c I i i i 1 I VOL. XV1II--N0. 101. KiW BEILX, N. C, THURSDAY MOUSING, JULY. ?G, 1800. NINSTIINTrf Uair NO CAUSE FOR IGNORANCE sun i:i c::it. RALEIGHr TRY - PERFECT BLEIJD TEA, . y Only 10c for 14 lb. Package, g J? , -Will refund your money if you are not J j; satisfied atter using.-" VT" . ; satisfied alter , using.; !"t ft ; 47 & 49 Pollock, Streeti - AW : APOLOGY. There is an old story of a punctiliously polite ; Greek, who while performing the funeral ot an infant daughter, lelt bound to make ;, , - his excuses to the spectators tor'bringing ' , out .such a small crowd." : ! , :' We apoJogise for bringing out each crowd of readers, bntihopethe yery Jjowr Prices will make the necessary amends. ' .',- ' , . Oar show window on Pollock Btreet, exhibits Gieat Bargains, w, , .-' .. Trimmed Straw Hats, in all shades at 50c, were early in the -BeaStm $2.00.y - - - '.-j - i,. t-; . i,)-- i Black and Wtite Sailors at 50c, sold fast at tl 00." - ' "" j - Men'a Black and Colored Vici Kid, Bals. and Congress jShoes from f 1.00 f I 5. vould not be bought from msnnfucturer at that price. . ' Lucky is the customer who secures any of theseVV' "t v..' SMITH'S; STORES,! ; 61 Pollock St., (Duffy's ... :. ', ' ' iti.il' .1... ' ;'i v Aftet-DinncV; Ulve the meal a floe fiQlsb." Tlier in Dotlimi ,lmtlfr for deer( than Farina, Rice Pudd up, J-ll i, and Fancy Cracker. EvtryOilnff In tbii line wJl t found, in our ' Hook, utilcli prearnU an hnuf' ive tit floilioo of "(pOJfirtet". The 'wliole worlil is taxed in mi king . up Ibis aiifMrb attorlmiint of fund . .neoiiilii-4, Too must are to ep l p'trinte. . Have Jmt rreeivMl a big lot tt Fresh Oorned Purtamootb Mullet - Alao a floe lot of Nicely Cured (lama. - Give n a call and we wilt I do our bent to please you. . , :..- . Youra for Uuslneaii, JAR. PARKER .'Phone 69. - . Prompt Delivery From Dunn's f I ! if T in if Jim f.uu r ..I i . up t,r ,'. iiinl you v, i!l ' I i!. i l. A ( 1 I W - v; OUR Xf '.'4'u'.,!'p corpse to so large a ft small advertisement to fo large a Stand) 99 Middle St. "; ".. i . j u. ,1. ,tt' f - j. - a."! 1 u.1. - Delicacies ! 5 JR., GROCER, 77 BroadStreet ': Youjean always expect; when -you ortler your food supplies from ; this reliahle atom. Wo m; sup ply every demand of a llr..t t.m family trado with the Clmie put .Stifle ant) Fa-my (Inieeriin, )!cl- itiiH, rii:ki.n, ,sii,-,.,';oiii.,.,,;K'nx U'V.ir Pilnt lluUnr, ,m,l I'ili,,,!,!! ntjll ii-M t ,u,,m ', .!,. "'Woniiike a H.ri:ilty ,.f iit;, I'rtili! Tim an I ;..fT,-. . Our IViC . linn :;, c & ; ' '' v J v ' , -SOfTNiOMT ,1.1 sU". . 4 A Chance For Everyone to Get Some Edu- catlonu. Redeem The State.' ! Rhkms, July 88. ' Oeubtlejs there may be a class of peo ple who say thoy cannot advocate the proposed Amendment, for If they do they will disfranchise their children who will become of age after 1908. ' I would like to say to such a class,- (if there 1m any) that were we living in ancient days, there might be tome reason for thinking thus. . Bat people ot today ' have great advantages over people who lived two thousand years ago, especially along the educational line - " " ' - I say xba young men of the nineteenth century have great educational advanta ges over those who lived in Cicero's time, r Books in thoae day' were of an inferior kind, and literature waa ? almost unknown. Thore Were but few places of learning and a limited number that were capableof teaching.':: But it Is not bo at the presena day.--Oar land is dot ted all bver with school houses of differ-' eat kinds, Colleges," high schools and common schools, and we are surrounded by -men capable of Instructing' us. ' Our books are "so simplified 'that anyone, in a short lime, can easily muter the most difficult study. ' ' v, . I would say to the young men of to day, when. they are forming- circles for the purpose of studying ; thai events of the present, when 'currant topics" are becoming e feature of the day, it may nut be amiss to look a litU-whlle int. tSe past,, and consider. tie. advantages they have over their ancestors. . i : ' It is strange but nevertheless true . that so many young men of the present day living iu a land of educatiopF surround ed by wide-awake educators, having full access to tb. simplest and best literature that a nation ever produced- make, fail ures In lifeThare must be ,aomethlng lacking. and,, mxf possibly be. f-tf wiU power. No young man should be die couragad bcoausel h- ,1s poor or .his llinitetioiaanac Rroembet that the great est mej that the world ever knew start. ed from poor Wvflwrtfe Watbinir- (dB, Thomas JeffersOit, ' Abraham5' Lin coln and many others,, who .were poor boys, distinguished themselves as great meq. t venture, toi say . that there are brlghtiif Intellects: 'between the., plow handles' of ..the- Southern States.: than over.ducorated the Senate . balls of the United gtatos.. , . t t2?., ,. "' The Majority of the people of . North Carolina today need nothing belief than an educational stimulant, sad there. Is nothing tbst willsllclt this stimulation better than the lnendment. I i f so it becomes every man who loves his cotjutry,' Ills' home, his family, to wake up from their IqtbargjP steep' and go to the polls August Sad . and make the "Ofl jforth Slate" (the proudest lu the y rifled Stales) what she should be, a true republic as well as In name..i .. '-"'-- ,Vrfi i- N.M, Aehold. Hon., J. H. Small In Pamlico. i i ' .Vndemere,il 'Clu'ly 84. k Hon. Joha H. Small, tour" most Wor thy representative In" Congress, 'was greeted yeterdsf by - a large and thoughtful gathering of -the" eitiicns ol Pamllo county. Many came thst' they might tee and know this noble states man wgo has so ab'.f' represeated them for twa- yekrs In the balls- of Congress, and who so much deserves for a tecond term th unanimous" Supports of every lltierty loving fcltliea 1st this - district. Home came maimer might leara more about tKo Amendment. Some 'fcanie through curiosity. Ajl were abundantly .j'ralifletUUJft' 'Hl fill! The SpcakefMlld not bavs lasi time to discuss National Issues, Which 'might Ive him a larger majority In November, bat gave his time and eloquence to the Great Issue before the people; of North Carolina, ; ',"'-'". 1 Mr. Small dealt wllbthe subject In most powerful,' logical and convincing manner. . ' -, '!' s . .-; ion wno nan oeen in doubt came away strong lu their declarations for the Amondment. ' ji .'.- - m Let 'everybody hear 'lion. John H. Small. . ' . ' ' O. T. F. i.Tnc Dismal Swamp Fire. ; . Ndiikoik, Vi .July 84. The dealruel. ive Ore In the .Dlnnial swamp Is stll bnrnlni! on the southern skiu of tlt great wllilerncss, where mine of Bun- itny's nUirm was felt, llio heavy rain put nut that portion of the fire on tl Kltl" of the swamp, though. Ii is probable tbit the lite in the pi nt on the surfm c nnil bi-lnw the prin" ,1 Hini binning Hti l will priilmhly t , iiine to lid so nn Tlnre was no ::t c(t!ii.iiiii.n!ly ii. ; Ihe thul.-r i i n lb A s'.'c I lil the fa',1 . .-t In j ruin tin i: c ! I ii'' !! .iiu.H H! i ' n 1 I'verv! l.h Messages Dated July 4th, the Only News From Pekin. . v- Condition of Tlea Tsla Appalling. Destruction of the City. Allies Dare Not Adranee' Chances of Med- r . '. latlon. - - - Special to Journal. " - Washington, July 8fi.r-A message sent from Pedin July 4th, by Minister Conger arrived at Tien Tain July list. Usays: ' , " ' 'Beselged for two weeks In Briluot le gation. Chinese army is the only gov ernment and determined to massacre all foreigners; ' Legation shelled dally Dsn gerof general masfneree of all foreign ers. Relief must come aooU If at all." A letter from the British .minister at Pekln, Sir Claude McDonald dated July 4tb, received at' Tien Talu Stat, appeals for relief,' says there was only a fort night's - provisions,' with it killed ai.d twice as many wounded. . " A runner who" loft Peklu July J4ih says that the city wa in a state of arcy, the Boxers getting the advantage of the government Ironp Tbo ammn- nltton of the legation guard was then nearly exhausted. " ', 1 " : The allies at Tien Tsln'say that an ad vance towards Peklu will be holly con tested by the Chinese. ' Descriptions of the condition' of . Tien Tsln show that the ci'y presents an ap palling . spectacle;. The subnrhs were utterly destroyed by the shells and bj Bra. ' Inside the city . frightful Mlamage was douB,rThouaud uf dead are in the streets. , - - ', ,J Washinotoh, July ,24 Sub.Unlial results are expected to be obtained in ward clearing ibe atiuoapbertf of doubt respecting the srfety of. thi foreigners la Pekln i by the -.. .President's ' adroit answer to the Chinese Emperor's appeal far mediatlod by the United . Blatcs In the pending Interna) dlfOcultie. This reply commits the Uovernmenl le no arbitrary course of conduct and promises only to exercise -Its good' of flees In bringing about order condition ally on the Chinese Oovernment , Breed ing, to stipulations presented - in the answer.. The- odrse pursued 'by the President as outlined In the reply Is ful ly expected to result In forcing the Im perial Government to Immediately dis close the real situation In Petin beyond further question. Its effect, It Is claimed will be to compel China to show her hand and to make it" plaid to' all th. world if she is. dealing -squarely with i be nations, and especially this country In representations ma le of the foreigners being safe. ', ' , v The belief Is not concealed: here that ibechsnces for successful mediation are slight. Mediation cannot be forced upon a party to a cause; It must be acceptable to all the parties. If the United Btstes Is to mediate In China's interest she must first secure the assent of alt the powers whq bare suffered in life or property at Pekln. The difficulties in the way of suck'' an -undertaking are likely, tube many and serious, iu view of the .thiol tioa of feeling In Europe.", But It Is said here that the United States will cheer fully undertake the . task provided Its conditions are met, v T-.r''i ''?,' - '' - i ..1 i ' ' ' '- i " ' '': '' 'ti Jerry Turned Down.ft Vr fpRT 8corr, Kah., July 14. The feat ure of the day's proceeding In the Popo list, Democrsllo and Pilver-Republicau contention which met here today In sep arate halls, to nomlaate State tickets, or effect a fusion In the inteieat of a single ticket, was the turning down of the Sen atorial aspliallona of Jerry Bimpson by the Populist convention. The ex-Con gressman desired to go before the next Legislature In the event of a . Populist or fusion success at the polls with the deflnlta endorsement of the State con vention, for the ofllee of United 8t4tes Senator. '.',-'ji'.;l-.-:;..' .-' f, V " .'; Mr. Simpson took the floor and urged bis own candidacy. He was bitter lo his denunciation of some of his -opponents and the convention was soon In an up roar. He retired amid groan, and hisses. When a vote waa taken endorsement was refused by a majority of nearly two tblrds. The Cold Hunter. , Washington, July 84 Hurgeon-Genor-al Blernliorg received a report toilny from Hurgfon It. 1. Kherl, of the amiy, t!1i"l Nome Ilmhtir, AlhKka, June2U, wlii.lt gives the dclnlla of the condi tions ex i'lilnn at that pbiee. I!e siiys Hint wit bin two or thrt c WirliH the pnplllil! lull bnl Increan 'I f : ' "-1 " ' to ', V i! Il lenn h ' ! ' In M- 1 I -I Butler's Texan Speaker. Holton's Poor -:: Work. Butler Hot Wanted East. '.' Special to Journal. Ralrioii, July 25. Harry Tracy, one of the two Texaos sent for by Senator Butler and now speaking lu this Slate, Is the man who organized .the Farm- era' Alliance lu : North Carolina, ten years sgo, ' - v- ; Isaac HI. Meeklns, the young Republi can whom the "revenue ring" Is trying so hard tQ knock out as the nominee for Congress from the 1st, district, is doing some plain talking,' saying the negroes and revenue officers kro the bone of his party in North Carolina; : that the rev enue officers know that after the ratifica tion of the franchise amendment a white Republican party Will be formed In this State but that, they will nave no leader ship Init. ; - . . . ; . Republicans are criticising Republican State chairman Qoltoo'a poor manage ment, and say be is the worst -chairman the party has ever bsd but that be will never resign. ,,,"-, &. Il ls very clear to persons here that Senator : Butler had better keep away from- Southeastern North Carolina and that the arrest of the registrar at Rose Bill by his directions has put tbe-people Iu that section' of the Stale In such frame of mind that it Is-nol safe for him to vent nr. there,: .The fact is that the people are determined to put a stop to the arrests of registrars, i -j: .- " The' laws of the June session of the legislature have been printed and make 84 page. , . 1 Col. A. W. ir,r,Ulay, who was until last year president ' of . the agricultural and mechanical college la here on I Many gifts of machinery for the tea tile department of the aerlcultnral and mechanical college are being made by manufacture?. . Marked interest iu the new department Is shown. The cost of yesterdays session of the legislature was not quite 100. W Baseball Yesterday. tueclal to Journal. ' 'Durham. July S5.-Dnrham defeated Raleigh in today's game by a score of 8 to 0. Hits were Durham 7, Raleigh 5. Rrmrs, Durham 0, Raleigh 2. The bat terles were Mangum and La Grand, Per sobs and Manners. . . : DeWHt's Little Early Risers are fa mous i little pills for Jjver and bowel troubles: Never gripe. F. 8. Duffy. Baptist Female University 1 ; RALE1QH, N. C. en block frem th. Capitol snA Is fblt vie f th. OoTnort BTutaloa. New an4 ekraaiit IwlldinfS. All uortfirn improramsnu. . ruuiir n nr. mmn and SrartMO womni. Courm or hl(b staodsrd In Lltantar., lna-tugm, HUtory and PailU- tHU tWMM, MUHI, Mn, awwitw. Rwik ilMMriMnl la dimraa ot a fMclallal. aBMi ot wbom hart takaa oourM. In Ualnralllei. Two roan anparatory eourao lor UodMtno. DbTSlcU iifto. uaauau OoaiM. HtBasrrmphyi I . I ... i Korollmnti xn am HwMnil Minn onu HmlamlMr S. ISO.. For loia vrlM B. T. VAKSJ, rnslSaat, iiiSLBook Store Teachers Exchange I ; TKACHERS AND POfil I ' TION8, had fof the ing. If you' need ' a TEACHER, write. .1 " ' ; ir you need a POSITION, write Aod If you need SCHOOL HOOKS, and can't come Write, H. Ennett. ! SELLING OUT ! Our slock of SUHMER CLOTH INQ at a discount of 29 per Cent for Cash.; .- :". '., Don't miss the opportunity of Luyi.-iir g nobhy Ti)-to-dute. Suit for It-sH limn cost. We nro now ofTering for Ctwh H5 Suits for $12 10 " " $ 8 I -s$l Suits, $3.20 44 C2.0 :-i will I..- .'till! ;, ti't . t.r r flr,L ii . ..im Willi ::- V- Mlllp : Fulton Harket . ''.::.. -'.7 .v-J- ' --.'- -r-'-. ' .'. -"!!: lust Received. , . - " . Also new lot very small Sugar Pured Pig Hams. Fancy Syrnp in Fruit Jars only 15c. Nice lot Portsmouth Corned Mullet?.- -1 Fresh Grits and Carolina Rice. ' For River Print and Fancy Figin Butter. ' I will thank you to oall when iu need of anything in the Grocery Line. ' Satisfaction Guaranteed. 1 1. mm. t ' V Ul : saiaVsVllatl r 'Phone 91.. itmmmmmmmmmmmmi . : 1 . grist - nLis!For ifc 1 Xew Wills Bolting Client i Elevtorti ami Corn Cleaners Of the Latest Improved and Up-to-Date Mill flachlnery. YOUR .TRADE IS bOLICITEDJ BT SPECIAL PAINS taken In clean ing and polishing grain before going through the mille, .which insures pure meal, . . Corn, Hominy, Oats and Mixed Feed GEORGE BISHOP. Newport, N. C. GOOD NEWS. This man has heard of G. H. Water's ft Sob Whalebone Buggy aod he Is going tor one. this accounts lor nts speed They are reliable hand made buggies Try one and be convinced a. others have loae.'. -"-... . -. ' . ; i'..-: Tours to serve. G. IT. Waters St Son, . Phone 185. - - 78 Broad Street, There I Where's Yqw . It Bell anil Lamp . Don't ba "run In". - "A slltob in Aim. saves nine," and sometime max save you ten (10) Doa't put It off, bat call at ones and invest the necessary amount in Good LAMP AND BELL. ', , - f Belts,' 25c to J 135, Lamps, 50c to $3.00 Tires and Repairs v ' - .' ".! ,-.' f h'' " .. 0 In Abundance. 01 Middle t'tret, Opposite Journal Offloe Henry's Pharmacy, 127 lliddk Street rn prtro I'or War ''In TIi s f IV.nce.- Just rneoived a Supply of LOADED 'I I' .VI: Hnre dnitli to Itoaehea, Bttd i' lri. N'ulbs, Water I!ti;;a and all Iu ,.i. V ill ii"t tin or greHe the flm-Ht f.l'il-i. One li isl i a il that's netilnd to fimvIni-A tin" iini"t s!;' i tb'nl. , A full line i f 7,. t Artb ', I'e'fiim- Corned Beef "'V''." .' ' ' -J ' :' :" . . BHs snwa 71 ICrsl Hi. ! A good house, six rooms, in it locution, at $10 00 per Pi. K HAUPF-It, Keiil Estate Agent. first-class ! month. We Have a Car-bad of Cotton Gins IN STOCK. A full line of Cotton Gin Belling, Oils and Supplies. Hyman Supply Co., 'Phone 62. 49 CRAVEN HTltERT Notice ! The only man there be. Not Left, Come See. A No. 1 Real Heart llsnd-mnde and Sawed Shingles always on band. Laths, Carls and Buggies. Kiln Tar and Fat Lightwood Posts. All kinds of Stove Wood delivered to your door. Two Stores to let and Louses lo rent all the time. ' Lime to retail or by the barrel. fee -I-- BIG HILL. The hioijle Man YOU'LL SEE At a glance that our Spring , Woo't as) strike the top notch la the variety of ar llalio patterns. What a suit Is made, of and the way il Is made up are the two important drexa poln'e. We have no rivals In either renrect. ' Our wort Is not Imitated and our display of fabrics Is excluhivo. Order now, ' ( ' EY EI. Clind wlelt, v i-iV; S. Q. ROBERTS, Wholesale Dealer In- , ' ' : Groceries, Provisions, Cntv I G.xuls ' , (,f Ary I: h:H, lion. , T 1 k'i f all ' :- . Snuff, 40. i I --, I i p -'nnter-il a.

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