FuiilUied every d.iy in the ycur, exm , t Monday, at 98 Hid. i'.e street. . Phonk No. 8. CHARLES L. STEVENS. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. - SUBSCRIPTION RATE8. une year. In advance. f 4.00 On year, not in advance 5.00 Monthly, by carrier la the city. . . . M Advertising Rates furnished on appli i cation, - . ' ' - Entered at the Poat Ofllce'New Born, -N. ., as second class matter. ': Official Paper of New Ben aid '". Craven County. New Bern, N. C. Jnne 19, 1900. STATE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Governor CHAS. B. AYCOCK, of ;- Wayne. , , Lt Governor w; D. TURNER, of Iredell, ' j- " . - ; Secretary of State J. B. GRIUES, Pill. " . Auditors B.r.DIXOS.C'Ievelano'::'- Treasurer. B. U. LACY, Waka. 3 t . BnpUv Public InlruclHn-Wu.. P. TOO of1 Robeson. ' -" " Ally Oencral-ROBT. "l, GILMER, Haywood. v . .. Corporation Commissioners SAM'L L.ROGERS, Macon; FRANKLIN MC NEILL, New Hanover, '-.:., -.'. Com. of Agriculture 8. L. PATTER SON, of Caldwell. . ' . r 'J. Commissioner of Labor and Printing B. B. VARNER, Davidson. -C. -" -? For Judge of the Tenth, Dislrlct-W. B. COUNCIL, of Watauga. ' Flsntvir at r.arn. niN niTOR lfn. LEAN, of Harnett) EEE 8 OVERMAN, of Rowan.. , ' Delegate at Large to the National Conventlon-COL. J. 8 CARR, ut Dur ham; C ' J. HALE, of Cumberland; WALTER E. MOORE, of Jackson: TB.03. A. JONES, of Buncombe. COUNTY DEMOCRATIC TICKET. v Sheriff mdtTPCT trrvairv ; .-ivAM- Treaeorer-rDANIEL L, ROBERTS. ' ! House c of Representatives W. - B pits nri? ' - v'- v Register of Deeds RM. GREEN. ;v ' Coroner- J W. DUGUID.- Surveyor GEORGE 8. WILCOX. 1 : . County Commissioners J09EPII. J. BAXTER, K R. JONE3, H. C. WOOD, SILAS -FULCHER, , A. E. WADS WORTH. -'-" x CRUSADE AGAINST CTVILIZATlOK. -- .The trouble- In. China' which a few weeks ago began by the attacks of ' the Boxers upon a few foreigners, and which teemed a trivial matter, easily settled. It today recognized by the world at a tooit terlout affair, , -., ; '' --,' ' I y. , Today China It threatened, with a war of . International proportions, and one which may result In the overthrow,- par- - tlally or entirely, ot the present Empire. 1 .n & .t i - in present uruis ia uuquesuouauiy the gravest that hat ever occurred for Europeans. - . What was thought to be an incipient -local uprising, now proves to be a 'gen erally organized plan on the part of the Chinese mandarins, who teem to. have the Dowager Empresa under complete control. - - : i-i.C'i'.':. -:f - The plan and purpose of these manda- tint It for the complete expulsion of all foreigners from the Chinese. Empire. " This coalition of all the Influential mandarins, to reports say, It Inspired by the fear that their old time power In .the . Empire It fast pasting away, doe to the Invasion of Europeans with their science . and skill, and such Inventions at lh telegraph anil railroad.' r ;.( '3 ' . . Thus It hit been that the Boxen In. spired by the mandarins first started the overthrow or expulsion of the forelgn- . - v '-: fv; ;. ; The Dowager Empress Interceding for the foreigners was met by the force of the coalition of manda'rlma, who threat ened the stabllllT and Integrity of the Empire, if the Dowager Empress gave ald to the foreigners, and the retirement of the Emperial party from auy partici pation In the "conflict, shows with what apprehentlou the Borers are held-' . . TheBoien are thus being made the tool with which In omul tha Filrfinraiia Their failure falls npna their own lics'lr, while any siu-ceo n'ni so much gnln for llio mandarins. " I Inn it will lo found tlU the iircsr ot coiiicst in China Ih one si im I of n ' c!v!!lii'ii, a vciliy.')!i! fl.-l.t '.i- h i It '"tit' ' i !n -f a on , IUt! ii X.H f t I ' ' ' f : u. . ti..' 1- i .- ;. ( - .-. 1 I U la: if i I v .- (.-iniio, ah. a h-r f ; t iipjiurt'iit. b'U:e i f thi i m ; (lUrtT naiiios, ynrh as I.. 7 s NY; Man nnd fie Horse, the A s S lift Holdfast Toil), Ol.l Joan I'uint, Stone Top, etc. " The only Inhabited phiee Is James town, which lias a population of about 2.500. It lies in n deep .valley sur rounded by very high. bills.-, It is not n particularly healthy place. Ladder hill is where the government house is Rltuated. It is so culled because of the ftlmost precipitous ladderllke wooden Btalrs, by which its acclivity of (WO feet has to lie scaled. - , Nearly four miles inland from James town is an Isolated farmhouse, on an elevated plateau about 2,000 feet above the sea. .This is Longwood, where Na poleon lived from 1815 until he died there,, in 1821. The bouse is a long, low, whitewashed, fairly trim building, with extensive outhouses, some rather fine old trees and a good bit of decent farm land. ' - - . . Black Coats. .' h. An English clergyman, rather pom pous of niannerT" according to Spire Moments, was fond of cbattlug with n witty chimney sweep. ,.- - , Once, when the minister returned from bis summer holidays, be hapireq ed to meet bis youthful acquaintance, who seemed to have been at work. -'-AVhere have you been?" asked the clergyman. ; "Sweeping the chimneys' at the vic arage," was the boy's answer. . . "How many chimneys are there, and how much do you get for each?" was the next question. . The sweep said there -were 20 chim neys and that be was paid s shilling apiece. . , . The clergyman, after thinking a mo ment, looked at the sweep in apparent astonishment. - "i'ou have earned n (treat deal of money lu a little time," lie remarked solemnly,' f wondering, prolmbly, what the sooty fellow would reply." . . - ..--,- t "Yes," said the sweep, throwing bis bag over his shoulder ns lie started away,-. "We who wear black : cont:i .jet otir-mogey very easily!".' i--. ; -: - .r ' ' Catarrh Cannot be Cnred . -S . with local applications, sa- they cannot reach the teat of the disease. Catarrh It a blood or constitutional -disease, and in order to core it you must take Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and aott directly on" the blood and mucous surfaces, UalJ's Catarrh Cure It not a quack medeclne. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regu lar prescription- It Is composed of the best tonlct known, combined with the besUilood purifiers, acting : directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect comb) nation of the two Ingredients is what prmlucei such wonderful result! In cur ing Catarrh.' Send for testimonials, froo. . ' Jr. J. vtufcHJii ojuo. - ' ' ' . . Toledo, 0. , Sold by Druggists, 73c. - . . ilall't Family Pills are the beBt. . - " , ' Tried to Obey. " . ' : , Papa Abal You have disobeyed me, ' Willie I tried not to. It Isn't my fault. j Papa Not yoUr fault, eh? . ; - - ; ' Willie No, Sir. You laid: "Don't let me catch you at that again, an' I done my beat not to let yon ! "mozlkv lemon ruxiR. v RegaVttoa the Llvor. Stomach, Bowels and -. Kldnoy-s, Foi billontneat. constipation and ma laria.. - , ' For indigestion, tick and nervous headache. v For sleeplessness, nervousness heart failure and nervous prostration. --. - For fever, chills, detility and kidnev diseases, take Lemon Elixir. . ' Ladles, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. - . . 60c and $1 bottle at druggists. PreparedonlybyDr.il. Mozley, At lanta, Ua. :v--- ., : ; ' . . . Uratjtndo. Dr. H. Mozley Dear Blr: Rlnce using your Lemon -Elixir I have never had another attack of those fearful-sick head aches, and thank God that I have at last found a medicine that will cure those awful tpellt, ' . - Mrs. Etta VT. Jonfb, . Jr Parkersburg, West Virginia. . . ' '' ' ..MoBley's Union Kllilr. . I suffered with Indigestion snd dys entery for two long jears. I heard of Lemoo Elixir; got It; taken seveu bottles and am now a well man. ' Hariit Apamh, NO. 1734 First Avenue, Birmingham, . Ala, . ' Moslem's Lemon Kllxlr. . Cured my husband, who was afflicted for yeart with large ulcers on his leg. and was cured after Using two bottle; and cured a friend whom thodortors had given up to die, who had suffered for yenrs with luillgusiion and nervous pros tration. Una. E: A. liKvu.i.n, Woodstock, Ala. - A :rd. For norvnus and Bick licmlnehet gewtion, btlioufiieiB ami mur (of wliii h I Imve In en a rreat Muii imve never fionul a meu,i it.n liint In.ll- nlii.il .! ) 1 w oti give such a uiant, pr..t i p rien- reni reiier as XU: il. ,. hlijir. J. P. '.!. I'll. ;. r I.I 11. C. m ;r ( 11 "I'm ' '," r.-.l t!.- -...,1 ii ' l-!5 O: (f Vi-- -o V. ;i:i V I i;.::nii;'. Pi- ' ot." ' , F-P," iM '' .'.! . I'f 11 r 1 v . j r .1 1 - l v I I ' !: n I - - . ?tr- fJ Lz : '.. . 13 CP ? i : J l 3 t -'- i) t; j j 1. r J .3 'T- J ' 1 f i i s if i 'c"A'.'i Cc.'.-r-:: I J mcCeLid isas kz',:zJ sa many Remember this when something else Is sl'j gestsd, . t.7rsm Plnkham's ad' dress Is Lynn, f.lass. ISer h'elalsHS hand - Is always outstretched to ' suffering women. . s .i" ticking to Ilia Colom.-' ..The Pro-Briton I thought you said we couldn't lake Pretoria. ' . - Th Pro-Boer-You didn't take it.'We gve h 10 you.- s. - .1 - -. Tlie Htoinach of man is subject to a dozen sucb eommon but painful affec tions at cramps, cholera morbus, and dysentery, that, by neglect, may be made chronic and dangerous. The best, handi est, surest, and quickest remedy is Pain Killer, w medicine- which has been tried for more than a half of a century and nover failed to give reliefs Avoid u baiitulop, there is 1 ut one Pain Killer, Perry Da via'. Price 2fio and 50c '. f ' - s: Democratic Congressional Conyen , T ' tion, Third District of N.' C." ; - At a meeting of the Democratic Exec utive Committee of the Third Congres sional District ot NortliXarollna, duly calied and held at Warsaw, North Caro lina, on May 28th, 1900, It was resolved by said Committee that the Democratic .Congressional Convention of the Third Congressional District of North Caro lina le called .to meet. at Fayettevllle, North Carolina, on June 28ih, 1900, at the hour of 9 30 o'clock p. m. , ' , , In accordance with, said resolutions notice is hereby given (hat the Demo cratic Congressional Convention of the taid Third District of Noilu Carolina will be held at the said City of Fayette vdfe on June iSih, 1900, at the hoar of 13.30 o clock, p. m. for the nomination of a Democratie candidate for Congress and a. Democratic Presidential Elector and for the transaction - of tncu other business as may be necessary.') Dated at Kenansvillc, N. C.,' June 1st, 1U00. - , . " J, Q. KknaN, Chm'n, Ok L. Si-RNCB.feo'y.' ' ' Democratic Senatorial. Convention. . The Convention of the 8th Senatorial -District of North Carolina is hereby called 10 assemble at Kinston, on Thure day, June 21st, 1000, at 18 o'clock Mid day, to nominate- candidates for Sena tors, and for such other business as may be brought before the Convention. - - '. M. DrV. SntvaNsoH, : ,' Chm'n. Dem. Ben. E. Comv New )om, N. C-, juhe Clh, 1000. ; 1, Notice! -V ' Pursuant to Chapter 007 1'ubllc Laws lr00, Hie undersigned County Board of Wocllt.ns of Craven County, have se lected the following named persons for the respective election precincts who shall act as Iteglslrars of Voters for tuch Township, Ward or Precinct as follows to-wil: Maple CyroBs L C Dawson, registrar. Vaneeboro J B Harvey, registrar. Trnltl's W A Harrington, registrar. No 8 township O E Taylor, registrar. No B township II A Marshall " liiveriliilc John llanliKon, registrar. JauicB City W II Orlftln, registrar. First Wani-lt lt Hill, registrar. Hecond Waul -11 h Hull, registrar. Third Wind -K 8 Street, innnlrar. Fointh Wftnl W V. t'liailiilte. ri fip IL i u jitei iiiet rci'i ' !i I'leimt Hill-J 11 Fre n1.' k.i rar. 11: 1:,!.! . ' r Dover fiiuiCn 1 !' : Tl.il. .I- : 1 1 ft r. leor-e'l':. V lii. I,:,. Iv-T Ii I, ' I - A i i, 1 .!. .1. . t !'. K. I .-.v Lit iJ l i,. t iJ ! t ill n c tlx level Lt tLe : t 1 The most 'rcimirlvnMtt eLaracterisiic of th's lako Is that tin; water contains vast Humilities of hydrochloric and sul phuric neiils hlhsln and bubbling at a temperature of 110 degrees F. , The (bilk green colored water looks particularly uninviting. Dense clouds if sulphuric fumes constantly roll oft this boiling caldron, and care has to be exercised in approach lug this lake to avoid the risk of uullacatlon. On the opposite side of the bike may be seen the tremendous blowholes, which, when lu-fuil blast, rjresent an awe in spiring sight..--.-.",- .... ". ' ' Hie roar of the steam as it rushes forth Into the-. air Is deafening, and often huge bowlders' and stones, are burled out to a height of several hun dred feet by the various Internal forces of nature. A boat can be launched ou the lake. out! If.proper care be observed the very. edges of the blowholes may be safely explored. ' Borne Idea of the strength ot the acid saturated- water of this lake may be gathered from the fact that a boat al juost dropped to. pieces after all the passengers, bad been landed, as the rivets had corroded, under the Influence of the acids, v f .Mr. Allaferra Taliaferro. - I suppose," said a government clerk to the wan across the table, "that you have heard of the Virginia family. of Uerby " which spells ' its name . E-n-r-o-u-g-h-t-y, as well as the Chumleyf of England, but I came across one the other day that I'll bet a hat you never heard of. v The subject ot -the sketch Vas a Virginian or claimed that he tfns, and he was. go youthful and tin Ronblstlcated that I truest he was tell ing the flutlr. -Children-and fools, you 1 1 now, have a weakness In that regard.. "1 met the young fellow, on a train between . Richmond and Petersburg, nnd we struck up. ffnite tin acquaint ance. - He told me bis name was Tolli ver Oliver Tolllver and I vefy natu rally aBked blm If he spelled his name ns did the famous F. F. V, Taliaferro, nnd he said he did 'and teemed to be proud of It t was rather proud to be friendly .with one of the name myself nnd made myself extra agreeable.- ? .. "Wheu he left mo at a way station nnd bade jne goodby, he tendered me his card and told me be hoped I' would not forget him. 1' didn't look at the card till he had gone, and, would you believe' It, the young fellow -had hit :nnia spelled to match, at It were, and It appeared thus, 'Mr. AJlaferro Talla- ferro,! which. In my . humble oplnlonri was getting Oliver Tolllver down pret ty flue. Don't you- think so tool" Wflshlngtop Star.'- s. , o - " Viunptreo Hot BIoodsaekera.1' ' lit. James Ubeu, who Is engaged In a leclnl- study ofbats, sayt that It Is a fallacy -that the .vnmplre J: " blood sucker. Travelers- and story Writers are responsible for the story of the ter rible - bloodsuckUig vampire bats of South AmPrlea.' i Nearly all general writers ,?on; this subject agree . with tliem as to Its criminal record, and they nil concur In laying the blame on a larger grotesque looking bat with an enormous leaf nose, , the Vampyrus tpectrum..; This bat It common In South and Central America and, .from Ids great size, being nbont two feet across the outspread, wlngt. Is a sug gestive and. repulsive enougfl object to Impute the blood loving habit to. ' 1 'As a matter of fact, this It a some what useful animal and la totally Inno cent of these charge, the bloodsuck ers being two much amaller and rarer bats. ..The front teeth of these two lat ter are pnoriuous lancets occupying. over half the tooth row of the animals and possessing very sharp edges, which ran easily-, penetrnte the human skin. The teeth of the big vampire, on the other hand, are simply adapted for a diet of Insects and fruit .The true bloodsucking bats are much rarer than the vampire. Philadelphia Record. Io New Vorfc'i Tfovr Rich toolotr, A salient feature of the reign, of the new rich is the habit of estimating a man's success In life solely by the mon ey he has acquired. There are gather ings of society In New York where if the question were asked about a fellow citizen, "Has ho been successful?' the answer would be In the negative had the person inquired about not accumu lated wealth. No matter whether be bad. served bis country as a soldier, statesman or philanthropist, had led the youth of his generation as a college president, had been an educator of the people In Bchool or pulpit had achieved wldo renown ns a jurist had written a great book, had held multitudes cn-r thralled by bis poetry, bad painted no ble pictures, bad advanced science or surgery, had created a lending news paper or 111.-1ga7.lne! Nothing of all this tells. Ho is not a "success" been use bo lias not piled up dollars to flaunt lu the World's face!--Saturday livening Post Fnl ' Trulne II-;, t bill ymi a fe I .i-i- b ntl 1M. omptinpflouH. I'- I called to see you about tnf-'nvisiild of which I wrote day ago. film'- 1 I lev sir, but 1 c to any si lint I i S. I -Mil L, ..li . : 1 , iMlu.- - w 1,. 1:H rt 1 ? I bu ll you Ii 1 r u- it.- . - knit bring 0 your , will BurifV vour blood and the bloom of health back into your cheeks. ' Kach .bottle contains a quart.--. - ' A .; ;.v ..-'. - Painful and SaprraMd MeoMt, Irrafralsrity, tlon of the Uterus, clmntfe of life In outran or - JOIINSION S SAHSAPARILLA. It Urn real pnutcea for haadieb, polos In th left k aide. Indigestion, palpitation of the heart, cold hands and feat, nerrouanesa, sleeploaioeaa, , fnoacular weaknesa. bearimr-down naina. harkarhe. Iwarha. IfMmikr aetloo of the heart. shortness of breath, abnormal dlschararas swellitiff of feet, soraneat of the breasts, neuralgia, aterlne dUplacaaasot, and OH tnoH , sroiptoms which aaake the average womaa'a Ufa so miserable. Wo have a book foil of siaauui luunuiaiioB. I oa want at Its tree-. , - - " THE MICHIGAN DRUQ CO." Detroit, Wkh. ' Uvarattaa tor Uve JIU. The Fainooa Uttl Uwr Plus. age. C. 1. BRADHA.M, -'New BernvN; 0 ' 1 HI Oara ProaeriBtloD. "My doctor ordered a trip 10 Europe forme." . r ' DilKyott follow his dlrectlM'tii -X-K:. No Ha presented the bill and took the trip to Europe hlmtelf.'V-; -.-4 .)',';; - QUESTION AUSWEREP. j-' Vet, August FloweVttill.hat the laigr est tale of any medicine In the civilized world,' Your mothers and grandmother never thought of using anything else for Indigestion or BlllouBnest. Doctors weie scarce, and Ibey seldom heard of Appen dicitis Nervous .Prostration or Heart failure, eUj. They used August Flower (o (Ten out the sjstem and (top fermenin Uon of digested food, regulate the action of the liverrstimulate the nervous and organic action of the System, and that Id all they took when feeling- dull and bad with tieadtcbet and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in Hqnid form, to make yon atlUl there is nothing erlMi ihf i matter wllhjou. For sale b V a Ouffy.- - - V NtJtlCC !'" "' 'Advertisement Is hereby made for bids la tmiid a tlat fot Streets Ferry. , 'I he dimensions Id be as follow: Length 0 feel,- breadth 13 feet, depth 20 inches, deck to be built oval shape, corked, all around nud larred, only good heart pine or Cj press to tie" used, (oy press-preferri d) Itida w ill be leceiveil In this ( Dice :i p lu 13. o'clock si. n the first Moudsy in July, 19110 Js " 1, Ity utder Board CommUslonert.',; vr-. ' " i - ERHatT M. )uEft, VT'V -, -'Clk. Bd. Coin. -.Notice. - " Advertisement Is hereby jnado under diiecllons of the County Couimlstlonert forsesh'd plopoaala to build a bibtge cross Orest Swsmp between No.l and 9 townBhlpt : Flsns and apecificstious for the construction of Hme are on file In the Register of Deeds ottlce. t-.. Bids will be received Jn the office of the undersigned ud to 13 o'clock m. ' on the flraf. Monday in July 1900. , . -1 . The Cotinty Cofomlstlnners leserve to themselves the right to reject any apd silblds .' j , Y'l ' By ortler Board of. Commissioners. ' ' - ' Kbnkst M. (Jkbem, C. B. C, A Good : Telephone, - - SKltVICB.18 A BUSINESS NECES81TT, , A IIOMB ., CONVENIENCt. A COM- J - B1NEI) ( . . , if ? Cou venleuce, Order Vour Phontj at Once I V CLooDijurr.oRS lilcerSs Oltl ftirr, I'ancern, Kutlnj; " horiH, fccztDii, Lie. rurrd by It B. ll.Trtat ' tie Free. Rot Fiom Impure blood comes VI sorts of paina, al lien snd sores, ending freittenlly in deadly cancer or some chronic sore. If you en answer "yes" to any of the follow Irn; (iienllons your Moon is diseas ed snd impure. Do cuts omcrnichcs heal slowly? Does your Hkiu ilch or burn f Mnva you pim plea 1 KruplioiiH so you feel aubnrned to he seen ill company 1 Aching (.ones or j;, k T Ki -win. 1 Old Horesf liollsr (-rcfulaf ItlieiiniHilmii 1 Foul Breath f ( 1. 1 i r r ti T Are you I'nic? I'o Sealis or .. form on liic Kin. Iluir or - n'p t iim: l'n i. i"-t na in I lie I iair 1 All Inn o!v liiiii. and n tired In h w ! in on went In l-. il ? , 0 J oU I IS? -a I of ii ! iJ C , ' A tlo one but yourselves know i - 7 . V of the .4 unenng you 50 through. V ' you suiierf It isn't necessary, lose vour health and beaniv , by do y Don't V Tnr th lost of one 11 speedily followed I of the other.) Don't feel " weak r4"MrknTn w al 1 1 144 QUAK.T BOTTLES. lamnrlim WMtaa. StarUttV. IJIeM. mid all Ana rilff. h.lr, bencnt mntcmreln with painful nuastruatlott. acalaW of arloa, a;:& : N;: c R. R. PAS5ENQER DEPARTnENTr . NwBB"aN,N.C:,Mayl 10W,' Kotos to Moroh.od. v- .. '' .The following special rates for teatoa (ltlOO) from stations named .below .to Morebead City and return In effect June tBASON ' . SiTDKDAT STATIONS. J t j -TIOKBTv JIIUHT. Goldsboro. .4.00 : - $l.G0 UGrauge;. 8.60 - ' 1 50 Kinston -, 3,00 ( in Dover ...".8 75 .10 CoreTreek 8 70 r 81 New Bern.,,' ..... 00 .74 Rlverdale 7.1 ,--.70 Kewport. . . ..CO - .85 . Herman and . Bunds? Stations. -Ooldsboro.., - - Ball Ticket, Excursion. .1123 .100. .60 . .73 . .7ft . ".0 . .8.1 -C 1 .100 .to - .7S - - .80 'ss LGr'nge . BluBtoi).., . Dover ...... Core Creek 'i New Bern..; Newport... - (itirman and Btll Tickets sold only to ten oc more on one ticket good to return neat morning. '- : HunUsy excursion Tickets sold on Sundsy, good only ; on Not.' 7 and train.. "-' :.; . - C9T!ckel Limit Cannot Be Extended, r 'these rite supersedes all previous rates lo conflict. - Temohor's Tlekotav .- - Special rites of fare Round Trip tick ets (including one membership coupon of i 00) to the meeting of the Noilh Garo Una Teachers' Assembly- at Morehemd City, Jn effect June 13, 1900, to June 17. 11)00. Tickets to be on tale from June Bib to June 17th and good to return with tlosl limit as July 25. 1900: - '. Ooldsboro. i..$4 40 Core Creek. .-.4 00 UQ range 4 39 - Jtew Bern-... 8 28 Kinston .t... 4 1S Rlverdale 8 10 Dover.'. . 4 00 Newport . : 2 4A Hole, to 0.T.0 Sprluira. -, - Bummer excursion - tickets ; (season 1000) from A A N. C tutlont Round Trip for Seven fprlogs, N. C. - Roucd trip tickets will be sold to LaOrange to parties visiting the above Springs at the following ralea of far for the round trip: "-J' Ooldsboro .. ,7i New Bern ...3 25 KlnttoD .... v .60 Itlverdala 16 Dover 1 08 -Newport . ".. 84B Core Creek.:. 1 00 forehead City 8 90 : Tickets, oq tale June lit. TickeUood to return to Gclober.81, 1800.' . - '- - : i' -V t. -y ... Ratos to Mosmlalu Roaawts, ' , . Through - ratea' ot far Ijouod- Tflp tickett front Coupon Stsllopt, below to polaU named oa tba.W. N, C? Itallrad (seasoa 1900). Ticket t on sale Juita 1st, 1000, to September SOtb, . 1000, IpcJusIv. Good tot return" passage oil or .before S bs To. is e OS oa Hickory .;.f 18 50 $11 6Q $11 10 $10 B0 Morganton .. 1485 ,13 85 11 OS 1185 Old Fort.,,., 151)5 14 05 1? 25 13115 Black Mt. ... 10 20 15 20 '18 SO 18 20 Asheville . .-. 18 85 , IB 65 14 45 18 88 IlolSprlnirs.. 18 85 17 85 15 25 15 85 Rates to all other Resorts In Western North Carolina or Virginia may be furn Isbed upon application. Children nnder five (5) ) ears of age are free.,- Children under twelve (13) years of age ball the above rates. . - 8. t DILL, O. P. A. "' IIony to Xaoaii ! ; l,2:0 00 to lend on city property. ' Apilyto W. W. CLAltrC. A i: or the 1 1 ana "worn out impure blood lilt I the bottom of all your trouble. y Directory. EW RERNfiONrLAVEikd lmnr,wl Order lleplanopus, meet 2nd and 4ih Thuradav nighWuKl 8 oVtock at Itoun treellalLP A. Willi, An hnn; tireene Bryan, Finaucier; A T. Slraushury, fee retary. . , , :-; " , .. EUREKA LODGE NO. 7, I. O. J. Officers: W. T. Bill, NJ1 i J. H, Parker,- V. ti ; le.i. Urcen, Itec d g ecty Junies B. llill. Financial 8ecrnaryj A.'-JS. J.'hi man; . Treat. " Regular mectinsts every - Monday night at 7;ii0 o'clock Calumet encampm ent, no 4 I. O. O, F. ; Office A: L h Moixlr,' V, Pi J O Delamar, U Pj J J Baxter, H Wi O H Ball, J W; Goo. Green, Hcribe; K Uerock, Treasurer-. Regular KncHinp- ; ment, 1st, 3rd, and 5th (if ar.y) Thursday nights in each month at 7:80 o'clock. . NEW BERN LODGB No. 14F II A O. J O Scales, Prest; J H Hmitb. Recording . Bec'yj E B 'Qotdley, Financial Sec'y. Meets iD4ha-K nights oflarniony Hall very 1st and SrfJt- Monday nights in each montn. . . - CRAVEN, LOIXJE No.- 1 ; KNKIIITS. OF UAKUONYs Meots Snd and 4th: Wednesdar olubti In each month in - Roun tree's Hall, Pollock street, at '7:80 o'clock. 8. R. Ball, President, R. J. Ois- osway.ooc'y, it. k, uui,jt. oocy. KNICHT8-0F HONOR-Offlcers: K R Jones, Dictator; G L Vinson, Reporter; ' W S Rountree, Financial Reportor-K-New Berne Lodge No. 448 meets llieSnd and 4th Friday nights at 7:80 o'clock in . Kountrera Halt, rolloct street - CANTON CLBIssfONT Na S, P. M,1. it. O. UrBeers: Geo. Slover; Captain i: U. tUT ' ooob, taeus.; r.u. i-eiieuer, soeiKn; wm. f Vitta. Clerk: Bd. Uarook. Aconuiitaiit Ilea j: alar Cantonments, td and 4 to Thursday 4 atahtaa In aartK aAnk at ilai rat a Iwi W . l.lbellcil imd NoUl. , United StaYs-of Amerbs,- ) F astern District of No th (Vo , j. District Wburi at New Be ii. . ) 'IheodoreK. Aduir, ., , The schooner Ebhn A White, her tail . .- - ajipan-l etc. : Io obedience to a monition to me ad v d resiled nudrr the seal of the I ihtm t -Court of the United Btau a fer the Eas-, i torn Diatrict of North Carolina at New Bern datetf May 24th, 1900, I have at tached the schooner Klihu A Wbilo. ber iackl( apparel, etc on board ami' on -. abore, and will dettin the sameT fn my v custody until tltc further order of ,lbnt -s Court respecting Hie same. Now ud " naoMnna oluimtnm tha tama r h a. jaaMr.ai -- or bavine authority toftf whv il.eaam-v should not tie condemned and told mr- -"J cordine to the oraier of the Llbellant are cited to appear befoie the said oour'i to be held at New Bern In sal I tiistricl, on 23d day or Qcolx r llltiO at 10 n'cloct laa iha fttumnnt linn ami rlkoa-'aa lA . t - v i.oMt their cluimii for 1 hp an.&'ti.ij make v tl...l. oal)nA..Cn..n 1- il...rl. -J..K II g. DOOKEIIY. - -- Unilcd Mates Marshall. Y . By H. L Wootin, Deo. Marshal, . N Kurn. N. C. - Juno 14, 1800 Sale of Lhik! to Make- Afsels, orth Ohrolina, ) Supeilor Court, Craven County. Ueloie tbeticik L M Satterlhwaiie, Aduir of ,M .Br an, ideieased. vs Louis A Brvani I hom- at K Bryan, M F Bryan and vllitr.' ' Pursuant to a license and order of Ihe . Superior Court Of Craven wmmy in - the "above entitled pruci-eillngs lustliuted -to , sen the hereinafter described land m . makeaasetts to pay tliBili hla of th de-.. ceaseil, I will offer for tale anil-sell, -to-tbe highest bidder for cash, at I be court v house door of Craven couiitv- iin Moo ., day July tbe Snd, 1 800, at Hie buiir of l'i' o'clock ra all tha -followijig. described ; real eaiaie, town: ; - v - Tbe certain tract of Jand ' lyiogaud - -bein situate in Craven county (n Vance -bom adjoining the lands of K. K. While, and Macon Bryan dee'd hounded at : tol- lOWSJ - V; - - . .Beginning at a cypress on ihe edge ot - o i r. , i i u . ,. ai.o - - .. . owns urtma. onu ruuiiiiir inn mi 01 . caes- ? 16 polee to a stake, then north 4u west poles to a stake, then south 8 0 west 18. polel to a black gqm near ti e creek, then dnwu the creek to tbe beginning, con taining 1 acre mote or- lesa. Thit June' 4 th 1900. ; ,r ', .cs&- ,'s'r,x r) T 'Y. h. M, B attihtu waits, Adrar.- v; - :. .:. .- as n a .1 . Pursuant to' that certain Deed of Tnt executed by. atnsitpher P Holley and Harriett flolley, bit wife to tha under-., tinned as trustee on the 30th day or June 1808, which said deed of tiust is duly re corded In the ofilce of Hie- Register of Deeds ofCratt Uo. In I ook I27,psge 1S1. -And upon tbe request of tbe holuer of the bond secured by said deed of trust, I will on Saturday the 9 st day of. July 1000 at the hour of II o'clock m , at Hie . 0 mrt lbuite ; ibMir of t'ruvin county, offer fur sale anil sill to Ihe lushest bid der for catb all ami tlnguliir the real estate described In said, deed of trust, designated at follows to wit;. i . All that certain lot of laud hlng on ihe east aide of Of orge street in the city Of New Bern, North Carolina, ami known In the pi jo of t ho cily hy the number 8Stvand described as follows: On Oeoive si reel meanuiinir in front HTf fent,. tbenin riinn'iu ra-t 1IIJ fi et, thence south 84 J f-et, and I hen en on thu Ku'shlro Line," 13Weel; la-lng tbe fame conveyed to .Mnlphr I Holly, by Mary O Woodruff and otlier,iiy deed beailiia dale .III" 4 Ii, liv of Octoher lt-81 .. ami rtcordid in llio olllce of tin: iieylsler of Deeds o( l.'rtven county, in book 04. pages (50. fit tnd M to whli li reference it msde, This June lOih. IDOfT - - '.---.- O. II GU ION, Trustee. . While In Beaufort 1 sure and mop ut the Hllaell Holme. Ji'iml-Clamr lloanl. A home for traveling people.-. I i; Mi, ; unit hiiulliiL; unexcelled, 'lerms f 1.' i iiay or If 5.IHI per week H A. ItlJUMKI.L I'ron TI;r?c Lnr.c Vlr.i: To l lii I to li,.! l,:,',.-i( l.i How l il.U. it... o..U .'.i 1, .. ,. i,,., ill ii m .n. ., 1 o ,1 i I Mv,- W . .i. . ... I Hi I.I out nil I e hk. r H .' I, i i

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