J, J I. MJy NEW BERN, N ., HRllSHAV NOKMNGrMAY 1U, 1900. NINETEENTH YSHt VOL XVII I-NO. 85. i i '"v " ,v -""' ' 33. 23- H-.CZI3T7niTv 47 & 49 Pollock Street. oiitira.- Relatlv'e Vaiue ' of Materials This Season and Last " The newest styles and low prires go hrtud in hand through- V ont our entire stock of JreBS Goodo, bhoesy Kiiibroidery, Dam- A asks, Towels ond Lam, of all Vim - f A Organdies are duiiitier thim ever boforo.irr plain colors w ty ),!.. .,.,.1 Va nannioa 11 .l-ll norm Rllk lllf txellfi I TOB for COlll- .--. fort besides beta easily laundered. , ; .3 - ... , i Agniu we are showing handsome patterns in black frepon, r also in the Ffissellc I lolli . . V - Dotted Swisses in lilac k and colors; then "The Crinkled J Cotton Crepon" in black maes up so well. , - - - V We caiL special attention to onr White. Goods Piques in 'VfiAta of all sizes or the llgured onca;"iioli awarldty of: Figured . . Mercerised Nainsook, Persian 1-awns, India Linous, :,Dmiities V ' or jiniDroiaenc8 anu & PVmioh Ormmiii.- with triininin&s ' LtmAtt nf i.H It lilt fl; v A IfVOrB IOX WH.8LB III -DWiHB, WKimy W A and Lace Plain, Then a peep at onr Hosiery Department. .ik : win i.n. a mm ... i .inn nr n fur liitnilsomoT one for 85c ii - - Kn turner line of orse'ts just arrived. U & 0 No. iti t:vi:.. !' ';!? Ribs and Polka Dote in t'otton. ; A, lovely Lisle Lace Hose for X 2?4 W Button, SaiWak and convince yourself : that :k 1 CI M French l'att'rn only 7o is selling List. ) Shoes of all iinds in Ties, Southern if; Kllmw.M lint.lv for Indies ttnd children; " I..t1nf otrl Tnh Ib.ifa fvi , f!nll nnd i.llor w we liiivti the Goods. Every One Who Enters Our; Store Stands ' ' - Face to Face With "" ;' , Great Barg-ains Nov li vour climnca 1 1 twain Hie of'tho lalflHt, Our new t'.ook ITen : ; y ...... ., .. . ' . .... : nsuAl advaniiiBrti tn llio c-ly buyer There I ho tim like the present to mak. your telecllniit. 3 , " t v '' ' u " v . Metis Suits from $235 to $10.00 : Youth's Suits rtJSto ' 7.50 : : Children's Suits v 7$ to 3.50 .. . ,j , ; ;'v,V ' t; " .Or.tttBrpilntldMeii;L(l.inlClillilrcn,d8::o s -i ' .'-JuslRew lvtdanLot f f 8trw and Wo 0 IUU for Met nrt B yt,, j t ll tine line of Dry Goods; TMolfohs, Trunks,? &c. v Bo come ri(?Ut Inland Jet U tb iw j o i what can do in .too way of Good : Goods and liow Prleet. " AMERICAN-"STOCK. COMPANY, . 59 & CI HI Idle Ft. 1IOWABD & MACIIT, Proprie'ora . r HAT ONE EATS Blioiild be die IkjuI tbe wrrW inn . i furnish, Our atork nf FoO'l Tr ".- .( ucuiaanai) round exhibition of ' priB winnera. Ii qtialit ', vaiMy, -Vi anil l'iuKiit rieen e Hnim '. eery ibing ftvuld ch apoinic il V . ponilK, poor fruila and veitolub e ,' Iwrtly ut up. Mike goxl dlp. tl n w.ilt on- aprellie aml.onlcr our i ro 'oil. fr.wn nr. Vi n c "i " lie uiiHiaken, , .. ; HavejiiDt nr. 1ml a la R M ... Country m l!l llhmi4i) Cm. - . 4 J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. 5 . . .... ,. . ' ."1 Delivery From Dunn' Prompt 33 ' Youfrnn alwayarxpcnl' when yon onli.r your food aupplica from this rt'lintiln giorc. Wo run f up ply fvpty demand of a lint rliiss family Irmle with the ClioireiH Pt 4 I.1 nnd Fiinry Gnorii. Hi I- I ho--, Pirklea. Hnid ii, Ulie','P-x II tt IMnt nmicr. nml ! n ut It K k iti.it. m li It-, at W o iiiiike a npcv'iully of id 1 P. hh nnd 1 1. ir- . i 'ir prrrtwllo 1 lllcnd- Collco 1 3 Vine, If ymi van! it I f u ji of ( '. I i t ' t n 1 ci.;T. c l.ny ;t j n.l mid ymi will ; - I it. it- ' :V i "-1 v Y--' , TTT Will Adams Meet AycockT Presi dent White Undecided. Vance : . Statue ob a Hound. Tobacco v Growers' - Association. -" Odd Fellows at ' Winston . .'- , BALKioit, May Sr-The Bulletin of the Slate Agricultural Department: taya of tbe fertilizer analyals, which It pnbltshea a ereat number: ...Jhe analyses present ed are of samples collected by the fertil izer inspectors since the middle of Jan uary, and, therefore, represent the char acter or fertilizers the farmers are buy Inir or will buv. To have a basis for comparing the values of different fertil izer materials and fertilizers, It la neces sary to assign values to the three Valua ble constituents of fertilizers ammonia, phosphoric add ' and .potasb. These figures, expressing relative value per ton, are not intended to represent crop producing power or agricultural value, but are estimates of . the commeiolal value of ammonia,- phosphoric , acid and potash in the materials supplying them. ' To make a complete fertilizer the far. torlesbave to mix together in proper oronortlons : materials containing am monia,: phosphoric acid and potash. Thla costs something. Tor this reaitn It Is thought well to have two ete of Tslaatlona one for the raw or nnmlied oiaterlalf, such aa acid phosphate, kanlt, coltou seeif meal, eic ( and one for mixed fertlllzeis. The values used last season were on a basis of cost of unmixed In gredients for cash by retail at - the sea board, and were: For ammonia, 13 cent per poundrfor phosphoric acid 4 cents, for potasb 5 cents. The values declt.cd upon this season, for the rtasoni a ready given are: In unmixed or raw materials. for . ammonia 13 cents, for phosphorle acid 4 cents; for potash S cents. ' In mixed fertilizers, for ammo nia 15 cents, for phosphoric acid 8 cents, for potash D cents. 1 In the calculation if rvUtlve value It Is only r eces.ary to rcme inter that so many per cent, means tbe same-number of. pounds per Lun drtd, and that there are 2,QfO pounds in one ton. "Work baa begun on the Popltsl at tbe Soldiers Homo bete It will be f O I (00 feet in size. It Is of interest to know "whether the State Chairman Ilolion will accept tbe Democratic invitation for a jolntcanvasa r not on the Amendment and other is sues. Adams the Kepuhllcan nomluie will hardly be able to meet C. B. Aycock on tbe stump, for Ajocck Is tbe leading stump speaker in North Carolina. .Tbe books have arrived In which will be kept a complete final record of all criminal : proceedings of the federal :ourt in this district. This is a wise rale. , . ' " The State Treasurer made a demand on the Wake county commissioners for $3,400, tbe amount altowed-elnce 1894 to the register of deeds out of tbe Mate money to pay blm for making onC-tke tax lists. . Th.e Treasurer says be asked the chairman of the board of commis sioners If then was any law for this at lowance, and that the chairman replied that If there was not, there ought, to be. ; The Secretary of Slate requests that the county election board will send once requisitions for tlio i-ltcllon law and blank poll books. Tbe registration books and election laws are ready Covernor Russell gives Pearson s bard blow. 1 be Hcnutillcana here are speak ing of the Governor as "tlio man without a parly," but he lias a few devoted fiiends. The party has put these on the i-bclf with him, Loge Uunl and Cbas A Cook are examples of this, llev, John E. White has been glvrti ton d ij 1 time by the ttustoea of the llaptlt Female Unlveisliy lo decldo whether he accepts the presidency or not. He haa call to the presidency of a college Georgia, also. : ' Though the retlnmcnt of Dr. Alder mm from tbe presidency of the Stale Unlvcrs'ty was not unexpected, yet it causes keen rcgrot. . It will unquestion ably be a hard task lo II nil a 111 successor to him , It was decided jesterdsy that llicie should not lie a terrace' for tlio Vance statue to stand upon, hut a mound. It is a very wlsu decision. Totlny the prepum tion nf tlio mound list Intuit. It will lie turfed mi. I will lio fienh ami green ly luly 4th, the (Into of the nnvt-lllng of Hie st at ho. Oiltl Kt!llowB III litr'O numbers I gonfl to tliR nu'iMliiij; nf tlio i:rninl j at V.'i n -iun Tlii: oi pli ii im 1 1 .hh 1 1 ' j.!i:in'i -it finiii (!':M;.!inni vii'iil I j tn y..t.rily. ! 'I l.e l I for It V.M.ililn tr against him. On was then released nu merely nominal bail. George ilunt, the man who brought Mrs. Raker here and who lived willi her, Is In jail, but will give ball. ' The woman has nearly recov ered from what appeared to be a fatal wound. , , There are a dozen commissioners from this State to the Paris Exposition. So far as now known, only two of tbem will go, Messrs. Weill, of Goldsboro, and Giles, of Wilmington. ' ' .- ' m :. On the Z4tbinst, the executive com mittee and tbe commUtee on plan and scope of the North Carolina. Tobacco Growers' Association will meet here.- It is desired that reports as to acreage be L. tent to Secretary T. B. Barker, at fiillt- boro. . fiarry Purgwyn Camp, Sons of Con federate Veterans, nas been regularly rganized here, with Marshall DeL Hay wood,, commander, H. Ay er, first lieutenanlt John - B. Stronach, second lieutenant. It sends Hugh 0. - Kendrick fltt delegate to tbe reunion at Louis ville..-, ,- . Tbe advance in the price of real estate -ken during the past twelve months is very remarkable.:. Real estate dealers say the widespread street im provements are the cause. , - ThefSSaboard Air Liue yesterday. -re ceived two new locomotives. Forty more are to be be furnished. . . :;r ''I had stomach trouble twenty . years and gave op hope of being cured till I began to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.. It baa done me so much good I calk it tbe saviour of my life," writes W R Wilktn- on, Albany, Tenn. " It digests what you oat F a Duffy NEARING KROONSTAD. , The Strike a Failure; ' k Atlanta, May -8 President W, V". owell, of the "Order of Railway Tele graphers, Issued an order effective at 11 m. today, formally dlscontlonloj the strike of tbe Southern Railway tele- tranhors, declared April 13, 1900.-- In his statement, President Powell ac nounces the decision of the mfllcer of the order regsrdinif - the strike, lie nates that tbe telcgrjptiorecan now ap ply to, the Southern for employment without being considered by tbe order is scabs, but advUes. them - hot to do 'O. - J O Kennedy, Roanoke.- Tenn says, 'I cannot say loo much for- DeWitt'a vVlich Hazel Halve. One box of It cured what the doctors called an Incurable -nttwrwn my )a.",Xurel piles- and alt iklc diseases Look out for; won bless niltutlons. F. S. Duffy, Within 45 Miles of the Town, Roberts '"?. ' Camped on Zand River. - Lohbon, May OKour thousand Brit ish cavalry watered their. horses at Zand river. Si miles beyond Smaldeeh: where Lord Roberts continues to dalo bis dis patches. The 'scouts who. baVS been searching the country for mile along tbe stieam have found no Uoura south of the river. - The enemy are -laagered in unknown force 04 the north biuk. Thus the BrltUh advanoe gnard Is wltl in 45 miles of E.roonstad. Smaldeel Is a village of only" a scoie of dwellings, but it expands In mo night to a vast canvass city and the glow of the camp Area ws like -a scene In an .irou amelUng district, " The city Is likely to fade away in m,day . by tbe . ImmedWte progress of the Infantry to Zand river. The tidings from Mafeklug are gl.iomier than ever. Everybody there ba an empty stomach and a pinched face. The natives are no longer given even por ridge, and tbe whites now have nothing but a quart of that substance , and a pound of horse sausage dally,- . Everything else eatable baa gone. In sufficient food, wet trenches and cold nights' are deadly to the health of the gairiaon. This iniormatton comes irom reliable natives. Lady Barah Wilson, under date of April 7tb says; . "The Boers now number 4,500, including young Eloff, President Krnger's grand son, who has sent for more guns." . .. Cape Town correspondents learn that an Important movement, in Natal Is ex pected in the, next four days. Ueneral Buller is rapidly completing bis trans port organization Populist National Convention. Special to Journal, -1 , r, ' -1 Sioox Faiw, 8. P., Hay 9-Tbe Popu list National Convention wa called, to order bV Senator Marlon Butler, who named the temporary officers of the con- venlion. "t . Tbe Nebraska Delegation decided not to vote for any ono for the" Vice Presi dential nomination,-but to leave that open, so sa to have a committee of con ference treat with Ike Democrats, Five or- six other Slate delegations have ex oreased tbemtetve in like fash ion, and it It asserted that this will kill anv chances of Towns beinz named f r second place on tbe llcl et - - ilo of Valuable Tim ber lllglUM. ), . THE MARKETS. : The following quotations wen receiv ed by J. E. Latham, New Bern, N. O. ' ' Nbw 1 obk, May 9 Open. High. Low. Close ..... 8 68 ... , 950 . , 0 81 8 54 '..:. 8.28 ..: 800 ..... 8.06 1 - . J COICAQO UAHKRTS ' W 11 rat: Open. High. Lo Oottoh; ; May...... July . . '. Aug. Sept.r., Oct.... . Nov, Jan.,. ... 971 9.50. 9.81 854 - 8.88 807 : 8.07 9.07 ; 9 49 9.88 8.51 8 20 805 " 8 08 9.09 9.49 9 28 851 8 SO 8.00 8 01 July ..... Comn:-. ." July..... o. Jl'j PTd. T.C. I...... Oon.T.-i....' Leather..... MOPao ... Fed 9 A. 0. O ........ A. B.& W . . .. 87 Cotton receipts at all ports. . 67 074 -' 67 89t . 891 88 it Mr 88 : we're 4.000 (lose Mi -781 80t 14 ' 5r, ,89 83 87 bales . ( Truck Quotations. .' New York ;ay 9. Cabbage 2.00 to 50. Peas tLSJloeBO.' 1 , " .," Birrles 10c lo 14o. it t- . . jbn -niijiuT J3.UWH.I.U-W. vj Annual Heetlne of Stockholders, The annual meeting of the stock hold- est of The East Carolina, Fish, Oyster, Game and Industrial Association will be held at Cit Hull on Tuesday, May l-'itb, 1900, at 8 o'clcfc p m, - r . GKottna Grbek, Beo'y. Cotton SBttl & Seed IrisH Potatoes - Early Rose, New Queen, Pride of South. Bed and White Bllss-both- borne and northern Erown. 1000 bushels Early King Cotton Seed.-100 bushels Southern llrpti Uotlon 8eHi, bone; Btapie vohod Call or write lor circulars. . r. .J. E. LATH M. The easiest and moil eft. ctlve method of purifying the blood and invigorating the sjalem Is to take DeWltt's Little Karly Risers, tho famous little pills for cltmnstug the liver and bowels. F S Duffy. tLHoLBook Store palmer's Perfection I Hammocks. ' G. H. Ennctt. Tl e most de Iraldo coloit, Ihe newest patterns and bought when coltou yarn was at tlio Tory lowos1- price,. . - v Uoiler and by virtue of an order of the Superior Clou it, granted 111 an action wherein P. 11. Peileller, lixeuutor ot AdolphCohn is plalutilt and Fanuia V. Brooks and others Delta at law aru dir fendtnts, 1 will sell at puoiic- auctiou at the Court tloasu door In New ileru. on Monday June lltb. at tbe ho ir of IS o'clock ui all tbe timber 'vtandiug 01 betoa upon the lands hennnfiei ,dr scrioud 10 feet or more at the bisu when out witn the full term of fifteen years ui c ; 1 . ... cut auq remove lue tame uu situ pru-ui- 1 tses, upon the following terms and cun-i a ditions. Tbu purchaser to pay tasol job the lands during his lease hold, to I 1B ume the responaioiilties 01 suav.oun and others against 11 oath, and to pay one hull of the purchase money upon the 1 on Urination of the sale,' the remaining half to be Data within six months,. 111. same to draw Intertsiat 0 per oent. In m. date, the title ur said nrouerty .tu be ie. talneu until . lull payment ot purxnaHj money. The lands upon wblcu the Um ber above described Is situated and being as follows: " Tract 1: Beginning at a pine stump John HHPs earner iu Jamas swamp near Ayers Branch, and runs tnence soutn 18 west 23 ebaina to John James line, thence along bis line north 70 west 18 j chains thence north 18 east 27 chalus, thence north -nine west'. ISSi chains, thence north 19 west to the second cor ner of Dennis Perdue's natent. IK-nee north 81 west along William Gatliu's 9J acre patent line to nis corner, tnsuce alone: another of said lines north. 68! west lif enatns to a pine stump, mo coi ner nf William tiatltns Vil acre patent at the lower end of Reedy pond, thence along William Gatllna 150 acre patent north 8 east Brif chains to 01s norm east corner of tail patent, thence north 70 west 47J chains to an-ttber or said.uut lins coiners on the sldeof the -pocosin, thence with lite western and northern boundaries of the Stephen Willis ptlent to the norlherinost corner of the Aqml a Pollard patent; tbence soutuiueast 10 the corner Of . avid. Wbltfords 60 acre patent, thence-, north 8'i east lo eltalno, thence South 41 can 2(l.ch ins, thnnre south 9J east to tlio run of Janes SwntaD. tneme down the tame to .lol n Bill t patent Hue. and along tne tame 10 the beginning, containing wu acres tuou or less. - Tract No 2. Alto tlio tract or laLd known at the Bowden land adjoining the above described tract, beginning at a corner Of Edward (Jatllns 200 acre patent and thence south 89 east 70 poles to stake In the savannah, the beginning ol lot Mo 8. thence alone B line ot tne saim south SI west to the run of Beavur Dam swamp, thence up the same to a gum tbence tontn ou .east ftJ poet, im-ncc along a line of Edward Gatllns p tient in tbe besrlnnine.: containing 1H1 acres being lol No tour In the uivlil'in of the David B. Dunn ei-tale. - Tract No 8 Also me Irsct or land known as the Peel lands belne lot N 5 In the division of tho lanilt of David Wbltford, befflnnlne at I).' noted in the plot of laid division and rnns aa fid Iowa: South 70 west 28 poles to a romor of lot No, four,' thonce looth 821 vtt ilO polos sontb 79 west 10 poles, north 20 polos, norm vj west iuu - poire 1 dIiis above the bumpy nak. thence i)rtb S3 east lot) Doled, soutn lit) west is pntw soutn IV east uu poles, nortu o oa-t suu poles to a line In tbe Beaver Trap Island thence with lbs I'ocosln to the begin ning, containing 808 acres, eiceptlug 40 acres previously ; conveyed iu w rigiii Tract JNo. . 4: aiso - tne loitowins described landa beeinnlne at the onrnei of Aaron Ernula 200 acre patent In tbe Dondof Three etimt and runs south west 07 Doles, tbence south 8 east 188 poles,'; thence north 25 east 148 polet, inence norm . not , east . tusst point thonce ; south 75 east : 821 . poles thence north Z0 east- '! 10-10J pole thence north 67 west 103 pole', thence north 10 east lo tho further corner of Aaron ErnuU 300 acre patent, thence south 74 west 180 poles, thence to the beginning, containing 33U acres more or lets ' '"'-'- v,:-- Tract No. 5 Also lot No. One . in the division of the lauds of David ' B Dunn, beginning at "A," a stake corner of the original division line and runt along the tame north 47 rati 208 poles lo a stake, then west 10 polos, thou north 24 west 118 polca. I hence south 60 west 101 polet to 1 be fourth corner of the deed 10 John Birch, thi-n tloug the Hue of fie same norm 80 west 83 pole lo an other corner of same, tbence tomb -87 east 18 nolet. thence south south 45 weal 10 polet to a line itf the George Fisher patent, then along the tame to the first station contalnint; 184 teres. ; v , p. II. PELLET1ER, - . Commissioner, etc Thlt the 9th day of May, 1900. . Portsmouth Corned Mullets ! A Few Nice Ones Just Received at . J. L. McDaniel's, 71 Broad St. AI30 a nice lot small Sugar Cured Pig Hams, Breakfast Strips, California Hams 5 and Fulton Market Corned Beef. ' The best selected stock oi Groceries in St1,. -A4. '.-! . 5g lino viiij. - trrompi aenyery ana JiocK-JBottom Prices. Yours to Please, MILLINERY at New York Cost ! Now is Ihe time for every 1 ody to get a Hat. Never before have the people in nd around Now Bern been given the opportunity to buy Millinery at the prices we 111 offer for TEN DAYS: 13 dozen Leghorn Oolf Sailors, black only, worll. 50:: for 10::. 0 dozen Leghorn Flats, whito, (1 25 value. 'XV: 0 " " " 1 00 ' (isc 4 " ' " ' " 75c ' r, ii: 4 " " 60c " IT: In Ibis s ilo we offer our otHire line of Flowers formerly 20, '2r, fiOi-, i CO, owl!. 18, 87 and 74. " - T-Ie a'tovc are oulv a few of tho many values we offer, Jlousselinep, CliilToiis and ltlhbon.1 at tho samo proportional discount. No extra charge for trimming, Ml orders nurnocred and delivered In order talien. " Cure Cold In Head. Kermott'S Chocolate Laxsttve Oulnlnt. easy to take and quick to cure cold ia bead ana sort throat. ' ........ In Inn e hlKc 111! '.a-sirxijX-' CO., -WANT TO SELL YpTj J. L. McDMIEL, & Retail Oroeer, 'Phone 91. 71 Itrol SJt. 3?: A.J.SMI' Successor to H. B. Duffy. Tim, hat, tptktt, Vthtt, ratktti, aartt, Orlas, I am Surrounded Bsr nil la. Mellafa' Meeds, and at Jlf od iralt l'rict Iw. . My ttx of wheels conkihts oi COLVMltlAS, fat BAHTTOKDH fetV HAM HI. Kill:. Aivna r. n 1. iwnaniKii ui PKNNAXTt, " sao Lai, Doth chnlnlns and , chain. Easy Payaeits. hyrSskop. h CovPLara and J OMT wor toUc. Wd. . ... . WM. T.HILL, -. 91 MUmlt m, Pistols, Ceatsnt, Riikker, Ensul, rutlits, CtrWd,, OraaMta, CMtttrt, Wrtaclist TlnTss. Phut. PlltrtY aft -W. We Call ' Your Attention To Our ;. -r ' ..- 4 ; . : . : ' -Line of ; ! Ladies,' Misses and Children's Summer Vest. ANoloo ir WHITE I.AW.v'8 which we t. I oi a 'I ! e'oro the It rnnce in rice, Everybody Wears Something New On Easter. Wo arc prepared to fiiiiiii.li you with cvcrylhlnnjiew. New Hats, both soft and straw iu nil grades and shapes. New Neckwear in all tlio latest colors nml ili signs. New Collars in nil itciglits. Shirts. The nobbiest line of Ncnliije Shirts ever sbon here, Percales, Madras, and 8ilk at 50c, 75c nml Sjl. Men's Shoes. The most comploto lino of Men's Shoes in town, In high and low quarters, in black, tan and patent leather. Cull and examine our lines and you will find that we can save you money. J.G.DUNN & CO. 57 Pollock St. A -f t! four (in (I ... - 1 ...fl Our 1!. PHONE 181. D. F. JARVIS; 03 POLLOCK 8TRKET. Three Flats To be told to the highest bidder. iK ' 11 ow Is thla, the only stove wood man tbero be, will now out-prices down on - all kind of Stove Wood, aa It mott be ' . . -told right out and make room for other t .; bnainost). .- v -.'"'.- :. K ,- '.. : '. '.!- Laths and Hand-made and Sawed "r-- Shingles, wholesale and retail.. 's:' . r 4 s v" fl Buggies. 1 Road Cart.' 8 Diaja. and') ' 3 Pump Carts. ;i-j ?v. ;- ' BOOCedar'andlFat Llghlwotd P.tel,.. - - win sou highest Bidder, y-v j, ''i-;. t-' t- For further information, see BIG HILL,. Tie idiIb Mai ' SB GIOO.OO Reward ! YOU'LL SEE At ailtnot i (Of t-'pilng Woolens hi rllto the top n itc'i In tlio variety of ar ti:.llo pattern. What a stilt ' mado of it.- l ihn way it Is mi do tip ate the two i i ut ih i t p. In'fl. Wo li n vi n 1 , i l i ' i . r r ;(!. (lur tt'f'lli i : !!..,' '..y of ! : v . v'-v15 (''!!; ... I