: , -X- -- !'?, f - - - -,-"; : i . . Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver fLrAN5E5THE5Y5TEM . , PERMANENTLY PICIAL 0 7ft PV,-. " uy THl StNVINt-MN7'D 65' GUIApGYRVP rn .uwiit wtossiys. w sot hrbotul THE JOURNAL New Bern.-N. C Mai 80f). Index to NeW Advertisements. J. R. Butler Stocks' - - J. R. Parker Mullets. ' ' ; , " McBorley Ice Cream, - 3. Lk McDaniel Mullets. - B. R. Ball List property. . Mutual Aid Bank Statement. ' Royall Oranges and bananas.1 ,f ' Business Locals. TUX Bnest Beer always "on draught, at . JACOB'S, Middle Street. ' -Ice Cream, 80c quart, delivered to any prt of toe. city V. 3. -McSorley & Co, Fine Navel oranges and bananas' at Broad Street Fruit Store IT. E. Royall A lot of Corned Portsmouth Mallet ' has Just been received by J.. R. Parker Jr and can be had this morning at his Broad , street store. . X - - r , , '-; : For County Treasurer. As the Democratic Executive Commit' tee has called primaries to.-nominate ': Connty officers, I respectfully announce . that I am a candidate for the office ol Treasurer and requesf'the support of the white rotors of Craven county. . - . XX,' D. L. lloBBRTS, ' For County Coroner." , : 1 1 hereby announce myself as Candidate- for the office of Coroner of Craven conn ty, and ask the votes of all Democrat at ': the primaries on May-isth. . " . S I ran on the Democratic ticket in 1808, bnt only gpt into office a few month ago, .-v fend think that according to Democratic ... precedent that I am justly entitled to at least one foil term of office. . . , . s , ' Jobbi-h F. Rbkm -. White Goods Sale. ; s . ,,' : During this week we offer tome extra ; j food value In white good lawn P, K.'s etc, something new In tucked P. K. for. shlrt waists 25o yd, India -Jlnen, .- lawn etc from. 85c down to 5c yd. , " - ' . - ..' - O. A. BarfTok .. Have ybnr prescription filled at Davis Pharmacy. , . CUtblBf For Baiter. ; ' Don't fall to see our fine clothing and will save your money. Respectfully, . J. J. BAXTER. Dressed Chickens at the Oak Market, Corned Pork at the Oak Market. Ice Cream Soda at McSorlcy'i today. ' Celery Headache Powders cure head ache. Made and sold at Davis Pharmacy, When in Bayboro slop at the Lupton Houm for good accommodations' ' Fresh Insoct powder at Davis' Phar macy. Watarlioima TlfiM. J. J. Baxter has a beautiful lino of Easter neckwear in bis windows, call early and get one. Choice Mutton at the Oaks Market, Vn.lmr OxforiU. I have jiiHt received a beautiful lino o K. P. Heed's Oxfords for Kusier. limffvi fully, J. J. BAXTER, ; .lii (oca ( .; at l.,i!n' H" r .in. 1 1'. Utters of Local liiU.i.-t la ll.i Cry and . . ' Country. Fair and continued warm, la the fore cast for today. Tue Confederate Veterans will meet at the City Hall, .Thursday evening at 3 o'clock. ; Bervices each night ttis week at the Church of Christ at 8 o'clock, by Euv. Dr. Molly. Tonight la the regular meeting of the Knight of Harmony. A-full attendance U desired, The King's Daughters -will meet at their room on Cravenalreel this after noon at four oclock. Mr. G. B. Webb was elected Mayor of Kioston llonday. ; There was no oppo sition ticket 1b tho field, - The building on tlio dock, formerly ccuplcd by Clms. B.llill and the Port- nor Brewing Co., owned by Dr. F. W. Hughe;, la being torn down. - Mr, W. L. Ward, at" the Citizens Bank, has some excellent pictures of the "col ored baptising" in the Neuse river. One plate shows tho party In the water, the ot her shows the crowds on shore, with a view of the river front. Mr Ward will sell copies to those wishing to purchase them.- . Delegates to East Carolina Diocese.' ' Delegates from St. Cyprian's Parish to aunirst" Council of East. Carolina Dio ceses 3. T. Barber, J H. Fisher, L, R Sflsby, ' Alternates-" J. Harris, C. M, Saunders, H. W. Thompson. ' Well Desened Compliment. The following letter Is of special in terest at this time to Confederate Veter an, Daughters of the Confederacy,, and others. .It explains Itself: .,. . he .dqcabters ',, North Cabomka Division, United (Jonkkdkuatb Vetkbans, Hbnder80N, N. C, May a, 1U0 Miss Mary L Oliver, New Bern, N. 0, Deah Miss Olivkr: On behalf o Gen.' 3. 8. Carr, commanding the North Carolina' Division, United Confederate Veterans, I beg to tender yoa the ap pointment as Maid of Honor, to repre sant the Third Congressional District, at the approaching re-unlon of the Associa tion at LoulsvllU, Ky., May 80, 31, June i,,s. - 'r , . : Permit me personally to express the hope that the re-union will be graced by a lady who has been so act T i In her ef forts to keep fresh la the memory of the livingrthe noble deeds done, and' priva tions endured by the Confederate soldier J. . Very respectfully, VYM. H, B. BUHQWYHK, .'' Adgt.-Gen. and Chief of Staff. " Truck Quotations. ' " 'V ' ' New fork, May 8. -Cabbage fa.00 to tS90. Pea fl,85to$U9., ', , Bjrries lOo to 15o ' ';-' , . H Bit BY ELWM.,& Co. 'I had stomach.trouble twenty years and gave tip hope of being cured till began to Use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.N It has doue me so much good I call U (he aarlour of my life," writes W R Wilkin on, Albany, Tennv - It digest what you eat. F 8 Duffy. ,'. . v Bond Election. , : -. -; To colored voter, City of New Bern: It has been hinted that some of yon were golntto vote against the City of Mew Bern baying, erecting or construct ing a system of water work and sewer age. The writer, however, most have been misinformed, ' However, not one of yon should fall to register and vote affirmatively... The big white Republl can influence over the colored voter should oome to the front, urging you to register and vole for the system. - " Remember, ' this coming Thursday, Friday and Saturday are registration day, and next Tuesday, May 15th, is election day. - , '; , Signed: ,.' . .Isaac H. Surra, : "After suffering from piles for fifteen year I w4 cared by using two boxes of De Witft Witch Hazel Balvo," write W J Baxter. North Brook, N. C. It heals ever) thing. Beware of counterfeits. S Duffy. Notice to all Shippers of Truck. Hereafter at New Bern, all truck for special truck train, No. 21-3, must be de livered on the platform of tho A. Ss N C. R. R. not later than 11:30 a m. Any truck received after this hour (10:30 a ru) will have to take tame train noxt day, It Is absolutely necessary that No, 812 train leave New Born promptly at 11:00 a m to Insure connection with Atlantic Const Dispatch Line's all rail niovr-men irom vomauoro to Virginia ana: Eastern Cities. B. L. Dili., Supt, May 8th, 1900. J u jvonni'uy, i.onnokc, I ciin , Biivn n i. ... i MI cannot Bay loo much for DoWilt Witch Ha.cl Halve. One box of It etuc what the doctors called an Im-um!.! nlicr on my Jaw." (iikj ;, a in, I , skin iIIbciikcs. Look out for wi.nlil" Initiation. F. 8 D'liTy. J, (). l'-axtcr, the jcw-Hcr, h nciv COUlp'cie litie of Op i Seal a ti ; , ! II, " I i ! 1 i r i pt ! ci i. J ,i at 1 'i ' i i 1'i'V. W. S. K.jiie l.-ft yus'enl'.y nioru- ig- .... - Rev. D. II, Petreo came down from Ls Grniiire last night. . : Ex-Shoriff J. II . Bell and wife of Pol- locksville, spent the day in town yester day.. . " Mrs. W. P. Burrus and Mrs. II. C.4 Lumsilen and children went to Swans- boro ycslorday to spend a few days vis ing Mrs. J. F. prettyman. Mr. Edward Gerock left for Winston yesterday to attend the meeting of the Grand Lodge, I. 0. O. F. Mr. Geroc 1b a delegate from Eureka Lodge, No, 7, of this clty Open Letter of Owen H. Gulon. Having for so many vj ear absented myself from an active participation In politics, and having so strictly' confined myself to (he practice of the law, it Is with tbo greatest reluctnnco that I have permitted my name to be used lu connec tion with the candidacy for the House of Representatives. " , I fully realize- the personal eacrtfice that a nomination will cost me, and the financial loss of my temporary absence from my practice will entail upon me (for If nominated I feel perfectly confi dent of my election), yet recognizing the fact that whatever of success I have gained in my professional' career is due entirely to the people of my county. 1 consclenciously feel that In the present political emergency, the" greatest my people have been- called upon to meet since the days '61, that I would be rec reant, and ungrateful to them in refus ing" any demand' made upon me to this political struggle, if they desire to select me as- their candidate. - And as it it but the announcement of ray name te tha individual voter of my ounty, and as It Is left to my entiie County to select Its candidate at the bal lot box, I (eel therefore no hesitation In saying that if t hall become the choice of the people, It will be my most earnest effort to promote the interest of mi whole county politically ' and commer. dally - . U I shall not prove-the choice or my vvuuiy, louuer m my vuinjcHsiui oppo nent my time, and brt efforts In his lx half and- predict for him a political vic tory lnthls election, -for which he and our county shall be justly proud. -So that, either with or without thta nomination, i am with heart and voice for Dl ncy and White Supremacy , In Craven County. ' s r "Respectfully,"- '.. - Owek H. Qoiou, . For County Treasurer. I announce my name as a candidate for Treasurer of Craven couuty. If tb Democratic voters of my county feel that my past record as Treasurer of this county justlles their votes at the coming primaries, I shall be gratified at my re- nomination and will erve them with the same fidelity in the future a I have ever tried to-do In the past. -In offering my name to my" county trust that it may occasion no personal criticism , or accusation of . any - kind against any. person who may become sr 1 my opponent for tbl nomination, as I feel and know1 that tha selection of the nominee for this office will be made by the individual voter of my county at the ballot box. ," ' Very respectfully, - ', ' -i Tnoic a Daniels, , : List of Letters - , Remaining in the Post Office at Now Bom, Craven county, N, C, April 80th 'WOO: , ' . HBN'a LIST, . B Enoch Bryant. . , ' Edwards, ', F Sam Foster G Dick Owallncy, Wm Garland, R S Green, Henry Oroen. -.: II-W J Howard, Daniel Holloway. I-JNIvery. ' , .' , J- James Johnson, Ellen Jones care Ella Koonce, William Jones, II Jones. '.. -. v , L-W H Lovick. M W E Martin, Joseph' t Manly S Mo-Ilenry W McKay. :," . ' , N Seymour Northern, P Starkey Perry, Charley Prllchett 8 Amoos Stanley 2, Charley Bciulre. W-Ceo Whllfleld, Charlie While. William Willis. . WOMEN'S IjIHT. . A Sarah Allen, Belvla Bryant. ' C H M Chadwlok, Mary Crcdlo. D Leah Dudley co C C Foy. E Sarah Ann Edward, W II Elmor, PJF Annie Fleher, Parah C Fames caro (j E Charlton. II r.ll-ukhnlh IlarrU, Fannlo Harris, Hiilh A Hui'lii'H. J Mary Jonc, Nancy Johnson, Man nh John ion, Mary Joue rare Jack ltol: bins. a j-.uMiina ncnon, Aiurtna ivoonco L-CRtoliuO I.Cft is c:rft I 1 (,; I 1 'if, Hi tf c The re ilar monthly meeting of the CI of Commerce was held at ita rooms laat night, a quorum being present. Meeting was called to order by Presi dent J. E. Latham. Minutes previous meotlng read aud adopted. " On motion, the reports of all commit tees, the election of officers w,erc deferred until the next regular monthly meeting of the Chamber, Full proceedings will appear In these columns. , - , v' The .Richmond ShowT" Mr. J. J. Dancy of Richmond, Va., Is In the city, advertising the Free Street Fair and Carnival Week, to be -held at Richmond May 14 to It It willbe a big affair o,nd many attractions, nageant and shows of all kinds. Mr.- Dancy an nounces by way of inducement that there will bea prixe given to the hand somest Editor attending the Fair, the committee to decide-.conslsting of three young ladies. . Modesty will - prevent many editors from attending, but there are several up the state gentlemen who will doubtless be present.::,- Reduced rale and other Inducement are of fered. " - . . WHEH NATURE . Needs assistance it may be best to render It promptly, but one should rememlwr to use even the most perfect remedies only when needed. The best and most simple and gentle remedy Is the Syrnp of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. " i' REPORT OP .CONDITION ' Of (be Mateutl Aid BnnfclBC rmpa Kt Clone ol Haalnnp.Aprll 26th, 1900. ' ,-, RESOURCES: ' :, , Loans and Discounts ....... ..f 1,801 02 Furniture and Fixtures 471 05 Overdraft (secured) , 88 87 Keal estate ownea zui Due from Banks and Banker...; -., 58 86 Current Expenses , IMS 4! Cash in Hand,. ...... ... 638 8 13,208 09 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock paid In..,.. . 028 62 Utile Payable, Interestand Discount.)..,.. Due Depositors,..,., 189 00 m t',8 1,1)83 70 , , $3,206 Oft I, John I, t lsher, Cashier of the above named . Bank, do solemnly swear - that tins statement iB true to the best of my knowledge ana oelier. ' jutin n. i isiitiii, uasiiter, Sworn to and subscribed before rae this 8th day of My 1000. - RAPHAEL O HARA. Notary Public, - ( C. C. Roacji, ' Correct Attest W H Buhton, .- Btanlt. Cotton Wheat ' The stock market has been arousei) by It tumble from the Kiddy height ef tho past.' Un any run tier decline buy lor turn. - Cotton ls firm and you had better keep to the windward: sell only on lal Ilea. .Wheat will see btf before many days. - Corn should be: bought around B V- ,'. -' J no K Butter, uroken List Your - Property FOR 1900.'" ; . 1 -" Notice is hereby ei von that the List-Tuker for the 8ta township, Uravea connty will Bit at Mow ISeru ut Court Ilonso,- Jnne 1st to 8th, iiv elusive, and June ICth to 30th, in elusive At DeBrtthl Btution. June Oth. At liollnir School ' llonsrr, June 14th and 15th. B. R. BALL, , List Taker. S. Q. ROBERTS . : Wltolosalo Dealer In Groceries, Provisions, Canned Goods , . ' " of Any Description. Tobacco of all Grades. ' . Snuff, &c, Price Low, Good guaranteed Represented. V.M and K0 mq at Noa. and 11 Hrick Row, East Side Market. . 8. O. ROBERTS. t:0TlCE ! Cull and see J. W.-WOOD, when need of any kind of tin work, plumbing1 or stove rrpalrlne of any kind and you will fin J til m the rl'lit man with proner prion, Corner Broad and litdille street C"' u i 1 L Ii L u, . en, Pi hie i - Unli Ik ') In 1 1 l: la.,,- I iicreby announce myself to the Demo cratic voters ot Craven County as a candidate or Register of Deeds. VeryRespt., ERNEST II, GREEN. L. H. Cutter Hardware y Company, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Paints, Oils, JUST ARRIVED! A larcre and well sssorted line of Win daw and Door Screens. Also a beautiful lino of Water Cooler, ranging Ir sice from one to five gallons and in price from $1 to IS. Call and examine our stock before you buy and you will lave money, xours lor uuei less, LI. CUTLER RIIHO Carolina Buggies Built In New Hern. N. C. are cnrrectlv nnule for Carolina l'roolo. Wo am sole cxporU rs of the IJonuine Water Buggy . U. Watern & Hon, 78 Brond St Dobbin & Ferrall '- AtOTucker'a. ' RALEIGH, N. C, Very, Good For Rich :: A ,l..:'v .fis'.y " ', , r Summer Dresses Seeing Silk '; Black Nets ; '46 inches wide, - ;f$U5;ft.50r v ' - a Yard, r" , Dobbin c5c Ferrall . Samples ' Mailed. Special Bargain f In 35 koga 3d . .Fino Wire Nails ' For Coopering Potato Barrels. We have a Ready Mined Point In t in iwco color liicli we nffor you at rtOiv pr Kallon. Hciul or rail and get sample color cards. i Huvs you till it a liltlrof our J oil ti ini( Oil? It, mukrs old ftirnUuru 10 jk now, price 2"o. Wo liuvo sniiill lioncn of I'ulii I'onisiln at tl fat-li. M"i' for cli-iinliix nil vr ur liriiHS. A nli:o l.iro t liainiiin r-kio f ir ... YTe are Hl'l wiling a en-ii;k Oil Sti.vii tor fid,! snil a Iwo-nli k olio fur tl (H. Anollirr limt-il I.VvnlvMik ItroiU (or llie miiv er"p lim-nt of our i ih jiinl, n-rrivi ul ni.rliiir I III ,l"lirHl(il it In limit 'kt-ns fliid i.n i ii t (11 llllVB nlnl chic kt-it f ir ! r I ii t-tiK-k and ' to ulti'lllinn f 1 1 it OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o I Gents' Furnishings I Q shirts unbearable. : t mer ear, Men's zephyr weight Shirts, they are extremely light in ; weight, and O desirable in patterns, P0ith one pair of 4 O cuffs, $f.OO each. t Extra good unlaundered white Shirts, Y I - - r . . . J J TT. U . Ci A- 1. 1 T ? 50c each Laundered White-Shirts, the $t25 kind, $1. r t Other Mens Furnishings we offer are ' Iiinon Collars lOo each. These are the famous Peyser ;: brand. Men's Wash Ties, large assortment of patterns, 25c the half dozen. . . Sox, fancy stripe, 25c. Maco or Lisle thread with white or black feet, 25c pair. Men's All Linen Handkerchief, the best value obtainable " any where, 10c each. t Lawns and Other Wash Goods. : Solid Colored Lawns, white, Mack, green, pink and blue, 10c yd. : Silk; embroidered Mousseline in pink and blue wilh polka of white in waist patterns of 2J yards each, $1 50 pattern?. -All over Cream Lace, heavy Russian lattice design $2 50 yard. All over Block Lace, 2 00 yd. Millinery Department continues to give the best of values. One case of latest style Sailors just in, Ttoorth $1.50, luying by the case en,- ables us to sell at $125. 4 Monday we will show a sample line i of Hats at a reduction of about one- third regular prices and you are sure of best styles. T I O. cMarks GRIST -J.1ILLS. Neif Ml I U Roltlug Client ElevtorM and x Corn Cleanent Of the Latest. Improved and Up- to-Date Mill flachlnery. TOUR TBADR I rOIJCTT .r WPKC1AL PAIHV ken id clean ing and polishing grain tutor oing throng) the Tnilli-, hi h Inanres pur meal, ' . Corn, Hominy, Oats and Miied Feed GEORGE BISHOP. .' New Bein. N. O". ; . When You Want the Best Beer fn thn world call for ana take no other but the Philadelphia Prospect Hrewing Co.' ludwois Imager leer, the purest and best for sale by all .miVtner oalivin in the citv .and at wholesale by JAS. F. T AYLOB. For tho best 6o Cigar in the world try Cubnnol. , " The Purcsf and Best Liquoj-s al wfivs on hand. DoT Old Forester a specialty. The best for m dicinal purposes it ,v v Jas. F. Taylor's, ', 18 Middle Street. - m Arc yea nccJ,. t : ':y ? " . x f V. " "' IS! r X : X Xv, X'l" ." I We offer for Sum- 4 t : t Company, t Henry s Pharmacy, 127 Middle Street. Irjinra For War In Time f IN'HPt". Just rert-ivad a Hupply or LOAD1D GUNf: M.n dratb lo Itoaelit-s, IUd Ituf Uitlm. Water Hugs and nil In-m-t-lf. Will not stalu i r 'f-e the lim st falirh. Our trial is all that's IikiI.iI to i-ODvlniW the most skeptical. A full line of Toilet AriMcs, Perfume. ry, tto Physician's Ounipniiuded. PrrKcriptioii car fully Bathroom Comforts ' Stcnted by up-t -date plun hi if; ir hanee tha enjoyment of the bath tenf ld. Nfl one should nil's any of the de ines nw .km, a a and ibtalnalile. Towel Racks, Brvs'i and Hoap H Merf, S.irii k li rs, eto , form an'a,rgn s; Id of p H 1 i onnvrnl- nnf which senrltde peo e o.nn not well be without, - Yrfur Ideas a'vmt plumbing sbnuld'i I stop -with j r per unitary ConditliM r. Let n put y u uj . to data Hyman Supply Co., 'I'liene C2. X 49 CWAVES BTI KRT r 1 r I' II i f 1 ii V I 1 -