! i --A,l ir Acts gentlv on the Kidneys, Liver and Dowels rLEANsES the System - EFFECTUALLY MIUAU v PERMANENTLY By TMt 6tNUINt-MAM7 0 0 mwiiuNmnaiiiiHU the journal: New Bern, N. C, June 21,1900. Index to New Advertisements.' II. JT Royall Bananar. Business - Locals. : HU HO Tbe best can be bad from the Stleff Pianos, : Mr. J E. Dunbar, special . representative is here tor one week. Why . not hare him call aud talk to you, if you desire to purchase now or in the future ,, Old Pianos and Organs taken la ex i change.. ' Easy terms.-- J. E. Dunbar, Chaltewke Hotel. , - - TUX finest Beer always on draught, at JuOOB'B, Middle Street. '..' . NEARBY AFFAIRS: Utters of Local Interest lri the City and ' ' - Country. . - A Telephone Toll station No. 178, has ' been established at McSorley's. ; . Tbe Are last night at 9 o'clock was found,. In the further stables" on the Fair grounds, which were partially de stroyed. t f t At the Carteret county Democratic I convention next jesteruay at tseaurort, N. W. Taylor was nominated for the : Legislature. J , Jr n . ; The Democratic Slate Executive Com mittee has made seTeral appointments for Congressman O. R. Thomas, who ' will speak In bis own and the Sixth Dis trict. , Cards are out for the marriage of Rev. Benjamin Huron Melton to Miss Eva Klneeyi -daughter of .Prof, and Mrs Joseph Klnsey of Wilson N. C, Tuesday, July 8rd. - - " . ' The Senatorial Conrention of the Eighth District will meet today at Kins ton, for the purpose of nominating two senators. It Is expected there will be plenty of candidates in tbe Held. ; . The A N 0 mall train was an hour late last night, which made the mall de- : livery at the post office so much later, and greatly discommoding business peo- pie generally. . The present -mall sched ule at night Is against every Interest at . this end of the line. ; Tbe series of meeting held at the Hid die Street Baptist church for tbe last . ten days hsre closed. Iter. W C New- v ton, who conducted the services, has re- . turned to his home in Goldsboro, end . leaves a very favorable Impression of his ability and power as a preacher. , ;' Small ia size and great in results are DeWilt's Little Early Risers, tbe famous little pills .that cleanse tbe liver and bowels. ; Tbey do not gripe.' F 8 Daffy. ' ,: Died ' r-.'.' At the residence ef his daughter, Mrs. E. Blangy In this city st 4 o'clock yes terday morning, Mr. David Gasklns, In the filllh year of his age. The remains were taken to the late residence about If miles In the country, where tbe funeral services will be con ducted by Rev. A. J Holton today, 12 m. Mr. Gasklns was a member of Craven Lodge No. 1.," Knights of harmony of this city snd the President aud other members of the Lopge will sltcnd the funeral. THE YOIZIX r.r.AL'TY Thrives on good food and sunyhlne.wllh plenty of eierc!-e In lliu npi-n air. Her form glows with limit h end )icr fnce blooiiiS wlih Its beauty. If her f yxii ui eeds tbe ! mwlm; anion of a li,.n!y rrirtir.'y, !e ' the --t! ami ! -nt Pyrup of l'i. 1, rimdu y li. C.uf... Y's r'yrnp Co. di.-y. a r ; i i (,r r r i. : a c. -Q:::,kS .... a. A few (ks 6.-0 lLe Carolina Cainiin company of this city, sent a sample of ita cauiied peas to Thomns Roberts & Co., of Philadelphia, wholesale groceis and canned goods hrokcrs. The Philadelphia house asked for price on goods and quantity offered, which was sent, and immediately upon receipt of this letter, the Philadelphia parties wired the Canning Company accepting its price and taking its entire output of peas, 1500 cases. As this is tbe first season of tbe Caro lina Canning Co. its success is quite re markable, ; Tbe Company has put' up some fine beans, 15,700 cans, which will no doubt piove equally as fine as its peas, NOTICE TO MARINERS. Pamlico Sound. Royal Shoal Color of Light Changed. Pamlico River Buoys. Pamlico 8ound After May 81, 1903, temporary light exhibited - from the station on the northwest point of Royal Shoal, about 6 miles E. N. from Brant Island Shoal - Light, will be changed .from lieu white to fixed red. - ' Pamlico River Goose Creek On April 14, 1000, the following buoys were established to mark the channel In Goose Creek, a tributary of Pamlico river: - , - v Goose Creek Island buoy, a black spar, No. 1, moored in 9J feet of water, on tbe south side of the channel, on tbe bear- logs: Wades Point, NNE. , K. easterly: CWrki Point, W3 W. i W.j Indian Is land, northeast side, NW, by W.' :' . t ; -, Iteeds Hammock Sboal buoy, . a red par, No. 9, moored la 0f feet of water, oa tbe north side of the channel on the bearings; Wakes Point, NNE.' E; Clarks Point, WSW. , W ; Indian Island northeast Side, NW. i W. ' Tulfords Point buoy, a black spar, No. 8, moored in 8 feet of water on tbe outer eud of the shoal making off from" Tul fords Point, on lbebearlngs: East end of Heeds Hammock N, Tulfords Point SB. E, Tyndalls Point 8 W. Tyndalls Point buoy, a red spar, No. 4, moored In 8 feet of water, -vi the outer end of the shortl msking off from Tyndalls Point, on the bearing! East end of Reeds Hammock N. by E. J E, Tulfords Point HE. E, Tyndalls Point W.iS. '",- , 1. Store Point buoy moored In 8 feet of water on the'onler end of tbe shoal mak ing oil from Store Point, on the bearings: Tulfords Point N. by E.J E, 8node creek, "upper point at entrance WN W. i W, Tyndalls Point N. W." r - Hill-Harrison. ' " " - Last night at the home of the' bride, on Eden street, there was a quiet home marriage, the contracting parties being Mr. John C, Hill and Mrs. Minnie Har rison, Rev. T. M. N. George performing tbe ceremony.,,' ' - , There was a reception at the groom's nome on Hancock street after, tbe cere mony. - , List of Letters' . Remaining in the Post Office at New Bern, Craven'oounty, N. C, June 17th, 1010. ' 1 ' K MIN'SLlST. B-George B Bsrrlngtou, Dan Besy, Oliver P Bender, William Oscar Brln. . CAbram Conrad. ' . D-E M Daniel, EZR Davis. . X-T:: E Ed Edwards, John Eaddy. 4 . H Isaac -Holely, Hasty Hardesty, James Hsrrlson, Capt G W Oobbs. . . J Robert Johnson. ' .' ' K William Keroner, care of L. House, Cutter. . - .M John MacKee, , . P-TlnePaul. 1 , ; R Rev W 3 Rountree. " S-Cbarlle Stalon, John Scott, UJ Smith. ''.."'.. ' T Joshua Tailor, James Thomas, lliude Thomas (2), Samuel Tucker. ' W-G W Whit field, Thomas Williams, FreJerlck . Wllllsms, Arthur ' Wil liams. , WOMBN'S LIST.' " ' B-Uenrietta Bert, Polly A Bough. - C- Annie Cannon, Penny Chatman, CnlousChsdwick. - .'- . D Nellie Davis. c 1 " E Ella Edwards, fialllo Eves. F-Cella , Foy, Fllzabeth Fulford, care of Martha Fulford, Edle Ful ford ' G Martha Green, Mary J Green, Louiss Green, Nousle Green. Ilople Uawklus. K-Oille KInBey. L Maggie Lee, Cora Lee. M Cassle Miller, Honcn Moore, Cella Mostly, Hllvla Morrris. N Leah Nelson, Dlna Nixon. P-Molllol'ate. R Lucinda Roberts, Charlotte Rol- bln?. 8 Jl.idie Pandom, Cora Ppencer, Kil tie Kherrard," Julia Helhy, S O Sn.tt, Charlotte Htyron, Mary J inltli, I.i ; Smith. T-Ti7!..'il, Turner. W T A Wnlii:i!!, (t ie. n Wlilii,:!.,.; U I. Wi;!!... IVrtr.i.scs":!! ' f.r lb.- alnvrle'irt : 1 -li t. s,y nive, 'it'ifhiin i,. d mid 1 ' ve it :! J i 1. . 11. ii i , M. D. Dikd Ia t'.!s ehy in the early morn ing houis of , 1 t, there paaaed from anions ua iuto life eternal, Dr. James Edtuer Kuhes, in the tiTth year of his ago. So ended the life on earth s life singular in Its beauty snd usefulness of one who, like the Evangelist, might well be called "the beloved physician." To a character of the loftiest integrity and the greatest refinement; to profes sional skill of the highest order. Dr. Hughes united a sweetners of disposition and a gentleness and dignity of bearing that, with a modesty of address all un conscious of its own excellence, attract ed all to bim, and won tbe love and ad miration of those who knew, bim best. In bim tbe confidence pf.bls patients was unbounded. His presence alone with the sick and afflicted, wss In Itself shes' Ing balm, so marked was the effect of his untiring devotion, bis sympathy and In terest In his cases. He leaves to us who loved and survived him a memory fra grant of good deeds; and of work and duty well and faithfully done pre-eminent in ail that Is best In a son, husband father, citizen and Christian, bis price less bequest to as is an example that ail will do well to stndy and to emulate. James Bettner Hughes, second son" of Dr Isaac Wayne Hughes and Eliza Mc Lin, his wife, was born In New Bern on the 9th of June, 1833. His father was a native of Montgomery county, Pennsyl vania, where be was born in 1804, and settled In New Bern In tbe practice of his profession In 1835. Mrs. Hughes was a native' of Oravei Joouuty, daughter, 0 Thomas McLin. ; : ; , The family in Pennsylvania are of ancient dale an4 are still prominent and numerous there, Their ancestors came first lo this country from Sweden and Wales in 1644. and property then at - quired In the neighborhood olTalley Forge Is still owned by their descend ants. . ' j." ' ' Tbe education of Dr. James B. Hughes was begun at the New Bern Academy. His mother died in her thirty-third year when he was but nine years of age, leav ing the . rearing : of four ;.boya 1o the father, now well that duty was dis charged the after career .'of those bojs amply attests. The companionship' be tween father and sons, tbe sympathy,' confidence, and frankness of intercourse were as unusual as Interesting. After leaving the New Bern lAcademy Dr. Hughe was a student at the famous Bingham School, from which he entered the (Hate University at Chapel Hill, where he was .graduated with honor In 1858. Ia 1868 be was graduated In med icine at the University of Pennsylvania, as his father had been' before bim, -and for a short time was resident physlclsa at St. Joseph's Hospital in Philadelphia He then went to Paris where he prose cuted his professional studies- for two years, and be also travelled extensively In Europe. . .Returning . lo New : Bern In 1358 , he. became astoclated, with UU f ither In the practice of medicine, an as sociation that was maintained, with tbe exception of the period oT tbe War be tween the States, until his father's death In 1881. The practice or the Arm was large and lucrative, and covered a wide extent' of country. There .were few cases of Importance In town or country in which the advice, at least, of the firm was not sought.;.-';,, & ;;;'' At the outbieak of that war Dr. James B. Hughes was appointed Surgeon of the 3ud, North Carolina Infantry, Col Charles C. Lew, and was commissioned ih May, 1861. He married previously, in January 1850, Laura W. Bryan, daugh tar of James W. Bryan and Aon M. Washington, his wife. Mrs. Hughes died In May, 1868. Dr. Hughes served with his regiment with credit to himself, and great benefit to bta command, through' the arduous csmpalgus of the Army of Northern Virginia uotll a short time before the close of the war when he resinned and established him. self In Goldsboro, where he remained until Its end. Returning then to New Bern he resumed tbe old partnership In bis profession and soon obtained his former eminence lo Its practise. . - In June 1871 he married Miss Eliza W. Knox, daughter of Dr. Reuben Knox and Eliza II. Washington, bis wife, who survives bim. Tbe duties and labors of his wide spresd practice, which Tie discharged most conscientiously, weighed very heavily up jn bim, snd In time began to male serious Inroads upon even his robust constitution. lathe summer of 1WZ, while visiting s patient In the coun try, be received a sunstroke, from the effects of whh:h he ucver fully recovered. From that time his health and strength failed perceptibly. In lime ho was com pi'lied to abandon the pracilceof his pro fession, and several year of Ills life he was alinnxt b!i!r. Ills power of speech be nmo Impaired snd eventually was limt nSnx-Uier, and vMi It his marked p nt'i of a-Mm. I .it the 8 e ' ; . -it! 1. - ' ' -. r, t! e i 1 . 1 fi-r l- v. r i- l )r n. i n j C -' : I h ' H fl ; : ', : : si Pro.,. . .s of :,. :..l.:y LU.ctii.-n oft .. s. Rcyjrls of Cu:s..i,;.kcs. (CONCLUDKD ) To the Chamber of Commerce of the city of New Born. tivutieiuen:-oI desire herewith to pre sent you my report not only as to the financial condition of your body, but also to submit to your attention the pro gress made by tbe Chamber and. tbe re s iltant effects produced in tbe commer- c'al advancement of Ibis community. Tbe past year- has witnessed a most wonderful progress in tbe commercial development of our city, . Which devel opment and tbe Increased volume of business having demanded "It has pro duced the establishment of a dally double mail and Sunday service of the Atlantic and North, Carolina Railroad. Increased population and the demands of trade having merited, have received tbe estab lishment of the freet.mail delivery in this city. 1 The awakened, activity and progres sive spirit of our citizens has demanded aud obtained a municipal ownership 0? water and sewerage In our midst. J-. All tbese are practical Illustrations of what has been accomplished In tbe pro-' gresf of pur1 commercial affairs; due largely to the untiring efforts of this Chamber. This progressive awaking has produced and fostered many new enter prises which are now In successful oper ation . 1 "X. ' , , A wooden package factory,7 ami can ning factory, aud barrel factory and guano works.whlle s cotton factory of one hu id red thousand dollars capital ha- be in started on tbe co-operative p'sn, that Id a very short while will be to the course of eoastruclion. Fifty thousand dollars of preferred stock has been authorized npon a 6 dividend, and Is being taken up by local investors. , A now steamboat line 10 Bay river and Intermediate points has been incorporat ed, and a large and commodious steam noil for passengers and fre.ght has been purchased and Is now operating under t convenient schedule. :: The increased traffic of tbe Atlantic and North Caro lina Railroad has been responded lo by the building of large and commodious warehouses. In addition to the one al ready In use. ; ? - ' Through sppeals'to Congress a hand some appropriation for the Improvement and repair of the Federal macadamized road has been mado and Congress ' has likewise enacted' an establishment' of harbor lines. -Through tbe untiring efforts and ec ilvlly of Its owner Clemool Knitting Hills have been, considerably enlarged increased and tbe latest improvements in machinery hsu been purchased and erected therein, and considerable In crease of labor introduced.', 1 : therefore have no. hesitation In ' attributing ; this iacreased activity and commercial pro gress to a large extent to tbe boiled and purlotlc efforts of this Cbamlier. The executive committee for tbe annual meeting of the Chamber for the year of 1000 baye adopted the following special order of business) , 1 t K . Reading of minutes. -r . Reports or standing committees. Report of special committees. , . -.. Unfinished huilness. r "t ; Report of Socretaty. k ' " Election of offloers. - ' ' New business. I respectfully report that for tbe fiscal year ending April, 1900, 1 have received the membership fees from 30 "members, 38 00s And does, $171 i t. A total of $357.93. . I have expended during the same period for Items set forth in my statement $136 89; leaving a cash balance on hand $120.81' ; : ; '. "; , f - All of which will be found by Refer ence mi a copy 01 my oooaa as requirea by the law of Ibis Chamber, which I hereto annex as a part of my report. Congratulating the oily of New Bern upon the possession of so valuable bo ly to its commercial prosperity -an 1 pro gress, : ; Ian, Very respectfully, ""' Gkohob Grrkh, ' Secretary and Treasurer. The Committee on Reception" and Ex position makes a verbal report through Mr. Manly and promises tj file their written report st nest meeting. The Committee on Arbitration re ports through Mr. Paris an 1 promises lo file a written report at next meeting. Mr, 0. 11. Galon, for the Special Com mittee appointed lo prepare an article for the Manufacturers K toord, reports having performed that duty and sub' mils to tbe Chamber the article in quel lion. The same is ordered forwarded by the Secretary lo the Manufacturers' Record for publication. , The annual report of the Bocreta'y and T easnrer U read and on motion adopted and online 1 spread upon ths nI nil leu. On motion of P. II. Pellotler the Hec- relary was trial 1 ucled to have liubllbhed that p irllon of th'u Committee's report In f.ill nerl-dniiH' to the InvestU'stlon of the Ini-iMleieiiey of y i The eleei.inn of o'ii- cr beini? (b-cbired in or-ter Did f "'liiwiti-' wero lllialii iw--: 'y c' led fur t!io eieiuini; year, ! '. I . e. p' 1 !, I Ti f an oi-llimii.-e for the f .1. g and . of buliUiug and improving roperty. - Oa motion of Mr. Dunn tbe Secretary was instructed to purchase a suitable frame for the chart designating tbe recently established Harbor llnei: x On motion, Mr. E M. Green, was) re quested to furnish tbe Chamber for pub lication a list of all sales and transfers of property. No further business appearing the meeting adjourned. - v PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. J. R. Pope came down from Golds boro last night. . - L. J. Moore, Esq , left for Elizabeth City last night, on legal business. '- Mr. T. 0. Toepleman left yesterday morning, returning to Henderson.:'- Mrs. Matilda Jordan of Washington. N. C, Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. 8. W. Hancock. . ' Mr John W. TImberlake left yester day, to locate at Goldsboro, and .engage in tbe Insurance business," - " : Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Snelllngs returned yesterday from a several weeks vhit to r latlves at Norfolk and Portsmouth. Dr. John SV Lons;, wiio hu been away for several months visiting at Baltimore andj'hlladelphla, returned home yester day. . . - . . - .' Miss Chat tie Credle cam home .last night from Philadelphia, for a7 ten' days visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs, B. CJ. Credle. - . , , Col. Walker Taylor of Wilmington, N. 0 , was In the city yesterday, adjusting the loss of the New Bern Wooden Psck- i Works Bre. . Miss Paille Daves Hasklns.of Meridian Miss , who ha been visiting Mrs. Vir ginia Harrison on New street, .left yes terday morning. t v' ; ' The Chinese ask "how Is your llverV Instead of "bow do you dof" for when tbe liver Is fjactlve the health Is good DeWltt's Little Early Risers are famous (little pills for the liver and bowels. F 6 imny. , . - , Now Is the time id buy your T'omes- tics. Piques, line dress goods, etc., verj low at J. J, Baxtet'a , , Have your prescriptions filled at Dark- Pharmacy. . Genuine (.'oca Ci4 "at Davla' Soda Fountain, ' ' 5 w k At the Rnnl iifAI-A S j ,.1 11 ,i H ,i syuvii m-r a.w v Hammocks 1 - - - ... 1 ' While they last. . .' l .'A new lot oil Prayer Bloiv 1 J Ilymoala and teacher's Compri- 9 S hansive Bibles lout received. - . S T - . - I J 6. HEnn6tt.l IJevJies Just Received I We have just received the lateat fad in But-Wfng Tiea for high turn .down collars; and have you seen the new . Outing' Four-in-hand f 1'otti stylej are something distinctly new and your attention is iuvited. AV have just received also some new 1 . , .. ' Negligee 5hlrts In -IiMlritM, lVrcnle ntl NHk. . Wo have I he nobbiest potrerns and bent variety ever shown in the city. Call at once and get . your choice of patterns. j.G.Du;:n&co. " '"I','Hi,nr's!.'riir' 67 Pollock Bt v-1 - 1 y-,1 c I ,m, O' o o Just in time for $ We hdfre just received a very pretty as- $ sortment of Figured O low price. : The ' first 'of the season o 0 prices on- these goods X laRing a quantity we are enacted 10 v O offer these aiMjc per yard This iso undoubtedly the best offer made yet in wash goods this summer Ladies Gauze Vest ' One of our very x.a white ribled one IT sf ' ''' ? '-f - r sax sleeve; sizes run full and the price is v y only tOc each. Other kinds and prices 4 we carry are 1 5c, 1 9c, 25c and ; 50c. ize(Tcotton and can Y guished from silk and they tbill Itoear Y , X - ft X' n c fjeueve wc . New Bern for the $ that can he obtained Large Linen Iluck Towel, , ' yet while tho lot lasts, 15o '.v i". . - (. , Extra size fringed Damas't V';---s.-,j-i SR. X .f.r- ;: Great Big bleached or unbleached Turkish Towels, 25c " Turkish Towelling by the O; cMarks 4m444X444444$40 GOOD HARK. Our Buggies make a good test where ever used. ..Tbe users of our Bungles are never bothered with repairs for them aa they never fall-only in severe acci dents. : . . Reepeetfutly, ; . If . Waer A K "i? 78 Broad St ' : f's A.i;--' ' Ire Oram Freraer ringing from ft SOl lo I 00 each. , Water (lo iters at 711, Don I 1, $160, l"iS and; $100 each.; lie Shavers at Iftc, 50c and 75c each,. 'Apple Peaiers Bcreen Doors at II 00, s)l C5 and f 1 SO. ' Window 8cre ni In elegant styles at 80c, 85c, 40o and 60c. '- Lawn Mowers at 3 to 6. ' Hsffim-'cks from SOo up, (will hsve a new line of Ihtse In In a few days)- Balloon Fly Traps, Tan-j irlo Foot Fly Paper. Masons Fruit larr. Dintr. nnarte and half tallons. . Granite 1 Slop Palls, Foot Tubs, eto . Bide and Box Coffee Mills. Hrvolvlng Wafor Irons. Mnjesilo Cooling Ranges. Wheeler and Wilson, New Hime and. rvA.-., VU V1t Domestic Sewing Machines. A 8, tUeStrOy I OUr rlaniS ing Krfle for 2 00, shoot ii short or long A,, T)4), ,. y ,IC'in , , carndgr. Porcelain lined Preserving K,or). , frwll )oll11 , , ,H llo,r Eotlles. Blip Udders 4So, Ofio and 72o nnUw mtltet:t m in ,,, ... ' each. Pollslling Oil 81c per bottle. Cau(fut Powj,.r n, 15, II, ws. -.-jri.,. s Furniture Vsrnlah and Brush at .,, Pllta Orn lib the pro, -r aenih' Toli ceo Hprayera. Paris Grren, eUt. I iMr, iB( n t ami pnr,i , i be TI,ewholrfletrndlaln-.t.,d .lO our deg, 0r ling D.a h is ll.n bent, stock of Paper Bans, Butter Tray, Wash mfM,e f(lf rew.hin p(,,slo ,,,.,,, f,it Boards, Clothe Pins, Brooms, Bucketa. . MnJ , Uxlli are m( ,,y AileGreaM-, I!kets, Tin W'Bre, etc. wb oh wo are olloilng el very low pricea Vonr. Truly. J 0 . L . i L 1 CO A. A A Mid - Summer tl&ear. o Organdies at a very $ were 20c, but by $ ? best selling vests is p with taped neck and r ' S A ' 1 hardly be distin- arc ucauquai icr in a best Linen Towels any where at the $ h 19x36, theje are old prices Y each. :' . Towels, all white or colored .; ",; X; -.v . yard, 25c. Company. 4b V Henry's Pharmacy, 127 Middle Street. lrvare,-For JlVai ; I n' Time f lN'itce. .'" V-V''; Just reeelvid.a Si pply ( LOAtit.I) GUK8: Mire death to Hoar hi ,,. Beil Burs. Mi ths. Wati r Itatia is'i d n,ji&'j s cf. Will i ol f tain i r ciri-te ll s fioist frtbri-n'- trr trial is a'l tbai's .dii tof onviiice tbe row-t uteptlciil. Ci : ?' run i.nr oi iih:m Arurnr, i euoni -ry.j-te. . ' ? i-V;,; - r, mponnrlnl, f . . ' ' Bugs and Worms i sf! -. 1 I ".if, i-Hw'"'-