7 -I t - - Acts gently on the -ClDrJEY5,LlV:n AND DoVuLS 'r,rAN5ESTHE5YSTEr4 EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES Ltff & ' HA2ITUAL CC1' ruPlnwlu THE JOURNAL. New Bera.N. C, June 19, 1900. , Index to New Advertisements v McSorley Ice1 cream. Business Locals. . THE finest Beer always on draught, ml ' Jacob's, Middle Street i NEARBY AFFAIRS. Hatters of Local Interest in the City and -' . Country. ? ? MV I . It .-I. I -..I .-.I ... . ITUCa lUUVeUlBUfc wmf ll(U jvntviuaj, - by boat and railroad. - ,' , Fleet Smallwood, ton, of Mr. J. W. Bmallwood, fell yesterday and broke hit leg above the ankle. ' v The schooner Mabel and Ruth, Capl, Henry Clogg," ; arrived ; Sunday from 111lmnM wit It at sananl ifM -".. : WtllUIVIV VT uuvam naiQva .(. (. ' There wu a small fire, Sunday morn- t Ing, in a tenement house near the Uler monl Mills. Damage was slight. , : " via lingo ncijean, oi narneit eouq- ty and 0. H. Guton, of Craven county wilt speak' at Truitts, Monday, June 25th. ' Charles 8. Bell died In this clty,r on Sunday morning. His body was taken ' yesterday to Washington, N. C, for In-. Iterment, , The Jdbnal will bare bulletins on '' the proceedings of the Republican Nat ional Convention, which meets Jn Phila delphia, tody. ; ' ' Remember this Atlantic Juniors feetl val at the Planters warehouse tomor ' row, Wednesday night. It promises to be an enjoyable occasion. ' , - ' Maoon Jordon, colored,' was arrested vesusraay lor sieauog 1110 uiujruia ui n. ;- B. Nlion and tried before the Mayor and bound over to the Criminal Court.-;! There was a redlcafchange in the tern ." perature front Saturday to yesterday, "the temperature; falling' 23- degrees r There was a rainfall of 1.78 Inches on Sunday,. ':- -v - ' . V ';:. - -- Hattle Dill, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Guton," aged 16 months, died yesterday. Funeral this evening at 8 o'clock from, the resldoiice on .the macadamized road. ' '' r'x - Two' country visitors, evidently in "spirits," while trying to drive at a fast rate, around the corner of Middle and South Front streets, yesterday, bed their . bnggy overturned. One received a cut on the head. No Injury was otherwise done, ''X ." 'i'V v ' ' lu l. Moore, Esq, has been Invited to : speak at OrlentalPamlloo connly, bj. Chairman W. T. Caho and has set the date for the 1 speaking, neit Saturday, June 23rd. Mr. Moore should be given a large crowd for be will be found a most Interesting speaker. , . l . ...it . I. .,.. , tm . : Amonf The Presidents. L. II. Culler, Esq., of the Farmers and Merchants Dank of this city, was elected Third Viee President of the State Bankers' Association, at its annual con vention held last week, In Greensboro. " AmonjIIis Trlcnis Affaln. Among the distinguished arrivals here on Sunday, was Charles Itl?nteln'Eaq., of Greater New York. Mr. Kleiisteln's coming was as umial a surprise to his ffienilt, but as it Is lila cuHtom of Just dropping In for a vis.lt no harm was donu, and "n:ij" is given the g!d hit)d, and ttmilo comfort aide He refn .I to lull anytliitsg alumt Croker or Tamuintiy'a dolp ;n. I.eCr. ilv. . t of! A.:r, : t..:r : '. C. . :n i : ( i. Reports from all section of Crtiveu and atljoitiing counties show tlie toliaeco crop to be in belter condition tliaa In many years. Tie reduction in acres e Is not near so great as was thought. Ten or fifteen per cent Is nearer the correct figure. The number of pounds per acre Is fully up to the big crop of last year. The Injury from ; worms Is almost nothing, farmers declaring it to be un precedented. Usually the greatest dam age to the growing crop Is from worms. They peiforate the leaf thereby render ing It unfit for wrappers. This year there will be no such mutilation, while the crop Is too near maturity for dam age from other causes. ; r '-.'?-," ": Profiting by last year's experience far mers are preparing their pack houses against damage from storms, etc. Many- are topping their tobacco and will begin curing early In July. ; Prospects were never brighter for a good crop, both In quantity and quality. Bright or lemon colored wrappers will he the bulk of the crop raised, the kind which brings the highest prices and are si nays In demand. Another arguoieni In favor of good prices la the fact thai 89 little of this quality was raised lasl snson there will be an Increased de mand over former yeara: - A gentleman of thW section lias ha" occasion to visit the old 'tobacco belt the State and saw a good deal of I h growing cropr lie saya our swllmi I far ahead of any he has seeu, not oill In quantity and condition, but decided I so la q talliy.. lie Is a tobacco planlui and can be relied 'Upon to give an Un biased opinion. r' ' - r PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. i Mr. A. E. Stevens, returned home last niguu . - Mr. T. C. Whitaker of Trenton, la iu thecltyT.V ") ' Mr. O. M. Hooker of Idalla, wu In the city yesterday. ,' , Mr. C. J. Schelky of Newport News, Va, I in the city. , , .' Mr. A. O, Newberry spent the day In the city yeaterday. r ' Mrs. U H. Ervin- and children,; aie visiting relatives In Kinston. - ' Miss Cammle Lord Is in. tfie city, the gu t of Mrs, R. D. V. Jones. , Mrs. Margaret Griffin returned lasl nig it from, a weeks visit at Kinston. . - Mr. C. Whit Gasklng left yesterday to spend several . months at Black Moun tain. . Missrs. Charles . Ball and S. K. Sul livan left Sunday for atrlp-to Philadel phia.' ' , ' Mi. F. Ulrtch and' daughter. Miss Sarah Alberta, have returiiedhome from Charlotte,- i , ( - ' Mr. C. T. Chadwick returned yester day from a weeks visit at his home Id Beaufort. ... . ' .. Mr. F. C. Toeplemen, general manager of the Henderton Telephone Company Is In the olty. ,'-". ' ' ; Mr. J. L. Ramsey, representing the Bobbtt Drug Company of Raleigh was In 4he city yesterday. ' - -Mr, L. S, Cutler returned last night from Greensboro, N, C, where be has been attending the Bankers Association Meeeling. , " : , Mr. S. W. Hancockr left for Philadel phia Sunday, to attend the Republican National Convention, of which be Is a delegate. . . ?--f'.. Fruit Vessel From Martinique. . The schooner Klla R, H1U, Capl John Day, master, after having transported a cargo of shingles to Martinique-, a French possession In the West Indies, arrived In port last Sunday with a fine assortment of fruit from Dominique, consisting of bananas, cocoanuls, pine apples and limes. The veaael -made the trip In 83 days. the time for the home voyage was 13 days; . ' , ' Capt. Day had no trouble In dispos ing of his trult selling It out yester day. ..':,.,...-'. It Is quite a treat for the small boy, who was constantly at the vessel's hatchway until the last vestige of the slock was sold. One Incident of the trip Is the fact that the cargo Is not sufficient weight t J furnish enough ballast for a sea voyage and the schooner bad to have II) tons of huge rocks, put In ballast, Capl. Day had them pot aboard by the natives for the small sum of sixty cents. The Chinese ask "how Is your HverV" loslead of "how do you dor" for whi n tho liver Is (active the health Is good. PeVVIlt's Little Marly 1.1 fis are famous little pills for the liver and bowels. 1" H Duffy. v: -:t. ( : i. : r ::. I'd. J.u , -.(. ; r a ' ' t I I ll . ,1 J. ;lV!l: Cm ' ...1 nil t: A. i C. II -,: t: I V, ' V ..; I - i Mew . :n vti. h t !' i t" ' C v. : ::l.irv , I i ( It r i to a . i ; . A! i C. ,:. y t, i i ; i) t.ty. ' IIcllHtr corresposiil.'su c. We visited the i:.,':i,l & EJIard flour mills at Louisville and weie very kiudiy entertained for an hour or more looking over the uiodcrir iuiprovements of this up-to-da!o mill. I huve seen a larger building than this of Ballard's for a mill but never saw so much going on at a time, nor so many dilTerent mills In operation run by one tremendous engine. It takes about 20 minutes to unload a car of wheat which at first Is run down on the first floor and then taken to the cleaners where it Is thoroughly cleaned and then run up to the feeding places for the grinding process. And from th time the wheatjs unloaded till It comes from the bolters In the various grades of ft mr .It Is' handled only by machin ery and a visitor would hardly suspect that, he was in a flour mill, were it not for that peculiar aroma that J.s, best known to millers and wheat raisers. The contrast between this mill with all its modern machinery and Improve ments and those we old veloraus used io visit at Winchester and othui1 wheat centers, In the sixtios is very marked They cannot make any better bread now than they made then,; but ran make, It easier and . faster. Ballard his a steel t ink that holds 100,000 bushels of wheat and numerous smaller ones Ills mills storage rooms and railway fncilltie, occupy seventy acres of . land In ann trnunil the city.-;. One of his large eton rooms was empty at tho r -union ant wa-t used as storage forVele'ant In stead of wheat. 600 comfortable co a were arranged on the second floor and thls was barracks for that many soldiers. We learned too that this wu done at Ballard's Individual expense. We bav so ne Idea of a single room that will con tain 600 cots, with ample passage room between the rows of cols for the Old Vets s . - - v f At the flour milt and cemeterv were not far apart we took In both the same'1 morning. , - The Louisville people are justly proud of their cemetery, said to be one of thf fluent In the united States. It is on the East side of the city and occupies l'O acres of land with a reserve of 100 acrts more well laid out with nice drives and walk ways. Nature has done much tor this place now sacred to the memory of thousands of the dead citizens and soldiers of both armies., - , i " I It was Decoration day, (Hay SO), with the Northern people when wo vIMted the grounds,, and thousands of little flags were flying Stuck one ovef each tombstone of the northern soldier.- The ground is just rolling enough to make it pioturesque. A beautiful lake extends half a mllelnv length fed by a spring from Cane Hill which gives the ground the name of Cane Hill Come, tery. ( , . . :' Ducks, geese and a few swan were moving gracefully on this ' beautiful 1 ike. Home distance below the cane is alt artificial dam-across the lake with a fall of several feet,! here the water was gently and almost silently pouring ove I is little falls. - , . " ' '. Kentucky's famous blue grass grows luxuriously on these grounds and many men were at work with knives and hooks rooting out the weeds and other growth, thus giving the blue grass full sway to grow and beautify the sod. We were told that $3,000 a month were ex pended for keeping and beautifying theie grounds, . .. Y-. , ".; '. ', One name In the long rows of Confed erate tombstones attracted our attention, It was, "Elizabeth .Temins" of Calhoun Ga., with these words under her name 'Bury me with my people." We made Inquiry of our guide, and were told that she wu a Spy and In an effort to capture her sbc was killed, and she requested to be buried with her people, meaulng her ttoulbern comrades. The beautiful flowers finely trimmed evergreens and great variety of trees that adorned the graves and roadways demand more than passing notice. We were almost spell bound on the e sacred enchanted grounds. It was an honr not to be forgotten, and we sug gest that if any readers of the Jouiinal vurlt Louisville, they would be well paid for a visit to "Cane Hill Cemetery." We will say something of the Parks around Louisville In our next., D. L. The Coming: Tournament. Mr. A. II. Bangort, manager of the New Bern Blcacn Klre Engine Co., No. 1, was In Ihe city yenterday mornlnjr ar ranging for the accommodation of his company during the Flrcmen's-Tourha-ment In July. . lie will bring 3(1 men and Ur HuiiL'ert hm stcuted board for them at Mrs. J. J. Keiiey's, corner M;trk' t an Third stin.'ls. He a good pulr of horn Week to pull their . arm duilng I to hhe roimiHineiit ' ' ' llHI. !ty ttl"AO llienliol r.e'.idi-s the e lllfl i .no. . ; yr.,.,:. nation CfCI. -crs. .ftS Of CaHHlaUS. Kcv Born, N.-O June 13th. 190). The regular nrontlily meeting of the Chamber of Coinineiee was held at the rooms of the Cotton and Grain Exchange on Tuesday June 12tb 1000 at 8:30o'clock p. m. . The meeting was called to Order by President Latham, and It having ascer tained that a quorum was In attendance, was declared duly organized for the transaction of business. In the absence-! of the Secretary Mr. H. M. Groves, was on motion, elected secretary pro tern. . The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Reports of Standing Committees being called for, the following was submitted by Mr, Guion for the Committee on Finance and Grievances, which " wa read and on motion adopted and ordered spread npon the minutes. . . ' v ' ' To the Chamber of . Commerce, of the City of New Bern. ' We ' the undersigned ' commllte if finance and grievances respectfully ie port. That under the appointment , of this Chamber as a committee tor tfie audit of the Secretary and Treasurer." books of the Chamber, we have carefully examin ed the books and copy of the book required by the laws of this Institution, and find the books of the Treasurer kepi. with that neatness and care , which characterizes all clerical work of our rf 11 tleht Treasurer: Mr. Geo. Green, and find the accounts therein' correct an approve the same. 1 We further desire to reporwliat' upon the examination wo find that the lathe. in payuieut of the dues to this. Chamber, nylts members Is due alone to" the failure of the members to discharge his duty In that respect to this Chamber and jn no wise reflects upon the diligence of iheSecretary and Treasurer. , : ' Upon examination into the cause' ol ins iltiolency of gas referred tu this Com- that the tnsufllcieocy and character ol gam the time In which the matter was eferied to this Committee waioccaston ed by the employment of a new and In experienced hand al.lhe gas works, who at the time mentioned bad not had tufil dent knowledge and experience to pro- d ice a kuluclency rot gas from the works. " " We have been advised that this his been corrected sluce the reference to ut of this grievance. - No other matter having been submitted to this Commit tee: aud the Committee aC this time having nothing to report, We remain, ' ' -TVery Respectfully, , ' 'V-""--, 0. ti. Grjiowr '',," ' ' Jotin Duhn, i- ' , C, U 6TBVEXI; The following report of the Commit tee on Btceets, Parks and Public Roads t submitted by Mr. Dunn which Is read and on - motion adopted - and ordered spretd upon the minutes, viz: New Berne, N. C , June 9lh, 1000. To The New Bern Chamber of Com mercet ,." " -v " Gentlemen Tour Committee On Streets, Parksand Public Riads, beg to report, that they feel, tbat very little baa been donej but hope In the next year, to be able to make a report more satlsfai tory to themselv s.than they are able to di at this time. . ' 'y" We refer you to the report made by us, some months ago, in reference to the Fowlers Ferry Ro'ad, In which reference was made to the action taken by-the Board of County Commissioned In sur veying and calllug for estimates for work thereon but as far as we know no hing his been doneby'them , -. In reference to the road to Aurora,' a fund wu subscribed, through a Special Committee appointed by your body,. to biappllod (o.tbis work ' Tho money la still uncollected, but can bj, when need ed. The work on this rosil wa deferred by our recommendtion- At tho time, of s oa after,' te sul- scrihtlon was obialuel, thi wet weather set In and male prognxs aim ut impos sible, we expe.il however, lbat work msy soon commence. . Respectfully submitted, Wm. Duv ' Cbm'n. of Com, . The following report of the committee on Industries and liuslnets Enterprises Is submitted by Mr. Pcllelier, which Is read and on motion adopted and ordered spresd upon the minutes: Kkw Behn. N. C., June 12,1900. To the Chamber of Commerce. Ornti.kmkn: Your committee on "In dimities ami Business Enterprises," bey leave to repoit that during the past J ear thero has Ficen notable progress along these lines: Tho niot Important !ciug Ihe Monger & liennett saw mill, the Il'iag B.ifkit and Crate factory, and tho Canning fartory. Thene ludiislrlea have enih yed (I Ml! In! nl)!y the Ifttle nil) uiieMij'loy two) eon M d.-i,i!,i to no in to the e i I labor, and ilile cxienl comiiljuti-d p e My ol the- coimeim:- 11 t! I.- .-n th t of I t o s of not having been entirely lu l ...iiti.t to the u iiiis and purposes (or wLUb It was ar pointed. The proposed purchase by the munici pality of the water and sewer plant Is a 1 ng stride Iu the path of progress, and the majority by which the wi.l of the people was expressed at the election Is an evidence of a healthy public senti ment that argues well for New Bern's ad vancement. ' . ' On the whole, the past year hu been one of sufficient progression to Indlcaie a positive forward movement, that it Is to be hoped will receive anch Impetus In the near future u to carry our city a long way on the road to that industrial eminence la what Its natural advantages seem to entitle It. ... Jno. S. M-hix, ' - ' ' - . P, 0. PBLyCTtKB. Ivy poisoning, poison wounds and ') other accidentia! injuries may be quickly cured by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel lalve. It Is also a certain cure for piles and skin diseases. Take nd other. F 8 Duffy i At the Book Storet i s Hammocks' ' While they lot,, , ' A 'new lot or Prayer Bcoc- Hymnals and Teacher's. Compre hensive Bihlea Just received.. y, 'C'i 6. H. ehnett I New Ties Just Received! Wi have just received the latest fad in But-Wing Tie for high turn down collars; and have you eet-n the new Outing Four-in-liand f ' ' oth styles re something distinctly Dew and your attention is invited. .We have just received also sojne nev - s . -t ; Negligee-5hirts In MiMirajt, Percale I- Bml NHk' We have the, nobbiest patterns and best variety ever shown in the city.' Call at once and get your choice of patterns. -.vi-.-K- J.G.DUNN SCO. FiiririilierM. 1 , JI7 P.'llock HI, . YOU'LL SEE A' a pUnoe V ictor Spring Woolens strike t'ie top notch In the variety of ar t's tic patterns.' What a suit Is made of and the way it Is made up are the two important dre-is points. We have no rivals in el i her r-vieot. Our work not imllnled and our display of fabrics Is exclusive. Order now. '. ', J?. EaV Ciiadwick, ' lililletreot. NEW BERN! N. O lit ii L.-'Jy 1-.: DEALER IN - And all Kinds of l tiu.-u.J . ,utt...iM Who Noitin, "WIihIowh. vtLACII'Ii I : il -li are the 1 e-1 e-l .-. an-l No H.. , cern loor.t and Tl. i y have but fw I'. i T-J Water d K 10.6'. iilers. in ; IIVl'H n 1 1 .V . v V if ( 3 o o o v v Just in time for L3MSummer:::-ttoear. o o $ We hafre-fttst received a very pretty as- O sortment of Figured Organdies at a very j O low 'prwyr;:-The.,:firstT.of'-the :.-season o prices on these, goods were 20c; but by O taking a quantity we . are enabled to $ offer theseat tOc lper yard . This is o undoubtedly the best offer made yet in wash goods this summer; t Ladies Gauze Vest a , ,-. One of our very Y white ribLed one O sleeve; svses run juU only 10c each. Other kinds and prices $ we carry are 15c, e 25c and Sue are ized cotton and can hardly be distin- $ guished from silk and they frill frear : just as well ' Towels . ' - We believe ttoe are headquarters in New Bern for the best Linen Tofrels that can be obtained any where at the prices we sett at. Large Linen Huck Towelt yet while the lot lasts, 15c v i m j r jvxira Size iriugeu vaiuast xuwein, u wane or coioieu v a' borders, 25. - Greit Big bleached or unbleached Turkish Towels, 25c t, It Turkish Towelling by the loMarks GOOD HARK. OurBnggies make a goo I tett whrre er r used. The users of our Buggies ar 1 'er bothered with repairs for th -in as they never fait only In severe aocl- den " ' , ' 'llMpeclfiilly, fi If. Wntrrti : A Kuil. .' Ii a dream Fr e ra ranglug from tl 91 io ft 00 each. Water !.. .lets at 75, (hv: I. $1 AO, fl 'J and 3 00 each. l- Shivers at 15c, 60c and 1-V h-Ii. 1 Apple Pealers Hcmn Doois at tl 00, tl VS and tl 60. Window Screens In elegant stjIesatDOo. 8V, 40c and 60c. Lnan Mowers at 8 Ut $5. Hammocks from 60c up, (will have a new line of thi se rln In a few days) Balloon Fly Traps. Tan gle Foot Fly Paper. Mason's Froit lata, pints, quarts and half gallons. ' Granite Sic p Palls, Foot Tuba, . elo Bid and Box Coffee Mills, Revolving Wafer Irons. , MnJ-sllo Cooling Range. Wheeler aid Wilson, New Hume and Domestic Sewing Mai bines. A 8 part ing Rifle for 13 00, shoot 23 short or long , car ridgr. Prcelaln lined Preserving Kettles. Step Ladders 4So, 00c and 72c eac'i. P.dishing Oil We per boltle. Can j Furniture Varnisb and Brush at 25c. Tob- ceo Sprayers, Paris Qrfen, etc, -Tl,n wlu,loal trade is invibd to our slock of Paper Bags, Butler Trays, Wash' Boards. Clothes I'lns, Brooms, Buckets. I A lie Urease, Ilaskets, Tlh Wsre, elo. which we are oiTeiing at very iow price Yours Truly. J. G. t T "j 00 v v V - - , arw wm . jf : v O o best selling vests-is with taped neck and $ and the price is 19c, 25c, and 50c. made of , mercer- v 19x36, the3e are old pnees, each. m -11 L : i.- 1 J : yard, 25c. , Company, t Henrys Pharmacy, 127 Middle Street. Prepare Ityr ;,SVar' In Time of .Peaee.' . i Just received a Supply of LOADED Gllt-S: Mre death to Hoar lies," Bed But-s. M' ths, Wati r Bnp Mil all In i li, M ill inl slam i run-rile ll e tin-St fll. J)i' trial I a I thni's i.ei di to i iinvli.ee the nicl slepllcnl. .-- i . .. . A mil line i t Toil, I Arlklix Peifuni T-. 1 10 : ;. ' .v. , . Hiyiftitif. 1 irir.jii(. n cur fully Bugs and Worms Destroy Your Plants And Tm S. l lleilcy ie in all the Klo y of freed foliage,, I ui at"l l!oir, unlt-aa you dislufect them in 1: e. li e oi r Powder U n. Ihlh.ws, ."yiines aud Paris Qrwn wlih th prof .-r smih! lator, and Insn ts and paraii es wld be diwtroyed, lOurBug Deaih Is tho heat made for "reaching pri'ato Imirk, finlt Iretn and all plain that arc- vixiled hy in beet. . i n r,in" : ? J , , i . i 1 1 ' i

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