANY. '89 & 01 Middle St.' WHAT; ONE EATS v.j '! f-'i' M,- .;" j Bhoiild be th bfs( the world eim y furoUh, Our stovk of Food Pr k1- : upta i an all round exhlbitlou Ql, prize winner.; la qnalitf i varlnty, ml flmFant ' Ttrc J 'we claim,' every iLing .Avoid rluapcunrifd good, p-ior Trulis and . vcirefiib'ev bndly put up. MaWn gout dip. tl.in wilt . oil' nppinlto" and onior yinr rot'oiiitt fr.m nr. ycioiinV he ttillliua. i . .i y...f . . llaro iipI nolrttl a la'ge Im roinitry 1J iniH. ", '', . 1 ' :. .... in, j' , -' Til Hums t'u,',. -.Vv J. R. PARKER, JR;t GROCER, Thohe 60. 77 Broad Street. -v , . ' - ' . ' Prompt; Dolivcry From Dunn' , till enn ol ,1 1. if Crenon. Vs it '', ' c for Waist in Swiss, Organdy Sfif . ' i'i ieparimens. nam, iticnueu, v A lovely Lisle Laco Hose .for 85c, . V7 Q No.'2?4 V Southern .Button, Sandals And and convince yourself that Who Enters Our , Store . Stands Bargains of the latei', Our new g'ooV offers un is aH tinw liko the prescat to mill pzuj-iv ftu.uv f. 7$ to -7.50 htldron' Bho -. Woolin Ilata for Men and Boys. what e can do in lie wy of Good 1IOWAUD & MACHT, Proprietors. s ' -. .... ' . s Yonchn slways exiKctJ when joh nnlcr your fiMl supplies from. Iliiii H'liftiit store. AV( r.nn stip Jily ivory lU'iiianil of a llrtt (Iiirs fnmily Irmln with tin: Choicest 8lft(ii! nml Kniry Orocciha, Ui. i lii'c, l'i ItlcH, H iiioi , Olivoi.JKox Iiivm- I 'i Int lliiticr. ami I'iu llninn nt It'irk Hi.tli in I'lli in. ' '! iiiiilio a p,iciiilly of hi(;h grulij Ti tw ntnl CofliTB. Our I'lirtix'tjon I ' i i 1 1 I . i.ch V- i V'i.: , , , , Regiment Will ie the Subject at Raleigh Memorial Day. White Elected President of Baptist University. May Festival. Odd Fellows. Joint Debate.'' -- -Strike at.Greens- boro. Ralbigd, May 8. Tba subject of the address ot Ilonry A. London, of Pitts boro, here next Thursday, at the Con federate Memorial day exercises will t the Twenty-sixth North Carolina infan Uy, of which Z. Vance, Harry But- gwyn and Lane were successively colon els, and which at Gettysburg under Bur gwyn (who wasihe youngest colonel In the service) suffered a greater percentage of loss than any other regiment on either side during the entire civil war., The brigade owhlch the Twenty-sixth was a part fought the famous "Iron Brigade," of Michigan and -Wlfconsin troops, and the historian of that brigade is expected "t.n hfl hnrfl tn bear the ad dress. v - l. The trustees of the Baptist female university erected Kev.'JohnK. White president.,' He is a native of this coun ty, la 33 years of aga and has for the past five years been the . corresponding secretary of the Baptist state mission board, ' fie was several years -pastor ot the church at Edenton and at the same time superintendent of public school of Chowan county. He was, sIbo, for two or three vcars principal of Mars Hill academy, at Madison, " ' The annual May muaio festival will be held her on the 15th, under the direc tion of Professor Henry JSppy. There will be chorus of 1Q& voices and an orchestra ot fifteen ihatruments, all well known amateurs. ' Testerday the State Board of Dental Examiners met at Gteonsbftro, ti exam ine a consideYable number ot applicants for license.'; The State. Dental Assocla tlon meets there today. ' - . Today at Winston the sixtieth annual session of the grand lodge of Odd Fel lows begins. At Weldon, April 30th, iSlf. the first lodire ot the order i 1 this State wan instituted by Bv. George H Bain, of Portsmouth, Va., he having been appointed uistrlct deputy grand for that purpose.- Ud was assisted by Rev. ' James F.' MoCabe, ofIilekmond, and other members from Richmond Poterabure and Portsmouth .The work was dti.i to OTuaminlon lodge, No. 6, of Portsmouth.' The first North .Caro lina Odd Fellows wereW. S.O. An drews and John CrfmpbelV and.J. R Reston of Wilmington. The first noble rand was J. R Campbell. Afterwards he was the first grand master and grand representative, . The second lodge insti tuted was Cape Fear at Wilmington; the third Washington, at Murfroesboro, Both these were also instituted by Rev Mr. Blair, January Oth, 1843, the grand lodge met for the first time, at Wilmlng ton. . Now there are 117 subordinate lodges, with 8,4'H) members, , In Morth Carolina ttmre are three revolutionary pensioners, all soldiers' widows. Two .are 100 years old. : If the youngest reaches the age of these it will be' 1918 before she ceases to draw ber pension. ' .' Democratic State Chairman Simmons, has written a loiter to Ropublicau State Chairman Ilolton. invltlnit adjoint dis cussion by Republican and Democratic dlate Candidates during ths campaign Grand Secretary Drewry of the grnd lodge of Masons reports three new lod ires formed this rear, bringing the CASTOR I A . . . For Infants and Children. T" X'" Y"M V-"t P'wo-i-f Iktf IVI.kiI I till' IkWV riliiwjj kwtaiil Bears the (Signature I total number up to 314. - ' . Mis Lucy West, of Raleigh, is ap pointed one of the sponsors for North Carolina at the Confederate, reunion at Louisville. -. The State Superintendent of Instruc tion specially invites General Toon and N. C. English to attend the Teachers' Assembly and also to accompany him in visiting county teachers' institutes. ' Operatives in a cotton mill at Greens boro struck yeste:day for an Increase in wages. - . Weekly Crop Bulletin, -t " Ralhihk, May 8 The Weekly Crop Bulletin for the week ending Monday, May 7, 1000, Is as follows: As the successful outcome of the farm ers' labor depends'so largely upon thor ough preparation of the soil and suita ble conditions for planting at this season of the year, it Is a' satisfaction Jo record another -very favorable' week, during which splendid progress was : made in farm werk every where. As a whole, the weather during the period ending Mon day, May 7, 1000, was quite favorable; the mean temperature was nearly norm al, the" amount of sunshine was abun dant, and the rainfaU light, while the unfavorable conditions, chiefly affecting the grovftti of vegetation, Sere of short duration. The unfavorable features not ed were the general thunderstorms on the 2nd. or third, accompanied by high winds and bail over a dozen or more counties, fortunately without much damage to cropi, and the cooler weather following on the 4th and 5ih which checked the growth of plants,," If . was cool enough for frost in the mountainous sections of North Carolina on the morn ing of May 4th, but no positive injury resulted. The amount of rainfall was small, and Ifa many counties the ground has become dry aud hard so that , warm, gentle showers would now bo beneficial. The advancement in plowing and plant tng nas oeen so rapid that many crop correspondents report farmers:! well up with their work. Tbejrrowth of crops. hiwever, is still somewhat slow, . , . The acreage devoted to tobacco Witt be smaller than usual; transplanting is nearing completion in eastern districts, hut this wnrk fa nrnnAAiltnir ftl.iwltf In central ..mi imMh.rn .ntl. plants are smaH and scarce;' in a fov criantiea ian.li r,rPn.rPil fnr tnhiwn will be need for cotton; good seasons are nwrfBrt nn fr n, wnrir Af i,..i.nt. ing.. The progress fc planting corn and cotton. h. Wn r ,h.hi n,. bulk of both craps will be In the ground within another weekr com and notion 'h..twiK.''m .'. ..'it ...i. chonnlnir fotton and nlowinir nnm hi.tw wih .vow. r B.nilUD,'' underway;- many., farmers are through p'antlng corn, especially In the east, ex cept on bottom lands, where some re planting will be necessary y Irish pots toes are doing very well In spite of con siderable trouble from . potato-bugs stands are generally excellent. Sweet potatoes, have sproutid well and slips are ready for transplanting.- Wheat will be one of the best crops harvested for years; the plauts are healthy and vigor ous, without signs of disease or damage by Insects, and are beginning to head; spring oats need rain... In many countlos pjanutshave come pp to a good stand, though the bulk of the crop is still to be planted. Truck erops have improved. Shipments of . strawberries are now heavy; tbe-prospect for all other fruits continues rxoeptioually fine: ' Supreme Court Opinions. Special to Journal. ' Raleigh, May 8 The Supreme Uoun filed the following opinions today. , " State vsKlnsauls.fr om Sampson, no error., , Robinson vs Lamb, from Pasquotank, modified and affirmed, , . The following cases were disposed of by per curiam order, to wit: , ' 8tate vs Foster, from Watanga, af firmed. . State vs McGlammery, fr ra Wilkes, sftlrmcd upon the ruling In Stste vs Ray. 80 N. Q. 5B0. Roam vs Telegraph Company, dis missed for fallurs to print ncord. Z-I.XID'Wi-IE .CO:, -WANT TO SRLT, YOU - ... ROBERTS PRESSES BOERS. How la Northern Part of Free State. Lady smllh Heroes lu London. . ' London, May 7. Lord Roberts con tinues his advance in IhO-OjangQ Free State. , " , He was able to announce today an Im portant straTcgic success, Hie seizure i f Smaldeel Junction,- where . the Hue to Winburg diverges from the main railway between Bloemtunltin and Pretoria,: At the same time from other sources It wt s learned that" Winburg had been occupi, d by General Hamilton. Lord Roberts it able to oppose five British to .one Bjer at every point, - - . - Like a broad arrow the Brltuh ad vance Is now'plerclng the norther part of the Free State. ; Frbm Winburg bills the left extends ' toward Roshof and Warrenton. The right runs southeast from a point north of "Thaba Nchu to Wepener. - . i - ; " What Roberts' next strategical' move will be is difficult to guess. The tempta tion to try to keep the Boers on the run must be great to him. but It is considered probable that he will bring up the wingsil hoff to Harrismlth before moving on again. - . London, May 7 The Daily Mall, has received the following dispatch from Lady Sarah Wilson, one of its corres pondents in Bouth Africa: Mafeklng, Beohnanaland, April 22 (by runner to OotsI, April ) We are still waiting and. longing, but there Is no prospect ofrellef, This depresses the garrison, but dogged determination lu deprive the Boers of their crowning triumph on the western border is only Increased. . London, May 7 London" today gaveva great reception to Captain Lambtonand the other men from the cruiser Power ful who aided ill the defense of, Lady, smith. , . ,A street parade Was held.. Stands were erected at places of vantage, houses were orowded with sightseers and all sorts and condition of-men, women and ohlldren commingled in the streets with one another In honorlng'ihe sailors. There was a continuous roar of greet- 'ing, accompanied by theVavIng of hand i?!oh'f.fa' "g4. Brlu. w,ln ' khaltl-colorea guns, marohe(1 frou,.lhe doPot t0 tha Hor8e Guards parade ground, where the Prince wle9; ,n tbo uniform Of an admiral P.t the fleet, aecompanled by the First rord of th6 A,lmirIlty. Qe'lrS! ' Cos chen.nJ nnmberiit hlglMava1 and military . ofllcors,: Inspected the blue- rn'Jtt e , THE MARKETS. - The following quotations were rocoiv ed by JK. Latham, New Bern, N. 0. ' ' . ; - -.- New York, May 8. Cotton; ' . Open. High. Low. Close May.......... 0.04 9.06 July .. '. 9.40 9 49 Aug 9.299.81- Sopt .-.". ; 8.53 ' 8.54 Oct 8.27- 8.80 . Nov. .... :., 8.08 8 08 Jan ....... 8.07 . 8.08 ' 9.64 : 9.49 ,9.29 8.02 8.27 8.07 . 8.07 9.66 9.49 9 81 854 829 8.07 8 07 CHICAGO MARKETS. WHI!ATS- : July .J,,; Co UN: - 1 July. So. Uy Pfd. A, 8. & W . Leather..,., al O Pan FedS A. O-O .... T.C. I Con.T,....-. Open. .: 67 High:, Low. Close 7t 67J . 07i ,. 80 80 ' 80 .. A3 .,."r " ..' 88' . ..57 -v''.v ; .. f . 70 -. 64 -87 Mi . 65, 8'i 88J - 77, 80 Cotton receipts were 6,000 bales at all ports. The easiest and most tff olive mi thod of purifying the Wood and invigorating the system Is to tako DeWllt's Lllllv Early Risers, the famous tittle pills for cleansing tho liver and bowels. , F P Duffy. ' I Portsmouth Corned Mullets ! ; Few Nice Ones 1 1 I f.lnnaninl's 71 Rrnarl t AI30 a nice lot small Sugar Cured Pig Hams, Breakfast Strips, California Hams and Fulton Market Oornod Beef. The best selected stock ot Groceries in the city. " Prompt delivery and Rock Bottom Prices. - Yours tq. Please, I J. L MAIL 'l'lione OI. MILLINERY at ' ". Now is the tin e for (veiyiody to tir.d around New Bern been given the opportunity to buy Millinery at the prices we will offer for TEN DATS: 12 dozen U')ihorn Onlf Rnilors, liliii'.lc onlv, worth 50c (or lftn. 6 dozen Leghorn Vlnts, white, $1 25 value, 9:lo 6." - ." vi oo aso . 4 u " ' " 750 " 5'.!,: r 4 ' " v " 00c " 47n In Ihis salo we offer our ou'lre lino of t'l'iwi rs fo'inerly 21, 25, 85, 5i)o, $1(0, now 11. 18, 87 and 74. , , The slmve are onlv a few of the manv values wo offer. Monssclines. Chiffons and Hilibons at tho same proportional All oniere numbered and uellvpicd In order taken. AxJ. SMITH ' Successor to H. B. Duffy. "V n m o I am Surrounded ), all n eyHiti tundt, anil nt J!fc rat Fricri tot. My at k of wheels contikts of COZVMBldS, plfi HARTioRHH MV HAMItl.KKK, ' HTORMKns, , IS TIMS, Rial,, tasks, Vsbss, Pmss, Cement, Enamel, Iraskas, OsrsUe, traakHe, CsastSfS, MEALS, W m Mtjaa Mia SAOLES, 41 Uatas, rssksts, QasKS, Both etailnleta ut Easy PayoeBts. UY REPMrf SHOP la Coun.ara and rour work sollc Ited., . . : . WM. T. HILL, Tbsfass, Urs, -LMks, Plhrs, Vie Call Your Attention To Our . Line of Ladies, Hisses and Children's Summer Vest. : Also to our WHITK 1.AWN8 which were buiipr'il hn'nr,' the a lviinceiit i rice. I!OVE 181. D. la Ji ell. Evil r,i i'ou,( :c hti wu a siaaBi I Plstels.1 Just Received at Wholesale & Retail Grocer, 71 BrH Nt. g New York Cost ! jift a lint. Ne ver before have the pople in ilisooiint. No extra churgr for trimming, Everybody Wears Something New On Easter. W are prepared to with everything new. fnniffh vou New Hats, lmtli soft and straw Inl nil prudes and shapes. New Neckwear in all the latest colors and ilesignr. New Collars in all neighta. Shirts. The nobliloit line of NckH,'.i Shirts oversho"n hero, Percales, Madras, and Silk at 50. 75c and 1. Men's Shoes. The most complete linn of Hen's Slues in town, In high and low quarters, in black, tun and patent leather. ,; Call and examine our llnej and you will find that we can save you money. J.G.DUNN & CO. ' ' A ' 67 Pollock St. ' Three Large Flats Tn ha mnA In th. hlaltaat. hl.1il. How Is this, the only slove wood man there he, will now cut prices down on all kind of Stove Wood, as It must be 9old rl(ih tout and make room for other business. 1 . n . Laths and Band-made and flawed Shingles, wholesale and retail, . 8 BuckIok, 'l Koad Tart. 0 Dravs. and 3 Dump Carts. 300 Celar and , Fnt LlfrhtWixd Post, will aril hlarlHMt niilrinr. , ' .' For fm t her liiforratlon, see BIG HILL, Tlit PhiDDJe Mat- : III YOU 11 SEE At silnoj t a', mr rpiiix Woolens Hi rlln' t ii' top n ilc.li in the vnrli'ly of ar tii.tlo imUeiM. Wh it a suit Is made of i'i 1 t1 ! y it In mi ilo up me the two : .t il i 1 In'". We Imvn no t ' lii ' - r i t. Our otk 1 1 '"'' 1 ' '" I ft-r y of rtirii'.s KWl rimtio'No. 140.