ft VOL. XVJ1I-NO. 08. S:.; K. C, SIXDAY K02XIX3l JULY 22, 1000. NINITIIKTH UR4 WAS NOT KUCH. ID GT-, 4 A (S : : TRY oun PERFECT BLED TEA, A a o Only 10c for 1 J?J Will refund your money it you are not fa satisfied alter using, ; . V , , v ifo ' 47 & 49 PoIJock Streetf : v "ORE TRUTH THAN POETRY." , Do you want to buy goods cheap ' -If so, goto Smith's, 61 Pollock Streets ,- " 1 You will discover 'you will visit out store you will be convinced of the truth of 'our-statement, about price. . . ' '" '-J-"V -; . Those Men' Tan and Black Vici Kid Pals and Congress' shown 'in our window at $1.00 to $1.50 are selling well.' the public is tjuick to see a bargain. ' . - ; j.' Ask ior the Sunshine Kid Shoe "Tongh as steel, will not chip, will not peel, price $9 00, value $3 00. ' White Jumbo Stiaw Sailors 60c, bargain at 75cl'-''v'" , - Black and White Sailors 25c. marked down from 50c" , T x. .. Just received a 40q and 75c Crash Skirt,, very full, also White lJuck at 50c, worth 75c J.; -' ' ;"3' "f ' ' v Window Bhades, alt colors and grades. AUo Bras Extension Rods. Desire to close out a lot of Silk Laces, narrow, and: wide, . come and see them, you can make the price, '.f ' j - '. J" - ' New lot of Palm Fans at lo each.. ' '.,:' , f , 1, l SMITH'S STORES, v 01 Pollock St. (Doffys Stand) 99 Middle St.' ' ; Give the mel a 8ae finish'. There U nothing dalotlfr" for . deeit for . deit yr Jinp, J?l!.ej, jEycryl'jing t 1 I . i ? : . than fariua, Rie Podd and Fancy Crackers. . in thU line will be .found . J i out clock, iicli prearnUi an ehaut ie defioilion of "groceriei", ' The whole world ii tared In mi. king " up till auptrb V aortment of fuod , pel;iatiia. - Ton niuat arc to up preciate. -' Ilae ju'at received a hlg lot of . Frixih Corned Pormonth Mulli'tx. Alaoa (Id lot of Nicely Cured Uaras. Glye u a oall and we will do our beat to pleaae you. ' Yours for Builnew, C J. R. PARKER, 'Phone 69. Prompt Delivery Froni Dunn's -3 Lll , j r'! .vtU. ' r J j If v 1 v- la;... . ., , 11, :h . : - 4 lb. Package, v: "no poetry in our composition, l)iit if - -."-'. c , in Bait and fongrets,- .black-or tan. CELT'S) J eTTToCr uLj' 5 JR.,, GROCER, 77 Broad Street. Yonji-rin nlwayn expfclj whtn J yon order your food aupplin from tlili nOialilrt storo. Wo emij Blip- . ply evi'ry iK'mnd of a flrt Han ply evi'ry dcinaml of a flrt c f.imily triiilo willi Hie Choi Hi iitle and Fum-v Crnrn 'u .1 t IthoJ, P1.-I.I.14. .H.:n:..,;')livi-..;i'..x Kiv.tr Print Unit 1 r, nnd Pi,-; ! i :111m a'ti.'1. I! .ti..in I'd.-. 1. ''( n J a up i ,!ly iif gr id.i T a 1 fin 1 :.i!T, 1. j 1 f ir I , - r : 1. i.i I ! c : wi Ml Sheng Confirms Conjer's Dispatch To Minister Wu. " Sheag Has Poor Repotation How Ter. Details of Battle at Tien Tain, City Looted By Earopeans Only. Lou- : bet Befuses. Special to Journal." v Wahhinoton, July 21. The State De partment baa posted a. bulletin of two cablegrams received ..today by Minister Wu from Sheng, the Chineae director of railroad at Shanghai, n , Sheng aays "Forunate that Conger's reply baa come. : Imperial decree eigh teen ih laid all the Mlnfcter were safe. The Insurgents . fighting among them. selves, killing great number. LI Bung Chang going north to suppress - riots but will find ft difficult to go." . - Sir Walter Hlllyer, to be in command of the British force la China 1 in. New York today and says tbat he believes the Conger-dispatch Is authentic. He does not think that the allies can reach Pekln in time to save , the ministers.:: A., de layed telegram from Tien Tsin on the 16th, says that the various commanders of the foreign .forces would decide on plans for advance in Pekln. " -. ' ' The Chinese Emperor has asked Pres ident Loubet of France to medial 0 be. iwcen China and the powers. Pre, Loubet refuses to act the Minister a) Pekln Is put in communication with the government. " 1 T -Tsung Li Tamed says that the Chinese troops will uot sgaln attack foreigner ami that the Boxers must be suppressed : Admiral - Remey . reports, that all is quiet at Tien Tin. It is reported that a British cruiser has left Shanghai to seize LI Iluag Chang. '-.- ' . . The detailed report of the battle- of Tien Tsin says that that It was a narrow escape fram a disaster to the Allies. - .The-casualties of the allies In the three days fighting exceeding 1,000, There were several Russians and French men fighting on the Chinese tide. " The Chinese killed their own women- whole sale . ta prevent them falling Into the hands of . the HusslanM The Russia an killed - all the Chinese -wounded in re venge for the Pekln massacre. . :: Oqlonel Liscum of the Ninth Regiment fell at the head of bis regiment with the regimental flag grasped In his band. Be was shot In the abdomen muddled in half an hour.. Bis last words were; "Keep op the firing.'; , Colonel Liscum'a body was escorted to the burial ground by two battalions of the Ninth. " ' -. The Regiment and - other Americans, with, the Japanese,' advanced against a flanking fire, but were forced to lie in the mud all day, unable, to help .their wounded and compelled to drink canal water. . They conld not drive the foe, or charge, or do anything exoept lira a few tOTnds.,f;5;v.j. '. The Japanese were the heroes of the battle, fighting with remarkable bravery. They .charged through- the breach and fought the Chinese hand to hand.. Their conduct after the battle was equally good. . Fifty guns were captured by the allies.:: v.;: J. After the capture of- Tien Tnln the city wa looted by ali the- foreign troepi except the American and Japanese. A million dollar wat taken. ' -.. - . The Ninth Regiment attacked a force of 4,900 Chinese. The Chinese shot the surgeons who. were attending the wounded. '" i ' ) '; '. ' The latest new Is that th Chinese are In full retreet from Tleu Tsin nd vtcln- London, July 20. Complete skeptl dim prevails In official circle hero fcs to the trustworthiness of the message received from United States Minister Conger. ' - - ' Messages from Chinese senrces are re garded as so contradictory that It Is ln possible to put credence In them. It I pointed out that a month has now el up sed Rlnce anything was hoard from the British legation in Pekln. If meages can go one way they ought obviously to go another, but unfortunately It has been fonnd Impon'iibln, In this country at all events, to induce Hie t'Miume authorities to got any nn-nMa through to the Foreign Ministers In PcLIn or to trutu nilt nny Intcll'j-onco from them to Eu rnpo. The Conri-r d!..,alrh fall to cany cnnvii -linn to i-illinr tl.o V.t it '. U pre 1 01 pnl-!i( Ii '.Tlu!niM-,r -. g not (!: - puli 1, for, m U point ' 1 I 1 I' .i Cl.IiH-se n,n ;t p..........i itu a : V .f ..f b.i.Ji in crt- i.i. !i !' .1 ,' ' H ' 'y ' -,v,u. 1 t , I I !, f .,- 1 l a 1 Fusion Mass Meeting at Goldsboro a Fizzle. Wcgroes Presents ' Special to Journal. - - .". Goldsboro, N. O, July 21, Th- Popullst-Kepublican Mas Meeting met in the court house here today and rati fied the ticket put out by the Fusion committee on 7ih Inst and named W. (I. Bollowell as tbelr candidate for the Sen ate, a-. i! 'U-;'?'t:,- H. L. Oiant and Oscar J.t Spear ad dressed the meeting. There were about 87S in the court house, divided about, as follow: 800 negroes, 75 whiles. .Part of the latter were Democratic spectator. Republican estimates place inn -number In the court bouse, representing the great long talked of mis meeting of those opposed to the amendment in Wayne counly at just 35 rnjre tba 1 thin estimate. - . . - s. . Base-ball yesterday. , Special to Journal. ' DuRHanJuly 2l.D.irhm .defea ed Raleigh today, 9 to 0. The game wk forfeited at th eLd of the - 6th inning. Raleigh protested against a decision and refused to play lunger. , WtuuNOTOR, Jnly 81. Tarboro-de feated Wilmington today 6 to 8 , V ... i Statbsvill, J ily 21. Today' game resulted af follows, Charlotte 4, fltates- vlllaS. , ,,i" - - , STANUINO OV CLVHS. ' WOJ '"tOST. P. c, Tarboro.-" (. Charlotte . 18-- I A 6 . 8 9 If, .684 .662 Durham ... , . .v .6 Raleigh...,,. .. Wilmington .StatesTllle ..'.m. ,421 '.400 Jj7 t. ;- ..ftre at Goldsboro."', J Special to Juurual.' s. , Goldsbhio, July 1?!. Lightening ret Are ts and destroyed this evening th old mattress factory of Royal and Bor den, used ai a storage warebouse.. Jn the building was quit, a lot of rbalrr, mattresses, straw and cotiou., No in surance. Firemen respon.M .promptly and fought nobly but tba property . wu doomed to destruction. , -J -,. ,1 Last of Andre. ". - Cbicaoo, July 19. A dispatch from Port William, Ontario, says that Indiana hunting on the east coast of . Hudson Bay have brought word to the Hudson Bay O Company's post on the west; coast of James Bay tbat they found thl Spring a vast quantity of of Wreckage, the bodies of of two men, and a man In the death straggle. The Indian report. ed that-they could not understand the language he spoke, but that it was not English, ' He died while I bey were there and they returned 'to the trading post without bringing any evidence of. the lbs strange lory. y'y s ' y. " It Is believed by the ofllciils of the Hudson Bay Company that the Indians witnessed the ending of Andre's attempt to reach the" North Pol by balloon. They had never seen a balloon, but from tbelr description and the other fixtures, (be official are firmly convinced that It wa the remnant of Andre's airship. party guided by the same Indians has been seat out to bring evidence to estab lish the Identity of the party. ; "' People near Moose factory assert that early last Fall they saw a large balloon passing over to the northward, and Ibis tend to confirm the story of the Indian hunter. - - ;t THE MARKETS. . ' The following quotation were racetv ed by J. S. Latham, New Bern, N. O. Naw Tor, July 21. CoTTOHi Aug. .... . Sept.... , Oct , Nov...'.., Jan...;;. Men...... Open, High. Low.- Close . 9.11 ; 8.59 ( 8.27 , 8.15 . 8.11 . 8.16 9 87 '8.78 8.39 8.25' 8.21 8.28 9.11 8.68 837 8.15 8.11 8.16 9 37 878 8.3S 825 8.21 8.26 CHICAOO MARKETS. W Hit AT: Sept Cohn: Sept...... do. H'y Pfd. T 0 I Fed. S. ... Con. T anther .. . Open. High. 78, Low. Close .. 78, .".'33 . .. 521 .'. til . Ill 76, . 78 3i 3P I '621 71 841 IH Cotton rooelpts wore 6,000 bales at s-orta. all :l t: J I Nom p nl.K, J. It a 1,.- V. ... U ..f di. .n of till) 1' The Corn Crop Ruined; Already in Some Sections. Suits to-be Made by Urgislrars. White Supremacy Radges. Reg- ' litlratioa Is, Close. " Batter ' 1 Did Harm' .The Late - ' Train. , 'r , Special to Journal: , ' Raleigh, July St. The suit which have been brouglit against the negroes and Indiana- who bar; made affidavits ag&lu.t election registrars are for false process. To the regletrar will bu left the matter of suits fur damages.' r The Snuthern rail way procured from Judge SlmontOn a restraining order against the Corporation.; Commission, the atate auditor and treasurer, and. this order was served ihis morning upon then official." The Atlantic Coast Line piper were served late yesterday after- Mf. Watts, a large Urmur and melon grower Who lives In IM oanty,'"Boutb of here, said today that the' hot weatber and drought have made the water melon crop to a' large degree a fallnre. For one good 'fimton , (here are live or left worthless. . Be says the corn In bis sec lion I gone; tbat the tassel are a dead as they will be in December, and tbat he would not give a snap .'vl bis: finger for It. .TTr Z ' ' . ; The State crop Teport- for the first week In Julr cava the conJitlotf of cot ton at 94, corn 98, tobtcco 9ft. Those fig ure ate no1 ,r meaiiliiglea..' The great drought has changed everything for the worse, ' " " The' Kalelgb .- base-ball learn 11 very tfeak iu Its balling., 1 be gaiuo yealdVday warunsallsraptory M the tocil talouW, - No leas than 50.000 White Supremacy badges have been Sold and are now being wora in this Slate. Thl wa the last day for registration fir the State election of Angus- 3 :: The rugfetratlou here ht sui J W be qulu clote. There wa a rush today. . Tbe'KepiibHcuns are frank eniMih to admit thai the DemocraU will-carry this county by 500 -majority.:': These figure are far too low. a l.OOTto 100 will be closer to th trutn. Senator Buller tried to 1o fusion' politic In this counly The Republicans say this Is what rnlued them. ; v , .. ' t- t . " ( : People here are puzzled by the -taking off of the late train 00 the Atlantic and North Carolina railway. Railway people here asked why thl. train wa, di con tinued, but no reason was given.. ;c . Diue anii oray taia 01 war, -t - Atlanta, July 20-UnIonJand Confederate veteraa attending tun. re. anion of the Blue and the Gray bert en gaged today la recounting experienoes of tho war and becoming acquainted on a mora amiable basis thaa when they met during the battles around 'Atlanta In July 1864. Pa""' 'O " ja " Many of then) visited the battlefields during the.day. In the afternoon a bar- becue was given at . Piedmont Park," which 5,000 persons were', present: - The principal orators were. Geo.: Albert D Shaw, commander of ' the Grand Army af the Republic, and Gov. J, A. Mount. of Indiana.' -i'V:?!1- "1i'-';ir'f vV" :- One Minute Cough Cure" Is tbe only harmless remedy tbat produces' I mint dials results. Try It, F. 8. Duffy, mv&jmmiyMvixm era w ! Alii:Book Store Teachers Exchange : TKACHERS AND P08I-; '" " TION3, bad for tbe as!: -ing. '' If yon'- heed " a . . TEACnER, write. "! ' - If you need a POSITION,' "; write. " -' : '' And If you need SCHOOL HOOKi, and can't come' .Write. v ::'".: -.-. ' 4 - G. n. tnncu.! ? N . . I i s ...so 1 , i a J L In rc!i tor 1-u I ton i.iarKet Just Received. " k Also new lot very small Sugar Cured Fig Hants. ; , . fancy Syrn in Fruit Jars only 15c. -. -. - ,- - , Nicejot Portsmouth Corned Mullet. . Fresh Grits and Carolina Rice. ' ;! Fos'Eiver Prini'and Fancy FIgin Batter.- : ' V I will tbank you to call when in need of anything in the Grocery Line, - - . Satisfaction i . Guaranteed. , T T MstnAWTPT . u. it.:, miiJimiiuu 1 ; 'Phone 01. ; GOOD NEWS; Tbt man bas heard of 6. Water's k Son Whalebone Buggy and he is going for one. Tills accounts tor tot speed. They are reliable band made buggies. Try one and be convinced a others have doM-'. i,i(; '-"' ;: " v Tours to serve, : G. If- Waters - & Son, ' .Phone 185. W Broad Street. ' GRIST - HILLS. '. . Bolting Chest Elevators and - Corn Cleaners Of the Latest Improved and Up- to-Date Mill nachlnery. "VODR TRADE' 18 bOLICITKDi Qrt&PEClAL PAINS Uken io Clean ing and . polishing 'grain be rorer going through the 'mills, 'which .Insure pure Corn, Hominy Oata and Mixed Feed. 1 GEORGE BISHOP. ''prewjaertv' H''f:4 Ttefel wffa.'j- Where's Your BeUalidlampf Don't be "run In". , "A stllch in tint are nine," and sometime may save yon ten.(10) ..p'i-V'V Dont nut it off. bat call at oooe and invest the necessary amount la Good Lamps, 50t to f 3.00 Tires and Repairs In Abundance. WH. T. HILL, 01 Middle Irtrrot, Opposite Journal Office Henrys Pharmacy, ; 127 H'ddlc Street. rt- ,r :r In Jw-t n .1 a v 'y f to I-.;. - i'.i- s hi 1.0 a nr. n 'lir, li.1 ,.1 all In ti.ii n jn-f.1 lie, ,..,! to uornea beet Wholesale) & ltelnll Grocer. 71 Bro.4 St. g We Have a Car-bad of Cotton Gns IN STOCK. A full line of Cotton Gin Belling, Oils and Supplies. Hyman Supply Co. 'Phone 62. , 49 CRAVEN STREET ' The only man there be. . 'Not Left, Come See. - A No. 1 Real. Heart Hand-made and Pawed Shingles always on band. Laths, Cart and Buggies. Kiln Tar and Fat Light wood Posts. All kind of Stove Wood delivered to your door.-! . -A .v Two Store to let and bonae to rent all the time, . .. , ! Lim to retail or by tbe barrel. 'i Notice At a glance .that, our' 8prlog Wooleru strike the top notch in tbe variety of ar -V, ' tlstlo pattern. What a suit i mad of v (. and the way it I made np are the two - .i important dress poln's. We have-no. . rivals In either reapect.. X)ur . work Is ,. pot imitated and our display of fabric) I sxclukira... .Order now--. v w'lffi f ', REAL ESTATE ! City Real Estate bought and Sold 00 commission. 1 ' ' ' ' . .' .: ' A fine piece of property can be'bonght at a bargain. Collection of Rnt Hx-cllly. . y a Tww"w ' . m .. ki.ktt a' Q. r.OBORTS, I i.-m l..r In- Grcc, us, . rT, Ac. t a .... -: WX - WW- arm. l..l." , Vi-: 'fe- mm- '''i'j'f'-'