1 ; I I "X I I ' -' - r ' "v" ' 'V' v' Vol. iv.II-KO. KE'.V EIHN, N. C, SUNDAY LIOILXIXG, JULY 15, 1900. NINETEENTH YEAR TRY OUR : PERFECT BLEND TEA, i t ji Only 10c for 1 TflTJll MAAtn'ilrAllM satisfied alter using. i "" " " 7 " .... 47: & 49, Pollock Streeti;:- In it Do too, want to buy goods Pollock ftreet. Yon will discover "no poetry in our composition hut if yon will visit onr store you will be convinced of the troth .of on r state men t, about prices, x.,,,' : 'V Those Men's Tan and Hlack Vioi onr window at $ 1.00 to $ 1.60 are selling Well, the public is quick to see a bargain ' , ' Ask for the Sunshine Kid 8hoe rough as steel, will not chip, will not peel, price $2 00, value $3 00. - White Jumbo Sttaw Sailors 60c, bargain at 76c. " - . ' Black and White Sailors 25c, marked down from 60c ; ' " . - - " . r;i ijust received a 40o and 76c Crash at 60c. worth 75c. "" - ' . M Window Shades, all colors and Desire to close ont a lot of Silk see them, yon can make the price. . , r ; - ( , - New lot of Palm Fans at lo each. I" ,' '" SMITH'S STORES, ':; 61 Pollock St.; (Duffy's Stand) 09 Middle St; Aftcf-Dxnncf Give lb meal a fine floUh.'' There ! nothing daintier for. deaseit tbao Farina, Rice Puddiop, Jellies, and Fancy Crackers. : KvervtblnR ' la tbii line will be found in our ' Hock, hlch presrnt an ethiutl ite (U floillon of "gtocerle". The whole word la taxed in mi.kiug vp (lib fuprrb at'Sqrtment of food apeolaltie. Toe must are to ap p'orlalo. r. Have jurt receirod a big lot cf Freeh Corned rrUmoa(h Mullet Alao a fine lot of Nioely Cured llima. Give na a call and wa will . do our beat to pi-ne yoo. . Youra for Btielneia, ' ' J. R. PARKER, , 'Phone 69. .Tds7.pt. Delivery From Dunn's I mi r 1 .. L 1 : i iu .Hi r.f, t v v vv u v V V7 V V7 V7 V7 - 4 lb. Packag wi AW U tfnn flta MAT V V ... VV V V! VV vv cheap?; .If bo, tgo. to Smith's,;. 61 , ,"V - " t Kid Tals and CongrcBS . shown iu . ' j.., " '. t in Ba's and Congress, black tor tan, Skirt, very full, also White luck s- ' grades.'; Also Brass .Extension Sods. Laces, narrow and wide, come and Delicacies ! v JR., GROCER, 77 Eroad Strefet: You(can always expcni; wlun you ordur your finxl supplira from tills relislile store. Wo cunj anp. ply ernry demsnd of a llrht rlif family trmlo with the (,' Htiplo and Kimcy (Jrnroii, h, ltd rickl.M, H i'i,'i.,V)livi-i,'F"X Uivnr IVI-it nml hiHam H'l'l tck II itt.im I'rl,'. . v o rn-iiio a Jiy of In gri in T, m mi l ( ',,il, O.ir IVtfi-c'i-.n I". V pn Congress May be Called to Consider . - Chinese Situation. linlster Wo Cables For News. Gea- eral Miles Waats to g-o. Wa Says Allies Coald " Reach Pe- . Special to Journal. Washington, July 14. The Chinese Minister, Mr. Wo, bat cabled to Bhang Tung for new aa to the fate of United States Minlater Conger at Pekln, In ac cordance with the request of Secretary Hay. ' 1 ' An extra session of Cengress Is ex pected to be called' to deal with the Chinese situation rand to authorize, the ralaIi)gof volunteers. " ' " General Chaffee Is now In commanu of all the United States soldiers end ma rines In China, General Joseph Wheeler Is preparing to go to China with the 2nd and 5th Infantry. " ' It Is reported that General Miles has jtppHed for service in China, his request will not be acted upon unless it Is deemed advisable to considerably aug ment the strength of the forces now un der orders. The general cf the army la anxious for active service, as he was during the Cuban war and later Jwhen the Insurrection broke' out In the Phil ippines. - - -i ' V ' n Viceroy Lt Rung Chftng is called to Peklp. .' TheChinese say that bi leav ing Canton - will surely cause trouble. The . Governor of one of the, Chinese provinces has issued a proclamation favoring the Boxers. i,Thls 'Shows that (he trouble la- spreading' through the country.' , J1'' , , The telegraph line from Taku to Tien Tain has been restored.- ': - , Bhang tells the Consuls - at Shanghai that the foreigners at Pekln are mur dered and that Prince Tuan and a for elgn general did it. That : Prince Tuan was enraged at the defence made by the legations and demolished the buildings with heavy guns killing all the .foreign ers f v- '.- ..' - WAsntMOTOit, July 18.Mr. Wtt, Chi- oese Minister conliuues hopeful as to conditions in Pekln,' but .he too, ba nothing on which to" base his 'hope save the decree issued two days ago. , His dally visit wu made again to- the State Department,' and his . anxiety was apparent in the Interest he displays foi news. -Be speaks freely of. bis appre hensions and hopes and intimated today that the failure of the allied forces to proceed toward Pekln looked to him tftbe nations did not Wish to rescue their representatives. ; He admits thai disaster to the Ministers would mean very-grave crisis to China, and ht seems to regard lt si quite certain thai punishment awaits his country should the legations and Ministers have fallen. In regard to the situation he said;. ."That the legations fell on the th in stant la possible. They cannot hold out forever. Why have the allied forces not marched to tbetr relief f I see there talk h cannot be done until September, What nonsense 1" g , j , V , Mr. Wtt admitted he was not a mil! tary msa, but he expressed bis belief that with an army of 10,000 good men be could light his way . through lo the capital . He seems to think . the allies have no leaders and stated emphatically that the "soldiers were no good or eke the powers were to blame." . v "It Is Jealousy," he says. ."The edict I received Wednesday was dated June 29. Who can tell what has happened slnoe then? The whole woild will be to blame if it does not came to the rescue of the foreigners and assist the Chinese Government. feel sure that my Gov eminent Is doing all In Its pawer to save the foreign representatives.. It may be powerless to do so If the delay is too long. It may be too lata even now." ; De Witt's Little Early Risers are fa mous little pills for liver and bowel troubles. Never gripe. F. 8. Duffy. ; ; ; ': Card.-' ' , ; To the voters of Craven county: . I hereby announce myself as sn 'Inde pendent candidate for the House of Itcpnwcntativcs from Craven county For my platform I refer to my acts while a mrml.er of the LrgUlmure In IK. 3 and 1K5. H lias len rumored that If I ran aa a camliihite I would not remain in the Held. I ileiiira to (luio tiiiit I am In Hie rare to remain Until Uio pu-la are chined IT. "uily, ll. I'. V. II I.tAMM. T. (; i-f I EIS GREATEST EFFORT. Aycock Speaks to Thousands ef Bis Home People at Guldsboro, 8pecial to Journal. ,.- u .- Qolpshciko, N: C.f July -14. Today will long be remembered as a great day at Goldsboro In the county of Wayne Boys of todayr when bent with age will speak of It lo their children and these In turn to their offspring, a day when thousands of Wayne county people came lo Goldsboro te feed upon t te banquet pread by Goldsboro citizens and to lis ten to a great speech by her great son, Uharlea : V. " Aocock mnKcs a goon speech any time, anywhere, but today as he faced the great assembly of his own people, the crowd being estimated by many as between eight and ten thons and, Aycock arose- to greater- height, making the greatest speech of his life. His acknowledgement of his gratitude to his people who have honored him al ways was both beautiful and touching He discussed the. various sections of the amendment and the people were swayed by his logical reasoning and when at his conclusion he asked all present , who would protect the while womanhood by voting - for-, the. Amendment - to raise their hands,' lt wpuld have been puz zling to any one to stand and count the sea of white hands that were uplifted BASE BALL YESTERDAY. Tarboro 'Beats Raleigh and Charlotte ' fr Jtcate Wilmington. Special to Jooraal.i Raurau, July, H. Ia the North Car olina Base-Sail Association, game here today Raleigh defeated Tarboro. by score of 8 to 1. , . Base hits, Raleigh 9; Tarboro 4. Errors Raleigh 8, Tarboro 6. Two of Tarboro's errors were very costly, Raleigh made runs ia one inning .t , Wiui ihotok, July 11 Today's game here resulted Charlotte S, Wilmington 0. Hits, Charlotte II, Wilmington 4. Er rors Charlotte 0, Wilmington 2. ,fiai terlea, Barely, and Foslef, Latimer and Oldbam. , - UTANDINO OV CLUBS. . won. 10 . i- i X ' .. . 7 S .( . 4 .,'a 8 Tarboro,. - .. Durham ... Raleigh Charlotte ,.7,4.. . Wilmington. Statesvllle, .866 .633 ,838 .416 .363 - 8 .833 THE MARKETS. . The followlngjquotatlons were receiv ed by J. E.athara, Mew Bern, H. C. i . Nw 1'obk, July 14, CoTTom . Open, High. Low. -Close Aug Sept,, Oct.. Jlov. , 8.48 880 8.46 8.28 , 8 16 839 - 9.45 18.80 8.46 8.28 '8 28 8.80 8.13 '8.63 8 84 817 8.13 863 8.8t 8.17 r-JB... 8.17 8.1H Mob,.' 80 8 30 ' " CHICAGO HABKBTS. - Whsat: , Open. High. Low. Close . Sept m 7 "- 771 T7i Cork: - , Sept...!,..,.. 44 44 -44J '44 TO I , 64 Mo..Pa....i.... :' -;', '. Fed. s::, . m y, - sf Leather .,;,v''';V,--' 8f . Cotton receipts were 8,600 bales at " all porta.'. ." ",' ' '';5i"xy , Tnereare ho better pills made than De Witt's Little Early Rlsern. . Jt lway prompt and certain. F S Duffy. - . , Ladles Tourist and Street Bats. - We have Just received from New Tork and put on sale the latest thing In Ladles Felt Hats for traveling, sea-shore, and street wear, just out and very swell. prloe 1.60, $2.00, and tJ.CO each, ., ; i- , : ... ','..":-''; O. A. BarfooL Ice Cream Boda today at McSorlcyV ' Celery Ueadache Powders, llhe remedy for headache. Made and only at Davis' Pharmacy, " best sold Freah Insect Towder and Tangle-foot fly paper at Davis' Pharmacy: . - Rprlng Lamb and Spring Chlckens.lbli morning at the Oaks Market. Juat received Ham al Oaka Y. a lot of fine F. F. iket, ' ' v: J. J. I'Hxti-r la jelling hla Iiililiona, I iwiu, Ladles Oxforda, and all aiiinmer goods tety low f..r the null. h rriv.it . "y :f I. 1 t: FOOLS' ACTIOH. The Arrest at Winston Exposes -" False Pretences. ' Aycock Will Rue Very . Strong. Base Ball Stirs up the Eathtt-" ...... . . . , slasm. Our Paris Ex- .r talbi liJlltvV' p ' , - mand.'-v t " - Special to Jon rn', Ralkioh, July 14. The Repuhllcans have never done a more foolish, piece of business than the' fcrreals of the regis trars of election at Wlnslon, who are bound over to the Federal Court. '- 'fho took this step Iu order to bolster up the negro vote- The fact Is that while the White Republicans have been .boasting that they could, unaided by the negro vote, defeaV-the constitutional amend ment, they have all the while 'counted on voting every negro. " .,. ; Charles B. Aycock j In a speech near here yesterday told the truth when he said a great many negroes begin to vote when they are 18, and (hat In bis county it was their oustom. . His estimate of. (be majority the amendment will -receive Is 50,000. t His estimate of the ' negroes It will disfranchise U 71 00ft - 'j The Democrats had a field day at Go Ida- bore today. It was "Aycock Day." It Is said the barbecue was the largest ever g'ven in this State. - " - Oscar J. Spears, a well known Repub lican of the Third District, says he be lioveathat Aycoak wl.l rua lJ,033 votes ahead of the Constitutional . Amend- meut. -. i . ' Enthusiasm; -. rcganll-i Iaseball was never so great here as It is now. The attendanco at games Is good. The Tar- horo ,teiu h is protetlevl- Thursday's game at .Durham, because cf-thu wet weather. The team says that during the first Inning, the rain fell steadily and drove people to shelter and thatv there were repeated protests against playing. The BtateTreasurer had a request today from a New York Arm for 1200,000 of N. 0. 6 per cent bonds, saying the de mand for them was very . active. None of these bonds are on the market. The. State agricultural ' department asked to send the exhibit it now has at Paris, to Glasgow, Scotland; to the . St, Louis exposition and to the Pan-Ameri can exposition at Buffalo.; The depart ment is also especially asked to partici pate in the exposition at Charleston. The exhibits which this Stale .has made' at Boston, Atlanta, New Orleans, Nashville Chicago and Omaha have been the means of bringing m!lj(one of dollars lnto the Blate. ; One deal -of. $1,000,000 was in fact oonsumated In the North Carolina department at Chicago. -!--. - Charles J, Parker of Raleigh , Is ap pointed director of the educational de partment at the State Fair.-- ;: . ' -' . ,. Notice of Copartnership, i. The undersigned bare this day formed a copartnership under the name and style of M. Habn A Son for the purpose of carrying on the business of sale and exchange of horses, mule, buggies, car riages, wagons and other vehicles,; also of harness, .whips, robes, eto , and livery business at the old stand of M. Habn. Co , on Middle street, New Bern, N. C, ':';:"r- T'-c'-v "Mitan lUav: ' ; ; .; "-y'S'. Firb M. Habs. - -.This 23rd day of June, 1900..;'; CASTOR I A . For Infants and Children.' Tta Kind Yea Have Always E::;U i. .. A .. . - V Bear, the f yVTZT Signature of 4utJ JUcU&t (iOOD NEWS. J 3 n This man has heard of 0. II. Water's A Hon Whalebone liuppy and he Is going for one. This accounts for his speed. Thoy are reliable hand made buggies. Try one and be convinced as others have done. " ' Yonrs to sorve, i. II. Vnfcr ai Hon, Phono 1H5. 78 Proad 8tret. : IV- ; I 1 I Fulton Market 3! v Just Received. J' ; Alw new lot very small Sugar Cured Pig Hams. . Fanoy Syrup in Fruit Jars only 15c : Nice lot Portsmonth Corned Mullets. '1 : Fresh Grits and Carolina Rice. Fox River Print and Fancy Flgin Butter. I will thank you to call when in need of anything in the Grocery Line. -r Satisfaction Guaranteed. I J. L. 1D41IIEL, Hrl 1 'Phone 91. 71 Brod Ht. g REAL ESTATE ! Oily Real Estate bought and sold on commission. - A fine piece of property oanbejbought at a bargain, i Collection of Rents a Specialty. XL XL HARPER. .. NEW JXEXKS GRIST - MILLS. New Mills Bolting Chest Elevators and Corn Cleaners Of the Latest Improved and Up '. to-Dattt Mill flexhlncry. YOUR TEADK IS bOLICITEDJ ; nrfePKCIAL PAINS taken lo clean- lug and . polishing grain before going through the mills, 'which insures pure meal, . Cora, Hominy, Oats and Mixed Feed GEORGE BISHOP. i KewBern, N. C " . . J Hey, There ! L mZre's Yatir Io,ste'WtoV:.?4 Mttch in tine saves nine," and sometime may save you ten (,10) r.; - fV'f ; Don't piit it off, but call at 'onoe and invest the necessary amount in Good LAMP AND BELL, ''.y; Iklls;25c:to:$aS Lamps, 50c'to $3.00 ana i&paifSM In Abundance wn; t. hill, 91 Middle Street, Opposite Journal Office Henry's Pharmacy, :t2? f mdle Street -L ( Prepare ForrTrar in Tlsne of Peace. . . Just reoeived a Hupply of LOADED GUNS: fiure death to Roaches, Bed Buga. Moths, Water Burs and elf In- seeta. Will not ataln or greas the finest fiihrli. One trial ia all that's needed to eonvinee the nioet sSeptlral. A full line of Toilet Arlleles, Perfum- i.ii ' I. I'renrriitions car fully lo t ............... Corned Beef Don't Fret Yourself TO DEATH This Rot Weather! But call and get a few of our special hot weather bargains and keep coal. - Don't fail to see the negligee shirts which we have marked down to 48c. All colors and also in plain while. Ctash Hats MARKED DOWN FROM 50c. to 10c. Have Just received a new lot of Serge Coats and can now fit everybody. Call early and take advantage of these special prices. J. G. DUNN & CO. - TTp-to-Date Furnishers. 67 Pollock St Ice Cream Freeeers ranging from $1 60 to $5 00 each. Water Coolers at 76, 80o; 1, 91 60, l 78 and $8 00 each. Ice Shavers at lfic, 60c and 75c each. Apple Pealera. Screen Doors at $1 00, f 1 86 and f 1 SO. Window Screens in elegant styles at SOc, 3Sc, 40c "and 60a Lawn Mowers at 3 to 3. Hammocks from 60o up, (will have a new line of these la In a few days) Balloon Fly Traps. Tan gle Foot Fly Paper, Mason's Fruit lars, pints, quarts and half gallons.' Granite Slop Paila, Foot - Tubs, eto. Side and Box. Coffee Mills, Revolving Wafer Irons. ... Majestic .Cooking Ranges.. Wheeler and Wilson, 'New. Home and Domestio Sewing Machines. A Sport ing Rifle for 8 00, shoot 88 short or long cartridge." Porcelain lined Preserving Kettles. Step Ladders 48c. 6o and 78e each. Polishing Oil 85c per bottle. Can Furniture Varnish and Brush a 880,. Tobacco Sprayers; Paris Green, etc. ' The wholesale trade is Invited to our stock of Paper Bags, Butter Trays, Wash Boards, Clothes Pins, Brooms,- Buckets. ' Axle Grease, Baskets, . Tin Ware, eto., which we are offering at very low prloea - '; '.youra Truly. ', , .r ' f ..t-. -.-.j j; c. vhitty I dliiBook Store 4 F ...a P a" 9 ' : . We are headquarters for Book-keepers -i-' Sapplles. Hammocks' Guaranteed to rs. Have that tired feeling. 1 - G. II. nnctt. . . -A G. Whoti .-aaie Denlnr In ' r ' ' ! C ! ' df. " j i T','!Kin. ,fi" -. FuiiiT.o. Gr : -x '

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