VOL XVIII -Nl). 311. KEY,' BERN, N C, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY I3r 190(1. .NINETEENTK YEAR 47 & 49 Po 'Tint nanoat t.vl Mul.Irtw ... . - -v- r out onr entire 'stock of Press lioous, noea, riiiiuroiuery, wain- y ask, Towels uml f nil kimls. ,..! i '"V Organdies urn daintier dun ever before in-plain colors or ylj Brocades and the genuine Iluri ohIib Silas are treasures for com- yr fort besides beiti? so onsily laundered. , . ' , . . A- CjJ , Again tve am .bowing handsome patterns in black .Crepon,- V (t also in the Friwllo Imli , - ' ' V ' dotted Swisses in black anil colors; then ''The Crinkled yy A Cotton Crepon" in black ma1 es n so well. ', " A j V-v'We call social attention lo our 'White Goods--Piqitoa in. i m ...; Va,;ju.l- 4 and Kfench Orirandioa with IriniiuiiiL's of Embroideries and V m liters of all kinds All (hers" "' a and Lace. . Ribs and Ye a peep at mf Hosiery- olka Dots lu CollmK 60o or a far handsomer one for y . Summer line of ( orset )-lrenohTattein only 700 is seiiiiifj last ii ' Shoes of all kinds in -Ties, Southei Shoes of all kinds In -Ties, IK fcJipjK-ri botn lor lames aim rnuureu. . - , - - '3?.tH"!"t i'ii I lev aim Jet Hells too uau ana coovmra ywurwu , mm yj. W we Jiave the (loods. ( - . 1 Jjf I 23 ' ' IB... ECCBTJIST. Every 'One 'Who Enters Our Store Stands v " ' Face to Face With J ; o n-rAa.t, Barffains ' 1 , r - . ".l,,-''' "'r y... No 14 vmir4liaiirf 'tajeRiire tbe plek of tUe ialont.Otir no Bloct,olTerin nstiul ndvanu to tlie curly buyer." There is no time like" tbe premal to ma ; ; Men k-Suits from $2.25 to $10.00 ; '- Yoath's,Suits :': t.75 to 7.50.. Children's SMtar ;.75 Vo ; 5.50 : - ; GralHir(:Hlo hi Mro'd,' Ltdie aixl Clilidreu' 810. JuaI Keet Wed Big tl of Straw and flnc line of Dry Goods, Notions, Trunks, &c " Po eonie riflit in and let uthiw you bt eaa do la ibe way of Good Good and CHw Pr'cw. ' , , " , AMERICAN STOCk COr.lPAfJY, S9 & 61 MMilla ?t. oyviiiX!vt tviXio ! WHAT ONE EATS V Blioiil 1 Ik tlie best the Jfivx)i ran furnish.' CUt slnrk of Food Pr d- .- - n.a I mn all nwl.lh.llnn prize h Hem. In qutlitv, arit Mil )ant rirr 0 rial e?cry llnnp A void cl.rap renrr hadly put up. M'ik (rood rlljri -Hon wult on epneilio and rde' ( . yoiiri rormti ir w us. Ihugi.i V ' l e miKiaUen.' . . I'm Jimt n Ivt il a la ge 4 . it . t r.j Hnmi to fut. . " J. R. PARKRR, J GROCER, ThonelGD. .77 Broad Street. . -.vji ijsvi-ii.-s.(i g.svifcixi.i. SS.J.tii Prompt Delivery Fro::i-Di::n' i 1 1 ii! t. I f ,---f. "rrr"AJ I f .'ii v nut a 1 rnj ' f i! iitnl yon h ill r I i'. 'I'Ih-. C M- i- "' '! l- : V ' L I w A V 1 1 ock Street. V nt - ires so kind in hand through- V . , . . .i, I.H.iK India Linons.' Dimities V for WaisU in Swiss, Organdy ' ' - . r. k'V Department. Plain, Fdchlicii, r. ' A lovely Lisle Lace, JIoso for M 85c. just arrived tt & G Ko. 274 V) Southern Ruttoii, Sandals and M Wo a Bl for llec and B.yi " HOWARD & MACIIT, Proprieors. eiiS . ,s If -s-s ? s Voiijoon 8lwi ex clj lion yrtu or.liT your finxl supplies from tills n liii)ln slori", V c m niip ply every ili'ina nl of s lU.t rlnss fiinily Ir-ule witli the Clinice-it St nli smiI Fs i 'y fl o oii h. I'rl I d Pit kl,.H, Hihri.s, OH - c ,V ix It vr Print 'tullcp. sud l'ii llu on t I. k I nl in i" 1 1 s W'e nmko a fj" lr. le I'. m a'i 1 C i Our I'erf -r:in i I illy r in ..1 - I. W .1 kftl L.i4l Needed By The Democracy, For Re publicans Have The Cash. Pearson Case Helps Democrats. New Map Printed. Raising Flowers 1 ' For -Market More Money ' For Militia. Federal . y Complaint. Rai.riqii, May 13Tbe Democrats niH'd money to carry on their great work In Ibis campaign. 'key need $15,000 at least Of course it will have to come from what may bo termed popular' eOn trlliullona. Tbe Republicans have along list of olHceliolders revenue, postofllce ulrlce and census to get money - from,' and besides this get a great deal from outside. It ought to bo-remembered that InAbe campaign of 1896 the Kepublicaus received no less than $65 000 from out side tbe State, Then, as thia'year, North Oirollna's vote was recognized as im0 -tant, , Tbe Democrats must reaoh the rural voter; must do personal V'ork with hi in and get literature Vo him.' .The Republicans seek to Ox. "a doubt in h voter's mind. They do not work on the voWi in towns. It is in the country that they po. They are boasting that the c luntry 0 .era are not turning o it to ho u the Democratic car.dUlalea. They boasf alsi that they have a foothold on 80,000 o' the rural voters, who doubt, or as tbe liepulillcan put It, ' ire not gatisfiert with the amendment." This waaapbra Dr, AbWt used. The Democrats wan to 'reach, must roach and wil! reach thi army of votois. - . -- The D mocratrc leaders are . wet' rpioased at the seating; of Pearson ! fact several ilaya ago they expiesse: some fear that It would -not be done. Noverdid the Republicans play a wois; gone of politics than la 4hls matlerr Oi'iiwfnrd's re-election is asauredaud llu seating of Pearson will cost tbe ltcpuld . cans a cool 5,000 votes In the Slate. On. of the Republican leaders when askifi what he thought of the sealing said hi always bad a sublime confidence In all his party did. The speaker Is the man In charge of Republican politics in this enij of North t'arolin An effQrt was mailo, ? but Sunaloi Travis says It failed, to have the Demo-' cralio Congressional Convention of thf second district postponed antil after tbf August election. 8uch Was the wish of j the Democratic State committee, ' a sirongl expresied last winter. The cor.- ' vention will be held at OoMabdro,' Ma Wlh,. . y: f ;;;;",v'. lerx Henry Clay Brown, of the cor. poration commission, baa received tbe flrst copies of the new - railroad map ol the State for 1900, to I ho prepaTatlon of which he has given much time, care and ability. It. Is tlie second map Mssuect The first was In 1897.' The map reflec t special credit upon him, 'It shows the following new roads and extension: Carolina & Northern; ; East Caroline; Lawndale (Cleveland county); Raleigh & Cape, Fear; Cape Fear Northern; ertbage extension; Duiham & Char lotte extensloni Mt. Airy Essiotn; Winston to . Hooresvllle; Virginia to Wooddale (Person county); Aberdeen A Asheboroexlension; Aberdeen & Rock-' rieb extension;, Roanoke , Junction, branch of Ralelgb Gaston; Klrod to Hub (Allantlc Coast Line); Rldgeway to Petersburg; Hamlet to Columbia. The map shows 8,027 miles of which the -louibtrn hss 1,228; Beaboard Air Line tf 19. Atlantic Coast Line 940, miscel laneous 843. The longest road Is Ibis Carolina l entral, 271 mile; (he next tbe North Carolina, 223 miles. Tho .map also shows the new county of Bcotland At the expeiiment slsioc here Pro'. Msatcy la now raining 50,000 Bermuda lilies. These will soon be in' bloom They are groan for tbe bulbs, and tbe latter will he sold 10 Henderson & Co., HorUls, of Philadelphia. That Arm scut Uie seta 1 ere for nlanllnir. Tbeie were three wgon loads . of tbe sets. In Ber muda a dlresse has nearly ruined tin lily trade Tbls dUease got In a lot ol tbe lilies grown here last year. Tbls year it hat not appeared. Prof. Mmsi) U uUo growing 10 000 iiardsmii plant. S'ld B.O'K) hyacinths, all for Hundurnon it Co. The latter are deeply Intercut In tli 0 mailer and want lo buvo rimer grown here also. ' At the Confederate Cemetery liore the grave of Capt. Kamlolph X. Hholwell was bnautlfully decorated, luring com pletely covered wlih red and While mm, maiden bitr fern and iitcid m Idles. The grave of ("id. II irry Hurj.'W)n Ann kmi ( rale II This (HIM ti.i : ' I a !' t' "'' . I I v i cially ih:-.ni.'iled of 1 1 n mn r t(-l li'. Suite's milliin ii. allow eil hy m l i tin of nil ll.i! Sn.i ,r, 1:1 o: !;i ,., " ,r, ,. Vl: I 'I " ... ,. ;:l ( .. i. i.. i"! to i v I fn !',H: :.r.:.i f Con:': i"i, I- :tl" Washington Star. Two or three months ago they seut tlieru to an Atlanta paper. Your correspondent has heard of the shooting of only oue Federal prisoner, Geo. Borne, and of the charges that 'a negro convict v;as beaten to death on the Northampton faim last year. Tbe let ter charge was Investigated and-the farm supervisor acquitted of It, though he was soon after aids dropped by the superintendent. Dental was made of the h rge oi thu stripping of wpinea. - The warden, who shot Home, says he did li to save his own life; that be shot to wound and not to kill, 'but the' bullel severed an artery and a vein, gaigrene supervend, the leg was amputated, tbe man died. Agents of the Department of Justice came here last year and more are coming now. 'Federal convicts wen whipped last year. - The superlulendeni ordered this done, to ' quell Inefpieni mutiny, as they claimed they could not be whipped and weredlsquieting the dlale convicts Tlie. superintendent con tended that the. Federal aonvicts wen under the same central as the State con vlcts and amenable to the. same dlrci ' pllne. . The ringleaders wen whipped. .There were five or ell of them and they were given three tc nine hubes each The-superintendent said this had a most salutary effect. .- - x FILIPINO WANTS PEACE. .1 Senor Buencamlno, of Agulnaldo's Cabi net, Favors It. Natives Incapable of : Self-Government. r t , s , Manila, May 11 Senor Buencamino, at one lime a member of the Filipino re publican Cabinet, who was recently lib erated by General Oils, has announced that he has become reconciled to Amer ican toverelguty and that be will devote his Influence to bring about peace.-.. v He has sent a proposed peace platform for the National Filipino party -to the native leadon lu itanlla and lo tho Filipino-generals In the Held, , Including Aguinaldo. , t 4 . ' , n . This platform declares that it Is Impos sible for the Filipinos to exist as a na tion without the protection of the Uni ted States, ami that, consequently, they must recognize- Amorlcao sovereignly and strive to attain, under a constitu tion, the utmost liberty possible . Con ilnulng, Senor Buencamino argues that the Filipinos are incapable of seif-ov-ernment. He sats: : 2 ' "In our Independent f overoment the most predominant: notes were abuses and1ramoralltie, the offspring of ignor ance and the inherited vices ot Spain, ly which the Filipino regime was rendered odious to our own people.'' - -t. Therefore,. Seuor Buencamino con tends. American control is necessary to prevent civil strife. Ileaddt: v . "Should the civil commission guaran tee protection in the personal arid Indi vidual right and liberties of the Filipi nos, leaving the determination of our future political' statua. to tbe United Stales Congress, Aguinaldo will come in, will order a cessation of boslUtiltt and will direct the surrender of arm. '.'I had stomach trouble twenty yeait and gave up hope of being cured till 1 began to nse Kodol Dyspepsia -Cure It has doo mo so much good 1 call it the saviour of my lire," writes W It Wilkin son, Albany, Tcnn. - It digests' what you eat. F S Duffy. " ' . - ;. World's Cotton Supply, "v Now Orlbanb, May 11. rcrelry Hester's statement of the world's visible supply of cotton shows a decrease for Ibe week jut clincd of 150,000, agalust a decrease of 110,247 la-t year. - The tola! visible supply Is 2,705,529, against 2.8J(i,lS0 loat week, and 4,728 291 last yesr. uf this tho total of American colton Is 2,047,520, against 2,141.189 last week, and 8,500,291 last year, and of all other kinds, Including Egypt, Ii axil, India, etc., O'lR.QCO against 0:15,000 laal week, and 1,103,000 lust year. Of tho world's vlvlble supply tin r Is now a flint and held lo Oreat Britain and Continental Europe l.fi'Jl.OOO . bales. against 2,710,00 laaljcar; Egypt; 134,- 000, aj;aln-t 177,000; In India. 8.'5,0", l'k1ii1 (J08 00O, and lu the United Slates f 61.000, aguinht 1,151,000. The easiesl and BiOil (T ctlve mi thod of purifying the blood and invigorating lie sjstein Is to take DeWlll's Liule Ivulj 1,'l.erH. the fnnious liule pills for elennalng ibe liver and Hoels. F S Diidy. Sc:. ' a "y:s. Artivitl of itiitiU ft ( mo tidiilt nml wcRt ;iliy fvccja Stimlny, l''tiJ a. m.; i.40 1 HI ilniiin-liill Rfli! t 1m3 H'tilh ti.'.'h j ji. m ; iiH !i -I (liy V' . ru, J I .f!t vo N ix I ii n : I'.'t 'J 1 Hi a, jtu niii .'!' p- in ; V," i ; ;i. I ( ii ft nil n 1 1 !i U n. ! m ; M:.'. I I (Vy : ". p. ,. Roberts Drives Boers Oot of Their Second Capitol, Buller .' Advanciair yThrangb the . Moualsius Intu Free Slate.' .' Relief Nearlug Lady- A Smlih. Battle or ,- Zand Rlvef.r- Special to Journal. - ' w J . London, May li The War OfaVa an nounces this evening that a cablegram If received from Central Huberts that he has captured Kroonalad, the uew capi tal of ibe Orange Free State.'- -a. ; There was no opposition to the entry of the BrilWi into the Capital. It was expected that the Boer would make siiff tight lh-ro. . - - , " A dispatch from Ladysmlib, Nala', 'dated Friday, say thai General Buller'e entire army Is moving In three column tUrougb tbe DrakenkbU'g passe . into tbe Orange Free elate. London, May 11 News reached Lon don tonight that a strong flying column, competed of 3,000 cavalry and Infantry. with a battery of guns, passed hotfoot through Vry burg on Wednesday. Thb. relief column, which Is said to be travel ing at forced speed day and night, Is doubtless within two days' inarch of Ma- fektng by thla time. , . Lord Roberta hss given an account of the battle of Zand river, which a as one of the simplest in couceptlon that ia been fought during the war. Tbe fqree that the Held marshal hart tinder hb command was so superior in numbers to the Boers and so strong In artillery ami mountod men that tbe Boers found theli flanks continually turned ''and , wen forced lo fall back from positlol after posllion. , ,i ' , V - ,'-, It Is Impossible to ascertain I he Boer losses, but Ibey are thought to be heavy, fhose of the British, considering tho Im portant advance made,' are considered light ? - ' . THE MARKETS. ''"The followlngjquotailoas were receiv ed by J. E. Latham, New Bern, N.'O. ,. -. , Nkw Voek, May 12- Cotton: Open. High. Low. Close May,..'. July .. -Ang.:.. Sept...... Ocl.v .. Nov...s Jan.. ... 6.6T- 9 07 9 44 ait; 8.41 8.t8, Boo' 798 9.65 9.43 9.21 8.11 813 790 7 95 9 87- ,. 9 43 .v82t ."8 45 .. 8.18 8.CS 7.93 9.44 set 841 816 .7.90 7 99 -CIIICAOO MARKETS. WHBAt: Open, . tw. High. U6 Low. Uose , Ml' Ml July .,. Corn: ' July.;..-... 37 7i S6 . .7 - -i - 751 75 . m ' . , 83 87 55 78 ti 8fl ,88 83 87 bales Bx lfj Pfd..,. T.C.I v.. J... Con.T....... t Leather........ HOPae FedS A.C. O .... .. A. 8. 4 W . . . . Cotton - receipt were . 1,000 at all port,. v.- , Dobbin & Ferrall, ' - At Tucker'. -, , RALEIGH, N. C. ' Naisapar Hand Block Printed Foulards. '' Tbe demaitd for Printed ' -' ' India Silks - Has so increased thtt no perfectly np pointed BiiiiiniHr wardrobe is complete without one' or mora gowns evolve! from these cool nnd diessy silks. - EluHo-ate efl.cts may tie achieved in tluae giwns by di-oornllo is of luce ruf. flus, ni pliipies or diiinly little Boleros doieloK'd from the all-ver kinds, while a'most scvorvly plain and simple are other gown which nro likew ise exam ple) of npirovi d slj le. , WidtH 21 l iches, prices 75n, l 00, (I 2innd $1 50 a yard. S iinjilns clioorftill y iniiliid. DoI;l;in C: Perrall. v 11 1 ii i i ' 1 1 1 f " - r I I IT IS CERMARY AGAIN. Ship Loads of Arms Tor hi plnos.-. pos UUties With Rainy Reasons ' Special to Journal. Boko Kono, May 12 The Filipino Junta, have received large amonnls of money at Manila, and Uneedilp loads ol arms from Germany hsve arrived be:e for the Iifsiirgenlfcaus during IhJ past three month. , .' ', , , The Filipinos claim they will open ag creative hostilities as soon as tbe rainy esnnopns "t ' CASTOR I A . lor Infants and Childxea. , . ThKind Yoi) Have Always Bought Signature of You KIniill Ku6w If yon don't, let me tell' you, die lime to hyy Blocks Js W4ien lliey have been dumped into the scrap pile They an worth more than old iron. Take o t all the Con. Tobacco, Manhattan, ",. r , and Leather you can carry. Sidl the Grani;- era and a few other. : Lookout for col- ton and wheat. . As little a yon think every dog has bis dsv. ' . : - ' ! u-, , r . - , lno. it. isutler, urokerr Bugs and iWbrms , Destroy Your Plants AniJ Tree, wl I'eihey e in alette glo.-y of f rvsh fo.lago, bu1 and tloi r, unless you dUlufecl them id time. -Use our Powder Onus,. Bellows, Syringe and Paris Green with ihe pr.ipcr annihi- lalor, and insects and paradtcs will be destroyed. Our Bug D. at h i the best nade for reaching potato' bugs, fnili tree and all plan'. that are visited by insecte. 1 . . .'.',. L. H. CUTLtR H'DV'F CO Three Large Fiats To be sold to the highest bidder. -' ' llow Is this, the only sieve word man there be. will now out prices 'down on all kind of Stove Wood, a it most be-p sold rliriitout and make room for .ether business,,. i , ' ' Laths and Hand-mode and Sawed Sbioglos, wholtsalo and retail. h '. 6 Buggies, 1 Koad Cart, 6 Di a. a. ai d 9 Dump Cart.' : ." - i ' ,1 800Cedar.and Fat Lightwocd Pad, will II highest Bidder. - - . - . For further information, aeo " - BIG HILL. Tlie Iflile Mao.' Everybody; Wears Something New , We ate prepared to fnrnlah you v wl b everything new, .. i -. f " -... Ntw Hals, ' ir . . ; - -. 'i - '. ? .'"'-... '';. '' both soft and itraw In all rac'e and t-bapra. .". , . ,. New Ntckwear V ' .' , In M the )nti ntVulori und Hot ,r.f. New Cnl ara in all belabt. -'.. , ' Shirts. Tlie uobblost line of Ne g Shin evi r ho,n here, Pereala., M:tdrr, and Silk al n0i 753 and l. . Men Shoes. The nioat complele line of Men' 8ln ei In tow n, In high and low quarters, in bh ck, Inn nivl pa'enl 1 -ii'lier. Call ami ex iniiiie o ir lino and you will (iinl Hint vi.- can wive you money, j.g.dik:;! c-co. :,7 pollock f. "PIT t j ... Cull in, a (.. .1. W, WOOD, when In 1 of s,v I, ii.,1 of I'M wo:k, j.l.i inf.il f-' ; I ' of It' ',' I'n, i li'i'l ynll I Portsmouth Corned Mullets' ! g . A Pew Nice Ones Just Received at J. L. McDaniel's, 71 Broad St. -Also a nice lot sinalf Sugar Cured Pig Hams, Breakfast Strips, California Hams and Fulton Market Corned Beef. y The best selected stock ot Groceries in the city. Prompt delivery and Rock Bottom Prices. . ': " . xYours to Please, J. L. McDilL, 'Phone 91. Seasonabler GoodS! Come and get your choice of our stock in Wire Doors" and Window Screens, new and cheap. Doors $1 and $1 25, Screens 30, 35' and 40c. Try.our Calcimoi for your walls, nothing better. A 5 lb package 45c. . - Gold and Silver Enamel 25c. Varnish 20c can. Any stain you may want for your Fur niture. - Paints ot all kinds. Small canS to suit the work;-; A bottle ot Stove Polish for 5c. All goods guaranteed as represented. Give us your order. pTaMsVh7. Gaskiil Hardware Co. . 73 MIDDLE STREE'I, m: NEW BERN, N'C MILLINERY at . . A ' - Now is the time for tvertl odv to ind arouhd New BorrTbeen given the will offer for TEN DATS: . 12 dozen Leghorn frolf Bailors, black only, worth 60c for lOe. 6 dozen Leghorn Flats, white, ft 85 value, '.i:: 6 ' " " ' 1 00 liNc -4 m .. .i . ii 7gg .Vht v,. 4 . " 60c " I7i In this sale weoffor orr entire line of Flowers formerly 20, 20, fli. 50c, (I CO, now 11. 18. 87 atd 74. i : -.'The above arc only a few of the man and Ribbons at tho aanw proportional All oraer unmoereu ana aenvriea in Successor to S. G. ROBERTS, 1 O WhOleealoDeil r'lo Groceries, Provisions, , ' Canned Goods - ' , -v of Any D tcrlptioD.' $ Tibioco of all Grades. , 8oiifT,4r. Price . Low, Good guaranteed as Represented, Call and see me at No. 89 and 11 Br o t Row, East 8,d Marki t. S. G. ROBERTS. Carolina Buggies " I in '-'"'v IViii, ( frp cm r ft ly i' llirl i' r i I i tit ) ' !('. V": til M Hi iio I. r i f !' " ' t i ..m .!. i 4 r-M-- v. Wliolesate & Retail roer, 71 Br6.vl St. New York Cost ! " vet a Dnt. Never before have the neonle in opportunity to buy Millinery nt Hie priceB we v value wo oiler, Moussclims, Chiffons discount. No extra cliargf f.ir Iriinmlng, oruer taken. Ji. B. Duffy. $100.00 Reward ! WHAT FOIl? OaU PhoncJNo. 149, Moore's) Wood Yard, -V,o:-'".;'"'V,;i';;; t v i And order anyS'liml of ttood "'I- ,'.' " -1 ','. ' '- ' w:' " jott want and find, out what fur. I am Surrounded Ttntl if.m rffctUW urr'ttt, nnil nt JftMr tratm 1'ricr totfw . (. mi ' My rk of wheeli C'itivjk.t) of fW.ll, j, ' 'j.,' : (mint, DsMsr, tasMV .' ' I ' ; IrnliH, CsrMdf , trspkit, Cwtters, WrtnchH Tlr Ti, Pluji, PHtrl, Tlrss, Rims, Ssokts, Vtlni, Pumi, InntrHilif o7'::''M i i i s t ;i. 'Ml I I l, 1.1 Until I'll" r 7 1 and . - -- ;ots. fSIIOP : XL, 51.