I : ! y t v VOL. &V1U--K0..CG. NEW 1'F.IIX, Ni C, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 15,-IJ NINETEENTH HUl Fe; Thzy The 1ery newest (S and Enamel Girdles Sterling Silver is Clasps, Shirt Waist Sets. and Pulley ,' Rings.-- The Chic Fob is a Beauty, also fo-thegun metal and oxydized silver Fobs, jj- then a pretty black Lorgnette Chain.': M Unly a feTD datnty ; , Gowe ana see mem tor yourselves. v us . - - . 1 w Is 47 & 49 Pollock Street, non- Special inducements our present stock. You a dollar at our store something wonderful lor we have dropped the: prices DO WN, DOWN I DOWN!! . , " Our Stock of Sring must be sold. " Big Eeduction Sale " irom now until the 1st of August : " , 1 , " , , $10.00 SUITS 1USIUITCI TO $7.bi 5 - 5.00 - Also a big lot oi-Youth's, andv Children's Suits, must be sold at reduced prices.; A nice line of Men's ter Shoes just received ' 1 1 r n fit n n a t Mn ma" money. i ; AMERICAN f STOCK -.-.COMPANY, 59 & 01 Middle St. v After rDinnef Oivetho mml a fine finish.- Thcro U i. olhin rin'iiltir fur ('mutt tliaii F.irna, Rio 1'iHld'n", 411 1 P k ul F.twy ( ruck em. E'i rjriMni. in 111 . 1 n w 11 hi fniml fit i.tn mo , I'M ! prf a n -ethinyl-he l fl'iilinn nf "(I'OO t'ei", Th mho's ri,rM i tiixM in n.'l) f up iliN si'k rl ( irl iii-iil of f i(: po I J'.l .' V a im m mh to ' - p t in e.. ,. '. , " . MaVf j IKt r (0:vril lllT ti t l l Fr.-li ('iiimilV.Hii -uili M Ti . : A Iski A ii l l f Nh'j Iv ( nre'l 1 1 mm. UU linn c ill miif we nil do mir IkwI to 1 1 np.e juii. , Vi art for I'n liter-,' i J R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phono 69. 77 Droad Street. I Prompt Delivery Frc:;i Dnnn' - i r i -1 ? i! u v :!tit a ," ! cup of i i-."l; ! i!.. ' ' ' . .' X . -r 'CP- '"I Have things in Silver t Belts and Collar U iSrqocbes. 11, I boa! Lw to buyers to reduce will find the work of and 1 Summer Clothing " a.oo and Ladies Low Quar 4 4" w . 4- MA HOWARD & MACITT, 1'mpre'nrs. V - Delicacies I G yon or lor your fowl mipit)( H from thin lriH'i)e "tore. Wo "inFU U evury ilcnmiiil of a llil rl:m f 'ii i ly trmlo witli the Clmirctt M nl Fji'iry (inn i lii n, H -Mi", I'l.k.... Hiu;ip,;i)ivc.,l!',,x Jir ir IMnt llnii.T. h.jcI I'i 1 1 it in i Wi! ni 'h it fp r, "f 1: Kfili T ( .ir r Co;: 1 1 .r ' . .3 T2j;ii mi:. Legislature Takes Adjournment To - That Date. ' Addition of Section Flie M.ets Ob jections In Amendment Commit . . tee Reports tlrossMlBinaiuce A meat Agricultural and Penitentiary. , ' ' Special to Journal. , -.. . Raleigh, June 14. It was nearly midnight last night when the two Im portant bills, the Constitutional Amend ment and tht Election Law were finally tlgned by the presiding officers' and de livered to the Secretary of Blate, The tlirose .Immediately adjourned nntll 10 o'clock today but the Senate Jiung oo for half an hour after the Bouse and then .also adjourned. , " , The principal change In the Amend ment, outside of the term "qualified voters'' la the addition of seelonS which meets the objections of llie umld onts aud which Is putln terms that cannot be mistaken. It reads as follows: 1 Sec.. Enry person presentlns; him self for registration shall be able to read and write any section of the Conslltu lion in the English language; and be fort be a hall be entitled to vote, be shall havt paid on or before the first day ; of May of the year la which he proposes to vote his poll tax for the treviour year as pre" scribed by article 5, section 1, of tht Constitution. , But no male person, who was, on January 1st,-. 1807, or at . any time prior thereto, entitled to vole undei the laws of any State-; In the United States wherein he then resided, ami no lineal descendant of any such person shall be denied the right to register ann vote at any election in -this State bj reason of ixU failure to possess the. edu cational qualification herein prescribed; Provided, he shall have registered In accordance with the terms of thfs sec tion prior to December 1 1008. ". Tbe General Assembly shall provide for the registration of all persons enti tled; to. vole without the educational qualification herein prescribed, and shall. iu or before Kovemoer 1, 19J8, provide for the making of a permanent record ol inch registration, and all persons so reg istered shell forever thereafter have tbe rlglit to vote In all elections by the peo ple In this Stale, unless dtsquallilud un der section 8 of this article: Provide!), uch person shall have pard his poll tax as aoovi) lequired fee 5." That this amendment to the Constliutton Is presented and adopted as ODe indivisible plan for the regulation of the suffrage, with the Intent and puT pose to so connect : the different parts aud i, make them so dependent upon each other, that the whole shall stand or fall together. ': , There has been a constant fight be tween those who went to introduce bills add those opposed to making further legislation. It la hard oo . the momber who has bill in bis pocket that be be lieves essential to his county and Dem ocrallo success, perhaps his coming back to the next Legislature depends on It Many members notified Ihclr people thai they : would present no bills nd ire saved the embarrassment ' Borne mem bers bad 12 rr 15 bills somewhere about their persons walling to spring them on . i lung suffetlng Legislature. : Tlio weather moderated duilog the iiighl rid It Is some c oler today rid 'loiuly. It is a relief lo eveibody. 'iuc Senate f nd House were ca'led to order at 10 o'clock today.' lbs fear that many merube.a would have vsniooaed duilui the night was not reaVzod and there was a good attendance. . '1 be disposal oT the chief objects of the session took the In, tereit out of tbe occasion and the pass- lug of bills important to sections only cq Id not stir "things up. Dis cussion of party measures and plana for parly success continues vnabatod, liev. Mr. Branson opened the Senate with prayer and referred feelingly to the death of Senator Jackson and the strick en family, . '' Tbe joio-oals of both Houses this murntng were read in full, iho usual motion to d'apense with Iho reading not being Insisted on. Members wauled to know what hud been done yesterday. It m'glil miia;-Ht that too much wns done and there would ba a chance for correc tion. The death of Senator J. J Jitrkaon this morning whi as uni'Xpi:i:U.'d n It wii mi'l, ri'imtor Jiickxon wns stopping at llie residence of Mr. Je-,o Joiich on Illllslioro utrcct. )I wm at the I'HpIlol i lute In-t h!.;'tt mi'l HMiiji'il to be In bis j in 'it I Ii'mU Ii. lie t-poke on iukI fuHowcti )ilt!i it' if ii' !; it lhc. ron i'1! i"ii of tlte ; St iiiif .! Tii.l Li.t pi i i i t.i i ' ll V 'sS pi I I 1 If. !h. 'I'! .1. " A I geant of Arms of the Senate in charge jf the party. ' : Many bills were. Introduced today, but they wiil die on the calendar.. Not overhslf adoien got through. Both houses met at eight o'clock to night, and adjournment was taken to Tuesday, July Ulh. .r ; , Committees reported on the Shell Fish Commissi ners, the Agricultural Department and the penitentiary show ing gross mismanagement and reckless extravagance under Fusion rule. : v . SUPREME COURT ADJOURNS. Sine Die. Opinions Filed Before Final Adjournment." Special to JeumaL -. ' ' Kaliigb, June - 14. The Supreme Court filed the following opinions tc day - , " :i Frltcbard vs Commlsafaiilers of Morgan ton modlrted and affirmed with cost against County of Burke. mState vs Hill, . from Now Hanover, error. - i i - i Slate. Vs Medlln, from Gaston, af firmed. , ; ' - ' n . -, v v fCrampton vs Ivle, from Mocklenberg, new trial, i" , -, Hut ton vs Webb, from Burke, petition to rehear dismissed. Court adjourned sine die today PLATFORM FOR BRIAN. Cannot Underfeketo Say Whatls Par- mount Issue. .Leaves it to Con : ,,ventlon. c . ' CbiCaoo, June 13-Hon. William J. Bryan was in Ohlcago today and was the ceute: of a great deal of politloal discus alon, alt of It bearing on what may be done at tbe Democratic National Con ventlon, in Kausas City, July 4. ' - The plalform to be adopted at "Kansas Olty and also the Vlce-Presidentlalques tion wei-e cooslderej at length. ' On the question Of a platfoim, the tiead of dis cussion" forecasts! to some extent the differences of opinion which may arise at Kansas City, even amon loyal Bryan uieq. "The question Is whether the money "'plank and other :. troublesome legaoies from 1808 shaU. be handled by reafiiimallon of the Chicago' pla.fj.-m In lunp. or whether'some planks of the ISOi platform, especially those on Jioney, shall be 'itwrittaf".; , .' "I siyt as I have before mny times,- Mr. Bryan replied, when asked what he thought of the platform and Issues ibis year, "that I think tho three big qnea lions before' n are aauoey, trusts- end Imperlallsnl.' ' The raonoy quoillon, of course, Includes the question ot sliver and of paper money; (he question of Im perialism Includes militarism' and ' tbe policy of which oar 'National-. Adminis tration's work in the Philippines and its attitude oa the Boer, question are sam ples :V:V,J';:V''i?v!; "I believe the principles adopted In the plat'orm, of 1890 were adopted as a part of the party creed,' never to be de parted from.. I do not think those should be or can be departed. , from, this yi ar. That platform, however, must be added to as new Issues arise.- As I do not ex pect to be a delegate to the National Convention, I cannot presume to discuss the form In which those principles shall be stated In tbe plalform- to be adopted there. . . yr- '- :' VI cannot undertake to say what will be lbs paramount tsue No man can One thinks one question Is the biggest and another man thinks another Is. "What do I think should bo done iu the PhilipplnesT I filuk this country a ould tell those peiplo that we aie there only for the purp ise of eitahlUh Ing a stable government aul thit when we have done so we should turu the Is lands over to the people and protect them against f jrelgn aggression, as we have protected tbe South American re publics. - . - - "The conditions ahead and the plan of campaign? Why, conditloua are much more favorable to us than they were at this time In 1803. The Republican party Is on the defensive. It will talk p-osper-ity, of course, but we'll ba-willing to iaki' the votes of all the people who have not had their shire of prosperity and , leave to- the I Republicans the votes of the people who have had tlinlr si) ire. ..'; "I should say our 'plan of campaign will be to carry every 8tnto lo tho Union. C'tiiiuot curry all nf tlinin f I would not speak so harshly o( the peo ple of any Htuln as to say thul I thought tho po'iplrf then! Intended to support the Itt'pnlilli'an pnrty." t:::- r:Ai.::i:TS. Till! f"!!ifvht: fpititHt !"!!S Hi re rereiv e l by i. I-:. I.:!.;im, New 1 in, N. C. ; , : '.,.!',!: 1-t (',. n.. .. - ., . a. i ( :., . A .!...! Ml! ) ! ,'! J. 0. J1EHC3 DUD- Senator From Eighth Senatorial . - Dies Suddenly. . J- . Important Decision In Insurance Case. Bane Vail Association. Railway Tax Assess- ' ment Case to be at .Wilmington. ,""'' Special to Jouruu', . , t - Ralkioh, . June .14. senator John Qutncy Jackson of Lenoir county, died here this morning of heart disease : lie was 68 years old, a lawyer, a Masou. and. leaves a wife.' He was at th6 Senate session nntll midnight and then went to his boarding house.. At 4 o'clock Ibis morning' he went out on a porch and was there found a little before 8 o'clock, sitting upright in a chair, one arm hang ing over a railing, the other In his lap, a handkerchief in the hand. His legs were crossed and bis head held op. It seemed difficult so, believe be was dead His body was embalmed and was sent to Elusion this afternoon- Lt. Oov. Rej oolds, president of tbe Senate said to me "Senator' Jackson was In my opinion the best man in the Senate.', Uts-death caused treat sorrow." ' ' .The fact that the bearing of tbe rail way tax assessment cases is to be re sumed at Wilmington or rather begun, for ibe railways, is of much publlclnler est, as ten million dollars Ib involved The news, given out for tbe first time, that the corporation commission' had proposed a compromise, also excites In. terest. ' ' " J , Four negro members were present at tbls cession of the legislature, Senator Fuller and ' Uepreieutatlves Smith. Wright and Yarboro. Judge Moore today filed Lis decision in tbe important case of F, M. Simmons and F. Q. Simmons, against tbe Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association. This I. a lest case. There re many -others. The judge finds that the company wrong fully broke Its contract and violated the agreement made with .policy holder, F. G. Simmons. He give judgment for tbe prSTn tiffs for t,?6u. with Interest. : ... Th Slate basa be'l association today made ud its schedule for the season (James begin Juue J George Stevens of Charlotte Is elected President, N. N, Davis of Wllmlngton,: Vlde-Presldent, and Battle of Durham . secretary and treasurer. The Ualelgh club has secured Its battery... l'ersou and Bassare the pitchers sod Marutar and Royster the cstcbera.' v ic5:tHY'' I Tlie Democratic cancua last night de cided that the Legislature should adjourn at night tonight; until theflast .week July, that Is just as near the Avgual election as possible..'- ' Tjultas food is digested quickly lt 111 ferment and Irritate tbe stomach.- After each meal-take a teaspooaful of Kadol Dyspepsia Cure. . It digests what yon eat and wl'.l allow you to arall yoa need of what you like., -It never falls to cure the worst cases ol dyspepsia. ' lt Is pleasant to take, F, fl. Duffy. ' , BULLER MARCHES AHEAD. Boer Rear Guard Seen As He Hove v" ; ' Ialo Transvaal " . . Lohdov. June' 13. Tbe Dally Tele graph bas received the following dis patch, dated today, from tho Natal border, near Volksrust:- j, . , ' "General tiuller's column, after defeat Ing the Boers thoroughly, resumed It march on Volksrust ye.terday ami oarly today reached the bord-r without eneoun taring any opposition. The Doer rear gqard was retreating rapidly In a north ern uireciiou, ' Clery'a troops are now In position ot Lalugs nek. The Poers have deserted all their other positions In the vicinity aad Natal Is now completely cleared of them." V " Lomdos, June 13. Further advices received here show that the Lai ngs oek tunnel has not been much damaged Both ends have been blown-up, but the englneora think that repairs eau be ef fecte j In about four days. The advance troops if Gem rd Buller saw the Boer rear guard four miles distant. It was estimated that 8,000 !oers wero with drawing, but tills Is doubtless gnatly overdrawn. The townsiieoplo at Kimrlo it Is said, counted 15 guns being Carrie away, V j All who suffer from piles will l0 glad to learn 1 1, nt DeWlu'a. Witch lla.el .a;ilve will clve tliein lnlnnt relief. . It will t urc ei eina set! a!! si. In disease Mewiuu nf einiiilerfeita. K H l'lllTy. V -i r I,, f.-r l'.,.i l.i . ! v 11..I'!';. il t . .1 iho time i ; i., ul. I' tltfl. 1 he I I,s i: f.,. ( i'j Tax ( '.!!( I'.i'b . w . i. i '.-si tin : il ,J :t tie : ef I' J."" I '.'' m tw!."W . . A JIIjH Whole Cod Fish. -7 A now pjtrrcl Fulton Market Corned Bei-f. , , ' Small Sugar Cured ig Hitnis, California Hams and t&ig Hams jTo Cut. " ; Cromac Springs Ginger Ale, guaranteed as good as 2t any sold, 10c per bottle or Sfor a5c, Try it, its fine. v . A few nice N. r. Ham?. , r :. Mason's Improved Fruit Jars, all sizes. If you need : any it will pay yon to see me befere you bny. ,' Fresh lot of Cucumber I ickles and loose OatHukos. J. L. MML, 'lMione Ol. 44 There is a Tide in the Affairs of Men, ' Taken at its Flood, leads on to Fortune" Which simply meanB grasping' the opportunity. We give you the op portunity again US buy those Serge hey ar going rapidly, money in your pocket to buy them from us. ' Jnst received a large line of Hoy's Yacht Straw Hats, good quality, low price, from 25o up. I'onght tlicni after the cut was on. ?v ' Nice line of Ladies Colored Umbrellas, Very sr.y lish, good for rain or shine. Expect today thoso ready-made Sheets, save your time and eyes by purchasing them ready for use. Call at our stores and sec how much we can save you in all lines. 61 Fotlock St.; (Duffy's Stand) 09 Middle St. Have a full and complete stock, and fill orders with promptness. : We have few more Gauze Doors and Screens and more to arrive. Give us your otf der. , Gall on us-tor Calcimo to decorate your rooms. . Carpet and Matting Tacks. Paints and Enamels, small cans. Stains and Varnish; sizes to suit. Granite Ware, Tin Ware, Sprinklers, Lawn Mowers; Hoes for flower garden, 25c. If you are - thinking of a Refrigerator come to see ours. None other on the market like it. ODORLESS." is- New line Scissors and Shears. PUONR vouit ; .1 WAXTS TO 147. ';, m '"... MIDDLE 8TRBIPI, - Correct - Buggy IJ IF YOU HAVE ANi i TO BUSINESS Vr Bee to It that you got me of i ur latest Design Buggies. . , - : - J Respectfully, . ti. If. Unlorn it Hon, 78 Broad 81 , , ; ; NJ51V KKItN GRIST f.llLLS. Now jiiiih - IZollin Vhet , IMcviilorw mill Corn 4'14'nnerH Of It-. I.BlcstMnipioved and Uf to-t).ile Mill flncliinerjr. YOL'il TKAl'K IS tOU;lTil J t ' Mi' I I. I'.MM-t It ken In rlean- ii ..' itiid ptill'liin; p,r:iln lieforn oing I'.i Mt! Ii tito !:. i , . hi. !. ii' me pure i, t( ( . - -. . o.'fi (,i"l h'U.il !'. ! JiUL . . . AM -B. TH ... ',W ' ".r. .''-. . WlioIetal A Belnll Grocer, 71 BrtiH Hi. Suits in Mens, Youth's tand Boys. Qaskill Hardware .Co. sot- NSW BERN, N 0 I am Surrounded By mlHUnyrllH watWti, mn4 4 JUtMi- My stark nfwhccls conhta of COT.TtMntAHt sua ii 4 rTh una k.U it a iu Riv.ni:, . HTOUMKIIH, U PKNNA.VXM, lltKM.S, f!f. BAULHH, . Doth ebnlnlna aad ctaaio. Easy Payments. ky Km shop I. Coxm t and rnur wor. i. Mile licit. vm."tTFi:ll, Csamt, ttskss, Vshs,: PmS. laasftakts Laasa," liwssts. SlMrtSS, OrlfS. Sirs, IsckS. CarMda,! BrtsMla, nrsTase, Maes, fllwa, ill s 1 S. G. ROBERTS, Whnli-uftlo Ilenl rln Groceries; Provisions, l" I Cm. '4 f A r y I ...i iption. 'i f i I ' ! FnnlT, Ur. ItWs. I