VOL. XVllI-NO. 91. KIV, H. C, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 14, II NINtTltNTH YIAR ... . - . . t mm TRY OUR PERFECT BLEND TEA; A a Only 10c for 1 a A - Will refund your money it you are not ; satisfied alter -using: J " v r., v . - .. ' -i ' -''-., 1 " A i- 47 & 40 Pollock Street; Thia is ho reason why you should geonay: While-other stores are having every diy with U is bargain day. ' , Your attention ia especially CttlleJ Gloves just received, 89c, others charge f-vi ' Those Crash Shirts at 25o and 50c are just walking away, eome left however '"".' 4 i ,'' r VI 1 . ' Shift Waists at 5 On, white and colored,-are great valnes ' : V ' If you intend going to the sea shore, ''trneeda"j ilathiug. Suit, - price $l60to3 50.' - - "4' :v , - . Fave money and avoid a sunstroko by purchasing one of our 50c "Cm brellas. Any good? ; Why yes ,. Bought riglil is the- reason.- One dol lar one is good enongh for anybody. )" , ,T t - Look into our show windoV on Pollock Street and see those Men's Tan and Black Vici Kid Shoes $1 00 to CI 50. 1 - ' Onr women's Shoes are jnst as cheap. " ';i On Monday we will open up a white; Sailors at 50c, v worth - a : great deal more. A lucky individual who gets one. , r IT '"' " -J t j , 'All classes of Milliuery at a great reduction. ''""','' - V SMITH'S STORES, ; ; oi jfouocK St., (uuny ' Give the meal a Boa finish. Thert In nothing daintier for deaaert v than Farina, Kice Puddiny, Jellies, and Fancy Cfackert. Ert 17 thing : in tbia line will be found- in our - Block, which presi nta an exhausl ; ie di floition of "giooerlea'. The whole world is taxed in making . op Ihla superb araorlment of food . apeoialilv. ' Toa must to ap - pteclale,; V 'V Have juat rpceivod a bg Aof-ct Freab Corned Portrmnath Uullet. . . Aim a Bm kit of $Kf Cured . Hunt, Give oa a call aad we will do our bent to plena roa. ' ,' ! Yours for Btaineao, ? J R. PARKER, UR GROCER, 5 , 'Phone 69. ". 77. Broad Street. Prompt Delivery From Dunn' t' rTTT J If ant a gfw.l c ami j- 1 I' f;-l it. 1')) (f Tl lit f"M:il I J ! ' V C- V V7 V 7 V? w - 4 lb, Package. V V! V! i not jpcnd-yonr nviilpy i.ndvdntai - ttnecittl .euleV d:iy':for - bargain . , , ' ' , " to onr two-buttou whita Kid $1 00. ? ' s Btana; Miaaie ut. Youjoan alwayii exprctj when jrou order your food aiipiilivg from thla reliable ilore. Wo ennj mip ply every demand of a (lrt cluna family tr(Io wilii the Clioiccnt Rt iplt) and Fanry (trocorirn, Hi l ldi.Ni, rickhn, Hiaw,;oiivo,Kox U'Vor Print HuliPr. and Pillnms a'JIlKik R.llim IVIv. Wo rnsko a ppri-ilty of pri lo T. i andlCnlTcTH. Our Vrf"-.U..ii I'cnJ - (1, hi inns ( , I Lily a ..mi,! ' J. The Foreigners in Pekin Executed One Week Ao. ' The Total Number Put at 1717. Allies ia L Danger at Tlea Tain. The Whole " Silnatlon Is Terrible Special to Journal. to.sooN, July 13. An nfDoial telegram h.u bten received f mm Pekln aaylng that all the foreigners In the city iter executed last Friday. 1 ' i ' The foreigner thus mauacred are be lieved to be the foreign' ministers and attache, 73, legation officers 43A, . em ploye in the Irareriaf cuatoma 45, mla- slonariea, atuuenla and teachers 700. foreign merchanta -125,. and transient Vinitora SOOT , ' r A cablegram from Cliefoo saya - thai the allied troops at Tien Tain are Jn a desperate condition and are preparing l retreat, and that they may not be able tr. get away safely. - ' The Chinese force are giving them nr rial. ' They are fighting day sod night " England will leud twenty tbouaanc m ire troops to China from India,, -v.- ; Spain will aend no war vessel to China as theie are no Spanish Interest thert to defend, t " . ' . " h WAsnmoTON, July IS -Secretary Ha.v hai given the Vblnese' Minister wa a test . ruesgo to send to Doited 8latC Minister Conger at Pekln. ,Tld la la kc- eotdipce with the decision to Insist tba Minister Wo 'furnish detluite Informa tion aa to, the fate of Conger, and other Ameriin tn Pekin. If the Cbinef. Uovernment was a'lle to forward abi uree froni China, It la argued, It la anl. to send a communication: from the for elgn ministers in Pekin. The aotben ttcliy Of the decree made public Wednes-nes'l-.p la now doubled In Washington, :. Tiie Chinese minister undertakes to deliver the message. He declare that the edict Issued by Prince Tuan which oe gave to Secretary Bay was genuine i Consul Goodnow telegraphs that OA July 7lh the" .Boxers were bombarding the legations for a anal attack and that he feared the worst. f- ' , 1 -v The authorities in Washington be lieve the horrible news and that lfa Chinese elllclal telegrama received here were lies out of whole cloth- . Nsw Turk, July 13. The Herald will publish tomorrow the following dis patch from Washington: - "China will be called- anon throogl, Minister Wa to give definlui Information regarding the fate of Minister Conger and the other Americans In Pekin with out- delay.--;-1 w;;;a; i ;r-'- r "The authorities are not at all pleased with the action of the Chinese Govern ment In sending put Its representative throughout the world a long dispatch tn which an effort Is made to shift respon slbjlity for the occurrence at Pekln, but In which not a word I said about the tegatlona rrr- the minister. Before the receipt of this imperial edict there was a disposition to believe that the ministers had not been heard from for the reason that the Chinese Government ; itself! was unable to get information through the lines of rebellious Boxers surround ing Pekln. W ftv'M j'.'!-1-- ''That exense now no longer exists. The world has now learned that who ever Is in power tt Pekln be It the Em press Dowager or prince Tuaa Is able to communicate with the Chinese repr -enlallvts.'it they are still alive, be al lowed to communicate with their gov ernments.. They will also' expect to be iulckly informed If .the ministers and ether foreigner Jn Pekin have been murdered.'.; ;:." ; c- "No definite demand haa yet been made on Minister Wu. but It baa been inumatea to mm tnal u the friendly re lations which have existed between the United States and the Chinese Govern ment u spite of the Bexar disturbance, are to continue, that Government must relieve the suspense now existing in this country a to the ft of Minister Conger and other Americans In Pekln." LoMuon, July 13. The Shanghai cor respondent of the Dally Mall say the following story regarding the position in Pekln emanalea from Chines official ources: " "The two remaining ligations, the BrllUh and Itusolnn, were aUailcc'. in force on the evening of July 0, Prince Ttian being In command. The attackers were divided. Prince Tuan commanded the centre, the right wing was led by Prince Taut Yin and the left Iiy Prince Yin Mn. 1 he reserve were under Prince Til n Y11. "Tim ntUi-k n,ii,r,f n.i d artillery fi -lilln; il ft .13 p.-vere. 1 ,1 iii- ii f,:l 1 : J - Makes light, - flaky, delicious - hot ;J biscuits, rolls, muffins' and crusts. M ; Irfakes hot bread wholesome. ? These " .-are qualities peculiar .to it alone. ; 1 v T I have found the Royd Bakmg Powder superior k , to all others, Gorju, ' , 'c " - J ' -J hOYAl IM0N4 POWPER CO, 109 IUMM T, NEW VORIt. -s General Wang Wen Shao w -re killed. "Two foreigners are said to have es caped through the gate-, one with heavy sword wound in bis head.0 Prince Tuan, la celebration of the vlctorv, ' dlr trlbutad 100,000 taela (about $07,009) and huge quantities of rice to the Barer." ' FEELING AROUSED. . Nedmont Section Indignant at Ihe Regls- - , irar Arrests - r Special to Journal. -' ; Raleioh, July 13. A telegram from Democratic Chairman Simmons who I at Winston ssys that the four ' negroes who swora out warrants against two registrar of election, 'were themselves arrested today and are .in the sheriff custody. : Th bonds were fixed at (500. C Chairman Simmons telegraphs, here, that, "Every one who swears out simi lar warrants will be arrested.? '. Secretary Pearsall at the" Democratic headquarters here Says that the' people In the upper Piedmont and Winston section heard from are very Indignant at the arrest of the Winston registrars and will resent with great - feeling this Interference with Stale affair by Feder al auiborlte. ";: '-;r f-;-i?-r Tbe United States Commissioner be fore whom the cue against . the regis trar are being hea?d ha not yet decided 'upon them. , . lVi: HITTING BACK. - Decisive Action Taken at - Winston 7; : i Atatast the Hcf rollcs,- v -V - Winstos-Salkm,; July lit. Four ne groes who swore out warrants against Mr. Thompson, the registrar here,, bare been arrested and are; now In the hands or the Sheriff, A justified . bond was fixed at Ave hundred dollars each. ; 'Chairman P.M.. Simmons Is still In the city and say that every man who swears oat warrant similar to the one In thl case will be arrrested. - , Jamos E. Bleed, of- Montgomery coun ty, was In Winston yesterday and said that Ihreo negroes and three while men, a few days ago, entered tbe office of a registrar in that county and holding pis tols at his head forced blin with threats of killing to register them, Of courne they were registered but immediately upon Ihclr disappearance their names were erased from the books. Officers have been In search for these negroes and white men but np to the lime of Mr. Bleed leaving homo the ofllecrs had been unable lu capture thcin.' tub ::::ts. Tho fullnwlni; qtuitallfnis wero receiv ed by J. E.JI.allnLin. New licrn, N. V. N kw Yoiik, July 13. C..TT..:.-: Om. ii. 1" h. ,,,w. C!.... A 1. ; tn:j u:- ; 9 ' tl .'" ; t. .. . I ... ..hi; f ; ; c Republicans Pleased -. at the -. . polntment of Boyd. Ap- Cy Thompson' Big Talking. Cyclone Davis. Speaks, Monday. ' Rain Has ; Come. Soldier's Home 1m prevement. , Special to Journal. - - RAtHioB, July 13. The Corporation Uommiaalon wa today nnilneJ that the Bank ef King's Mountain has become national bank.; j-'-"i;:'-,. - ; -.. The local republicans "here express great pleasure at the - appointment - of James E. Boyd. as Jade of the Winston, S. C, district.' i They know that If Bena torrltchatd had desired that -position he could have had It. but he said here durln his ptrty', State convention that he intended to -serve out his time Senator; that be thought that his duty, ."Cyclone" Pavla, of Tessa, who other wise Is J. H. Davis, ex-Congressman, who is to stump this mate for the ropa lists, make his sueech at" Angler, - Har- nett county - next , Monday, with Cy. Thompson..; Ex-UonKrossman . John B Fowler also apeak there thai day. ., ; Cf. Thoinpsea came In yesterday af ternoon. Irons hia campaign.- lie wu used what sort of a campaign he wu making and replied: "I never had belter audience ; since I left .the Democratic party.; Tlx people are . against the con stitutional amendment and fur me for Governor. ' I am making them good speeches, if there la a fair election we wilt defeat the amendment by 60, 00)." ' ' " ,. ' . , .- Fine rains foil yesterday afternoon and evening and it i hoped are general aa crop were fcufCnriog greatly. - . The Democrats here have resolutely put aside Natlorud politic until after the State election: Augusts. The partially boroed engine house the Agricultural and Mechanical Col loge haa been rebuilt. By the end of the . present month the hospital at the Soldier' Home will be completed. There era now 78- inmates of the Home. - ' . '- . J ' Among today's arrival was W. B, Shepard, Esq.. of Ktleiilon. : ; ' Charles It. Ayooclr. arrived here, thl morning for lllllalxiro and went at nce to Kuquay Springs, on a ieclal Wall to mnke Ids only Sjeech In this imonty People from Ihreo counties were there to hear Mm. EASE CALL GAXLS. T:iti-iiro Reals li.i!,--', 1: t -, i. l to Jnurnul. ;h and ..irloltc. V.'.'Sufi-jhis -Tho ' '1 1 nr! J t.'aro-h,-ro lo i J. r te 1 .! J K,fl , i j- ,...-..- ,..,....,'. :--,s. . :. . . j.- ... .t-.. ...... .s Fulton Market Corned ). Beef Just. Received. : ;,. A I o.ut w lot very small agar Cured Pig Hams. Fancy Syrup in Fruit Jars only 15c ; Hice lot Portsmouth Corned Mallets. ' Fresh Grits and Carolina Rice. Fos River Tfint and. Fancy Flgin Itutter. g ..i I will' thank you to call when in need of anything in the Grocery Line. Satisfaction Guaranteed. . a. s J.L JW ia : "Phone Ol. 3W REAL ESTATE J City Beal Estate bought and sold on commission. i A fine piece of property can bethought hI a bargain. Collection of Rents a Specialty. 12. K. IIAUl'Klt. XVAV RliltN GRIST - MILLS. New M Bolting Chest : Elevators and Corn Cleaners Of the Latest Improved and Up- to-Date Mill flachlnery. YOUR TRADE IS bOLICITEDf HTfiPECIAI. PAINS taken In clean ing and polishing grain before going through the mills, hich insures pure meal, ". T - Corp, Hominy, Oats end Mixed Teed VGEOBGE BISHOP. Newera, H. a Hey, TH'erel I y Where's Your t Bell mdLimp ) Don't be "run In", "A stitch In time saves nine," and sometime may save yon ten ($10) . , 1 . t Don't nut ll off. bat call at 00 oe and invest the neorssart amount in Good LAMP AND BELL. ' . ' . Bells, 25c to $U5 ";'. '"'V'.? yi : 'M':--v)4. ' ' : Lamps, 50c to $3.00 Tires and Repdtrs In Abundance. wn: t. hill; 01 Middle Street, Opposite Journal Office Henry s Pharmacy, f ' J27 Middle Street. lrttinre For War in . Time of IVace. JuBt received a Supply of LOADED nnKU. Rum death to Roaches, Bed Ttiiir. Moths. Water Bug and all In secU. Will not stain or grease lb flneat fuhrh. One trial is all that's needed fonvlnc the most ikepticaU to A fi 11 line nf Tilt Articles, Perfuro- ey, etc rrecriitlons car fully :!U1 f (I. j.ly to McDAlL, 5: 1 i Wholettale A ltelail OrsHer, Ilrs'l Hi. Don't Fret Yourself TO DEATH This Hot Weather! But call and get a few of onr special hot weather bargains and keep cool. Don't fail to see the negligee shirts which we have marked down to 43c. All colors and also in plain white. Crash Hats MARKED DOWN FROM 50c. to 19c. Have Just received a new lot of Serge Coat and can now fit everybody. Call early and lake advantage of these special prices. J.G.DUNN & CO. Up-to-Date Furnishers. 57 Pollock 8t Ice Cream Freezers ranging from $1 60 10 f 5 00 each. Water Oojlers at 75, 00c; 1, tl 50, ft 75 and 12 00 each. Ice Shavers at 15c, 60c and 75c each. Apple Pealers. screen Doors at II 00, 1 25 and 1 50. Window Screen in elegant style at BOo, 85c, 40c and 60c. Lawn Mower at 18 to 5. Hammocks from 50c op, (will have a new line of these In la a few day) Balloon Fly Trap. Tan gle Foot Fly Paper. Mason's Fruit lars, pints, quarts and half gallons. Granite Slop Pell! foot Tubs, eto. Bids aad Box Coffee Mills. Revolving .Wafer Irons, t Majestic ' Cooking Ranges. Wheeler and Wilson, New Home and Domestic Sewing Machines. A Sport ing Rifle for tS 00, shoot 82 short or long cartridge.' Porcelain , lined Preserving Kettles. 1 Step Ladders 48o; 66e and 73c each. Polishing Oil tfie per bottle. Can Furniture Tarnish and Brush at SSo. Tobacco Sprayers, ParUGreen, etc , Th wholesale trade Is Invited to our stock of Paper Bags, Butter Trays, Wash Boards, Clothes Pins, Broome, Backets. Axle Grease, Baskets, Tin . Ware, etc. which we are effeiipg at very low prices ., 1 Tours Truly. ''? ' - J; C. Vhitty iV iiSLBook Store i Lest you Forget' k We are bead qnariers for v'.fc. I Book-keepers Supplies, - '.-r; ' UauiUlMSjasf U US sau vstvu mv- lleve that tired feeling. ; ' rt .ft.- lH.uhlaul tj C . linn jtt. i J G. ROBERTS, -Wh. ae r!iultr In- G, Pf. If 71

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