. j .J. j )J VOL. XV11I-N0. 87. KZW BERN, N. C., TUESDAY MORNING, JULY III, 1900.,- NISITIEMTB KaR t . 2 f ! 4 "J.- TRY OUR .At PERFECT BLEND TEA, f V7 The Legations Said To Be Holding - Out At Pekln. " . js Only 10c for 1-4 lb. Package. JJ ; ;s satisfied alter using. V V V Will refund your money it you are not 47 & 40 Pollock Street -vV- This is noTeason why you should not spend your money advanta geously. ' While other stores are having special jjale s uuy for bargains every day with ns is bargain day. ' . n. . ; sYour attention is especially callod to our two-button white' Kid Gloves just received, 890, others charge $1 00. V ' , ' ' ' , -t; - Those Crash bhirtsat 25oanJ 50c are just walking away, some left however. " , 1 " " ' - " t. , . 'r Shirt Waists at 50n, white and colored, are great value3. i ; If you intend going to the sea shore, "TJneeda'' Bathing- Suit, pric $1 50 to p 50. .. "V '--' ? , f ave money and avoid a sunstroVe by purchasing one of our 606 Um brellas. Any good ? v Why yes .s Foueht right is the reason.'' One dol lar one is good enough for anybody. " -l. v- " " - : Look into our show window on Pollock Street and ace those; .Men's Tan and Black VioiK'uT Shoes $100 to 4160. V a Our women's Shoes are just us cheap. f'" , , , E On Monday we will open np a white Sailors at 60c, worth a great deal more. A lucky individual who gets one. " 1 v. AH classes of Millinery at a great reduction. v? "v? :,;,.. - p ,y CTTTITT'TJrf C CTT'D'CC 61 Pbllock St, (Duffy's Stand) 99 Middle St. Af tcf-Dinncf - Delicacies ! 5 Olve the meal t One floUh. There U Dothmg diintler. for-deneit , tbao Fttriua, Rice Pnddmg, w, nd Fancy Cracker. : Eftrjlblnj ' lo tbn line will be found U our (lock, hich pretfnta an ohmtt- l e di floilion of "gioserW. The whole world U taird In m klr.g - op tbU aupt rb a tortmvnt of hod , rpeoliilllri. Ton most are lo ap- P'Oibde. nave just received a big lot of - Frmib Unrurd rortitnontb Mallet. Alito a One lot of Niut-ly Cureil lUmt. Olve ai a call and we will do mir bet to plette yo. . "' Yuan for Baini, - N 4 . - . " J. R. PARKER, JR.; GROCER, 'Phone 69.V '' 77 Broad Street. ' Prompt .Delivery Fro;;i Dunn' s " Yoc&n always expprlj wlien you ordor ymir food upp!ic from thll reliable ttore. Wo canjinp p!y erory demand of a flret rlm f.imlljr train witli the (.'hoircrtt Htijilo a-nl Ktiitcy Jroi'rii'rtt i Itrl NIkw, I'lckliw, H iiii:',;oiivci,IKnx Kivr I'rlnt Ilultor. and I'illaniii B'ttck H-'ttom IVhr-K. Wo make a bji 'Ciiiliy of Our I'rrf. linn IHcmt Co-') i - Aided By Prlaee Chios. Battle At Tlea Tsln, Chinese Beatea. . . spaa. Heads the V Allied Relief - . ' Force ' ' ' ' Special to Journal. l. , ' London, July 8 The Cblneae -opened fir on Tien Tain early on the morning of July 4th, using twelve cannon. ' 1 ' A thoniand of the AUIee advanced again 81 them, covered by the Ore from the Atlatlo Royal Artillery, (Brit lib). The Chinese forces retired early In the afternoon. Their shell fire at the Euro pean settlement in Tien Tsln was very accurate. TLe native - city was also -shelled, $ The ; Allied force - engaged amounted to ninety-two baudred men About . eighty thousand Uhlnese sur round the city. . - ! The . foreign consuls at Shanghai on July 7, officially announced that the le gations at Pekln were safe only July 4 The statement makes it possible to be lieve that they will hold oat for a number of days yet. . There are grounds for the belief tha' Prince Uhlngand his army in Pekln pro tected the legations: against ; Princr Taan's army and the Boxers. Reports from Shanghai repeat that all the Euro peans is Pekln are killed;. The foreign settlement, at Obefn . is commanded by two Chinese forts, equip ped wUh Krupp guns, which- command two sides of the city. Six warships, in eluding the United ptates gunboat Nsh. vuie, araconstantiy cleared lor notion. An allied : reconneissanoe from 11 ft: rsln was attacked by the Chinese Jul) Ut from three 'directions.' A -Russian detachment used as a bridge guard was placed in a desperate situation and suf fered severely in wounded., . ,. The great strength of the Chinese forces is a great surprise to all the au thorities. Emissaries of the Boxers from Pekin are as far south' as Shanghai to enlist follower. ' .-: '-" . 'V, WasniNOTon, inly 9. Special. Al. the available United-States transport re ordered sent to Cuba and Porto Rloo. They are to carry troops to Chins.' - It Is anuounced that a Japaness officer wilt command the allied forces for the relief of Pekln. Japan is sending wea- ty-three thousand men an i fire thousand hones toJChlna. ' -- The United States ornlser Brooklyn with Admiral Remey aboard, at Cheefoo Saturday, 45 boors from Nsgsaakl, 'and proceeded to Takn with 889 marines, In tending, lo' make; a landing Sunday morolng. r The Ninth Regiment, United Stales Infantry, passed Chefu Friday oh the way toTako.'-r: - ; The battleship Oregon sails for. KobI Japan, tomorrow. Ths Nashville, cap tain Rodgers, proceeded Sunday morning to aid the Oregon divers patches the rent In the bottom of the Oregon and th pumps keep tbe water duwn. .''' ; " THE MARKETS.' ; Aycock's Great. Campaign. Weather Has Hoderated. Declares - .For Amendment. Special to Journal. . . Ralkiqr, July 9. Charles B. : Aycock was here to day, for the first time in over month, on his way to Loulsburg to speak. He looks very well. When asked how ha was standing the arduous cam paign be replied; "I am very well," bat have lost ten pounds in weight. I am very greatly pleased with the conditions Western North Carolina. I -have spoken in every county west of Qreant- boro except Clay and Polk, la several of these counties I spoke twice, , I have made 85 speeches so far during tbe cam' palgn. The labor is immense, especially la View of tbe intensely hot weather. will now speak In the central counties and will go to some of the extreme east era counties, such as . Carteret, Onslow and Jones ' V, --. ' A term of tbe criminal court for tblr county began here today, judge Bowman presiding. There is not a capital case on tbe docket, i 1 , - . ' Dr. Joel ' Whltaker of the Raleigh Athletic Association returned from Bal imore last night, having secured four base ball players for tbe Raleigh team, pitcher named Home, a batman and two outfielders. r ' ' There is some mitigation Of the In tense heat, rain having fallen near , here yesterday afternoon. ' The -temperature yesterday, was 99.: The heat nss not hurt the crops. .'The cotton is remarks ably fine. . - . Representative "Jack" Rein bard t, ,xf Clneoln county, who last year and thil year in the legislature voted against the franchise, amendment to the constitu tion, has at last declared for it - publicly at a speech in Denver in his county ' CO Caldwell, Who was the Populist member of the Railway "Commission appointed by Gov: Russell is here. He baa declared himself In' favor of the Amendment. t. j- Tbe following quotations were reeelv- ed by J. S. Latbaro, New Bern, H. OV i . v, Nxw Yobk, July 8 CoTTon; ' . Open. High. Low, Clore July... ... .10 08 10.81 10.08 10.?1 ' Aag....,.9 78 9.83 . 9.78 9 80 . Sept.... 8.9 8.94 ' 8.89 0 81) Oct.... , 8.51 . VM , 8.51 . 8.51 Jan.. 8.84 8.88 8.28 8.8m March. ..... 8.89 8.43 8.83 - 8.5 CHICAOO StABXBTS Open. High. Low. Wnaat:- COKNI - ( ' . Sept.......... ' So. Il'y Pfd...;. o0t TO I..,, 88? FedS 88 , Leather 9 Mo. Pa '.' , 50 Cotton receipts were 8,500 bales at all ports. Cotton market closed steady. . Clo 1 . 44 66 RALEIGH. North Carolina League Ball. Special to Journal. Btatiwvim.r, N. C July 9.The game heret day resulted, "Tarboro 8, Stales- vlllea. . . ' Drjaaif, JST. C.-rJuly 9. Special.-1 The home team won in the game today, uruam 11, Wilmington T.t . ' - For burns, injuries, piles and skin dis eases use DeWlU's Witch Hszol Salve. It is the original. "Counterfeit may be offered. Duffy. NOT A LARGE PART. Not Be . Abie "lIuchinChIna.-f?!?.t TO Do nn OnlteiStates W1U Washinoto!, July -9th Unless the trouble in China is long drawn . out, the United States Will play a very small mil llary part In Its settlement. That "was made certain i, when5 a -conference Jot members of the Cabinet -participated in by Gen. Otis, decided that; Geo. McAi thar wasrlgbt n asking that ' no more troops be taken from the Pbllllplnea, to be sent to China, because Of the danger that their removal might be taken ad vantaEe of by the Philllplnos to' renew tha -' .revolution, . and decided that more would be ordered from there.; , All the advices from "China." Indtcati that a very large army ; will be needed to punish tbe Chinese, that even if tnree months were to be consumed In gather- log that army, the United States could apt here at the outside more than six or seven thousand soldiers In China, If do more are te be taken from the Phillip- pines- How this will strike public sen ttmentln this country will be better known when the fate of the Americans who were in Pekin la-absolutely known and not guessed at from a thousand conflicting rumors, as at present. our cltbsens hava aotibeea harmed,-this country may be willing that other na tions shall do most of tbe fighting I China, but if our citizens bare beta murdered, our people are likely to di mand a largershsreln tbe duty of n vengtng them, - ; . ,., -i: One Minnie Cough Cure- is tbe only harmless remedy that produces iinnit diate results.. Try lU - F, 8. Duffy. - Fresh Insect Powder and Tangle-fooi fly paper at Davis' Pharmacy. : Vaccination Shields macy. -' at Davis' Pbsr Just received a lot of floe F. F. Isms at Oaks Market, Use only t DeWitt'a.;. YK S. GASTORIA '". For Infants' and Children. "- Pie Kind Yoa Have Always Bought Bears the VVaaT Signature of Jiffrja4CA4U 9,198 77 15,000 00 7S.848 Ti 15,000 00 2029 8U 9,188 Jf. 7,367 24 REPORT OF THE CONDITION ' AT TUT? i NATIONAL BANE, Of New Bern, N. C. at-New' Bern, In the State Of North Carolina, at the close of Business, . June H, 1900. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts . . 882,861 80 Overdrafts, secured: and un- -ecnrect....,.i.... U. S. Bonds to secure clrcn- latiou,; . .'. . . . ; i .-. . ... . . Stocks, securities, etc. ... Banking-house, furnlture.aod - flxturee. ,. - . .-w-. ..... , Other real estate owned . . .. Due from . National Banks (not Reserve AgentB)... . . Due from; State Banks and Bankers .. ... Due from approved reserve Internal Revenue Stamos.... 600(0 Checks and ot her cash items : 6,292 66 Notes- of - oilier National. - Banks . 2.08100 Fractional - Tsner eurrencv. nickels, and cents. . ... .. . . 62810 Lawful money Reserve In Bank, viz: Bpecie.,... ..... lw.Bti ou Leeal tender notes 10.000 00 29.817 50 Redemption fund with U. 8.,- Treas'r pjt oi circulation). - i.khi uu "?S; fe Total " .1 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in . . , . . . . . 1100,000 00 Surplus fond. ... 70,000 00 Undivided-profits, less ex-'" ' : peases and taxes paid..;...:?; 21,081 88 National nana ; notes out .:, standing .... .; .. ;.. Dne to ether National Banks Dividends unpaid ....... , . . . . Individual deposits subject to check 206,137 82 Time certificates of ';- ' deposit: ... . ... 108074 66 Cashier's - checks -:'' . outstanding 6 17 50 .-. :--.- ts.1--' . ' ' . ' "mw;;::: Total. $531,45900 23,900 00 747X4 .5,000 00 8 U.729 88 $586,469 00 lute ef Nertu Carolina, 1 . County of Craven, l . f -. " I, O. H. Roberts, Cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true te the best of my anowieage ana oeiier - G. H. ROBERTS, Cashier. ': Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of July 1900, . -, ' J.R.B. CARRAWAY. N. P .Oobbect Atlesti - -. Jho. Dork, ; - K K BtBHOP. , Jansa A. Bbtak. ' .t. . . Directors, ' m KVI II II ".'f irt "' mt m . Oixandy. 1k I have 500 yards of 72 Inch organdy t be sold at 25 cents for tbe neit 10 day and all while and figured lawns will b sold at a big reduction. , J. J. Baitir. Ice Crcsru 8nla today at Mcflorley's. Rates to V.'llir.lr-tiin rorTourna mcr.t Week. For aliovs O' h.!i-s Jhu re i-il liorli-d ti Hell round trip tickets to Wilmington, N. (I., an follows: Tl ki'ts ooi.l July Hlb, 9th sin) lflih, linul limit July l;;:h, vm, at of ONE I'-S::JT Cl.!"l KAI:J5 for round trip: Ti- k.-t, s.0-1 -inly It ft, and 1 h, (ir,l IIiiiH July !; I ', from f.,lltr i - i-;U nl r ' - k li.-, - . I- To the Tax Pay en of Caven County. Tbe Board of County Commltslonere will be In solution for one week begin ntng Monday July 9th, 1000, at ;tli Court house for tbe purpose of bearing complaints rclMlve to the aHSCimmcnt of real property lUiud for the year 11K)0. Khniht M. Orksn, Clerk nil. Co. Coma Ire.t'rram, delivered to any part of tbe city, tiO ceuta ((imrt, at McHorlcy's. Notice. Strayed or stolen, one one white with one yoke of )ien, lilao specks, vllli llj-.l.l Ik Mol ! -II I- o. mil nod b illl !e of l,i Ik rr i. II on. eno li 1, ll,e -(1 fn-lit. l : k , A H r I :i Tbe oilier ni tinned cili.r fe Prouil of Her New . Open Plumbing she Is, most naturally and properly be- beause the existence of unsanitary coo dlllnns is now Impossible. Disease and sickness lurk In hiding as unbidden guests where the plumbing Is antiquated or defective. No precautions or tn housekeeper can avert I tie evil const quenccs. Don't trifle with dsnger when we can maVe yon safe at a moderate cost Hyman Supply Co., ThonnOS. 43 CRAVK.V BTKEF.T ( flew Lot iVi.Vm'uViV Small PIG HAMS ! I Few nice. Portsmouth ( orbed Mullets with heads on. Whole Codfish. i Imported and Domestic Sardines, Columbia River Salmon, Fresh Bay Iobaters. .' Canned Meats, Fruits and Vegetables. Very finest Butter on ice, ..,-; - Crystal Springs Giuger Ale. Finest Tea and Coffee. : 1 Fresh Oatdakes, Corn Starch, Tapioca, Rice and Grits. .- I respectfully solicit a share of your patronage and guarantee Satjfaction. J. L MfiEL, Wholesale ft Retail Grocer, 'Phone 01. 71 Bro4 Nl. REAL ESTATE I Don't Fret Yourself TO DEATH This Hot Weather! City Real Estate bought and sold on commission. I A fine piece of property can bethought at a bargain. Collection of Rents a Bpeclslty. ' H, !!, IIA.BPEB. NEW BERN GRIST - MILLS. New Mills Bolting, Chest Elevators and Corn Cleaners Of the Latest Improved and Up-to-Date Mill flachlnery. VOUR TRADE 18 bOUCITED! t3TPKCIAL PAINS Uken In clean ing and polishing grain before going through the mills, 'which insures pure meal, : .' -: ; - -.- Corn, Hominy, Oats and Mixed Peedf GEORGE BISHOP. New'Bern, N. C. " Hey, Ttete! t , ' i. ' M ( ' Where's Yoat m ind ' Limp i Djn't be "ran In". "A stitch In time saves nine," and sometime may save yoa ten (10) - , ; . 1 " D jn't put it off, but call at onos and invest the necessary amount in Good LA Mr" AJNU H&liU, - , .. Bells, 25c to J US " Lamps; ,50c to . $3,00 Tires and Repairs, , In Abundance . wri. T. HILL; 91 Middle Street. Opposite Jonrnal Office T aii.l 3 1, i , ' i n.t a f i v;:i ft i?. 't ''-' lit " Henry's Pharmacy, ; , 127 Middle Street. Prepare For War TIr.ie of Peace, In Jot received a Bupply of LOADED Q0NH:. fiure' death to Roarbes, Bod Bujra. Moths. Water Blips and stl In serils. Will not slain or greiine tbe flneM fitlirl'). One trial is all tlmt'a needed to eonvlnce the most skeptical. A full line ef Toilet Articles, rerfnm- ery, et'i. inn's I'reHerij.tions cr rol'J ! ' t. 11 f.,'j ! But call and get a few of our special hot weather bargains and keep coel. Don't fall to see the negligee shirts which we have marked down to 43c. All colors and also in plain white. Crash Hats MARKED DOWN FROM 50c. to 19c. Have just received a new lot of Serge Coals and can now fit everybody. Call early and take advantsge of these special prices. J.G.DUNN & CO. Up-to-Date Furnishers. 67 Pollock St Summer Spec Ice Cream Freezers ranging from $1 00 to $5 00 each. Water Oo.ilers at 75, 80c; 1, 1 50, f 1 75 and $2 00 each. Ice Shavers at 18c, 60c and 75c each. Apple Pealers. Screen Doors at $1 00, $1 88 and 11 50. Window Screens in elegant stylesai80c, 85c, 40e and 60c. Lawn Mowers at $3 to $5. Hammccks from 60o ap, (will have a new line of these In le a few days) Balloon Fly Traps. Tan gle Foot Fly Paper, Mason's Fruit Ian, pints, qnarts and half gallons. Granite Blop Palis, Foot Tubs, etc Bide and Box. Coffee Mills. Revolving Wafer Irons. I Majeetio . Cooking Ranges. Wbeeler and Wilson, New .Home and DomestlO Sewing Machines. A Sport ing Rifle for 9 00, shoot 83 short or long enrtridge. Porcelain lined Preserving Ef.U ' kite T JA. JM ..J M. u w mw, kJKl IMWII vw, vuv Mi I v each. Polishing Oil t5 per bottle. Can Purntture Varnish and Brush at 85o. Tobsceo Sprayers, Paris Oreea, etc. - The wholesale trade Is invited to our sioek o( Paper Bags, Butter Trays, Wash Boards, Clot bee Pins, Broome, BucksU. Atle Grease, Baskets,. Tin Ware, etc Which we are offering at very low prices 1 K-s. Tours Truly. ',:" .'.' : ' ''.., ; J. C. Whitty to. diiSLBook Store i "Lest you Forget" ,. We are headquarters for . . . -Book-keepers - Supplies. i. II. Unnctt. j ; Hammoeks Guaranteed ta re lic's that tired feeling. - G. flOCIZRTS; 'liolr!!s.!e Dcnlnr In ' r-s J ,r s-i, M r Mftit' 'i. f -ninr, o. i