v V W V v v t I '-h' ' - Acts centiy.cn twz . At!D GCVLG ; riEANSESTHEYSTEM It. 5TirATICN V UI THC ttNUINt - M1H7 D 6 v. -5? MMIKIIMinlKHllm THET JOURNAL. New Ben, N. C, Mar 18, 1900. Index to New Advertisements. . J L MtDanlel Big hams. -J B Parker, Jr-r-New arrUala. Business , Locals. FOB SALE-FIne Milch Cow and Calf. vow give ioar gallons mita uauy. j. Mitchells . . . - v " ' "THE finest Beer always on draught, at JjlTftR'B MiiMlfl Htrwk ' ' Notice! Lost -Oa May 18, Charter of Queen Esther Chapter No 1, order ' Eastern Star, Sister Masona of New Born. The charter was in tin boi, 1 inch In Diam eter aid IS Inches long, with handle in the canter. Finder will be rewarded for it'a return to Mrs Dollle A, Boon.- 44 .Elm street, or M. P, Holly. ' . Special Sale Hens Sbirts. ' . We place on aale . this week, one lot Mens 1.00 soft bosom shirts, made of ' One madrae cloth In blue, pink and lavender checks, all sizes at tbe'speclal ". aale price ?So each. G. Aj Babfoot. ' Schedule of Halls. - . v Arrival of malls from north and west dally except Sunday, 10:50 a. m.; 6:40 p. m. ' Wilmington and the south 8:38 p. m.j Morehead City 8:00 a. m.v - Leave. North and west 9:00 a. m. and 8:50 p. m.; Wilmington and south 9:00 a. . m Morehead uity o:oo p. m. ; . . SUNDAYS, . ' Malls arrive from north and west 0:40 a. m. 8:40 p. m .Leave 9:00 a. m.j and 6:45 p. m. . The public will please bear in mind that the morning mail for the North and . West closes at 8:15 a. m. That the afternoon mall for north aid , west closes at 8.00 p. m. ' For Morehead City at 5:18 p. m, Als that the afternoon; train carries no mail for Intermediate points betweer. here and Qoldsboro. , Respectfully. .. BKTMOiia W. HANCocjt Hek 19, 1000. Postmaster -1 Spring Lamb and Spring Chickens, this morning at the Oaks Market. , lot Cream Soda at McSorley't today. . Fresh Insect powder at Davis' Pbar macy. - ; ' Jnst received a lot of fine F. F. V Bams at Oaks Market. When in Bayboro stop at the Lupton Bouse for food accommodation ' Clothing For butori - Don't fall to see our line clothing and will save your money. Hospectfully, , J. J. BAXTER. Jce Cream, 8Qo quart, delivered to any part of the city C. J. McHorlcy & Co, Celorv Headache Powders cure head ache. Al Kile and sold al Davis Pharmacy, Pprlng Lamb and Hprinjr t'lili kcnx,tlila morning at tbe Oaks !':n ki t. TKuBlnr R f.iTll 1 kite Just received a 1 suli'iil Hue ol E. P. HretV Ox folds for V ,-t. -r. . . , l;ri1.c-;fMi:y, j.j. ; XT; : tlciin'ra Cm a 1(i nt ! l''aunl.r;i. 1 : ' t ! v 1 T. c. -. ..ou-m, I. i,.f i::.. -. Ji.is ; lc ( ; y. PaH'y cloudy and siioueis is the fore cant for today. ' Strawberries wero selling two boxes for 5 cents yesterday. The banks of tho city will close all day on Monday" next the 21st Inst, it being a legal holiday. The office and warehouse of J..E. La tham is being Improved by moving the front doorway, and enlarging the oflkt accommodations. The Daughters of the Confederacy will hold their regular monthly meeting at Miss Mary Oliver's Saturday after noon May 19 at five o'clock. The Board of Aldermen met last night and canvassed the vote' of the election Tuesday for the Issuing of bonds to pur chase the water works system. , Mr Ferd Hahn was before Mayor Pat terson yesterday morning charged with fast driving, but there being no evidence to prove same, he was discharged. Rain is much needed In this ' section for truck and general crops. The condi tion tonight Beein favorable for ahow eas and a good rainfall is hoped for.-- The Journal acknowledges invltationi to the commencement Exercises of the Senior classes of Wake Forest College May 88th and of the Lcilsburg Female College May 25 to 30th, and to the 49lb anniversary of Horner Military school at Oxford, May 81st. N i ' Meeting of the Bar. .The Calendar Committee Request the member of the Bar to meet al the Clerk's office today at It o'clock a. m. to set Ihe calendar for the May term of the Suporior court. ' ' -j Married At Harlo'we. - The marriage of Mr. Zobulon V. Bir- rington and Miss Maude Taylor occurred Wednesday night at 8 o'clock at liar- lowe, at the home of (he bride's' parents Mr, and Mrs, A. B. Taylor, Rev. F. 8. Becton officiating. - , -,.' The Journal is pleased to be atle to announce the happy consummation 1 of this marriage. It proves, In spite of the prophets, that the course of - true love runs smooth. - U is also the answer to the query propounded In jeslerd.iy's issue. ' - Relief For India, , ' The amount contributed to date for the relief of the people of India, suffor i jg from famine, la $18 05." The moni y will be forwardod to the Christian Herald of New York, Saturday. - Proba bly there, are others who would like to give something to the fund, - it so they will olesie leave the monev with II. M Groves at the Citizens Bank and It will be properly forwarded. - " ' Tbe famine la an unprccedenteiKcal amity, even for India.' .Millions of people are being kept alive by charity and the entire World is called upon for aid. WHEW HATURB Needs assistance It may be beat to render It promptly, but one should remember to use even the most perfect remedies only when needed. The best and most simple and gentle remedy la the Syrup of Figs, manufactured by, the California Fig Syrup Co. - - Truck Quotations. New York, May 17. Berries, 0c to 13o. - . . : ; - Peas 75o to tl.00. , " T Cabbage (3.00 to (3 25 .- 4 V Uknky Elwei,l& Co. J O Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn., says "I cannot say too much for De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve.. One box of it cured what the doctors called sn Incurable ulcer on my jaw." Cures piles and all sklc diseases. look out for worthless Imitations. F. 8. Duffy. - Clams, Clams, Clams, at Taylor's Oys ter Saloon, .. Clam Chowder at Taylor's. Steamed Clams at Taylor's. Baked Clams at Taylor's. Sale of Colored Lawns. This week we offer about 1,000 yards of fine Lawnn, in stripes pluids and n nreii, all colors Including pink, blue lav enilcr, old rom'H, etc., actually worth 11 c. at tiic special low price ol ll!c. yanl. O.A. HAIU'OOT. Notice of t'. ;.:;:,:r:i. Tbo Uiisdnc?s formerly conducled un der the lirm title of liobcrts it lirvun lias this dny hern dihHii'vc.l y iuuiiihI consent, T. J. HoIktih r-1. i i i i i tr froin tl, firm. All perilous imlclih d to the linn will pli-iiie itiuke proii.pt ,tvn-nt to L. K. lrvan, wlio h'm re. i,,u Inm, i.irl all .i-r., hnvii-r i: 1.4 ;ii, I I : ll I iii v. iil pii-i nl I i.i; Brill. I' til ., r. ij. j lirvnn fnr .i.vn-iit. This Apnl - i-i, l': . T. .1. ;.i:i n:i, I.. I). l.i.VAN. 1 u i ':? 1 1 i nil , ' i i v r, t i ' . t li y f n 'a v. no 1 ?t llivt ifuim tin 'r ct, I i .... k It only fuir to them to announce my personal views upon a sub ject so generally discussed and so un-! fairly presented by my opponents. I therefore dealre to sayto all who may be luterested, that the charge un qualilied, that I am In favor of the sale of the road la false, To say that I am In favor of a sale, regardless of price and regardless of the' purchaser, is an Injustice to my iuteJ llgeuco and a reilectiou upon my regard for the commercial welfare of my sec tion. - ' ;' . .' Any charge that I anVin favor of sell ing this road to any railroad corporation now in existence or any Iq. contempla tion or formation, is untrue. - Any charge that I am in favor, of sell ing this road to the Edwards syndicate, or that I approve or. advocate his pro posed purchase, or am in any. way In accord with his proposal to buyi is not true and the charge that I am a candi date for the Legislature for the purpose of advocating his purchase or that I have been offered a fee for so doing. Is false, malicious and scandalous; and on the' other hand when his proposition was niade- to the Legislature of 1899, as a lawyer I declined to accept fees to Ad vocate or endorse his proposal for the purchase:, I refused to go-to Raleigh for bat purpose, and I publicly and private ly announced my disapproval. I have no hesitation in admitting that I have repeatedly said that a sale of this road or its removal from politics was the only method of destroying the politi cal factions of my county1 and I say so now. It has been so ever since 1 entered upon minhood, and .will so continue 1 presume as a heritage to the coming generation.' But If ,the people of this county desire factional politics, then 1 must s ibmil to the situation. No as to my position, I 1uve stated and do state, that if the State Interest in this Road la sold, its : sale should be treated ns any other commercial trans action, and not through political chan nels; that in order that such.a condition could be mot, and conservatively con ducted, that the power to sell should I c inferred upon that corporate body into whose bands the iutereit of the State has been Intrusted since the con struction of the road, the Board 6f Inter nal improvements as constituted since the act of Incorporation of the Rail road and that Body should be clothed with sufficient authority with firoper safe grounds for the-private interest along the line of the road, to ent rtalu, accept or reject all proposals and thus eliminate the Legislature a a political body from the necessity of dealing with . subjects which should bo removed from political lobbyist. This I hive assorted as my personal opinion as a fair treatment of tbe sub ject in event our present Illmtrlous nominee should be our next Qovernor, 1 1 which ovenl, I presume the present administration would not fear to nlace itself under his guidance. , - I bave expressed myself at length, from information received at the hands of personal friends, that a resort to the above charges had been had by those op posing my candidacy, and even though I did not object to the personal injustice done me, yet I had been placed upon a ticket for nomination . with friends, whose candidacy It might effect, and in justice to them I make this publication, while on the other hand I, might have been willing to have relied upon Ihe per sonal confidence which the community has placed in me during the 17 tears of my professional life." ' . -. . '. -v.. Respectfully, ' , Owen H. Or tort. W. S. Musser, Millhclm, Pa., saved the life of bis littlo girl by giving her One Minute Cough Cure when ihe was dying from croup. It la the only harm. less remedy that gives Immediate results. It quickly cures coughs, colds, bron chills, grippe, asthma and all throat and lung troubles. F. 8. Duffy. Notice of Meeting of Creditors to ". Consider Discharge. In tbo District Court of the United Slates, for tbe Eastern District ofN.O. In the Mutter of P. M. Draney, New Bern, Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. To the. Creditors of Petitioner, who lias been adjudicated a IUnkrnpt, aniljtl- tle I by composition: Talio nolire Unit a meeting of credi tors will be held at tliu ol'ice of I, J. Monro, Krfcrcc, In New Bern, N. C , nl 12 .M. on tlio Slut day f Jtay, IfhO, at whii It time the 1" mkmpt v. i:l apply fur b's r . !, i-":. on ,-.n I -i : lit nml '. I ' if i-V, HllV I i! ; i'I li'it l,i d ' : 1. 1, J. : ..o:r. V I ; : . : . -. : r 'J Tur . : it s i.i. y .y.lTlh, liiuO. The f-i!!!.ers say tint the crops are badly in need of ruin. Mrs. D, W, Dill and herniece Miss Slinnie L. Kitch bave gone to Beaufort to epend a few weeks with friends and relatives Our young friend Claud Langly has returned from Trinity Park Iligh School having to cutshort the session on ac count of a recent attack ef measles af fecting his eyes. He has accepted a situation as salesman with MessrB Carood and Morgan. Strawberry venders are in town sell ing them at ten cents per quart, which makes them taste pretty strong of money. , Mt. Will F. Mldyelle is rebuilding his fish house along side of the O. D wharf. " : The new board of town commissioners have qualified and are preparing to turn the steam On. The Free Wllf Baptists have bought a. lot on which to build a church, In the near future, we are are told. V- A forest fire is raging adjacent to eur village and is giving, some of the farmers a good bit of uneasiness, and hard work to subdue It, for we' aro told that Mr. A. 8. Aldridge put forth such violent exertion that he became exhausted and fell, but soon recovered when he was taken out of the smoke and hot air. Mr. E II. Butts' cow escaped the pas ture a few ago add was espied . by . the constable, who at 6nce proceeded to empound her, after done, he notified Mr. Bulls that the cow could beoutalned by paying the required fine of one dol Ur, so Mr. Uutts being disposed to abide by tbe law, paid the fine and took the cow back home, thinking as he returned that he had lost a dollar, but had gained a cow, and that this was not so bad aftei all. Ou the same day Mr. Butts noticed that the constable's horse had got adrift and he immediately appointed himself constable pro tern, seized the horse and. took him to the Btaule and confined him and sent the constable word tlat he bad a horse on his bauds that he would like to sell for one dollar, and the constable came and paid the fine and received the rse . !;-s" Cannot Use His Name-: f. Memo, N.'O, May IOlB Ed. JocrxaL-As you have juauy readers tu this county, and as I fear all will not see my card In the Pamlico Enterprise I ask you to please allow me space in your worthy paper to say to to) many friend in Pamlico county who has been asking in to allow my nami o -be used in our county Democratic convention for the nomination for. the oIQjo of Kopreseulattve that I cannoi allow my nam) to be used because I think it would be uojust to myself, ana also to the Democratic party, an I e. peclall so to my friend, Obo. Dues. ' 1 think whja we ojmldsr the prjipeo and olrcumslanuiis under wlilcu we n milnnted and elected Mr. Dees, aud alio the work ha did and hU reveries that every Democrat voter In the. couu t oitg.t to favor his nomination ami eluuiion as Representative for us again, ,.t. Respectfully, .. W.T.MAto First Ward Primary. : '; Primary for the selection of county officers will bo held lu tbe First Ward city of New Bern ou Saturday the 18th d ly of May 1900, from 7 a. m, to 7 p. m. at theclty hall. ' - - W. D. Mclvan, ' Chairman Ex. Com. iai Ward Notice. . - ' D. F. Foy, Jno.C. Scales and W. F. Rountrue are appointed Poll holders for the 2nd ward city of Now Bern in tbe Primary election to be held Saturday May 10th 1900, at the Court House. Polls open from 7 a. ru. to 7 p. m. . The different county offices and delegates to the county convention are to be voted ou. IIinut R. Bkyan, Jr,. : -: Cbmn. 2nd Ward Precinct Com. ' 3rd Ward Primaries- pursuant -to call of the Democratic Exeecutlve committee of Cravsn counly for primary election to be held in all the precincts throughout said county on Saturday May 19th to vote for the vari ous county olllcers aud to elect deli gatej to county convention--wiilou h called to meet on Saturday May 2f!ili to lallfy the nomination of said olllcers and to elect delegates lo Ihe Congressional a id Senatorial convention, The polls will be open at Scotia stuble on .Middle strn-l fiiun 7 a in to 7 p m, P.ituid.iV May 1'Mli for !inl waul prt chid. r. I!. I.AM!, t'himi. Hid w ltd precinct I ' ! Tolhi- "'iT4 i.f r IV'Timl, : : : y . : : v.v I. m. I'i: I I.i I ! I!:c 1 i. I. :i-..'l of tile 1 .... ,-,iii,. ( .. . -. n wy !..- I. -i v. 1 ! I I i'i 1 r i)i."v.. iii.i". -.1 william iiksky may. Nkw Bkhn Camp ) United Confederate Veterans. - v " May lOlh 1900. ) Comkadiss: The Cod of Battles has called from the strife of this world to a peaceful rest beyond the river, our be loved friend and fellow soldier, William Henry May. lie served with distinction as a mem ber of Company H, Second North Caro lina Cavalry. William Mav was a man the remem brance of whoso life brings to us thoughts of most' affectionate admira tion. As a soldier he showed such qualities men of gentle manners show on every Held . ' The genlliest heart; the finest Courage; the tender affection which bound those who wero near to him bv tics of blood or friendship proved the generous im pulses which moved his noble spirit and inspired their fond devotion. Resolved, That In the death of put comiade, William II. May we part with a friend, kind, loyal and bravo, bO6 going iitT.ce reminds us that we too will s ion end our struggle here and 'follow him to the hibnt Land. , Resolved, That this Camp tenders to the loved ones 'whom.' our comrade leaves, our affectionate sympathy and tender condolence In their great sorrow May God keep them In this world, and grant to til a everlasting life. Resolved- ThAl a copy of this Memo rial be sent to the family, and our com rades, and bo. published in - the Daily and Weekly JotiiiNAr. snd New Bern. Democrat. , , ' v' I - ' , ' W. R Bauhirgtoh. -1 y- ' E II. Mkadowb . - Matt Masly., . Kinston Free Press will please copy. '. 'Bo Wilt's Little Early Blscrt are tht: flnest pills I over-used.''-!) J Moore Mlllbrook, Alau They quickly cure al. L ilver and bowel troubles. F. a. Duffy mn.H AOfcNCV Kll - . : . I 9 .., i:u..jii.vm' I'uakhact, II. W. I5I-S5. fhiiiip('Av:.namrilr.fiili!i UHllIt M -UUUU IIIL UHlll IF YOU SUFFER Prom the U ought of hot werther to come, irjpare, tor tbe siz!ug period now,: Have your b. t'j to-jm pot In per fect cider, iKeaum It furnishes Jhiiesl guarao'ceof Summtr comfort Imagine bio. The outlay Involved Is stra'l eon paiol wih tlie. betuflt' which It will S'curo. Ci 039 per spiral lei bridge'bpfol you come to It at.d send fur us nor,; Hyrmn -Supply Co., J'Pnonc 02 4910BAVKS 8TI1KRT .'' -..'.. .. J. Bujs and Worms Destroy Your Plants An 1 Tici 8. v i lli- tbey mo in all tl e glo y of f r.-rli fo"ci-c, till and llo.'ir. mill i you dl ii f, 1 1 tin in in lime Use our I'.ixili-r tiiin', llili-'ivi", fiyiiiipi-s uml I'm in (L 1 1 n I: li tic pr '.cr a u.ilii lu! i r , n :t I inn i In a id parji.-diei ul he .1. ' my.-.l. Our ling D.wh in Hh b hi noi in for ri'irliin; po'nlo lnu", f oil I i nil I 111! Inn's til it me vi i'I' d I y KNIT VAISTS o o o We sett more of A . . ... . ' .; i. season and every mother that has tried v one is sureto like rf., and recommend O them to her friends. I Our, assortment o . includes- the best iknown ana most J sought after kind. , " Nazareth, E. Z. and , Minneapolis all at 25c each. vj- 4 t For COMMENCEMENT- DRESSES, j 'All that goes to help the girl graduate with a commencement dress is, here, in plentiful assortment and at fair prices. 4 Dotted Pwiss al 15, ?0 wit) 25c i , , ' India Linon at 10, ll4, 15, 20 and 25c. " 4 -. ! Organdiea begin at 10c and np to 75c. -. Particular good ( - Taluwi are our French Organdies, 2 yards wide at 25, 40, 50 '.. , " and 60c - , " r French Lawn, 42 inch at 40c "' Persian Lawn, 25o and 40e. , - , Plain Swiss at 20c and 25c, A. I And for trimming Summer Dresses be have r v All over Lace at from 35c to $2 60 yard. : " Val. Luce frpm 25o dozen to 25c yard. Mechlin Lace, 10, 12J and 15c " ' . Torchon Lace, 10, 15, 18 and 20c. Wvt awn and Nainsook Edge and Insertion. Neck r txings and Fans are A necessity for grad tutting . dresses and these we have in all that is new and wanted for right now. - . . X Oxford Ties at $2, $2 SO and $3 in ihe new shapes, and Toe Slippers at $t.50, and $3. The fV, .4.f,i ' Mts44 fm4fJm ziyuzn fjaiciu icauicr -vaiuy - Parasols in hite and colors, priced & from $1 75 to $3 and some very pret- ty novelties tbe are showing. i : XOi cMarks Company. t " .NKW IIEHN GRISTMILLS. - Iloltlug C'llMt J2levton himI t )rn Cleaner OI the Lnlesf Improved and Vpr ' to-Date Mill flachlnery. ' . '.'t.'t'v-', ' '''''' ' r ''YOUR' TBAUB 18 fcOLlCITlCDi y t -r'ir fJ tar SPECIAL PAIN9 taken in clean. bag aud polishing grain before KOlng thronrhlhe mlllr,blh. Insures pure meal, , . -' Corn, Uomlhy, Oats and Ulxed F. cd GEORGE BISHOP.. New Bern, Hie' ' " ' . " . DEALER IN : , . GENERAL HARDWARE And sll Kinds of ' LD1LDH& LIATERIAL Wire Jloitin Bciwn Doors and Windows. . 0L4CIGR. REFRIQliRATORS Which are tlie beet. . Thty have but few eipia's aid No Suporior. Ice Creiiin f reca T'. Water Coolrra. Micblg in Slovep id It iiiKM. lV.nU . - Under Hotel ChatUwka, wmtw-T fWTl-r-T yj ,1 kill Ukixil, Itt t FOR CHILDREN. o these aatments each o Silk Mull at 30c. latter for a very ; ITI4M4M : Henry's Pharmacy, A 127-Middle Street. Prr a re For ;1V r I n nrr... .. - j-s' M . -I Jiiat rcreivid a Bi pply of LOADED GPKBi tire death lo Hoaelus, Bid Bu. s. Mi tb. V ater Bugs and all In ar lt . . W ill hoi si ain r grraie tl fln at fUI . Onr trial t a'i tha "a r.et doil to iodvIi ce lbs rnfit skeptical. A full Ili.e id TuiUt Articles, rerfum ry, i to . - I'lijslclan's Preacript'ftriS '. oar, fully ........... a ' . ..... . ' Dobbin 4 Ferrall. " ' At Tticker'a. , - B rl73GU, N. G ". Naisapur Hand Block - ' A.', 't - ---..-'.' '- - ' ti Printed Foulards. , The demand for Printed 4 - India. Silks . - . ...'.-I 1 ' . " ' Raa an increasml that no perfectly up. poln'e I s nuiunr warJrobn is c.uiipleie without one or m ire sowna evolve I from these eool and dietay silks.. Elaborate effects mav Im hcIim red in three g ia by dioonttlons of Imv ruf flei. ai nliau-s or dalnir I ttlu Holer. mi deelo.ed from the all-ver kind, while aim k-t severely plain an I simple are other gowns which are likewise e tain p!4 of approved tt) lea. Width U l ches, p'oes ton, 1 00, l 2SaudIYiUa)aid. . fl iip'o (-1 ecrfully ihili I. Dobbin T; Ferrall, iiaiiik i ' "...