i' .'Li'.lePfepatattonforAs s. .a:.' tUrtoodandUcgula i, 4 e t ids andl3ovrvls of Promotes Digcslion.Cheerfuh ness and Hest.Contains neither Opuim.Morpluite nor Mineral. NOTXAHCOTig, jtfoujtsiMvamami ftmmtmSemf- - Xbr.lavM f - - -ty A perfect Remedy forCortstlpa non.SourStonwch.Diarrhoea VVorms.lonvulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF Sleep. Facsimile Signature of ; . NEW YORK. EXACT COP OF WRAPPER. OP NORTH CAROLINA. The Head or the Slate's Educa tional System. - ' Three academic course lending to de grees.' Professional courses .in,- Law, Medicine aud Pharmacy. Surnmsr School for Teachers. ;;; .,- " Scholarships and Loans to Need rree tuhiou o ua - ... . . ' t Tuition- $1)0; uiuaina lut uiubuj, jij.... ui.!., J i Minister's Bona and Teachers. , 513 students beside 101 . In Bummer School, . 88 leacbeis in the faculty. ... For catalogues and Information address F. P. VEN ABLE., President. '4-. - . -A Obapel Hill, N C.l . A safe College-prepiralory and Bus iness School for jroung men and boy, lias prepared thousands for college, for business, and for life. Fill term open A jgnst 22nd. . Terms reasonable. v Address . J. A. A II. H. Hof, , . 1 . Oak Ridge, N.U i rimty - 0T ,- undergraduate and- graduate course.' Laro number .Of elective. ICiKlit s:leu1illo laboratoiles, equipped wkh modern and advanced apparatus. Larte additions to library. . Complete eymnMlum. EipeosM -1 low. i' Fifty tcliolarshlpe to be awarded. , 150,000 epenl la k.iprovemenl the past year, bead for catalogue. . i. ; '-,v.' PRESIDENT KILQO,- .. ' ' . Durham, N.O. i rmity vat n Hfrfi School Picnarea thoroughly for Oolle:e." Of (. ru course In Latin, Greek, English, f ii hematic, Sciences, Hutory, French, i m tn, . Book-keeping, - Stenography, i . 1 TypywrMng. ' Eicellent library au"J i nuHium facilities. Faculty of teven ..i) gradua'eit. New' sol lvnt :.ut turoiahed with sll modern im . inents. . All of the (list graduatlug f sizleea entered college.. For IV ul catalogue, address, ( J. F BIVINH, Headmaaleri ' ' v , , Durham, N.O. J Worms Your Fbnts I T.ms. f ftU f.. . llii.y hid in'ivU tlm , 1. 11 1 no t Ik) f'Ti !c ni in tit i. I! .... I.. .tyiin.-.-n 1 prof t ai.it. t.i ill le. I. ui r. i. ! I -, I . ; li m r . In- . t H ' l V 1 mm Colleg - .;;'? y.vvv.':v'r:.c.-j TI.3 II: J Yea .:;: Bears the Signature W tim .. In Fori Over Thirty; Years R LJ l Lai YMCCffTAURCeWFlY. NEW TO UK CfTT T. A. Green, Free. K. H. Meadows, V. Pres. fy. iv... B. M. Orovea, Caj-hler " CMIZ ENltC RANK,' ' or warw bbbxt, nr. c ) a Doing General Banking Buslnest. Fet nary 18, 1000-; Buip'na and JCndivl i dtd Profits, Sl,13r. M. ,- . Prompt and earelul nt ention Riven to all busineat entruaied to ua. -Account received on favorable turn ' ' Boanl at Directors. ; Ferdinand Ulrwa B. U. Meadows, J. a. Meadows. ' ,.. CJhaii. Dmlv. Jr. - Haisuel W.Ipocs;,' v Jams IhutiaondJ irr - s - r' : (IK.. U Vnu slayer iiaun, i- Tbotnas a.brem, " ?s"r. - f ' K. w. -Ywallwuon, . uoo. J M.ives. " w. r. Crockett. v. Mark Diansvay. F. & M. BANK J f '' FEBRUARt UU 190O. , Capital StecV... I,:.- $75,000 Surplna, v. .,.,,.,.. , , 10,000 Undivided Pro II t,. 8,500 Deposit.. 162,000 '" .J 0FFI0ER3. ' , U H. Cctlie President. , ' W. 8. Cbadwiok, Vice Pre, ."-u ; T. W. I)wy, Caiihier. J. W. BiDDL. Teller. ' O; T. Cbadwiok. Collector, v DIKECTORS: " t" Wm. B. Blade, -.y, M. M. Marks, 5 O. D. Bradliara, ; : P. H. Pclletiir, L. 11. Untler, : ,-. Jno. Hutcr. i W. 8. Cbadwick, J. W. Stewart, . ) Wi wewey, j It collect for merchants, manufactur er and other Hanks promptly at special rauito cam, ana makes quicken re tnro possible. Br It liberatitv and en terpriaiUK btisioi-ea method, it m forging to the front of East Carolina' Banking Institution. . In iU own city. It Is the only one which iIiks not pay lalerest on Uer-ra rV. Simmons, ' ' A. I. Ward I. H. I'on, - . K. W. Poa. 5LVTONS, POU Jk VfAPD, ATT0RNEV!1 OI!NSl.t.(MlS at . LAW. . nn Hi;tsK, i. r. - OlAiu (W 3o. Front Struct, nearly oppo. (Oflce also at XinMnU and BmiUiOeld.) I'racttre to lite eimcrics of (lrflven. Duplin. Jonert, OiikIuw. crurot fainilio. wake, jounHton, narnou. alio wiuwmi in uto nu prfMiio autl Koilural (!4iiirt, and wtMrevt.1 -mmth'wb arw uvBin1.. . . ;( , IMI. Pcllctlcr, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, . 1 le Street, Lawyer Brick Building. Will prarttc In the Countm ol Craven Oartftret, Joni, Onslow ami 1'nmUao. U. H Uyurt "t aw uwrao and buprnme Court o A Good Telephone ? , BEUVICK IB A BUSINESS NECKKHITY, A . DOMK '- CONVENIENCE. A COM-; BlNiii) . ... .. . . : 'i ' v We'?.ssilj',' -; fvonvcisif ise, Order Your Phone at Oiice I P. Vf Rnllr i!;a i.r ii i a A ih! Bil li hi'Ih of i: T r T ' T T, Wire Viiid.iw V i, e p. D-n) F:i!i8n N : .nan the J-M, feint infe t-ij-d in an ..-5.-11 ft M to ti-.s 8 hnn.1. lie wanted smi, and tu a K-rvitt MiJ, 'jo, Kt some at lite mutest bouse, but p7 Tii price the peasant "Oreut Itii'f," tex - claimed " ' The servant, "thou art lord o'er alt this realm; Ythy Uke the pains to buy a little laltf" "It is a little thins;," flaid Nusturvan. "And 10 Jit first was all the evil wiiotw Host monstrous load now presses to the world. Were there no little wrongs, DO great could be. If I from off a poor man's tree should pluck A tingle apple, straight my slave would rob The whole tree to its roots. II I should Mitt Five eKK my ministers at juace would matdi -A hundred hens, therefore, strict justice must I, even In unimportant acts, observe. , "? Bring; alt, but paj tL peasant what b aaka.' "-: 8HE GOT THE MONEY. A Shrerr WM batwttte a Meat Pe- ' irlou Baikaal, "I know a woman," said a man of large acquaintance, "who had a husband of a kind which I honestly believe is in tne very largest minority among husbands, and I am glad to say that he la, or was, because he is now dead. She was good looking, young, and loved all the better thing of life, and he was neither young nor good Jookiug, but he had a bushel of money. I am sorry to, say, too, that if he bad not been rich tbe woman would not have, married him. :? But 'that is neither here nor there, and we can't always blame women who marry men for their money.. Notwithstanding tbia chap had plenty of money he was mean with his wife and gave, her. Just a little as be could possibly let go of. They had a good social position, and he was compelled to spend something extra on her, but be did it grudgingly, though be had a nne ward , robe and expensive jewelry himself. " It wasn't so much that he was stingy as that he just wanted to be ugly with his iwife. f .. ;s.s;''";t:W;"P'.i;'-".:T "Well, one day she. evened up with him in fine style. She had been Invited to a house party, and it was necessary for her to have some new dresses, and ,she figured ton f 1,000 worth a about right and told him of it. He refused flatly to permit any such expenditure. She simply told him he would have to do It, and she went , off and ordered what she wanted. ' They were to be done on the Thursday ot her departure, and eke so notihed her husband on the evening of the day she gave the order. Each morn ing thereafter she sent for him to come to her room before be went down town to business and told him she expected check for 11,000 on Thursday morning. and each tlroa he told her to go to the hot place or words to that effect. ' He did the name on the morning the goods were to be delivered and paid for, and as soon 4ia be had left tbe bouse she sent out tor a furniture van, and Into that she had the servants put all her husband's clothes and other effects and sent the load to a pawnshop tot high respectability. . She. followed it there with his jewelry in a hand bag and had the Whole lot piled up on the floor of the shop, u ' . .' .."" ' u'l wont $1,000 4n that, she said briefly to the sstonished pawnbroker, and he demurred because, as he assured her. he never loaned .money on. clothes, Bbe told him he might think differently when he bad looked the lot over, and when sb told him who she was be concluded to joot th lot ever. 'The result of tba ne goiiatio was ti.ow tn money ana a pawn ticket, and jibe was ready to psy the bills .When the dresses-camevt. That afternoon she went away' merrily to tbe bouse party, but before she left, she wrote a pretty little note to her, husband mciosing me UL'seu' jaoe .came name after a pleasant week In the country, and her husband never said a word to her about the ticket never a word, but she noticed, that during her absence he bad had burglar proof locks put en all his closets. ' Now, that waa the kind of a woman that kind of man should bsv bad tor a wife, wasn't IffDetroit Free Press. ' -;v-..("-:t.-..'i.'.'.t;-.-i earekltarhts at rires., By means of electric lights tbe Interior of a burning, building Is made as plain as daylightfand firemen can tell at a glance from th ; window ledge, whether their presence is needed inside. r The lights are made detachable, so they can be taken from the engine and set up on standards. They are alro provided with 200 feet of flexible conducting cable, which enables the firemen to run the searchlights out on a pier, or even into a building. One of tbe .great fields for usefulness of this apparatus Is In lighting np th in terior of boats when on fire. When a ship at Hie pier gets on nre, tne darkness in the hold makes It difficult tor the firemen to control the flames. Dens volumes of smoke further obscure th point where the fire Is burning, and sometimes ship and cargo are lost limply because the firemen are unable to locate th exact place of tbe Ore. Harper's Weekly. " , Ke4 Cvm. '...i Booker T. Washington told th follow ing story of a member of the "po'o white trash who endeavored to cron a stream by means of a ferry owned by a black man: - . c "Uncle Mose," said tbe white man, " want to cross, but I hslu't got no money.' Uncle Mose scratched his bead. "Doae yon sot no money 't all?" he queried. " ' "No," said the wayfaring stranger, "I haven t a cent ' , "But It doue-cost yon but 8 cents," In slated Uncle Mose, "ter cross d ferry.T "I know," ssld tbe white man, "but I haveu't got-tbe 8 cents." . Uncle Mose was In a quandary. "Boss," he sold, "1 done tole you what. . 'Er msn what's got no 8 cents am Jes' es well off oh dis side er de river ss on de odder." Cleveland Leader. Baals. f Eastaa Itotea. ' It Is not every one who is aware that a Bnnk of England not is not of the same thickness all through. The paper Is thicker la th left hand corner, to enatile it to retain a keener tn.presHifm of the vignette there, tnl It la also contiik-rubly thicker In the dark ahruiotv of the renter letters and beneath the tigrnrca at the emla. Count erfcit untea are Inrarlfibly Of one thickness only throughout. London Telegraph. Answer. Villaire MiuNier (to crofter's wife) ell, lvirs'ty, how's your hiiKhand to day? Klrxtie He's Jil't like ycim-P. He has plenty (o d:ie, but he winna due lt.I.oo.. The plui s cm a l I Alnci ii ml Th I '- kn.iu n ns tl -. ii n J.ii.iiii 1,1 I-lmil, e A In -e pin :,.. ,.-. S il ami ti.a 1Z2 .:.:::;Lr.D a::." l l.,t. Ctanges KaJe In Hie Constitutional Amendment At Hie Recent Session of the Legislature. An Act Supplemental to an Act Entitled "An Act to Amend (be Constitution of North Carolina," rallOcffFebruary . 21st, 1899, the same being Chapter Two Hundred and Eighteen of the Public Laws of 1899. .... . Tbe General Assembly of North Caro- : Una do enact: . : : Section 1.. That chapter 218, puhllc lawa of 1899, entitled, "An Act to amend the Constitution of North Carolina," be mended soaa to make said act read as follows; ' j "That article 6 of the constitution of North Carolina be, and the same I here by abrogated, and in. lieu thereof shall be substituted the following article of said constitution a an entire and tndlvlsable plaai.f suffrage." ARTICLE VI. .,' ' t SuSTrage and Eligibility to Orfloa -. Section I. Every male person born In the United State, and every male person who baa been naturalized, twenty-one years of age, and possessing tbd quail 5 (atlona set out. in this article, shall be entitled to vote at any election by the people In the State, except aa herein otherwise provided.5' '. , , : Section 2. - He shall have resided In the 'State of North Carolina for two years, In the county six months, and In the precinct, ward or other election dis trict In which lie offers to vote fonr month next preceding tbe election: Pro ViQed, that removal from one precinct ward of other election district to anolh-. er In the same county, shall not operate to deprive any person of the right to Vote In the precinct, ward or other elec tion district i from ' which ; he tv. b( removed until fonr month after such removal. No person who has been con victed, or who ha confessed hi guilt In Open ' court," upon Indictment, of any crime, the punishment of which now Is, or may hereafter be. Imprisonment In the Stale's prison, shall be permitted to vote unless the said person ahall be first restored to citizenship In the manner prescribed by law. - - , Section 8. Every persou offering lo vote (ball be at the time a legally regis. tered voter a herein prescribed and In tbe manner hereafter provided by law, and 'the General Assembly of. North Carolina ahall enact.general registration law to carry luto effect tbe provialoot of this article, , " , - Section 4. Every person presenting himself for registration shall be able to read and. write any section of tbe const! tution In the English language: and, be fore ba shall be entitled to tote, he eball hve paid on or before the first day of May of tbe year In which he proposes to rote, hi poll tat for the prevlou year as prescribed by article 8, section 1, of the 'constitution. But no male person who was, on Jaauary 1st, 1867, or at any time prior thereto, en titled to vote under the . laws of any State In the United State Wherein he then resided, and no lineal descendant of any such person ball be denied tbe right to register end vote at any election In thl Slate by n son of hi failure, to possets the educa tional qualification. . herein . described: Provided, be shall have registered la so cordance with the terms of thl section prior to December 1,1908. -k v.; The General Assembly shall provide for the registration of all persons en lltled to vote without the educational qualifications herein prescribed, . and shall, on or before. November 1st, 1808, provide for (he making of a permanent record ot such registration, and all per son o registered, shall, forever, there after have tbe right to vote In all elec tion by the people In thl State, unlet disqualified under section 3 ot thl ar ticle: provided, uch person shell have bl poll tax as above required. Section 5. That this amendment to tbe 'constitution la presented and adopt. ed as on Indivisible plan for the reg ulitlon of th inffrage, with th intent and pu1 pose loco connect the different parts, and to mak them to dependent upon each other, that tb wbpl . ahall tend or fall together. , . v - Section I. All election by the people shall be by ballot, and all election by tbe General Assembly, ahall be viva voce.. -' . Section 7. Every voter In North Car olina, except sa In this article dlsouall tied, ahall be eligible to office, bat before entering upon tbe duties of the bfllce be shall take and tubscrlb the following oath: "I, , do solemnly awear (or affirm), Ibst I will support and main tain tbe constitution and law of the United State and th constitution of North Carolina, pot inconsistent there with, and that I will faithfully diet-barge the duties of my office as , so help me-God." Section 8. Tb following clasnr.a of persons shall be disqualified for olllce First, til persons who shall deny ll being of AluilKhty God. .Second, all persons who ahall have been Convicted or coiifcKHi-.l (heir guilt on Inilli tinon pending, sod whether sentenced or not. or under judgment u-en-li-d, of any tfcsHou or fcl jny, or any other crime f..r which the punishment may be tin l.rUonuieril In the peniteutiiry, aince hr riti.ttj ciii' iis of the i iiiitd hiuli , o i.f c.irni.Wnn or iiiM!.i;u lice in i.i! ll it ii --4 Hi' h pi'i wim hlinil lie reMnr..'! 10 f - r. ' i i f i iii i ir ! !i In a ii.'inii'-r . .il,.-! I.y In IT. .' li.-ll !t. '1 i.:t linn s.l.i-inln.' nt I i .i : '! i.; i. .ii n ' . v 1 1 r-i i ui - I i; .-hi I .! -,- i.f .Ii';', ! ;, If a i. ' : ' i . I In f i .,r i ! li.'. - Toasting. ' .r and broiling can be done perfectly on the oil jv. stove .mat mates no soot TrTT Tata. t4 Hi - :S 031 Stove; absolutely safe, and the coolest and most economical stove ' your dealer docs net have ' STANDARD ; , OIL ,,, COMPANY. or printed ballot with the word "For Suffrage Amendment" - thereon; and those with a contrary opinion shall cast wrilten -or- printed ballot with the words ''Against Suffrage Amendment'' thereon. . Section III. The rotes caat at ssld election ahall be counted, compared, re turned aud canvassed, and tbe result an nounced and declared- nnder ; the same rules and regulations and In tbe ssmt manner as tbe rote .for Governor, audit a majority of the votes cast are In favor of the laid amendment It shall be tbe duty pf tbe Governor of the State, upon being notified of the result of said elec tion, to certify said amendment, undei jbe seal of tbe stale, to tbe Secretary ol the Stale, who shall enroll' the saw amendment so certified among the per manent records of his office. - . ' Sectlou IV. This act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Cotton Seed & M Irish folate KatIv Rose. New Oueen. Pride of South. tied and White Blira both home and northern grown. . 1000 u bushels Early Kins- Cotton Beeu. loo nusneis oouuiein Hope Cotton Seed, Long Staple Cotton, Call or write tor circular. ' ; " J. E. LATHAM. Three Large Flats To be sold to the highest bidder. i Bow is this, the only dove wood man llioie be, will now out price down on all kind of Stove Wood, a it must be old right out and make room for other business. ; si'V;,'" -1 '-V Laths and Hand-made and Sawed Shingle," wholesale and retail. S Bugglef, 1 Koad Cart, II Dray, and 8 Dump.Carts., ' '. " V: ' 800 Cedar and Fat- Lightwood Poe t will w-K highest Bidder. ;. t . , . For further inforratlon,.ee i. i. '-.- f BIS Hltll Tlis Mail; ai aT ag"! V lat 'l-r ''."A-"-'. fUULllCl II ailway.. The 8tandMr Hallway' et tbe SCUTB Tb Dlrect'Lin to all Point, t ; : C'AMFOItNIA, ;:'FjoniiA;:,:tf :III.AAN1; V poisto itico.: Btriotly Ftret-Glas Equipment on ail Through or Local Trains; Pullman Pal ace Sleeping Oar on all Night Train; Fast aud Bare Schedules. i , , . Travel by tbe Southern and yon are as sured a Safe, Ooiufortable and Expedi Uous Journey, Apply to Ticket Agent fur Tim Ta hies, Kutca bnd Genoral Information, or ddreH F. R. DARBY,, It. L. VERNON, . c. -P. t.'si . T. P. ., Auhevllle, N. 0. Charlotte, N. C I' RlNgS.JaKNON, JM. CULP n.l VP A;l. u Mao. Tr Man W. A.Tt'HK, G P A. WASHINGTON. - - D. C- n at tuc cieaucst, siuvi: iu V gfz lllaoOc Coast Line fiailroai Co., ! . Condensed Scbednle. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. 1 II M no if rim a.,, . i ;-h i Hp ... DATED . go . .." ?t If :t :t z.5 && z 5 " aTm P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. tv. Weldon 11 60 8 68 ..... ir. R. Mt. . 1 00 9 68 Ov. Tarboro la 81 8 00 It. R. Mt. T05 9 62 8 87 6 16 18 8 jv. Wilson 1 68 10 8ft 7 10 6 67 8 40 ..v. Selroa.. 3 66 11 10 ijcv Fay'vllle 4 80 18 89 ..... Ir.Floreoce 7 86 8 24. .. ..... ..... V P. M. A.M. Ar, Golds 7 66 liV, Gold . . .... 6 46 8 80 Lv. MagUia ..... 7 61 4 85 ArWilm'ton 80 fi 00 P.M. A.M. P.M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. p . si k b il4,i il il il : . . A.M. P.M. Lv.Floronoe 8 50 7 8ft Lv.Fay'villeiaao,,. . 8 41 LV.Belma. . i 60 10 6ft Ar. Wilson. 8 85 ... . 11 88 !, - " AJsL P. M A.M. LvWilm'tou .. . 7 00 8 116 It. MagUia.-v. .. .... 8 8011 10 Lv. Gold 4 60..... 87 12 28 ' . - P.M. : A.M. P.M. P. M lit. Winon 8 86 83 11 88 10 46 1 18 Ar. a Mt- 8 80 S 10 18 07 11 &i I 58 Ar.Tarboro ..... 8 40 ..... Lv. Tarboro 18 81 . . i. Ly. R. Mt, . 8 SO 1 07 .'. . . ..... Ar. Weldon 4 88..... 1 00..- v , - P.M. A.M. ' T -T" ' ' - Tadkin Divlalon Main Lin .-Train leaves Wilmington 9 00 a m, ar rives Favetteville 18 06 D m, leave Far- etleville 18 86 p m. arrive San ford 1 48 p m. Keturning leave eaniora ov p m, arrive Favetteville 8 41 D m. leave Fav etteville 8 48 pm, arrive Wilmington 8 40 p m. ' ' " :'' : Benneltevllle Branoh Train - leave Bcnneltavilla 8 06 a as, Uaxtoa 9 10 a m. Red Spring 9 40 a m, Hope Mill 10 88 oa, arrive FayettevUI 10 65. Return ing leave FayettoviUe 4 40 pm, Mope Mill 4 65 pm. Red Springe 6 85 pm, Maxtoo 8 16 p m, arrive BeanrttavUle 715 pni.- - r. ' i uonoeellone at eyeeviii-wiin train No. .78, at Maxtoo with tb Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Spring with the Red Spring and Bow more railroad, atSanford with tbe Seaboud Air Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf .with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. : Train ou the Scotland Jfeck Branoh Road leave Weldon 8 85 -p m, Halifax 4 17 p mr arrive Scotland, Neck at 6 08 p m, Greenville 6 67 p m, Kinstoa 7 66 Sm. Returning leave Klniton 7 50 a m reenvllleS 63 a m, arriving Halifax at U 18 a 0?, WeUtoa 11 88 a m, dally x oept Bunok.. . . s. Trains on Washington Braeoh leay Waabinirton 8 10 a m and 9 80 p ea. ar rive Parmele 9 10 a m, and 4 00 p tn, re turning leave Parmel 9 86 em and 6 90 p m arrive Washington 11 00 a n and 7 80 p m, dally except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N O, dally except Sunday 6 80 p m, Sunday, 4 15 p tn, ar rlvea Plymouth 7 40 p m, 10 p at, Re turning, leavee Plymouth dally except Sunday, 7 60a m, nd Sunday 9 00 a in, arrive Tarboro 10 10 a m, 11 00 a ru Train on MiJIand; N 0 Branoh leave Goldsboro dally, exoept Sunday, 6 80 a. m, arriving Bmithfleld 6 40 a tn, Return ing leaves Smithfloid 7 85 a m; arrive at Goldsboro 8 00 a m. v i Trains on Neshville Branch leave Rocky Mount at9 30 a m, 8 40 p m.arrlve Nashville 10 20 a in, 4 03 p m, Spring Hope 11 00 a m, 4 2ft pm.Kturnlnglev Hpring Hope 11 20 a m, 4 S5 p m, Nash ville 11 45 a to, 6 25 p ru, arrive at Rooky lluunt li 10a m, 0 00 p m, daily except Blinday. Traio on Clinton Branoh leave War saw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, 7 43 a m and 4 23 p ni, Returning leave Clinton at t) 43 a in and 10 F." m. 'I ram .No 7H ninliea cluae couniK-tloO at WeMun fur all pmnts fHortb, daily - ail mil via l!l. l.niiinl. II r-1 I . Cen'l FJi Agnnt f li I- i i V. I -m l P -in r, 1' ;,l , i ,... .!,, 'lr.i .,0 i.. itnar-nr. A;MJ.O.R ... ... ; . viaa 4iaia -k. .1 io, T l. . f pi. lay, JtielO .", ' , -,at 7.05 a M. at M ithead ty. loin Kan HrBfcn 1 1 Going W Nv If r aaueoger 1 rtUn No.. ' . p m Waiiojibi Ar, m ' 5 '. Ooldaboro-. T 11 OS 6 51t,. ..', IjiGrangt... ,10(8' !......, . Klnstob ,....,10:, 7 J,.,.W Ax. Nw bera, Lv,-... , SCO 7 4...L. h . W 8 (ft.V Ay. MurtdTHftd city L....- 6 81 Xu i I - I No. . Ms'd Ft l eiATioaas Mx'd Ptand t PassTn . . 1 Pas Tn. DaU-f ElCT SpsDiT. " tv. a. . ' i ; . Ar. p. 7 80. . . .-. . . . . .OoIdaOoro 7 14 7 ..',.;... Beat'., 4 10 .. . . .... LaGrauge, 8 84 8 28. . .;. . .FalUng , Creek . A . . 11 8 M) . i . ;i , Klnatbn .'. ........ U 40 i wo, ,i . . . . . . usewflU. . a id 9 ,., Dover . . .. 800 .. 4 87 10 03,. ...;,. Core Creek.. 1020 Tuavarora 4 80 10 W i.; . . . . v. .Clarke. ..- 411 10.60 ..'.':.,.,.New Bent 8 5) U68............Newpott .... .... 848 12 St .'. Ar. Morttead City Lv . . . 8 10 . St. P. St. No. 7. Paetensrer No. 8. Lr." . nu -r-Snnjlaj Only- Ar. p. m. 7 40 ..Goideboro 8 CO 8 0.; ;LaGraoge 7 87 8 0. ....... .Kin t.... 707 855...... ..C;Dorer4.. 847 9 60.... New Bern 6 05 11 16 &r. Morehead City Lv ... 485 No. 1. t I No. 8, Uations: IMx'tFt. and Paw. Tn. Ar. pm Goldsboro 8 88 ...Beet' 6 68 Mx'd Ft. and rasa. m. Lr. am , 7 09 7 88 811 .... LaGrange ..FalUng oreek.... .....Kioaton Caswell ..Ar. Dover v Lv... Core ere. .... Tusoarora .. 6 38 .. 468 . 488 . 818 .. 800 .. 300 .. 188 8 27.. 814.. 9 86.. 9 40.. 10 40.. 1115.. U81.. 18 06 , 180.. 813.. 2 20.. 3 43.. 818.. 126.. 4 81.. 8 46.. 4 01.. f. at. Clark' 1 30 Ar. New Bern, Lv 13 50 Lv. " Ar 10 47 . . . . Riverdale 10 10 oroatan 1000 Havelock 9 40 .Newport, Lv 9 08 Wild wood 8 47 Atlantic 8 88 .Ar. Morehead city, Lv.. . 880 .Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 7 60 at. a. . 'Monday. Wednesday and Friday. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, S. L. DILL, Superintendent Atlantic Ciatit Ilne. WiLMiiiaTON & New Bibni R. B. TIMS TABLE NO. 5, In Effect Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1098, Daily T? . Going South I aoriKDUU: Going North No, 61, Paesenger Train No. 60, Lv. a m, stations: Ar. p m, 900 New Berne 5 40 9 80 PollocksvlUe 6 04 961 MaytrUle 4 49 tO 02 Jacksonville 4 IS ISXi- 1315 ...Ar. Wilmington; Lr. ... Sis at p at IfOk 8, PAaMMOEB FaUCIOBT, No. 4. j Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednee jay and Friday. Leave New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, tv. A M Ar. P at .7 80 Lr. Wilmington, Ar 1 46 1840.. Scott' Hill 13 65 980.. ...... Woodside 18 16 1005... ...... .Holly ridge .... .1140 10 51 ........... DUon ..10 61 II 80... . . . . :. . Verona 10 80 13 06. ....... Jacksonville., 946 18 80 ..Northeaet... ...... 866 ,165 Whiter ak 8 80 1 80 Mayvlll 8 05 816,..,.....PoUookvlU 7 80 3 55 Debrubl' 8 88 1 40.... ..Ar. New Borae, Lr 00 i .'Daily Esonp Svpday. tXp';:'fy::ii- R. KENLY, i ?' . - (ieneral Manapar. I HORDKN, ;;. ', f , tpt.Tran! orteloo." hmwr mcPiTPiT -'. ivp yauuiuna uiui a i uu ' mat. AND - FEKIGBT a PISSING III. , u il- . For All Points lTortli. The Steamer 2TEUQE trill leave oa Monday, Wednesday, and Friday t 6 p. m. harp, mak log landings at Oriental, and Bon 0k Itlan.). " ' " vr AOs head., The Ctr. Newbenie , t'oromsnclug July 1st, will leave it It o'clock soon on Tuesday aid Friday, ' miking landing at Orient L. Rotaok (alsnd and Nag Bead. , I 7 Freight received tot later tliMi on hour previoti to ailing. For further information apply to era. r.zmz?:m, IX, K. Eiso, c.o. rr., !!.0.IIt;ui.iiva,C.!n.I'rt.4 Vr.t :t Nor.,"c, V. Oil DoiflinMailipfe

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