' ,"" ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' V8L. XVHI--KO. 97. JULY- 21, IC30. NINETEENTH Y K It xtatuittuimtimm . TiiY Olli. PERFECT BLEtJD TEA, Fulton Market Corned -Beef! Wu Has a Cable From Conner-But Without Bate. r A i v Just Received. i a: OTHER ENCOURAGING REPORTS. . Only (Oc for 1 TXT1ll-'Afiinf1 irmir A AS satisfied alter .using. 1 , 4" -s ? ,j- - . ,., ... -.- , V a IE OB: HT-CKIBTJISlNr A 47 & 40 Pollock Streets A "MORE TRUTH THAN POETRY." ' Do you want to buy goods cheap? ; If so, go to Smith's. 6 bollock Street. . ' " , You will discovt-r yoo will vuit onr store yon will be convinced of the Uflt!j. . ot "our 'statt" ment, jilwur puVfft. - t " T , Those Meu'd Tan and Itluok Vim Kid ! ainIvt.nngrcM shown ii our window ut ft 00 U $1.50 re setting wtsU,- the jmlio'is fjnick'to see ft bargain.' - '. ' " - ' - Ask f.r1e UUkljtiie Kitf Nioe n Rjlsand tongr"v .hhwk' or fan, "Tonga us gttvT, will not chip, will not pwt piicefj Ot; value $10 J. , ; s White. Jumbo Stiaw Sktllors 50o, Lnrgain at 75o.- ,vl.' J ' ' . 31ack.nd White Sailors SScf marked down from 69c. .i i . ;,-;.JuBt received a 40c and 75o Crash Skirtyery falTalso White Luck at 50c, worth 75c.' . - . . .' f J-'J T . . V. ? " Window Shades, all colors and grades. ; Also Brass Extension ' Rods. Desire to close out a lot of Silk Laces, narrow and wide, oome and Bee,them, yon can make the price. ' N - ' -,,", i New lot of Palm Fans at lo each. ' v ( f fc . . , ' 6 1 Pollock St (Duffy's Stand) 99 Middle St." I After-Dinncf Give tba meal Boo finish.' There : U , nothing dkiotirr for de eit deeit ir;iblnt i ' . : thin Fartoa, Ric Pnddinp, and Fancy Crackers. Ei id tun une win m touod Iq out stock, hlch prairBUiau aihauot tve dt fioltliw of ''giocerie". Tlio whole world la taxed In mi king ; up this superb at sorlmenl of fund fpe.-Uli!. Toa tunst are to p p:eciale. ''"": '' ' , He jiisi rrcelred big lot of Freah Corned Portsmoatb Mulled Also a fine lot of Niorly Cured lUma. Gits us a call and we wilt do our beat to please you, .Yours for BuaiaesK, J. R. PARKER, JR.; GROCER, 'Phone 69. ; 77 Broad Street: ' i c::ipt Doliycry Ft cm Dunn L:'j'fo. ' If I. ' 1 r I ; I, iU V v; V mnnow it trr-m n ro nnt Vf V "ho pottiy iu our romjxiHiitrp, 4iut ''if - Delicacies ! ' ceo-vRiuatr o YonJ' An always expcolj when you ordr your food supplies from this rpliaole storo, n ( Hiijsup. p'y fTery ilnmand of a lirft family trmln with the- ;hoir.,,t Htiiln anil Ki'iry (infcriin, li. l liliiM, 1'ii-kl.H, St'n:.,Ji)liv.:i,;r(a Rivur Print l!iiUir, ami I'i,'!! ,tnfi n'l'i ti-k II ill. nil I'rl !is. Vo i a upecully I.' I. T ir I V n - 4 IB. Pacltano.vi Loudua Receirea tioed News.-. Bat It all Comes From Chinese Soarces. The Suspense ' Js Only FartUUy RelleTed. - r . Special tn Journal. Wasbinoton, July 20,-Mlol8ti r Wu leceived a Chblegram from Minister Con ger today. Wu took the message to the Stale Department and the translation of the dispatch Is as follows: ; "The British legal loo is tinder contin ued shot : and shell from the. Chinese troops and quiet relief only can prevent a general massacre." r - : The reply from Sec rotary Hay was In the State Department cipher, the eon tents were of course unknown to Miutt tcr Wu? v . ' r t . This message Is regarded by the Statt" Pepartini at as genuine, a forgery seemi llipusllite. r- . t t' ' ' Tuo State Department lsaerl ths fol 1 wln)t, VTha Becretary of Stats has rcr 'o-Wed a ilinpalch fiom Consul Fowtvi from ('beefoo, July 10th, sajiug that t bsnjhal pai-er of July said thai All the fitrelgnMrsin Pekiu were; mar tiered, v Fowler ' In d the Chinese gnv- rnmeut. 4luisndiiij( the r truth Tu Uortruor t f the Prorince teplM tU t bise)urier left I'ekin July lltb.knd the fo'eljner weie Ih u safe hut were tut Of the city of Ptkln,;' They had been carried there I y lue rebels with (be U tent of kill n-thsm . . ' v .vM sitter Conger's diarralclt does lltlls 4d i vliew the nation's torrlMe tnspente. t he illapiiU U U tu-t dialed and that h ui-wt slguiAcauJ as long berorelt teachei, Am;-tlcalhu MmUler iud fru ly mj baveprrMed.' " ' The Chinese Minister at London has a llspaliSu from the Chinese governmebt oiifl miog Conger's message and saytrg tkst the foreigners were safa ia Pekiu July lStb. The. Minister added that bis government has been able to afford re lief and protection to the Ministers. : .' The French foreign office hat received -Information that Is considered -reliable that the foreign, ministers at Pekln wen dot massacred according to information On July 7th, the Ministers were attacked and the legations burned', bat the for eigners succeeded In crossing the city to Uilcg't palace which Wat barricaded, the Europeans holding their own when this newt left Pekln oa Jul 9tb.: ; . ; - ' V A. -dispatch from Bbanghal reporb that tixty missionaries and hundred native converts were massacred by the Boxers at Tat Yuan, Province of Shantl. All these missionaries were English, ' There will be ho advance on Pekln by the allies until' eighty. thousand men are gathered. ' This cannot well be be fore October let. The entire American contingent will be able to assemble by that time on Chinese soil." :i' . . The successes won by the allied forces for the time removes anxiety for theli safelj from being overwhelmed by su perior numbers, hut tie casualltiet In those successes show that the Chinese have learned something since the , war with Japan that they can now fight and that they are armed with modern guns and have learned to shoot to hll. That means, if tbe Revolution which Is bow apparently confined to Northern China extends to the whole empire, the blggett and bloodiest war the world hat ever teen. What part the United Slatea will play in this war, if It comes, no man can Kay at this time.'. ' ; ' ; . Officially It was given out that the on ly reason for the President's presence In Washington wat to decide whether in extra session of Congress should be called note man beyond the 100,000 now authorized can -tie enlisted In the army, no miller how urgent the need. wllhont legislation by Congress and thai question wss Immediately - decided In the negative. That is, that thore was no need lo call Congress together now, although the developments of any day might ninke It absolutely neoesry. Un- ofllelally there Is U!k that ihe President (Kmc to Washington Wause there was a serl-ma diplomatic lilteh among the Al ii' J powers, ami tl.p.t ISu' !ii hail de- noimlnl ti..t tin! , eerl;iill liiiin h r : Cliim-e en. piie ! 1 e ' h B'n e to -in oT the to I . I, : ; i i y n I i t!:. nt p!ie it: t i w et o h! e of I lo V art" ainng. . ' The "strongest, purest, most efficient and- v't ' 1 ' - wholesome of leavening agents. Not lowest in price, yet the most economical j indispens- ; : able to all who appreciate the best and most , healthful food. h r" iV - "4 T- ' y Our country is enjoying prosperity almost C-' - - unsurpassed1 In its histonr ' ' ;V ""' -. , v, 'For every one there is money enough to ' . buy that to eatv which is pure sound, good,- -it- ' -f i --"" i ' i' . ' 4 111 i . . wholesome.-1 - - - t- , 14 -- Why should we use cheap, impure, un-7 ',. C .C healthful , articles of' food I There ''ia ; no"; I ': economy in them ; they endanger the health), ; T they" may jcost-life. , There are reported - - almost dailycases of sickness caused by eat' " , ing cakepuddings or biscuit made with the - - 'SS : cheap, alum baking ; powders.. ' T- ' ' ' is . f r " ' t i. " " s -lv- 1 . ? in aliarucies ior i. ,i the best.The good - r of first consideration ROYAl"lAKIH9 POWDI'C0.7100 WILltAM IT., MEWYOftltV : - THEDr.OaGBT. ' - , , It Is The Worst Ever Known -"July In This State,-' In . : . .. . s . ..i -..., , . v-rv'v lajaaetloa , tssned., The Balela;h Ball Teats. Takea ' Tor Joe.; Can The Cherokees Tote. y Bearlstrars Tat Oa. v r " ' rruu ,' ?' Raiiiqh, N.C,,' July 30.-1000. -The drought it a record breaker the . wont ever known In July la this Bute; rain fall only ) Inch, The July average Is H inches. Superintendent Goodwin, of the State Deaf school at Morganton fas here.. He says that while last teaslon there were 04 puplU there wilt next term ..be 2W. A new feature la added, a cooking suuuoi. i ne uperibtendenta of. a num ber of achooli say they consider the now feature admirable, i There are three buildings a the school and there are 330 acres ef land. ; The property hat cotftbe Itate, complete, $172,000. The build ing! are admirable, the farm a good one. Forty of the pupils ' work oa the farm. Others are taught carpentry, printing and shoemaking. The girls ero taught sewing and at stated cooking will be added. . " V .' :., : . Today the injunctions granted by Judge Simon ton were torved Upon the Corpo ration Commission, itud so the taxable value of the railway property will be practically the same as In 1898. It will be some months bofore the suits luvolv log settlement of -vsluea are ended. The SlaniUng Maxter has much testimony lo take. " ropuliBt Coairn n Butler Is adopting a new plau In temliiig out hit cimpalga oircitlars; that Is he 1ms them left at each house here. Uol. W. B. Rodmsn of 'Washington, N. ()., Is here and gives good accounts of the Democratic, status In the lsl du- til.t. Tli l'.Ji ! ;h. lm a hull team only won ono or Hie four r mo s it played thin week In tho wi-sL '1 'l.n fiult of tlie team lis li--.!.llily to 1.I. Il nintn-s few er I 1.' 85:110. 1 lnuleiy. It eoiilinoes to I . 1 lo t-U nv.il i f I- in. 4, Tnrl.oro 1 .us 1 .".-.'.'It. 'i'ho gient lU'il- vwin t .I i 1 -i jti,i r ,:. ' h Ero .irovcier, iooa ouy ana use oniy. healthof the family w C: ', -" ; r - 'Alum is used in many baking powders because It makes , ; tthem cheap. It costs less than two cents a pound. . 1 . Alum at a corrosive poison. Think of feeding it to chik jdrenl Yet. the manufacturera of well-known alum - I . are aow being tried before a 0. 8. Com mltttoaer. , 4 l, , ' ' . ' r The State now OXDends 410,000 In an nual allowance to party organisations of military, Including infantry oompanleS svuu naval muiua uivibiuuv, :.: Baseball yesterday. ,, Special to Journal'vv; zisik Utatewrllle, July JO. Baseball here to day resulted, Charlotte B, btatesvttle a. , v Raleigh, July 20. Today game re suited, Durhtw 4, Raleigh 0. P;mM:- Wilmingten, July SO. Wilmington 14, Tarboro 8.-:r;,i Beckham N'ojninatet ;; ; Special to Journal. ; i' r:, Z-r ?! LarwoTOH, July 80.-J. C. W. Heck- ham was nominated today .by acclama tion for "governor of Kentucky ' by the Democratic Convention. X? i", " Dismal Swamp AflriJK NonroiiK, VaH July 10 Fire Is raging tn the Dismal Swamp .near Portsmouth, and bcervusa of the drought which' has long prevailed, the Ire will do groat dam age to the timber la the swampv . 4 ,1, What Dewey Says. : r r NawYoaE,'julyl0. The Herald "to morrow will publish the following ...lis-' patch from Washington. , i.Ti , Atlntirat Dewey says he Is out of poli tics and he respectfully decline to dis cuss or even consider" the suggestion that he might have a Presidential nom Inatlon at the hands of lliose wha refute to accept either McKlnley or Bryeau Admiral Dewev does not coaear In tome of the views entertaioed by taw an tl-expanslonlsia. lie Is said to foe ex pansionist of the strongest type.. He urved the Government to .retain the Philippines and he Is proud of his ret ord In that regard. He contends that the acquisition of the Philippines by the Unitod Slates Government was the right thine todo. Ue points out that la the orew-nt altuatlon In China the United Blalci, by reason of having a large mili tary foieo in the Philippines, has been ai.lo to e;esclfie potent influence with ti e allied powers concerning the pro pound t .'..meiit of the Chinese prob lem. Tiefi I 1 ,- .f. : on were receiv '. . C. 1. . .' ' ' '. 1 . l'i v. j v- w-t v-sf-.T. :.j.:a. - '. " '-'... : . -v..'.-. -- 'M- - . Also new lot very f mall Sugar Cured Pig Hams.- ' ; Fancy Syrnp in Fruit Jars only 15c. . . Nice lot Portsmouth Corned Mallets. . , Fresh, Grits aud Carolina Kice. . - Fox Kiver Print and Faucy Flgin Butter. . - I will thank you to call when in need of anything iu the Grocery Line. . - Satisfaction Guaranteed. v 1st ' 1m 2 at J J. . L. 3 Si 'IMioiie 01. V x v,.,, - Vtj ivuvk More 8 it Lest you Forget' 4-x Wi-nie leadquailertfor j -jot.KK rp rs a.ii piies '.-. ilummncki Ouaranleed toi lieve that tiled feeling. 6. H Ennett 7 NKV BKKJT; GRIST -T.1ILLS. New Mills . Bolting Client lior P& ' : lOejMitm Of. the Latest Improved and Up- ; ' to-Date Mill Tlachlnery. TOCB TBADK 18 bOLICTTEDJ x:iaf&foi PAINS taken In clean ing and polishing grain before' going through the mills, Jwbiclt insures pure meal,. iiM''' ' ' . Com, Hominy, Oats and Mixed Feed. " GEORGE BISHOP. : Hew5E'K0;'?!'':: Hey, There I C Where's Your Bell and Lamp ': Don't be "run In". "A sttlcb in time saves nine," and sometime may rave you ten Clio) Don't put 11 off, but call at, ones and invest the- necessary amount in Good LAMP AND BELL. . Belts, 25c to f US Lamps, 50c to $3.00 Tires and Repairs . In Abundance. Wn. T- HILL, 01 Middle Street, Opposite Journal Office 107 f'lJf 4& il.vwVliV V'V." 'r.r in 1 I ed a , d.-H V.'H' 11 'y or luaiu.u 1 lit It. xulien, Enl r l:nrs and s'l In- '.I li or pi 1 all I.',.- i,n the rmet !'S IHK it'll to J i mm Wholesale A He. all Ilr." 1 Hi. yourself TO DEATH Thia Hot Weather ! But call and get a few of our special hot weather bargaius and keep cool. Don't fall lo see the negligee shirts which we have marked down to 43c. All colors aud also iu plain while. ' Crash Hats MARKED DOWN FROM SOe. to 19c. Have Just received a new lot of Serge Coats and can now fit everybody. Call early and lake advantage of these special prices. J.G.DUNN & CO. TTp-to-Date .N '. Furnishers. 67 Pollock St . The only man there be. Not Left, Come See. .'A No. 1 Real Heart Hand-made and Sawed Shingles always on hand, , Laths, Carts and Buggies. Kiln Tar and Fat Lightwood Posts. : All kinds of Stove Wood delivered to yon? door. Two Btoret to let and bouset to rent all the time....-- -. - Lime to retail or by the barrel. BIG fflLLt;Ths Mai YOU'LL SEE Notice At a glance tbatjour Spring Woolens strike tbe top notch in the variety of ar- J-; , tlstlo patterns,.' What a suit It made ot'- '' and the way It Is made' up are the two;? ' important dress poin's. Vfe have no ; f rivals la either' respect. Our work Is ' not Imitated and our display' of fsbrlca. Is axclukive.. Order now. : ' ' ; ' t F. II. Cliadwlclt, ? REAL' RESTATE; 101 City Keai Estate bought and told on, 'J j,' " commisslon. C " - 1 - .''' A fine piece of property oan bejbought " i ; at a bargain. ' ; - ' " ' Collection of Rents a Specially. - , G. Q. ROBERTS;" , ... f A ( a natf iiJ4 1 n

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