.vol xvni-Ka. 7i. NINETEENTH Uiii NOT SO BAD. 'SSW ELUN, N. C, TUUKSDAY MOUSING, JUNE 2IV 1901). .? L-J. ' NO NOMINATION YET. V j The Tery newest things in Silver Sj and Enamel Girdles. v Sterling Silver- Belts, and Collar . (is Q Clasps,. Shirt Waist Sets and Pulley' ingsi ine umc .too is a vcauiy, xtizu j ffo metal, and oxydized silver Fobs, -f iei & pretty Hac$ Lorgnette Chain.; - r S 9?(y a e)2 cfeify Brooches." - f y Come and see them for yourselves. ft , - 47 & 49 Pollock Street. ; Ml 1017 n '-' Special inducements to buyers, io ; reduce our present stock. You will find the "work oi a dollar at our store something wonderful lor we have dropped the prices DOWN, DOWN I DOWN ! P . ; y: - v n , V.- " Our Stock of Sring and; Summer Clothing must be sold. Big Reduction Saje trom. now until the 1st of August : : r" v $!O.OA SUIT ItEIU-EI TO' $7 OQ ;- f - mo'&' Also a big lot oi - Youth's and Children's Suits, must be sold at reduced prices.. A nice line of Men's and Ladies Low Quar ter Shoes just received. .We offer you a rare -opportunity to save money. - , --" "' ., ' ' 4 ' 1 AMERICAN STOCK COMPANY 59 & 61 Middle St. Aftet-Dinnef nivethe mml fluefinli-. Tut re It cnthin da'utwr for i)efit . than Farina, Kicd Pm'.d nr, Jell ei. aad. Fancy Cracker. Ei rriblnf in this line will be fou'id ii our sto jk, ii :h pies n'M an e hiu.l ie di firntion of tioi!es". The wholo worid ia tixd in m k K . up till superb a urtmfi:! of fn tl rpe. l tlil-w.t Yua must set to p p erltle.r' " v . ' Have j'irt n-ceivpil a b'lt lot t Frouli Cornell Portsmouth Millvt Alan a tine lot i f Nicrly Curod Ham'. Give ne a e ill and we will do our beat to ri"ise yon.' ',:. Yours fur Budncr, ' ? J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. 77 BroadJStreet; - Prompt Delivery From Dunn' TTT J t it , ( y; (Arrived I x, V! '71 it HOWARD & MACUT, Proprieiort V - Delicacies I s I s YouCuh uIwhj s expi rt when you ordur your fond supplit's from lliin rclinole storo. Wo cili' sup ply evory ili'nmnil of a llit class ftniily trmle with Hit- ,'tioice.tl Hi il i a ill" tVii-y (Irocoi ici, Hcl I'b", l'ickl-), S i'i,:.'.a,"()lii(u,'Knj It vii- i;,lut ll nt-.r, :ul I'ii; lln;ii, ar;i i tic It ni.iiu 'r VS'o in g r 1 1 j I' iitr a p(i ct n H'l I'D .:l illy of liij;li i) ir IVrtV in i if, Coll jo i Trie ,f llrli 'MV II hum mm Legations Reported Safe, Admiral Sey mour Reaches Pekin. Emperor Gone. Special to Journal. Londow, June 20 Hong Kong tele graphs tli at it ta reported thaf the Brit ish Admiral Seyruour captured Pekiq with bis troops. . When they entered the city, the Em peror of China was miesing. having been carried to Manchuria by Yang Yi. Shanghai reports from Chi neso sources and the reports are credited by the for elga officials, that it was announced from Pekin that the foreign legations were safe up to laat Sunday, and that Admiral Seymour's international force had reach el Pekin. " ' New Yokk, Jane 20. News has . been received hero that the German Amba eador to China, Baron .von Kollar wat not killed by the Boxers. Washington, June 19 The Russlai. Charge here, Mr. Wollant, tliU morning notifled Secretary Hay that his gjvern ment - was dispatching 4,000 : Russian troops front Port Arthur to Taku. It is known to the officials here that Japan also tv sending a.corresponding numbei of troops to the seat of trouble, and thai England, Germany and France are doing likewise. It Is believed that with lb American force, numbering about 2,000, Including the Ninth Infantry, . the in ternational army will be quite strong enough to relieve the siege ot the embas sies and legations at Pekln. If a largt number of American troops were availa ble they would bs sent forward at trace. according to he officials, but, as It is, the force will be further Increased a soon as the troops can be concent rated at Manila from , the outlying post, li there ehajl .be necessity for reinforce-. mentv , . ". Buller's First Train. . ; London, Juno-. U-Lord Hubert re ports that over I wo-thousand stands ot arms: hive been ilven np at Fretorii sino the occofatlon. These will In utilized by the rescned British prisoners General Duller reports that the Aral Uraln passed through Laiug's Nek tun nel Monday, June 18th, and proceeded to Charleston.' - 1 he first batch of Ifafaklng'a sick and wounded arrived at tie hospital at . Dal lontoin June 15th. i ; r , Mrs. Gladstone Buried, London, - June 19 Mrs. . Qiadstouc, W'dow jf tho great English statesman. William E Gladstonewas burled lv tbi side of her husband In Westminster . Ab bey thls afterndiSn. ' The service, -wlilcb was Impressive, closely resembled that of her husband.v " F ' All who suffer from piles will be glad to learn that Ue Witt's Witch Haze) Salve will give them instant relief. i will cure eczema and all skin disease Beware of counterfeits. F S Duffy. Schedule of Malls. . Arrival of mails front north and weal daily except Sunday,, 10:50 a. nK 7: p. m. Wilmington and the south 6:8ft p. m.; Morebead City 9:00 a. m. - . Leave. North and west 9:00 a. m. and 3:S0 p. in.; Wilmington and south 9:00 a. m ; Moruhead City 5:50 p. m. . SUNDAYS. . ' Mallsrrive from north and west 8:40 a nvf ?:80p. m. Leave 9:00 a. m.j and 0:03 p. m. , : v ' : The public will please bear In mind that the morning mail for the North and West closes at 8:15 a. m. , , That thn afternoon mall for north and wont closes at 8:0Op. an. ' : - ' 1 For lloreliead Clty.at 7:00 p.' m. Also that the afternoon train carries no mail fur Intermediate points betweer here and Golilsboro. . . Respectfully. , Srymouu W. Hancock . JuuolO, 1900. - , PoKlma'ates. FrcshJTangiefoot Fly Pager a', Davis Pharmacy .. . : . i IlHmlfcemlil.r Sale. , Wo place on sale this week 50 dozen i tdifs handkerchiefs, constating of white all linen, ' hemstitched, lace edge, ein hrolilerled, &c, actually worth 10c to l.'Ji ench at the special bargain price 5c each. O. A. Baiifoot, Just Out. An np to date line of Sterling Silver and gold tie clasps In to be found to J. O. Baxtku'h, The Jeweler. I am reeelving over the A. railroad a frcali lot of I!aunna4 it N. C , Orani'i'i ' an I ifinoi . lhn'fl Hltli lll'litrt a week chl' notii e my h!o k rr-h lot of hut In I ll- when piiimj. Is, I ami n a I lini li- I'l vim will he pirn .i I. J. 111 ui ! i t. .1 a li t K. V. V Populists "at .Work but Refuse to Say ' ' Anything. . , ' . Delegales to Kansas City, Arrangr- meats Made. C'oiilrant in Agrl enltnrai Drparlmtint Mas- - ageinent From Fusion' .. Kule. 1 Special to Journal. , IUlkioii, June 20-The populists con tinue to increase their force at head quarters. The latest arrival Is Iccre- tary Uoover of Senator Butler's personal force. The Senator will not be much ai headquarters, as lie leaves the. busiuets there, mainly' In Assistant Chairman Ayer's hands.. The popu'istsjare vary reticent abouf their campaign. Tod a Dr. Oy Thompson declined ttt say a word, The Democratic delegates have made excellent arrangements for going to the aatlonal convention at Kansas City, All save one delegate, 0. C. Lyon, of Bladen, will go. They will leave here Sunda) afternoon July 1 ,at 8:50 . o'clock on a Special Pullman buffet car, via Ashe villo, and Memphis, ..arriving at Kansas City Tuesday , morning at 10 o'clock rheir headquarters will be at the Carter tome, the best in the place.- Quarter are secured for four daysal 5 a day National Committeeman Josephua Dat- lels says that the conventidn will be in session at least 8 days, possibly 4. Tli arrangemenis were all matte by him apd Julian S. Carr and 8. M. Uul aflei consultation with the other, delegates. The car will be decorated In such a waj as to let the people along the lino know thill the North Carolina' delegation k trleilylu ll."" ' V" - - - : The delegates are J. S. Carr, E.J II ale Waller R Moore, Thomas A. Jones lames : Parker, F U, . James, ' Lemuel flarvey, R. H. Speight, E. M. Green; C. G Lyon, T. M. Arrlngton, Jofepljus Daniels, 8 M.Gsliln, A. W. GVaJjam. W 0 Dowtl. J. A, Brown, A- D: Molls, J . Blair, A. O, Avery, George W.FIowei. It. P. Walker. 8. Gallcrt. A number ol the alternates-will go. .. r; ,?, ? ., - .-The tate charters the Wachovia it j1- ler Flouring Mills, at Winston; 11.) Fries and others stockholder, capital $20,000, with power to Increase it lo 30,ouu, r - ,v v It will be ecalk'd that the report, oi tne Legislative uommtuee wnicniuvesii' gated the agrlcultuial department during fuilon control of It, showed in the rt port'mado last week that the espea& o! the Inspection of fertilizers during-. the last year wero f 15,030. What a change there is now. The cost of such Inspection during the regime of commis sioner P-atterson, for the present yeai; It barely $6,000, yet a dozen Inspectors were. used. In other words the cost Is only 40 per cent as great as under the outrageous fusion management. There are now800 brands of fertilizers sold In the State. The July Bulletin Will cor lain a resume of all the analyse made during tha yean - v."- -. ' THE MARKETS. The following quotations were recclv Ted by J. E. Latham, New Born, N. C. -: - . Nkw Yokk, June 30 . OoTTOK;- ' July ." -Aug; . Sopt . . Oct . . . Nov, . Jan.; Open. High. Iw. Close . 8.68 . 8 74 .6 50 8.74 .. 8 83 .. 7 89 .. 7.70 .. 7.58 . . 7.W 0.60 ' : 819 P.10 7 91 7J4 8 8?, 7.89 7.70 7.68 7 59 8 51 810 800 7.88 7 86 CniCAOO M ABKKTS, WllKAT: July Cohn: July..... So. Kj Pfd T,C. I ;.. FedS ..... ConT...... leather. .. , 6pen. . 70 High. 81 Low. 79 ( lose J 8I 40 50 04 81 41 41- 4H ' . B0i Si '3! 1 . Cottoa i receipts at all ports. wcro 8,000 halo Unless food Is digested qule.kly It wilj ferment and Irritate the stomach, After each meal tako a tea'poonful of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure It dlgents what you cat arid will 'allow you to rat all )ou need of wliat you like. It never falls to cure Ihe wortU caies of dyepepsla. Il Is pleasant to take. F. d. Duffy. for Klilrt WiiIhIii. We have JiiBt rei civt'd several pieces while ln.-e stripe Iwn, lurked l Iv.and c irded rini, lieaiitiriil tronils fur alilil WnUts at I'.'je, 2"e, and i.'m )nl. tl. A. Hai.koiit Or I hivf! U'-"0 yif's of 7J be soltl nl 'J"i crnlH for tl ft fx! (tl! li t! r h:i'1 V ; u r -nl( Itt H ,';T, l , Wnti. iHi'fthflv in m 10 il in ! httt us w ill ir .. .1. I - Tt It. .1 J. I Republican Convention Adjourns After ' Adopting Platform. 8 peciul to Journal." " PiiiLtDKLPUiA, June CO The Nation al Itepubllean I onvonlion was called to order at 13 25 p m by temporary- chair man Wolcott. The party platform ' was read and adopted. It savsln ollcct tliit the tar:0 issue ia a deatV one and (hat vxpadsiou is the live Issue:' Tue convention' a'ijodtrned after the adoption of the platform without mik ing any nomination, until 10 o'clock to morrow. i - , t ' Roosevelt InsLts that he docs not warn the nomination but apparently it ft ill bt forced upon hint.- Ho has virtually . de fied Plntt .,. jl Winston's New Enterprise. Winston-Salkm, 17 C, June 19 Tht papers were signed this aftornoon uun will be sent to the Secretary of Slate ai once - for Incorporation of , Wachovlc Mills Company; Tho flouring mills own ed aud operated it Salem for many yeart by F. and H. Fries, will be moved to Winston and greatly enlarged. ' . The capital stock of the new coropanj Is to the fifty thousand dollars. The plant will be operated by electricity. ; NOTICE I '.'VT'i'w.--? A - ' - No meal will be sold at the New Bern Grist Mill in less quantity, tHari one sack of, tOO lbs; each, and then -at merchant's price. . , r. GO. BISHOP. :)unei6,t9Q0. Dobbin & Ferrall f ' i At Tucker's. RALEIGH,' K C. Fall House ' .' Now is a rare opportunity to malte bijr intorcst on your money by buying three months ahead. .We are now making Clearance Sales of our JCiim mid CurttviiiN s Mnke out a list of your wmils tind come to our, etore, ItailfoaJ Fares are lovf and we are ready to offer you the Biggcet Jiirgaiiis. ' ; ;j Dobbin :'&-Ferrall. F7 , .vwfa ffil f: Ts For Your New House .-Ortho old oiio utdergint oieir tlona and Improve i cms. o ir tip-to-lnte Sanitary .'. I'liimblng is IniliMX'nsl'ilf. Oprn work, imisiiiir but little tt keep In order, null b.ith room, lavatory and kitchen appllannu, which ae liixuriof c'impari'il with llie devices fo n erly tnl rrulcil, and dir'a'id by rers of health romfiirt and ivnvuiiv. Ii'a wtis'n: iih ney 1 1 I I iv.ili.il the linn S, Hyrtun Supply Co., Tin Tie !:. 4U D't.WT.N HIIIKKT Arc ) i i x 1 y ? Keeping A-MEW 5 . . Anew l'arrel Fulton Market ( orned Beef. ' , ' ' , ,. Sniall Sugar Cured I ig Hams, C alifornia Hams and , l ig ifama to Cut. , Croirao Springs '(linger Ale, guaranteed as good as any sold, lOo per bottle or 3 for 25C Try i, its fine. ' A few nice N, n. Hanw. ' 'S i,. Mason's Improved ruit Jaw, all sizes. If you need ' any it Will pay yon to see me before you buy. t. Fresh lot of Cticiintber 1 ickles sit.il loose Oatflakes. J. L. McDMIEL, .': . 'Plione 91. "SHIPS THAT PASS IN THE NIGHT." Ate only observedby those on thi watch, and the many bargains we are displaying benefit only those on tho alert for bargains. Watch our space in this paper every week and vi.iit our Btores. ' bailor Hats galore, no two alike, your neighbor need have no hat li e yours) prices right too. r i I'M 1 V . . . f.. ll ' HI . . l r ... rtv vai. ana i orcnon i-uces in an would not buy Sclare, elsewhere, bn from us it means 10c and 15c kind. ;" lUady-to-use Pillow (Jases and Sheets, save your eyes and money. V Modem Shirt Waists in endless variety, nicely embroidered from ?5c to $1 .25. I rash Skirts 25c, 50c anil 75c. Can't make them for the price ; '" loathing Suits for men, women and children. No frills on the price either. - Don't forget the Summer Clothing, in serges and crash, for men and boyB, of course we carry the furnishings and everything man woman or boy needs. , 61 Pollock St.. (Duffy's Stand) 99 Middle St. GA3KILL : Have a iull and complete stock, and fill .orders with, promptness. We have few more Gauze Doors and Screens and more to arrive. : Give us your or der. - V'-v.' ' " Call on us lor Galcimo to decorate your rooms. Carpet and Matting Tacks. ' Paints and Enamels small cans. Stains and -Varnish, sizes to suit. : . Granite Ware, Tin Ware, Sprinklers, Lawn Mowers, Hoes for flower garden, 25c. :. , If you are ;: thinking ot a Refrigerator, come to see ours. : None other on the market like it. "ODORLESS." " . New line Scissors and Shears. -.'Q-oodc 0-ih.axanteed.- rilONK Y0R -, W ANTS TO HI. li MinDLK 8TRtm"'- MAN f N MONEY X Loans mada. Loans placed. Apply to ISAAC Jl. SMITH, 180 Middle street Sew Bern, N. C. ' ' . REAL ESTATE! City Real EsUlo bought and (old on mmmlifsion. . - . . r ' v.. -A fine piece of property can Ix-Jlioiight tt a burgatii.' -. i ,. . Collection of Uontl a BpcclJty. y, GRIST .IILLS. Tivir MM Hotting Vlust ' x:i'vulrs ami Corn -1oiihtm Of the Latest Impioved and L'p-to-Dte Mill nntliiiiery. Vol it t i:.i:: vv hOLiCiTf.! 5 t - i I I CI A I, l'.MN'S luken In rlum ir a-- I ill li:i :; f -ruin I fori H"'i'i :!'r .i 'll'l! . i! I:', ' tli' II i'liUieii pIMC , .! , p . , :,.v. (I inn I vl" 'I 1'"' "'" j ' r,'- JLOT OF Wholesale afc Retail drocer, 71 Bn.H SI. wiuuis inr ac per yarn, rossinty j'on Gaskill Hardware Co. W : ' NBW BERN, N. 0 S. Q; ROBERTS, . . Wholtalo Deal t lo Groceries, Provisions, of Any Description. ; Tobacco of all Grade.,,-' ' v Bniiff, Ao. v '.!ri)''v Prloos Low,' Goods 'guaranteed as ';', Represented. Call aud see Die at No. 89 a d 11 Brick Row, Kastfiide Market ; . - . S. G. ROBERTS, r ; I . . ,. taw A -,- " ' .i 1 1 ' o j ".TTni ' lam Surrounded Jiff fitl tUf r)fc1n1 fta, nMff at Maii truim A'rioft too Itrts, , Ins, Spoilt!, V.hil, tlMIflubt Lmp, 'l-t.lt, C..i!:, (. ., iluMsr, CntMl, milts, CtrMfc, OrapAlt. C.atttrs, Wmnch.l. TI'l T .. tans! -in (if cot r t f m, 9 H i H l l (tli OH fc ,t i i; t .-, . w,., ,-, . 'j ( M, i.i, ' I Ii I I s, ', t.AUI.H, ' llottl rh"!iilrin a:id i hum. f 7r- in rn p . A mii k it ....... T. ! .... I I ; r

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