l 'J 3 - 3 7. , ' ' .ACTS GENTLY ON THE . ICiDr4SY5, Liven and Dowels ; V -: Wuanses the System ' EFFECTUALLY ' OVERCOMES ilL?. - ' ; v UAV . PERMANENTLY ..vj sssf !: MwiirniwiOTiWikiuini - THEJOURNAL;. ' New BertvN. C Jlj 4, 100. - Index to New Advertisements. r , Woodmen of the World, ll-'-' , v 4 Mark Co A special sale-.-.? - !, ' Stat Normal and Industrial College ; Business Locals. :I ' FOR RENT Desirable rooms for small family, apply ta Mrs. L. X, Hendren, v- 168 Middle street, . - V- WANTED Capable man with good re' . ere noes to manage local office, meruai - tile business, old established Arm. $1(0 month; extra commissions. .Must be willing to. engage for one year, ) f800 -cash required, Opportunity, Drawer 88 New Haven, Conn. ; ; -v MULES. For bale Two medium-' lice Mule For Sale, wishing to replace with . heavier "mule. If taken at once, will be Bold at a bargain.' New Bern Ice Co. - FOR RENT-Owelling house, comfort- able, convenient, modern Improvements, ' apply to BL Oerock, Photographer. FOR SALE. My former residence Nr. 88 Pollock St , on easy terms, or will rent. - For particulars apply to 3. W. Smwabi, No. 94, Middle St. V ; " . THE Carolina Canning Co., wish to contract, with .farmer in the vicinity of New Bern to grow a fall crop of peas. . For foil information write or inquire of E. B. Hackburn or William Dunn, New Bera.N.C. , (v. - TUB finest Beer always on draught, at . JACOB'S, Middle Street. ' 1 Taoclaatioq Shields at .Davis1 Phar inecy.,Sjt .''.. .',-y:yly; v Just received a lot of fine' F. F, VJ Bams M Oaks Market, ' -V , Ribbon Talk. rf 1 ;i All kinds or ribbons at ''all kinds of : prices, au all silk ribbon No. 80 (bat . we k are selling great deal at SSc yard. We also have the velvet ribbons that are so much m demand Just now, 25c bunch up. -S :'i'-'i1';V,:A-.BABF00T. Fresh Insect powder and Tangle-foot ly paper at Davis' Pharmacy. Spring Lamb and Spring Cblokens.thls morning at the Oaks Market - . - 3. i, Baxter has just received a new i line of E. P. Reed's Oxfords la all styles, . and a fall liosof other goods to be sold ' low down. , : . ' ' e ... . ... ;' : Sacrifice Sale. : , ; Owing to the advanced aeason we of fer our entire stock of Mens and Boys Jlne Straw Hals that have been selling from tec to $1 each, at the sacrifice sale price choloetOc.. ' ' '0. A. Barvoot. -. . i. .. . . I am receiving over the A. 4 N. C. railroad a frsih lot of Bananas, Oranges - and Lemons, three shipments a , week. Please notice my stock when putlog. A fresh lot of hot-bed Beets, sweet and delicious, no guano. Oive them a trial and you will be pleased. , D. Barfield, . 68 Broad street. ' . , Organdy., 1 have 500 yards of 72 Inch organdy to be Sold at 25 cents for the next 10 days and all while and figured lawns will be sold at a b'g ruduciiun. j. 3. nxi!i. Now Is Die time to liny your 1 hhim tlca, riiiies, flue dti-KS gnods, eu:., vory low at 1. 1. rax!'i'. Pvll' I"'! f I for lis fl ip c i 1 1 'n hi a I.. S if I, I i ! I i ; ; C y ; ! C Tod;,y Ui f J,'y Tuu , U, a D;i;:u!:al ' holiday, tlie cl!y ti.' s vi i'.l be c'.... J. The report of burs. k g fire crackers last cl hi, gave token tlat the Glorious Fourth had arrived. The O.Marks Company announce a Fourth of July sale. Bee their adver tisement for particulars. Good holiday reading for tlioBfl seek ing bargains. O. Marka Company Fourth of July ad In this Issue. For this day, only. A small cargo of heme grown water melons, firat of the season were sold In this market, yesterday. Also a wagon load of cantaloupes. D. 8. Jones has been appointed deliv ery elerk In the freight warehouse of the A. 4 N. C. Railroad, In place , of J. 0. Thomas, Jr., removed. . , Tabernacle Eantlst church will have a moonlight sail Monday night, July 8lh, on steamer Quids. Lombardl's Orches tra will furnish music. . ' The Journal will post the bulletins received from Kansas City convention as they coma today. It Is hardly to be expected that any . will come before 8 p. m, , i f - The dinner at Stanly Hall given by the Daughters of the Confederacy to the New Bern Camp of 'Confederate' Veter ans, Is the chief patrlotio celebration here today, , '-.. Oiflng to this being a national holi day, the usual hours for such days will be. observed at the postofflce. Only the early mat! will be collected from the city mall poxt,,0:;!:a " Messrs.: W. H. Badon, Deputy Sover eign Commander,, Woodmen -of the World, of Wilmington, and X, B. Lewis of Klnston, are in the city in the inter, est of the Woodmen. L . fj -I McD. Sawyer and Ella Paul were mar ried yesterday by ' 3. M. Harrison, J. P. The ceremony was performed while the couple sat in their buggy, while the J. P. stood on the sidewalk nearby. '. v An almost new bridle and felt , h6rse back cover, were found in a yard on Queen street. - They : were thrown over the fence, as if by the party who atole tbem, Any person who has lost' such property can regain it by proving own ership and paying charges. Information at this office. , -. ;-' ,' . Fusion In Jones County. At their . meeting last . Saturday, the- Repnbllcans - and Populists. In Jones county decided upon a fusion In the presenf campaign. '. l --,'. ?mt--i', ' , ., Next Week's Tournament. There is plenty of work and' enthuat um among the reel team here, prepa ratory to next week's firemen's tourna ment la Wilmington.- ' m r , v There will be a good, large delegation of firemen from here, but the outlook ts that the Hat of spectators . will not be large. This Is due to the fact that the Atlan tic Coast Line will ruq no special train, and a visit to Wilmington,' for a - whole day in that city, ' means three days ab sence from here, with'the attending ex penses. No special railroad rates' have been announced as yet, and It Is largely guess work about visitors from here to Wil mington. fv,'.rl.Ji.': .j.1. ; With special trains run on two days, with low rates for the occasion, five hundred to a thousand persons would ge to see the eontests. js. i. f&i'-Jl .Dazedry HlsAfpeintmenL :: - A prominent local mill man, who was paying his customary visit at Coca Cola's shrine, yesterday, was for a time over come by the announcement of his ap pointment to the office of .constable on day of election In August. ; Hegardlessof the fact that 'he had just left his horse and buggy outside, he rushed to the telephone and called ' up the livery stable, to send him his horse and buggy. . , . ; '. -.: . This action was a great surprise to those standing near, and the gentleman was asked why he called for his horse when that animal was hitched outside. Making his way to the street ' the still dazed mill man, walked to his horse's head, gazed Into the faithful creature's eyes, but still failed to recognize the animal. However In a minute, he came to him self again, and after Joining in the laugh at hla actions, he Jumped into his buegy and drove to work. Thus It Is seen how a little political ap pointment will .overcome even the mighty. - A CHILD ERJ0YS. The pleasant flavor, gentle action, an soothing .fleet of Byrup of Figs, when In need of a laiatlve, and if the fall or mother be costive or billons, the rm! gratifying riamlia follow its uso; so tin it is the beat family remedy known sn every family should have a holt io. H'mii faclurci! by the OKlifurn'a i ".g Hyrup Ci ToC.sTjx Fcjcis tf Cr:' The I:, mid of Conns y C.,m i!l I ' i p ' .i f r '- '3 v til.-: r - .! i ' , i C .-,.t ... i ; . . iC; .' ii r I to I. I;;s;i ii J-r. R. C Ftrortg of Eiuston, was In the c!;y j-csteiiluy. . L:. a Virgluia EuuibS after a pleasant visit to her uncle, Mr. W. H. Ilervey, returned to her home in Raleigh. Mrs. F. .C. Hunter and ion, Nat, of Durham, returned home yesterday, ac companied by Mrs. K. C. Richardson. ' Mrs. J, B. Hughes,' Misses Mabel and Ethel Hughes and Master Hugh Hughes left for Black Mountain yesterday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Gorham and Mrs. M. J. Simpson, accompanied the remains of the late Henry Rishton last night from Fayetteville. - - Thos. D. Warren, Esq., of Trenton and Mr. J. E. W. Suggs of SnOw Hill, Demo cratlo nominees for the State Senate .for the Eighth district, are In the city. "' State Normal and Industrial College. The attention of our readers Is called to the advertisement of tbe North Caro lina State Normal and Industrial Col lege appearing elsewhere in these col umns. This college places the best edu cational advantages within the reach of the young women of the State at a cost ranging from $92 to $133. , ,'" , "We notice that 490 young women rep resenting every section and nearly every county In North Carolina were enrolled as students during tbe session of 1809 1900. Of these 299, according, to their wo statements, would have attended no other college; 172 of them defrayed their own expenses; 40 of them earned most of tbelr expenses by work in the dining room and laundry;' 105 of them hsd taught before entering college) 427 of them were prepared partially or entirely In the public schools. - ,, it Anyyoung woman upon taking tbe pledge to teach after leaving the college two years in some public school or prt rate school of tbe State will receive free tuition.' Alt free tuition students cannot secure boarding places In the dormitories but each county is entitled to a certain number of appointments of tbese places. The entire expenses Including the use of text-books of a young woman .holding such an appointment would be $92 - for the college year. . v Craven county is entitled to two places lu tbe dormitory. .. Dover Items. ': - - ' "July 8rd, Mies Bertie Taylor and little sister, of Trenton, are visiting friends and rela tives here 1 -' it Rev O O DnRsnt filled his regular ap pointment here Sunday and gave us a splendid sermon. - ' , ' . Dr J W Duguld, our next coroner for Craven county was here yesterday visit ing the sick. ., V ' ' v-. - Theemal May,'' the only daughter of Mr. Henry Miller's died early Sunday morning and was burled Sunday after noon In The Evans grave yard. She was 18 months - old and had been suffering for several weeks. We extend our eon dolence to the bereaved ones.:. . - One of- Mr., Jackson -Waters' little boys was cut right badly yesterday by falling on a tin can.' Dr. Duguld dressed tbe wound and the little fellow seems to bs getting on nicely. :'" s :i - ' Mrs F H - Dawson and little Ruth re turned from Morebead City this morn ing where- they had been spending ' a week. r . . ::, In an enrollment of one hundred mem bers, eighty-seven answered to their namest Sunday 8chool, Sunday morn ing.' The total attendance wa one hundred and twenty. We failed last week In mentioning those who received prizes la the Sunday school to mention Miss Myrah Outlaw. My rah ts an ei' cellent Sunday school scholar and we are sorry we overlooked ber. The White Supremacy Club had made quite an elaborate preparation for Mr. Thomas last Friday night but be failed to get here on account of the trains missing connections. Hon. W. B. Pcarce was present and responded vigorously for thirty minutes. Tbe Dover cornet band with twelve Instruments made uiuslo for the occasion. . Qen. C. A. Battle and Mr. R & Nixon are billed to speak here next Saturday. All are requested to come out and bear these excellent speakers on the Amend ment and other Issues. . 8 7,11 It has been demonstrated by exper ience that consumption can be prevented by tbe early use of One Minute Cough Cure. This Is the favorite remedy for coughs, colds, croup, aatlia,. grippe and all Ihroat and lung troubles. Cures quickly. F. 8. Duffy, Populist Senatorial Convention. Senatorial Convention. Ekhth ,rK comprlljlng 19 Coull!i , t ar- teret, Onslow, Jones, Craven, Lenoir a ml tireeno. The Prantoihd Convention foi Dl .tih t ..I be lifl.l st Kiimlon, Tu July 17th, at 12 m. lions !nfl': ! '.' '." ('h!r ; : J tho fori1 mil r- At the residence of Mr. A. E. Pittman lu this city, July 3rd, Dr. Samuel B. i ooiia, born in Person county, October 24, 1G24 ' - The remains will be taken to Klnston. for burial, on Thursday. " News-Observcr please copy. Deata of Eejiry Rishton. Died In Fayetteville, N. C., on Tues day July Sd at 4 o'clock a. m., Henry Rishton of New Bern. -. The funeral will take place from Cen tenary M. E. Church In. thla city Wed nesday morning July 4th at nine a. m. Friends and acquaintances invited to at tend. :'. . '.' Death of James B. Stanly. . The many friends ofjfr. James B. Stanly, of Trenton, Jenes county, will bo sorry to learn of his death which occurred i his home, Monday even ing. Mr, 8tanly bad been a valued cor respondent of the Journal's, end his writings of olden days were most ae eeptable and Interesting reading. 'v Particulars of his death are not re. celved. ' " Public Speakings. ; ; " Vrldar NIht, July 6th. , , . Dover D L Ward. x ' .' , s tardy,iuly Tthi : Croatan Messrs Stevenson Nunn and Bryan. 7 - - Fort Barn well Joseph' Klnsey,- and WD Mclver. - . , --; -Maple Cypress A.D Ward.'' , Truitts-0 H Gulon. , ; x 5 Dover General O A Battle and R B Nixon- ' - . Core Creek 8 M Brlnson and B C Whlteburst, - Jasper D ll Ward. " Vanceboro Messrs Warren and Sngg. v .Matrimony KxpenstVe-- ' . I hear that married life Is expensive, said a young man contemplating matrl mony,to a -benedict of. hla acquain tance." . . 1 " r 4 , , Well, replied the latter evasively, I saw In the newspapers that Brlgbam Young Roberts bad just been fined $180 for bigamy. V- , Y De Witt's Little Early Risers. 'are fa noes' little : pills for ... liver" and ' bowel troubles.- Never gripe. F. 8, Duffy. - '. Notice.' .A : Strayed or stolen, one yoke of Oxen, one . white ' with blue" specks,' with straight horn and bell on-. r The other red and white, with- one horn turned down beside of hla head, the other peg bora stands straight la front. ).'.- l 'r , Both la the same mark, swallow ' fork the right crop and under bit and over bit tbe left. Any Information' will be gladly received. ' - J. B. O'Nbal, " . , r -- Zorah, N.C. .'.;...v..''V.---)' i'." "Wiiw mi iu,!n ii. ii i,;;;..;;;.:. cake walk. ;:; ' At Planters' Tobacco Warehouse Wed. ' ,4 nesday, July 4th. v The much talked ot Cake Walk will be given In the "latest style of the art" ; . ' For the accommodation of the white people who may wish to see this up-to- date and fantastic entertainment, the management have reserved a portion of tbe hall for their benefit. ? 1 ; - . The public is assured that this will be an entertainment of amusement,' at the same time good order will be strictly observed, and those who are not willing to act orderly will not be welcomed. 1 -Two performances, J p. m., and 8 p. m. Admission to Hall, 10 cents. A small extra charge for reserved seals, . . Notice.;:;'3;'' To A. A N. C. R. H. truck shippers and the public. '-'-j . i ' All rail truck train No. 311 will, be discontinued after Thursday, July Sth, 19(H). The above train, No 813 Will be discontinued after Thursday, July 5th, UKH). . -.- 8. L. Dill, ... , General Superintendent.', ;";;'.-' Save Your Eyes. .. ' Save your sight, and have your eyes examined free by Dr. T. O. Johnson at 107 Middle St. Only the very best qual ity of lens used snd satisfaction guaran teed. J. O. Baxter, - The Jeweler, Celery Utadache Powders, tbe best remedy for headache. Made and sold only at Davis' Pharmacy. - Dobbin & Ferrall At Tucker's, RALKlUil, N. C. F- ft c: Ci2 7c:!cJ INCCIv PC RATED i 9 YEARS JANUARY, 1891, .OLD. Turlsdlction United ' ... ' ..'. - . ' ..-.!.. ... i. rotates and Canada. STATEIIENT. Benefits In force, Deo. . oi, ia.....,...., . l,vui,H00 00 Total death claims paid. , 6.184,276 b8 Total paid for mouments 263,600 00 Total death claims and monuments., ...... j. 8,417,77088 ' ! . . . S ..' t. r . - . . I . Net Increase In Membership 1899 1 37.531." A 1 . 1 Total Number of Camps, 3813 - . v. Total Membership Sovereign, Paclfle Canadian . Jurisdiction and Wood mi a Circle, May 81, 1900, 200,000 f: Reserve or emergency fund Invested, $830,888 11 ' , ' WHY NOT.. KEEP COOL? ' If you are Buffering' from hot weather, call and examine our line of Light-weight , - v 31 ADR 4 H SHIRTS, The thinnest aud coolest made.- - - Qor line of Serge Coats is going fast, but we have few sizes left at prices to suit, $3 60, $4 aud $5. " . . - Don't fail to see onr line of Flan nel Suits, the., newest and nobbiest line ever seen in tho city. . vCj . . ' We have just received a new sup ply of Straw Hats and can now fit every one. y , J.G.DUNN & CO. , ''. ; Up-to-Date - Furnisher. , ' . : , J - 57 Pollock St .'.Ice Cream Freeaere ranging from 91 00 to 8 00 each. Water Oo.ilers at 75, SOo; 1, 1 00, 1175 and $100 each.-Ice Shaver at 15c, 60c and 78c each; Apple Pealera. Screen Doors at 91 00, .91 SB and $1 50. Window Screens In elegant styles at SOo, 80c, 40c and 60c; Lawn Mowers at 3 to 95..-! HsmmCcks from 50c op, (will have a new line of these la in a few days) ' Balloon Fly Traps. Tan gle Foot Fly Paper, Mason's Fruit Tars, pints, quart and half gallons. Granite Slop Pails, Foot Tubs,- eto. Bid and Box Coffee Mills, Revolving Wafer Irons. Majestic. Cooking Ranee. Wheeler snd Wtlaon, New . Home and Domeatio Sewing Machines. A Sport ing Rifle for 2 00, shoot 22 short or long Cartridge."" Porcelain : lined Preserving Kettles, ' Step Ladder 480. 660 and 72e each, Polishing Oil 25c per bottle. Can Furniture Varniah ' and Brush at 25c. Tobacco Sprayers, Paris Green, ete, , Tbe wholesale trade la Invited to bur stock of Paper Bag, Butter Trays, Wai h Boards, Clothes Pins, Brooms, Bucket. Axle Grease, Baskets, Tin Ware, etc. which we are altering at very low price , - :; Yours Truly. ' - v J. C. 0 CORRECT TIME. The Fall Is comlog snd now is the time t place your -order with us for that Uigh-Qrade Bug gy, like we always put up. 80 drop a carl of what you will wan!, so we will be ready for any kind of buggy wanted. RiwiK-ctfoIly, (i. II. VYJjt.h flon, "A liroad Street. , 127 r' . Cf,. sW t, I . 0 I 3 Uliitty c: oovc oooooooooooooooo : EVERY JULY 4th WE HOLD I A SPECIAL SALE ! f Giving our customers the benefit of very J LOT7 PRICES on a great many articles. i This year our prices are particularly low considering the great advance in all cotton goods. '-V . '-.-., , We have had a good Spring and r Summer business. and we are glad-to v ofier to our trade such - bargains as we will Wednesdays July 4th as a compli- mentary Sale. ll?mcinber the dilate, Wednesday, f July 41 h. ' ' ,- J r; DOMESTIC. -;v) Best Calic6S,...:r.U-.....-...,.;." ' :.....4C v Yard wide Homespun, .".4 c - 5' Good yard wide Bleach,.;...:.... ..,..;:.,5c t Best' " - V ;-6c J'CheckNainsook,...,..:,.: .'.4c sv -Yard wide Percales,......:,.....!,.,, ..' ,. ......v.yc 5: Yard wide White, Wash Swiss,. 5c, worth 10c. 33 in. White Organdy,......,. ;.7J5c : Silkalene,...;....:.......'. w.............. 7c ,& 9c Figured. Law&s, 8c, 10c & 14c. . ; - Reduced from ioc, 15c and 20c. Figured Piques,...;J:v'-- - .7JV A few Laundred White Shirts......... 39c A few Linen Collars,.;........;..... Check and Plaid Crash Skirting,. 10c Shirt Waists,.!...;;;.. .;..4u.i..at 39c, 59c, 79, and 98c Reduced from 56c, 79c, 98c, and $ 1.50 ', NOTIONS!. V White and Black Cotton Tape, ic Hair Pins,.,.............:.. ic paper. . Aluminum Hair Pins,. 5c dozen.; Hair Curlers worth 5c and 10c, .....at 3c aud 5c , Kid Hair Curlers, 3c pk".; Hooks and Eyes...... ic card. Pearl Buttons,.:... 4c doz. Ladies' and Men's Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 4c- Children's Black Hose...... . ..4c: Crash and Pique Ready-to-wear Skirts at nearly-half . - 'the regular price. - AU ot the above will be on sale Wed nesday and as some quantities are small the first comers will be best served. O. cmirks Company, THE STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLKGIi , , . "TOP NORTH CAROLINA Offers to young women thorough literary, classical, sclentln". and industrial ednca-" , tloa and special pedagogical training. Annual expenses 93 in $13; for oon-.-i Bi- . denta, 1103. Faculty of SO members. More than 400 regular sludenta. Has ma'.nc- a -ulated about 1,000 siudenw, representing every county In the 8tate except r ue. . Practice and Observation School of a'Knt 250 pupils. To secure board la dormdo- -riee, all free tuition applications should be made before August 1. ' ? - Correspondence Invited from those desiring competent trained teachers. For catalogue and other information addresa until Atiiun lfith 'i PKOF. J. Y, JOYNEIt, Oean o'Collegi CHARLES a MclVER, President. , . ...... . .... . ... . . A i ' i' , ; THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLE0E Agriculture and six; tECHBICAL EDUCATION IN i Agriculture, Stock-raising, and Electrical Englnetnug, and Arcnitectur - ..' t PRACTICAI, EDUCATION IN , ' 3 Carpentry, Wood-tlrning, Blacksinithirig, Maohine-work. .v. ' Mill-work, Boiler-tending, -Engine-tending, and Pynjmo- f " tending. . , , Z t ' : j - Tuition, $30 a year; BoarJ, $8 a mfalh. t i ( - - V E3 f-z Neit session open Beptember 6iht i- -rr ' -:; . fZ " Entrance examination In each County Court-hou, July B8th, 10 2 fc o'clock a ro; alao-wt the Allege September 4tb and (lb. A , TB For full Information, address - V --'"' j ' g ... President GEO. T. WINSTON, I D RALKI0U, Nt C. and Architecture 6.u It i, ..., Per Yc::r Lrcw I base (rtliii (il.l rttii iiinli-i Klt,nK opi-ra- f' j 5 in. ;.f .' '-"( !.t.i, our lip-trrl;t'o . y pin . t ! liidi-im n ''!. i v. . '., c ' ! I Ii' . '! to I p III . i, i I i I " ..I, I .'n'y H '. i . , v U li 1 u x . . v ' . f 'V l,,l '''' in t X t t . :4 ' 3; Mechanic Arts. 3 Horticulture, Mechanical, Civil, ?3 Textile Industry, Ohemistryj i Vhtn in ottd of any- t!ung in tlie Job Trintine lirl SHE US and aavc tnonty. V: t Vr:k ( 1. r I i iC. I.'IHIIS p! l:'-AA! II. h'"'!'!'!!, i:m r'-'.v r mi. ". f. Arc you ncc;!.iig ' X ny PrI ' 2 - S . X i ,1 a. -