-, r . ' 1 v VOL. XV1II--N0. 93. 'KIT Em, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 17,1000. - MNETEKNT1I VKAR TRY OUR . ' 7 'J5 PERFECT BLEW TEA, i i ( f 1 . 1 : I Only jOc Yor I - Will refund your money it you are not satisfied alter using; . '! . r ' W A 33. ;.EL . 47 ec,4o poiiock Mreet. ORE TRUTH THAN POETRY.? . Do you want to buy If so, go to Smith's;: ' 1 You "will diecover "do yon will visit our store you will be convinced of the truth of our state ment, about prices. . , " 1 ' ' Those Men's Tan and Hluek Vici Kid Pals aud Congress shown, iu our window at fl.OO to $1.50 are selling well, the public irquick to see a bargain; ' J" , - " , " 'v ' . , . ' " v ?4 ' ' 't , Ask for the Sunshine Kiel Shoe in Bala and jhongress,' blick; olp tan, "Tough as steel, will sot chip, will not peel, price'f 2 00, value $3 00. ' White Jumbo Sti aw Sailors 50c, bargain at 75o. ' t ; ; Black and White Sailors 25c, marked down from 50c : v- " jv.-- " Just received a 40o and 75o Crash Skirt, vely full, also White buck at 50c, worth 75c' - , ' ; ' - - J t f . .Window Shades, all colors, and grades, v Also Brass Extension Rods. Desire to close out a lot of Silk Laoes, narrow and wide, come and see them, yon can make the price. , -r I New lot of Palm Fans at lo each. SMITH'S 61 Pollock St., (Duffy's 1 Aftcf-binncf Give ibe'mea) aBaefinlsb. There U DOtbing1 daintier for -. devett - than Farina, Rice Pudding, Jellta, mad Fancy Crack ert. Evtrjlblnj in thh line will be found in our lock, which prewnla an ebnul ive.di flail ion of "giooeriet". Tbe whole world, ia taxed In mi king op IhU superb ataortmnnt of food tpet-Uliii. Tod must ec to 'ap pieclale, . . - Have just rrceirrd a big lot of Frvah Domed Portamouth Mullcta. A1bo flnelotof Nicely Cur?d Hams. Give at a call and wo will do our bet lo pleaae you,- ; ,; Vouri for Bualoew fl J. R. PARKER, JR.. GROCER, ( 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. 1 . . . I rciiipt Delivery From Dunn's I :V f f you i' I a r u l ri';i ( f you v 1 ' i! - 4 lb. Package. .V7 v goods: cheap ? , 6 1 Pollocfc Street; poetry in our composition bnt if " " " . .'1 STORES. It it . Stand) 99 Middle St. - Delicacies ! 5 Yonjcsn always expect; when ' you onlor jour fiKl mipplicn from thla reliatde atom. Wo cunj sup ply every demand of a flri-t cIuhb f.imlly tra.l Willi tli t ; I10i4-c.1t Htiplo anil KiiMey (Irnecries, Hel lili rn, I'i. kl.M, S i'ii:.'9,Vliv(',M''ot Itivir I'flnt Unit -t. mid I'iUaum ll'tlt tr.k I! itUm IVI .:'. , Wo in.iko a pp "' gr 1 In T. ni mi l ''.'. Our I'. i fc t imi ('.' r . i: : ; illy of liii;!i O: 1! V i. ' 'i 1 1 y rt ;..: :di Asheville Gazette Bought by Chalr " manHolton. "'-'' A." SENSATION OP .THE CAMPAIGN. Bribed to Oppose the " Amendment. Exposure Hade by a Bteekhold - ' err'-Editor Nortoa' Said- .- ' JSoney ,Va"s His One V I- N. M ntlr . . , . , .... I RaieiaHi'N. tJxAf 16 Th politi cal sensation of 'the campaign was sprang today. "The Democrats have openly charged for month past that the Asheville Gazette,, which baa. pretended to be a- Democratic paper, i, was really bought by the Republicans, and- that Us attitude upon the franchise amendment to the Constitution was the reaalt. To day Demooratlb "State ChatrminSim- mons received ' tfis i .following "affidavit, which lays bare the whole scheme. .:; It Is like the arrests of tbs; Democratic State registrar of election at. Winston upon affidavit by negro federal offlce-holdor,-another knock-out for the' Republican.' The affidavit ma follow!' ' I, Waller "Roy tjomerrflle, make this affidavit, believing ft a duty "l 'owe the Democratic party fn.Norifi CaroHnaT' That from June 1893 on 111 June 1890, I was a minority. stookbolder Uj ; "lie uazette t-uoiuuing Uimpany, ot Ajue vllle, ,K4 publishing, the -Ashevilio Weekly Gazette. The- eaajorltyo stock holders were Jai. Norton and mem bers of his family.' That la' or about April 1899, Ja. B. Norton, "President Editor and Director pt the Gaietie Pnb- lisUiug uompaoy, proposed and entered Iulo an agreement with Senator Jeter O. Prltchard, Collector B. S. Ilarklns, Col. V. 8. lusk?J Dlstrlot Attorney, A. E. Holton and otlierj as- representatives of the Republican party, to oppose the Con-' stltutional Amendment and ' Election Law drafted by the Democratic Leg la fa turt of 1899. ' The editorial" column of. the afore mentioned "publications were also to be used on divers other oc casloua mod i event, verbally agreed. upon,!. 'Deponent further eayeth that a regularly written agreement to : thla efi feet wu presented to said Ja.' E; Nor ton by representative of the Iiepubll can party, and dgned by him aa -1Preil dent of.tue said Oazette PobliaUIng Com- Py.. -'.Tbe flcponent, further 5yetbi that the term In the ' agreement for these set vice Va the part of Ju.ll. Nor ton was five tbousaud -5,000.00) dollars to be paid by the Republican party la In bailment of on0; thousand .(000.00) dollars, the first Installment on,: signing of said agreements the last installment by April, 1900 That .4hfl amounU were to be paid 4o said Jame C. Norton personally, and that deponent, In con versation with taut Jaa. E. Norton and his sister, Miss Jlary Norton, In, Febru ary, 1900, "waa Infarmed (hat three of theaa Installments had been paid, though no reoord wrs.made on the book of said Uazette Psbllsblag Company. '-i.r-i. 'Deponent further . sayeth that ia rt pested conversation between said James E. Norton ' and affiant, aald James E Norton stated that hi Only motive 'in opposing the aU Ceailitutlnal Amend meat and Election Law wa the (5,000.00 paliTby the Republican' party." ' ; ; fi,J- y. Hot 80MBHVILB. ," . Sworn to and Snbaerlbed before me this fourteenth day of July A. D. 1000. " O ft A f 1 1 ? ??T1 f?M1f I . i . State of Pennsj lvanlaif .1 , - County of Philadelphia, f -. 1, M. Russell Thayer, prothonotary of the, Coonty of Philadelphia and Clerk ( Courts of Common Plea of (aid Conaty which are court of record, ; having a common seal, being the officer authorized by the' laws of the State of Pennsylva nia to make the following .certificate. Do certify, that John 8, Wurts Esq., be fpre whom the annexed affidavit wa made, wa at the time of so doing a No tary Public for tb commonwealth of Pennsylvania, residing In the County of Philadelphia, duly commissioned aud qualified to administer the oaths and af firmations and to take acknowledge merits and proofs of deeds and convey ances of lamls, t r mi men I nd hereilits mcnts In said Btateof Pennsylvania, and to ail wbone ants, as siir h full faith anil credit are and oupht to lio given, as well In Court of Juilii'uinre a e'scwherej and tliHt I am well srqiuluti :1 wliU tlie handwriting of the ssid NoUry Public, and verily believe his signature tlicielo In genuluo, ami 1 ' .'I (nil nf llriria lion purports to be tnken In nil repecls h riii!i'-d !.y t!.e lus pf the Pmte of relnii!)'!v(HilH, . In , -.iiiMiiiy v. f, 1 have bnrr 1'iiin . t 11 y 1: ..j p I b ' 1 M i f. it of - M ' ml. tl.'H ! ' ., 1 y i.f .1 y 1,1 lb V I" .-f I...I.1 , , I! ..- .:,, i,',;: most complete manner with quartermas ters store. : The ordnance stores are ex pected dally. , He says the Becond regi ment is equipped.: The equipment is on the basl of 45 enlisted men to each of the 12 companies of the regiment. '- U. Piltmtn Stell, Populist or rather fus ion nominee for surveyor In this county comes down from the fusion ticket and allies himself with the Democratic party. Ex-Gov. Jarvl is here, at Democratic headquarters. There - are a -number of volunteer:' workers siding Chairman Simmon. - - There are now over over. 1,800 While Supremacy clubs in the 8tate. ,,','' ' The Raleigh base-ball team left yester day In the fine shape for Its tour among the western clubs. r i Baseball Yesterday. Bpeclal to Journal. , ' J- Wilmington, July 10. Today's game reaulted i follows: Durham 9, Wilming ton 5..i: t J i . j,- , t . i " . - - tatesville," July 10. StateBvllle' de feated Raleigh today by a score of 8 to 5.,i- Error,; , Butesville 8, Raleigh S. Struck out by Kenns 5, by Baa 4-. Bat teries Kenn aud Bennem, Baas and Uannar. . . , THE MARKETS. -"'The followlng.qUotallon were recetv' ed by J, E..atham, New Bern, N. O. NJtw Yoaa, July 10 Cottow; . Open. High. Low. Close , Aug', Sept. ..Oct.. 7 Nov. " Jan.. , 909 909 9 09 9 09 8 59 8 59 8.53 8 28 810 8.09 8.14 851) 8.29 . . . 8 23 8.39 8.1U. 814 8 09 81 8.12 8:10 ilch.,'. 8.14 8.15 . ' CBicaeo 1TARKBTS 8.14 Wheat; ' . Sept .... CoRS: y Sept,..... 80. R'yPfd.t TJI..,'. ... Mb. Pa Con. T.-.T. Fed. S. ... .. Leather -, Open. High.: Low. .Close 78 43 43 ' 4 t 401 66 78 B0 82 81 ;'Cotton receipts were 7,800 bales at -all port. t in in - ."There are no better-pills made than DeWItt' Little Early Riser. 1 Alwaj - prompt and certain. F 8 Duffy, xi " ' The Frankfurter Handicap. - East New York spoitfog circles were all agog en Wednesday last, when the annual running 'of the Frankfurter Handicap, for bones that bad never eaten oats, took place at the Holll race track.' Thl yearly evept, which. I, al ways looked forward (o with. deep inter est by "horsy" folk of East New York, I rua under the' auspices of the New fork Driving Club. The race is a har ness affair, with car horse barred. Tbe rule excluding ear hones was born ef an experience of the club last year, when a Iwenty-seven-year-old "ringer'' from the belt line road- walked away with tbe money." v 1 The race wu not altogether te tbe sat isfaction of .the local talent, either. Wienerwurst, the favorite, became para lyzed at the post at tight of a feed store advertisement on tb race course fence. Another entry carrying much money fe)l through a crack la his ttall Just be fore the race and had to be tcratchod. The dozen bone which got away at the urop of the flag, however, reached the quarter without any interference on ibe part of tbe Boclety for the Preven tion of Cruelty to Animal. At the quarter, though, there wa another dli- appolntment for tbe follower or form, when two well-backed, entries (topped, to nibble the grass bordering the track Two other bones were disqualified be cause their drivers, In a desperate effort to win, got out ot their sulkies In tbe strstch and led their animal in by their bridle. ..." ;,. . . : -' But, dosplte these marring InoldenU, the race wa productive of much excite ment and was not altogether a failure. Pipe Dream, a thirty-three-year-old pacer, owned by a Woodbaven Junkman, won In a driving finish with ''flam And," a heavily backed favorite of the local Street Cleaning ' Department's "White Wings." J ' . Afior the race the owner of'IIam And" protested agalust Pipe Dream on the ground that tbe horse had twice been fed outs by mistake, which, he held, should dUquallfy him, even ad mitting this mlxlake. The protest will be considered at the next mooting of tbe club. N. Y. Times. DeWItl's Little Karly Risers are fa mous lit t ! a pills fur liver and bowel troubles. Never giipe. F. H. DufTy. r'nvoyiMir h' M., 1 Imvo your r)es examined fien by Dr. T. i. Jolmmin at l'-7 V' I. (in1), I!-,' very I,. ! ipoil i ' ' of I, ,,n 1, d imd I-';: ' s ' ' . ii t n , 1 ,itl - i-, d. j. . r 1 jr.:.i;i HSIT: Ninth Regiment Slaughtered ., By Chinese at Tleri Tsin. u t- "y, j t -Vyj t ' " vv .I-s" North Carolina louses Captain , Lamley. 1, Allied Army Deft st-;,- ,,-ed.. . foreigners at Pekla ;v-. ; Last Moments Were ' , r; f Special to Journal'-; . ' ft r" ' ' WAsurNaToKi July lff.The Secretary of the Navy has received': a cablegram from Admiral Remey, saying that In the engtgemeut ot the allies with the . Chi nese before Tien Ttn, a very heavy o.nwripan rgs was incarreo. - Colonel Lascuul of the Ninth Infantry was killed and 68 per cent of our troops were wounded. V !. :.'. '.v CapL4,Umley; ot Winston, N. 0., -who was two" yeaie-ago; appointed . to the marine corps, is among the killed.,, Seven thousand of the Allies attempted to storm the walls of the native city July 15lb - Tweuty . thousand Chinese were on the walls, keeping up a terrific fire with arllllerv machine guns and rifles, American officers say that the battle was hotter than that at Santiago. - The Russian troops were on the right Of the Ninth Infantry and the marines on the left. Captain Davis of the mari nes was killed. , Tbe Japanese, British and French attacked the Chinese from the west. Tbe allied forces attacked tbe native city agala la the evening and were again i.'pnlaed with great loir. President McKinley orden five more regiments to Chin. The 2nd Illinois regiment ha volunteered for service In China.. ' The -bubonic plague 1j reported to have broken out iu Pukia , and iu Tien Tsin and to be Spreading rapidly. ' The mlaslonailes .-Jti, mid China are stilt sate. . - ' , . ' Consul Goodnow cables from Shanghai that he has nothing more to report since hi dlspatoh of July 18lb, which said that the attack wa' about to begin 011 the 7th when laat beard from. The details of the slaughter at Pektn are coming to light. The Boxen battered dowa the legations with cannon - during the' night and' at five' O'clock In the morning rushed Into the enclosure. The foreigners put their Wives and chlldrenand helpless ones to a speedy death. They . were then overwhelmed and massacred by tbe hordes of Boxers Reports coming In from PeklB and other places make it certain that dot a white man or woman was left alive In the city 1 Prince Toan killed a thousand Chinese who petitioned him to protect the for eignen.j.e ''S-..'.'S?- '' ' Italy lend ten thousand more troop to China - - i;''5;Jf-;'i" ' f:v May Corne lls Way. , SDecial-lo JonrnaL. : ' Naw YeHa; Jqly 16. President Kru- ger saya tha the Boon will not surren der and that ; when their resource are exhausted, ten; thousand. Boers, Chiefly naturalised citizens of the Transvaal, will go to the United Stales. - :..-V.f- CASTOR I A ' j For Infants and Children, .v- TtiKicJ Yon Kars Always . Bears the BIgnatwwof QOOD NEWS. This man has heard of G. H. Water's i Bon Whalebone Buggy and he ts going for one. This 'accounts for hi speed. They are reliable hand made buggies. Trv one and be convinced as othen bsve done. - . '" '-'. Youn to serve, .-'-.'i'. O. II. Waters :& Son, Phono 185. , 78 Broad .Street, Oosscll llouso. wi.iin In ttejuifort n unrfi and ston at the HiiHell House. First-Class Hoard. A homo for traveling pcoplo. rushing and binillnir unexcnlleil. 1 erms $1.25 ily or fi.i'U per w'k A. uunnr.ijD rrop , - - Bought Ai'Cjxa r '.':.:..' j c 7 l - 'T Fulton uarket "V r. " II i . y Just Received. a 1 M Also new lot very Small Sugar Cured Pig Hams. "- 1 Fancy Syrup in Fruit Jars only 15c. Nice lot Portsmouth Corned Mullets. Fresh Gritd and Carolina Rice. Fox River Print and Fancy Flgin "Butter. . I will thank you to call when in need of anything in the Grocery Line. Satisfaction Guaranteed. .'Phone 91 liiiiLBook Store t 1 44 Lest you Forget" 5 We are headquarters for J Book-keepers Supplies, sj Hammocks Guaranteed to kre lievethat tired feeliog. ' I tV H. Enn.tt. I GRIST-MILLS. New Mill Bolting Chest . Elevators and Corn Cleaners Of the Latest Improved and Up- to-Date Mill flachlnery. YOUR TRADE 18 bOLICITEDJ . BT?tPECIAL FAINS taken In clean ing and polishing grata before going through tbe mills, "which insures pure meal, - : Cons,' Homlnyi Oats and Mixed Feed GEORGE BISHOP. "New:Ben,''Ni!o.',''' ' - Tfiei.e! Where's Your Bett and Lamp Doa'l be "run in. "A stitch In time saves nine,", and sometime may save you ten (tlOK-.v .V . , -,,v' i f-;v Don't put it off, but caH at one and invest the necessary amount In Good LAMP AND-BEXU;;,i Bettsf25c.to $U5- Lamps;: 50c to $3,00 Tires and Repalrs In Abundance. Wa T. HILU 91 Middle f tn et. Opposite Journal Office Henri's Pharmacv. - 'wi 127 Middle Street. I'rrrare For War In Tlr.io of Peace. Just received a Supply of LOADED (JUNSi flure deiith 10 Itoaebea, Bed niii". Moths, Ws'r Bug' and all In ieei. Will not hIhiii or gfows the finest f: ',iH. One triiil is Bd tbnl' netdiid to convince the rnimt steptlml, - A full line nf Toih t Arlloles, Feifum- e-y, elo. P - , i -i i r I 'y av. Corned Beef; Wholesale & Retail Grocer, 71 BrsjM Hi. Don't Fret Yourself TO DEATH This Hot Weather! But call and get a few of our special hot weather bargains and keep cool. Don't fail to see tbe negligee shirts which we have marked down to 43c. All colors and also in plain white. Crash Hats MARKED DOWN FROM 50c. to 19c. Have just received s new lot of Serge Coats and can now fit everybody. . Call early and lako advantage of these special prices. J.G.DUNN & CO. Up-to-Date Furnishers. 57 Pollock St Notice ! The only man there be. Not Left, Come See. A No. 1 Real Heart Hand-made and Sawed Shingles alwaya on hand. Laths, Carts and Buggies. Kiln Tar and Fat Lightwood Posts. All kinds of 8love Wood delivered to your door. Two Stores to let and bouses to rent a'l tbe time. , Lime to retail or by tbe barrel. See -. BIG HILL, Tbe We Mao 1- YOU'LL SEE At a glance that our Spring Woolens strike tb lop aotob la the variety of ar tistic pattens.: What a ult to mad of aad the way It I made up are the two important drea polat. W have do rivals in either respect. Our work I not Imitated and our display . of fabrics is xo'usive. . Order now. i,;- ' : I F. 31. Chadwlck, REAL ESTATE I City Real Estate bongbt and soM M " ' t eomm lesion. . ; ,' j. . y'L'iJ. A fine plnoe of property eaabbought . . " at a bargain. , J .: ;. ;i " 4:v' Collection of I', nti a f.cln!t?. ' . A ",V S. Q; R0B0RTS,v Groceries, Provisions, ' c f A.'y I f.-rtptlon.'' ' T,,! ii rn of n ! tliM.l.-n. Pniiff, Ao, I. f 1 a ' ' - '.' i V-'' f C'-j'l- ft ,

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