THE JOUuiJAL Published every day iu tbe year, except Monday, at 98 Middle street. . PhohsNo. 8. CHARLES L. STEVENS, , . BDITOB AND PBOFBIKTOB. SUBSCRIPTION RATES, , i uo year, In advance .... $4.00 : On year, not la advance.......... 6.00 Monthly, by carrier in tbe city.... ; .60 " Advertising Bite furnished on appli cation, - , , 'Entered at tbe Pout Office, New Bern, : N. C, a second, claat nutter. ; Official Paper f New Bern and Craven Oennty. - New Bern, N. C. inly 6, 100. STATE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. GOTernor-CBAS; B. AYCOCK", of Wayne v , " - ' . ' v ' U. Governor--W, D. TURNER, of Iredell. , - . Secretary of State J. B. GRIMES. Pitt. ' ' ' Auditor B. F. DIXON, Cleveland. ' Treasurer. B. B, LACY, Wake, - a Bupt.' Public InitructlonTHOS. F. TOON, if Robeson,' ' Atty, GeneraUROBT. U. GILMER, Haywood. ( s . ? 7 ' Corooratlon ibommlstloners 8AM'L L. ROGEH8, Macon; FRANKLIN MC NEILL, New Hanover. '" ' Com, of Agrlcultur-B. L.'PATTER SON, of Oeldwell.' '.,--' - Commissioner of Labor and Printing H R VARNKR. Davidson. Forjudge of the Tenth District W. B, COUNCIL, of Watauga. Electon at LergeDAN HUGH JIo ' LEAN; of Harnett; LEE 8. OVERMAN, of Rowan. i, Delegates at Large to tbe National Convention COL. J. 8 O ARB, of Dur ham; i. . JL HALE, - of Cumberland; WALTER E. MOORE, of Jackass; THOS. A. JONES, of Buooomb. ,h FDR CONGRESS. , , Third Congressional Diitrtot-OHAB B THOMAS, of Craven. . ' , - FOR SENATORS. . " Eighth Senatorial Diitrict: THOS D WARREN, of Jones; JEW SUGG, of Greene. J ' , . - N C0UNTT DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Sheriff-J08EPHKmSEY. ' Treasurer DANIEL L. ROBERTS. House of Representative W. B Register or Deeds E. M. GREENE ' Coroner-JW. DUGTJID.Mt ? i Surveyor GEORGE 8. WILCOX. ; OWE OF THB COHVEHTION'S SCWMSES. .' Fromallreporta reosl red of Ue doings attkaDemMrado National Contention . at Kansas City, there cannot but be a 1 surprise, and It Is a most agreeable one to many thousands ' of iDeaaoorata throughout the country, over the reoep , tlon given David B. Hill of New York.; ' With the hostile and Increasing antag onism of Richard Croker, who has tried to belittle the great New York Statesman, Mr. HIU bat risen superior to thi Tam- many Chieftain, and, been given great ' receptions on all sides by the Democrats - gathered at KansnCUy.V.:;:;. " From all reports, Mr- Croker! efforts have been directed to cause discord, : while Mr. BUI has worked to preserve Democratic character and regularity.' . A dispatch of the proceeding of the oonventloa oa Its 8rt day, say' regard ing Ibis notice of David B. Bill: ' - "At 1:15 p. m., the reading of the Dm- ; laratlon of Independence began. At the ' conclusion of the reading there were load call for a speech by Mr. Hill from all part of the hall Then followed a aaoit remarkable demonstration. ' The convention fairly west wild with en thusiasm. : Hundreds of men stood on ebalra, waving their hats, canes aad handkerchiefs, and shouting for the New York alatesuiaa. . "Mr. BUI aroa severs! time and en deavored to addrest the chair, but his : voice oonld not be heard above tlw'dlo. It was evident that Mr. Bill wanted to . decline to take the platform to make a peecb, but tbe conventlen would not, apparently; accept a declination, The uproar lasted fully fifteen minute, al though tue chairman several times tried to restore order by dlreotlng the bead to play. In many respects It waa the most enthusiastic demonstration ever Witnessed In a Democratic contention." And tbe thought must suggest Itself of "what might have been," If tbe delegstes had goue onlnttructed to lbs conven tion, and had been permitted to act as tbe Situation presented Itself Bursly tbs naming of Dsvld Bennett Hill m'ht not bar been among tl Im post Utilities. The lw holds both n,-,tir ami c!r nl tor of a ctliilnif.-lt i,HR"y entity, flu dealer who b ' jnu a 1 , . ,, .,, torfi-lt, of I i-'A iit's V. it. h T . F.Ua riils y..r I " in i - i r jt You ( ii r. t ! ,, s In i! . . ' , ; , r.:. t . ' . : 'Tbe I f, . t. war v ; .- r 1 .: v : t t tv a t ) 1 i ' i to I - lone, N. C uuu.r i i g of truce. i entered tbe town an J whs coniluoted to General . Ecboli' beadqtinrters In a large upper room, evidently a school room. ! - Our guide pointed out tbe general, a flue, portly gentleman, seated at a table. I advanced and laid my paper en tbe table. : . . ' "General Echols, I presume?" I said. "These dispatches are from General GllUttn. Bliall I wait (or an answer T "1'lease be seated," the general said. Glancing around, I aaw 10 or 18 gen tlemen, -all, with one or two exception, In military uniform. Colonel Morgan came up to me, Bbook bands and said: ' "I belter you and I are not .entire strangers." ij He had been oqr prisoner a fear or so "before. ; While we chatted a gentle man In a civilian gray ault turned to addrea General Echols. Tbe cold stare of a glass eye caught my attention, and tbe feature were somewhat familiar.' . "Ah, Jefferson Davlal Are you here, pressed to the wall?" was my first thought : Hi face waa far more pleas ant than our northern paper had pic tured It A dispatch waa handed to General Echols, who read and reread It with an earnest anxlona lob. - Half rising, be passed tbe paper to Mr. Davis, who read It alowly and then banded It back. "Well," said be, "we have lost a generous enemy." ' , " -; It. was the new of President Lin coln's aaaaaainatloB. " Wkea They Sar "Ctaef." f' 'Did you ever hear two married wo men: take leave of each other at the gate on a mild evening? This la how they do It: t - v . '- "Ooodbyl" ' ''-.i ' , .j "Goodbyl Come jlown and see n waaiLlf,- . t n pi i ; " "I wllL Goodbyr ' - . - s "Goodbyl Don't forget to come toon." "No, I won't Don't you forget to ooma p."V V; -i i " tf "l won't " ' "Be sure and bring Barah Jane with you next time." v "I wllL I'd brought her op this time, but sue wasn't very welL Bb wanted to come awfully." "Did sbe, now? ' That waa too bad. Be aura and bring ber next time,", e. ' "I wllL and you be aure and bring tbe baby." .. - - "I wllL I forgot to tell you that be cut another tooth." ' '"You don't say not How many has ha now)" j - "Five. It make htm awfully croaa." I dare aay It does." . , . "Well, goodbyl Don't forget to coma down." . , . "No, I won't - Don't you forget to come up. Goodbyr' And they aeparate. - 1 The Raw t Battle. The roar of the navy's four point even', tbelr crash, their rush a they passed, the thrill whine of the shrap nel, tbe barking of the howitzers and tbe meebanlcoi, regular rattle of the quick firing Maxima, which sounded Ilk the clicking .of many mowing ma chine on a' hot summer's day,-tore the air with aucb hideous noise that one's skull ached from the eoncoaelon, and ooe could only be heard by shouting. But more impressive by' far than ibla hot chorus of mighty thunder aad pet ty hammering -waa the roar of the wind which was driven down Into the valley beneath 1 audi which swept up again In enormous wares of sound. It roared like a great hurricane at sea. Tbe Illusion waa so complete that you expected, by looking down, to See the Tagela Leablng at her banks, tossing the spray bundreda of feet In air and battling with her aides of rock. It waa like the roar of Niagara in a gale, and yet when you did look below not a leaf waa (tlrrlng, and the Tugela waa dip ping forward, flat and sluggish and In peace. From "With Buller Column," by Richard Harding Davla, In Bcrlb at,,;.V :..? '.''.:.; ...-.f ' -.t Ak4 Frayera. '-' - . A bishop traveling In the depth of winter cam to a bouse of a presid ing elder to spend the night The weather was bitterly cold, and the bed room Into which the bishop was shown had a thick coating on tbe win dow. The elder waited to e the blabop safely between tbe feather beds. But when the bishop, half frosen, jumped Into bed without (topping to aay hi prayer the older remonstrated with him. .,; "You hare-forgotten M say your prayers," he said. ' . "No," answered the bishop. . "t al ways keep "prayed up In preparation for night that are a cold as this." Matmml as Llf. . Twa ladle who bad not seen each other for yeara recently met In the trtet They recognlKed each other after a time, and their recognition was cordial " "So delighted to aee you again. Why, you are acarcely altered." "So glad, and bow little changed you are! Why, how long la It since we met?" "About ten yeara" "And why have you never been to see me?" "My dear, Just look at the weather ve have had." CJrew Cold, Mrs. BrMi y (.' Ling) 1 don't rare What you say, l.urry doesn't love me s much as be C' . Ilr Mother liuw rid! uIoiihI Wby, only this mornli 1 I Mm t. 11 you you were Vn ti I i i 'i. !rs. Hi! ' v- ' ..'s j t Ii. ): ii ' to cull u ". i t , I t: t i-r llvt'd."-! ! ' v I . ' . " .. i is t' a ii:. ..Ax to a:i. v .1 di'ra.'j tiie ordcij t iviuLu a iiuut j.nss in liecoin- Ii ' motiier. 'me pain mid Butiunng winuli i in store lor her is a source of constant animty. fear and dread, to say nothing of the dnnger which the coming incident entuils. Tbe joyous anticipations with which she looks for ward to baby's coming irives wsy to an indescribsble-dread of the ordeal when she fully realizes the critical and trying event which will soon approach and have to be endured. Women should hall with del.'ght a remedy which insures to them im munity from the pain, suffering and danger Incidental to child-bearing. Such a remedy I now offered, and women need not fear longer the hour of childbirth. "Mother Friend' I a scientific liniment end If used before confinement, gently and surely prepare the body for the great requirement and changes it is undergoing, insure safety to both mother and child, and takes her through the event with com parative ease and comfort. This won derful remedy is praised by every woman who has used It. . ; What woman- is not Interested In "Mother' Friend?" Thi wonderful remedy ha been tested and it price less value proven by the experience of thousands , of happy mother who have used it during the , most critical period of woman's life the approach and culmination of motherhood. - - ' . It has won their everlasting praise, for It gave them help and hope In their most trying hour., and when most needed . Every woman may some day need "Mother's friend." The little book, "Before Baby Is Born." telling all about it, and when it should be used, will prove of great Interest and benefit fi all expectant mother, and will be sent free to any address upon application to the Bradneld. Regulator Company, Atlanta. Ua. ' A Hustling f owe.' :"Tell,: me confidentially, a aa old friend," aaU the visitor, "do you think your town will ever amount to any thing?" J . "Yon bet she will!" s'nswered tb reel dent "She'll either amount In some thing or break every creditor we've got.' . At this Season of the year there are al ways many death, particularly among children, from summer complaint, diar rhoea, dyaenlery, cholera morbus.cramps, ate , and every one ought to know that a ore sod speedy core can easily be ob tained by taking PkbbvJavib' Paih Killkr In sweetened water every half hour. It never fails. Avoid substitutes, there Is bnt on Pln-Klllerv Perry Davis'. Price 25c and 60o. ' " ' SbUllac the Malady. I yonY-cousin; sensitive about her deafness? t . . Ob, no; sh ssys she Isn't deaf, but that people nowadays mumble awfully when they talk. - - -How's Takf , We offer On Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall' Catarrh Lui ' . , F. J. Chknev & Co., Props , ' ' v Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known' F J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be Hev blm perfectly honorable In all bus luess transaction aad financially able to carry ont any obligation made by their firm. ' ' - WistA Tatrax,' Wholesale DrngglsU, Toledo, O. ' . ' Waldino, EiNNAit A Mabvim, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, Or- ' - Hall's CaUrrh Cure Is taken Internal ly, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous surface of tbe. system. Price 73c per bottle.- Sold by all druggist. Testimonials faee. " v; 1 . ' ;,:; . HaU' Family PIMs are the best' . ,'l . The voting precinct known as James City precinct aad Rlverdal precinct, composing No 7 township are hereby discontinued aad Thnrman precinct Is hereby made, which comprises the whole of No 7 townf hip, voting place belug Thnrman School bouse, Reglataar John Hardlson. J.J. Woutsmdeh, . .'; 8. (I. Lars, :-.;:" ,V . ' S. J. Lane, . . ' , ' i . - V Board of Election. New Bern, N C, June 26th 1800. . V - Notice. To the voter of Tlsdale Precinct: W. H. Bray Is hereby appointed Reg istrar In place of N. TUdale, resigned. To the voters of Plessant Hill Preclucl: Albert Kllpalrlck is hereby aDDoluled Registrar in place of J. B. French re signed. J. J,xWoLVENlKN. Cbm'o. Bd. Election. Notice of Copartnership. The uuderslKued bare Ibla dav formed s copartnership under tbe name and style of M. II Kim A Son for the Durnote of carrying on tbe bunlueas of sale snd sichange of horses, mulos, buggies, car rln;'S, wagons sud otl,r vehicles, slto of harnem, whips, rolx-s, etc , and livery bimlueiis at the old stand of M. Ilahn & Co., on Middle strat. New Ern, N. C. Mavkb Hahh, Fkiid fif. II A II N. This 2,'lrd. day of June, 1 Ii ..(. XUILDING Tir A MAN. THE ARTIFICIAL THINGS THA.T COULD BE USED ON HIM. To Male a Human Bring That WohI B aa Kearly ArtlSolal aa It CauU Be aad Live Waal Coat Aaaat ' S.l,O0O.. "What Is the cost of an artlficlol maa that is, a man who is ss nearly arti ficial aa he can be and live?" "Well," answered the maker of arti ficial limbs, "that would depend upon how much he could pay for reconstruc tion. Assuming that yott were the man and that yon bad com to me from, the hands of the surgeon all ready to be trimmed ip, I would begin by putting you on your feet or, rather, putting your feet on you. it you were satisfied, to go atumplng about tbe world on pin legs, r could fit yoo a pair for any price from . $15 to aUv.r-v.;;:v,riT.,: . "But if you wanted a really artistic pair of leavwith knee joint, ankle joint, rubber buffers and a springy and elastic foot, they would cost you from $150 to $300. But yon could stand and walk with these so as to deceive drillmaster, and yon could wear - the two easily. Dancing and riding would not be too dif ficult for yon. after a little practice. If you had lost only a foot, I could replace It for from $25 to $50, made to measure. - "Then yon would want a pair of useful arms, with hands and various necessary implements. . 1 am supposing that you had lost your arms above the elbow and wanted them replaced with '.working member. Both of them would cost you from $125 to $225. Xhey would hsv flex ible hand end. wrist and elbow joints. With these hands you could hold a pen or pick up small objects snd shake hands with a person without his knowing what he was grasping. t "But you could not do any hard work with. them. You would therefore need several Instruments which yon could screw into tbe arm after having removed the hand. Ther would be a fork, which would cost $3; akulfe at the same price) a spoon, same price; a hook at $2.00 and a vise at $2.60. If you wanted to play ckrds you could hare a card holder at $2, or a cue holder for billiard playing for $1.50, and a rein .holder for driving at $1.50. "I could furnish yon with a hammer, saw,: clothes brush and' many other use ful things-real) it $50 for the lot. This would make a good sized total for th arms complete, but when you consider that a single finger of the first grids would cost yoo $15 tbe whole parapher nalia for from $150 to $250 Is not so dear. , - "Ot course your head would need lot of repairing. Your hair would be torn off, and 1 would hare to fit you with a wig- Thia 1 could do well for about $30, but if yon wanted a really first class arti cle that would not be detached as a wig I would be obliged to. charge you from $100 to $150 for it. ' . ' ' "Then there are your teeth. Yon would not hare one left, according to the speci fications, ; and , your palate .would be mashed. I could replace the palate for from $5 to $15, The teeth 1 could do for $10, but yotf would take ne comfort with them. They would never be really easy In your mouth and yon weuld lose flesh worrying about breaking .them. Better give me. $40 for them, -and then you wonld have no fear of their falling out or breaking. ''-'.-;. . ;-s-: "Then there' your nose. Of course that is shaved off. Tha nose, a I need not remlndyou, u an important feature and requires great care to be made to -fit the rest of the face. 5 It Is possible for me to make a nose for yon tor $10, but It would Pay yon better to give me $100 and have a nasal organ that wosld do you proud and last aa long aa yoa lived, a really artistic production. . "Both eye have been gouged out - I hav ready made eye for almost any figure you might wish to name. But If, you , hare the money to apare and want a. particular shad or color I would be obliged to charge yoo from $20 ta $25 for the pair. They would be the best th market affords, however, and aa exact reproduction of the eye you lost and msde of the best material. .-' i, ; "Then you would want a pair of can. I wonld build these up of aluminium aad wax, paint them Ilk flesh and fsstea them with mastic for a fee of from $40 to $100, according to your order. "Your esr drums' having beea destroy ed, I would bsve to replace them. ; This wonld cost yon from $5 to $15. They r perishable and would have (b be renewed frequently. - . ... . "That is about all I could do for yoa unless you wanted a (liver tub put in your windpipe. This' would cost yoa $1.50 If you could not sfford mor and from that up to $25. "Make list of the part, and yoa ss they will foot up something liks tbisr Two kss sad iHt....... .a........... tWO Twa km and Undt. fa st at lartniawats., ,. a wit US Tlilrtr-twe tvttk at NUtt ..,... It Nai ... , tot Pair at v , ss Pair of atts., ,..', Is E" drums ............. It Tube lor wlnjplp.. ...... ........ ..,...,., tS Total rvoovattoa Sl,04l "Then you would b a work ot art." New York Tress. "-. Hat BlaodheaaSa, a "We hsve for mony years pstt," ssys th New Orleans Bmtes, "been protesting axalnst the practjee nut only of th north ern, but even of' the southern, press, wtaoKe editors should know better, of IK'iiUrnu of the dogs oned in puraulng eiiuiinnl or runaway slaves before lb war as 'blooilbounila.' It is eitremcly doubtful If any of these wiseacres ever saw a 'bloodhound,' but the term Is so blood curdling, you know. Tbe dogs used for this pilriHise sre the coiumon tax or oWr bouud. proliably the most timid of II do!s, mid are nniaiknble for Ihi-lr kcfiincMH of scent. Their owner or trsln r simply follows tln'ir cry and thus conn's up wllh the fucllive. The latlor wht-u orcrtnUeu bns no iliihmlty In kwp Imk off llio ihiyn, whii li buy srouud him, hilt kei'U lit n kii re iliHliinre frmil th ' or sli'k until the hnnii-r nuiii' up." Th. froiilifts. T. ' !- :---, ,NV.I, v l.i .)., j.Mi iH t' t I., I ,. ,.i-r y..'ir it- H f.n ? .- ".I I ill. !- Uh ,i iliv ti.r 1. f. I. n. c. ' i ' - V - : . . i! i il n;. :. ; I ! ' -t i i I' 1 ? . I I ,,l, : ,, ; .., ,. .. ( J r ', I ..I 1 i.! i, I i t V. i. 1 ' ... -. JoLn3to:i95 araparilla QUART BOTTLH. (2 T:.2 CZHiT? CIATKa . A Waala raaalbr Oara. . Mr. C. B. Kingsbury, who keep a mlUinery and fancy (roods store at 81 Louis, Gratiot Co. Mich., and who i well knovrn, throughout the country, aays: . , ' u I waabadly troabbad wita rhauma tlam, catarrh and neuralgia. I had Uver complaint and waa very billoua. I waa in a bad condition; every day I be gan to fear that I ahould never be a well woman; that I should have to settle down into a chronic invalid, ami lire in the shadow of death. I had JOHNSTON'S BABSAPARILCA rec ommended to me. I TOOK FOUR BOTTLES AND IT CUBED MB, aad eared my family both.. l am very glad that I heard of it. I would cheerfully recommend it to every one. I hare taken many other kind of medicine. I prefer JOHNSTON'S to all of Umb. aaaCHWtAM aVatVtl Bataatt, SUaa. : GLENN WILL SPEAK.; At New Hera July 91b. Other Appoint , ments-aiid Bates. - . Chairman Btmmena bat made the fol lowing tnnouncement of campaign meet' lag. " ' ' . - , , . Hon. B. B. Glenn will apesk at th fol lowing time and placet: ' At Bayboro, Pamlico cponly, Saturday Jul 7th, At Vanceboro, Cravan county, lion day July Otb. , :New Bern, Craven county, July 9lb (night ' . i Beaufort, Carteret county, Tnetday, July 10th. AtMorebead City, CarUret county, July 10th (night). . Pollockivllle, Jone county, Wedue day, July 11th. Tnckaboe, Jone county, Tbursdsy, July Uth. RlchUndt, Onslow county, Friday, Julyl8tb. -i. LaNOHgaSMBUlCUiB They retulate -the Liver, Stomach, Bowel. Kidney and Blood a pcepared by Or. H. Alozley, In hia Lemon Elixir, a pieaaaat lemon anna, it curavbllllotu- nee, constipstlon, indigestion,- head aebe, appradicltl. malaria, kidney dis eases, ftrers. chills, heart failure, ner vous prostration, and all other . diseases oaused by a torpid or diseased liver and kldaeys It Is an establlshsd fact that lemona, when combined properly wlib omer nvat lontca, produce th moat Ue strabl result upon the stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys and blood. Sold by aruggisu. . ooe ana ft oottle. '.,-;."';' Bav. Jake F. Saaaars Wtitea, ' Dr. H. Motley, Atlanta, Ga.: I have beea relieved of a troubla which areailv endangered my life, by using Mozlej's Lemon Ellilr, My doctor declared my only relief to be tha knife, my trouble nemp appendicitis, ' i aave neaa parma nently cu-ed and anr-oow a well maa. I am a preacher of th M. R. Church South located in th town of Verbena, Ala. My brother. Rev. K K. Owen, aecomuwnuaa to tAeaoa Kllsir lo m. Ship mthalf doMn larg bottle O. O. D. Slav's! Cored ma of a long standing ease of cuius ana lever ny using two Doiue. ,-, : , . J, o. Stahlbt, I Engineer B, T. Ta, dtO. ft. K. .'Ci.Sv.;v ataalay's Iaao stitaUr. Cured ma of a case of heart dlasas and tndlgestloa of four years' steading. I tried dozen different medicine. Non but Lemon Klislc ttowe es sv good. -! j.O-. v:V TtTLa Dikbl, ' Cor. Babsraham aad St, Thoata 8u- ' ; Bavaanab, Qa. ' ?'.. - ' 1.'- r. r ', Malta T'a Basaea ' I folly endorse It for nsrvoos prostra tion, headach Indigestion aad conttlpa- uon, naviog asaa h wua most saiutso lory remit, after all other remedies had failed ' -, . J. W. Koixo. West Bad, Atlanta, Oa. . "But, psps," said th maldaa, "b bid fair lo bacom a wrlur of aote.,' .Yea," answered th old man, "and th other fallow , I lidy a writer of checks." '--- .-'-:.'.,:, ,"' ; A to lb oa ablUaaUly cho, th gentle reader caa eatlly decide on way or the ot her. It all depend on th ag of th geutle reader, -, . -jUESTIOH AHSWEaEft. , ' Yea, August Flower (till ha th laig est sal of ny medicine In tbe civilized world. Your mothers' aadgrandmotbsrs' never thought of using anything ls for lndlgestlo or Blliousaaaa. Doctors wi scare, nd tbey seldom beard of Appea dlcllls. Nervous Proalrallo or Heart failure, Vo. Tbey used August Flower to clean ont th system and atop feraienia llon of digested food, tegulat th sctlon of the liver, stimulate the nervous sod orgsnlq sctlon of th system, snd that Is all tbey look when feeling dull, and bad wllh headaches and other aches. You ouly need a few doses of Orreu'l August Flower, In liquid form, to make you latttflrd ther I nothing serious th mtiler wllh you. For sale lit F S Dully. A I. vxuv ;i A . 8 iV. C R. R. PASiENOER DEPARTAENTI - Kiw Brbk. N. C, May 81 1900. Hates ta Morehaad. . Th followiug special rates for season (11)00) from station gamed below, to Morebead City and return In affect Jane 7. I ' SEASOK SATUBDiT STATtOR. : - TICKBt ( BIOHT. Croldsboro.'.r; $4.00 . $1.60 Laarange...... ..,8.50 ' 1 10 Klnstou ,r8,00 ; . l l Dover ,. .......... 2 76 .W Cora Creek .... :.. f.7d ' -8.1 Mew Bern ..... i 00 .' .75 Riverdsle 1.75 ". .70 Newport .60 .85 ' ' - German and Sunday Stations, . ' Ball Ticket. Kxcuralou. Goldsboro ... ... .$1 25 f 1 29 LaGrang .... .... 100. . 100 Klnaton .60 ?0 Dovr ............ .75 , .75 Core Creek ....... .70 ' ,7H Hew Berd.. ,0 .60 Newport 85 .85 Germ and Ball Ticket sold only to tan or more on on ticket good to return next morning. a Sunday Excursion Tickets sold on Sunday, good only on Nos. 7 and 8 train. i ISTTicket Limit Csnnot Be Eitended. These rates supersedes all previous rales iu conflict. Rates to gavea gprtng-s. Summer - excursion ticket (season 1000) from A N. O. station Round Trip for Beven Pptlngs, N. V. Roucd trip ticket will be sold to LaQ range to parties visiting th above Springs at tbe following, , rates of fare for the round trip: c ' Goldsboro .. Klnston .... Dover .... . Core Creek. . $ .7l .00 . 105 150 New Bern ...$2 25 Biverdale .... 2 75 Newpoit . ..8 45 Morebead City 8 90 Ticket ou sale June 1st. Tickets good to return to October 81, 1900 . , (i Bates tT Mountain Resorts. Through rate of fare Round Trip tickets from Coupon Stations below to points named on the W. N, C. Railroad (season UKX))ATlckels on tale June 1st, 1900, to September 80tb, 1900 Inclusive. Good for return passage on or before Oct. 81, 1900. To- 85 B k 8S c a e el So a a Hickory ... .$18 50 $12 50 $11 10 $10 50 Morganton . . 14 85 13 85 11 95 11 86 Old Fort 15 65 -14 05 13 25 12 65 Black Mt. ... 10 20 15 80 18 80 18 20 Asbevllle . . 16 85 15 85 14 45 13 8 HotSprlngs.-i 18 85 17 85 15 95 15 36 Rate to all other Resorts lo Western North Carolina or Virginia may be furn Ished upon application. Children under five (5) years of g are free. Children under twelve (12) years of age half the above rate. 8. L. DILL, G. P. A. Trustee's Sale. Pursusot to th power of sale conferred upon ate tbe ondersigntd as Trualee la a certain deea in trust executed by Jesse Brook dated th 20th dav of jaauirv 1 900 aad recorded In- tha office of tbe Register of Deeds of Cravea county iu book 182. page 848 etc. And upon re tiuest ol bolder of the bond secured by said deed In trust. I will on Monday th atb day of August 1900 at tbe hour of li o'clock M. st the Coon lions door ol Craven county, offer for sale and sell to th highest bidder for cash, the follow .log described real etlate, vlr. . All that ttact or parcel of land being ana lying in sam uouaty ana male, 00 the Booth aide of Neuse River, and known a and called th Flokln land. beginning $4 44 of a pofw above the mld- ai none, rnanmg taeac north 44. de gree 83 at 174 40 pole to a Dolnt tn the river midway between tb uppsr aad lower llaaa thenc down and wlia Neue Klver to a Cypres stamp at tb mouth of a small branch la GasklU's aad Pip kin's aiviasea una, taeac soaia oi de greet waat 894 pule to Maaly'a llae at a polat 85 potaa above the lower atone la said line aad laaac wllh Maalv'a Dae to th beglanlag, eoalalalog 140 acre atora or leas, being tb said Jea Brook moiety tn the dlvlaloa of a tract of laid described In dead dalaii alarab th, 1878 aad Mcorded In the Reghuei ottlc Cravenonualy, nook 78, folio 149, ISO Ac; to which rtfevanc I mad lot a mor perfect description, excepting 6 acre oi ssia isna sou u r, siartm oa th North sid of the A, 4 N. C. R R railroad aad 11 acre oW Elizabeth H ar te U oa tbe south tide of aald A A N 0 H R. .Alto on other trtct of Isnd la ssld Count v sad Blat, wbloh ti ooavayed 10 ssld Jesse Brook by Jme M Brla son, Oommltaloner to which deed refer ence Is msde for mor perfect descrip tion; tb laid tract of land I know a as tbeJobn Owen land and allotted on the south side of Nsute Klver, adjoining th Isnds of H R Brysn, Dsvld Speight, Ralph Gray and tbe said Jess Brooks, Also one other trsct of lead I said county and Stat lylug oa the sooth slds nf Neuse river and kaowa a lb Garret Hoys land, tilolnlnir th Isnds of 'ssld Jest Brook and II. R Bryan, begin ning at atone In Brlcea patent Hoe tt tbe corner of Hpeterut's ditch, thenc to th mala road to besufort running along said road southwardly tn tb dirlslo line between Moy snd Brooks, thenc along said line to Hpel(bts dlkib snd along sslii ditch lo th beginning, con taining li") seres more or leas, being tb ssme lurid ronvejed lo asld Jess brooks 1yJ K O liars dated April 6, IHUI, to w blrh dreil referenre In luad for pur pn,ns thereof Alan two promitsorv N oIps eieoMlnd lo aslil Jest, tironkt hf havld Hp. llit, ilitinl Drremlmr II, IH74. I paviuls rnap'iivalr on iha 2 ith day of l-r.iul,r, IHi7 and 1M,'.1, autiject tQ the cniitt tticreon rmlorafil. K II Mkhiioks. Truste. Tb!s tbe !)rd il.iy of July, 1MIH). i . . ..,,! I, I i in . -y In Lodge Directory. NEW BERN CONCLAYE460, Improved Order Heptasophs, merta 2nd and 4th Thursday nights, at 8 o'clock at tioun tree Hall. P A, Willis, Arvhi.n; Greene ' Bryan, Flnaucier; A T. titranshury, Sec- " retary. - . . - 1 ,5 EURKKA LODGE NO. 7, I. O. O. Offlceis: W. T. lliil, N. G ( .1 R. Parker. V. G ; Ueo. Qreeu, lteo'd'g Sect); Jan.ej B. Hill, Financial Secretary; A. E. 1'itl man, Treaa. - Regular meetings every . Monday night at ?;30 o'clock.. OAI.UMKT ENCAMPMENT, NO. 4, I. a O. F."ftlfera-L L MoorTy, C.Pf ' J I) Delamar, II P; J J Baxter. S W; C U Hall, J Wi Geo, Green, Scribe; B 4 Gerock, Treaurer.. Regular ' Encamp ment, 1st, 8rd, and Bth (if any) Thursday " Bights la each, mouth at 7:80 o'clock. 1 NEW BERN LODGE nXI,!1 KfTftlC J C Scales, Prest; J 11 Smith, Recording Sec'y; E E Qttldley. Financial Sec'y. i Meets in the Knights of llannony Hall every 1st and 8rd Monday nights In each month. , - . i ; CRAVEN LODGE No.'t KNIGHTS -OF. HARMONY: Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights in each, month in Rountree's HallT Pollock atreet, at -7:30 o'clock. S. R. Ball, President, R, J. Dis oaway,Sec'7,R.R. Hlll.F.Boc'y. , - KN1CBTS OF HONOR-Offlcors! KR Jones, Dictator; G L Vinson, Reporter; W F ltountree, Financial Reporlor New Berne Lodge No. 443 meets the3nd snd 4th Friday nights at 7:80 o'clock- In Rountree's Hall, Pollock street. ; J ANTON OLBbstOMT NO. , P. at.. I. O. U.t outcern. Quo. mover, Captain; T. J.' Hy man, Llent.; P. U. Pelletler, KnsUxn; Wm. J Puts, Clerk ;Bd. tierock, Accountunt. Bog alar Cantonmenu, id and 4th Thursday Ights in each mouth atS .uo o'clock- . BLOOD HUMORS . - ' v'. ( Ulcers, Old Sores, Cancers, Ealing iSoieg, Kczenia, Elc. i ured by b. II. H. -Trial bot tle Free. Fiom impure blood comes nil sorts of fiaiu's, aches and sores, ending frequently n deadly cancer or some chronic sore. If you can answer "yes" to any of tbe folio log questions your blood is diseas ed and impure. Do cuts or scratches hen) tlowly f Does your skin Itch or burn 1 Have you pirn plea f Eruptions so you feel ashumed to be seen In company f Aching bones or Back? Eczema r Old Sores? Boils r Scrofula? Kbeumaiisni? Kou I Breath? Catarrh? Are you Pule? Do Heats or Scales form on the Skin, Hair or Mcalu 1 Prickling Pains In the Hair? AI) Run Down, get easily tired, and as tired in the morning as when yon weut lo bed ? Fluttering Heart? Have you Ulcers? Eatiog Sores ? CaucCr ? TO CURE, Any JoiiBNAi, reader who suffers is ad vised to take a few large hollies of 1). li. B. (Botanic Ill-mil Halm). This remedy it undoubtedly tbe best and ouly pur Not Blood Purlder made, li B I! (Botanic Blood Balm) has a record of 30 years nf cures, hence la thoroughly tested. By taking a few laige hollies of II. B. 11. tbe blood la made pure and rich, all tbe aorea are healed, and aches aud pains vanish ss the mist More the siiii. B. It. B. has cured over 400 cases nf cancer, many of them pronnnuced Incurable by doctors and specialists. Eating sores, ulcers and scrofula are healed so that tbey never bother the patient ayaln. Eczema In its worst form Is cured by from 8 to 8 large bottles. B. II. li. cures by draining the poisons snd humors out of tha blood, st tbe same time It builds up th broken down constitution."1 tot sale by druggists, (1 per large bo -tie, or 6 large bottles (full trestment) (5. Complete directions wllh csch bottle. Be sure tbe bottle reads Holanlo Blood Balm. So sufferers msy test it a trial bottle given away, Address Blood Balm Co,, Atlanta, Ga. Describe aymtomt and free medical advic given. Trustee's Sale, Pursuant to that certain Deed nf Trust ' executed by Mnslspber P Uolley and' Harriett Holley, his wife to the under signed as trustee on the SOlh day nf June 188, which aald deed of trust is duly re corded In tbe office of tbe Register of Deeds of Cravea Co. In l ook 187,psge 151. Aad upon the request of the. holoer of th bond secured by said deed of trust, I will o Saturday the 81st day of July 1000 st tbe boor or 12 o'clock m t at Iha, Court Bout door of Craven county, offer for al ami soil to the highest bid der for cash ll and singular the real estl,descrlbed In said deed of trust, designated follow! to wit: All that certain lot of laud lying oa the east aid of George It reel In the city of New Bern, North Carolina ud known la lb plaa nf lb city hy the number 881, and described s follows: - v - " ,v On Georre street measuring on front . 374 feet, tbeace running eaat 103 feet, thenc tooth 441 feet, nd thence oa the "Folshlr Line," 120 feel: being tbe same conveyed to Mustapber P. Holly by siscv u. wooaroD, sua others, by deed bearing data the 4th, day of October' loDl, and recorded in Iheolflce of tha Register of Deeds of Cravea count v. In- book 4. page 60, 61 tnd 53 lo which reference Is msde, ., , . .. :,'. Tbl Jaws) 101b. 1000. ' . O. R.GUION, Trustee. Administrator's Sale of Land.' , STATg or Nobth CaBOM, I Superior .Craven uounty. ) - Court Tbo F McCarthy, admr of Julia A Ed wards, deed, against Cbsrlly Harris, Sbl Edwardt, talsk By vlrli' of an order of tbe Superior Court of Craven county, N (., In Hie eboya entitled actios, in which I vm di racted to tell the hereinafu-r ilcicrilieil lot of land to mnka as-ls to ny tha debts of my intrslate, I will on inlnv, July if'tb, ltfH) 4 IJo'ilork in, i.l I tin Court llonsa door iu New Bern, i i!. r fur sale and a II for cash to ti e In: In- i hi. I. der, a oerialn tract or parcel ot I I mt. usla on the corner cf I i h it. 1 Ash str Is In Hie liy of Now I u n known and dittiiniHilnhcil In tho i ' n ot th real emie of Joshua Hcnti, .1 . , at No. 1 -(, as drawn by Henry A i miwu surveyor, being tho lot ron t l,y Herllis I, and tliliinilo I" . i i A K'laanls. reconleil In hook V . I . At, (li I iJ If. rrf.irilM, ( tfivi n i o III' ' . I . Mi-' A Ii 1 m , i Tliis'J' ih ilf.y of June 1 '