i. : a. X - ;j '.i Preparation torAs ' iil'.eroodandRcfJiila : L.. . ,.l5 ardowelsof I i Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur pss amlRest.Contains neillier ! ( !ium,Morplune nor Mineral. Kotarcotic. - flnh Sat'. Alx SmtHt. . Juneryrwvi rAnw: : AperTccI Remedy for Cons lina- i Pon.SourStotnach.Diarrlwea i Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY Of WRAPPER. OF NORm CAROLINA, The Head of Jhe Slate's Kdaca ' n na r-vsirni. . r ' 1 I Three academic courses leading lo de- mees. rroiesaional courses ; lu . law, medicine and Pharmacy. r Summer School for Teachers. - , , Scholarship and , - . I Loans to Needy ' Tuition $G0. I Free Tuition to Can t dldates for Ministry. M mister's . Bono and .' , t Teachers. - - . - , 012 student besides 101 in Summer Si hool. 39 teachers In the faculty. . For catalogues and information address F. P. "VESABLE, President, . ' ' . Ohapel Hilt, N C. ' - , . A safe College-preparatory and Bus iness School for young men and boys. Has prepared thousands for college, for Imaiuess.and for life. Fall: term opens A igust 3ind. Terms reasonable. Address J. A. & M. H. Holt, " t , Oak Ridge, N.C. Trinity - College Oil is undergraduate and imiii i scs. . Largo number " of graduate elvotives. J Ut ,soienliiio . laboratories, equipped wiili modem and advanced apparatus" l.iir.o additions to Jibrary, Complete Kyinnainm.,'. Expense. ',low.'.-:. Fifty scholarships to be awarded. 150,000 f ju-nl, in improvements the , past year, ii ii. 1 for catalogue, , -' ' ' . - PkESIDENT KILOO,:,", : , . Durham, N. O. .'zinity Path Tlih School. imre thoroughly for Oolleze. Ot- i eoursei in Latin. Greek, English, ' matlcf, Sciences. History, French, m, Hook-keeping, Stenography, "ypewrl ing. Excellent library and ;isiiiin faciliiles. .Faculiy of seven k grsduale. New. an! elegant ngs furalshed with all modern im inetits. All of the ftist graduallng f sixteen entered collega. For il led catalogue, addi'eM, J. T? TBIVINS, IleaJinaater. , , Durham, N. O. c y s . - ; Worms tt , car Fh::!s :n lie s. bi.i.c iucy KiBiiinn u,.- if fn i h .,.. , I ii I lin-1 lid cr, yoil . ' .'i In lb e. t " iwdt r i ' ' I ' I '' ! i I . i 1 . v 1 ! 11 ml i ii inn ,. -'Jin i' I ' I I. J l!..J I C J t..3 r" m Bears the Signature W )) V . For Over Thirty Years TM etNTAUft COMPANY. VOW CITY ' 1. A. Green, Pre. K. H. Meadows, Pres. I , H. M. Groves, Castiier; - ' CITIZENF HANK, ' our xra-w-saiRxrxr.c. ., Doing General Banking Business. Fehr wry 13, 1990, Sniplus and rndivi- .. drd Profits, 1,135.7'V , Prompt and careful attention Riven to all business entrusted to us:? Accounts received on favorable k'lms. i j ... ltoard ut Airectnrfl. . ' Ferdinand Ulrica J. a. Meadows. ; K. II. Meadows, . - OhRi). Dnflv. Jr. Mamuel W. Ipock, James Kedmond,! ' Mayer Halm, " Thomas A. braan. i;uas, n. rowier, . jr. W. Grainier, . K. W. Sinallwood, C. K. Fov. - V wep, n.jves, w.r.croeceu ' Mark Disnswaf"; F. & M, BANK; ': FEBRDABt 1st. 1900v '.' Capital Stock,.. v.'. $75,000 Snrpliw,.,;... ' 10,000 UBdirlded Pronts,. ...... , 2,500 Deposl tR ..... v 1 62,000 " .OFFI0En3. ; L. ti. CoTlkr President. : W. tJ. Chadwick, Vice Pres. . -T. W. DaWBY, Cashier, J. W. Bmou, Teller. " ,, ; , C. T. Cbadwioic. Colloctor. , ' ' y . DIUECTORS: - , . 1 ..." Wo, B. Blades, M. M. Marks, 1 O. D. Brodbam, ' P. H. Pcllotler, - L. II. Cutler, ' inn. Buter, W. 8. Chadwlck, ' J. W. Stewart, - ' 'f . W. Dewey. It collects for merchants, manufuctur- era and other Bauks promptly at special rates to eacn, ana makes qutckeet. m turns possible. By Its liberality and en terprlsinif business methods, tt is forging to the front of liast Carolina's Banking Inatilulions. In its own city, It it the only one which does not pay interest on ueporiM. . - . M. Mittimoua. - , , A. P. Ward J.' II. Pon, K. W. Pon ! SIMHONS POU A WARO, ITTOUNEVS ast COUNSK.I.or.S-at . . men burns;, . r.. Ollto.1 fit) So. Front Street', nearly nppo. , , . site lintel Uliatuiwlia. -' (OHInes also at Itulduli and RiuithOeld.) Practice in the eoiintins at Craven. fKmltn JoneN, Uuslnw, ijartvr.tl laiiiileo, Wake, .loiiuHvon. nuniiitt huh wumui; hi me an ptLine nnit Keiieral CourU, ami wUexever rvrea are ileeLren, : , l II. lVllotir. ' ATTORNEY ATJ.AW. -i Idle Street, Lawyers Rrkk , Building. Will practice In tlie Counties of Craven Uarterot, Jones, OnRlnv ana TatnUeo. Ih H Court n New Home and Bupnmie Court O A Good Telephone SERVICE 18 A. BUSINESS NECESSITY, A HOME . CONVENIENCE. A COM- BINED ; . . , .' . , , , Order Vonr I'linne ut Onco I i-i -. - II ill I!" W ! IH And all h m ' i of i wj, f;,.,,;,,, . II I IM.I I ft .1 ',.. ; e f OANE AND THE NIGHTMARE OF A JOUfinALIST'3 LIFE. What a "Ileat" Mean Is the Mam With a "Nun Fur Nevra" The Pe eulluritlea at securing Inside SfW by Weliiuatoa Correspondent. : They were nil newspaper men, and they were all so united on the proposi tion under consideration that tliey did not interrupt the man who was doing the talking. - "Scoops," said the sharp nosed re porter to the others, "are the bane and the ulghtmnre of a newspaper man's life, from the proprietor and managing editor down to the Maltese office cat Mnuy a man occupies a 'desk' today because of a good 'beat, and many an other man Is engaged iu a more bumble Occupation because be failed to . see one. - Scoops constitute the seesaw or journalistic life. A newspaper, man Is as touchy on this subject as a woman on her back hair; Justly so, because a .standard Is formed-by which his journalistic tal ents are largely rated and his salary In accordance. If the city editor asks him too often why be 'didn't get It he finally 'gets it' where the fowl gets tbe ox, and a new man appears on bis for mer aas'.gnmeut - , Editors, however, are usually con' slderate. with a good man, for the lat ter will scoop hl rival as often as he himself Is scooped perhaps oftener nnd It thus evens Itself up. Sometimes, however, the wlelder ofthelue pen- cll has an attack of acute Indigestion, like the rest of us. and things are apt to be unpleasant. ' - , - - . . "A good, big "beat' fills the entire of- lice with hilarious joy, and particular ly the lucky reporter rejoices. ' It oft- times means an Increase In salary. The office of the chief rival contemporary la thrown Into corresponding gloom. The city editor Is the adjutant gen; eral of the force. ' Usually he Is as considerate as bis duty to the proprie tor permits. Nearly all are graduates from the ranks. Where tbe magazine newspaper story. Vrlter finds the city editor he usually portrays has always heen a deep, dull mystery to me..; He may treat outsiders (to be kind to the inngaxtne story writer) as their 'stories' sometimes relate, but to his force lie does not carry a drawn sword In bis left hand and a pen dipped In redhot caustic In bis right. ' He know that of the men under him many are hisl peers,. CHpHoie or ihkiuk; uib uesa jii n moment's notice and running tt as Well ns he. ' ! ' a- , "The now you nave It end now you haven't It In our profession Is well U lustrated by a little - occurrence that happened In- Washington a few years ago, nnd It proves the element of Inck in the matter or aectirtng new. "It was undecided whether congress would pass as read ft certain Very Im portant nntlonnl, measure. . ' The New York papers were especially 'anxious' about It' Tbe drift of opinion among the correspondents was thai It would not so pass. '; On Monday night, say, the correspondent of 'one of I he metro politan morning dallies wired bis paper flint It positively would not go through. This paper had been 'talking that end' of the bill nil along..' '; -i ; bThe. corresnondent 'of A rival morn' ing pi.per had drawn the same conclu sions from bis day's Investigations at the cnpltoL He was on his way . down the west marblo atets when be met member to whose opinion on the prob able rate of the bill he attached "great weight The member declared that tbe bill would positively- be. passed, ' un amended and unchanged, at the open ing of the session tbe following day. . "The correspondent east bis own con' trary opinions and those of the mem bers he had Interviewed to-the winds, fie wired that ulgbt that the bill would certainty pass the following day.- It did. Its passage was surprise to the country. , i . "Before night the other correspond ent was 'relieved of bis position by telegraph. One made- a bold hazard against Ills own Judgment took that of nuuther and won. The other con, sclentlously obeyed tbe dictates of bis conclusions, based largely upon the opinions of men who were In a position to advise him correctly, and" lost ''Tills case also Illustrates the pecul larlty of securing news by Washing ton correspondents, it Is su) generis. Utiles which obtain In other cities are Impracticable here. Most of the corre spondents are picked men, who earn and command good salaries. But one of their most Important fnnctlons Is to make acquaintances with men In of ficial and congressional life. It la an Important element In bis profession to know who to aee' about a piece of news, and the little Interview In ques tion between the correspondent and the congressman on the west steps is but an example of everyday episodes In the life of a Washington correspond ent." Washington Star. , Change For Bath. - "Yon need a change," said the doctor. "I think you should tnke a trip to Eu rope." , : . "Well, doctor," sold tbe man with low and expensive family, "you need a change, too, I'm thinking. "KcallyT "Yes. You want to change your mind." Philadelphia Press. Airreed. , The MlHtrens r,i-li);.i't, yon must stay until I gd another Rlil. ' I'.rldaet That wns my lutciiKliun, anyway. I want her to know tho kolud ov a womnn ye are!-Harper's I'aznr. Solomon wna the wtwut of inci knew ctiMiirh to cut his cni.y n I' flhoi t n i c, . ! ! I I . o '1 1 . At in' In t t v "V he Laiircs J'.-,,:e In the Constitutional Amendment At the Recent Session . of the Legislature. An Act Supplemental to an Act Entitled "An Aet to Amend the Constitution of North Carolina," ratified February 21st. 1899, the same being Chapter Two Hundred and Eighteen of the Public Laws of 1809. , The General Assembly of North Caro lina do enacl: Section 1. That chapter 218, public laws of 1899, -entitled, "An Act to amend the Constitution of North Carolina," be amended so as to make said act read as follows; ."That article 6 of the constitution of North Carolina be, and the tame Is here by abrogated, and In lien thereof shall be substituted the following article of said constitution as an entire and Indlvlaable plan of suffrage." ' - - - ARTIOLK VI, . - - Suffrage and Eligibility to Office. ' . Section 1. Every kale person born In the United States, and every male person who has been naturalized, twenty-one years of age, and possessing tbe qualifi cations set out In this article, shall be entitled to vote at any election by the people lq . the State, except as herein otherwise provided. Section 8, Be shall nave" resided In the Slate of North Carolina for two years, in the county six months, and In the precinct, ward or other election die trict In which he offers to' vote four months next preceding the election: fro. videdt- that removal from one precinct ward or other election district to- anoth er in the same county, shall not operate to deprive any person of the right to vote In the precinct, ward or other elec tion district from ..which he " has removed until four months after such removal. No person who has been eon vlcted, or who has confessed bis guilt In open court, upon indictment, of any Crime, the punishment of which now is, or may hereafter be, imprisonment in the Blale's prison, shall be permitted trt vote unless the said person shall be first restored lo citizenship In the -maimer prescribed by law. ,' .. Section 3. Every .person offering to Tote shall be at the time a legally regis tered voter as herein prescribed and In the manner hereafter provided by law, and - the General Assembly of North Carolina shall enact general registration laws lo carry into effect the provisions of this article. " Section 4. Every person presenting himself for., registration shall be able to read tad write any section of the const! tution In the English language: and, be fore he shall be entitled to rote, he shall have paid on or before tbe first day of May of the year In which be proposes to vote, bis poll tax for the previous yesr aa prescribed by article 5, section 1, of tbe constitution. : But no male person who was, on January 1st, 1807, or at any time prior thereto, entitled to vote under tbe laws of any State In the United States wherein he then resided, and no lineal descendant of any such person shall be denied the right to register snd Tots at any election In this State by rea son of his failure to possess the educa tional qualification herein described: Provided, be shall have registered In ac cordance with tha terms of this section prior to December 1, 1008. - ., 4 The General Assembly shall provide for the registration of ail persons en titled to vote without the .educational qualifications herein prescribed,' and shall, on or before November 1st,.' 1808," provide for the making of a permanent record of such registration, and all per sons so registered, shall forever there after have the right to vote in all elec tions by tbe people In this Slate, unless disqualified under section 3 of this ar ticle: ""Provided, such person shall have Lhli poll tax aa above required. Section 5. That this amendment to the constitution is presented and adopt. d as one Indivisible plan for the reg ulation of tbe suffrage, with the Intent and pu'pose to so connect the' different parts, snd to make them so dependent upon each other, that the whole shall Stand or fall together, Section 8. All elections by the people shall be by ballot, and all elections by the General Assembly shall be viva voce,:, - -.;:v'.--:,i;-; "-'". I Section 7. Every voter In Jlorth Car-. olina, except as In this article disuuali fled, shall be eligible to office, but bofore entering upon the duties of tbe office he shall take and subscribe the following oalb: "Iy , do solemnly swear (or afllrm), that I will support and main tain the constitution and laws of the United Btatos and the constitution of North Carolina, not inconsistent there with, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of" my ofllce as v , so help me God." Section 8. The following classes of persons shall bo disqualified for ofllce: First, all persons who shall deny the lielng of Almighty. God. Second, all persons who shall have been convicted, or confessed their guilt on Indictment pending, snd whether sentenced or not, or under judgment siwpcn-leil, oT sny tresson or fel.iny, or any other crime for which the piiiii.-liiiient niy he Inv priitimeit In the penitentiary, since lie coming citizen of l!m United Slates, or nf corrup! inn or innljintetico in olhce; iihlrs nu- h t-c --ii xiiull he rentoriiit to ill he . in a i the r' 'lis i f i i l 1 I I V I i. '., 'f er l j uvcryCiiins in ; your own hands You have absolute control of the Wickless Blue Flame Oil Btove. Everything is in your own hands. You don't have' to depend on the coal man or gas pressure. With a box of ; matches; a gallon of ordinary Srrf rlnPP YY Jtvkias Oil Stove you have absolute control ot tne nnest cooking,, . stove that was ever built. " Bakes, boils, broils, roasts 4 or toasts. No smoke or smell. Perfectly safe. - Sold wherever' stoves are sold, If your dealer does not have them, wtjite to l in STANDARD OIL COMPANY. or printed ballot with tho words "For Suffrage Amendment'' thereon; ' and those with a contrary opinion shall' cast a written or printed ballot ' with the words "Agatn8t8uff rage Amendment- thereon, , ' Section III. The votes cast' at said election shall be counted., compared, re turned and canvassed, and the result an nounced and declared under- the same rulos and regulations and in-' the -same manner as the vote for Governor, and If a majority of the votes cast are in favor of the said amendment it shall- be the duty of the Governor of the State, upon being notified of the result of said elec tion; to Certify said amendment, under the seal of the state, to the Secretary of the State, who shall , enroll ; the said amendment so certified among the per manent records of his office. - Section IV. This act shall be in force from and after Its ratification, Coitno Scifl & Seed Irish Potatoes Early Rose, New Queen, Pride of South, Red and While Bliss both home and northern grown. 1000 bushels Early bane uotton Keen, iuu Diistiets Bouinern Hrpe Cotton Seed, Long Staple: Cotton, call or wrtte lor circulars. . , J. E. LATHAM. Three Large Flats To be sold to the highest bidder. How Is this, the onlv stove wood man there be. will now out prices down on all kind of stove wood, as it must . ue sold right out and make roonv for other business. ' ' Laths - and Iland-made and Sawed Shingles, wholesale and retail. ' 5 Buggies, lltoad Cart, 0 Drays, and 8 Dump Carts. ' 800 Cedar and Fat Llghtwood Poet, will sell highest Bidder. : For further information, see ; ; BIG HILL,:Tls!elaii Southern E;ailway. The Standai Bailway ot the SOU TU a The Dlrect'Llne to all Points, J TEXAS," . CAMFOIINIA, evil a Amy Strictly First-Class Equipment on all Through or Local Trains; Pullman pat ace Bleeping Oars on all Night Trains; Foal aud Safe Schedules.' -. - j' ' Travel by the Southern and you are as sured a Satei Comfortable and Expedl lious Journey. - Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Ta bla. Rates bnd General Information, or address. F, R. DARBY, K. L. VERNON, . ' 0. P. A T. A, T. P. A., Ashevillo, N. O. Charlotte, N. O.' Frank 8.;GANN()rt, .- J M. Cui.P 8d V.P ATlen Man. . ' . Tr Man V. A, TuiiK, G P A, , .. WASHINGTON. - -' D. C A I i Ul 1AI 'll.IvN ; l.v.r (ran rli.,-ii.ntl l evry sub- ' w. . ......jr. 1 . 1 a v t. at m - kerosene oil and a ; Blue Flame lit ". ' ' Atlantic "Coast Line -Eailixad Co., Condensed Schedule. " ' r--" -1. ' I II' ' a I ' ? niiiinilii lilllllyi'! I " ' TRAINS GOING SOUTH. KQ !?C RS KO 125(5 -,. .'I -.je. A.M P U P.M. A.M. P.M. Lr. Weldon 11 60 8 68 ..... Ar, R, lit.. 1 00 S 63 Lv.Tarboroia 31 6 00 U. R. Mty. 1 05 9 62 6 87 6 16 19 52 Lt Wilson 1 58 10 25 7 10 5 67 2 40 Lv. Selma.. 8 66 11 10 Lv Fay'vlUc 4 80 IU 23 Ar.Florence 7 25 9 24 - P.M. A.M. Ar. Golds... 7 66 ..... ..... Lr, Golds 6 46 8 80 Lv. Mag'lia 7 61 4 86 ArWilm'ton 9 20 800 P.M. A.M. P.M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. . 28 . i P laj I2 ip p 9 fa (S r,i 12 12 K(S aTm p. m. .v.Florenoe 0 60 7 85 Lv.Fay'ville 12 20 ... . V 41 Lv. Selma.. I 60 10 65 Ar. Wilson. 2 85 ..... 11 88 ' aTm! p. m- aTm! LvWilm'ton . 7 00 B5 Lv. Mag'lia .... .. . ... 8 8011 10 Lv. Golds.. ..... 4 60 ..... 0 87 12 26 " pTm a!m. pTm P, M Lv. Wilson 2 80 6 83 11 38 10 45 1 16 Ar. R. Mt. . 8 80 8 1012 07 11 & 168 I Ar. Tarboro . . . . . 6 4t , Lv.Tarboroia 21 Lv. R. Mt. . 8 80..... 13 07...-. ..... Ar. Weldon 4 83 1 00 -. P.M. .... A.M. . Vadkin Division Main Line Train leaves Wilmington 0 00 a m, ar rives Favetteville 12 05 D ut. leaves Fav- ettevllle 12 28 p m, arrives Sanford 1 48 p m. Returning leave Baniora u w p m, arrive Favetteville 8 41 p m, leave Fay etteville 8 49 p m, arrives Wilmington 0 40 n m. ' ' " " ' " Bennettevllle Branch Trains leaves Bennettsville 8 05 a m, Maxton 9 10 a m. Red Springs 9 40 a m, Hope Mills 10 8J a m. arrive Favetteville 10 65. Return. Ing leaves jrayettevuie 4 tu p m, uope Mills 4 66 p m, Red Springs 6 85 p m, Maxton 0 16 p m, arrives Bennettsville 7 15 om. - 1. . .- Connections at Fayettevllle with, train No. 78, 'at Maxton with tbe Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Springs with the Red Sonnies ana tJowmore railroad. at Sanford with the Beabowd Air Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf with tbe Durham and Charlotte rtatiroad. - Train an the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 8 86 p m, Halifax 4 17 p m, arrives Scotland Neck at 6 08 n m, Greenville 6 67 p m, Kinston 7 66 d m, Returning leaves Kinston 7 60 a Greenville 8 63 a m, arriving Halifax at 11 18 a or, Weldon 1188 a m, dally ex. oeot Sunok. " sv'V "f V ' ' Trains on Washington Brar-ch leave WasMnsrion 8 10 a m and W n as. ar rive Parmele 910 am, and 4 00 p m, re turning leave Parmele 9 85 a m and 0 8U m arrive Washington 11 00 a m and 7 1 n m. dailv except Sunday. : ; Train leave Tarboro, N G, daily except Sunday 6 80 p m, Sunday, 4 10 p m, ar rives Plymouth 7 40 p m, 6 10 p m, Re turning, leaves Plymouth dally except Sunday, 7 ooa m, ana rtunaay swam, arrives Tarboro 10 10 a m, 11 w a m Train on Mi Jland) N 0 Branch leaves Uoldsboro dally, except Sunday, 0 80 a. in. arrlvinz Smithfield 6 40 a m. Return ing leaves Smithfield 7 86 m; arrives atGoldsboro 9 00 a m. ,- . . . Trains on Nashville Branch, leaves Rocky Mount at 9 80 a m, 8:40 p m.arrive Nashville 10 20 a m, 4 08 p m, Spring liope 11 00 a m, 4 26 p m.Returning leave Spring liope 11 20 a m, 4 55 p m, Nash ville 11 45 a m, 6 25 p m, arrive at Rooky Mount 13 10a m, 6 00 p m, daily except Sunday, : Train on Clinton Branch leaves War. saw for Clinton daily, except Sunday 7 45 a m and 4 25 p m, Returning leaves Clinton at 8 45 a m and 10 60'a m. Train No 78 makes cloae connection at Woldon tor all points North. dally all rail via Richmond. 11 M K M K i. SON, Gen'l Pass Agent J R KKNI.Y, tien'l Manatrer. T M KMEIIHON, Tralilo Manager. A.i U. C, R. R. , 1IS8 TABU. NO. 13 ' : to LCwt ttiMi,y, Ji.. elO5 al tMi A. U. at Morrhead City, 1 Hotnf Katt f Scbidulki ( Going Wrtw Nu. B Pkssenger Trains ' No. 4 ' Lt. p m " PTAlnONSi ' , -; Ar. a. m ' ,5 BO. ,..,,,,V.,GoldBlioro.. .11 C4 5 59., LaGrange.. Viy , t8J...... . '. Kinaton... ....... .10: 7 8i).-....Ar. New bern; . 00 1s0 Lt. ' " " A. ...". 01 9 06..:' Ar. Morehead City .v..,. , tt 85 Kfti, I . ,1 No. 6. Mx'd Ft A 1 statiohsi Mx'd Ft and Pass Tn. J pass To. '' DaiLt Exoii't f-CKDit. LvT A. K. .. . , Ar.P. 7 60...., Goldaooro 7 14 7 B3.,w...,. ... , Best's.:; fl 49 810 ... LaGrange... .Falling Creek. .... Kington. i..' .-. ..Caswell.... ..... Dover,... 084 611 6 40 6 18 600 626'. 8.60 B08; 9 4. 1002. Core Creek 4 87 1020 .Tuscarora 4 20 1030... .........Claras 411 10.50.......... New Bern 8 6) J 1 63.. Ntwpoit .... .... 246 8 25. . . . Ar. Morebead City Lr. . . . 2 10 A. M. P. M. No. 7. Passena-er No. 8. Lv. a. ro. 8undays,Only Ar. p. m. 7 40 .Goldsboro... 8 CO 8tW. 'LaGrange 7 27 8 80.. .Kinston.... 7 07 865....... ....Dover..... 647 f tO.... New Bern 606 11 16. ...ar. Morebead City Lv ... 4 26 No. 1. t I I No. 2. Mx'd Ft. and SraTloNS: Mx't Ft and Pasa.Tn. I j Pass.Tn. Lv. am - Ar. n m 7 03 Goldsboro 6 88 7 83 Best's 6 68 811 LaGrange 6 28 8 27 Falling creek 4 68 B 14... ........ Kinston 4 83 9 25 oaswel) 8 18 9 40 Ar. Dover Lv 8 00 1040 ....ooreores 2 00 11 16 Tuscarora 1 88 11 81 clark'a 1 20 12 06 Ar. New Bern, Lv 12 60 180 Lv. " Ar... 2 12 Riverdale S 20 croatan ,2 43 Havelock 812 Newport, Lv.... S25 .WUdwood 3 81 Atlantic 8 46. . . .Ar. Morebead Olty, Lv. . 10 47 1010 10 00 940 BOO 8 47 888 8 20 4 01. . . .Ar. M. olty Depot, Lv 7 66 r. M. a. sr. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. -Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, S. L. DILL, Superintendent Atlantic Coat Iiine. Wilmington & New Been is B. B. time table' no. 5, n Effect Wednesday, Aug. 7, lb98, Daily Except Sunday. Uoing South bcjmdule: Going North No. 61, Passenger Trains No. 60, I.. a m, stations: Ar, p m, 9 00... New Berne.. 640 9 86... Pollocksville 6 04 0 61 ....MaysviUe .... 4 49 1002.. 1808. 1216 r M No. 8, .....Jacksonville ( Wilmington, 1 ) Union Depot I Ar. Wilmington; Lv. 4 1 9 82 2&G r m No. 4. Pasbbnokb ft Fsjuqrt. Leave WUmlngton Monday, Wednes day ahd Friday. Leave New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Lv, A M 7 80 Lv. Wilmington, Ar. 8 40.. ...... ..Scott's Hill 9 80. .... . . ii Woodside. . 10 06. ......... Hollyridge .... Ar. r si ... 146 ...12 66 ...1916 .1140 ...10 61 ...1090 ... 046 luoi.,,. uixon 1120 .... Verona. ... 19 06 12 80 Jacksonville.. l,tMVIIUIHwt Mini O W .-. Whiterak. ..i... 8 80 MaysvUle 8 06 Pollocksville.. 7 20 .... .. .Debruhl's 0 86 3A.k, Star 1165 1 80 916. 966 8 40 .Ar. NewBdrne, Lv...... 600 Daily Except Sunday, f 1 ' v J. B. KENLY, ' ' ' '. General Manaper. 'BORDEN, v "opt. Transport'ailoo.- " 1 niM.ni mnm ww , - . r' i ' v 1 1 1 AND 'I 1 I . TEKIGHT & PASSKNOIR. For All Point ortiu The Cteamer IIi:UC2 will leave on Mondays, Wednesdays, ' and Fridays st 8 p. m. sharp, mak ine landings at Oriental, and Eoan okt Island. " v . -' 1' . hag: 1 121LID. ". ' The Otr. HewDernD Commenelug July 1st, will leave it 13 o'clock noon on Tuesdays Sid Filiaya, making las tings at CrlenUl, Runoke Inland and Nags Head. i '", ; rrfi';ht reooived tot later t' mi 01 e hour r rovi '-s to lulling. 1 , r f ' ' r i f ' "on apply to ( : ' "xr, Art.- -t a.