' J ; i ; '-a 1 1 , ' VOL. XVUI--K3. CD. lliln, n. c, Tuesday uokmsg, jcne id, iooi. SINKTEINTH filt': I 4 Yes, Liizy . i i ( t. f, A A a ZFust (Arrived I), V 77z? ery newest: things in Sifoer? and tEmmel Girdles," i ' J Sterling Silver Belts -and1 CoUatV. Clasps, Shirt Waist A mngs i ze owe rap w a Deauiy, aiso f $ Yfe gunjnetal and oxydized silver Fobs, $ w iTzer a pretty acrV Lorgnette Chain pf A v- a to iai(v Brooches. I , I j? A - Come and see them for yourselves, & , v : - A 3S: IB. KEACBTJBIT $ A 47 & 40 Pollock Street. v A iJU J. Special inducements to buyers 10 reduce our present stock. You wjEU find the work oi a dollar at our store something: wonderful lor we have dropped the prices DOWN,' DOWN! DOWN! ' - i ' - " . Our Stock of Sring and Summer Clothing must be sold. ' Big Reduction Sale' from-now until the 1st of August : ' , ' . i . ' $l.00 K1J1T ItlCIld:i TO $7.00 S.OO V . . 't ' s.oo T- ' . s.oo Also a big lot of Youth's and Children's Suits, must be sold at reduced prices. , ; A nice line of Men's and Ladies Low Q,uar tertthoes just received. . ; , Wo ofler you u rare opportunity- to save money. s , ' AMERICAN STOCIC-COr.lPAriY. S9&C1 Middle St. - , v A tt T iLiitt-uitmzt Cll et'ml ifl eflnl '.. T.ra l upthmn di'ot'w (nr ' l' t than f"ttM a, Rio I'tu di ,J I ti) Fancy Crackers. " E f bhr in th h I'ne wll tw found In -iT" bio V, hi " pre i n i a h e i ttitioD if "t; o '!e". . .Tli whole tfrrlit in sA in n.i k (I up i lil 1 1, rl i frirlm of f il pe i.iil ., Via .iiit-M iu i w A u. :. flilVfl j HT'CB a i.y. lot i,K Fn-sli i :irn l I'.irtriii-arii 11 ll ( llitiuv Hive tin n e ill nidi wi- if- do our be.il lo 1 1 jin. ; ' I J. R. PA RKE R, J R , XI POCER 'Phone C9. ; , .77 Broad Street. Prompt Delivery Frc:.i 0:::::'s iv ! ;i - ! ( : :n f . Ecjvz A ? Sets and Pulley H')WARD & MiCHX, Propr'e ort. : T 4 15 - icncacics i i"'x YonJoAn always expcrl wl e i you onlnr your food supplies from this reliable slom. We cin sup lily every demand of a llr.st l ima f sutily tnt.li, with the (Jh-ii. . ,t Hi ipdi a'ul Fancy Oroci-ri.-, I'd iih., I'i. kl--4, H-vi :,',;niiv(..ii,i'i.x It v ir IMiit I'.hii.t, mid I II unn a'lt i.'k II hi., hi I', ! We it! a , t (i' v f lr 'i i' r 1 1 r ui h i i -. II ir I ' i ; 1 ' v : : WjL a if.. ft1 5 The Fofeizn Fleets Bombard and Capture the Chinese Forts. ' - American Teasels Join In the At tack. Russia Domandg Iadem ' Bltj. Many -JSissloBarietT " Mlsslnf. Legations at . Pekla Destroyed. " Special to Journal. ' London, Juni 18 The .Chinese fort at Taka fired on the allied fleets and the forts were taken by the foreigners. . The fleet when fired upon bombarded the forts and look possession.- The en gagement was a brief one. The Ameri can Vfssele participated In the fight and landed men In the aUack. v : A Japanese torpedo boat has arrived at Cheefoo with the news of the taking of all the foreign legations at Pekin. ltussla demands from China -an in demnity of thirty million dollars for damage done to railways in which Rus- ila is interesleil. . " . Japan sends twenty five hundred sold iers to Tion Tln.. England sends s regiment from India to protect property In China. Twenty Roman Catholic mis sionaries and eight ' Sisters of Charity are missing. , Manila. June 18. The Ninth United Slates Infantry, which la now In the Philippines, has beeen ordered to Manila whence it will proceed to China. .' v.. The gunboat Concord, with marine on board, has sailed under sealed orders supposedly for ChinaT " - The British cruiser Buenaventura" has sailed for Hongkong and Tientsin. . - ;-' Lonin, June 17.-r-A-dispatch lo a London newspaper Jrom Hongkong aay all the Pekln legations have been de stroyed and that the German Minister, Baron yon Kattler, has been murdered, rhii) is unconfirmed by the latest, news ' The French Consul at Tientsin cables that the European delachmeuts sent lr Pekin are advancing slowly. ' lu the rt- c nt rioting In Pekin, the. Consul : re ports, the Boxers burned the Protestant Episcopal establishments In the Chinese town. . All Is quiet in the French con- esion - . French troops, with artillery, are being sent from Tonquin to Tientsin, where tbey will arrive June 25. ' Ollieit dispatched from France will arrive July 8. The minister of Marine has ordered s divleton of cruisers to be. gotten read) for sea to reinforce the French squadroii In Chinese waters. Transportation Is alsi being prepared to' take njllltary. rein forcements. ' . - ROOSEVELT FOR VICE-PRES. ' Hi Will Accept Under Certain Conditions. , ..;: A nomination Assured.--8pcclal to Journal. " - " , Philadelphia, June 18 -The stain : pedo for Theodore Roosevelt for Vice. President on the ReDUblican ticket wlih McKinley has set in. The contest for Or pootlon seems to be' over. , " : Kobseveil consents If the. nomlnatlo la demanded by other than Piatt's del -gatl tn from New York. . (Senator Tbnrc ton says' aulhurallvely that Ronsevel Will aiicept. Pti glvea notice that Na T rk ai.l support Uooacvelt. V v.V . All who suiter from piles wilt he gin, lo learn that ' I e Wilt's Witch llaa "aUu will give "them Instant relief. Ii a III cure, eczema and all skin (IJ-eaie. Deware'nf couutorfi'lls F H Duffy. ,- .' THE MARKETS. ; , Tb3 following quotations were receiv ed by J. E. Latham, New Bern, N, C: Haw Tokk, June 18 Cotton;. Open. High. Low. Ciost July ;. . 8.5i 8.64 8 53 8.04 Aug.', 8 23 0 87 823 8 86 Sept. , 7.78 7 80 7.78 7 9' Oct. 763 7.69 7.68 7.00 Nov. ..... ... 7.50 7.67 7 60 7.67 Jan . ., 7.51 7.58 7 61 7 68 - CHICAGO MARKETS. Whrat: - pcn. High. Low. t lost ' July 76J 78J 75 7dJ Corn; , July Snt 40 flf)t 4 So. Ify Pfd 51 - . fifi T.C. I CIJ C4 Fed 3 3H - - 0j ConT v. 7HJ I-cHilicr.... H pj Colton receipts were 1,000 lisle it all ports. I'uli m !'' Ih ,r. ,tnU Kly II will fl'Ml'hl IU:. ii i i'.Jn 1; i A firr cich menl ito a t. h i.o.iiif.il nf i; ,. , I ( 'in !. It !! :s w h-.t, j mi 1 a H i ! i'l ii'' ,v y. ii tit , it nU ) mi ii I i f v. ! ( i l ; .. l:i i f ,'.., i., mi-11..- i.i i, ii ,' i. n . ' Mn t ' -. r. i 'irn. . . . ( Republican Attempt to Misrepresent i C.E. Aycock's Speech. Heavy Bains Were General. Com ulenceiuent at the State Normal Extension f Seaboard Line. ' , " Editora and Teachers ' Return, Special to Journal. . ... t - . Raleigh, June J8. The Tennessee press association 125 members, passed here yesterdsy, homeward-bound from Morebead C ity. Tho editors say they greatly enjoyed their aeaside experien ces. It was, for most of them, 'the first vlew-of salt water. " -. , . . t The session of the North Carolina Teachers Assembly which ended, yeslet day with the annual sermon by Bishop Roudtbaler, Is said to have been one of the moat successful .ever held.. Prof. J. Allen Holt of Oak Klilge, toe new pre Ident, Is one of the most active men lu the Stale In bis profession. Heavy rains have fallen during the past ii hoars. In this section , they haYe done some damage to lowland crop. Rain was needed over a large area of the State. v. There was considerable hail yes terday afternoon in some sections. Among the Republicans who left here yetlerday to attend their party's' nat ional conveutlon at Philadelphia were revenue collector. Duncan; posi master Billy and Dr. D. U. Abbott V the cor- p nation commission. . . : : The State charters the OohUboro Navigation Company, which will oper- at) steamers and barges on the Neuie river.'. Its authorized capital is !, o o.-' . i Several Raleigh people went lo Greens boro 10 attend the commencement exer- olaes of the Stale Normal and Industrial College,, which began yesterday .-with the annual sermon by Rev.' Dr. John 8 Walking now of Spartansburg 8 C. bui who was for a number of years pastor oi the Firrt PreBbyterlau church here. T dsywas given up louhe ; senior class, wuicu uau us. eiercises. It Is said that the Seaboard A'r Lino will extend 1U Hue of rail 100 miles south of Tampa to Doca Grande In order I) be (bat much nearer the West Indies, and on deeper water. ; . Tho Republicans are now trying des perate measures"-1 ft their, campaign Their latest is a garbled and mutilated report of C B. Aycock't : speech, ly which they seek to make It appear that he said the Democratic party proposed to rule by fraud, while as a matter of fact he said It meant to rule by law. In every Instance prompt exposure haa fol lowed Republican attemla at trlckiry In thia campaign. V. ;; ; : ' .. Small in atze and great In results are DeWltt's Little Early Risers, the famouc little pills that cleanse the liver and bowels. They do not gripe. , F 8 Duffy, - ' ; ' Jus Out. i s " - An op tn date line of, Sterling Silve an I gold tie clasps is to be found to . ' v' ' ' ' f.. O. Baxtkr's, ' (, ' ; - r VThe Jeweler ' I ain receiving over the A: Si N C railroad a fresh lot of BanSots, Urange inil Lemons, tlireo shipuienln a week Piesse notice my slock whau pmnlim. A frOMb lnt tif liol-lie.i Bett, sweet ami dellcion, no guano v Give them atria and you will be pleased, J. I). Harfleld, 13 Broad street. " ' . s Buoana Ice Cream Soda today al Mc 8 irley'e.- ''..': "' -:: . '. - Just received a lot of fine F. F. V lams ai Oaks Market, . , Fresh Tanglefoot Fly Paper at Davis Pharmacy. . For Shirt VbIM. . We have just received several pieces white Inee stripe Lawn, tucked P. K. and corded Swiss, beautiful (roods for slilrt waists at 12jc, 20c, and 2ftc yard. . G. A- Bahkoot. ' . " - Orjandy. I have 500 ynnls of 72 Inch organdy lo l.e sold at 25 i eU for the next 10 days and all while and Hurcii lawns will lie sold at a liii; niliii lion. J. J. H A X THIt. Nowtsllm tinin to liny jour liomcH liin, rifiu'M, fi mc ih r-H gnml.H, etc., vi ry low at .1. .1, I "ji x I '. I'm- h Ii. .i ui .oili r at I ; ,' I'n,r IILU'V. ( 'r'i I V S !.' '' I'nrt l!.i H I'll I'll liritd 1 '. - V .. I - ' I 1.1 1 hi 'h 1 l,.,i iw y. -I.!.1 i : . i - '. I ii i KOTICS 1 No meal will be sold at the New Bern Grist Mill in less quantity, than one sack of it 00 lbs, eachi and then at merchant's price. : '- -GEO. BISHOP. June 16 ,1900. r Pay Your License Tax 1 - - ; Doctors, Lawyers and all others who are doing business -tinder Schedule I' B," are hereby notified that their licenses expired May 8lnt, and the aame must be rone wed at once." Get yonr license and save trouble ' - l , v All liquor licenses expire luno ?0:li. and must be renewed in order to do bus Inees onJuiy 1st. " v. .JOSEPH KtNBEY, Sheriff Cravej County.1 June 16, 1900, , Dobbin Ferrall, - . At Tuckejr's, . i RALEIGH, N. C Fall ';j. .'.' is.---';'!'''"; House . Now is a rare opjiortanity to make tig interest on your money by bnying three mouths ahead.1; We are how making Clearance Sales of our- , ' -1 ", - MnUiiiKK .!v, Rn;a niitl Curtalna Make out a list of your wants and come to our store.. Baiiroud Fares. are low and we are ready to offer you the Biggest Bargains. . ; " - . Dobbin & Ferrall. LUtf Your "-Taxes. Tue jiist Taker for 8th Towns ilp will be at the Ooiirl Hryuie tjo n Sam to 1 p m and from S to 7. p m,: that all may have an opportunity, , For Your New House ' Or the old oio nidergirnr opeh lioua and irrpro' e i cuts, o ir up-to- late Sanitary Plumbing la indlsp nsl'tlr. Opnn work, costing but little ti to p order, and bath room, . lavatory aid kitchen appliances, which a-o luxuries compared with the devices fo merly tol erated, and die a ted by resBmstf hoalth comfort and economy. .. Ill wni.n money to be behind the ti nrs. Hyman Supply Co., Phone C3. 49 CRAVEN BrKEl'.l' lAst Yur i'Uy Tnx?H. You me In n liy notiflid that ti e lime for TdX Li-ilinn is at hand. The' books arc now open in lint Hy Tax Collector's olli ie mill will continue ojicn until June :!'):li, for the pm poo of roielving your Ins Iwih 1 1 mi r from 9 n. m. to 5 p. m. ll.iti't full 1 1 allcnd tn lids umlor psl nlty of the law. .1. J. 'IOI.8 )N, ,inii. I, v ' n. City Ta Cdlln tor. J't Keeping fS . . . A NEW iWlioie.'Go'cl.Fisfi. . . v A nftw Parrnl "Fultin Marhpi foriiArl TWf. . r . i A, SnutU Sugar Cured I ig Hams, California Hams and j Hig Mams' to Cut, . ' f- V - v !-,.;Croirao Springs Ginger Ale, guaranteed as good as any sold,. 10c per bottle or 3 for 35c. Try it, its fine. ' A few nice N. f. Hams. . .. .. Mason's Improved Fruit Jars, all sizes. If you need . any it will pay you to seo me befere you buy. .' Fresh lot of Cucumber I itklcs and loose Oatflukes. i: J; L. McDMIEL, 'Phone 01. "SHIPS THAT PASS IN THE NIGHT. .. i-Avo niilv nViaprupd fiv f.VinsA nil are displaying-beneflt only those on space in this paper everyweek and v Kailor Hats -galore, no two alike, your neighbor need have no lmt 11 yours, prices right too, -J Val. and Torchon Laces in all widths for 5o per yard. Possibly you would not buy 6c lace, elsewhere, but from us it im-una lQc and 15c kind. f '.Ready-tonso Pillow Uases and Sheets, save your eyes and money. i 1 Modern Shirt Waists in endless variety, nicely embroidered from 75o to $125. Crash Skirts 25c, 50c (ind ?5c. ( at'i't make them for the price Bathing Suits for men, women and children. No frills on the price either. - .Don't forget the Summer Clothing, in serges and crash, for men and boys, of course we carry the furnishings and everything man woman or boy needs. 61 Pollock St., (Duffy's Stand) 99 Middle St. gd:ill hardware co.. ; Have a full and complete stock, and fill orders with promptness. We have few more Qauze Doors and Screens and more to arrive. Give us your order.-:':.''. . . ' : ; ? Call on us ior Calcimo to decorate your rooms. ; Carpet a!bd Matting Tacks. .. Paints and Enamels, small cans. Stains and Varnish, sizes to suit. 'Granite Ware, Tin Ware, Sprinklers, Lawn Mowers, Hoes for flower garden; 25c. . If. you are thinking of a Reirigerator, come to see ours. None other on the market like it. "ODORLESS. V ' -- New line Ncissors and Shears. Ta"oit.' V Gaskill, Hardware Co. 7-1 MIDDLE WTREK'U - M iNli4 MONEY t . Loans niado. Loans placed. Apply to ISAAC U. SMITH, 180 Middle elree New Bern, N. O. ' ' ,v REAL ESTATE I ; r. " ;.w '...'.'.; ',' .'. . City Real Estate bought and sold on commission. . .. : , t , : A fine pleoe of property bcjlwught at bargain. ' Collection of Rents a Bpeclilty. r-i ., 15. 13: IIAUP13R. '-NEWnERU;-'..; GHIST -J.1ILLS. ' New EIillM:'-:'.:,.'vv: fl'orii i'h'SUMTH . ("f the, Latest I mproved and l'p-to-D.ite Mill riacliinery. Vi:! !t IKAI'K IS rOI.IClTe'.l ; - I ! I ' I, r.I;.-t I Ui ii In cli nn- ii.. ! j i: !.;i. ; miii tn forn poms '. ft: ii.ii., v, i.ii !i" in-iih-h pun: . ' : , t . -.. Vbcl V, i LOT OF ... - - WIioIeHale & Iletnll 71 Brr.vl Hi. thft wuTAh and fho ninnv Iturmiitia urn the alert for bargains. Watch our visit our stores. " Tsib - I. NKW BERN. K O S. G. ROBERTS, .v '-J j'""'.'- "" ' ; i -Wholesale Dealer In Groceries, Provisions, ' ; . '".-.... Canned Qoods v . - -of Any Description. . Tobacco of all Grades, Bnuff, Ac. Prices Low, i Goods guaranteed aa Represented, ('all and see me lit Nos, 89 and ilfrloiRov, Eat 1 4 d Karat, . S. G. ROBERTS. V Tlrss, Rims, Spokel, Vilv.t, Puinpl, innrttitif K B aikl,, t ...lis, fia. I R1 Surrcindcd fitfutl thryrUfM nn tin, ami nt oi erae A rtec fo. My stsrk of wheels conmtf of COT f f 14 f Mala, Casual, Rsksar, EsssmI, IraitMS, CsrSltf,, Or.phlt. C.MlMS, Wr.n' h.S. Tirtl ; to r . I ii Li A, l ltotli rhilntr.il and chum. r J 1 .' - j c T m r.it 5: I