;.. ..i-y.!-j(i. Jin' r I " . - I i . I I i I VOL. KVill-NO. 102. KZW BERN, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 27, 1901). ! NINITIIMTH VKAIC . t l A' A A A A A A TRY OUR ' ' "" 1 .. ": PERFECT BLEND. TEA, A o Only JOc for 14 lb. Package. A A i A A A J?J Will refund your money it you are not JlJ A satisfied ailer using.': i' yiy f .; v - V ''-v..? V,.v f I I" : V ' A A A 47 & 49 Poriock Street, A AW.- '.-'APCDLO'GY. There is an old story of a punctiliously polite .: Greek; who while performing the funeral 1 ' ol an intant daughter, telt bound ; to make - his excuses to the spectators lor "bringing out . such , a small "corpse to so large a crowd.1',' ?'' vw We ftnolosise for brineinsr oat such crowd of readers, bat nope the very Lost Prices will make ins- necessary amends. - , ' ' 1 1, ' ' f" , iA . ' Onr show window on fojlock street, exhibits Oieat Bargains Trimmed Straw Hats, io all shajes $2.00 . ' " i -. ' ' Clack and White Sailors at 50c, - Men's Black and Colored Vici Kid, pi.vu ymu uvi uc uuuub iruiii. uiuiiuiimiuj vx Kb tuub irii..e. ' " Lnoky is the castomer who secarea any of these". .s , SMITH'S STOMSA 61 Poliock (Puffy's Stand) 99 Middle St. J Aftct-Dinncf Qlve the mehl a floe finish. Tucre U Dothmg dalntbr . for dtoetl than Farms, Rioe Vuii of, J U tf, and Fancy Cracker, Enrjribing in tb n Una wilt be found in our ttoslr, wluoli prewntaan exkimi- . I dt flnillon of "(rorrio". ; Tha whole world i -taxed ia m. kli.f tiptbUwip(rbarsortmHniof fond peoUlilc. .Too must im to ip p-aHala. - .: . , : - Ilav jnt rrceWed a Ug lot cf , Fmb tJorntd PorUmnalb Mullrln. AIho a Roe lot of Nicely Cured Utirm. Oive iu a call and we will do our best to iHtut you. Your for Uniluetx, " i 5 J. R, PARKER, JR., GROCER, 5 'Phone 69." ' 7T Broad Street. Prompt Delivery -From Dunn's If you v niif. a prxxl cup tif il and yon h IU y I it. Till C'iT I i ("i'llil 111 H: y CI i r i . V l 1 1 LP' I I I I I I "KT" v'-'v ;:-',?. a small advertisement to so lanre a at 50c, were early in the scasoq - r sold fast at $1 00,' - - " Bals. and Congress Shoes from - Delicacies I ; 4 1 Youc&d ilwiy expcf when ; you ordor your food inpi'lies from tlili reliable itnro. W. onn; np-. pi trory demand of a flrnt cluiui family trarto with the Ohoi(t HUleant Fuwy Omra-rirn, Kel lilm, ricklnn, HaueooOliviH.'Poa Kiynr IMnt lliittiir. nj Pillnm l ioU H itLnm Prliion. ; Wiv-nmUn r r-pi.ciiily of high i'lo T. rh n ICiiilrcf), Our IYrfVi:II,m V,i n - CoII'co i3 Una, Trico Only COc. in3 ('inTn'. liiiy ,i jhiiiiiiI ' y " J CHINA WILL FIGHT. Plantlnf Torpedoss. Viceroy li Is Held As Hostage. Europe Disbelieves. Special to Journal. Washisoton, July J6The Chinese are laying torpedoes In all the navigable rivers. They are being placed especially at Canton sad in the Yangtze Eiang river which the British and French vessels are preparing to ascend. It is believed that U Hung Chang or- dored theae preparations to be made; Li Is held as a hostage at BhangbaL He says that he will get word from Pekln regarding the Ministers in five days. All Europe believes that all the Minis ters are dead. Russia will bombard the Chinese coast as, soon as definite' news Is received confirming the massacres at Pekln. The Russian fleet is in command of Admiral Skrydeloff. The advance of the Allies from -Tien Tsla is now said to be determined on within a day or two, ' ., Londoh, July 25 The Dally Hail hu received the following dispatch marked "Urgent:" , . Shanghai, July 25 Further informa tion has been received from a native em ploye who escaped from Pekln to .New Chwang. He states that when he. left Pekln the majority of the people la the legation were dead and the condition of the living was hopelees. This witness, who wss an interpreter and writer al the British Legation, states that Sir Robert Hsrt died July S..r; . -i ' , :v The president of amlnor board at Pe kin wrote to a relative in Shanghai, un der date of July 9, saying: "The foreign legations sre still uneaptored, but, qw ing to the dally fighting;, it Is reported that only about. 800 persons are left- alive In the legations, and If there is any delay In the arrival of the relief force t fear that none will be, left to receive ft." Ticket Put Out. - r- IsDiiRAPOLis, Ind., July ,15. By ananlnioua vote of the National Commit tee of the National (gold standard) Dem ocracy . this afternoon ' the scheme ol fusion with the atttl-tmpertallstle move ment, Originating with the recent suit meeting al the Plaza Hotel in New York city, wss defeated, as was aha the plan to place a gold-standard : Democratic ticket in the field this year.' "- ' Davis jjttt Out.",' s Nsw" York, July M. Webeter Davis, Wbose change from Asslatant Secretary of the Department of the Interior to the support of Bryan and the Kansas City platform has attracted much attention, Is, after all,- not to be one of (he star or ators 'on the - Democratic side in tin coming campaign, according lo the Uer- r Instead, of taking up Mr. Davis and placing him In section of the country where his gift of oratory might be ei pected to win doubtful voles, the Nat ional Democratic Committee has decided to get along without him. ' r ; Fusion in Kansas. -7 - Fort Scott. K ah., July J5 At theii e invention to-day Kanau Democrae) surrendered to the demaods of the Pop nllslssnd thereby made possible the tightest ..end most harmonious fusion that hu ever existed In this State. '. The Populists had demanded from the Demo crats the office of- Associate Justice In eschange for that of Attornly-General. The licked endorsed by Democrats, Populists and Silver. Republicans U headed by John W. Bretdenthal, (Popu list), who was nominated for Governor. . Message From McArthur. Waniiinotok, July 85. General Mac Arthur has cabled the War Department announcement of the successful erection of another municipal government In the Philippines.', The Alcalde referred to In General MacArtbnr's dispatch , corres ponds to the Spanish Alcalde or Ameri can Mayor. " )";,: ': ; : ' .- Don't fall lo see those- beautiful flan nel snd silk coats at J: J. Dauer's before buying. ... , ..' If yju want a cold coca cola, shcrtwt, or glass of cold soda, go to Davis' Foun tain. ' ' ' , ' Ice Cream Soda today at McSorley's. If aoinolhlng In your head dtb cauae Thl head of yours to ache It can be cured If you 111 bnt, ' Celery Headache Powders tHke. Muile and anlil only at Iiavls" I'lmriiiary J J. J. HaUrr U n.-llini; iU Kilibc.nt, i l.awiiH, l.adli-ii (lifiir'lfl, anil all summer (i(ln very low fnr Hio riinli. ; r.'.ick c ; :. .: .!. 1 We iff-r lliis w.k Impnrti'd ISlark ! liriilUnlti.n 1", in. : 4 Ki'ii) wnrlh mnl H'.lfl III ill Mi. ; W ' '' U (I- T. J-fiiti. i. A. V - .- -.t. ft a iff ry lilL LiwsiLls Fusionlsts Have Received Funds And Will Push The Campaign. ' Will Werk In Hyde and Dara. Ar rest of Registrars Has Aroused t. Democrats. Populist Psr- . ty Is Small. -. . Special to Journal.' Ralbioii, July SO The State election board met today to regulate tome mat ters in Pamlico county... It is learned today tbat the Fusloutsts have at last i received a large sum of money for a csmpaign fund., Their plan Is to spend it between thls'lime and elec tion day, in the close counties. They will do special work In the smslt coun ties, which elect one member of the legislature.- They know they cannot defeat the Amendment Up to this tlmathey have not had a large supply of money. bat now they sre in funds, v They wl 1 put out In their campaign . work ever) Federal ofnolal who can travel. Tb' Marshal of this district has gone to Dare snd Hyde lo rally the Republicans theri most of whom are. In the government service.. . Revenue - officers by the score are traveling and working day and night. The Republican are now claiming the 8lh and 9th districts by a big majority They practically concede the east. A gentlemm front the esatern coun ties says the feeling of -the DjmooraU h been so aroused th ire by lite arrest of registrars and. - by rteaator ' Butler s work in tbo campaign, that it ii Impos sible to describe the excitement and that lt i in fact almost line a politic! revo lution. , V , Two years ago M. H, U, Caldwell of Concord was Ibe Populist ' nominee for Congress In the 7th district,. sgalnH Klutts, Democrat. Now they uro tpeak- ing together and both .working for the franchise ttnendiueal auJ Djmjorallc suocess. ' "V " , y Notice Is given that ta Grange will hay a bank 'August t. - It us t Bro. will conduotJu s The State charters the Oreensboro Telephone Exchange", capital 50,000, f I. McAdoo chief owner. :.:: .'-.. :,;: The estimate is made that at -present there are not above tJ.OOO actual t'opullsu io the Bute. ' , , , . - Il ls the belief here that many of the negroes who hsve registered will not tote. - ' The fusionlsts " hsve . sent out the greater part of their ticket. '.They have three sets of tickets. They still keep up their air of mystery, ' r;, i BUTLER WOT THERE WUmlnpton Cldzens and . ' Red Shirts ; Waltlnj- for -film. Docked an And. 'i::WtUim'(Dit,-'tN.-0;:' Julyi 85.-Red- 8hlrts up the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad oday were on lookout for Sen ator llarton Butler, who war advertised to speak at Wlllard, s few miles from aose-HUl, where the registrar trial de monstration was yesterday. He did not come, however, but sent Ir" B. . Davis, Secretary of State Populist Executive Oowmntoe, who spoke to about 75 Popu iists.:. .:ii'3i;vi''r;t';,' At Warsaw, an especially large crowd of Red-Shirts were In waiting for Butler snd telegrams were received in Wllmlng ton, asking If white men here would back them np giving Butler a thrashing. rhey were advised tbat they" would When Davis wss found on the train in stead of Butler their wrath .was' turned against him, and it" was , only by the strongest efforts of conservatives that they were restrained from maltreating Davis. :', , '. Jack King, sa nnllcensed- Baptist preacher, or exnorter, was tsken by party of Red-Shirts la tbe Fifth Ward of this city last night and given a duck ing la a horse fountain, Corner Fifth and Castle Btreets,. He was ehargl with having distributed anti-amendment and Popullstle campaign literature In that ward Monday, for Senator Marlon Butler. A promise wss exacted from King tbat he "would not do so sny mors.".- : THE MARKETS. The following quotations were receiv ed by J. E. Latham, New Bern, N. C. " ' Nhw Yokk, July 80 Cotton; Open. Ulgb. Low.. Close Aug. .... ... 9.20 8.20 9.24 0 25 Bupt 6M 8.7:1 8 8 8 70 Ool 8.3 1 8.40 8 84 8 38 Nov 8.29 8 17 8 S3 8 'iff Jan ,... 8.19 8 24 8.19 6't Mob. 8.24 8 29 8 24' 8 29 (lli:AllO MAnKKTfl. Open. IHkIi. Lnw. WhkaT: B.Tt CtH'.N: F, I t .i. I. y I'M T, Fi-1 S, ... C, n. T. ... ie 7.M 75 f.15 71 ;.;t hi NEW ORLEANS EXCITED.' ) Searching For-The Negro Murderers. Riots ResniU Special lo Journal. ' . - , New Orleans. July 26,-A mob ran riot through this elty last night, bunting for negroes. , The riot grew out of the assassina tion of rwo policemen by a negro who scaped after the: shooting, - Tbe pnliee were powerless as the crowds ruabed from pojnl to point, as rapidly: as - dis persed, The;, mobs were composed of young men. Some negroes were killed and others wounded. '" ,v - ' N. C Baseball GamesI , Special to Journal, i " . Takbobo, July 'Jd. Score in today's game, Charlotte S, Tarboro-4. - Games In Raleigh and- Durham' could not be played; owi-g to heavy rains, . ; j Arrest ot Rathbone. Soecial to Jou.nal. .V ,' s.. v " s Wabhingtos, Jnly gfl The srreat of - - 'i y ):.'.: Director Ualbbone, Implicated along with Ncely in .the - postal frauds, was ordered at Havana today. Gold Standard In Peru. " Wasuinqtoh, July 20 The Director of the Mint has been advised by the United States Minister to Pern that the latter country baa completed tbe reform In Its monetary system In view when the free coinage of silver was suspended in April, 1897. v. The single - gold -standard has been adopted and a gold coin issued known as the libra, or .Peruvian pound, being Identical in weight and oneness with tht English pound sterling, - The libra and the silver sol aru'nnw received on equal tirms by the banks of lhr country snd circulate concurrently,.. The eolnsge of the former Is free and silver is used only in a subsidiary capacity. , DeWill'sT Little Earl Risers are fa mous little" pills for i liver, snd bowel troubles. ! Never grlpo F. S. Duffy. CASTOR I A - For Infanta and Children. Tbi Kind Yon Kara Always Bosght i Bears the Blgnatnre of Baptist Female University ' RALEIdH, N. Cj$;'f mt Nock rraa tbs CspM and la fatl Tlewof Ihs Onma'iSiuta. New and .legmt boUdiigs. Ail BoderB lmprownMnu.- ncanj it. mh ami frartaaa wamM. Coanw of high studsrS la UtMmtaM, LaaanaM, HUtory and P.UO. mml Mmm. Uhla. Miul Art, KlMntloa. Euh department la chsrg. of a niMiislUt, WMt of whom h Ukea wiim la UnUunlUn. Twa TMnP nrapsnlarr ooune fix Medici in. Resident phrrieba. Buumm Omihi llmmekTi and FMlacncT. Esnllmeat, S30 tr MHlaa. Meoa smtoa pDS vmpwmw , lw rw wts raw j ir" teachers Exchange " TtfACIlEUS AND posr- . v I 1 n? TIONS,liad for the ask- s ' In?. If : yon need . a 1 -. 1 ; TEACHER, write. v.! If you need a POSITION, i 5 . write. - .-..., -.. -t And ir yon need 8CBOOL : . ' HOOK snd can't come f Write.- , , , 5 G:-H. Ennett. -5 SELLI!G OUT I Our stock oil SUniWER CLOTH INQ at a discount of 20 per Cent For Cash. , .', Don't miss the opportunity of buying a nobby np-to-dute Suit for Ii hs than cost. . ' , , , We are now offering for Cash $15 Salts for $12 p0 " 44 $ 8 r.rs $'f S::!S, $3 JO 4 'J 44 $20 A H i ' ' r I ii i .!' ' r f ii i I -I will l.f !! I ' ii i "Il n'u, (ID !: . 1 . : ! i v-.ir i !,..;. ! i.f : Nice Fresh Lot CAKES AND; - . i M , Jast Keceivcd at w , J. L. McDaniel Also fresh lot IleinVa Paked Peans with and without Tomato Sauce. - ; . ,tl Heinz's Pickles, Mustard and Mustard Dressing. ; J Potted Meats, Salmon, Lobster and Sardines. Choice Tea and Coffee. .' , And lots of other goods things to eat, nice and fresh. ; Oive me a call. , Respectfully, 1.1 1. MAM' J VI yi UIVIIHIIIalBl 5 NEW BERN GRIST - MILLS. " '.: . i New Milln Itoltiog Chest Hie viators and Corn Cleaners Of the Latest Improved and Up-to-Date Mill flachinery. YOUR i TRADE IS bOLICITEDJ SJT JfePECIAL PAINS taken In clean ing and polishing grain . before going through the mills, 'which insures pure meal, Com, Hominy, pats and Mixed Feed' GEORGE BISHOP. i NewJBern, N. C GOOD NEWS. This man has heard of G. H. Water's h Son Whalebone Buggy and he is going for on. This accounts for his epeed. They are reliable band made buggies. Try one and be convinced as others have done.': tfrr: '" -:"';i-."'"--r-- Yours to serve,; G. II. Watern Ss Nont PhonalSS. 1 ; . ' 18 Broad Street. - i'ijA. iW-'V'-"i:,.'.'' r -.. , Tieire! Ar.' r . . . s 't' Bell and Lamp i Don't be "ran lo". -A stitch U time saves nine," and sometime may save yon ten (10):: ''' k'V; ;' ,: . Don't pot It off, bat call at once and invest the necessary amount in Good LAMP AND SELL.- . .i.n' Be1ls;2Sc&$l25 Lamps; 50c to $3,00 Tires and Repairs -? In Abundance. Wn. T. HILL, 91 Middls Ftrret, Opposite Journal Office Henry s Pharmacy, 'ft 127 mile Street. trr;5Jire For War In Tlnse of I'eace. Just received a Bupply of LOADED (JUKH: Sure dth lo Koar.hen, Bed Ihii'i, Moths, Water Hugs ami all Ia- ric. Will not slain or gn-ase tbe flneet f.'.i!;. One triul is sSI Hint's nerdwl to convince U'O niimt slii'i'ticiil. A full Him of Tn t Aiii Ii', Perfnin- ''', i li S r, : m 1 K CRACKERS ! sJl Broad St. WhoI3Nnle A Retail For ent I A good house, six rooms, in a first-class location at $10 00 per month. E. E. HARPER, Real Estate Agent. We Have a Car-load of Cotton Gins IN STOCK. A full tine of Cotton Gin Belting, Oils and Supplies. Hyman Supply Co., 'Phone 02. 49 C HAVEN 8THEKT Notice ! V The only, man there be. ' , Not' Lett, Come See. A No. 1 Real Heart Hand-made end Sawed Hhlugles always cn baud. Latbs, Carta and Buggies. . Ella jar and Pat Lightwo.Kl Posts, v All kinds of Stove Wood delivered to yonr door. ' " Two Btores to let and louses to rent all ibe iime,'f'"' -J j ' Lime to retail or by the barrel. BIG HILL, Tbi) ittlfi Kan YOITLL-SEE 5 J At giaoo iDu our rpriDj ytoo'd r,-u tisillA MLIasrna What nit la maris a i tod u way It U aiade tip art Ut two impounni arei rwnn W6 dt do y a i i. . a j Jt I . a v s F. ZI. Chadwlclf, S. Q. ROBERTS, 1 'Li-Wholcsnle Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, ' CflimcJ (I.mmJs ' . f Any I r'; tlon. iii i if n e - nut imiLaiou una vur utv)ui7 ui laurtn , U Tf liis.lv OrAnr haw. - . --

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