t PublUbed every d:.y lu the year,Vin. tfonday, at 9(1 Kiddle street. Phons No. 8. CHARLES USTCVCNS, EDITOR AND PHOPKIKTOR. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. one year, In advance. s ........ ...(4.00 One-year, not in advance . : 5.00 Monthly, by carrier In the city.. .. ..60 Advertising Rates furnished on appli cation, r : ,, - '. -, Entered at the PpatOfflceK New Bern, N. C, aa second class matter. - . , Official Paper f New Bern aad " Cravea Coaaty, 'r'V-" New Bern, N. C, Jaaet, 1900. , - - - STATE DEMOCRATIC TICKET.-' Governor CH A3-B. 1 ATCOCK, of ''""v , Wayne. .-?--. - - t - Lt. Governor W, D, TURN Eli,, of ' - Iredell ; i - - Secretary of State J.' B.ORl VIES. 1 - r put. - , ' i- Auditor B, P. DIXON. Cleveland. 1,4 " v Treasurer. B. R. LACY, Wake, " ' . . Bupt. Public, InatroctloB-WM. F. .TOOX.of Robeson.? V, - Ally General-ROBT. D. jGU.MER, ? HaywoniL " , - , - Corporation Commissioners SAM'L - L. ROGERS, Macon; FRANKLIN Mc- ',, NEILL, New Hanover. J J Com. of Agriculture A L. FATTER. - . SOS, of Caldwell, '.- , Commissioner of Labor and Printing " B. B. VARNER, Davidson.' .. ' ' ' ' For Judge of the Tenth District , ' B. COUNCIL, of Watauga. , , t . , . t Electors at Urge DAN HUGH Ho . . , LEAN, of Harnett; LEE 8 OVERMAN, ' " ' ' "of Rowan. , , - - "' . Delegates at Large to the National , 7 1 Convenliou-COLi J. 8 CARR, cf ' Dur- r' j- ham; E. J. HALE, of Cumberland; ' svr WALTER E. MOORE,, of Jackson; ; , , TH03. A. JONES, of Buncombe. - C0UNTT DEMOCRATIC TICKET. ; " .- Sheriff JOSEPH KINBEY. ' - - v - Treasurer DANIEL L. ROBERT?, , , - Home ofRepresentttlveB W.-. R - PEARCE. - . - "- ' , ' f Register of Deeds--E. M. GREEN, t - ' r Coroner-r-J W.DUGUID. - " Surveyor GEORGE 8. WILCOX, ., ' - ' County : Commissioners JOSEPH J. BAXTER, K. R. JONES, H. C. WOOD, '' " SILA8 FULCHER, A- X. 'WADS- v WORTH. . '. ' - HOW L0HG IS THIS TO CONTHfUE T , To the great majority of the Demo . erats of North Carolina the right! sound ' or even reading of the name of Marion Butler is the most obnoxious thing - pos--Falble. . w. ' i . ? This North Carolina Senator has been more generally and generously cussed . oat" than any half a dozen others la the : . 8tate, and yet strange to say this same man comes forward in each presidential .. . campaign, talking with Democrats In the Vtnott familiar manner, discusses Demo cratic National political affairs, and ;.. knowingly predicts this or.' that as, the probable outcome tor the Democrats. '. The following Interview appeared in the Washington Post a few days ago and shows the supreme nerve and Impu denceof Marlon Butler, and "yet such - . Interviews are published in State Demo cratic, newspapers ' without .rebuke, .'" rathef mere as If such forecasting!, and . from -such a source were favorable for Democracy. :.?; ': ' A''!-'.'''. 4 : The interview says: 44 'It can be set down for certain,' said Mr. Butler, "that the Democrats will not deviate from their devotion to the free eolnage of sliver. The Kansas City plaU form .will be for 1 to 1 beyond any , doubt.' It may be that the phraseology of . the financial plank will be changed from . lots In order to meet the new deveiop ' msnts since that time, sucb as the enact ment of thfgold stsndard law, bnt the nttersnce will be the same In effect." 44 4How about the Vice Presldencvr 'Of course I would be glad to aee the Democrats nominate Mr. Towue, but there will be no friction If some one Is placei on the ticket with Mr. Bryan who - Is as good as Bryan himself. I want to see the Kansas City eouvenlion nomt. . , nate for v Ice President some one who would be cceptable as President It Bryan were not to be given . first place. If the Democrats do this - there will be no trouble about an si;ree . ment. We ilmll then sec two Vice Pres idential candidatea spenklug together. sch sniloui that Bryan shall be elected and each one yii.g lu s--lf oi Hieing way, that hla own fHMHom.l iulcrf-ita are 1 . s b e in i D v." Aroii.e I;.;nmci;i-s iut Vnat c.Mifl- dt-ut of vi:tory J" "They, are very conf! lent. Peraon- ally," I do not Bee how Bryan can be de feated, unless the Deinocrius do some foolish thing not now auticipated, I believe they have the situation now iu their own bands." Here agnln Is the familiar suggestion of a joint Pop-Dem electoral ticket for 1900 in North Carolina, aa was made in 1896: and further the same old talk of "Unless toe Democrats do some foolish thing uot now anticipated,' why the mutual Pop-Dem nominee will be elected. How much longer Is this kind of But ler ' Democracy going to continue ap parently acceptable, and to go unrv bnkedf - . . " Parrot Natural' OyniBt. - Tho curious gymnastic feats which parrots sometimes perform in their cages have beeu ascribed to the desire of the birds to vary the monotony of thejr life In captivity. That was the opinion of Mm. Mandsley; the wife of the Central American explorer, until she lived In the forest region near Coporxr where she saw the parrots in a state of perfect freedom indulging In nil the feats practiced by their caged tocsins. - - 1 ' . . Row Tfcey Lost Her. "Why did your cook leave so sudden ly?" " ' She baked two cakes last tsaturaay, one .for ns and one to take to her mar ried sister. When she wasn't looking, I exchanged them1 and took for our own use the one she had Intended to give away.44 Chicago Times-Herald,,' . ' " . - Catarrh Cannot h Cured - with local applications, as tbey. csnnot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or conatitntlonal disease, and in order to cure it you must lake "Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally," and acts directly , on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Cstarrh (Jure is not a quack medeclne.' It was preset ibed by one. of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regu lar preset iplloa. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with Ibe best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combl nation of Ibe two Ingredients Is what produces such wonderful results In cur ing Catarrh; Send for testimonials, free. "i'V- IT. J. CUJCNEi & Co. . v J o v - , Toledo, O. -Bold by Druggists, 75c. Ball's Family Pills are the best ' ; ' Many a man, said the Corn fed Philos opher, after announcing that) he will fight to the'last, always manages to be laai to the flghi. ; -''i'-i- i . Reports show that over fifteen hun dred lives have been saved, through the use of One Minute Cough Cure. Most of these were, cases of grippe, croup, asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. lis early use prevents con- OUUipilOD. r . O, MUUyJVJ-iK;;.,:,, He Isn't nearly so bright as he thinks he li, said the young Woman 'who dis cusses her acquaintances. . J;- - No, answered Mies Cayenne, and that's a very fortunate circumstance, If he were, we couldn't look at him without using a piece of smoked glass. V- Bhsamatlam Cared In a Dayf -. Myltlc Cure for Rheumatiara and Neuralgia cures in 1 to 8 days. Its ac tion upon the sys'em Is remarkable and mysterious It removes at once the cause and the disease Immediately, disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by T A Henry, druggist New Bern, Democratic Congressional Conven tion. Third District of N. C At a meeting of the Democratic Eier ntlve Committee of the Third Congres sional District of North Carolina, duly called and held at Warsaw, North Caro lina, on May 23tb, 1900, It was resolved by said Committee that the Democratic Congressional Convention of the Third Congressional District of North Caro lina be called to meet at Faynttevllle, North Carolina, on June 28th, 1900, at the hour or 18.30 o'clock p. m. In accordince with said resolutions notice Is hereby given that the Demo cratic Congressional Convention of the aaiu iuira jnirici 01 fioitll Carolina will be held at the said City of Fayctle- vllle on June 28th, 1000, at the hour of 12.;10 o'clock, p. in. for the nomination of a Democratic candldatu for Congress and a Democratic Prealdentlnl Elector and for the tranamiou of such other business as may be necessary. Dated at Kenanaville, N. C, Juno 1st, 1000. J. (i. KknaN, t'lim'n. ,V. L. fji'KNra, r'eo'y, r : ' ! ( Tim 'unvri.i i.m of tLri h . I . f : ..,-!, - r.,:r i.-i . r.,.: 1 to , . t !;., ,., , l!"V, .1 V : , I I.t 1 ' , 5 it: 1 hae u :...), f. i I ! :,-d end have l.ciu-icL'' dor-!m -rci.j.-a Ijuvk luti u; ;.atcJ U'tr t:,i- e luoiK:.; 8(iutftimes aia troubled with a wliitri discharire. Also have kidney and blad der trouble. . I have bt?en this way for a Ion tiikft, aud feci so miserable I thought 1 would write to you and see if you could do iai any good." Mins Edna Fbkuebiok, Troy, Olno, Aug. 6, 1899. ; " Ukak Mrs. Fink ham : I have used Lydia E. Pinkham's " Vegetable Com pound according to directions, and can say I have not felt so well for years as I do at present. Before taking your medicine a more miserable person you never saw. I could not eat or sleep, and did not care to talk with any outi. Now I feel so well I cannot be grateful enough to you for what you have done for me." Miss Edna Frbdebiuk, Troy, Ohio, Sept 10, 1899. t Backache Cured -4'1)kab Mrs. Pinkhah : I write, to thank you for the good Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has done me. It is the only medicine I have found that helped mo. I doctored with one of the best physicians in the city of New York, but received no benefit. I had been ailing for about sixteen years, was so weak and nervous that I could .hardly walk i had continued pain in 'my back and was troubled with leuoorrhiea. Monties were irregular Jmd painful.' Words cannotexpress the benefit I httve derived from the use of vour medicine. I heartily recommend it to all suffering- women. Mas. Mauv Uabsuinob, Windsor. Pa , , , Aaplratloa and Healliatlon. - , .Hills (at the depot) Going away. Miner : Mills Ye( going to seek my fortune. Want to go along f . . ' - -, flills No; I've just returned from seeking mine. - By the way,, could yon loan me a dollar till yon get back f . XOZLKVa LEMON FLIXIR. Kccalates th Llvar, Stomach, Bowels and - ' Klduejr'a, : Foi biliousness, constipation and ma laria. - , For- Indigestion, sick - and nervous headache. For sleeplessness, nervousness heart failure ana nervous prostration. ; For fever, chills, dcbllllr and kldnev diseases, take Lemon Eliiir. - . - Ladies, for natural and thoroueh.or- ganle regulation, take Lemon Elixir. one ana ft nottie at aruggtsts. Prepared onlv bv Dr. H. Mozlev At lanta, Ga. . , . ." - " ' CJraUtada, ' Dr. H. Moiley Dear Sir; Since using your Lemon bliiir I have never had another attack of those fearful sick bead scbep, and thank God that I have at last found a medicine that will cure those awful spells,';':-v-r1 .'r4'-':;-:---;;.vr:.'',vc UPS. JCTTA W. JOKES,: i' .- Parkersbarg, West Virginia,- f ; . ' , 'MoIB,ImoiilaUlr.'i'V.;i'';';'' I suffered with Indigestion and dys entery foriwo. long j ears. I heard of Lemon utixir; eot it; taken seven bottles ana am now a well man. ;.w .. ' Rabbt Adams,' Nd. 1734 First Avenue, Birmingham, Ala. jjc ,-. "I?:' i.ifosiejr'a Lma Elixir,';. ;'jv:;'t 7 Cured my hnsband, who was afflicted for years with large ulcers on bis leg. and was cured after using two . bottles: and cured a friend whom the doctors had given up to die, who had suffered for years with indigestion and nervous pros tration. . . - ...v.;."" :i-;.as,'E. A. BaviLLk, Woodstock, Ala. -. . . - IT;:: ' . A Card. r:':' ' For nervous and sick headaches,' Indi gestion, biliousness and ' constipation (of which I have been a great sufferer) I have never found a medicine thst would give such a pleasant, prompt and perma nent renet as ut. u. Alosiey's Lemon . J.P. HAWTEix.Grlffln.Oa, v '' v-v Publisher Morning Call.. HarOoldaa- AatlotpaUans "I'm going to marry a man with half, a million dollars, said the girl In the bicy cle suit. . ,. I'm glsd to hear It, said the other girl Who is. he. : Ob, I mustn't tell you thst. Re hasn't got It all yet. Pain-Killer, as an Internal remedy, has no eVjlial 'n cases of colic, summer cti- plaint, dyspepsia, dysentery, and rlicu niallmn. It Is the best liniment In tho world. Its action la like ntnglc, when ap plied to bad soles, burns, scalds and sprains. For the sick headache, and ttbache, don't fall to try It. Avoid substitutes, there Is but one rain-Killer Perry Davis'. Price 2r)c and 50c. Pursuant to f liiiplcr T.07 Public Laws 0, Urn limb T!!-nn County Hoard of K!i(ti(.ris of ('lavn County, have ac lei'ted the folliiwii!;; i::u! i 1 ,r tut the re-jiecllve e!--tinn pr-Miieu nl f- i ' I l'l M I t ; D (:f '"!' ! -I V r : '. 'I . : V, aid or I ';. . ... t m f :( 1. 1 ; . C- , - I, (' 1 : 1 ' 1 i f - i ..... -! ': . y - ; i-m. .ie A . t it A -. . ...i. 1 '.e r-'.'t- is tit. ii: t to to an eTr..-td-i- y i . i i i . nii,u..rtH-i,--ive I lt 1... ;' is one ou ttu est fcuie tiat is nei-Ui.-r dull nor unapin'cciuitve. iiis driver hfhtbunM) him unnicrcifuliy for not pull ing a load tiitit was heavy enough for two mules to haul. The man pounded and Bwore and pounded again; but, do his best, the nmie could not budge the Bason, and after several attempts be Suit trying. That exasperated the driver more than ever, for he thought the mule was "play ing off," and he tell to beating him hard er than ever. Meanwhile the mule would turn his head toward the driver as If trying to see what the .next form of pun ishment would he, hut subsequent events showed that bis mulish mind was figur Inir on revenue-against the driver. Doubtless he got the Idea of what lie would do from the careless way In which the driver fooled about his hind legs. But anyway his muleshin seemed very flinch pleased when he found he was to he-released '.from, the wagonr even if It was to give the driver a freer hand with his club. - In a few minutes the mule found himself tied to one of the wheels of the wngon and felt the heavy (blows of the club, but he took thfugs philosophic ally and kept on eye on the driver. Presently the driver got in the position the" mule was waiting for, when, like a Bash of lightning, two heels struck the driver, and when they nicked him op it was found on ambulance would be need ed to take him home. - v ' , The mule seemed to glory In his work. or kick, ratner, ana perhaps tne by stnniler who laughed; to see the driver punished for his brutal treatment of the uinle only imagined It, but be felt sure the mule Joined In the laugh,' for his eyes seemed to say mat be was immensely pleased over the play he had made with his heels. .But, be that as It may, when the bystander approached the mule be was met with marked demonstrations of friendship.' the mule going so far as to try to rub his uose Against the bystand er's face. When the ambulance came, the mule watched them put his driver Into It, and as it drove nway he raised his voice. Ib deafening brny and pranced nbnnt as if too happy to enjoy even a Knod meal nf oats, corn and hay. ' The bystander went away firmly of the belief that mule, know a whole lot. Chicago r. ' JN CONSTANTINOPLE. , ' . : Coffee and . Kebab ' Sellers, , Bixit- " . ?. blacks aad Barbenm. , - . The Turkish cafe jL or eoffee seller, Is a'u omnipresent feature of oriental life, and, one has but to cry nut "Cafe Ji!" without evea taking the trouble to turn his -head,, and fit a tries a tiny, cup of Turkish coffees' black and full of sedl-' meut, is, smoking hut; before biro. At noon business Is particularly brislL. for awry, clerk and every wayfarer desires to supplement his luncheon of bread and oiieeae or bread and lettuce or garlic with tbe beloved beverage; r -'- If at any time you desire to supple ment your coffee with a morsel of deli- clous fish or r tender, juicy kebab, strung on a spit and broiled aver a charcoal bra iler In the open -air, give but the word, and the wandering kebab')! will be only too glad tn turn an honest periny and cook your dinner lu the sight of all men. Tb? shoeblacks are perhaps the most persistent of all the street criers, if one has a stationary position, he - contents himself with-beating perpetual tattoo on ills ornate bran stand, calling lustily meanwhile, "Lnstrad jilnstrad JI!"4 , But if he is a rover he follows a prospective customer for streets, imploring the. pub lic to look at those shoes so sadly In need or us attention. : ?. - . , Lastly, but not least in this -kaleido scopic procession" of business men, comes the Turkish barber, whose repertory In- eludes also tne offices of cblro nudist, den tlst and leech. Setting up his umbrella in the shade of some .friendly tree, "he Is soon ready to attend to the-needs of his patrons. - Surrounded by an interested crowd of street gamins, he pulls teeth vi et a rails, applies the Wily leech with an cnthnslnsm beautiful to see or rubs. lathers and scrapes his' enstomer, who its bnmbly on a stool, holding a brass bowl by both bands under his chin. If the latter Is a Turk and wishes his head shaved, the barber is careful to leave a tuft of hair unmolested on the top of on pste long enough for the death angel lo grasp bira by on his ascent to para dise, while it he is to be shaved or have his nails cut the clippings are carefully preserved to be sent to friends as talis mans. Self Culture Mags sine. '.. Old Fashion Dlnaer lb Boat. Many people who are constantly trying to concoct new aod tempting dishes over step the mark. People who eat large quantities of the various preserved foods are not always the strongest The old fashioned meal of roasted or boiled beef served with its own Juices, with two plain vegetables Slid a pudding, was fsr more wholesome than the eight conrae dinner which Is served nowadays. Few people know the true flavor of potatoes or rice. In this country seasoning too often- means salt and pepper only. Peo ple In thtj eastern countries, especially the Turks, mnke most delightful stews and soups by using s combination of vegetables, cooking them slowly enough to draw out the flavor. Extracts and sauces prepared chemically and mustard and horse radish may be taken now and then, perhaps to advantage; but, as a rule, things of this kind ahould be avoid ed or used sparingly. Ladles' Home Journal. Fortunate tndrrd. "Well. Maggie." asled a teacher of a little girl, "how Is It vnu are so late In coming to school toihiy?' "I'lense. air," was the reply, "there was a wee bairn cam' to oor hoose this morn In." "Ah!" said the t.si, -her. with a smile. "A 0.1 wasn't your father very pleased ith the new baby V" 'iNo, pii1: toy f ii it tier la inn' In I' Vn hnij-h Hi nil k'-ii ni ut It (. 1 it it WII t n r ;.i r lit In,,,,,; f. Wili h:,f ! t. Alrlil'V- 1 I line v t t." 1 I-',- "I i i 1 A rill v wfll purify your blood and bring 1 trie D loom ot neaitn Daca into your quart. . 4 ' ?iUA,tT BOTTLES. . Palnhl ant SavrasMS Mmhm, Irrrrnlarttv,- LaoMrrhaa, Whtto, SUrillty, VJIrsnv tion of the Uterus, chaurof lire In ssaUon or maid, all find relief, help, benefit and cure In JOHNSTON'S SAHSAPAHI1.LA. It Is a real panacea for headache, palna tn the left side, IndlgenMon, paliatation ottiie heart, co:d hands and feet, nervousness, sleeplessness, . .' muscular weakness, bearing-down pains, backache, legache, irregular action of th heart, , sliortness of breath, abnormal dischsrres svlth nalniul menstrustlosi. sesldlna' of Srine. Swelling of feet, soreness ot the bresrts neurslsia. ntertiui dlsnlsrenwat. and all tnoae Symptoms which snake the avenge womsnS nuu nuonaaiion. V o want tt Its tree 44 THE MICHIGAN L-RUQ ' Uvsrsttss tor Uvoc flu. The 0. 1) BEADHAM, G-i: k-v-.v"'.. Clever, , t. -I undersl and that Englishwoman's book is very clever,. ' J Ob, yea; even the servants in It talk epigram. .' . . . - QUESBOH , AHSWRED. " Yes, August Flower still has the laig- sst sale of any medicine In the clvlllud world. - Tour mothers' and grsndmothera never thought of usin( anything else for Indigestion or Biliousness. Doctors weir scarce, and tbey seldom beard of Appen dicitis. . Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, e'A They used August Flower te clean out tbe system and stop fermenta tion of digested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate tbe nervous and organic action .of the system, and , thai Is all they took when feeling dull aod bad with headaches and other aches Von only need a few, doses of Green's Angnst Flower, ( liquid form, to, make yon sal lulled there Is nothing serloiislhe matter With ou. For sale by it'A lluttf. ,. , " , Notice I v , . Advertisement is hereby made for bids to build a flat for hi reels Ferry. The dimensions to be aa. follows! Length 41 feel, breadth 13 feet,: depth,, 20 Incher, deek lo be built oval: shape, corked, all around aud l erred, only good heart pine or cypress lobe used, (cypress prsternd) tibi tain pe received m inujoince up i" 18 u'lliM'l, SI. on the first, Monday in July, m. .-11; order Hoard .('ommls'oners v ' " ,', Kaim M. QttesM, T . ? Clk.Ud I'om. ,',w Notice. ' - ' . Advertisement Is lieieby maile under dliecllonsof the County t'oidmlsslonorr fort-ealed proposals to build a brl.lge across Ureal Swamp between No. and townships Plsns and apeclficatlons for the consl ruction of same are on file lb the Register of Deeds olllce. . Bids will be received In the rfflce of tbe undersigned uf to 13 o'clock m., on the first Hondsy n July 1000. - " ' Tbe County Commissioners reserve to themselves ibe right to reject any , and ell bids . ' ; -. v By order Board of Commissioners. ' y" 'X- Kwtwt M. Ofwu, C, B. f) A Good Telephone 1 " : - SERVICE IS A BUSINESS - 'NECESSITY, . A' HOME . ' ; CONVENIENCE. A COM BINED .v. . .c. . , - Convenlenrf, JLuxtir I Order Your Phone at One I cloo Diiions - -. . j; : . . , : Ulcere Old Sore, Canters, Eating : ; .woim, Kezt mi, tie. Curtd by B B. B. Trial . Fot , lie free. 5 Fioni Impure blootl conies ill sorts of paina, aches and sores, ending frequently in deadly cancer or some chronic sore. It yuii ( au auswer 4,yes" lo any of Ihe fnlloa iui( (iiesilons your blood Is diseas ed and Impure. Do cuts or Bcra'chrs heal slow ly 1 Does your akin Ik h or hum f fiavo juu iin ples f Kriimlona so you feel axhiinii'd to l-e Ri-i-n In uinpmiy 1 Aching hones or I'.ackf Ktrniar t)ld" Sorest Uolls T i-rofulaf KheuinailsniT Koiil Breath f t ninrrh? Ate you I'alcf Do Krabs or ; . Hh-s form mi the .' Liu. Hair or S-'cnlp f I'lti Mini; 1'ainn In llie l a'rr Ail K'lli I imii i t i,iiyilinl, ami aa tiled in . v . i, . u wi-nt lo Irt-d? I .ni . - i . i f 1 no you P leers t i i j r... i r f is Ins.h i i i. i; Tw 1 u : . A V ,4. . W CI men. Ko one but yourselves know of the uffcring you go through. , Why do ' you sutter? It isn't necessary. Don't lose your health and beauty, (for the -loss of one is speedily followed by the . loss of the other.) Don't feel 44 weak." and "worn out." Impure blood it at .the bottom of all your trouble. - iiw . Ufa so salsembl. Wo bsva a book fall oi CO." Detroit, Mich. Faavotsa UtUa Ursf Ptlbl. Sss. New Bern, N. O.' A.?S ; N. C. R.. R. PAS5ENOEK DEPARfTnENT I tlaw Bbkh. TX.V., May 31 1000." t ' 'Bates to Morehraii. "' The following special rates for season (IIIPO) from stations named ' below to Uqrehead City and return in effect June f, 191.0: siAsna sstokdav STATIONS. ' - - . :. TICKET, : lIltlHT - aoldsboro;.,"..'..,M00 f- fffiO v" LaQ range., 8.50 ' I SO Klnstou ... . 100, ' -I in Dover 8 75 .W -Core Crctk ...i ... ? 8i Vew Bern ...rl 00 .7i Rlverdals I.7S ' : .70 1 Newport .60 ' S! ' Oerman and . finnda v Stations. - ' Ball Ticket. Excursion Oolilsbornv., ....$1 S5 $125 UOrange , 100 100 Klnstou . 60 .(V, Dover .75 .75- CoreCreek.l. .50 .7d New Bern ......... 60 .00 Newport,,..,..... .85 r 8fl v German and Ball Tickets soil only to ten or more on one ticket good to return next morning. . Sunday Excursion Tickets sold ou Sunday, good only on Nos. 7 aud 8 trsins "' ty Ticket Limit Cannot Be Extended 'I heie rates supersedes all previous ratea in connict. ' Teacher's Ticket. ; Special rates of fare Round Trip tick ets (Including one membeisbip conprui, of fx W) to ine meeting oi tne woitn caro liua Teacher' Assembly at Mon head City,. In effect June 12, 1900; to June 17. 1900. Tickets tolas on safe from JuueOih 'o June 17th and good lo return wilb dual limit si July S3, 1900: - ' ,- Qoldsborrr. 4 40 Core Creek . . ,f 4 00 UOraage. v 4 2.1 New Bern .-.. 8 Ifi Kinstoa ,T... 4 15 Itlverdale .... 8 10 Dover.....'... 4 00 Newport tn.. 8 4A y " -. :.Itates tu Bevea Bprlnsrs Summer v excnrslon - tickets (season 1900) from A A N, C. stations Round Trip for Seven epilogs N. C, Roucd trip tickets will be sold to LaOrange to parties visiting tbe above Sittings at the following -rates of fsre for the round trip: " ' Goldsboro.:,,f ,7') New Bern ...335 KJnslon .... . . 00 Riverdale . . . . 9 15 Dover.... ... 1 05 "Newpoit ., 840 Core Creek . .v t 50 .Morebead Clly, 8 90 Tickets oa sale June 1st.. Tickets good to return lo October 31, 1900. . ., i, .. .RalMto Muutala tUsorta. Through rates of fare Round. Trip i ickels from Coupon Ststlons below to points named on the VY. N, C. Railroad (season 1900). Tickets or) tale June 1st, 1900, to September 80th, J900 Inclusive. Uood or. return pasuge on or before Oct. 31K 1900. a , a , f o e a To. 2W 2S 2 2 Hickory ...18 50$U50$ll 10 $10 50 Morg anion4 14 85 13 85 1105 ! 1125 Old Fort.v. 15 05 Black ML-... 16 JO Asbevlllo . , 10 85 Hot Springs.) 18 85 14 05 15 20 lSeVI 17 85, IS 25 18 80 . 14 IS IS 95 12 85 18 20 185 15 85 Rates to all other Resorts lu Western North Carolina or Virginia may be fnrn (shed upon application. Children under five (5) J ears of age are free. Children under twelve (12) years of sge half the above rates. l.: - r . . ', - S. L.DILL.O. P,A. . Honey 1o lioun I : ' $l,2(0 CO lo lend on oity property. ' Apply to , VV. W. CLARK, r.vu: : Lcdb Directory. NEW BERN CONCLAVE 48, Improved Order llcptasnphs, meets 2nd aud 4ih Thursday nights, 'at 8 o'clock at lioun tree Hall. P A. Wiliia. Arcbi-n; Greene Bryan, Financier; A -1 . hlransbury, Sets retary. EUREKA LODGE NO? 7. 1. O. O P Ofllcers: W. T. Hill, N.O j-J. R. Paiker, . U j ueo. ureeo, Jtec tl'g Becty; James B. Hill, Financial Becretarv: A. K. Pitt- man, Trcas. Regular meetings every Monday night at 7;SU o'elock. CALUMET ENCAMPMENT, NO. 4k I. O. O. F. Officers: f, L Moody, C P; J G Delamar, II P; J J Baxter, 8 W; O II Hall, J W; Geo. Green, Scribe; E Gerock, Treasurer." Regular Encamp ment, isi, ra, ana otn (ti any) 'i nursnay Bights in each month at 7:80 o'clock, v new bern Lodge No. i, p h & c J O. flralHO Preat- 1 l Hmllk liwnrrlinr Sec'y; E K Quidley, Financial Sec'y. minu iu suv ssuigiiis oi iiaruitiiiy nati.. every 1st and 3rd Monday nights iu each month, : i CRAVEN LODGE No. 1 KN LOUTS OF HARMONY: Meets 2nd and 4th Wedpesday- nights in each month in Rountree'a Hall, Pollock street, at -7:30 ; o'clock. S. R. Ball, President, It. J. Dis qsway, Sec'y, R, B. Hill, F, Betfy. - - KN1CHTS OF HONOR Officers: K R Jones, Dictator; O b Vinson, Reporter, w jr-nonniree,i financial iteportor . New Berne Lodge No. 443 meets the 2nd, and 4th Friday algbts at 7:80 o'clock In Rountree'a Hall, Pollock siroet.; Offlcera : Geo. Blover, Captain ; H . Q ' liy man, Liieus. r. u. reuouer, imosiko; win. Pitts, Clerk; Kd. UerocX, Accountant. KeR ;"3 nlar Cantonments, M and 1th Tliursday - "Ij aUrbtslneachmonthatstwo'eloek - ibell4l aifd Mo!L Uuited States ot Amrilra,' i asiei n District of No th Oat o a, j. - - ' Dlstriot Court t New Be' ll.t.,.11 l.r.t' . ' vs v ' ' The schooner Eliliu A While, r la-U v '. - . . apparel elc, " i"" In.o' f dience to a monition to me ai- v J dresseiindcr the seal of tho I Istni l Court of the United Htalcs fer. the Eas-s. tern District of Noitb Carolina at New . Bern dated May 24i b, lttOO, 1 havo at- . - -i ached the schooner Eliliu A White, her '" r 'ackle, apparel, et" . on board and oi - -hore, and will detatn the some iu ui -, v custody until the further onleis of this. l.'onrt respeciioft the sauic. -Now all . AWc p reons claiming the wiine or ktiowntr . , or havinr--authority to my whv tbe sauwv ' -ahould not be condemned und ) old tit -cording to tbe tirnyer of lhe .Llbellaf.tx. '... ;' - . aret ited to epiienr btfuie the raid ooiirt ' - - to De held nt JtewUftHi trrsttl I- uistrnts. on 23d day of Ou'oIm r IWliO at 10 oVIorlc In Ihe fmenoon, tlx n and Hit re to lutt I- '' t ose l heir claims for the raine mil piaktt their allega'iuns In HiHt b liulf . ' II 0 DOOKEItV, ' . -'"" Uniled -latcH MarhhulL," -By H. f. WooTsi,.Dei). Marhal,';-,, " - New Beru. N.C. Juno 14,1000 ' . ' - - - Sale of Land lo Make AfSPt&r North Carolinn, ) Snpri lor Court, - ' Cravtul'ourm. ( litloic Ihelleik . L M tatWrlbwaiif, Admr of M Iiran, deteaaed, vs Louis A Brun, '1 horns as E Bryan, M t Bijun and oilier. Pursuknl ton license and order of I her' - -' Superior Court of Craven couuly in .tbe -1 above entitled rirtccdlngs tusiiiuied to " -rr Sell the herelnaHer desi ril eil land tn. .. -" make asells to pay Die debts of thu de- --: ' t eased, I will offer for sale and soil, to ' ." Ihe highest bidder for rash, at th court ' : : ' bouse door of Craven county on Won-' - ' day July the 2nd, 1900, at the hour of Vt o'clock m all the following described real estaie, lowit: .r .: v.- " The certain tract of land lying amt , belh slluaio In Craven county in Vanca , -. , boro a.l joining the lands of R. F... White and Macon Bryan dee'd bounded aa Jul- ; Iowa: r .. ' . ' Beginning at a cypress tn ihe edge ot r-' rlwlft creek and running north 81.. east ; 18 poles to a stske, then nonh 40 west . ;' , 0 poles to a slske, then KOiith 8 0 wei4 18 f- poles t a black gum near H e creek, then d 'n the creek to the beginning; con'' J taluintr i acre more or less. This June .; .-- 4lb 19110. . : , ' v ' L. If, SATTiarnwAiT, Admr, J -.-y f - of M. Bryn deceased. ' . ; . -. . , , rru8leeT8 Sale. 'I.-'' - Pursuant to that certain Deed of Trust, executed by Mustaplier P liolley and. Harilett Holley, hla wife to the under signed as trustee rn Ihe 30th day of June ' 1898, which ssitl deed of trust is duly re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cm en Co In took 127, pane 151.' And upon the request of the bol.ier of thtf bond secured by said doetl of trust,-1 ' will on Saturday the 8 t day of July 1900 at tbe hour n( II o'clock, or, at tho Court ni n.e ' dKr 'of- Crtven cnoniy, rlTer for sain ami si 11 to the highest bid der for cash all and singular tho real , estate described In. said, deed of trusty dcslcnated as follows to- wit:. -. All tCat certain lot of land King on the east aide of George stn t t In Ibe cliy of New Hern, North Carolina, and known In the pl.m otlhe city by I he number. 88:1, ami described as follows: - On Oeors si ret-1 measurliw n front n' feet, 'thence- ninn'nu vt 103 fret, Ih -nce stiulli 64 feet, and I hence on tho fu'ablre Line," 130 feet; btlng Die tiaivu ronveyed to Wttaplier P Holly by Maty O WotMlrnff and rubers, by deed I Cflnit date Ihe 4 b div" of-Ocloh'er IK8I and retordt tl In thti Mllrt of lh Register of Deeds of tavrn county. In book 94. pages 50, f,l snd 5'J to whli h reference Is msdo, ... This June lflih. 1900. . . , O. II GUIOS, Trustee. I litwuuii iiut... va While In Beaufort be sure ami atop nt the Ituaell llouao. Flral-t'lass Hoard. A homo for IravB'Imr peojilu. ''ilitn ml hunting iini-xcelli'd. 'iurina tl.'J.i Hay or (.1, oil per week '1 A. KL'SSKI.I, 1'ro:i Ti he 1 to h'- I.'. I'o.v i t! U, l! c ,.i,i I ", II .tr ' .t 1, 1,1' ,,,V ,. !',,,, 11,1 1 noil i ni

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