v, a.'..:. a Ui I 1on r . A. C-11 C. R. R; 1"0 Kiud You I. .it a J V iu use for ovi r jw, - and "f son. 1? ., AU Counterfeits, Iuiif't'' ssj 1 " Jo- t-ns-m. I" are bti , ". Experiments that trhle vi.'a and endanger tle LoultU of Iuiauts and CliUdrcn E. ierience against Experiments TJhat b CAGVCTJA . Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing' Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic ' : substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms -,, and allays Feverishness. -It cures Diarrhoea and Wind. i ..- Colic. It relieves Teethings Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels,, giving healthy and natural sleep. ...The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. . " CENUIME-CASTOniA ALWAYS 'rr jfi Bears the V The Kind You Ilayo Alnays Bought ; An Use For Over 30 -Years. v - r tmk crtrntufi MMMNf, tr murmv vrwrcr. wra took err. " i "J' ' Zuaictf, Ka., Jan. 81. vv-' I asefl "Wine of Cardat f ir nr--voitsneq mitt weaknea In the womb. . After taking one bottle I 1 wm well again. J am a midwife : ana ft I way h recommend W.iie of Onrdui to iv liuly friends during1 -. prvgnancy nod after birth aaatunm. hveryjlarlv wbo takea it finds that It docs even mora than la latinod for it. - MllS. V. M. BO 1 8 VERT. tr. TaS"" '.A- Nobody knows woman like woman Men go to medical coltefres, Study books and listen to lectures. Ihey leurn indirectly oi the diseases of women, but tlicy are men and can never fully understand the ailments, the sufferings the agonies' of mothers, wives and sister's., A woman knuw, -MrSi-Boisvert known. '-. She has passed through the trials and tribulations of tier sex; - She hiS been near by when her sisters suf fered, "v. She has seen them relieved and cured with Wine it Cardul b U any wonder she recommends it? Is it any wonder that thousands - Is LADIES' ADVISORY OIPtRTHENT, Vat nilvksu In pmpi rvnnlrtnv amprtftl d!rwtiiiii, art'irM ftivlnc Myitipimii. UdW lit.UoryiMp'i. Thi llT rMJVflA , . Wr.imilfclt riUtUUrOOtM, TelTO. the weak of all ages, helps and cures : ," ,. Druggists Sell Large BISK FrNANCIAL. T. A. flrecn, PrK K. H. Memdows, V. Pre. II, M. Orov, Chler, . OB- ISTBTW BBtRJST, iC. C. Doing General Banking Business. . Fcbrjary 1!t, 19?(i, ' Buip'ug and tra'divlr M Profit, i31i3r,&f;' . Promptjml can-lul AticnlioD given to , nil hiiAincHs ontrusicd to us. Accounts received on f nvorab'e lei m , . ' ". . .. , 1 ' ll-mn! nt IMractoni. - ' Fnrllniind Ulnuii - -f' J. A. M(nl(W, . ..j -, Hamuli W. Ipwk,; ' , Cian. H. Fowier.- J. W.UrahiKer. i . K. W.BmallwoOd, - B. if. Mxatlowt,' ' ; Chun. Duny, It. ' . jAmo ItaOmond, - Hayer ilithn. ' I'homnn AOr9n C. K. 'ov. . uio. n. iv. w. r. Crookott ;. Mark Diogay. p. & . BA:;t, rritRL'ARY 1st. 1800. Capital Stuck,'..,,.. $75,0(y) KnrpUa,,-. 10,1100 Undiyldcd I'ronu,..,..., -2,500 1piobIU...... "lC'J.OOO .' . . brnoKta " L II. Cutler Prrolrii'nt.' W. H. 'iiAnwii k, Vii o Href, . ' . T. W. Dkwkv, t'i'iliinr, . " . J. W. II1H111.E, Tullcr. O. T, I'lunwHiK. Co loctor. - . Z" . ' ' HllirXTOhH:'. Wm, n, niadm, M. M. Mark a, - J. I). Hrmlliam, I", II. 1'ollctiiT, : f,. II, ('utlcr, ,iki. Hnlrr, W. . flmdwirk, J. W. blowart, T. W. Dcuoy. IicmIIc. is fur niricli ml?, niniiiifiK'tur. ( IHUtl'lotlMr t'tlllk prulliplly ftt p;i.oi j rMlcH u in li. niifl in 1 k a (( lit ki-ht r -lurna .oa ililn. I!y Iih l i r.iliij ansl pp Iri .i ihij t'iiH a nif"! 11 ih fi-r li jr t ih" In. ni .if Kimt C '11 1 i 1 1 :i"h HiimI-Iiik J n tinilift a 1 ' iih ciw n city, it id tin 1 lily 1 11 ' wliirh itcia mil l'iy 1, ifrint mi 1 '"V-ilM. ri:itt'l:iMHN I,. !'. ". Sin. m .ii 4 . ... I OH, I . . 1 I'M. . .,.-! n.'-', ret! v w .,!.:, A i , is iil ;;.-; u : ft i.ViV. Jill I . " . I . ( .r",.l, .,,( f .... ....,;. , , , l ; I -i I i V t ' 0 -t I Z Las I en lii.i.lo im.i.r 1 . ( i I ' ii b'.xieo i.s i r C-rature cf f,-i of other women recommend It i'Thcy know. They have'ac. tual experience topromnt them. They spread the tidings from mouth to mouth, telling now wine ' of Cardul helps young girls, helps all womanly ills. Bottles for $1,00. Special Bargain .1 In 35 kegs 3d i - Fine T7iro Nails : , r For Coopering ; Totato Barrels. Wo !,! a R dy Mixed Taint In. t"n dicfl nior. hich e offer ymi at 80" pr yailon. Hi nd or 1 alt and get at Dip's llr j on ti it d a bottle of O'T Poll I -nu Oil? It mnkia old furnlti ro lo k mi w, price 8" c. . V. liiivo imll lioxea of Vn'z Pomade atai-.-a'h. M niiir tl-anltn; ilfr or ti nm A nicu lnr;a ( Imuioin Hkiu for We aas till H-lling a nni-wii;k Oil Slove or IOj aud a two-itlck one fir tie , Anolher Inatullnifnt of our ee'i'bn te I KcvdlviPL fdnili'ia iust r reive. I In lim for the new crop of Upriiii! t'hlkena and now ymi cm have broilni chicken f ir lireiikfufit ' 200,1.1.0 Pupi r Hiu-a in atw-k nnd' to nliic'i we invito the attoiu ion of llin nlidli milo traile. . Yiwir Truly, J. c. 4 1 i i i f'; , !' .s-1 I ,:; " Vl'-iMli:; i-i ! ! t ..d O J if r 1 1"' in I tue court, nnil I arni'tt rt pi ntod the words lu tmifS tiiat could lie heard on the gtri-ft The o.'lisn-r gluivd about for the person who lie thought was guilty ot contempt of court, and wliona meek appealing man h ft liis seat and wall; ed toward the bar Iinrnvtt seized him and declared him under arrest. "Is this the man who Is guilty, your honor?" asked the bnlllff. What is your name?" naked the court, without heeding Darnett'g ques 'O. Mye," answered the prisoner, and the bailiff took a tighter hold oa his col lar. . . .".r:,,.;,,.1I, "O. Mye?" queried the court. ' -'V "Yea, your honor," from the prisoner. n Then it dawned ou the bniliil that he bad made a mistake. O. Mye, who Raid his first name wag Oliver, lufd been 11 r rested for begging on the Btroet. " When the policeman who arrested I1I111 told him that he had abhsed uevcrul persons who had refused hiin alms, his name was uttered by several In the court. The prisoner ' like wise said "Oil, myl' when he got a line of fW. Chicago News. ... -.. .- ,. ' How McCnllonsh Lout Bet. William It. . Crane, the neU.. cnee told this atory on his old friend McCul lough. lie said that one night in ban Francisco he was awakened from a sound sleep by McCullougli pounding pn the door of his room aud in response to his sleepy Inquiry as to what was wanted responded: "Let ui In, Billy, 1 1 want you to decide q bet." ; ' Once In, McCullougli told Crime that he and the man who accompanied him had bet a 720 goldplece aa to who could stand the longer on one foot ami that Crane must referee the contest. The preliminaries being' arranged and the stakes deposited," time was cMled. ami each contestant, lifting a foot from (he floor, stood like a Crane, while the real Crane: lay back In a . recuinbeut posi tiou with a drowsy eye on the contestants.- The seconds dragged Into min utes, which again threatened to extend into the hour without either disputant giving up. ';ftv?;;-;;i; .' Buspeetlnir. souiethlng : waa wrong, Crane waked himself up and examined his men more closely. The other man was wavering a bit. but; MeCiillough ' was standing like a rock. Another tivp minutes went by, ond then Crane, hop-, ping out of bed. discovered that MeCiil lough bad one foot resting against an adjacent sofa, and could - have stood there- for a week. If neeossnry. The other man won the bet, but the Joke was ou the referee. Never Admit Defeat. , Never admit . defeat . or,, poverty, though you seem to lie down and have not a cent. Stoutly assert your divine right to be a ninn, to hold, your bead tip and look the world In the face. Step bravely to the front whatever opposes, and the world will make way for yon. No one will Insist upon your tights while you yourself doubt that you pos sess ths qualifies requisite for success. Never allow yourself to be u traitor to your own cause by uiidennlulnj; your self confidence. , : ; There" ncrer was a time before wheir persistent, original force was so much In demand ns now. .: The nnniliy pnm by, nerveless man has little show in the hustling world of today. : In the twentieth century a man must either push or lie pushed. v ."' ''"- -. "; Every one admires the man who can assert his rights and has the power to demand and take them If denied to him. No one can resjicct the man who slinks In the rear and apologizes for being In the world.,- Negative vlrtucB are of no use -In winding one's way. It is the positive man. the man with original energy and push, that forges to the front Success, v .' ' : Aa ISnajr Conaeteace. "Yon told me," remonstrated the law yer In an Injured tone, "that you had spent nearly every cent you embezzled from the firm. That Is why I charged you only $200 for clearing you. Vet you spend money now like a man with atnmkfulof It." , "Certainly," responded the other. "Did you think It would hurt my con science any worse to client a lawyer than It did to steal from the people I was working for?" Chicago Tribune. The Humrr? Ilnlf Hour. The hungry half honr.tlint so often comes before bedtime can be ap petlz- liifjly catered to by the "eheeso ers." Take any of the popular I rack. uncli- eon cracUers on the market, ami name Is legion, and spread with tie butter anil sprinkle ll.'.'Mly grated I'nrtnesan cheese. Place dlfdi In the oven long enourh to I them slightly. They are good thus prepared If kept for several New York World. thelr a lit with on n it-own wl- (lays. Itl llcnrl i,r 'I luil Kind. "Miater." pi. H.I. d he, "won't you op'-n your In art ii'el give an old loan a chn v tit toliai I; y ?" "Xo." sHapia d the w ell i!i . . I e : "you in t t hii.k I I-, ... a 1 !e a 1 1" (hi.: ., r- I I t ' t!,f n I.d ! 1 to t:.o -V .IV. i;3 ( A : i : a i c... i: ;.e- : -?v liwvers, In . a e. :,-r. is tiiUt iiH-ue- c:: .s w .met exeepi.;on uva caused hv' luvtsible germs which are living org-an-l: ias. here ts the germ of that terrible, ui.suo.so diphtheria. - Here is the bacillus ot typhoid fever; and here is the still more dreadtul ba.eillus of tubercle which causes tnat most destructive of ail diseases, consumption. This of that very common and supposed incurable disease, catarrh." "I wish, Liocior," said the traveling man, "that you would tell us about catarrh. I have had it for years, and I am thoroughly discouraged. " ' The Doctor answered. "Catarrh, like diphtheria, consumption, typhoid fever, and a host of oilier diseases, is the result of a microbe invading the blood and attacking-specially the mucous membrane. This foul and most disgustiutf disease is especially prevalent in the United States and it is rare to meet one who is not, or has not been troubled more or less with it. How often is he or she obliged to remain at home from pleasant entertainments, deprive themselves of many intellectual treats, from fear of the disagreeable odor arising- from ca tarrhal alleetions. In its worst phase, the patient becomes loathsome both to himself and his friends. - - - . .. 1 ; "I believe," continned this great physician, "that the trua way to heal ca tarrh is to medicate the blood, This can be done only by powerful Alteratives which act as blood purifiers." ., a. ,- t lietsy A. Marett, of Manistee, Manistee Co., Mich.; writes! V ' Dear Sirs : For ten years I was a 'sufferer from general debility and chronio catarrh. My face was pale as death. I was weak and Bhort of breath. I could hardly walk, I was so dizzy and had a ringing in my head all the time. : My hands and feet were always cold. My appetite waa very poor. On getting, up in the morning, my head swam so I was often obliged to lie down again. I had awful pains in the small of my back. 1 had a continual feeling of tiredness. My muscular power was almost entirely gone, and I couldn't go half a dozen steps without stopping to rest, and often that much exeroise caused me to have a pain in my side. It seemed aa though the blood had left my veins. The doc tors said my blood had all turned to water. I had given up all nope of ever get ting welL I tried the best physicians in the state, but failed to get any relief. My husband got me a bottle of Johnston's Sar&apariila. I took it, and then I bought another. When these had been. Used, I was somewhat improved Jn health. I continned its use, and felt I was growing stronger; my sleep was re freshing, and it seemed as if I could feel new blood moving through my veins. -1 kept on taking it, and now consider myself a well and rugged woman. I work all the tune, and am happy. I am positive that the Sarsaparilla saved my life. The sick headaches 1 have had since tarrh has almost entirely left me. I cannot be too thankful for what Johnston's Sarsaparilla has done for me. I recommend all women who have sick head-' aches to nso your Sarsaparilla. " - .. ', . ' . - . c , UiPKIOrAJT IDH.TJC OOICPAITT. DBTHOIT CD BIUDIIAM, . TAKE NOTICE." , to the Democratic Voters of Craven ' " .. ' County." - Pursuant to the action of the Demo cratic, executive committee 3 ou are here by called to meet In primaries in your respective precincts at jour usual polling places on baturday the lotu day of May; 19C0 for the following purposes to wit. , I In each voting precinct in the County I of Craven primaries to be held for the ; election ot Delegates to tne county con-1 vention, at which primary, polls shall I lie opened and held for the votes of each ; precinct for the various county rtmcers and for the representative fronvCraven county to the next General Assembly,. - That for such purpose the polls of each voting precinct . shall be opened from 7 o'clock a m ,to 1 o'clock p. vni., on the 19i.ll day of May, at which time the Democratic voters or each, precinct may .deposit their written orprinted bab bitt for the various county officers to te elected at the 'coming August election, and for representative to the next Gen eral Assembly - ? I lie executive committee of each pre cinct Is appointed lo conduct the pri mary election In their respective, pre cincts as to appointment of poll holders etc. 1 . - At the bout herein named the polls shall lie closed and the ballots past at such primaries shall be counted and the result ascertained by said poll holder in the presence of such electors as shall at tend sueh count and the result thereof shall be certified to the said County Con vention.; - ' . ', ' . - And said County convention Is hereby called to be held in the Conn inuse of Craven county on the 36lh day of May 1000 at the hour of twelve o'clock ni. fot the purpose of ratifying the nomination of said olllcers who are ascertained to have received a majority of all the votes cast at said various primaries, and - such ratification so made shall have the force and the effect of the usual nomination for such officers. . And said County convention shall also proceed to elect or appoint the delegates to the Congressional and Senatorial Con ventions of the Kespoctlve Districts. And said Conyention is further called for sncli other business as may come be fore it. ' . ; 1 v - Candidates for the following county offices are to be voted for at these pri maries viz. Sheriff. ' - . " Register of Deeds. - 1 County Treasurer. - , - . Coroner. - ' ; " ' Representative In General Assembly " By order of Executive Committee, ' . C. T. Watson, Chmn. F. T Patteiison, Sec'y.. ; V.'o CrJI Yo i iUwti I. was ' To Our ! .(HI Or I r " -J : . , .A O t i f 1 ' , 1 .i.e. rl f Si 1:- IIH-ri Iftli 0 t:ieiu:e is cert.t 1 )i!v.,ifi;iii w;is conver! were a pronpof well i. ri ml travelers. VLt to Know that all dia childhood, nave disappeared, and my New Bern, N.O. Sale of Taluable Tim- ber Rigliis.; L, " Cuder and by Virtue of an order of the Superior ' Court,: granted In an action wherein P. H. Pelletier, Executor of Adolph Oohn is plaintiff and Fannie C. brooks and 01 her b heirs at law are de fendants, 1 will sell at public .auction at the Court House door In New Bern oh Monday June 11th, 1900 at the bout of 12-o'clock m all the. timber standing or being upon the lands herlnafier de scribed 10 feel or more at the base when, cut with the full term of fifteen years lo cut and remove the same .on said prem Ises, upon the following terms and con ditions. The purchaser to pay taxes upon the lands during bis lease hold, to assume the responsibilities of suit Colin and others against Heath, and to pay one half of the purchase money upon the confirmation of the sale, the .remaining half to be paid . within six months, the same to draw interest at 0 percent, from dale, the title to said property : to be re tained until full payment of purchase money..- The lands upon which the tim ber above described is situated and being as follows: - r. ,?-,;,:', ' .- Tract I: Beginning at pine stump John Hill's corner In James Bwamn near Ay ers Branch, and runs thence south 13 west ti chains to John James line, thence along his line north 70 west 18j chains thence north 18 east 27 chains, thence north nine Wj$t 13 -chains, thence north 19 west to the- second cor ner of Dennis Penlue's patent, thence north 81 west along William Uailln a 92 acre patent line 10 his corner,, thence along another of said lines north &81 West HI chains to a pine stump, lha Coi ner of William Uatllns 200 acre patent st the lower end of lieedy pond, thence along William Oatlins 150 acie patent north 8 east 30 chains to bis north east corner of said patent, thence north 70 west 47 chains to another or said Uat llns coiners on the side of the pocosin, thence wiih the western and northern boundaries of the Stephen Willis patent to the no'thermoal corner of the Aquilla Puluvd patent, thence south 01 east to the corner of David Whltfords 50 acre patent, thence north 81 east IS chains, thence south 41 east 20J chains, thence south 29r east to the run. of James Swatnp, thence down the. same to 'John Hill's patent line, and along the same to the beginning, containing 000 1 sores more or less. : ' ' - ", ,. ' - .' ' " Tract No 3. Also the tract . of land, known as the Bowden land adjoining the above described tract, beginning at a corner of Edward Oatlins 200 acre patent and theoce south 89 east 70 poles to . a stake in the savannah, ths beginning- of lot No 8, thence along a line of the same south il west to tne run or ueaver Dam swamp, thence up the same to a gum, thence south 50 eaat 03 poles,: thence along a line of Edward Uatllns patent to the beginning, containing 1st acres lining lot No four In the division 'of the David B. Dunn estate. Tract No it. Also' the tract of land k new n aa the Peel lands being lot No H In the division of the lands of David Whilford, beginning at "IV noted in the plot of said riivlHion and runs as fol lows: tfouth 70 west 28 poles to a corner of lot No. four, thence south 821 west 210 poles south 7!) went 10 poles, north 20 poles, north 40 west UK) poles to a pine above the bumpy ok, thence north (15 east 150 poles, south 20 west I J poles. smith lfl east 20 poles, north 8 east 200 poll s to a line In the lieaver 1 rap Island thence with the l'ocoaln to the begin- ning, containing StiH acres excepting 40 acres previously conveyed to Wright Knight Tract No. 4: Also the following di verilifd 1'uiiU beelnniug at the corner of Anion I . i ti 11 la 2:,0 acre patent In tho pond of Three gnnifl and runs south 2S west til polos, thence south 0 cast lMrt poles, tiieneo north 25 eusl MS poles, i-iii liorih f,.'.f east I'l'J poles I , III I) - SOM l ,i) (" I- t I pol !0 C llo: I II - ) CI! -t t'.l I') I I I ' ' - : ! : c 10, nil 1:; w. .t P!:i p.,;, I .: I 111,1 1 U I" " -I. I" tlm' fuillo r coim r of A ... .1 I : . 1 : 1 Hi re .-iH nt, 1! , n , , . e I 1 , ! I (,. (! to I A I'd I I ai 1 1 i , iiil Atlan'u- ( I. ti e K o r- I i"o, el l-riiit iiit' iua. lltAINt (KilNlt r-IH'TII. 3t DATKD Jan. 14 lllOtr C c Z. K e AC tA.M I M PM P.M. Lv. Weldonlll 501 8 5m! Ar. It. Ml. .11 9 ,v. Tar bun 12 21 8 on. Lv. R. Mti. 1 W 9 5. 3 R 40! 12 52 2 40 Lv. Wilsoi. 1 5! 2 55. 4 8(1 1 Sir .0 2.' 7 lb 6 20 Lv. Selma. . 11 UK 12 211 Lv Fay'vlllcl Ar.Florcnc 2 24 P.M AM Ar. Holds... 7 &) Lv. Golds.. 7 01 8 25 4 85 n oo Lv. Mag'lia ArWilm'ton 8 00 MUl P,M. AM PtM. , , THA1NS GOUSa N01STU. ., - ' , 'i- & . c)?. 65C .ft -' lTuf p.m - CT. Lv.Florence 9 45 7 4'i .."" .T;. f.v.Fay'villf 12 2ti ..; v 9 46 :it'.v Lv.Belmae, 1 50 i. 10 50 Ar. Wilson. 8 85 ..... 11 83 T- TT" p M a..m. LvWilmton .-.''. . 50 4ft Lv. Mag'lia,,.. r, .. . 8 20 11 1 Lv, Golds 5 00 9 27 li 26 IpjET TluSi. ppTm Lv. Wilson 2 85 5 48 11 88 10 0 1 16 Ar. R. Mt. . 8 80 0 25 12 09 11 11 I 68 Ar. Tarboro . 7 04 ,..t Lv.Tarborol2 21 ..... ..... Lr. B. Mt., 8 80 .v.'. . 12 09 .iS? . . Ar. Weldop 4 88 .: f 04 . e-k P.M. A.M. v : Wilmington. ahd Weldon -Railroad, Atlantic and Yadkin Division Main Lbie Train leaves Wilmingtop 9 00 am, ar rives Fayttteville 12 05 p m, leaves Ksv- elleville 12 25 p m. arrive Sauford 1 43 p m. Returning leave ban ford il so p m, arriveFayettville:841 p mj leave 'ay eiteville 348 p m, arrives Wilalngton 840 p m.,Si'U;i--y?'i:s-V.5'-iK .- ' Wilmington and ;Weldon Kailrond. Bennelisvilleuranch Trains haves Bennettaville 8 15 a m, Max ton 9 20 a m, Ked Hprings 9 68 a m, Hope Mills 10 43 a m, arrive Fayetteville 10 65. Return, ine leaves Fayetteville 4 40 n in, llope Mills 4 65 p m, - Ued springs 6 80 p in, Maxton 6 15 p m, arrive Bcnnettsville T 15 p-in;"-.--.-.-:-,-.;':-;' -, , - Connections at Fayetteville with- train No. 78, at Maxtou-with the Carolina Central Railroad, at lied Hprlnes with the Ked Buririirs and liowmore railroad. at Sunford with the Boaho wd Air Line and Southern Hallway, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Katlroad, Train on -the Scotland Meek Branch Road leave Weldon 8 85 D mi Halifax 4 15 p m. arrives Scotland Neck at 8 08 p m, Greenville 6 67 p m, Klnston: 7 65 p m. Returninc leaves Kinston 7 60 a m Greenville 8 52 a m, arriving . Halifax - at U 10 a a- Weldon 11 88 a m, daily ex oept Bunav,'. 1 i ... f- "Trains on Washington Brnrcu leave Washington 810am and 2 80 p in, ar rive Parmele 9 10 am, and 4 00pm, re turning leave Parmele 9 85 a m and 6 80 p m arrive Washington 11 00 a m and 7 80 p m, daily except Sunday. , - ' Train leaves Tarboro, N 0, daily except 8unday5 80pm,Sunday,415 p m, ar rives Plvmouth 7 40 D m. 10 p m. Re turning, leave Plymouth daily except sunaay, i ou a m, ana nunoay uu a m, arrives Tarboro 10 05 a m. 11 00 nJ - Train on Mi Hand; Jt C Branch leave Ooldsboro daily, except Bunday, 7 06 m, arriving Smitbfleld 8 10 a m, Return, ing leaves Smllhfleld 9 00 a m; arrive at Goltisboro 10 25 m. - Trains on Nashville '. Branch leave Rocky Monnt at 1000 a m,8:40 p missive Nashville 11 10 a tn, 4 08 p m, Spring Hope 10 40 a tn, 4T26 pm. Returning leave Spring Mope 11 80 a m, 4 66 p m, Nash ville 12 15 a tn, ( 25 p m, arrive at Rooky Mount 11 45 a in, 0 09 p m, daily except Biinaay, . - - - Train on Clinton Branch leave War saw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, 11 40 m and 4 C2 p ru, Returning leave Clinton at 7 00 a m and 2 60 D m. i ... - Train No 78 make close connection at Weldon for all point North dally all rail via Richmond. - . H M EMERSON, GenT Pas Agent. t K ltl4NI,Yr Uon'l Manager.. ,. T M EMERSON, Trattlo Maoagor.,. Oouthern JjUailway. The Standard KailwHyl it the BOXJTH The Dlrei-t Line to all Points, wyt"- a I .v.4ii. it MAf r"" , .. t. - T ' T -v , . ' - " Strictly I''irHt-;!i.ss Eipiipiiieiil on all Throiiioi or Liu d Trains; j iilliiiiin Pal in e i'-lei-pipir I'lirs on nil Nlg.bt Triiins; 1"., :1 li... I ' 'e ! : d ill. H. Thivi ! 1 y the ! ni!:. in and you aroa. j.m la:' , V f.ni-dile mid I'.xdi foosj,,. ' V. I ' I A- :i i h f t " i.n 1.1 ., I. ... , ,1 In ,u I. , ( .!-.,' r. A, . ' i " liai k ta hi k n, v ; ' :f;e lh" I.Bk-1 f-iiiKist. pill 1, 18CP, at 7 40 A, M,' - - Oninit EsM rtntlM I R: Oiiinr W'.at No. lassenger Trains v-No, 4 L. p iu- v t , ' STatiOKS: - Ar. nv 40... Gi,Wsboro..,.". .11 CB 49." lGraiige..,....'..;.i0 ft) tS s, , . Ktnaton.:"...,.-.to: Ar. NrW IVm.LT..., . 900 850..... t.. . ;.. , Ar....,.8if 715,. i A r. Mon liMid J1y l.ri,. 1 08 ' - - - -.. , v - s r1 v- No. 5.- 1 '" i Kn a J " Mx'd "t ft I sTationsi Mi'd Vt and: l'aiaTu., -j, - - Pas. Tn.', ii PxILT ExOkPT :tlKDAT '- r'- Lv, A. M. t - if- p m TBI. 8 10 t,(,.5 -t,'Z .; 0 20 6 67 6 40 . 5 15 v . .- uiunuiKe.-. ... . , . . 8i7 Falling Lhekv4i.v 5M....,,.KIiisU)B..,i,s.I, 08- .'..UasweiU t 9 V, Dover,.;...'.,. 6 00 1002. Cor Creek 487 0 20..;.Ttucror,;..., , 42j 10 JO. ..... . , .Clark ' 411 1060 .Mew .Bern. . 8 50 "r,.. No. 7F. -; PaAU.ntft.e . i No. 8. si Lv. a. m.-r--Sundays Only 7 40 ......"..".Ooldsboro.. -Ar. p. m. 74) if..... 7 07 : .'I : t'o..r.. AIUBSIII..V,. ) ...lloert.,.,.,.,... 27 VfO NewBtrn 645 4 05 11 15."... jf. Morehead City Lv No. 1. No. 2. ' Ex'dtXand ovaTIohs: Mx'tFt. and fasa.Tn. Pass. Tn. Lv, am .' . Ar, p m Ooldsboro.....". ... 8 88 ...Best'........... 6 63 7 10...... 3. . . .. , . 8 ll..r...r..LaGrange.v...... 6 23 826.. ......Falling creek..., 4 63 14.. ......... Kinston.. .4 83 . 818 .8 00 ..2 00 .. 188 .. 1 20 , 12 60 ..10 47 ..10 10 ..1000 . 9 40 ..9 08 .. 8 47 ..838 . 820 .. 7 6f. a. ar. 25.. ......... caswell ....... 40. . . 1 . . Ar. Dover Lr..... 10 40. . .core ore Jt'. ...... 1115.,.. , ,v, Tuscarora. ...... U 81 dark' ..... . . l8 06 ..,..Ar. New Bern,Lv.'.. ;.180.,,.r.Lv. " Ar... 2 ia...,.... Rivcrdale 20 i , . croatan 943.. llavclock....... .812,,. ..-. . Newport, Lv.... 126.W...V .Wlldweod....... i 81 , .Atlantic 8 4(1.,. ,Ar. Morehead city, Lv. . 401.;..Ar. M. Oily Depot, Lv.. . at.. . ' .:.: .:. i.Monday. Wednesday and Friday. f ffnesday, Thursday and Saturday. ?" 8. L. DILL, ' - . . Buporinle ident Atlahtlc Coattt Xine. Wilmington & Nsw Bbkmi K. B. ,- " TIM Ji TABUS NO. 5, InKlfcct Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1898, Daily ' w .' : ,v v Kxoept Sunday. Going South J aouKDCue; J Doing North - No. 6f, Passenger Train ,No. 50, Lv. a m, i BTATI0N8: Ar. p m, ,9 00. i , v i. New Berne 5 40 9 88.,'.i....Pollockville ,r..... 504 951 ,.;..v....Mayivnie..f.. .... 4 49 1002,... .Jacksonville. ....... 4 IS 12 15 Ar. Wilmington) Lf. ..; 9 in ' H " . -' " fl No. 8, T PaBSKMOBB ft FttKIflBT . No. 4. - Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Leavo New Berne Tnee day, Thursday and Saturday. ' - ' : : ' Lv. I . y-,:U-"i f . 7 80.,, ..Lv, Wilmington, Ar. Ar, r m 145 ...12 65 ..12 16 .1140 ...10 61 ...10 20 ... 945 w. '..,. nwuuw.v,,,, 10 05. ... . Ilollyrldgo. , , . 1061 M..r... Dlxon...; 1120...... ....Verona,-.:..,. 12 06. .Jacksonville. 19 30 Northeast... ... o ttn -. iu.a.i.i.i. 8 65 il e....,,,.- Whiter ak . ...... 8 80 180...,...., MaysvUle. ,..M,, 805 916..,....PolIooksvil).-.;.... 7 20 9 65 .... .. .DebruM's.. 885 40.4 . , . ,Af. New Borne, Lv... 0 00 Daily Exoep Sunday, t. ' - " J. K. KENLY, , ... v.V" " - - General Manarer. BORDEN, " . - , , . w'i)t. Tisnsr oris' Ion. , ' CAEOLINA , DISPATCH LINE. 1and-J ' 0!J DciniQD Stcaashfp Co. FRKIGHT & PASSING EU. ' for All rolutet Tlorih. Tho Ctcamcr NEUQE will leave on Mondays, Wednesday?, aiid F i nl iips at 0 p. ni. cliarp, niak ing landings tit Oriental, Ocracoke anil lioanoke Ivluud. - t Freight Tecoivod not later tiimi one hour provton to sailing. 1 or further information apply to :::. i;i:xd::;;:;on, Agt. ;K. i: i .,:. ,,. i"Er., " . . ' ' i I rt i IV a Ant : Vu. r. i 1-. ;:. c, : ay roth, ikis I. V ,