VCL. XY11I--N0. NEW BIILS, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING,1 JULY 11, 1900. NINITEINTH VtAtt TRY PERFECT BLEND TEA; i S Only 10c for 1 - i t JJ . Will refund your money It you are not satisfied alter using. 1 . V "' X :,' A ;4 oc zo.fonocK rireei. ,v "There Aint Ho Pockete in a Shroui" ' v This is no reason why you should . geoualy.-, While or.her stores are having every day with us is bargain day. ' Yonr attention is especially called Gloves just received, 89c, others charge ... Tho3e Crash Shirts at 25c and 50c however, " " " s. Shirt Waists alrSOn, white and colored, are great values. ' ; . , t . If yon intend going to the sea shore, "Uneeda? Bathing Suitprioe $150tof360. ,"t , l1. - '--5 I " . Fave money and avoid a sunstroke bjrpurchasing'one of oat 50c Urn brellas. Any good t . Why yes fought right is the, reason. One do!" lar one is good enough for anybody. " i Look into our show window on Pollock Street and see ' those. Men's Tao and Black Vwi Kid Shoes 0Q to tl 60. 1 " ' Oar women's Shoes are just as cheap. ' , v . j(, On. Monday we will open up a white Sailors at 60c, worth a. 'great deal more. A lucky individual who gets one. - v , . v All classes of Millinery at a great ';, SMITH'S STORES, - 61 Pollock St., (Duffy's Stand) 99 Middle St. Aftcif-Dinncf Clve the meal a floe finish. There U jaothmg daintier for ' dessert " tbaa Farina, Rice Pudding, Jellies, and Fancy Crackers. : Everything in tilts line Will be found In our stock, which pre) nil an exhaust ive drflnitinn of "gfocerle", The whole world it taxed in mi.klng npthlsBupcibattorlmeolof food apeoialllra. Ton mutt see to ap-p-eciate.' "; 1 : ';. ' . liar jutt received a big -lot of Fresh Onrmd Portamoulb Mullet. Alao a Am lot of Mieely Cured i Hams. - Give nt a call and w will do our best to pirate yot, ' i, - c . ' 4 .' :, Tour for limine, J. R. PARKER. ; 'Phone ea : . -Tonipt Delivery From Dunn' 0 $ If j iii vmit a f"wnl ri' Tl li" i ! I- OUR 4 lb. Package, g 9 ' "i not, spend your monoy ndvanta- special : Bale's : day for hargainsi - toVour two-button i white Kid $1 00. - - . are just walking away, some left ' , " , reduction. - Delicacies ! JR. GROCER. 77 Broad Street. s Yoncan alwayt exprci; when you ordor your fxxl supplies from this reliable sloro. We canj sup ply every duniaul of a llrt elites family trailo with the Chuli-cnt Bnplo i. Fn'ii-r (i roci-rir linl IiIms, I'i. kli, H iU.-M.V llinin.'K.iX 1'ilut linttur, an. I l'ii;;iann K'l'i rk II itt iin Prl :, We nmlie a sp-x'i.ilty of liij-li Rr i la T. hi mi I (!.i!T.-.-. f)nr I'l ifiTtiuii C'.i-imI c.:: - - i ; Tl::-, Prio 0::?y f" -. RALEIGH Fusion Consultation. Umpires Needed. Fowler's Wild Guesses. Cameron - leaves For China, Raleigh, N. C , July 10 Republican State Chairman Bolton was here last night to confer with Senator and State Chairman Butler about fusion affairs. At vet there Is no statement at. to whether the Republicans and Pppullsts will fuse on the State ticket. : ? The Bupreme Court ha' certified to Governor Ruasell Us decision that Tom Smith, convicted of murder In Johnston county, Is to oe hanged bat the death warrant has not vet been issued. - " Manaeer Rivers of the . Academy of Musio here has leased the Goldsboro op era house and $2,000 U now being ex pended in remodeling the latter. ' :. There appears to be no doubt of the fact that the North Carolina Base ball Association will ' have to have ' official umpires. : The attendance at games will suffer materially unless ' this arrange ment Is made..-- Three good official am- plres,onee who know . their business. will give a great deal more satisfactions, r Ei-Conjtressman John E. Fowler, Pop ulist, of the Third district, who ha been around Populist headquarter here, ha gone home, he makes the wildcat estl males, saying the majority against the Constitutional amendment - will be 4t least 40,000. and that Sampson will give a larger Populist majority than ever be fore. . Be is some 45,000 or 50,000 vote s In the wrong In his guess, - , , '. tuooan Cameron, son of the late Gen Francis H, Cameron, left yesterday : af ternoon on his return te China, where he It in business. ' Bis brother, Francis H. Cameron Is In the hlHpylues, in the regular army, may go to China, fl.t , The weather - and crop report for the State, Issued by the government today Is on the whole favorable, but rain Is need ed in two-thirds of the State.-..r- V COTTON , REPORT. Shows a Very Low Average, Compart- u son With Qther Years. The Government's cotton report read at noon today In New York Cotton Es cbasife : makes average conditions ol erop on July 1st, 7S 8-10. Thlt com pares with 8? 8-10 last year, 9li In 1808, 86 In 1897, 92 in 1890, 88 S-10 in 1893; 89 8-10 In 1894. and 88 T-10 In 1898. ; Tb condition June 1st, of thls.year wat2i. - i - ' , , July JOtb, 1900. V r'v Flghttof Blood up. a.'UW-' ' WAsnisoTOMi July 9. Recent news from China seems to have bad a similar effect upon the youth of the country to the destruction of the Maine and Ue Br ing upon American troops by Agnlnat- do's Filipinos.. . It has stirred P 'hB,r fighting blood, and the mail of the War and Navy Department Is tiled with of fers to enlist to fight against the Chi neie. Neither department can accept any of these offers, and neither would, even If an actual state of war were rec ognised as existing between this coun try and China. But It is easy enough for a young man to get Into the army, at the total membership" Is at present several' theusand below the authorise! number, but those who enlist are not promised aervice In China or la any other partlcolar place. . They moat obey orders and go where they are sent, ''. -; .. ', . Rain in India.- London, July 9 The - Secretary of State for India, Lord Geerge Hamilton ha received the following "from, the Viceroy of India, Lord Curxon Kedleston: bf "The rainfall ha been fairly general thl week In Bombay,' Deccan, Berar, Khandelsh, the central provinces of the Ganges plain and the Punjab, but bat been much below th average for these tracts, except In Southern Deocao. Lit tle or do rain has fallen In Kajpoolaoa, Gnzeral and Central India. - 1 "The cholera mortality continues high la Bombay. The May mortality there was appalling. Th nuruher of persona receiving relief It e, 013,000." . DeWltl's Little Early Risen are fa moua little pills for liver and bowel iroublra, Nevor gripo, F. 8. Dud. Coal for Cl.'ncse Waters. Noiiroi.K, Va., July 8 The Unite' Htstrs crilHi.-r CVnftr, n nrhfrfil b-:i o for i iitili-r, fmiMfil (nt tli'1 li.i'l (in Ik -N rl a Will! Il hits 1 ..I il. ; aw nil ln? t n!,; hi. 0 1 tnU8 r" Of ! of ) !)! !'1 l:-;il. !-,, .,. In. a, l.i.t t(ii! Il In II II I r-.r 'Ii,,!!. ; in ', ' t In : in CI I,,.- '!!.-.. I t-i t ,"! f.,r lii tli'it aha nt: :.-.r tin vl!l a i.iir .-i! -: News Indicates That Foreigners In Pekin SUll Live." Chlng Has Big: Army to Support Empress Dowager.'. Japanese Say They Can Inter Pekla. Americans t , ' " 1 , Arrive. Special to Journal, v Lohdoh, July U.-News Is received at Bbanfhal that the Empress Dowager took charge of the government June 80th Tung Lu was made Premier. ' She thanked the viceroys and directed them to protoct the foreigners at any cost. . She it supported by Prince Chicg. Prince Tuan with the rebels . retired from the. suburbs of Pekin July 8tn. Three thousandBoxers were killed. In the street of Pekin. - 4 Prince Chings troops and Japan's army of twenty thousand men are ready to march to Pekin,-. , There- are' ten tteusand others of the 1 International troops also ready. 1 ' The Japanese say that these can force an enterance Into Pekin. A Japanese general will command the forces, v- The foreigners have seized the palace of Prince In at Pekin and put - native Christians in It, 1 1 ? v' ! , Wasbixotok, July 10. The Four teenth Infantry and the Fifth artillery leave Manila for Taku, Another regi ment will leave in addition to these.; A dispatch from Chef a last Sunday says that the Ninth United States In fantry. arrived at. Takn Saturday and disembarked from the transport. Logan! It Js expected by the ' authorities la Washington that the regiment will push on to Tientsin Immediately to. reinforce the allied garrison there. - ; t THE MARKETS. ; XV"'? The following quotations were receiv ed by J. E..Latham, New Bern, N. (X Nnw Tobk, July eO. OoTTONt 1 Open. High. Low. Close July Aug. .f Sept ... Oct.;.. Jan., March. 999 10.18 9 99 9.65 8.84 8.47 8.27 8.83 10.16 ,pm ; 8.97 8.58 8.35 8.42 rr 9n ms H 85 8 8.28 8.82 9.88 8 97!" 8.68 ' 8.85 8.43 , CniOAOO MARKETS.. ' - ; What: ' Open. Blgb. "Low. Close Sept 80 . 80 . " 80 Does: ,- i , ' ' ' sept m m m So. R'yPfd..,.. , -5I TCI.,. ' - i , 'f 49 Con. T ..k 85 86J Mo. Pa......... 61 V C '6H Cotton receipts were 4,500 bales at. ports. - - V ', all To Holders of School Toncners. At the meeting held July 9, 1900, the Board of School Directors made the fol lowing ordert Ordered, that all persons holding teacher' .vouchers Issued In Craven county for the year 1898-99 nd 1899-1900, be requested to deposit them with the County Treasurer by the first day of Beptember, 1900, to await the act ion of the Board of School Director tpd Treasurer under the act of the General Assembly, special session . 1900, provid ing for (he payment of said vouchers, Vw f - '.;... if" J0' 8. Lena, Bec'y. i'' Orfandy ':. I have 500 yards of 78 inch organdy t be told at 25 cents for the next 10 days and all white and figured lawns will be sold at a big reduction. ' v ' W- " ' J. J. Baxter. Fresh Insect Powder and Tangle-foot ly paper at Davis' Pharmacy, i-. ; Vaccination Bhlelds macy. at Davis'- Pbar Jutt received a lot of fine F. F. V Rama at Oaks Market, . . To the Tax Payers of Craven County The Board of County Commissioners will be In session for one week begin nlng Monday July 9ili, 1900, at be Court house for the purpose of hearing compialnU relative to the anHonxmont of real property listed for the year 19CMX' Khnkst M. Ohkn, Cieik lid. Co. Corns, Ice.Creatn, di-Hveted to any part of Hie i:lty, Iin i-i-iitu iiuart, at I'i-Hdi li-y'a. r'ntiCC. niycl or niu!i i vililm v,illi , dllf! 1.1.H! of xi-n, 1m, wiili I ).- !l . In I. r 1 North Carolina Base-Ball. Special to Journal. ; ' . . . ' Ealxigw, July 10. Today's games re sulted u follows: Raleigh 10, -Durham STATtsviLUt, July 10, Todtya game rdsulted, Tarboro Statesvllle, 1. -,":-..:.r WEEKLY, CROP BULLETIN. ' , B-leiqh, July 9. With some few ex ceptions the reports of crop correspon dents for the month ending Monday, July 9, J900, were generally favorab't'' Indicating weather conditions suitable on the whole for both farm work and the growth of crops. The psst six days were characterised by very high temper atures, abundance of sunshine, and- no rain except Very light local showers. These Conditions gave the farmers -good opportunity to clean crops of grassland weeds, and much was accomplished, but the beat became so intense the latter part of week, when maximum tempera tures exceeding 109 generally occurred, as to make it impossible to work la the fields during the latter part of the day. Over many central and eastern, conn lies where the rainfall last' week was not especially abundant, drought is brgln- nlng to injure crops, end th ground has become too-hard to work. In the- west however, the dry period ha not been of sufficient duration to enable U fields to be cleaned, i where, morever,- many lowland erops have become so foul that 1t Is almest impossible to remove weeds sod grass without Injury to the erops themselves. Farmers are very busy laying by cr6ps( and the' scarcity of labor is considerably felt. ' ' ' v Old earn Is suffering from drought, as well as that on stiff soil, and on upland Where It Is beginning to fire badly; dam age by chinch bugs" Is reported from some conntler. The corn crop- on the whole looks very thrifty and promising. It generally In silk and tassel, and ap pears to be earing wellj the bulk of the crop has been laid by, except In the west where much Is quite small; lowland corn has recovered somewhat Jrom. damage bv excessive ".ralnr. Cotton hss been greatly benefited - by ".warm Jays and nights, which hare caused rapid growth good eolor, and increasing abundance of bloom; fruiting is taking place. There wae very little complaint of lice on cot ton this week; some fields In the south west are still very grassy. Tobacco-. Is late in the north-central portion, wheie topping has just begun,' and is some what uneven elsewhere; It - is : suffering from drought and firing In Johnston and a few other counties. In genertl tobacco appears to have made good growth; cut ting has commenced in six eastern counties, namely, Martin, Green, Duplin Carteret, Onslow, and Wayne, and some wss cured. Peanut, rice, sweet potatoes and pea now need rain. Wheat it prac tically all housed; -threshing: continues. A few spring oat remain uncut in th extreme wet, : 2rly 'apple, ' peschea, melons, and blackberries are coming Into market in abnndanoe. For burns. Injuries, piles and skin dis eases use DeWitl's Witch Bssel. Stive It Is the original,'' Counterfeit may be offered. Use .'only,; DeWlttVi T, & Special Hosiery Sale Wednesday. : W plac on sal Weduesday morning at 8:80 o'clock BOO pair- ladles, boys, and misses Fast Black Ribbed Bote, double toe, heel sn4 knee, actually worth 15 to 2oc for large sixes at , the special tale price, all altos, 10 cent per pair. -; i::--.. v'r.V-'u.-' - . O. A.Barfoot. Hammock's That Will Please You at Ennelt's Book Store, ij Ladles Tourist and Street Hats. . W have just received from New York and put on sale the latest thing In Ladles Fell Bat for traveling, tea-shore, aid street wear, Just out and very swell, price 1.50, 13.00, and tl.BOeach. .' ; : . G. A. Barfoot. . ' Ice Cream Soda today at McSorley's. J. J. Baxter has just received a new line of E. P. Reed's Oxfords In til styles, and a full line of other goods to be told low down. . ".. . , - i Celery tliedacho Powden, th belt remedy for headache. Made and told only at Davit' Pharmacy. Rates to Wilmington ForTouma . " merit Week. -, For above on union you are authorised te sell round trip ticket to Wilmington, N. ('., as folio w: Tickets sold July 8th, 0th tnd 10th, final limit July lUlh, 11)00, at of ONE F! !: T CI.!- H FAR K for round trip: 'I I. k. u si. 1.1 July lllh sml 12th, final limit .l.i'v l';'li. 1' friiin following p..!h'-i nt i a i.n.. .1: - ,.! i:,il .40 1.10 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 " ' 1 New Lot Small 1 'l,,,IVAi , ,t ' Few nice Portsmouth (.otned Mullets with heads on. ;, Whole Codfish. ' Imported and Domestic Sardines, Columbia River Salmon, Fresh Bay Lobsters. , .. Canned Meats, Frnits and Vegetables. Very finest Butter on ice. 4 ' Crystal Springs Giuger Ale. - Finest Tea and Coffee. ' ' Fresh Oatflakes, Corn Starch, Tapioca, Rice and Grits. r. F respectfully solicit a share of your patronage and - guarantee Satifaction. REAL ESTATE I City Real Estate bought and sold on commUslour A fine piece of property oan besought at a bargain. Collection of Rent a Specialty, - -E. IIARPGB. NEW BERN GRIST-MILLS. jVew jttills Bolting Chest - Elevators nnd ' Corn Cleaners Of the Latest, Improved and Up- . to-Date Mill flachlnery. YOUR TRADE IS bOUCITBDJ WfePKCIAL PAINS taken In clean ing and , polishing grain before going through the mills, 'which inrares pore meal, v . ' ' -- . Corn, Hominy, OtU and Mixed Feed! GEORGE BISHOP. 'wCBern.'KC.-':"" .-:--r.. , .. Thete! Where's Your . fi BeU and Lamp Don't be "ran ln..i- "A tlU:h In Urn saves nine," and sometime may save yon tea C$10) ' . Don't put It off , but call at once aad Invest the necessary amount in Good LAMP AND BELL. -' , ' f Sefo, 25c to $U5 Lamps) 50c to f3.00 Tires and Repairs ; y ,,'Jn Abundance, wn. tThill, fil Middle Street, Opposite Journal Offio Henry's Pharmacy, U7 MdJte Street Pr?iare For War In ' Time of Ieace. Just received a Supply of LOADED GUNS: Sure death lo Roadie, Bed Ilti(f. Moths, Water Bugs and all In serts. Will not stain or greas the finest fulirli. One trial la all that' needd to convince tlie moat aVepllial. . A full lino uf Tuili t Articles, Perfum- eiy, etc. 1 ;.v . inn's Prescriptions car ful'y . I. V! t . . MFW'1 tt Jfl PIG HAMS ! Don't Fret Yourself i TO DEATH This Hot Weather! But call and get a few of our special hot weather bargains and keep cool. Don't fail to tee the negligee thirts which we have marked down to 8c. All colon and alto in plain white. Crash Hats MARKED DOWN FEOM 50c. to 10c. Have jutt received a new lot of Serge Goata and can now fit everybody. Call early and take advantage of these special prices. J.G.DUNN & CO. Furnishers 67 Pollock St Ice Cream Fleecers ringing from $1 50 to $9 00 each. Water Cooler at 75, 90c; 50, 175 and $9 00 each. Ice Shaver at 16c, 60c and 75c each. Apple Pealert. Bcreea Door at $1 00, $1 it and $1 50. Window Screen In elegant styles at 80o, 85c, 40c and 50a. Lawn Mowers at $8 to S," Hammccks from 50c Up, (will have a new line of these in in a few days) Balloon Fly Trap. Tan gUFoot.Fly Paper.- Mason's Fruit Ian, pints, quarta and half gallons. Granite Slop Pails, Foot Tuba, etc, Sid and Box "Coffee Mill. Revolving" Wafer bun.- MJelto Cooking ' Ranges. Wheeler and Wilson,' New Home and Dometti Sewing Machine. A Sport ing Rifle for f9 00, shoot 83 short or long, cartridges '. Porcelain lined - Preserving Kettle. :' Step Ladders 48c. Ke and 7j each. PolUhlog Oil SSe per bottle. Can Furtlture Varniab and Brash at Sue. Tobaooo Sprayers, Part Green, tc , Th wholesale trad it invited to our slock of Piper Bag, Butter Tray, Wash Boards, Clothe Pin, Brooms, Bucket. Axle Ore, Batktia, Tin Ware, tc which we are flaring at very low price ivuii aiui,.. .K' '., ' 'X '.: ' .i" r nittii .T" -. J. U- . a, d 111 IIS X) : 6LSLBook Store ! ,;Ust you Forget'' . .. Wean htadquarursfor .'. Book-keepers . Supplies, Utmmock Guaranteed to rt- k S liev that tired feeling. - .-" S G. G. ROBGRTS, V ' '.. 'ol ' rlQ